One Of The Most Powerful Synergies in Isaac History | Repentance on Stream (Episode 16)

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hey we're back playing some repentance it's been going pretty well we've actually done admirably i would say we we've made it further in many more times than i would have expected so early you know it's still learning what the enemies do do and all that but and and readjusting the new shot speed but but really doing a great job of uh at least milling every single content for all the juice that they have including the pulp close to 50 50 in the polls that's how you know if you're watching on youtube you don't know what's going on but there was a poll about whether or not we would win and we're stuck at 50 50. this is a pretty hard game that that's a higher than expected percentage of believers do you like pulping your orange juice um here's the thing and you're gonna take this as a bit of a flex okay in fresh orange juice i don't mind pulp in like tropicana orange juice or like orange juice concentrate and stuff like that i don't really like the juice to begin with like and we've had this conversation before and and people uh they're very protective of their orange juice like fresh orange juice is like sweet and also like a hundred dollars per liter okay we just took that one right in the face nearsighted friend is better but not that good still i'm gonna re-roll it um yeah like fresh orange juice is like sweet and delicious and then like all the orange juice you can buy in the supermarket tastes like battery acid look for another battery charge speaking of which like it has such a high degree of divergence between like excuse me like what fresh juice tastes like and what store-bought juice tastes like it's not like i'm going out by the way and buying fresh orange juice all the time like it's mighty expensive if i'm like an orange julius or something like that i might consider but like the actual i i would go so far as to say like orange juice like the lobby for orange juice has really they've performed a psyop on the rest of humanity because it's simply not that good but people have have now come to the opinion that it's like a health food or something and it's you've absolutely got to have it for breakfast otherwise i'm not going to get enough vitamin c like i'm at such a high risk of getting scurvy or something okay ragman default stats not where we want to be what do you do you wait for him to summon another head that's fine i don't sweat that you wait for him to summon the head excuse me you heal off of that is that new or it is am i just bad um someone head so i can place a bomb down and look like a genius thank you now we're talking okay we have a key i don't even remember what the heck a bar of soap does but luckily it tells me tell me your tears and shots speed up with telling me your tears and shots speed up anyway i uh yeah i don't like orange juice at least store bought and if you're buying i love fresh orange juice we're going to see if this is 48 hour energy hematemesis could definitely be better how about grapefruit juice i meant the ice perhaps somewhat surprisingly i'm a big fan of grapefruit juice fresh is still better but i think that goes for like just about everything um just keep it moving here uh but i i like a store-bought grapefruit juice from time to time i don't i don't have a a negative connotation with some bitterness and i enjoy bitter foods to some extent no i'm not a savory juice guy i don't like tomato juice either matz clematto matz clematto's been real quiet since v8 splash came out no i'm with you so somebody in chat just said uh i may be considered a child but apple juice with breakfast just hits different it's one of the like great weirdnesses of like uh standards that like if you like orange juice you're an adult and if you like apple juice you must be like six years old i'm like store-bought apple juice tastes way better than store-bought orange juice to me at least it's a good it's a good quencher i agree yes i know i only drink tap water i mean i i drink i drink coffee for breakfast i like literally like 97 of my beverage consumption is water and then occasionally i'll have like a a diet soda if we got uh you know some takeout or something like that just keep it moving what about bubbly yeah water oh yeah my favorite alcoholic beverage gin and chocolate milk the way the the pine needles uh really accentuate the the chocolateness of the chocolate milk okay well this is now doubters are shaking what go ahead take my battery charges see if i care no i'm a i'm like an ipa stout guy they did i think tech x got a little nerfed but it's still like still extremely good i will say though like i don't know if anybody else here lives in like the west coast or maybe they've taken over everywhere it's starting to change like a couple of years ago basically like all you could get from micro breweries were ipas it's a little better now you can get like you know they're making a lot of sours um making a lot of like belgian wheat ales and stuff like that but still like if you go to uh like a liquor store or a beer store here every brewery has like nine ipas and even i'm like enough is enough you know like i get that that's what the market's