Strand Titan is Still S Tier (What About Wishful Ignorance)

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what's up guys today we're going be going over strand Titan in season 24 and the final shape and I believe strand Titan is still absolutely s tier in this game I'm going to be comparing the sys to the new exotic The Wishful ignorance and seeing which one is better seeing how good these new goblins are is it still just us syo all the time or is there a place for these in the game so starting off with synthos seps damage on Carl base melee with Banner war is still going to be a 1.4 4 x melee increase and then with the synthos by themselves they'll be a 2.65 same as on Hunter with the Exotic cloak but the thing about these two Buffs now is that once you combine them Banner of War will decrease to a 1.15 instead of being the full 1.4 taking the total increase to just over 3x and of course we can also add in one two punch and a debuff such as tractor Canon a 1.3 and a 2X from one two punch taking the total two to 7.92 increase over our base melee damage and looking at that increase on top of the frenzy blades and take the damage of frenzy blade to 217,000 you also get a huge increase for grapple melee you're going to get all the same Buffs as before and that will take it up to 206 * 2 a total of 412,000 while we mentioned the frenzy blade is 27.5 so pretty good damage off the bat not as good as Hunter but comparing stuff to Prismatic Hunter is kind of not fair right now and the thing about ceps is it's also in the right column for the Exotic class item so we can kind of combine and maybe get an upgrade to this exotic and looking at the best ones you could combine with ceps in the left you could go with assassin to become invisible after getting a power melee final blow that could be really nice for a harder content get in there kill the champion and get out you can also just run inless light to help build back up your grenade and your melee by using both back and forth then every once a while whenever you have your arcade also use that to empower both times two and that'll just help regen both and that would be the way I think I would go with this build just to help get the melee and your grapple back you could also go with sance to make the power melee final blows or finishers unleash a damaging explosion that could give this a little bit better AOE accar which obviously always helps and overall I think those are the three I'd be looking for myself I haven't farmed out on Titan yet I should be doing that in the next few days but I'm definitely most curious about inmost and Severance so now comparing all the damage of syps to the new exotic Wishful ignorance and what these do is gain an additional frenzy blade charge frenzy blade briefly increases their damage with each strike pules from your banner of War return melee energy based on the number of allies healed so looking at that as we use our four frenzy blades we'll get a stack of the buff every time up to a Max of times three and this both will linger for about 2 and 1/2 seconds between uses and the melee increases at and the melee increase at times 1 is 1.2 at two is 1.5 and at three it's going to be double melee damage and unlike s those steps this will fully stack with Banner War being the full 1.4x from Banner war with this exotic taking the total to I think it was like 77,000 on the final melee obviously we can also par this with tractor Canon and one two punch once again you will have to reactivate one two punch on every melee I believe I tried to do double melees and it wasn't working maybe I need more handling I'm not sure but looking at the total damage from each melee with each stack of the buff at times three it went up to 199,000 and one thing about using these gauntlets is you're going to be missing out a lot of damage for your grapple melee it can do way less than with syntho seps so if we compare the damage of syntho to Wishful the highest melee damage of both was 217 than with Wishful 199 the syth being roughly 9% more but then if we compare to the first melee since obviously is still going to be 217 but the wish's first melee was 999,000 so over the first melee syntho is 118% better then after two melees syntho gets doubled to 434 while whall goes up to 219 which is making a slight comeback at one 98% more after three melees the max you can do with synthos before you run out charges is 62,000 which will climbs up a little bit higher at 369 now only 77% behind kind after four melees synthos stays the same cuz you don't have four melees but with the fourth melee of Wishful goes up to 569 th000 which synthos is still 15% more damage with one less melee than the entire four uses of Wishful so not looking great for this new exotic in terms of just roll damage output it's not better for total damage it's not better after any single amount of melees and up until this point I haven't talked about the second melee the storm and the reason I haven't talked about these yet is because one they're just not going be as good for Pure damage output or Str and Titan the second reason is they're even worse off than the frenzy blade not only still cap at time three but the time three is only at 1.36 on this melee compared to the full two on frenzy blade making the comparison to Sy STS even worse Sy steps are just way better for this