Million Dollar Cash Game 5.0 [Full Highlights] ♠ Live at the Bike!

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see number one andy you guys know him you guys gotta get to know him a little bit better on wayne's poker craft this past monday i really enjoyed it if you guys want to watch it i think it's on our back end on our website our live stream we're gonna read this time buddy it happened [ __ ] look too busy figuring how much i need to do see number two is john cohen rising star here in l.a seat number three is john cena 2018 world series main event champ the champ of all champs is in the building see number four garrett adelstein known to be one of the best players all around seat number six bill klein get back to introducing the players you guys know them though thank you neither player loves this king johnson with the set on the river 4 000 in the pot flush draw bricks you can make his hand look like a miss flush drawn he's going to bet a quarter pot targeting these hands like pocket threes and fives and sevens and eights he's really targeting those hands pretty spot on with this bet sizing 10 seconds small bat garrett's probably just gonna paint it off here it only has to be good here one and six times wow garrett makes the fold let's get this game started all right i'll rack up can you do magic i'm kidding 600. maria now with the two jacks john sin is gonna go for the back to back squeeze and we're going to go three ways this flop three players jackson lead but equities are running close see what's going on with lakers and clippers tonight 8 500 in the pod and johnson at the top of his range enough to keep the jackson for sure cool johnson he's capable of having some straights here six seven ace two so even though this board looks pretty dry lakers for clippers it is a pretty dangerous board i really like johnson's best sizing here trying to keep in those under pairs to the king maria's gotta risk sixty five hundred to win twenty one hundred and feel she's getting the right price so she's going to make the call i don't know why it's funny to me something really awkward socially about poker quiet very intense ten seconds wow pretty sick johnson is gonna go for another street of thin value it looks like it's gonna have to be like a quarter pot oh he goes half pot ten seconds and if you're maria here the main hand that you beat is ace queen that's gonna go the distance with three barrels she gives up the jacks got it just had fun sweet yeah you're going to make a smile yeah do anything fun oh you put your hands in vegas when you were in cabo just relax yeah for me do you like that like low-key beachy type and andy with number one here two angels also known as american airlines weapons of mass destruction i don't i don't enjoy that and daniel flops to her when we travel like that we went to the cayman islands like not too long ago daniel oh puts in the sneaky call and there's an eight on the turn times a day like i gotta be doing some [ __ ] like always paddleboarding and stuff like that oh so that i mean that counts yeah but you know many people that'll travel they'll literally now with the bigger two parents almost like daniel or like my worst nightmare i'm not [ __ ] on it it's just my worst nightmare it's like six thousand you have like a time share or whatever you have like you just or you stay at the same resort whatever and then you just sit at the resort pool all day every day like i would just gonna pay a dark bedroom all day every day than that no no i mean it's better like in the sense that i don't have to travel to get there like i'd rather stay at home that's what i think three players john cohen also with the king i believe so i was over there cooler flop for john cohen oh and john gets there on the turn 8 100 in the pot last decade we took there's only two of us there's nobody else on the golf course and we were catching up anyway and it must have taken checks it back doesn't even care about he knows that john can have queen 10 there every tree was a slightly different color some king jacks maybe some slow pay pocket jacks and some slow plate sets wonder if i actually haven't hit a golf ball 5500 from john cohen i wonder if garrett is thinking about putting a raise here he does have two pair as well interested to see how carrot dissects his hand here 10 seconds call he calls you and he just makes the call 700. raise it make it 4 200. um buff it up make it 10 500. and bill with the four bet here with two fours pretty sick here he must think that john is three betting way too much and he's gonna put in the four bet oh and john's gonna make the the call we're gonna see a 22 thousand dollar pots of the flop john cohen with the nut flush draw also a very good blocker to ace king and aces 8500 8500 about 40 percent pop that bill climb putting john cohen on the test here but john cohen has a pure continue you can continue with the raise and you can continue with the call check john cohen's hand gets even better although he does know that bill's range consists of a lot of east king hands he does have the removal for them check check check check nearly 40 000 in this pot i think john cohen has another