like here but there's only like like five cool stouts i i always enjoy like uh uh storm black plague stout delicious always enjoy a saint ambrose oatmeal stout but then like you know there's not that many to go around man at least up here why am i i dodge and then i decide you know what no i'd rather get hit yeah man west coast is like in love with ipas a cbc journalist did like a a bracket of the best beer in bc beers best british columbia uh i do like a speed upgrade much more than i like a shot speed upgrade but it is what it is and uh the the the beer that won the ipa bracket won everything but it was also the beer that i voted for so what can i say we need to save some bombs let's move on this this run is a great chance here no we don't get uh pliny the elder up here or or plenty the young younger for that matter you probably could get it but it's like uh you'd be paying import fees i don't even know if you could get it now with covet and everything but lord palmerston they were they were bc specific beers it's a beer called fat tug made by a uh a brewery on vancouver island called driftwood taking a lot of damage here wait what it's humorous to you that it's called fat tug i couldn't possibly understand why it is a great name like you wait whenever and this is uh wistful like pre-covered days or like if you're i guess vaccinated and loving life on the patio right now rubbing it in for me uh please whatever it's still a good item um i don't i don't take pleasure in this for the record but whenever they're like and what do you have to drink i'm always like can i get a 500 milliliter fat tug and i always feel like i'm about to get slapped in the face and i i would deserve it quite frankly that's yeah can i please get 50 centiliters of fat tug can i get or you just point to it can i get this beer oh you want a big fat tug it's in so many words man okay now this is where you gotta use the thinking you stop stealing my charges dude i i mean little chub is not that good so i think we re-roll and if we still see a bad item we just take the random one we have a beer here called buttcomb now we're talking i did see earlier today there there's a a famous english brewery called brewdog it's they're not really a brewery so much as like a corporation but f they were like scottish sorry scottish and they were like hey suggest some collaborations for beers no answer is like unappreciated and i was like you know what it you know be really cute is if i snuck in there and said like make a northern lion beer and then there had already been like a thousand influencers that had already snuck into the dms and i was like oh crap too late yogscast did it already oh man maybe sips could get me in hopefully it would at least uh work better than the time he tried to get into no pixels [Laughter] okay per throw is good per throw is good we need to do news i'm dead i'm dying i'm dead i forgot literally like i forgot that these guys could go over the gaps in the ground i thought i was a genius and and then i realized i'm a fool but you know what pay out the doubters it's an incredible curse room it's still good i apologize to the believers things got rough there there's no story with no pixel like literally i was like sips got dan in and then i watched dan play and i was like oh i need to get a slice of this so i said hey sips like i feel weird asking because i know you already just like leaned on your contact to get dan in but could you get me in as well and he's like yeah sure just add this guy on discord and it still is still pending uh like six weeks later [Laughter] but even dan's not playing no pixel anymore like i kind of i mean i don't follow the streamer trends that much but i do feel like maybe the i i miss the when the iron was hot on no pixel and and maybe i'll just try to get in you know it's it's like cryptocurrency you know i'll try to get in when things are at a low and then maybe like three years later it'll come back and then i'll already be in yeah like chess exactly how long do you think oh well first off evp tom thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you how long do you think the the among us legs would last honestly i wouldn't even prognosticate like i sometimes i kiss a little bit on like apollo stream or hafu stream and i'm like among us viewers are just built different like the it's sisyphysian and they they love it so i mean a lot of kindred spirits maybe with like isaac viewers right like the game is the same just about every time with like little variations and then they're they're like please feed me more like one more please kaidama yo thank you again evp tom plebs have been real quiet since evp tom came out okay hold on i gotta think about this for a second i it's on it and this is not like a negative thing i know i make fun of among us but like you know it's just a different vibe i just i find it like stressful to watch i think it's the the way that i now understand like people who say that uh the office is like oh i can't watch it it makes me uncomfortable it just makes me so angry watching it i i i get stressed out man and i know it's like kayfabe don't get me wrong but i'm like it's just again not being rude i'm not saying that the streamers are are this but i just find it an