My Biggest Book Haul Ever?!

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everyone Italia and today I'm going to be doing such a giant book haul I do know how we got here but yeah it's another big book haul I feel like I didn't have that many books to haul and then all of a sudden Christmas happened and I have like so many when I was moving I was like oh my god there are so many books that I need to include in this book haul so it wasn't even Christmas gifts like these are mostly books that I bought myself or some that I received from publishers but long story short I could not hold all the books for the thumbnail I struggled but before we get into the video I wanted to apologize for the echo I'm in my new office and I'm still working on a getting rid of that so I ordered a rug it was supposed to come in today but obviously it didn't it has been delayed to the end of the week which is beyond frustrating but we're just not going to talk about it hopefully that will help fix the problem otherwise I have no clue what I'm gonna do the good news is I think this will probably be my last really big book haul for at least the next little while I am hoping to really tackle my TBR I did a video recently showing you guys all the unread books that I have and there's 150 of them I did do some unhauling so now it's more like 130 but still it's a lot so I have a game plan I think I might do a separate video on night let me know if you'd be interested in it and I will do that for you guys but if that works out then this will be the last big book haul for quite a while but since it's such a big book haul I have a ton of books to talk about so enough of me and just blabbing on let's get into the books so first of all this video is kindly sponsored by Disney Book Group in honor of the recent release of Street until morning by Liz Braswell this is the eighth installment in Disney's twisted tale series which is a really cool series of books by all sorts of different authors but they take classic Disney stories that you are familiar with and they kind of pose a question and the book answers that question so it twists the tale that you know do you get it you see what they did there with twisted tales yup do I need to spell it out for you no but here I am so this particularly is a Peter Pan retelling which i think is so cool because like I said in a recent video I'm always looking for Peter retellings but this one has the question what if Wendy first traveled to Neverland with Captain Hook dun-dun-dun so over the course of the book is just going to answer that question which i think is really cool I actually have a couple more of these books on my TBR so I think I might do a little Disney twisted tale read-a-thon soon and I will let you guys know what I'm doing that but this one is out now so you guys can go and pick it up I'm super excited to read it speaking of new releases I have actually kind of organized this book haul into categories so I'm going to continue talking about some new releases that I have purchased for myself so next is 9th house by T bar do go I'm not going to talk about this book too much because I feel like all of you know what it's about by now it's about Yale secret societies it has ghosts things in it I have started listening to the audiobook before Christmas but I think that I want to try and physically read it Leigh bardugo is one of my favorite authors this is her adult book so it's definitely different for her and I'm not sure if it's going to be a book that's for me but I'm excited to try it out eventually I just honestly have no clue when that's actually gonna happen next is the beautiful by Renee ad yay this is a book that is set in 1872 New Orleans and there's kind of like a thing that happens in this book that's apparently spoilery but also a lot of people know about it so it's kind of common knowledge but I'm not gonna talk about it but yeah it's a thing you know what I'm talking about if you know about it oh my god basically I've said it in a video before and someone was like someone said that was spoilery so now I'm just not gonna even get into that territory but this follows Selene who takes refuge at this convent after being forced to flee her life as a dress maker but then there's a murder mystery that ends up happening at this convent and it's like what is happening and she gets all wrapped up in this glitzy underworld of New Orleans it just sounds like a really interesting concept and like the map and everything is so beautiful I think the setting is what interests me the most about this book but I hope that it lives up to its potential next is the Guinevere deception by Kirsten Wyatt this like ninth house is another book that I actually started I started this and then I moved so I decided it was not the time for a fantasy novel but this follows princess Guinevere who comes to Camelot to Wed King Arthur so it's a king Arthur you telling but Merlin has thought up a solution to the magic that is klein at the kingdom's borders and that is for go out of here to marry King Arthur but one of you is actually a changeling and her true identity can never be known so not even Arthur can know her real name and that is definitely a main thing that came up in the like 30 pages that I had read of this book but she has to learn to navigate court life and be by King Arthur's side and stand on her own what's the line that it says there was nothing in the world as magical and terrifying as a girl which I love also this is blurb by Christina Lauren which is like my favorite romance author duo so