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hello there everybody welcome this is more repentance finding of isaac edition uh hey we had some some interesting stuff occur um we're on a three winning streak that's pretty nuts um we had some really successful runs on stream if you missed the stream uh well one you're not gonna wanna miss streams in the future so so go follow over at slash alexa stream link in the description down below uh but those videos will be up on the channel over the next uh week they get spaced out it takes me time to cut them edit them and get them up um but to to put it lightly we did a little eve run uh and unlocked a little little tainted eve little b-side's eve um so let's do it right we start with the sumptorium i i don't even know what that means but i'm gonna tell you i have close to no interest in googling it um let's let's see what there is with tainted eve dude she she's got kind of a sexy vibe going for sure um okay wait a minute when we shoot for a while we take red heart damage oh but then we fire extra shots yo that's kind of whack though and then what the heck does sumptorium do and why is it in the bottom right how do i use this oh okay so it's my oh what the frick is this okay and then they fire so i can't kill myself with this and then if i hit q it sucks all of them up and i i'm good again how very strange is this dude how very strange is this okay um i'm i'm surprisingly with it i will say i'm surprisingly with it um it's it's it's eevee right it's very eevee and not in the pokemon way um it's the whole sacrifice your your hp to have oh my god dude sacrifice your hp to have a little bit more damage and it kind of works uh very similarly so then we can do something like this right and then come in here but there's there's kind of still incentive except like don't don't do this this too much here so then if we like if we use it again it still takes red hearts first okay okay so it's a character oh frick okay why was it still allowing me so it'll take the black hearts as well so you you have to to balance it's a oh frick okay there goes the black card so there's a little bit of balance of uh bff would be really good there's balance of making sure that you're you're firing and that you have like a lot of damage um which you can get by obviously sacrificing your red hp but then there's also if you have soul hearts and stuff you have to be careful that you're not you know you gotta like tap fire to make sure that you you get them which is super weird and then also these little these little dudes that spawn and fire so how many of these can we have man because there's there's almost a little bit of bethany in this character as well in the sense that uh you you gotta you gotta make sure that yeah make sure that you don't lose all your little little guys right because like one of them is now stuck um on the back end what a strange character what a strange character i still don't really know what to think about this but i think i like it actually i think i like it because it's forcing me to play um kind of like extremely differently from usual now i can also yeah so this is what i was interested about um i can move away from these guys as well so we could theoretically do like a little i i'm not even sure why that would ever be useful but we can do a play like that where we we have them all separated and we could just do that i was holding left control uh to move like that super wonky very weird um just kind of a strange character this is not what i expected to be fair so they do also take damage is what i have now learned um because as he got closer to me um they they shrunk away a little bit so uh that's that's good to know is that we have to still avoid them as well i'm i'm struggling to see how i'm going to actually like win this run uh we're moving so slow because my brain my brain's working in overdrive to figure out how the frick to do this it's a really really unique character genuinely uh very very unique okay we've got this guy in the cycle just finish him up good stuff okay a tears up is lovely getting extra hel uh health yeah that's the word is also lovely but then we're just gonna get rid of the health again so is it really that lovely but every time we get rid of the health we get more damage so i guess it is lovely but it's also like it's still a little weird um do we have a bomb in the shop because i think it's worth buying it is let's let's do this i still think bff sounds like it would be amazing but we are we are officially at that point where it is completely impossible to pick it up on this run um unless like a dime came out of that fire and then a nickel came out of the other one but sadly not an option let's let's go down to downpour we are like absolutely no way in the freaking world going to make it to boss rush with this character um i think that we should probably be prioritizing you know what dude because we have the extra damage from these i'll note they also get the okay that's good to know though they also get our tier effects that's now that's fascinating okay that's fascinating i thought they were just gonna be standard ass familiars no no no no no we don't do anything standard ass in this camp um they all get our tear effects that's funky that's funky i like that i like that a lot okay um this is the soul of isaac i don't remember what it does i don't remember what it does so that's that's a small dilemma i suppose i also think that it's valuable oh dude it's it's a little it's a little fricked okay that's fine now i need all of them to come back to me some of them are moving at like faster rates than other ones which is problematic but are you seeing the damage output that we have i i can see how this character could get really strong like really quick and then we're gonna basically get two more of them you you live