The Biggest Unboxing Book Haul EVER!

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how am I supposed to do this hey everyone its Hayley and today I'm going to be doing a giant and I mean giant unboxing book haul so I know on my last book haul I said it was going to be at my last book haul and it was for a little bit I never said it was gonna be the very last one that I did but wow I'm still out of breath from that thumbnail but I have gotten so many books since I did that book haul that I can't put it off any longer I need to do a book haul and this isn't even all the books that I've gotten this is just everything that I've gotten this past weekend but hiss we had an employee ppreciate an event at my work and I work at a book store so that's when I get the majority of my books it's twice a year at employee appreciation so I was doing really well before that but now I have so many boxes of books here as you saw in the thumbnail which took me so long to do because they are so so heavy I only opened one of these boxes and I only opened it because it wasn't actually books in it so I instead put books in it that I had gotten this past weekend that I did get at the store so technically like they were in a bag but I just thought would be fun to put them in a box and do an unboxing I also haven't seen nor filmed an unboxing book haul and so long like years and I didn't know if people still liked them but I asked you guys on Twitter and you guys wanted to see it and I loved doing them so I'm very excited to be doing one again it feels like it's back and like I don't know when I started making videos but it feels like back then when I used to do these all the time but this is without a doubt the largest one that I've ever done so let's just get into it because we're gonna be here for a while so I actually discovered that one of the boxes didn't have books in it at all so I'm gonna move on and I'm actually going to start out with the book outlet box I used to order on book outlet all the time because they are great they have like such good bargains I'm not working with them or anything I'm just letting you know but that's why I really started building my collection and then when I started working I indigo I obviously with the employee discount I just didn't really shop there anymore but when I was shopping for the employee appreciation event I went on book outlet and they had some things that I was gonna get buy it cheaper there so I ended up still getting them and I got them at bookoutlet so this is the first order I've had there in like years oh right I honestly feel like I am back to what I started booktube oh this is so fun so the first books that I have here is fire by kristen kishore this is actually I think I got the other one too where is it yeah I did so I also have Bitterblue by Kristen Kish or these are books two and three not sure of the order I think this one is two and then this one is three but they are part of the Graceling trilogy which Hannah just read absolutely loved it and I almost unhulled Graceling but she loved it so much that she convinced me to keep it and I am going to try it out and obviously I'm hoping that I'm gonna like it because I got these two books here but but I didn't know about them before she had read them is their kind of romance based fantasies and I have been really struggling with fantasy recently but I've also really been liking romances they've really been helping me get out of my reading slump so I think that a romance based fantasy might help me get back into the fantasy genre I'll just go for this book nice because this is another Hannah book so this is the devil's thief which was very hard for me to say but it is by Alisa Maxwell and I'm gonna have to take this sticker off here oh no it ripped I will have to work on that later but this is the sequel to the last magician which similarly to grace Lang I was going to unhaul that book and I actually did fully unhaul it so I repurchased it it might be in these boxes somewhere I don't really know but this is the second book of that series she describes it as being like six of crows but also the diviners and I think a darker shade of magic is the other one and I like those books so obviously I really loved the diviners and six of crows a darker shade of magic I feel like I need to reread but she was just raving about this series so I was like okay I gotta pick it up because I trust my friends recommendations so if Hannah says it's great then I believe that it really is great speaking of trusting my friends recommendations next is Josh and Hazel's guide to not dating by Christina Lauren so once again we got to get this sticker off of here this one should come off more easily yeah perfect but like I mentioned romance has really been helping me get out of my slump just because they're so fun and easy to get into so I feel like I'm really far over this way I'm gonna move my chair over but anyways as I was saying they're just such quick and mindless breeds which is amazing for when you're in a reading slump and you just want to get back to reading for enjoyment so you need something fun and exciting and so we read this book and said it was very very good it had some steamy scenes in there and I know my sister read it and