that definitely piqued my interest next is infinity Sun by Adam Silveira I was very surprised when they showed up on my doorstep I don't remember having pre-ordered it but I guess I did I didn't include this in my 2020 and dissipated releases video just because I'm super skeptical that day I really love what is it history is all you left me by Adams silvera I love that one they both died at the end I thought was good by his other books I have kind of mixed feelings on so I wasn't sure about a fantasy but I have it now so I'm gonna try it this fall his brother's a meal in Brighton and they live in this world where they're if these idolized spell walkers they are a vigilante group in New York City that goes around fighting spectres and stealing their powers so Emil and Brighton are pretty opposite Brighton wishes to join the fight well Emil just wants the fighting to stop because they've all been fighting forever and he just wants peace but Emil ends up manifesting powers of his own so they are brought headfirst into this conflict this is gonna sound weird but I feel like Adam Silveira does a really good job of capturing New York cities so I'm interested to see how he's going to bring magic to that setting next I'm moving on to some more new releases but specifically some newly released sequels so first is star sight by Brandon Sanderson this came out at the end of November it is the sequel to skyward which I read last year and loved it was one of my favorite books of 2019 and that is surprising because it's a sci-fi but I'm definitely excited for the sequel I just need to be in the right mindset to actually sit down and read it but I know that once I am is going to be an action-packed side my adventure and I'm really looking forward to diving back into this world honestly it has like snarky spaceships and everything like what more could you want next is the night country by Melissa Albert this is the sequel to the Hazelwood which I read and really enjoyed although that is kind of a divisive book I can never remember if it's divisive or divisive but you get the point it divides people by I really enjoyed that book I thought it was atmospheric and it gave me just what I was looking for I have no clue what the sequel Isabel because I don't even really like reading synopsises for like the first book in a series so definitely the second book I never read the synopsis so I don't know if this is like a companion actually I should check on that no it is not a companion it's just to say after the events of the first book and I will need to refresh my memory on how it ended but definitely interested to see where it's going to go next is the tool by Neal Shusterman this is the finale to the scythe trilogy and I actually just finished this book and I have mixed feelings about it I thought it was good it was definitely my least favorite of the series though I liked how it ended I just feel like this book was very very long I will talk a little bit more about my thoughts in my next recent reads video but it just got to be a little bit boring at times as action-packed and interesting as it was there were a lot of lulls in the action as well and I felt like it focused on different characters that I would have liked to focus on at times so yeah I think this is a solid dystopian series though or utopia you know what I mean I say they're the same thing and people are like no they're not and like I get it but what I'm saying is that like there's no such thing as a true utopia because it always ends up being like a dystopian I digress if you are looking for a really interesting and new series definitely check out scythe next is call down the hawk by my you Steve otter this technically isn't a sequel but I'm counting it here because it does have to do with her previous series the Raven boys quartet is that what is Raven cycle quartet that's why that sounded weird this is highly highly anticipated I haven't heard a lot of reviews about it actually but it's the first book and Ronin centered trilogy Ronen if you've read The Raven boys you know him from that he's a very broody character definitely an interesting character so having a book focused on him or an entire trilogy I think is going to be great I just haven't gotten a chance to pick it up next is the conference of birds by transom Riggs kind of forgot this was coming out to be honest and then once again it showed up on my doorstep and I was like wow okay so this is the fifth installment in the Miss Peregrine series and I don't really remember the last installment but I do remember the original trilogy if that makes any sense I just don't remember the fourth book a math of days so once again gonna have to refresh my memory but then diving back into this world I think is going to be a lot of fun it is super fun for like a creepy read at the same time if you haven't seen this series before it's not scary it's just like the pictures that are in there they creep me right out I'm not gonna lie like I don't want to look at this this is one of those books that I definitely can't read when I'm home alone or anything like that because it's just going to creep me out because all the things kind of scare me but yeah next is the queen of nothing by Holly black this is the final book of the cruel prince trilogy I think it's the final book but I haven't even read the second book yet I haven't read we could get I really need to get to it I just heard so many mixed things that it didn't make me want to make it a priority but I did enjoy the first book enough that I want to see how I feel