life on the edge right you live life on the edge you you live in one hp world but you you also live in a high damage society it's funky man it's funky i actually really like it i really like it okay it it it's gonna get spicy it's gonna get spicy but it's spicy in a good way it's spicy in a good way okay rainmaker look at the damage output we we love to see it we absolutely love to see it dude they also block shots they also block shots there there is no reason not to live in one hp world i'm i'm pretty confident this now the fact that they block shots it's just so good it's so damn good okay now what are we doing with the soul of isaac i feel like we we should definitely be using it soon i think you do like want red hp though so i'm also going to be hard-pressed to do this devil deal which i'm now kind of sitting here going why would we just not do the deal right like let's just not do it and then that way we have guaranteed angel deals which is so so freaking different from normal eve i'm going angel deals with eve i never thought the day would occur um but i think we should do that because then uh stop do not dude it's so strong it's just the the amount of damage output is so good and then the fact that we still you know have some torium right so at any time if we are not happy with our our hp and we need a little bit more back you just you just stop doing it right you get all your health back and you you live your life it's so good it's so good it's wonky it's wonky don't get me wrong it's definitely weird but i think it is weird in a very very interesting and uh interesting and charming way for sure very very interesting and charming way okay there's our fire i'm not necessarily committed to the idea of doing a little uh doing a little mirror dimension on this one but maybe uh maybe we can make that work let's do that snag this the pill is a health upgrade this very lovely um health ups are are fantastic as this character however let me tell you again i'm just gonna make more blobs for myself um because i enjoy pain i think okay pop this and that's interesting so when you pop that all of these guys can fly too because they are apparently sentient blobs that can coexist in society um this is one blob one one blob one bomb one bomb for for infinite keys i think that's probably valuable um a max level shop i never thought that they would come to be honest this is repentance we're talking about here so like we can send our blobs out to do extra damage such a interesting mechanic dude it can get a little wonky to figure out what the hell is going on but it can also be pretty freaking good okay double lucky penny you love to see let's put a bomb down there that sucks like a lot um we don't need the flies night lights probably intelligent let's take that let's take the soul heart but then we have to be careful because we don't want the soul heart to go away so let's uh let's be cautious take this as ghost baby we don't really care and then let's fight should be an easy fight for us here we just have to make sure that we uh i oh we we got rid of the red heart i i forgot that i can't spam shoot i forgot that i can't spam shoot okay um vision is hard with this character as well there's a lot going on uh we got hurt and we lost all of them okay um so yeah that like that sucks a freaking metric buttload okay now now i understand and samptorium doesn't do anything if you if you don't have any of the flops so now i got no help um and i also can't hit the freaking boss because our range is terrible this was really good when we had an entire army behind us um less good when that army has faded and died okay i mean like i'm i'm kind of stuck in a situation okay um frick dude this is not this is not what i expected this is not what i expected so we we basically like our life is as glass cannon as it can possibly be i i don't know what the strategy is it was definitely not what i just did for the record because we could have ended up with more of these suckers i don't know what the strategy is i don't know if it is literally to live your life on one hp because that doesn't feel that intelligent is it just you know literally have your finger on the trigger all the time to to get back into um get back into having full hp you know is it a constant balance dude one bomb provides us with a lot of value is it a constant balance between needing to be uh needing to be in one place or the other i don't know maybe it is maybe it is probably is i just didn't want to play it like that because it requires more effort on my part right trying to figure out when you should be uh when you should be summed and when you should be pumped who knows who freaking knows okay um i am going to continue to just crank a million of these little suckers in because i think that that's that that probably the worst death i've ever had dude i'm broken i'm broken this is this is a wonky character it's a very wonky character and her stats are are not great to begin with either um [Music] i mean actually 4.2 damage is a lot but the rate of fire is like very very bad saying is i think it isn't it i can't remember what the hell base base tiers is for most characters now i mean you can see the damage is is not great with this character okay holy card just pop it it transits between rooms now so we can uh we can kind of keep it keep it going throughout this uh throughout this run ensure that we don't have any unfortunate death situations it's rooms like this that should not fear me and yet i i'm feared should not fear me scare me i the words are weird maybe the room shouldn't fear me i am uh i'm a kind soul why be feared okay wonky character it it definitely i this is the first i i tainted isaac as well um definitely made me made me think this one's making me think a little bit and this this might be the hardest character yet i understand that