The Bidding Room Season 3 Episode 3 - Art Deco Cinema Seat

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in the Yorkshire Hills a handful of dealers have assembled Keen to discover what might be arriving in the bidding room our five experts include buyer of all things weird and wonderful Ian James who has an eye for early 20th century pieces vintage interior lover Estell Plus ad and Tash they're ready to spend their cash but whatever comes through the doors today is a complete surprise first in are Samantha and her son Joshua with something they hope will sit well with the dealers my item is comfortable it's classy quirky a great rare item not rare it's Legend it's Legend not rare before the bidding begins Samantha and Joshua are having their piece valued by Simon who's been in the auction business for three decades hello Joshua hi hello Samantha hi you're very smartly dressed have we come with someone special Doctor Who Doctor Who oh my Heavens so Joshua is this your chair yes it was his story time chair it was his story time chair mhm fantastic okay where did Joshua find the chair my husband got given it as payment 10 years ago for doing the friend a favor he had a lot of Cinema memor so he gave me his payment rather than the money fantastic and where has it been sitting the chair his bedroom really so Josh you decided to move on from the chair have you yes okay let's ask Simon who knows all about Cinema chairs he's an expert in fact I love the story time chair great great repurpose that for it isn't it cast iron base Nigel as we expect wouldn't we yeah and that decoration that's classic art deco isn't it yeah almost like a sort of a Sunburst isn't it and then of course the classic pull down seat as we'd expect I'd say probably later up holster I'm wondering whether this perhaps was a standalone yes with having the pattern on both sides so maybe for a Usher or somebody who worked at the cinema yes I can't see any Foundry or maker name on it it looks to me possibly French which a lot of them were it's probably late 1920s 1930 round about that sort of date which is where I think it is but a great thing people collect this sort of thing well they do I can say it's one of those uh classic manave things isn't it really perhaps even have it as a gaming chair or something like that if you don't I'm just going to try it out see if I can sit in it and see how comfortable it is want you don't tip over oh yes very nice I like it yes Joshua that was a good good thing to have stories told sitting in that chair wasn't it so Joshua now is the time to ask that very important question Simon how much is it worth oo I think Joshua you've got a great little item to take next door I think all the dealers will really want to buy it off you um that's good you've got to push them hard though so you tell them all the history about it and I think do you know what I'm going to say you're going to get 100 to150 Josh's face lit up so Josh tell me what are you going to do with1 to150 save up to go to Wales there's a lot of doct two locations in Wales of course there are we're going to have a recap of all the points so you can get the maximum price for this so remember it's Art Deco period which is late 1920s 1930s cast ir and base we think it might be French point out this lovely Art Deco design on the ends that's classic of the period if they ask about the upholstery say you think it might be later it doesn't really matter to be honest and I'm sure Joshua you'll be able to push them to the Limit yes okay stick to your guns make them go up and up and up thank you very much for bringing it in I think it's a wonderful item I wouldn't mind it myself thank you nice to meet you thank you bye Simon valued the chair at 100 to150 so I'm hoping Joshua has some tricks up his sleeves to get the biders bid in it's time for Samantha and Joshua to take on the dealers including French furniture fan ad and Tash who loves well-designed but functional pieces hello hello guys hi hi how you doing how are you what's your names Joshua fam my mom you look a really cool dude yeah Doctor Who very well done Joshua do you want to reveal what you brought in today oh oh thanks Joshua what is that a cinema chair it is a cinema chair yeah that isn't just one Cinema chair is it that is sweet it's beautiful Art Deco isn't it yeah so it's obviously a cinema um related chair well actually Simon thought it might have been some ushers chair you know cuz the pattern on is on the both sides rather than just just the one side or non at all if it was in absolutely yeah so I'm thinking it's sort of 1930s is that right uh Simon says it was yeah yeah so Joshua what have you been using this chair for in your room story time oh Story Time CH wow I love that I do like this color is a velour yellow is a very on Trend color at the moment that is really low isn't it really yeah it's really lovely actually it is very low full points for that is it is a cool thing it's very heavy very heavy very heavy but I do like it did Simon say where it could have originated from he said France yeah 100% absolutely absolutely French yeah 100% I knew as soon as it soon as it come in I knew it was French of course you did so Joshua what do you really love about this chair sell it to me it's really comfortable it's really comfortable you sp many hours in that chair haven't you yeah yeah I think we should start the bidding the art deco Cinema chair has been valued at 100 to150 but with lots of interest in the room has Joshua just got the ticket to push for more should we start at 50 shall we yeah £50 I'll start you at 50 