The Big Bang Theory 4x06 - Accusations and Apologies

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hey hey will you be still Howard my sister's never been attracted to him come on Raj how am I supposed to know who she's attracted to or was attracted to or who she might be attracted to in the future and now I have nothing to contribute to this conversation because I to know absolutely nothing about Priya's preferences in male companionship and with that I will reset my lips hey so what did you guys think of the new episode of Caprica last night I didn't see it didn't see it but what are you doing I was out on caprica night yeah I went for a drink really you where you go to uh lucky Baldwin's oh I've heard of that place isn't that Pasadena's favorite Irish watering hole yes did you meet anyone interesting there perhaps promiscuous redheaded barmaid I can't do it I'm sorry Raj but the truth is I was with Priya last night I don't listen to him he's still lightheaded from all the Irish whiskey and pickled eggs in his system yeah I believe they engaged in coitus but more if Leonard had not abandoned his story would you have found it plausible you slept with my sister yeah how could you we had a pact excuse me I think how could you she's my sister takes precedence over a five year old pinky swear may I point out in the parallel universe your friends are saying Maggie McGarry she sounds lovely I admit it I may have crossed a line here but come on Raj your sister is a grown woman and to her I'm a forbidden piece of white chocolate I don't believe it this is a terrible betrayal of my trust would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart and then did she kind of stomped on it how did she stomp very hard okay I'm good I just want to say that I never betray your trust unlike Leonard I respect you really was it out of respect that you didn't tell Raj about the time he dropped his iPhone in a urinal put that big old my face more amusing violation of Rajas Trust is when Howard convinced him that foreigners give presents to Americans on Thanksgiving Hey I didn't see you giving back your Snoopy sno-cone maker but that was all the light this is gifts already wrapped and as long as we're talking about betraying our friends how about the month Sheldon spent grinding up insects and mixing them in the Leonard's food excuse me that was not a betrayal that was an experiment to determine at what concentration food starts tasting mothy you put Mars in my food for science I got me to kiss my sister with moth mouth sweat I can't believe you use Sheldon's toothbrush do you use my tool not the brush spot just just a little rubber thing too big food from my teeth and massage my gums okay I think it's safe to say that we've all done some things we're not particularly proud of but come on we're friends friends overlook each other's minor lapses with a record Howard I'm sorry that I broke our pact thank you I'm sorry about your phone and Thanksgiving and while we're at it you don't have to wash our clothes on the fourth of July as long as we're apologizing juggen I'm I'm sorry I used your toothbrush and I'm sorry but that behavior is beyond the pale and cannot be tolerated we are no longer friends I got you're talking Thomas the Tank Engine for Thanksgiving with real puffing smoke yes all right but I'm watching you
Channel: ooOScoofyOoo
Views: 7,598,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, big, bang, theory, bigbang, sheldon, leonard, raj, howard, 4x06, 4e06, s4e6, irish, pub, formulation, priya, comedy
Id: Y6n8Ec5ED7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2010
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