there are harder ones a common there goes that that was extremely terrible by me um i understand there's other hard characters coming but this one definitely uh this one definitely is making your boy think a little bit about what the actual best plays are there's also a lot of items that are now like absurdly good with this character as well things like the body right for just a frick load of red hp i think that's what you want is just a lot of red hp um because it's essentially allowing you to then have even more of these little guys which then in turn you know fuels your damage like crazy lemon mishap is not really what we're looking for and i'm i'm kind of thinking that we just want to go right i think we just want to go we'll do the last room just oh actually we're i thought we already beat the boss i forgot that i had to start a new run but i guess i guess now i mean we're right in position to to want to just go huh i don't have it for the boss fight now would have probably not helped us a whole heck of a lot in this boss fight anyway but let's give you one of those puts in a real tough spot if we can kill the baby first that would uh help us thank you and then you are easy good stuff this will be a tears up for sure okay and then downpour we go weird still weird still weird but we're making it work we're making it work cursed rooms are just like they're they're a cruel sick joke at this point and we'll never have the hp to go into them although like i suppose we still could it's just okay smb superfan is super good that's super good okay a troll bomb and i couldn't get it up in time um let's let's do the curse room would have been nice if this cursed room provided us with some insane benefit i i would even argue that this is pretty good benefit right that's pretty good benefit then we can come up here we can snag this and now you know our damage output is high because we've got a bunch of bunch of these suckers doing damage for us but our run is still like terrifying because at any moment right we've got this barrage of little guys but how good is this barrage of little guys what you want you want some kind of insane status effect right some something like uh um explosivo right explosivo would be nuts with this i also just realized i was holding down my shoot so thus i i once again brought myself down to half of a heart it's so scary it's so scary okay wormwood just got his ass kicked it'd be cool if you could come all the way back over here okay spikeys oh dude there's there's little blue ones for uh for for the soul hearts and i'm going to assume they do even more damage that's wacky too that's wonky too okay [Applause] super strange super strange let's not do the devil deal because i still think that we're in a position where we can benefit from we can benefit from angel deals on this run but let's also ensure that we can make it to said angel deals i mean are you seeing the amount of uh amount of shots we're firing out right now it's kind of nutty and we still have a lot of help so we'll keep we'll keep our spam shooting going because i still think that's probably um also the move i i have no idea what to do with the eternal heart i have no idea how the eternal heart even works in this situation can we accidentally kill it i don't know i don't know super secret room has to be here good talk uh and call us the mama is in my opinion really not that difficult of a boss um so we we should not really have a problem here at least in my opinion okay a great shot my friend great shot oh we lost all of our our boys because of that that's pretty bad that's pretty bad now do not lose your devil deal do not lose your devil deal 33 chance that an angel deal is better than no chance at an angel deal give it to me give it to me i dare you okay good talk um damage ups are still fine damage is looking okay on this run we do have to get our our boys back in town though like uh like a beautiful uh who the hell is that song about banana banana [Music] maybe not the eagles frick man why do i not know boys are back in town right now i should definitely know that that's like a classic rock classic it's gotta be the eagles right i'm gonna have to search this in a second i apologize i will have to search this because it's far too important for me to not okay why are all my friends up here i got friends in a lot of weird places and they are they they can't they can't handle the the movement oh frick man okay the they're they're less weight so they're flying down more actually like super funny but it's making it uh quite difficult to to use them in here okay let's take this tractor beam i think is oh it's it's good it's good all of their tears also are in the tractor beam is real good is real good okay okay so we we we have a true shotgun right now very true shotgun because all of their tears are are showing up in the same same vibe okay i like that i like that that's a wonky synergy now they are also appearing like weird they're appearing very weird but i'm i'm with it i'm definitely with it okay let's get out of here i'm not doing the freaking mirror dimension because i can't fight poop bag with with no health just feels like a very terrible idea never mind let's do it why not i'm not a coward let's do it i should have done the curse room with this by the way but i'm i'm not a coward i really did not want to do that either but you know what that actually ended up working out in the end so who am i to be upset um let's do it i i literally could not care less about the uh the knife piece right now so let let's not get get too too spicy with that but i'm loving all the red hearts and then i'm also loving the fact that our damage output is kind of nutty though it's kind of nutty though we got something good going on here having having the tractor beam shots all uh oh my god dude okay it's it's actually like