check here check ten thousand but he leads a quarter pot trying to get value from queens well done it's the biggest pot so far i believe all right you're a good man thank you for that i'm gonna be sweating bullets here in a minute i might need it four players oh daniel does make the call figuring he's getting a decent price here 1200 to win 5100 he does have the backdoor diamond two overs yeah he has he's ten right pretty action card denny now with open-ended bill with the nut straight 3 700. garrett kind of in a tough spot here okay he makes a fold he just doesn't like how connected that turn card is i would imagine bill's going to put in a big healthy raise here something that fine tune of something like 12 000 maybe on the money oh daniel does make the call check 30 000 in the pot daniel with 17 000 back and bill with the nuts straight although the board did pair daniel would have to have something like 10 6 or jack 6. oh and it goes check check bill's worried that daniel could have a full house 700. i think all options are available for johnson a little bit of calling a little bit of raising a little bit of folding seems good cooler flop here for john maria with daniel just added a hundred thousand in seat number nine third sizing hirona board that she dominates should have aces kings ace king she could have all the sets the best two pair 8 800 in the middle john is still ahead of queens and jacks and some bluffs like eight seven suited ten seconds then five thousand bed of 5 000 and johnson's going to continue for at least one more street johnson now loses to jax he doesn't be much even though he has an ace now it looks like she's reaching for something like ten thousand ten thousand five hundred johnson's getting four to one on his money he's gotta risk one unit to win three units which means he has to be good here 25 percent of the time is he good here 25 time i do not know it's a very tough board he does beat like eight seven suited that michael the distance turns a seven into a pair and john just pays it off sometimes when you're getting the right price you just make the call oh is that straddle sorry what do you want to do 1200 all right john cohen with the three bat massively high stakes being played straddle around intact john with top pair and a backdoor flush draw back to our straight troll is going to pile pollen 3000. daniel's going to call he's got some good backdoor equity as well on a pair two pair now for daniel john cohen does not like that card and checks it back two pair verse two pair one liner of the straight on board though 8 000 8 000 from daniel john cohen is worried that daniel has something like ace 10 or king 10 or jack 10. ten seconds eight thousand to one twenty two thousand dollars looks like john cohen's just gonna pay it off he's hoping that daniel just has some sort of brick he does pay it off pretty thin value bet from daniel well done [Applause] nice play five media fold 25 give him a free one 25. john with a big three bet 2500 to go byron with the new 2019 version of ace king he's five suited he's got some good removal playing it like aces and ace king is gonna put in the four bet and john cohen's gonna make the call just like that there's 17 000 in the pot oh and two pair for byron john with pocket kings and just like that ace magnets on the flop 61. bet of 6 100 and a call turn card is not very good for john as well since byron could have two queens in his hand so what sizing byron wants to go for obviously attacking hands like ace king are the hands that he's targeting to get value from i like byron's sizing here he's got 16 000. meaning if john calls he's gonna have 40 000 to shove the river with 65 on the clock [Applause] i just found that out right now there's four in the middle garrett raised 2 000. daniel with the three bet yara with just a flat i hear there's a good wait list you know three ways to this flop and maria with a set of tens garrett also with a pretty sick hand got a straight draw on the nut flush draw daniel also has an open-ended with the king of hearts in hand so you can make the second nut flush maria's got about 4 000 which is about two-thirds of the pot garrett has the perfect removal card for the nut flush that's nice gary's thinking about mixing a raisin or a call in with this pure continue with the ace of hearts in hand and daniel both break out and maria still with a set of tens okay that's 12 000 snap votes from garrett and daniel right it's in toronto [Laughter] raise it up five cara with another three bed versus john garrett does flop top two seems like it's been the story of this session so far john opens scared three bets john with the gut shot he's gonna take a stab four not the best seat to have garrett on your left hyper aggressive player and just a smooth call from garrett that's how you know garrett is a balanced player and has a balanced strategy although he is hyper aggressive he mixes in his top two pair with a check call when he was the aggressor like he would play as ace king and ace queen type hands 15. your chips please and a big bet by john cohen to 15 000. john cohen is saying he has the hands that girders repping nines eights sixes