about the second and then lo and behold once again i pre-ordered this and it showed up on the doorstep and I had the third I don't plan on pre-ordering books anymore okay that that was a problem and the final sequel is children of virtue and vengeance by Tomy and a yummy this is the sequel to children a blend bone which came out and like everyone was talking about it it was absolutely everywhere but this sequel kind of came out quietly I don't know if people just kind of forgot it was happening or what but I kind of forgot it was happening to be honest but this cover is beautiful and I loved the world of the first book I enjoyed the characters a lot so I think I will probably listen to the audiobook for this one very soon next I have a little stack of romance books here they were on sale I couldn't help myself okay the first is not the girl you marry it by Andy J Christopher I this because it was purple and also because they had a French Bulldog on it I'm not gonna lie but he does actually sound really cool so it's like the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 days but Millenial style so jack is a journalist and he has really no luck in romance but that's because his viral success as a journalist has made it really difficult for him so he plans on writing his swan song article and it is going to be how much to lose a girl but then the girl he meets Hannah kind of changes things for him he realizes that maybe he doesn't actually want to lose her but she also is kind of mutually using him she works as an event planner and she's super dedicated to her job but she's not really able to rise in the ranks because her boss doesn't trust her to take on weddings because she's kind of emotional Asim : so she has to show her boss that she does have a romantic side and I think everything about that sounds like it's going to be fabulous and I honestly am really glad that I picked this one up on a whim next is get a life Chloe brown by Italia Hibbert well this one has a cat wonder I didn't even notice that but this is about a chronically ill computer geek and she decides that she wants to get herself a life so she creates this whole bucket list of things that she wants to do I do really enjoy a bucket list trope you know I've seen it a bunch of times but I think it's really fun so her mission is to rebell a little bit and she enlists the help of red who is a tattooed motorcycle guy by day but at night he's actually an artist and she knows this because she spies on him which I'm not sure how that's going to work out but I think that the bucket list is going to provide the opportunity for some sparks to fly between them obviously because it's a romance next is faker by Sarah Smith I honestly didn't know I picked this up there's a couple of things that make me and about romance novels one of them is sports I'm just not really into that and the second is construction working so I think I didn't pick this one up because of the construction hat but it's not actually about like construction workers does that make sense I don't know I'm just talking in circles I feel like at this point but this is an enemies two levers romance that follows Emmy who is one of the few female employees and a power tools company and she hates her co-worker Tate but then they have to work together on a charity construction project speaking of sports in romance novels next is the bromance book club by Lisa K Adams I kept on picking this book up whenever I would go to the bookstore and then putting it down and even online I would click on it read about it and I just I'd read Nashville legends second baseman gavin scott's marriage is a major-league trouble and that just had me like oh but it actually sounds like this could be a really fun book so it's essentially about gavin sky and his marriage is in trouble so he ends up going to this book club which has all these guys reading these steamy romances and he goes to try and understand more about his wife and how he might be able to save their relationship i think that actually sounds really sweet and I hope that it says cute and funny as it is in my mind next is would like to meet by Rachel Winters this is another book that I think sounds super cute so we followed the cynical assistant at a screenwriting agency as she has to act out these meet-cute scenes from classic rom-coms to try and get her number one client out of his writing writing slump no I I just mixed up a writer's book and reading slump struggles but he has writers books so if she agrees to help him out by acting out these scenes like from When Harry Met Sally I've never actually seen that movie but I just think that's gonna be so cute I have seen like a fair amount of rom-coms in my day so I'm looking forward to seeing how those scenes are going to bring them together because obviously next is the flatshare by beth O'Leary I kept on getting recommended this book I saw it in the bookstore and the cover didn't really do much for me and it wasn't shelved with the romances so it's kind of like mad like it just didn't make me want to pick it up not that I won't pick up anything that's not what the romance is but it just wasn't compelling to me but countless times you guys were telling me like when I would ask on Instagram because I like hearing what you guys are reading so I asked a lot on Instagram what you're reading a lot of you guys would say this book all the time and then a lot of you guys recommended this book to me so finally I picked it up I am glad though because it does sound really cute upon further inspection so