really good it's really really good it's really good okay allow me to be the one to tell you tractor beam is the move with uh with this character we also now have a bone heart i don't know how that works also the eternal heart yeah we had an eternal heart and i i i got rid of it now oh frick i didn't want to give you that i'm just my brain is a little busted broken and and we're still living life in uh in a state of disarray where where are we at on on time for the run is boss rush even a possibility nine minute mark i mean if we if we have this freaking shotgun man we got a chance to get there i think our damage outputs it's kind of nuts right now there's reason to be excited about some potential on this one i will also say that we are we are one hit because i refuse to tap shoot the tap shooting will will actually put an end to my soul but also like when you see the damage output that we have why would i why would i ever tap shoot let's try to keep one heart we can tap shoot it's just a barrage it's just a freaking barrage they don't stand get into the the kill zone sir they don't stand a chance we look at my freaking army that i have oh my lord it's it's kind of busted it's kind of busted okay so tractor beam we can mark this down as uh like arguably the best synergy for this character ever i also i do wonder what would happen if i used um sumptorium because i'm going to assume that it would send back um it would send back to the amount of red hearts that we have but i bet some of them would still stay out oh my god dude it's so good it's so good okay it's it's stupid good it's stupid good give me this faster rate of fire is disgusting and then dead sea scrolls is not really my vibe right now but you know what it is better than lemon mishap right so let's do it so i wanna i wanna test santorium it sends all of them back including the eternal heart interesting that's very very interesting oh you don't even know you don't even freaking know they didn't know um it's just gonna be gross it's just gonna be gross so where were you when tyler gained 550 000 blood clots actually i'm gonna tell you it's not adding any we have 11 right now oh never mind it is adding some it's definitely adding them oh dude is definitely adding them never mind where were you when we when we gained the ability of a thousand thousand small clots where were you this is disgusting it's so dumb dude it's so dumb i just have to keep on saying it because it is dumb it's it's just an unreal amount it's an unreal amount of damage we we have it's like a 15 tuple shot right now and it's just it's just a a shotgun of destruction so oh my lord um no i mean we we simply can't right we simply can't a black heart is fine that was uh basically the equivalent of popping the nail i believe just leave right just leave there there is a a extremely low chance of boss rush but if we hike and get there then i actually think we we can do this let's try to get boss rush we're not gonna get many broken runs to this caliber with this character at least i don't think i think tractor beam is one of those rare rare synergies that we're going to be talking about for a long time with this character um because it's it busted it busted though it very busted because it's just a wall of tears okay my little unicorn is totally fine we can uh get in here here and there um i can't help but notice i can't shoot this man we also can pop dead sea scrolls every single room um which is also like you know crazy valuable i know that many of you are not dead sea scrolls fans but there's absolutely no denying that this current situation is very solid for us it also did improve i mean there's no kamikaze in it anymore that was actually a surprisingly good dead sea scrolls play but being able to pop at every single room we can get a bunch of healing out of this which then is just gonna provide us with more stuff i don't need the d8 i am i am a hundred percent in the camp of let's freaking move and let's get boss rush like it it's now it's a failure to me if we don't make it to boss rush okay book of shadows does not help us pill is 48 hour energy that's interesting for sure another my little unicorn just send them in dead sea scrolls every room is is real good it's real good then you take this we we've lost some of our boys so we can afford to get some of them back right now um i'm also like i know i know you're sitting here and you're like tyler should not skip the shop on this floor my dude um you're right i shouldn't i'm 100 going to though because we have an ability to make it the boss rush i don't even comprehend what that's gonna do i mean they're all gonna have tiny swords i i just don't think that that's what i'm sorry i know that you probably want me to do the the wax spirit sword play but the wank play right now is the fact that i have a shotgun of doom i have a shotgun of doom and i can use it to annihilate quite literally everybody in every room this this is so strong it's crazy i spirit sword might have also been crazy and strong i don't know and maybe it's something that we we should uh you know at some point on a stream or something we'll load up the debug console and we'll test and see how that could have been right but for me right now i don't even care to find out i really don't i love this i freaking love this do they uh it appears that just i have just eve right has the uh the tech.5 on this one but i you can't complain too too much it's still very good um let's take the sack and then in this situation just give me the soul heart um i i'm still tap shooting but we we have health despair so we we we can get you know a couple more in if we really wanted to it's just one when the shotgun is as good as what it is right now it does have some knockback to it that's about the only issue it's got a little bit of knockback just go just go we we can do we