some over pairs and some big draws she's repping then he has something like tens or jacks needs protection or those sets [Applause] if john did have those hands he did counterfeit garrett's 9 8 but he checks it back that was a pretty massive pot for almost fifty thousand dollars yeah we should instill like the john cohen rule or like anytime your stack gets below like you just happen you just have to reload yeah you're just embarrassing everyone else oh bump it up 5 000. [Applause] 10 seconds and we got a flush drawers flush draw it's gonna be a big pop ruin here both players with two overs usually these hands get played super fast maria's just going to put in the smooth call she's ahead of all other flush draws like she is she's got good equity if andy does have over pairs and andy now with a straight draw flush draw and still only has twenty percent equity and the pot is already twenty seven thousand two hundred dollars definitely the biggest paul of the night potentially andy says half pot 14 000. there was a three-bet pre-flop from the small blind so andy's telling the story that he has something like aces kings east king maria has good removal to block those hands she's trying to figure out how much she has in her stack she knows she has a pure continue here she is ahead of something like 10 jack of clubs or six seven of clubs so she does have a little bit of showdown value we're just trying to figure out what's the best way to dissect this hand with the caller with a raise she makes the call on this pot is now 55 200 and we're off to the river and there's the brick andy with jack high bottom of his range 10 seconds time he has around 20 combos of value with aces kings ace king so you should have around 10 combos of bluffs so if he's using 10 jack of clubs and some six sevens and seven eighths and he checks it though ten seconds oh maria checks it back and she's gonna win with ace high fifty five thousand two hundred dollar pod and ace high's gonna win it where's food and then he just moves the tray like 10 feet that way he sits over there sits over there and he's like nobody wants to say anything yeah i don't care like how broke i am or how good this food is like i'm getting out [ __ ] up i'm eating that food yeah i'm leaving the food yeah he's getting food elsewhere that's what i'm saying like i'm not i don't really like i'm not happy with this better chance somebody's gonna wear the food yeah there's a better chance someone might wear that food before one time we were in a game with nick uh and we've been playing like a long time so it's pretty late at night uh and i like cooler him in a big hand stack of eddie leaves he had already ordered food his food comes like five minutes later and i think the graphics are a little bit off don't want your food bro byron didn't just raise sixty thousand he really liked that one but he did race to six hundred and there's a three back times you guys just have spent yeah of that stuff you can right you know you really it was so funny you're sitting around a room trying to write that stuff yeah yeah and i think nick's like a great candidate because i think he's probably secretly you know three percent mad when i send the text like if he scares zero it's not quite as my closest friends my whole life i get a chocolate milkshake i feel really uncomfortable being nice to them andy with middle pair best kicker and back door flush draw and the aggressor peter peter can you go get a card ten seconds third pot sizing for mandy i think that sizing does the trick it keeps him worse which it just did keeps an eight seven suited that's the bike room connection tournament where we rate like our top five types of asian cuisine yeah have you been on the table perfect card for byron who now turned an open-ended and a snapchat from andy this could be a spot where byron just only shows havoc sometimes and sometimes where he takes a free card i think if he unleashes havoc he's got to go that and a big bad river it's really rich ten thousand for environments there's one big bad let's raise the bar yeah yeah let's just raise the bar a little bit here 37 000 and these pots are getting really big now everything left to make two trips out of it it's basically like korean barbecue but like walk around nowhere from andy and the answer is straight ahead and to your right that's always the answer because wherever you are there's a bathroom straight ahead and to the right iron it out so that eight high in his hand knows he cannot win with eight high look around no i had some friends that worked there and then my my kids and my grandkids go hell yeah there's no question that buyers at the bottom of his range my wife and her girlfriends with eight high i mean they just they love the place it's a fun place it's a great little day yeah check check it out and it goes check checking and he's gonna win with and there's none of the rest you saw this one either huh my name is dolan knight that's pretty good check yeah watch it because it was like on the list for a few golden globe nominations itself kinda he he plays like uh this kind of like john with top hair and down guy who always wanted to be like a famous