essentially this flat share is tiffy has just through a really bad breakup so now she has nowhere to live because she had to move out so she is desperate to try and find a place to live but everywhere is either out of her budget she's just having a crappy time with it so then finally Tiffany is kind of fed up and she sees an ad for a flatshare and she decides to answer it so Leon works nights so he will take the apartment during the day tiffy can have the apartment on weekends and nights and they'll never even actually have to meet each other but they start communicating through notes at the apartment and like it starts out as cute mundane things but then like I just think that sounds so cute I love that guy so much I think I'm probably gonna try and breathe this in February because obviously I'm really excited about it I just like oh my god that concept though next I have four editions of the same book here what book could that be what book could it be if you missed it I did an official count the other day and I have 95 copies of Alice in Wonderland so now I need to get five more but these four include you to the 95 so this first one here is the Wordsworth edition I just think it's so cute I love that the pink Millenial pink very on trend but I like it a lot and this one I can't remember if I've hauled before but it's just an old one that I got at a used bookstore like honestly for the life of me can't even remember where I got this or if it was given to me or what next is the Meno Lima Edition this one I oh my god I have been hoping since they started doing these they have like the Jungle Book I have actually I have the jungle book they have Peter Pan it's not on this shelf it's on the Shelf downstairs but it's like in that top corner but they have Little Mermaid they have all sorts of things and I have been dying for them to announce that they were doing Alice and finally they did so this is such a fun bright and vibrant interactive edition it's so cool I highly recommend that you pick this up when you go to a book store so you guys can just see how cool it is because like it is so addicting but now they're actually coming out with a season's edition of Alice which I was also hoping for and I'm so excited and the final one was actually gift and that is this one right here this is the Canterbury classics edition yes and this was a gift from my parents they got it when they went out west and they gave it to me for Christmas I've had my eye on this Edition for a really long time so I'm really excited to finally have it to to my collection speaking of Christmas gifts I have a couple more gifts here so let's just get to those next is actually a cookbook so this was a gift to me from my sister's boyfriend it is cravings hungry for more by Chrissy Teigen it is her second cookbook and I've made a couple of things from here I actually don't even remember because I also have her first cookbook so I've made stuff from that but the one thing that I definitely remember making from here is this the Pad Thai carbonara is so good I've made this twice now and I got this book at Christmas so like obviously that's saying a lot but I'm obsessed with cooking if you guys didn't know and this is a great cookbook to have the recipes are super flavorful flavorful I've made this and then I think then okie was also from here I also made these actually the salt and vinegar baked fries those were really good but my point basically is that this is an amazing cookbook and I'm obsessed with cooking next year a couple of books that I got from my sister for Christmas so it is the dogus puppies and the dog is number one so it literally just has different pictures of dogs it's so cute oh my god I love it there's also some dachshunds in here so we have some Charlie representation see there's one right at the top so cute but I love these and then the puppies one I feel like Charlie should be in this honestly oh my god these are so cute oh my god I could just look at this literally forever but yeah these are adorable it's honestly just cute pictures of puppies and dogs and all dogs are puppies so basically the same thing but I have these in the living room and I think that's the perfect spot for them so then I can just look at them all the time I do have a couple of random books that I have bought myself that I forgot so one of them is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire illustrated edition I don't believe I called this yet but if I have I'm sorry I had actually just read the Goblet of Fire before this came out which is kind of sad because I was reading all the Illustrated editions but oh well it just takes too long to like read them along with it actually I need to get back to my Harry Potter ravine I was expecting this to be a little bit bigger than it is there's not quite as many illustrations I love these illustrated petitions though once again if you're at the bookstore definitely give it a flick through because I think they're worth some money personally like if you really love the series then I think it's definitely worth the illustrations are just beautiful so I actually haven't given this one a thorough flip through yet but I definitely will be doing that at some point I just have not gotten the chance and next I picked up this puffin classics edition box set so I'm kind of working on building my classics collection like slowly but surely I never had room at my old house obviously because I mean I just had a bedroom but now that I kind of had more room that's something that I want to do like very slowly but this