can do hush and um a free tinted rock thank you we can do we can do hush and boss rush if we play our cards right now i am probably going to go for for more shotgun potential here momentarily we also flawless the floor but dead sea scrolls every room is more important me than 10 luck right now so that's fine i think kidney stone is an easy choice for me mr boom is completely fine um [Music] kidney stone was the right choice it was the right choice um that was just actually one of the dumbest things i've ever seen and we're gonna get that like every couple couple seconds okay why not right here here comes kidney stone um it freaking just obliterates enemies it just obliterates them okay this character is whack is whack there i said it and it doesn't matter like here's the thing it doesn't matter where where the stupid little guys are because we just everything in our path we destroy it's a barrage of shots unlike anything you've ever seen before like just just don't even try to get in my way because i will i will obliterate you okay we are officially one hit by the way um which is is not great but pinking shears forever and here is pretty good we we can easily die which is like it's definitely uh something to think about in terms of a problem let's if i sump real quick and then we we just start this back up again that way we can have a little bit of the hp back and i think that's that's kind of it's it's how how high is your risk tolerance you know do you want to go crazy or do you want to have a little bit of a little bit of protection and in my case i think that a tiny bit okay we have two pinking shears i think a tiny bit of protection is not a bad thing uh to ensure that we we complete this right and really are our now big issue okay sump again please book of rev is is more hearts in the end i feel like occasionally i i think what's happening i think kidney stone is forcing our charge bar to go up and then we release and it's the barrage but it's it's just it's very strange it's very strange just just vibe with it we're chilling we're chilling yamaha is is very good from from dead sea scrolls and and we like seeing it even if it gets a little little scary we like seeing it okay you're you're cranked red hearts for free always good mr boom great spot for it didn't get any of them fair enough fair enough i forgot that steven has weird weird weird vibes all of a sudden and uh in repentance speaking of weird vibes this run weird vibe for sure okay mom's bottle of pills if it's telepills we don't want it so do not pop it that's that could be extraordinarily bad if i teleported myself out of here we would not be able to get back in uh and and do boss rush again so don't do it mom's pad we don't care about okay let's uh get in there while we have the the mega hits yeah dude it's definitely it's whenever we have as a third pinking shears um it's whenever we have um kidney stone things get a little wonky they get a little wonky okay we are one hit right now well we're not okay young hearts fine this is where i feel like if we really wanted to we could pop our sumptorium and things would end up okay but i also i feel like we're approaching the end anyway so we might be able to just just vibe with where we're at okay come on come on come on i i don't wanna i don't wanna lose out on damage but i also obviously do not wanna die we don't even we don't even have that many uh there are many little guys right now i think some of them have died in the war because they uh we've got like four of them and keep in mind that they they can die from enemies hitting them prayer card is a free eternal heart which i i do think is good we got uh the haunt yeah okay not not really a problem for me wait we can just crank on him haunts not do they don't got that much help so it's another pinking shears the more pinking shears we have the more enemies just get absolutely obliterated so it does work for me and that's the end okay good stuff let's leave let's go down and then uh let's pop the pill immediately on this floor it's a tears up very lovely um i did just pop monstro's tooth um a second before that room which could be a little scary but hasn't affected me yet um i i think that effect does not last for for the entire like floor so if we step back in that room we're not going to get squashed by it i'll definitely forget and then i'll get squashed by it okay mom's bra freezes these guys honestly ended up working out pretty okay for us why do i have oh that's it's it's tech but my my own tears are a weird blue all of a sudden i don't know what that's all about crack the sky could have been cool at any other time okay we are definitely our our goal is hush here our goal is hush we're at the 22 minute mark i think that's a super realistic goal i also think that we we handle hush really well on this run um i would love one more whack upgrade in hush you know something that just makes this run go what the hell is going on right and i hush is normally good at providing that kind of item um dude hear me out yeah i think prayer card we wanted to get rid of our thing and get it as uh a familiar shooting with us bookable isle we don't care about let's let's pop in here again doctor's remote as long as you pay attention to dead sea scrolls it provides a lot of value man provides a lot of value if you haven't seen that over the course of this then you're hopeless i guess okay we finally got hit we still kept like all of our guys though so i guess who cares i guess who cares before when we got hit it got rid of all of them um not sure why it didn't do it then another prayer card and i i would be more than happy to crank that hp into our system spider butt did a little bit of damage for us where yeah where are you at where are you at you're dead beautiful it might be tough to see what's going on that that is one one thing with this