singer rapper actor backdoor flush draws and then like he becomes one basically through uh like black black exploitation movies i think i'm pronouncing that word correctly do you know what those are turn is a pretty big brick it's like a popular one like in the 70s right yeah good spot for johnson to keep getting some value from some flush draw some street draws kicker like daniel does have only one character right yep for sure yeah yeah yeah he's made a lot of bad movies in the like lost whatever this one's this one's pretty good it's really well it's it's even better reviewed than i thought it was pot almost 15 000 pretty wet board here interesting river car because john improves to two pairs but it is a car that produced one it does smash the middle of the deck right there it's pretty good like no one's very famous but it's like a rap battle movie yeah you i assume you've loved a mile right this movie was really good too dude you'd like it yeah what sizing johnson's going to pick your property something right again is like rap battles and i just love watching that [ __ ] and johnson goes pretty big 11 500. get that for um i gotta get that for christmas so i can clean my aluminum siding yeah you strike me as a guy that does your own siding draw daniel does beat something like six seven of hearts ace five of hearts ace four of hearts but as we can see he's way behind the two pair of johnson five seconds and here comes a time chip from daniel he's very confused by this bat by john cena uh alright daniel's still in the tank wondering if johnson would have went bet bad with some missed flush draws 10 seconds you've seen the recent eminem in the canyon back and forth they're just talking [ __ ] to each other and daniel makes the call and johnson's going to win a 37 000 pot conrad brian chang wayne of course who's rocking with us as well metal doctor come up kid alex redwolf's one newton de leon what's up newton intro morph as well what's up intromorph see you guys all out there in the chat those of you guys are who are new to live at the bike make sure you guys hit the subscribe button bringing you high stakes action every friday here from the bicycle casino we got a new hotel awesome brewery here if you guys want to check it out actually brew four beers here we've got uh quantum tournaments going on this weekend so if you guys want to play some tournaments and you're in l.a come on down check it out daniel with a pair of jacks byron with the lead firing with the gut shot as well some good removal taste king probably about the best removal you can ask for when byron gets there firing with the nut straight thirteen thousand six hundred byron see if he can wiggle out of this one he makes a call oh no that's his that's yours right he's mine that's not it's not really yeah unhealthy enough for how things are going thank you wasn't there this place i forgot what it's called maybe like village the village yeah some big games like what happened it's now seven mile right is that is it the same place and village okay i played like in all those big games at the village yeah it was just like a small game and then us with a bunch of armed guards just playing a different game just like that five thousand make it five large in random secret times and like yeah it was like one of the weirdest things yeah they let us play with commerce ships people would i would never admit any of this now i always never leave a casino with any money but at the time you couldn't get a box at this piece of [ __ ] place so people would come and go with uh chips from there but it was just a big cluster [ __ ] dude this is every rule is broken you'd have like crystal everyone i played with was even worse than me that wasn't a bad part of it half pot size bet from byron both players with the spade in hand which means both players can make a backdoor flush good old chula no but i've heard there's i've heard there's nice areas there was one holiday inn around there that was reasonable nothing else was like you know nice for like a long way stay there it's fine that was it didn't seem like a particularly nice area but i'll take a word for it it's five stars yeah and chris gonna turn his sevens into a bluff he's gonna wrap a flush he's gonna rep an ace put byron in a tough spot byron i don't think he can fold here for getting a price of eleven thousand and one forty thousand with the queen of spades in his hand check chris can rep a flush he can rep six seven if he decides not to give up and chris rips it all in for twenty five thousand eight hundred dollars chris's second or third hand on the table so fearless he has pinpointed brian byron's exact hand he's he thinks he has something like tens through kings maybe with the spade in it thinks he can get byron to lay those down let's see what do you guys think of the chat one if you think byron's gonna call two if you think byron's gonna fold this will be the biggest pot of the night if byron makes the call it'll be a hundred thousand dollar pot byron time chip extended what do you all think in the chat one call twofold i'm not sure i do know this is a sick spot twitch chat is rocking a lot of twos you guys think you