unpleasant viewing experience because they just feel like bad as i'm watching it i'm just like stop shouting can we calmly discuss the sus and and non-suss levels here can't we like adults just decide whether the hard clear got sussed or unsussed did he move into electrical i don't know but with everybody shouting i it's it's hard for me to use my the logical centers of my brain we need a key oh easy enough we re-roll we re-roll this luck's good maybe even luck is like more valuable now um i feel nutty sorry phrasing no i'm like i cuz now like some people in chat are like yelling equals fun by the way i'm like six years old and i'm like oh come on man it's not really the energy i was trying to bring here is more like uh you know it's just uh it's not the content for me i don't mind like mimi conte i mean just in general here's the thing you know i've talked about like a couple of different like uh spectrums on which i like evaluate whether content is right for me the more streamers that are on the same stream generally the more my enjoyment goes down i'm like a one to three streamer kind of stream guy at least now you know when i when there's like a mega stream with like 10 people i'm like often times i'm going to watch uh somebody play like a little rainbow six siege or something if you gotta and i think that this is where the among us lobbies have done a great job if you got streamers that are all in on it they all got a great vibe and they understand that like they can't be the only ones talking you got to give other people a chance to talk then i think it can totally work but all it takes is a couple of people being like nah you don't get to say your joke even though you haven't said a joke for 20 minutes i get to say my joke and by the way my joke is that's what she said and then that's where i'm like sorry guys i've got to go um and leave here but more power to you okay i'm not sure about this almond milk right now what about oat milk yeah if they really wanted to modernize the game they should have replaced the almond milk with oat milk you hear this one you hear this one kevin now i understand what it's like to be an only child that's true i was always listened to i can't deny that and i think it created uh unrealistic expectations for adulthood i think there's some people that like if they're not you know it they're okay with having the fight to get a word in edgewise i'm very much the opposite like if i have to fight to get a word in edgewise i'm like screw you guys i'm gonna take this gold and i'm gonna use it only for my own edification you know you you had your chance to be in on the jokes and we could have glorified each other through them now i'm using it uh exclusively for my own benefit and then i make a farting sound of the mic hold on bad still pretty bad downpour one we might as well just use it because we got to keep the d6 rolling forward okay we don't have a key this is a rip-off man i'll walk on some spikes if i have to i don't have to i'm a genius if you'll excuse me almonds oats oats and almonds please i knew we could sneak it in there it's just a matter of time i must say your dodging is the best it's been for years like you gotta be so freaking yolked just to have any chance to survive in the current iteration of this game i love it oh we didn't get any bonus bombs though thanks for the gas up by the way i appreciate it you always keep the curse room in that situation it's gonna fill you up and never let you down okay we we desperately need a tear effect that's the next step everything else is going pretty well now like we we gotta we got a pretty good setup for uh hp in particular but okay okay that was damage i'll take it no i i haven't had a chance actually to watch mouth play uh at all he's a little bit of an early boy by my standards i'm usually still on baby duty by the time uh when he goes live it's tears up do we really need a tears up at this point this is an interesting thought because we're shooting 14 tiers a second so don't get me wrong it's always nice to have more but i with a reroll machine i'm always like or i'm almost i should say like maybe we could just try to try to mill something really good yeah the knockback would be horrible you're not wrong you know what don't even think about it don't let chat talk you out of it all right we're gonna die this is horrendous this is truly horrible [Laughter] but we did get a lot of consumables and our damage got a lot better okay but then remember all stats give you all stats when the zane goes too far whatever we can just get a reroll machine anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no okay we got a mirrored dimension we need to reroll that again as well as long as we fight incredibly weak enemies for the rest of the game and they never get harder we got nothing to worry about come on man really really i'm a little upset i got hit i i don't think you know we we got to hold ourselves to a higher standard than getting hit against this guy it would be nice if the lighting sorry okay i'm getting too salty because what i was going to say is it would be nice if the lighting allowed you to see the corners of the room but [Laughter] what i meant is with all of my power i accidentally made a mistake and couldn't see