"The Big Bang Theory" Sheldon High on Coffee (HD)

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- is a kitchen with Dinah someone's in the kitchen I know whoa whoa the kitchen with Dinah Charlotte chillin gods are sold my soul to the company store honey do you want some coffee no I'm drink coffee come on if you don't stay awake we'll never finish in time I'm sorry coffee's out of the question when I moved to California I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs help Sheldon we still have 380 of these things to make and I have complete faith that you will make them good night Leonard you know but Sheldon without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail you're right of course here this will help very well but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics you're going to have to answer to my mother look at Planck's constant and people say that's arbitrary that could not be less arbitrary if it vary even slightly life as we know but not exist BAM now now let's reconsider the entire argument with entropy reversed and effect preceding cause so you are thinking of a universe it's not expanding from the center no it is retreating from a from a possibility space BAM this is a space where we are all essentially Alice Through the Looking Glass standing in front of the Red Queen and we're being offered a cracker to quench our thirst she let him go to bed ma'am I can't believe we actually did it 1,000 friggin penny blossoms I just want you guys to know I am really grateful for your help and for every dollar I make I'm gonna give you 20 cents that's your entire profit margin oh the nevermind I'll print out the shipping label uh-oh what we got an email from the East Rutherford New Jersey gay lesbian bisexual and transgender Alliance they want another thousand penny blossoms really one-day rush I really need to take that off the website okay well guess we better get started you can't be serious okay come on what about the living organism of the workforce and the American spirit and in jiminy Crockett at the Alamo Davy Crockett jiminy Crockett was a cricket yes I know that okay I'm tired I've had like 18 cups of coffee the point is if we all just pull together we can do this who's with me penny although you may find it hard to believe we do have lives Leonard sorry my apologies to the gay community of East Rutherford New Jersey where's the coffee no problem I'll be back before this banana hits the ground
Channel: Jan Michael
Views: 8,173,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sheldon, High, on, Caffeine, coffee, the, big, bang, theory, season, episode, 18, sheldon, jantisoy, bam, wild, flash
Id: WXd20B2Oj5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2009
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