gr I'll go60 100 110 o 120 keep going 130 140 [Music] 150 160 170 180 [Music] 190 got all working now Josh 200 quid h i mean it is unusual with the double end met my limit I'm going to say I'm out sorry I'm I'm not going to do more than 200 I'm afraid 210 I'm going to say I'm out at 210 would you be happier at 220 I'm out there sorry what you reckon no he says no he's a hard man to deal with is he 250 I'll do 250 Joshua oh oh to do anymore I'll come back to you in a [Laughter] minute I tell you what I'll just go one more at 260 I don't want to go anymore his face his little face little see that face there right Joshua at 270 with me we got a deal or do you think Ian will go another I don't think he will I don't think he's got the bottle to do it I am out but I tell you what if ad does buy it'll go to a very good home he will look after it what do you reckon yeah deal yeah yay shout to you thank you very I very nearly jum I love it went fantastic uh better than expected Joshua got him to go quite a bit higher didn't you yep what did Simon value this at uh 100 to 150 are you happy with that sale Joshua yeah yeah of course was only fair he sold it I'm happy it's going to a good home okay both thanks very much for coming in thank you very much thank you have a l bye bye oh it's kind of it's I think it's more appealing than one if you had two stuck together in it next to arrive is Karen with treasured possessions she's hoping will appeal to the Dealer's softer side the items I've brought along today are very collectible German and they're adorable I really love the items and I hope the dealers do too I'm in love already because they're poodles and as you know Simon we have a poodle and she's black and so here we go I'm a terrible sucker yep yep Karen welcome to the bidding room hello you something gorgeous in do you have poles I don't no oh you have these but I do have those do you mind my asking how much you paid it was just under1 just under1 yes yes okay so that's about all you know about them yes um apart from them being stif um and I believe they're um from the 1950s as far as I'm aware okay they're one of the most intelligent dogs around yes very loyal very good with children very good with me I'm just looking at uh our largest poodle here Karen because we've got what we all want to see of course the button yes which is uh synonymous with stif and of course basically they introduced the button as a as a copyright and the poodle was one of stif sort of Legacy breeds if you like I mean their first catalog was 1890 something early 1890s and the poodles were in it even then you know sty were producing poodles nicely jointed legs all four legs and of course we got a bit of a rotating head as well so so very nice we've got three black poodles and then what we call a blonde yep um on the end there as well they all sta um well my only concern is that I I can can see a button and label in the big one but there doesn't appear to be any buttons at all in the other three I mean style-wise constructionwise they look identical so they could well be so they really are collectible aren't they oh absolutely absolutely no there you know there's no no doubt about that no doubt about that so Karen now you can ask that burning question how much are they worth I think even without the buttons on the little ones I think you still got a really nice group I'm sort of totting it up in my head I I I can easily see 150 to2 200 there you know so there will be profit very good there will be profit excellent so the bullet points really for for Karen focus on the big one because he's got the button and I think he's he's going to help sell the rest should we say yes but you know play on stif you know the name in soft toys uh collectability condition is all good M and just push them to ad very best of luck in the Dealer's room thank you very much I think that you'll do really well yes hopefully so luck is on your side yes have a good time thanks for coming in thank you very much thank you thanks bye bye Simon valued the poodles between £50 and £200 my tactic going into the bidding room is to have a poker face so hopefully that will get the bids going up a bit hi hello hello and what is your name Karen hello hello how you doing I'm fine thank you jolly good these are good fun there are a little family of Noles the large uh black poodle has a STI button in his or her ear why are you getting rid of them unfortunately um I have to because I'm downsizing so um I've got yes I've got quite a collection of of things that I need to sell are they caus in a nuisance then are they like you know napping about and you know very well behaved that's what you're saying very well behaved so you may I mean I I collect um bears and yes the button is in his right here so definitely sty and so is the little one um everything's the same from the color to the tongue to the eyes so I mean they are you know even though they're not um stamped up they're 100% sty they are very very very very beautiful and I love the fact that they have been they've been played with because they're quite worn in places aren't they I don't like things when they're pristine oh yes so you know any toys anything I buy um I mean five bears with legs they virtually hanging off and these aren't these are in lovely condition how would your teddy bears feel um feel about these poodles intruding on their territory I think they'd take them in quite well really you know I mean they'd feel like they're protected when there's nobody in the house like guard poodles like little guard poodles yeah g poodles I'm taking a stab