really enjoyed it as well so I think I might actually pick this one up today I think it should be a pretty quick read it's not too long and I know two people who have enjoyed it so that makes me hopeful next I picked up put in by Julie Murphy this is the companion novel to dumplin and I have an arc of it and I haven't gotten the chance to read it yet but I needed another book for free shipping so I was like I'll go to finish copy I really love Julie Murphy and I trust her writing so I think this will be something that I will very much enjoy this book follows Millie who is one of the side characters from dumpling and it's about her and her summer where she really wants to have her first kiss and I just think it's gonna be really cute and fun but also have a very great message to it next is the last of August by Brittany Cavallaro this is the second book I believe to the Charlotte home series and I've been waiting for them to come out in paperback and this one has actually been out in paperback for a bit but for some reason I never actually picked it up and the final book of this series just came out I think it's the final book at least but it just came out last month so that one should be out in paperback in about a year so maybe by the time I actually get to this book I will be ready for that but the Charlotte home series started with a study in Charlotte and it was such a fun mystery story it's that in like this boarding school and it actually follows a descendant of Sherlock Holmes so it's not like fictional in their world it's like actually a thing and she has watts in there so it's just Holmes and Watson but in a boarding school in modern times and it's just a ton of fun to read and finally I picked up I believe in a thing called love by Maureen goo I'm really trying to up my repertoire of contemporary novels since as you guys know if you've been watching my vlogs I've been loving contemporaries lately they've been getting me back into reading but I realized I don't have that many on my shelves that I need to read I have tons of fantasy but contemporary I really didn't have a lot to choose from so ended up picking some up and this one I don't even know it's about I just know that I heard a lot of people really like and she has a couple of books out so I figured I would start with this one since it is the first one so it's about a girl who's trying to find her way to true love kdramas style and I'm not that familiar with kdramas but I think this will still be tons of fun and by not that familiar I mean like not at all but I'm still really looking forward to reading this it sounds like it could be very cute so that is one box done so let's move on to another one I've got a couple of small packages so I'm gonna go for those so the rest of the books are all from indigo so let's dive into this this is one of my three orders actually in sight it is wicked Saints by Emily a Duncan I talked about this book in my spring anticipated reads and I think it just sounds so cool something about the cover it gives me six of crows vibes it's so beautiful and even the spine is really cool I don't know if that's a picture of the author or whatever I'm not too big of a fan of the photo being on the spine I kind of wish it wasn't there but it still is a really beautiful spine look at this it's so pretty is it pretty naked too oh let them fear her also I answers my question it is not a picture of the author on the spine so this has a girl a prince and a monster and the girl can speak to the gods which is so cool and then the prince is surrounded by desperate suitors and deadly assassins and there is a monster who's hidden behind pale tortured eyes and a smile that cuts like a knife doesn't that just sound like something Leigh bardugo would write like I love that but the three characters end up coming together to try and end this centuries-long war and I just love when you have like a ragtag group trying to end a war you know fighting against the man I love that stuff so I am very excited to have this new release now this next package I believe has multiple books in it I don't know why but we will find out oh it's got a lot in here so I would grab the first thing which is the last magician by Lisa Maxwell mentioned this before it is oh it's on the bottom the first book to this series so Hanna recommended it and now I have repurchased it because I literally owned like this exact copy the hardcover and everything but it's fine I have it again and I really hope that I do end up liking it but I trust Hanna so I think I will next is the case for Jaime by Brittany Cavallaro once again we've got a sequel here this is the second book I think this one is the third book pretty sure I have that order right here but the Charlotte Holmes series and I can never have too many fun quick reads on my shelves so I'm happy to have these to add to that I kind of forgot that I got this but this is another Hanna recommendation and that is the song of Achilles by Madeline Miller this book specifically actually isn't a Hanna recommendation because she hasn't read it yet she read Cersei and really enjoyed it but I've heard that this is better than Cersei but I think I might wait until I have Cersei which i pre-ordered in the paperback so I'll be waiting