that the corner of the room was uh not walkable it was a little close for comfort this is an old-school isaac boss though literally like just walk around in a circle it's like playing dark souls it'll get you there this tears up which is an all stats up okay starting to get there i don't know what we're gonna do though um yeah i don't know what we're gonna do i'm trying to think about what we got back here we got bob's brain bob's brain is too spicy man i like it in general but i don't i don't think it's right for us on this run i think we're gonna go to the mirror realm first maybe when we come back from the mirror realm we'll feel differently about uh bob's brain i have to remind myself that you you gotta be and i apologize because this is a little bit um rude to chat but i gotta remind myself that most of the time chat gets a run that's like this they just hold r so i can't exclusively take their advice i have to remind myself instead that um i am one of the only fools on planet earth that that sticks these out and as a result i should trust my own instinct and honestly my own instinct for the time being says that this run is not that bad i know it looks bad and and it certainly has some negatives i think libra was a definite negative in the short term but i do feel like it presents some interesting long-term potential now trying to remember the boss it's literally the boss where all you have to do is walk in circles so put your money where your mouth is don't get hit get a new item the item it doesn't matter what it is as long as it stats and then we're good okay you just walk around in a circle you got 12 bombs you could place down at your leisure as well good good worth it not worth it but that's okay don't complicate things everything's going well here you keep shooting because i don't even know what the shots do like they miss and they hit you you aim at the enemy they miss you aim to miss they hit hp we re-roll believe it or not although no we take the hp and then we reroll bob's brain instead okay now we're talking i've been a believer this whole time heavy doubt energy okay so it's still horrible like that's not very good but i'm proud of ourselves we can at least look for second secret room [Music] i don't know this i've never seen a run where both doubters and believers are so uh confident they're gonna lose close close nobody has any confidence right now everybody is like i'm i'm out i don't know i mean this could this is a loss right now but uh things change you know tough times never last only tough people asked [Music] et cetera et cetera we take those we don't mind taking those yeah i am getting used to the fact or i'm struggling to get used to the fact that when you play three and a half hours of isaac on stream that's like four runs it's it's anti-nl technology that's very good to know keep it oh come on man i the shots edmund the shots don't work edmund edmond the shots do not work they're broken it's too big for you i need to watch that video before we reference it again it's the video where the lady gets very mad mad at the guy in the hummer for parking correctly even though she's parked horribly you know that one please i just want the shots to go straight occasionally i hate watching those videos i don't know that video is pretty sick is this creep please come over here it's creep okay we have another damage source saved oh do it okay okay so the shovel we're gonna blow it up we're gonna pick it up we're gonna use it we're gonna re-roll it what the heck is that it's all the foods mashed together binge eater all you can eat i have no idea oh tractor beam tractor beam would go a long way i love like public freakout videos man vancouver i i think i talked about it yesterday but it's a bit of a fever dream for me i see okay i see what's happening here vancouver shows up in in public freakout like every day now people throwing bikes through each other's windows it's kind of sick live in a very entertaining city the nightlife is you know not all it's cracked up to be but the the ambient culture is is very high yeah any item pedestal could become hp up i think for the time being that's actually a pretty like amazing get but that being said i need to turn it into something different because we desperately need stats okay that's pretty sick shops turning into it as well hey i was thinking you jerk shops doing this as well very nice what's causing wacky broken tears um it's this item called almond milk that i think may just be bad as a joke and i think the joke is on me come on i i can't i can't lose my deal with the devil because i need uh to get my deal with the devil instead don't leave yet don't okay you're fine um what the heck was that because we need all stats what are your stats doing i think i think they're changing with with almond milk i don't know maybe let's be honest i don't have a great grasp on the mechanics of the best at times maybe something with binge eater maybe the more you eat the more your stats how about that makes you think oh taking hp ups gives you a massive temporary damage bonus and then libra is spreading it out this it's crazy like i think this run might have the chance to win now especially now that i know that these buttons actually work just trying to