guys think he's going to fold the twitch chat mainly all folds pretty sick combo for chris to bluff though with he's got he blocks six seven and he blocks some flush draw so youtube chad thinks he's gonna call i see a lot more ones in the youtube chat and byron makes a fold comes right this guy's playing great wow chris gets it through i think he showed the hand sevens with the spade yeah he showed the hand what a sick puppy a second hand million dollar cash game 5.0 on those four take sevens any of you guys can have the field if you want to bet five bucks the other guy yeah yeah just kidding no it applies well to you too i was talking about the other guy but silent assassin also applies to you in zero ways 44 hundo the thing you wrote on twitter was so funny dude you're like here we have this guy about to give a boy but he always put garrett in the retirement and then we never find out it feels bad that [ __ ] was so funny oh i love it how does he not just be like hey yeah crazy but what do you got man what do you got i'll hear you out at least yeah it's free to listen right yeah [ __ ] i want to hear it too take a look at least right three players yeah i don't really care who it is there's something about like when you play poker there's a level of insecurity like if someone goes i know this guy i can always read his soul you're just like [ __ ] okay you know i [Laughter] said it once i've said it a million times you get a read on me you win you get the money and i think we got a table for people to feel the same we got no hoodies no sunglasses you know what i mean hoodies magic don't don't nitpick with me okay john's gonna check again with that he's gonna check for the first time yeah i mean this hoodie maria does turn the three his spidey senses are on that's how you become the main event champ you have to run good but your spidey senses have got to be on point and for some reason with wide range spots straddle versus button i gained ten pounds this week yeah his spidey sensors are on that maria could have ace king and ace queen i guess although she'd probably four bet ace king but that she could also have ace five a seven ace three suited and john's gonna make the call praying for a jack river is a king pretty good which is a pretty big brick besides that it's a spade the game is really picked up a lot of people because maria would have forbade ace king most likely i would say probably at a 90 frequency and you kind of [ __ ] that hand up what was going on there 53 in the pot the main hand that maria would be targeting his ace queen ace jack and ace 10 suited some off-suit combos as well always 18 500 18 500 this is almost a similar spot earlier when maria had a 10 a set of tens john cena had something like ace jack again or ace queen actually at ace 10 that hand 10 seconds what hands when maria go call bet bet that john beats here maybe something like eight nine suited of hearts and diamonds or some seven eight suiteds of hearts and diamonds do we think maria would be bluffing with those hands turning those hands into her bluffs is so small in the river it's from a leveling standpoint it looks like she wants to be called if she was bluffing with those hands and i'm not saying she would shoot wouldn't choose those sizings but it seems like she's target those hands perfectly with this sizing ace queen ace jackie's 10. 10 seconds and it's level level 1 of leveling oh man [Applause] level two of leveling would be a bluff here and johnson knows he's getting such a good price and sometimes when you're getting a good price you just have to pay it off i've seen johnson be spectacular in these spots though where he wiggles out somehow but he only has to risk 18 000 and 172 thousand so he has to be good here something like one in four times johnson thinks he's good here like 22 percent of the time here he has to call tough spot though keep going back and forth oh yeah yeah nice ten seconds and it looks like johnson's gonna have to use another time chip oh i missed it what is that three times johnson is pretty frustrated in this spot here beats like i said were some eight nines and seven eight suiteds that turn into bluffs and john cena gives it up we're gonna reset right now nobody make it 3600 and a three bet andy with i got a pair on his hand as well i actually think it's yeah i added 20 like a while ago okay he added 20k a while ago and john is not as short as his stack indicates he added twenty thousand a while ago so john is sitting with fifty thousand ish pair verse pair blind verse button wait very wide range spots eighty three thousand sorry eight thousand three hundred in the pot four thousand we had a four thousand in a snap call 6400 from andy with an overpair so he's mainly trying to deny equity from ace king and his queen and ace jack and hands with two overs but john does have the goods check 29 100 in the pot check check and it goes check check and andy somehow does not lose a bigger pot with an over pair nice i've done it money's probably gone no check that's it bill with an open-ended john with apparent and open ended maria will just ace high gives it up it looks like john is going to go for some thin value in