until September but I think that I want to read that one first so then I won't go into this one and then read Cersei and be like oh it's not as good so I'm not that familiar with mythology but I've heard endless praise for these books so I have very high expectations for them now this final box here is the one that I actually filled with books myself but it is like jam-packed full of them now let's dive into the final box so first we have filled notes on love by Jennifer East Smith Jennifer E Smith is the author of multiple books two of which I have read and one I really enjoyed the other one I didn't so much but this one sounds so cute she specializes in contemporary romances and this one I believe deals with a train trip it says on the back 3,000 miles to complete strangers one week that changes everything so it kind of sounds a little bit like her other book that I didn't like so much but I'm going into it with an open mind I love travel books and this is time to travel themed so I might end up enjoying this one more than I liked her other one literally all of my books are just recommended to me by Hannah and Zoe so here's another Hannah recommendation and that is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier I have no clue what this one is about it's kind of a classic or not kind of it is the classic but it's really not like a super super popular classic or at least I hadn't really heard of it that much but I kind of thoroughly enjoyed it and that was all I needed to know apparently I really just read what my friends like next is the opposite of always by Justin a Reynolds this deals with a main character who is always almost there and like he's basically always second best and never quite makes it but he feels like his curse is turning around when he meets this girl and he's starting to fall for her she is perfect but then she ends up dying so he's left behind to try and cope with that and the fact that he never can quite seem to achieve whatever it is he wants whether it be happiness or valedictorian or anything like that he never actually gets there he just gets close enough to get a taste of it so this is a pretty new wyatt contemporary and the reviews for it have been great and like I said trying to bulk up my why a contemporary and just contemporary in general repertoire so I'm happy to have this one to add to it next is sky without stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell this is a lame is story by set in space that sounds so cool it's one of my most anticipated releases for the year so I'm so so excited to have it so I Phi is kind of a genre that I do tend to struggle with a little bit but I really loved Jessica Brody's other books that she wrote by both of those were contemporary so I'm interested to see how her writing style will translate into something entirely new and especially a co-authored book I'm not really familiar with the second author but I've heard some great things about it so I hope that I will end up enjoying it as well next is Sherwood by Meagan Spooner this is a Robin Hood retelling but it's genderbent and it's by the same author as hunted so that was a Beauty and the Beast retelling and she also has a couple of books that she has co-authored with Amy Kaufman so I've really enjoyed everything by this author I really liked hunted and I liked her co-authored books and genderbent Robin Hood retelling just sounds amazing so I'm very excited to get to this one next we have Harry on by Rainbow Rowell yes I repurchased this no I didn't need to I didn't really like the cover for the hardcover and then I saw the paperback come out and I was like this is absolutely gorgeous it's very much my style like that Illustrated bright colors all of that stuff I love love love it I still haven't read this book I do plan to read it hopefully in the next couple of months but since wayward son' is coming out and that has a cover that matches this one I felt like I could justify buying the paperback especially because I was trying to listen to the audiobook for this book and wasn't really a fan of it just the narrator didn't really mesh with me so now I know I'm gonna physically read it and for physical reads I really prefer paperback it's just so much easier to read a paperback than a hardcover in my opinion at least so that was how I justified spending more money on a book that I haven't even read yet yeah I have a problem I know next we have only a breath apart by Katie McGarry I've never read anything by Katie McGarry but this seems like it's kind of different for her I feel like she writes really like steamy romances but this is kind of a steamy romance I'm assuming it's definitely a romance I mean look at the cover but it seems like one that is going to be a little bit different it kind of has a magical realism sort of element to it or at least that's what the synopsis made it seem like so there's a psychic the main character is a psychic and that element just sounds like it could make for a very cool romance story so I love magical realism and I'm hoping that it will be as good as the synopsis makes it sound next I have a few Alice related books because I am on brand so first I got Alice's Adventures in Wonderland this is the manga version of air I loved when I flipped