think we still have batteries back there this is a this is a re-roll those are genuinely not good i think we should do this wait wait hold on what do we need to leave this floor nothing this this floor is fine we need to give hp to leave the next floor which doesn't seem like a problem correct correct let's go all stats baby but they're decaying for some reason i guess whenever did i did i get hp instead no that i picked up dinner instead oh my god oh my god dude how many memes is enough edmund the next step all we need to do is make it so when you pick up dinner it's actually a 50 chance to not give you hp okay that's too far i apologize it's just it's just the salt talking but this is a it's a little much you know get the batteries yeah we lost um we lost access to the tears and shot speed up which would have been pretty sick but you know we'll keep it going and we're still alive and honestly we're gonna be pretty hard to kill i have no idea is that the knockout shots it is okay they're not stats but they make funny noises so that's good enough for me it's not a big boss room i i am having fun but i'm also i'm having fun because i [Music] enjoy being hurt digitally speaking the zayn does not it doesn't bother me i was born in it molded by it etc etc some kind of digital masochist i think that's a good way to describe it yes saved uh i we're never gonna hit with any of these knockout punches man like i'm slowly coming to terms with it it will never happen they just immediately fly into the into the wall i'll i'll use my last bomb saved absolutely incredible we needed that deal with the devil we're not taking hp we're taking the range because we want all stats okay there's something no no ladies and gentlemen we got it okay that's that's a huge improvement it still kinda sucks but that's a big improvement [Laughter] does it have normal shots it does oh my god okay so we can almost just play as if we're incubus now so right now for those asking uh in chat we are presently just trying to get on locks like we're just grinding on locks this is we're trying to do isaac hard mode um alt path right now so we got a ways to go we got uh i got some confidence that's tough it's still very tricky and if you just joined us this run really is like it's a bit of a wild one we have almond milk which is uh like bro really i just want to hang out with this judgment almond milk makes our tears all funky we also have a libra which makes every item we get be all funky and then also all of our items become uh hp upgrades if we don't pick them up at the right time or they just sometimes start his hp upgrades get it i hate you i'm mad okay let's win the run i'm i'm upset so we're gonna win the run that's i'm actually mad at the game now it doesn't happen too often this is too much you you've done you gotta done it now you cheesed off the zane lord [Music] i didn't think it was possible i've maintained my cool for for too long it's time to let the demon within uh escape and i don't know if i can put the genie back in the bottle we want technology i think that oh come on man you're a purveyor of misery we definitely want technology here i don't know if it's gonna completely screw up our shots but we gotta try that seems awesome okay that that seems like exactly what we're looking for the ability to actually have our tears go kind of where we want them to go next step will be uh hopefully getting some kind of amazing tear effect or just getting so many stat upgrades our damage is uh hits the next level vert pheromones that's not so bad okay go ahead break it open break it open go ahead i'm not scared this bone heart is not long for this world but i i don't mind good hit saved my god he's actually doing it infinite range technology that was so much easier than it had any right to be okay we absolutely do wants meet it's hp plus all stats upgrade hold on there you go i'll beat you your own game you son of a gun now we don't lose the knife piece plus .16 damage pog yeah but don't forget about the fact that we also got plus .16 tiers now we got a lot left to do on this floor we got to get the second knife piece um hopefully be able to go to the shop i'm pessimistic but yeah whatever there goes my boneheart golden key would go a long way no doubt about that hey i just got here how's the stream been macros you even gotta ask come on man it was actually it was pretty good we played some good isaac um knockout city a lot of fun as always we although we did go up against the the wayne gretzky of knockout city trying to think do we have reroll potential right now i don't know now we're talking a key i will go to the the curse room i mean this is this is beautiful is what i was gonna say uh guppy items please i don't mind walking diagonally i mean we it's not like we have a shortage of hp you know oh that hurts completely uh made up for the fact that we just got meat oh well um let's go back to the shop dude trying to do this with no knowledge of what the the map is i'm realizing now like i don't think i'm going to be done this run in 25 minutes that's that which is asinine i think we started it with like an hour and a half to spare how dare you honestly at least it's a static stat repentance it uh it sucks up your time no doubt okay you know