because I say I don't normally buy poodles but I'm guessing they are I got to date them I'm guessing their 40s they are absolutely delightful okay well let's crack on with the bidding now guys the set of poodles thought to date from the mid 20th century are valued at £150 to £200 but will any of the dealers buy at that [Music] price I'll start the bidding at £80 I'll go 90 unfortunately no it's far too low I'm afraid I'll go 100 uh they are in excellent condition for how old they are 100 seems quite cheap but I don't want to bid up against someone who probably needs to buy them so I'm going to be out I'm going to toodle off I'm sorry 120 is that it's getting there slowly very slowly I'm out you're out yeah I thank you so it's just hash then I'm not going to be bided anymore I'm afraid it's not my area I like little beig one but M come on Karen Karen Karen where have we got to be what price have you got in your head you know they're going to a good home they're not going to be resold 120 is probably what I would hope for for the large poodle wow I'll throw you one more bit I'll go to 180 and that's more than I wanted to pay if I ever did sell them I would sell them to somebody that was going to keep them and look after them sounds fair yes it does yes I'm happy with that fantastic thank you very much indeed thank you so Karen sells to ad for £180 that's 30 over expert Simon's lower valuation Karen absolutely fantastic items you knew I was going to buy them I'll give them a good home I promise you thank you very much for bringing him in lovely to meet you and bye thank you bye bye bye bye bye I've really enjoyed it it's been fascinating and it's been really good experience I'm really glad that the poodles have gone to ad cuz he he clearly loved them and it also means another addition to ades extensive toy collection come on what's the story with the teddy I lost him he was my first Teddy and I lost him 40 years and my mom and dad giv me back for Christmas about 5 years ago I was in a shop and I bought him and he was on a reject in oh and that was it and now I've got hundreds in our house they're all sitting on the stairs then as you go across the landing they're all in the landing then I've got probably 60 next to my B how do you get to your actual bed if you got 60 I've got I've got a I've got a proper little walkway to to the bed then I've probably got 20 or 30 at work that keep looking after the office is there a word for you know being addicted to Teddy's I don't think I'm addicted just really just got to fight your way to your bed to get third into our Yorkshire HQ is Tim with something he hopes will fire up the dealers the item I brought in was brass it's a very unusual shape and it had a domestic use I think the dealers will like the item because it's unusual it will test their knowledge I've seen a few my time I bet you've seen a few yeah they come around yeah they do You' got any Ruffles that need to be quaffed lovely condition though isn't it gorgeous let's get Tim in thanks for coming to the bidding room delighted welcome you bought some lovely little object here well it's a Goering iron and um in the days when people would wear Granddad shirts with collars um you would put a red hot poker into the iron and smooth the collar I think I've seen a few in my time but they are wonderful aren't they fantastic lovely example of a Goering iron and you're you're quite right with the with the purpose obviously we'd have a heated poker which would go in the top section there this type was usually for detachable collar date wise I'd probably put this mid 1800s 1850s 60s that kind of date they are collectible I'm sure they all you know we always we always talk about sort of Trends in the Antique World don't we how things are in fashion and then not but Goering irons for some reason they've always stayed in have they why I don't know it's just one of those one of those good news it's good news it's because they're they're so different yeah why don't you have a go at asking that question him yes so Simon how much do you think it should fetch well I mean the early ones of 18th century mid 18th century ones can fetch many hundreds of pounds I think my feeling on this one Tim is you should be looking at around the I would think about 100 to 150 so if you have that sort of figure in mind you won't be far that's what I had in mind yeah well there we go that's perfect what will you do with that money Tim well I am uh a bell ringer at a local Church believe it's not and we are launching a ringer Bell day to support cancer Charities fantastic so I want to use the money to buy lots of small bells we can resell fantastic nice to meet you and very nice to meet you too the very very best of luck thank you very much and I think he'll do really well thanks by bye bye I had a bell on my bike you ring that I hope the goofing arm was worth around 100 and Simon thought between 100 and 150 i' be pleased if we get that I think I'm a reasonable salesman I should get hot and the color over the bidding hello hello hello hello hello hello and what's Shan I'm I'm Tim hello Tim hell would you like to reveal what's underneath the cloth please I would oh exciting times oh oh my goodness what on Earth is it domestic item Victorian times is this something to do with cigars no now I'm uh setting the standards by wearing a shirt and a tie is it something that can be used to day well it could be but unlikely would it help if we got up and held it feel free do I I don't think it will help though no it does hope it doesn't there's no movement in any of it it's it's rigid is