melee compared to the new exotic with Banner War doing over 25,000 per initial impact the only saving grace is going to be the increased return rate of your melee the way this works is every single time the banner of War pulses and heels you're going to get roughly 10% of your melee back based on the amount of people being healed including you and with Banner War the higher the stack of banner War so times 1 time 2 * 3 * 4 it's going to take faster and faster so with Time 4 it's going to be proing and healing very very rapidly and for every Ally including you it's going to be roughly 10% of your melee back so while playing solo it's only pulse and give you 10% is back but if you have one Ally on your bite it's going to go up to 20 you have two it's going to go up to 30 and with times four Banner war and at least like one or two allies nearby you're going to be getting your melees back incredibly fast and you could put on a pugilist primary using something like the breach light to help get your melee back even faster this season we also have have showed Crush from the artifact which will make it so we recharge our melee faster and get 25% more melee damage while having woven M and with this build with Into The Fray you will always have woven M on this build coning it that increased melee recharge rate and the 25% more melee damage taking the syntho currency blade damage to 271,000 you can just add 25% more to all numbers previously shown in this video so overall with these Exotics definitely never going to be lacking melee charges you might actually have twoo many melee charges where you don't even know what to do with them you're going to be meleeing like red bars just to get rid of them you get it back very very quickly comboed with Into The Fray and if you throw in a pugilist primary I mean you just get them so fast but overall does that make up for the incredibly lack of damage from this exotic compared to the ceps honestly in my opinion definitely not the whole point of Str tiing is just to like output a lot of damage from your melees and like one hit or two hit Champions and move on while with this even on light in the lowest difficulty of the Nightfall at best it's going to take two melees to kill the champion while with the ceps they're easily going to be one hit and it's not like you don't get your melee back that fast without these gauntlets on I'm using pilous breach light and with Into The Fray you're going to be getting your melee back still very fast and you're still going to have at least one one if not two charges for every Champion you run into you might not have the excess that you do with The Wishful exotic but you're still going to have enough I think the bouncing on Wishful is just really really bad and I'm not sure how or why they ship them in this state I think the balancing is pretty straightforward of how to make it work correctly because right now with the max buff of times three the melee damage is still lower than that of the synos subs even though they Nerf Baner interaction with the synthoceps and this is still the 1.4x there is absolutely no reason why the max damage of the time string melee where you have to hit three melees first and it only applies to your fourth one isn't higher single damage than any single syep melee there's just absolutely no reason that should be the case for these gauntlets to be worth using the final melee with the full buff has to be doing more damage in a single melee than sys and if you combine the total damage of all four melees and compare it to the three melees of the syps it also needs to be higher and I think the crossover point should be after three melees I think syps should be better for the first and second melee then after three melees with both the total damage should be kind of getting close then at four melees these have to just be straight up better in terms of total damage and the single last melee damage and if that was the case I would 100% recommend using these but right now it just loses in every single category except for just simply getting your melee back faster to the point where your first melee with some the steps is going to be more damaged than the first two of this exotic so right now I would not recommend running the new Wishful exotic but as a whole strength Titan is absolutely still perfectly fine is that as good as Prismatic Hunter no but I think comparing stuff to Prismatic Hunter is just kind of unfair it is easily one of the best sub classes of all time and even though strength Titan isn't as good as it it's still among the best in the game anyways I think that's be it for the video like usual thanks for watching catch you guys next time
Channel: Ehroar
Views: 60,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny, Ehroar, Destiny 2 Ehroar, Destiny 2 Final Shape, The Final Shape, Titan, Titan Build, Ehroar Titan, Strand Titan is Still S Tier, What About Wishful Ignorance, Destiny 2 Strand Titan, Strand, Strand Titan Build, Destiny 2 Wishful Ignorance, Wishful Ignorance, Destiny 2 Synthoceps, Synthoceps, Synthoceps VS Wishful Ignorance, Best Synthoceps Combo, Exotic Class Item, Best Titan Build, Best Strand Build, Is Strand Titan Still Good, Wishful Ignorance Test, Tier, D2
Id: QFMaK_wEXi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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