what okay here we go we're going in first i do want um i want to go to the shop we got a re-roll i'm stoked for that we got normal tears temporarily that's pretty sick we got a little crash bandicoot sequence i really like this like actually this is like a totally welcome change for me it's almost like a different game like a a platforming section i guess it's you know not really platforming but you get the idea like i think they did a great inversion of the formula with this right here plus like the i mean i'm gonna see it a thousand times and you know inevitably possibly get sick of it but nice try the first time you see this and you're just like what's happening they get some tricks up their sleeves plus like it's so easy that like well i mean i deserve that at the same time i did felt kind of stuck there let me in please probably could have just done that from the get-go the dodging is largely trivial it's just uh you know sometimes you get stuck good walking bad walking good walking getting hit twice at that that now that's embarrassing do you get it really like a permanent stat upgrade just for doing it though no oh it's just you returning to your stats from earlier that's right okay where the heck is the shop just want to go to the shop man it doesn't doesn't change anything it just left him down okay thank you left and down and left and down and and then down and then yeah yeah there we go have you have your have your jokes have your laughs right now it's by the time i'm done with this game it's gonna be dismantled i will take it i don't mind keep it moving i don't mind that's okay in 2030 i can wait trust me that's not a problem okay now take me to the mausoleum i'm just a notch in your bedpost and you're just a line in a song here we go that's good stuff i oh you gotta hit the buttons first of course you gotta hit the buttons first keys please i'll take it i'm trying to remember now all we have to do is beat mom all the funky stuff is like is done now right all we gotta do is play isaac now if if i'm allowed to funky kong now we're talking i gotta tell you okay first off i will take uh the trinket but i gotta tell ya i do you think that a blood bag would go a long way funny monkey look at the monkey smile hp please i do i i don't even want to talk about the fact that uh you can't play two blood banks simultaneously i i feel personally attacked it was all fun and games before now now i feel personally attacked okay never get on the cardinal directions with these guys he's learning how do smelly hearts work when they break they create an aura of uh aroma enemies take six percent psychic damage per second sure until they tell you to use deodorant good punch good punch okay heavy synergies please i i'm begging you for something something inspirational you know what it's a it's a re-roll if at first i will at least check it so re-roll and then it's it's you take the hp you keep taking the hp they keep offering it i'll keep taking it also can i point out to you that yet again i have no knowledge of the map should never have gone over there that one's on me i would just like to know where i'm going really if if for no other reason than like being able to backtrack oh my god here we go again yeah yeah okay i'm very familiar with that room that's a good one and just make sure you don't walk uh that way 17 times when you're trying to backtrack [Music] what if the enemies can step on the teleporters that would be funny i mean like of all the curses this is the one that sammy sends me through the freaking roof man which is how i know that they got me and they got me good [Music] please pick up this rock not that one not that one if possible thank you thank you saved saved i was saved i was in the pool the knockback is okay okay time to reconvene get get your brain set right okay pop a temperance card blow it up pick up some hp turn everything into bombs you wouldn't you wouldn't not in this present state yeah knockout drops is not doing uh it's not doing what i hoped it would do ace cards kill enemies now now we're talking we've never gone this way hey this is just it's madness right like i i can't be the only one like i feel have you ever seen network i haven't but i feel like the guy from the wikipedia description like i'm mad as heck and i'm not gonna take it anymore we have to take rubber cement okay i i think it might end up doing double damage because the shots will bounce off the wall and then hit hit enemies but bro every floor is 25 minutes long because i gotta backtrack seven times i don't even know where i am man please i just i i beg for a a wafer thin crumb of mercy oh yeah thank you thank you get score off the screen amazing okay there you go that dude the damage output is actually genuine now thank you that's very nice of you i could go to the curse room uh now i am completely screwed i thought this was the only way to get to the boss i thought this was a 100 guarantee [Laughter] relax three question marks okay as long as we're holding bad trip like we're in a good spot right down left okay if we could get like a homing tears we'd be in a good spot too left hand i don't know i like i kind of like having um i like having child's heart i think here for hp purposes like the isaac meta is is turned