was super affordable it was 50% off so like it ended up being I think it was like 30 bucks or something like that so it was like that's awesome in here we have Anna bring Gables The Secret Garden The Wind in the Willows and Peter Pan I do admittedly own all of these books already but I don't own these editions I'm a reader but I'm also book collector don't come at me I just really love pretty books now getting to the books that I have received recently one of them is strange planet by Nathan W pile I don't know if you guys follow this Instagram account but it's so funny it's just these little aliens and they have like they just like talk like may I mouth push your mouth and it's to kiss like the way that they say things it's just like matter the matter of fact and the weirdest language but it's not wrong it's just like not what people would say definitely just go and check out the Instagram account but this is just like a bunch of comics in here and I'm really happy to have it it's very funny now finally we have this giant stack of arcs here I'm going to kind of speed through these as quickly as I can but still tell you what they're about just there's so many in this video is already so long first is of curses and kisses by son Kim and none and this is coming out February 18th and it is a Beauty and the Beast retelling set in a contemporary setting at a boarding school so the main character of princess Jana is coming to her sister's defense because her sister has kind of been getting harassed by this particular family so then one of the members of that family ends up going to her boarding school and she decides that she has the perfect plan she decides that she's going to make him fall in love with her and then break his heart we all know how that's going to end though next is when we were magic by Sarah Gailey this is coming out March 3rd and it is about queer witches I'm not gonna lie I like started reading and it's kind of inappropriate side always who boo Mike it was really funny it was like the first couple of like literally there's just this blurb here and it's super funny so that kind of made me definitely who are interested in this book but the main character alexis is trying to keep her magic a secret she is in love with her best friend and then on prom night there's this accidental magic that goes sideways and they keep on trying to fix it and fix it but it keeps getting worse and worse and it's just failed spell after failed spell but this group of queer which is trying to fix it all next is Yes No maybe so by becky albertalli and Aisha Saeed so this comes out February 4th so it'll actually be out by the time you guys see this video it's about politics though which kind of took me by surprise a little bit so Jamie is volunteering behind the scenes for a local Senate candidate but he doesn't want to go door to door he's not really comfortable with that I mean while Maya is having me worst Ramadan her friends are too busy to hang out with her her parents are separating she's just having a very rough time and her mom solution for it is to get her involved in the campaign for this local senator so Jamie and Maya end up meeting on this campaign and get involved in way more political activism than they were expecting to next is bone crackers moon by Kathryn Purdy this is coming out March 10th this is the first book in a high stakes fantasy geology and it's about a girl who must sacrifice the boy she loves to protect the living from the dead so bone Criers they protect the living from the dead that's literally what I just said that was rhyme but to have that power it comes at the cost of sacrificing your one true love and main character Elyse she wants to be a bone crier but in order to do so she has to make that sacrifice dunt dunt turn next is the upside of falling by Alex late this is actually a Wattpad story which I did not know before so that's interesting this is coming out February 18th and follows a girl who her friend has been making fun of her for not having a boyfriend which is like a weird thing to do in the first place but she gets so tired of it that she decides okay I do have a boyfriend and this guy over here's her so he's like yeah I'll be your fake boyfriend so we have a fake dating troph which is a great trope so I can't wait to see where that's gonna next is once upon a sunset bite if Marcello this actually just came in the mail for me today it is the author of the key to happily ever after which I have on my TBR haven't gotten the chance to read it yet but this is about an OBGYN who has just broken up with her boyfriend her grandmother has died and she makes a medical decision that disparages the hospital so she's forced to go on a short break her mother stumbles upon a letters from her grandfather to her grandmother in the 1940s oh so they thought that he died in World War two but oh he didn't they have surviving relatives in the Philippines and Diana embarks on a once-in-a-lifetime trip that challenges her identity family history and the idea of romantic love that that could change her life forever I don't like to normally just sit there and read the synopsis but I honestly do do what this one was about that sounds really cool though I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about the culture alongside these characters and I like the fact that it's not set in a western setting because they feel like most romances that I read are and that's probably mostly my fault but yeah by the way this is coming out March 3rd next is all your twisted secrets by Diana urban so