bed 1500 i'm gonna get called by a worse ten or a nine maybe something like jack nine oh it looks like bill's gonna put down the hammer here and this one happens sometimes when you go for some thin value and bill makes it 9500 to go tough spot here for john cohen and bill with this huge river raises saying he has jack jack eight or king jack it's tough for john to lay this one down because he has a jack in his hand which should take away 25 percent of his combos of straights and john gives it up well done by bill heads 1200 top top is going to put in some value and chris is going to call with ace high and some backdoor straight draws and he's going to get their own turn it's a pretty brutal turn card for him although he must like turning in ace 2200 and chris is gonna have no option but to continue here [Applause] i think garrett's gonna go pretty big here knowing that chris might think an ace is chopping maybe something like 14 000 or 12 000. christian didn't have too many sevens unless it has a seven of hearts it is 15 000 time shipped on in there already and chris is gonna have to call this sometimes and fold this sometimes he's in a really tough spot you can call here with all his sevens having a ten in his hand is actually really bad because a lot of garrett's bluffs will retain a ten of hearts specifically for some flush draws and straight draws so although he has to call this bet sometimes i think his removal is pretty bad in this hand besides having the ace obviously and chris does pay it off and garrett's gonna get paid for almost a forty thousand dollar pot thanks man we raised 25. [Applause] so andy with the three bet from out of position should be a big pop root here firing with the parent of flush drawn andy with top hair flush for byron almost 10 000 in the pot 6 000 in a snap call from andy 21 900 in the pod in byron with a jack high flush how much value does he want to extract here yes 20 000 a pot sized bed and andy with no speed in his hand sport definitely hits byron's range harder with flushes and you looking for a live read anything that he can pick up on and he's going to throw in a time chip pretty hefty bet by byron so andy's got a risk 20 000 and we went 40 000 which means he has to be good here 33 of the time does andy think he's good here 33 of the time oh it looks like andy's reaching he doesn't like it though been kind of like that all day pretty quiet so many big hands handy in the tank and he usually thinks super fast he knows this is a close body just makes the call gonna see the bad news that's pretty good i like that did you deserve it yeah it was actually my dad i'm talking about my dad used to slap me something you know that's pretty honest yep usually that comment saved for like hour 18 but i like it yeah [ __ ] yeah do it on hour six on stream right yeah can't wait to ask your dad about that one with number one pocket aces i feel like i've been saying that all night i had them i've never heard his dad when chris flops a set we're gonna see a lot of money sprinkled in this pot it's a very wet board two okay looks like that's half the size of the pot support that should hit the big blind calling range some middle blind so there should be a lot of pocket pairs some 910 some jack tens some flush draws and chris check raises this one big eight thousand four hundred john looks down at his aces he loves it but doesn't like it on this board he also has ace of diamond swords it's impossible for chris to be check raising a nut flush draw you have about 25 don't know remember chris did show that bluff his first or second hand in the stream and that's got to be ringing in johnson's ear chris to make his hand look fairly very polarizing like a flush draw or a made hand the problem is is would chris be doing this with something murgy like the queen of diamonds uh about how much was the i have you covered johnson in a tough spot here ace of diamonds so it takes away some of chris's combos of like ace nine of diamonds and he's ten of diamonds straight draw flush draws maybe even some ace fives and these four diamonds that chris didn't choose to three bat no chris can't have those hands because johnson has that ace of diamonds pretty important card although john is really high up in his range it's his best one pair of hands but that board is super connected 10 seconds put a one in the chat if you think johnson will call put a two if you think he'll fold one call twofold i've seen johnson be very spot on and all these big decisions so i'm gonna say he folds just because what i've seen i see a lot of twos in the twitch chat what do you guys think of the youtube chat one call twofold the problem is is would chris do this with five six of diamonds probably how many times have i used two nine six of diamonds ten six of diamonds all the street draw flush draws would you do this yes 10 seconds time johnson throws in another time chip i do not envy his spot in this hand and these times go by fast when you need them someone's breathing hard in the mic and it's definitely not me i wonder if it's chris ten seconds zak threw a one in the chat he thinks johnson's gonna call i think johnson's gonna fold i wish dan