on its head i really think hp is the most important thing now it's down there come on don't bait me it is down here okay that i'll take ownership for that that's unbecoming of of a classic gamer such as myself who grew up on all of the contras yeah we were already in the item room that's where we got uh rubber cement you're gonna take my incubus no no what the you took my knife give it back give it back please okay just land shots oh my god the only safe place to stand was impacted by a knife that's fine this is this is why we stack hp this is why we stack up the hp okay there's a very simple choice you take magic scab that was only mausoleum one my my word bomb the skull okay sure you got a forgotten lullaby look at that sing for your friends i don't know what it is i hate to do this but i'm sticking with the uh with the child's heart for now just because i really believe that the red heart meta is the way to go sqweep okay i know what i must do this is for all the times they said boomer reflexes you break this come on down come on over how do i oh i know i know what to do okay yeah yeah squeeze squeeb squeeze i'll take that what a puzzle room give us your familiars improved rate of fire don't stand on the cardinal directions that's pretty good you know i can see definitely a play where like incubus is how you send that one or the you know it's the right way to play with incubus i should say i i don't even want to mention the fact that obviously we got curse of the lost uh yet again um that's just the prerequisite at this point at this point i would rather like what's the point in buying the map or the compass you might as well just remove them from the game they have no purpose anymore unless you have black candle as well it's a little much [Music] but i guess i should consider myself lucky that i can at least see the enemies [Music] we call that mercy i'm really not i shouldn't salt up so much it's just like this the the same curse over and over is getting a little just getting a little tedious that's the thing it's like i'm not i wouldn't say i'm upset it's like it's a bit much that's it it's it's a bit much like i'm not no you mad l no i'm not mad lel but it is like a bit much i think we try to take this one and we just guess that when the other item is up it's probably also non-hp on the other pedestal ghost baby all right that's uh you can't win them all we say thank you for the opportunity on that one probably would have rather had slipped rib but it is what it is troll bomb that's a new one [Music] do you have something that's causing you to get more curses um i do you're gonna make me say it it's called the dlc okay hold up you give me a pedestal it might swap [Music] another judgment i don't mind actually i don't mind we we got there's there's plays to be made here i i wish i hadn't popped them right next to the door though i mean at this point we might as well just stand still all right hp or hp and we're stuck and we have to take it immediately i'll take hp at least he didn't give me something useless like the map you know hp or the nail so the nail is not as good as in fact it's almost useless unfortunately um so i think we take the hp believe it or not we can't even fit the we can't even fit the nail we could use it for a damage bonus but that's true i suppose we could have taken it and then used uh a re-roll pedestal on it later it's a valid point i'm i'm still optimistic though as insane as it sounds like our damage is kind of taking us there um you know i think we kind of do like the key we like it well enough at least flying is is very much appreciated now we're talking oh yeah hold on i got it yeah no like magician's good i got to go back for a bad trip though bad trip is like a gimme okay i'll play you as well because as long as we have bad trip this is this is okay this is how it goes man this is the cycle of isaac for an hour people have been like this runs horrible all of a sudden after putting in this much emotional labor people are like it's impossible to lose there's no doubt at all carried [Laughter] so what happens when you don't hold r though you hold r you lose a lot of you lose a lot of runs like this you're missing out you are also missing out on some misery for sure okay we'll take gimpy gimpy's actually pretty huge because it can drop us a bunch of uh it drops a ton of red hearts [Music] might as well just take it we don't need keys for the next section so let's go for it yeah yeah yeah no it's heavily not useless it doesn't give you the spirit hearts but it increases the drop rate of uh of red hearts nope i know you stomped three times but i forgot about that part okay we still got a 36 percent devil deal chance lord knows i got hp to spare okay we got a one percent devil deal chance [Music] so here's a question for you do we need the polaroid to fight the the real final boss no right negative is a damage up now really okay look at that look at that i was thinking about using a re-roll to try to you know mill some useful items out of there but damage up is is useful so no harm no foul it's just just kill the boss please i don't know what's happening i'll just continue to stand still and uh all right i would say at this point the number one thing preserving this run