this sounds like it's going to be a really interesting read it is kind of like that typical Breakfast Club set up we have a queen bee an athlete like valedictorian all that stuff but they're all invited to the scholarship dinner but when they show up they discover that there is a bomb and also a syringe filled with poison and they have been given the task to choose one of them to die or else they're all going to die that's all I really needed to know to learn to read this book definitely going to be high stakes and I'm hoping it lives up to my expectations next is the time of our lives by Emily Webb early in Austen Seidman Broca this is gonna be old April 21st so it's still quite a ways to go for this book it follows two characters who meet on this college tour the one is hoping to get away from home and her overbearing parents as quickly as possible but the other character is hoping to go to this college to stay close to home because his mother has early onset Alzheimer's so the two of them end up talking and meeting and having this relationship I'm not really sure how but over the course of this college tour I really am excited for this one because there's not many that are set in college that is not normally an age group that is written about like life after high school and I like the fact that this is a coming-of-age story that is going to deal with that next is girl serpent thorn by Melissa basher dose this is described as a modern-day fairy tale or not really modern-day but like a new fairy tale and it is about a girl who is deadly to the touch and she has been sequestered because of that bye she finally is coming out and learning to live as someone who is deadly to the touch and this is coming out May 12th so there's a long wait for this next is the best laid plans by Cameron lund this is coming out April 7th and it is about this girl who is determined to change her status as the last virgin standing and her friend group but she doesn't want to pick just any guy she wants to meet the right guy but she's kind of struggling with died and finally this guy comes along who's interested in her and she's interested in him but she doesn't want to mess it up so her best friend Andrew agrees to show her the ropes of relationships and dating and all of that so she can be successful in this other relationship I have a feeling I know where this is gonna go and I'm not mad about it next is we are the Wildcats by Siobhan Vivian this is coming out March 31st and it is all about this girls hockey team and them escaping this toxic coach they have this overnight sleepover to try and build team morale before their season opens but the coach ends up taking them somewhere completely different on this midnight initiation ceremony and it is set over the course of 24 hours and follows six diverse perspectives apparently it's deeply suspenseful I honestly don't really know what to expect from this book but it has me intrigued next is the managing deep by Astrid Schult this is coming out March 3rd and it is all about this underwater Kingdom actually I'm not sure if it's a sci-fi or fantasy it kind of blurs the lines between the two but Tembe was born in a world of water her planet was destroyed and she had to learn to live on water but still she keeps on going to that city below actually scavenging trying to earn enough money to bring her sister back to life because there's this research facility that will bring loved ones back to life for 24 hours and it's not because she wants this reunion her sister is responsible for her parents death so she wants to find out why and obviously and finally oh my god I thought me never get to the end of this book call but finally is all the stars and teeth by Adeline grace once again this is kind of a watery fantasy so we have the princess of an island Kingdom amaura and she is expected to know spirit magic everyone else in their kingdom gets to choose the magic that they have but as a princess she's not allowed to she has to know spirit magic but when her demonstration goes awry because she has to prove to everyone that she knows it but it goes badly and she ends up obviously I mean that's where the plot takes off so that is the end the end of the book haul I didn't think we would ever make it here but oh my goodness that was exhausting so hope you guys enjoyed today's book haul I definitely definitely if I am going to get this many books which I shouldn't be anymore but I need to like do my book hauls closer together because wow I do have a lot of great books here though that I'm really excited to get to so hopefully you also found some more to add to your shelves but thank you once again to Disney book group for sponsoring today's video don't forget to check out straight on till morning bye Liz Braswell it is out now so you can find it wherever books are sold that is going to be all for today's video though I hope you guys enjoy it and I will see you guys the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Hailey in Bookland
Views: 113,609
Rating: 4.9632182 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, young adult, reading, book, hailsheartsnyc, haileyinbookland, hailey in wonderland, teen books, teen reads, ya books, ya reads, young adult books, Hailey LeBlanc, hailey in bookland, book haul, giant book haul, biggest book haul ever, huge book haul, hailey in bookland book haul, big book haul, new books
Id: lq7_aN4Z8DY
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Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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