zach was back here so i can make them a prop at i got faith in the world series main event chap it's not an easy spot the problem is we went over the hands that chris could be bluffing with and chris is a pros pro and definitely will have the right frequency of bluffs and is aggressive i'm not sure who's doing the heavy breathing if it's chris or johnson but someone's breathing fairly heavy all right he called you on johnson does make the call johnson makes the call they're gonna run it twice first one to chris second one of chris and uh now i'm uh glad that dan zack's not back here in the booth with me because he would have taken my prop any money hmm andy with the three bed and john's gonna come in with the cold four bed here with pocket aces ten thousand to go we've seen john cohen do this with like ace four and ace five suited john cohen's definitely fearless but here he's got the stones 11 000. you thank you and he does call and he makes a pair john's gonna bet 11 000. and andy's gonna make the call and he's drawing to eight percent equity all in from john it looks like it's something like 22 000-ish the question is does john cohen do this with like east queen of clubs and ace jack of clubs so those are his most likely bluffs not too many combos of those though yeah see if andy can figure this one out i decided i wanted to move back down to san diego so i just drive up like once or twice a week uh sometimes i uh yeah yeah just ten seconds it's like very political though i'm playing because i just didn't wanna do all this right yeah and he gives it up yeah fifty seventy-five what a nice [ __ ] guy dude just immediately thousands my my dad watched right my dad watched one of the streams was like one large folsom he's ever seen me do anything hopefully like i don't talk about it his own combo he's like man that one big guy he goes like the one the shiny full head he goes you talked a lot oh yeah yeah like that was a quiet thing yeah he was like he's like is that a table like that i was like nah that's just him usually it's just quiet yeah yeah like she's pretty nice we enjoy it but ugh he ruins everything yeah pretty much bill with the slow play trips he's still just calling poker the bad players it's always good to bring [ __ ] out from the thousand to go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let you know we haven't forgotten yeah yep i think it's gonna be a race here and something the fine tune of 28 000. here it comes 23 000 and byron is perplexed here wouldn't you have protected a five with that flush drawn straight draw on the turn pretty sick play here by bill getting in here with the old school slow play gotta mix it up if you're gonna be playing some high stakes poker you gotta be unpredictable bill klein is definitely doing that time firing a bit confused here and in these spots it looks like a five or nothing so here comes the leveling does byron believe bill klein has a five yeah i was surprised you didn't get more reaction to that i uh it took me a couple seconds to digest it i was like zoning out and then i was like because i was like he said i was like he's kind of shy no one else put nearly as much face lotion yeah no it talks a fraction this one's gotta be about me ten seconds he was uh he was really impressed with your 5k time when i said it though oh diet yeah that's that's a compliment i'll [ __ ] take yeah and byron does make the call and bill klein's gonna ship a fifty six thousand six hundred dollar podcast with a little bit of slow play to get the magic through the internet yeah nothing i say is original just stolen i was like i hope they don't call me out i know i said so you weren't lying when you said you were gonna take bill's line about like yeah that was definitely using that i assume that everyone knew that you got that on the internet yeah no you didn't realize it bill klein with number one he's gonna get some money because and he does have top pair gear with the mystery hat and andy goes for a check raise while bill has number one bill's going to make the call and just like that we have 11 000 pot yeah when you just grab like starter packs for whatever various things there's i've seen them for like so many phil's going to feel very good with his aces it's less likely that andy had something like that i need to go like look those up then and read across the board what everything is that of six thousand yeah i'm not afraid to admit it like i love the internet it's such an incredible 23 000 in the pot the diamond gets there which might save andy a bad here i'm just sitting around on twitter bill just check it back bill does win a 23 000 paw with two aces that's the level and you fold yeah they take a sec yeah double check the calls they'll look back and they pause for a second they're going to show you something and then throw it in the mock that one so what you just described is like as dirty you can't look no matter what he's not allowed to look put your [ __ ] hand in yeah but especially like the uh like especially when they like pause and you're like okay i'm at least going to see and [ __ ] oh thank you it's wasting time it's everything niddiest it's like trying to convince