it it's heavy very tactile is it brass there is a Simon and Nigel knew what it was straight away did they really well they very smart aren't they would you put something in there which heated something up correct it red hot poker in there okay so you've got a poker in there so it's just starching your colors yes it's a Goering iron wow a Goering iron right for the days obviously they have Granddad shirts today but you take the color off and you would rub the color over it to of course yes of course my partner specializes in French fabrics and we buy all the colors and it's always fascinated me because they're always flat so I've always thought well how does that work I've learned I now know brilliant simple but brilliant what period did they put that at probably 1850s okay so would it not have um a part missing then the part to actually put the item in to heat up occasionally would have actually fitted poers but normally you just have a red hot poker from the fire it's very nice condition and uh it's been very well polished it has how long have you had it again an elderly neighbor lady had lots of knick-knacks in her house and almost as a child it used to interest me just because of its shape and eventually she left it to me so I've had it quite a long time time so should we start the bidding the Goering iron thought to date back to the mid 1800s is valued at 100 to 150 but can Tim Coller an even better price than that I'm going to start the bidding at £50 that's strong right in there I think it's a fair bid 60 70 75 80 I won't be bidding I'm afraid on this one it's just not my air exp something that Simon said is it interestingly these things just hold the value where things fluctuate you'll guarantee that this will hold its value £85 then think of all those French colors yeah I'm I'm out I'm afraid it's a good historical artifact sort of fascinating history piece I think I'm because it's not French I think I'm going to go out I'll go 90 think of those smart colors 95 110 ooh tactics a do you 120 130 last bid 135 no sure yeah oh you surprised me there would you push it to 1 15 no I think I think that's enough for that I'll go one I'll go 135 are you sure fantastic fantastic brilliant well done I sold the Goering iron to Ian he paid £ 135 so that was halfway between the 100 and 150 it was Simon's estimate I think that was a fair price Tim thank you so much mate that is a well it's just a a very interesting piece we've never seen one so you we've learned something and it's great to have met you great thank you very much thank you all of you thanks bye I'm going to spend the money on buying lots of small bells which will be used on ringa Bell day which is going to support cancer Charities it's just a great thing to look at though as well is it is going to go wor that yeah it's really [Music] cool next Geraldine has a family heirloom she's hoping the dealers will see is a real gem my item is made of Jade and I've had it for a while it's come down through the family and I think it's time that somebody else should enjoy it so Simon when you go quiet and it gets a bit serious it means something important AR we love quality don't we Nigel I'm have a really close look at this in a minute okay I'll get Geraldine in hello Geraldine hello Nigel thank you for coming to the bidding room and bringing something that has made Simon go very quied good Lord I didn't realize that yeah well can you tell me about what you B in it's a um jade handheld Dressing Table mirror that uh has come down through the family one of my great aunt uh she sort of mixed with the sort of aristocracy in Belgium she had lots of very pretty things and that's that's the extent of what you know about it uh yes except that um we noticed it's got a little um Hong Kong stamp on the handle I'm glad you confirmed that geraldy because that's why I was looking so closely for a mark and you you're absolutely right I can see it on there very tiny isn't it but we got Capital H and a capital K that's right in a little uh box little cartouch uh for Hong Kong that's quite right um date-wise i' probably put the piece late 19th century I don't know whether that to tie in with the story but they're what we call um belt hook mirrors oh because the handles were basically originally belt hooks hence the the Nick in there for the with the dragon's head you may have noticed so is that actually broken Simon no that's as it as it should be and um no that's absolutely fine I love the carving of the back I think that's absolutely gorgeous and then the belt hook handle um it's in a white metal you know fantastic quality now um see question but I'm going to ask it are they collectible well you may have heard Nel the Chinese market seems to have taken off in recent years it certainly has anything comes through that is Chinese it just goes shall I ask the question why don't you Simon what do you think it's worth it is worth quite a bit of money Geraldine to be honest and if I had it in my auction room and you were my client I would be advising you to pop a reserve price on it to protect it and that reserve price would be £3,000 pardon £3,000 333,000 seriously absolutely absolutely would you advise jedin if it doesn't get to that yeah it it's geraldine's decision at the end of the day to be honest if you don't get bid 2005 2007 somewhere around there then think long and hard before making a decision what were you expecting I thought I'd be lucky to get £60 so when you said that figer Simon wow thank you so much for bringing this in I've Loved a real treat thank you very much good luck there and stick to your