through to show you illustrations and it literally doesn't open to any there you go there's Pig and pepper fun times I feel like I always open up to pig and pepper whenever I open up an Alice book I don't know why but I don't really like manga or graphic novels which is so weird to me because I feel like it would be something like that I would like but I just don't I don't know why but I definitely needed this to add to my collection so many of you guys have shown me it and I think it looks so cool and fun and cute so once again I'm justifying things that I don't need and speaking of that I got another copy oh there's the cover this is the word cloud edition of Alice and it has just like different quotes and it's like a flexi bound cover oh and papers but it just feels really nice and all of the quotes are embossed in it so obviously it was a need and not a want the final Alice book that I got is actually drink me it is curious cocktails from Wonderland so this is a cookbook and it has all sorts of different recipes for it cocktails I am a legal drinking age don't drink unless you're of legal drinking age but we have a cup of mad tea here Queen of Hearts has her own drink lobster quadrille bread and butterfly pudding like it's just so clever and I love every part of it so much so I can't wait to actually try something from here I think it's gonna be lots of fun we are almost up I promise next is winter garden by Kristen Hanna Kristen Hanna is the author of the nightingale which was my favorite book that I read in 2018 I love love loved it and so many of you have been suggesting that I read some more stuff from her so I decided to start out with this one because her other books it doesn't look like all of them are historical fiction and I'm kind of only interested in the historical fiction to be honest but this one I believe is it's kind of like the nightingale in the sense that it takes place in two time periods it seems like so one is an epic love story set in world war ii Russia and then the other part is set in 2000 so I'm not sure if it deals with the same characters or the storylines are going to intertwine I'm sure that they are but I love World War 2 historical fiction really loves the nightingales so I'm going into this with pretty high expectations but I'm not expecting it to be like as good as the nightingale I'm hoping it will just be a really good story I don't know if that fully made sense but basically what I mean is I don't want to compare the two because inevitably I'll be disappointed so I'm going into it knowing that they are complete separate stories and just have the same author and finally I have three books here and they are all adult romances who I am I I think it's really funny how like there's like this blue and yellow color scheme I mean this one's just yellow but oh no there's blue - what is it with this turquoise and yellow color scheme so funny but here I have the kiss quotient by Helen Hoang and then I have 99% mine and the hating game by Sally thorns these were all recommended to me by Zoey because I was looking for recommendations when I was about to go book shopping and she said that these were great I know I've heard of every one of them except for 99% mine I don't think I've heard of actually I think it may have been sent to me and I don't know where I put it so I'll have to check on that but so couple things here first of all 99% mine was indeed sent me I ended up DN effing it as well by Zoey also only recommended the one to me she recommended the hating game she hasn't yet read the other ones so I don't know what my brain is doing I'm going into these not knowing anything except for the fact that they are supposed to be steamy and fun and that is all that I need to know so that was a lie how many books do we have here 25 books and like I said I'm pretty sure I have a package on the way so even more than that but I honestly don't know how happened but here we are but I have some great titles to add to my shelves so it's fine I hope that every time that I say that you picture that meme of like the dog with the coffee cup and the fire all around it and like it's fine because that's my entire life if there was one gift to describe my life that is it anyways I hope you guys enjoyed today's book ho thank you so so much for watching let me know what books you have picked up recently or if you have read any of these your thoughts on them and don't forget to click that subscribe button and click that notification bellow so you'll be notified whenever I post and I hope that you guys have a fabulous day whenever I upload this I don't know what's happening I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Hailey in Bookland
Views: 271,525
Rating: 4.9574203 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, young adult, reading, book, hailsheartsnyc, haileyinbookland, hailey in wonderland, teen books, teen reads, ya books, ya reads, young adult books, Hailey LeBlanc, unboxing book haul, giant book haul, giant unboxing book haul, big book haul, hailey in bookland book haul, huge book haul, massive book haul, giant unboxing, huge unboxing, unboxing books, bookoutlet unboxing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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