is please don't i have a map oh my god the number one thing preserving this run is bad trip if we can hold on to this bad trip pill which is admittedly kind of tough if we can hold on to this bad trip pill we're going to be in a good spot and obviously like the more hp we have when we enter the boss fight even if we have bad trip the better i'm just i'm freaking zonked out of my mind that i have a i have a map dude this is crazy talk gets smacked it happens i don't understand this is a great run you know you weren't here okay when i was down in the trenches you weren't here okay just for the love of god do not screw this one up you take brimstone that's a gimme all right um look i don't need to tell you what this looks like [Laughter] can i just say it super sucker come jetting machine all right fine and we'll take that we'll take the all stats and then what the heck it's hp dude okay this is this is tough just give it a sec squeeze the other one's not rotating okay [Music] squeeze and then we we do the dub re-rolls i see hp books hp books let's get some dude dude do it let's get some more battery charges the library play hp is good for the record we could always take more hp i'm gonna go back for bookworm bookworm i'm just gonna wait for a charge just gonna wait for a charge i mean like look at this this is it's very strong i choose to leave this room and never return he's done it pro gaming dude mom's key actually ended up being like the most insane pickup on this run is nl okay oh no that it's it's happening already i thought it would take a little longer the jealousy is already starting to set in from the people who gave into their ego and started playing on normal mode because they thought hard mode was unbeatable and they're starting to knock on the door is he okay this is the run of the century and you only get it if you don't hold our how about that there's a lesson in there somewhere oh son of a dog no shame in playing on normal there's no shame in playing on normal just as long as you're not also uh in chat typing what is he doing or or saying ridiculous stuff like gimpy only gives you spirit hearts like come on man i guess i gotta go in all right i forgot i forgot about the contra boss you guys are lucky mouth didn't get this synergy like he would never it would be the lootest stream in twitch history a range up is not that bad it's on all stats we've already seen everything in here i think we take the range up so we can use our rerolls on the library plus we got the mom transformation don't care didn't ask plus your mom dunk okay don't don't screw this part up that was actually pretty close i'm sure the homing would be sick but but i'm in heavy reroll hours now we got more books okay i've decided i no longer care and i'm heading down to the next floor there's so many great jokes you could i'm just stealing them from chat just give me one sec to make this one work tactical uh what sprite tastes like what mcdonald's sprite tastes like next floor what are you talking about i think his brain is melting after so much isaac we have full hp i feel like i'm losing my i'm telling you it's like i said earlier face me in the moisty mire i just want to talk like i honestly everybody in chat that they think they're so cool and hip and good at isaac i personally guarantee i could lift all of you over my head easily without my heart rate even crossing the triple digits probably many people enchant i could do two at the same time without a doubt i'm 200 pounds i know what i said and i stand by it how is that a flex i'm saying when you were still pp in your pampers i was beating many challenges more difficult than you oh my god you are a biggest loser i've ever seen liars get out truth will always prevail oh just you know just a second full health we could use this for mapping tough times never last only tough people last yes it's true malf did put me in a chokehold but i i must again reiterate okay this we should be fine but before we do this like this is your last chance so don't be stupid about it play the judgment mouth put me in a chokehold but it was a sucker punch even he admits it by the way i was i was down on my hands and knees cleaning in advance of a party that we were having dude we got stats up temporarily uh and and he jumped on my back and he admitted he did it in a moment of weakness because it was the only way he could get the jump on me and that's all you need to know so i i know how this is gonna sound i still don't think this is like an automatic victory i i would give us like a 90 chance of winning for sure but i also like some of these shots i don't know how to dodge and he does have a billion hp i do like the audio cue like even if he's off screen you know you're hitting them when you hear took if you if you're not hearing that it's time to adjust your your vision oh he's dead okay never mind it was actually insanely easy [Laughter] i honestly thought he had like 10 times more hp than that meet cleaver has appeared in the basement all right
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 212,303
Rating: 4.9309492 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: ZiYx4uKTRrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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