guns I will do okay good luck so now it's over to the dealers we just don't know what's going to come through do we and then the this pops up I'm absolutely over the moon that my little mirror is worth so much money Simon pointed out not to be tempted to sell it for less than it's actually [Music] worth hello hello hello hello that looks very lovely I like the look at that so what's your name my name is Geraldine hello hellal lovely to meet you all where did you get this from this has come down through uh three generations of the family wow right and was it purchased in a different country or did it get imported I was going to let uh Tash have a look to see if she uh could find out well it does look very Oriental it's beautiful it's got like um lotus flowers kind of engraved on this and Le leaves and what is is that part of a dragon's head and let's turn it over and yes a little vanity mirror and it looks like it's in brass as well that's really pretty jeline do you use it does it live on your dressing table I'm ashamed to say it's been Gathering dust on a dressing table for the last uh well three and a half years Geraldine this is quite a special little mirror isn't it the quality is just bang on isn't it what did Simon have to say about it well why don't we ask him ourselves oh oh here he is hello hello hello great man Le do you know what I didn't even know Simon was real either I was just having a cup of tea oh cing well anyway welcome to the bidding room s yes I I take it you've all had a chance to look at geraldine's Treasure it's it's an item we see very rarely at auction to be honest what you look out is a is a Chinese jade hand mirror set in white metal uh dating from probably the late 1800s there one of those things when when Geraldine sort of brought it into the valuation room sort of myself and Nigel looked at each other and sort of the Jaws dropped you know it was one of those moments really as the day job's an auctioner I mean we might as well kick off what do you reck what you reckon it's a travel gavel it's been travel a well done oh we going get close enough that's the well that's the thing isn't it I mean we'll we'll have a we'll have a think when I starts asking you for the opening bids The Mirror Has Been valued at £3,000 much to geraldine's surprise with Simon Keen to ensure she only sells at the right price will any of the dealers be prepared to buy this very specialist piece so then I mean we're here today with locked 10 of our catalog in our special Oriental sale today and I offer you this late 19 Century Chinese jade hand mirror and I will ask you for a starting bid of what should we say at the low end of the estimate at 800 the gentleman at the back there I'm sure he winked at me I'm sure that was a nervous twitch so I'm sure that was 8 Miss what you started at Mr O well thank you for the hand up that's 850 that's 850 we're on 850 any advance on 850 I'm going to do what my dad told me to do at auctions as a kid and sit on the hands do I see that magic four figures everyone's looking at each other instead of the auctioneer Geraldine it's not very not very good is it Mr Auctioneer is this a really good buy it's yeah yeah I I don't know you no no in all in all seriousness to be honest this would Grace any of the so-called Top London auction houses this would be in one of their special Oriental sales right okay so it is a piece obviously that we've got to protect geraldine's interests with hence hence Simon's presence yeah obviously it's great for us all to see it here today absolutely yeah I think she would probably get a better price by doing that personally yeah I think I would agree specialist sale what are you hoping to get if it all possible 3,000 oh Cy the silly part about this you know as well as I do if it did go in the right sail it could fly can I just ask a quick question how did you bring it here today did you shove it in a hand WRA up in a little bit of tissue paper at the top of my overnight and how is it going home tonight reverently fantastic item beautiful to see it well it's been lovely to meet you all you too Gerald my best efforts all right thank you cheers Gerald thank you no shoving it in the top of your suitcase on the way home thank you byebye see you later thank you so no sale for Geraldine but she still goes home happy after the surprised discovery of just how much the it might be worth sadly my item didn't sell but I have got so much information to take away with me meeting Simon has been such a treat the uh the whole experience has been fabulous and well worth the effort I loved it last to arrive is IA with one of my favorite things a mystery box he feels sure will Intrigue the dealers a lot of people saying things are antique and unique they're not pretty much is so anybody interested in it will know they're getting something that nobody else has got and in the collecting field that's everything well Simon we do like a nice shiny box don't we this one's wooden it is it is full of treasures no doubt well hopefully hopefully well maybe we'll find out we'll ask IA you'll know he will know well Iva L you just meet you tell me all about it it is a man's personal campaign chest where where he would have put his military items plus his personal items so it would be things in there uh like the red soap would be for washing him and the light colored soap would be for washing his clothing so you you acquired this yes did you have to pay for it yes how much did you pay for it out of Interest I paid for the lot £250 right all of it yeah but you decided to sell this box yes well luckily Simon is