run is it is a little uh it's a little wonky on the vision there's a lot going on on the screen but it's it's still i mean it's freaking great it's freaking great we need one more key before uh the hush fight one more key puts us in a good spot paralysis is is not very good he's not very good one more key doctor's remote yoink good very good still have some some people up here we're at one health right now deck of cards for a little hangman action i don't really care about that either um anarchist cookbook a little bit of a scary one but i i mean i like anarchist cookbook so it doesn't really bother me none good hits devil deal uh we'll take marbles but you'll be hard pressed to give me something that i want let's at least check lusty blood is like probably worth it it's probably worth it um i mean this this a very good item it hurts our immediate health for sure it definitely hurts our immediate health which in turn hurts our damage because we we have less parts to mess with speaking of our damage we we did in fact add another boyo to our our our team here which means that we're now down to we're one hit again which is never a good place to be for the record you do not want to be one hit but now we got a little bit back we're gonna chill with this health that we have i think our our small guys started to to take some damage on that one which is not great high priestess just pop it right that way we we melt one of them and then this guy we can uh still get some good stuff going we're our we've lost a lot of our our our friends we've lost a lot of our friends is not great it's not great mom's bottle of pills like we we need to get we need to get some of these guys back and we're we've collected a little bit of health so i feel good about cranking some away oh we wasted our kidney stone charge here although it persists between rooms so we we got a little bit back going on it okay now now we're sitting okay addicted addicted's pretty bad deck of cards for the lovers is is very nice it's very nice anything that gives you hearts a plus a freaking plus okay i have a sneaking suspicion this character could be like super busted in uh necronomicons very good this character could be super busted in green mode which is not often that i say anything positive about green mode but this character could be busted i shouldn't have popped um thingy right before the the boss room but i did it so oh well um and yeah so that's what happens when you have a stationary enemy um and you have uh you have kidney stone with tractor beam they just they just go boom they just go boom so that feels good what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you got extra money at least makes this shop worthwhile um extra heart as well here high priestess does not really help us scifly is just a win so i i'm happy to take that um extra key at least allows us to do to do this and they're just not very good we'll take the miter um not not too happy with that though mom's bracelet don't need so let's just take deep pockets this is a pretty bad hush haul i mean i say that i got sci fly which is a win um so i guess it's a very good haul um i mean scifly is just a win there there is no even messing around with it it's just a win for those that don't comprehend what scifly is um you're gonna notice that no shots ever get near me that's because scifly literally destroys them and it's it's just busted man i mean it's just freaking busted so we we can kind of just sit here and uh i mean we could have full faith in sci fly and just sit here and not even move and none of these shots will ever come near us it's the most busted item in isaac's history i'm telling you like if it's not in the contention for strongest item in the game at this point i i don't know what is it's so freaking good but actually so freaking it just obliterates everything near you i mean i i have close to no fear sitting like those are enemies so i have a little bit of fear for them but like moving around and you know having potential for for things destroying me it's just no fear i got hit so what am i to say a word all of a sudden okay i'm trying to make sure that we keep our our boys here from getting hit because i'd rather like we don't want to lose our damage output and and they're getting hit right now so that's that's not really where we want to be let's just stack them all against the wall here and and scifly is doing its job we still can take a hit um obviously we don't want to take any hits right now but we can take a hit we have like no form of healing in this room which then like immediately hurts our damage i also these guys just just freaking bodied our damage output oh and i have now uh put myself in a real jank position dude thank god for scifly we'd be freaking dead without it right now um because i'm just basically going hope for the best and running through here i am actually petrified at the current moment i i can't move anything i say can or will be used against me okay we might still be oh my lord why are there so many enemies over there okay just hold down your shoot man we don't have a lot going for us right now it's in sci-fly we trust i'm dead oh frick damn dude i uh i got shook when they killed all my damage i got shook um this was a run to remember that's for sure what a wild one what an absolutely wild one this is not the second time i think i've dyed the hush with tainted characters pretty bad pretty bad uh anywho thanks so much for watching as always liking the video much appreciated um can't wait to do more weird stuff with this character this was really fun this was very fun have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 20,143
Rating: 4.9206939 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike
Id: xnom_1rI0Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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