the guy you can bluff like we get it we get it man wait for another funny one one of the tournaments of someone you had some guy like doing the snail down at him and he said he was like he was just sick of it so he just decided he was gonna accept the challenge just stale back to the guy he said he used to stay away to the guy in the eyes not blinking and he said he was like waiting for he was like someone had a break they staled each other for like five minutes he was like i hated every second of it but i couldn't break still more mature than that just completely lose you're cool wow and look at this play byron check raises the turn um gets it through i think he made it 11 000 with just middle pair yeah you guys got jaw tonight just 28. we all are coming but we just can't say no straddle around one two four eight i don't know hundred i've ever seen john pass but i think we get him at 16. johnson with my favorite hand pockets [Applause] go check through pots are so massive that these players are playing a little passive break i need uh my watch to keep track of like stress and holy i need to throw this on john for a poker session one day accurate for stress um like the times it shows i'm in general i'm just like bailly low stress but the times it shows a little spike it adds up yeah one of the times was really funny i looked i was like my mom my mom walked in and i joined thanks again [Laughter] hope she's not watching man she'll be real hope for that one oh wow bill continues with this gut shot and this king of diamonds and gets a king i mean i think they're all off a little but i read some stuff talking about apple watch actually being the best of all of them it's not measuring i've read this i believe it i think it's [ __ ] way off all the time like i'm not running that at all yeah i wonder if the other ones are yeah just in denial probably right sean's gonna bet bill's gonna make the call john's gonna win almost a fifty thousand yeah i don't want to pay the whole thing i just wanted to see 500 seems good yeah i just want to see the card pretty beast dude to go all in and shove your five dollars yeah but yeah he threw his his auntie on top of yours because he threw an amphibian just though play with his own chips byron now with two queens yeah raised to 2000 gets chris to come along and john cena with h jack suited variety of clubs great 82. john's gonna make it 82. these pots are getting super huge pre-flop 92 that is byron just shoved a hand before will line does he choose his best with two queens and he just flats and that's probably gonna get chris to flat as well we have another thirty thousand dollar pot y'all want nosebleeds these are some nosebleeds chris with the flush draw dry board pen of 10 000 and you're sandwiched if you're byron chris has got a pure continue byron gives up the two queens [Music] johnson gets the worst hand to call and the better hand to fold talking about good timing 15 000 bet by johnson the main event champ 2018. chris's spades are live he's gained a very good price fifteen thousand and one sixty four and he gives it up and johnson is now back in the green after that pot bill klein down 52 000 byron live at the bike day board up 56 000 maria ho on a terror up a hundred and three thousand dollars a hundred and three thousand dollars four hundred to be exact chris brewer in c9 ex-college runner plays high-stakes poker here in la up currently 18 400 although it can fluctuate with this hand decided not to put in the four bet with ace king check check with the c band more for protection here wants to protect his pocket sixes from six outs something like ace king or any two overhand give you guys some shout outs after this hand oh and here andy goes to 12 000. and he must have picked up on something on garrett garrett gives it up well done by andy to take his twos into a bluff i just fall at ya they're getting a round of applause like if they know that the show's about to be wrapped up as well andy wins i think the last half of the night yes he does here are the chip counts here are the v pips shout out to brian wayne myself patrick and evelyn live with the bike team here here's the pre-flop races [Music] and there it is very absolutely crushed byron did very well on his high stakes debut a lot of people in the middle not a very good night for bill and andy hope you guys enjoyed 226 hands of high stakes poker here on live at the bike make sure once again you guys hit the subscribe button on youtube and make sure you guys check out our website and put in the promo code poker
Channel: Live at the Bike! Poker Stream
Views: 576,676
Rating: 4.5285716 out of 5
Keywords: Poker Strategy, Cash Game, Live at the Bike, Texas hold em, Omaha, pot limit Omaha, Doug Polk, Phil Hellmuth, Antonio Esfandiari, poker, poker cash game, poker live stream, live stream cash game, cash game poker, money, latb, poker highlights, best poker moments, bluff, huge bluff, Garrett Adelstein, poker vlog, Andrew Neeme, high stakes poker
Id: jSptqSLuFPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 43sec (5743 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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