an expert in all things with boxes good well it's it's it's fascinating to start with I mean we've got lots of goodies inside which uh which is always good it first thing I was drawn to was a little uh uh brush here polishing brush uh bone handle of course you know sort of uh Rough and Ready what would that be for brushing I presume clothing or or shoes or whatever really okay and then a folding uh Cutler set yes I've got one of those you for touring just in case there's no custy couple of books there as well that's map Reading yeah military issue again another one there we got selection of sort of little uh button badges as well and so a little secret drawer kind of thing in there oh right you need a secret draw we need a secret it's not a box without a secret drawer is it absolutely not um fascinating thing you know and I'm I'm I'm perfectly happy happy to say that it is from the B War period probably you know 1900 1901 something like that are they collectible oh they are I mean the the the know as IA knows I mean the the field of military collecting is is huge you know and somebody would love to get their hands on this simply because it's so busy so why don't you ask Simon the question you've been dying to ask him so Simon in your opinion what's it worth as individual pieces there's probably you know a few pounds here a few pounds there that kind of thing as a complete unit to be honest if if I had it in the in the auction room I'd happily have a pre-sale estimate of 180 to 220 that kind of bracket is where I see it at auction but it's a oneoff so who knows are you happy with that yeah well it's going to be up to me to Big it up isn't it yes I think I think and I think having met you IA I think you're just the man to do that I will do my best so before you go into the bding room IA and we're just going to get uh Simon to give you some bullet points to take him with you yeah well bullet points for I to take next door pine box as he knows the royal Engineers connection B War I think probably so 1900 1901 that kind of date and just just push the collectibility value of it there you go well best of luck I'm sure you will do very well great nice to meet you thank you very much Simon's just told me that he thinks it's worth between about 180 to220 uh I'd like to push it a bit further uh we'll see what I can do hello hi hello hello how are you Splendid thank you yeah what's your name uh my name's Iva I'm a man of Kent hello IA Kent wheree going to show us what's underneath this cloth yes can do oh l a box can I can I have a quick stab at this I had a box I might be totally wrong the same as that once and when you lift it up there was a knife inside of it and it was a salt Chopper it's not one of them is it oh no it's not got a blade inside okay just more interesting than that oh okay I can't quite see the writing on the top it's got uh um Mr Shirley on It come on Tash put us out of our Miser and go and open the box it's a beautiful box though isn't it oh wow it's got lots of things in here oh okay so it's um I see like soaps brushes oh toothbrush it is it is just um a personal belongings really isn't it just is a campaign box it carries all of the things that were personal to him okay uh parts of his military equipment books and uh there's like a rifle cleaning kit personal cleaning kit you see all these bits separately don't you now and again but to get them all in the same in one box it's and they all belong to one person as well I think it's brilliant well it's like it's like un locking somebody's life isn't it this is really it's a treasure chest of going back beautiful box 100 years yeah really beautiful box yeah I I've got to give you a bit of a bit of a bit of a a heads up yeah right so Ian will buy it and flip it for a teners profit Tash will split it all up and sell it all individually for pennies Estelle will paint it orange she probably um James go I don't what to do with this um and research it and you know but I will love it treasure and put it on my RF base so can we please kick off the bidding the campaign box thought to date back to the B war is valued at 180 to 220 with the battle lines drawn by ad0 can IA top that figure I'm going to kick it off with 100 quit strong 120 130 150 160 170 I'm going to leave it to the guys to fight it out 180 keep going 190 you're a bit quiet Ian all right well let's crack on a little bit further than £200 I'm going to be out because um I would keep it together but it's the time of research to go into it as well I'm thinking 250 is my final bid well you're getting close James so I'm going to sell them out you're close what would you like for it 275 would buy it if you meet me halfway I'll do that but that would be at 260 y yeah okay well done wow brilliant well done yeah a nice item yeah I've managed to bid it up to £260 which go towards hopefully me buying a military vehicle that I've got my eye on can you tell me over how much Simon valued it he valued it at 180 to 220 okay thank you very much thank you very much cheers thank you uh had a great time coming into the bidding room and uh happy with the result so James what are you going to do with this then um I've already sold two bits to ad two bits to the BR do like that box as [Music] well
Channel: The Bidding Room
Views: 3,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bidding room, bbc, the repair shop, auction, auctions, antique, antiques, antiques roadshow, nigel havers, biddingroom, bidding room, repair shop
Id: 0Gm2zACq1AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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