Bargain Hunt - big profit at the Chiswick Auction House - BBC 2007

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[Music] jenny bond's in bournemouth for cash in the attic in 45 minutes after bbc one goes bargain hunting take me to london's biggest and best known antiques market do you know where i'm going so let's go bargain hunting [Music] i'm at the portobello antiques and collectors market in the heart of london this is something of a saturday institution with thousands of people flocking here to snap up the goodies each of our teams get 300 pounds to buy three objects under the watchful eye of their expert and today we're going to give the expert the change from the shopping to go and buy a bonus item with which to boost their profits [Music] it's the battle of the sexes today the red girls versus the blue boys first up though the girls jenny and lauren welcome to bargain hunt very very nice to see you now jenny you two are good friends how did you first meet um well we actually met a few times through mutual friends but um we met at glastonbury this year it was very muddy and when we spent seven hours in a car with each other on the way down so that's when our friendship was yeah and you're keen on music yeah i am um i mean i got a 60s original record player for christmas this year so it's not a dance set no unfortunately but i've got quite a lot of records what do you do to fund your record collection i'm a trainee assistant manager at a restaurant as a restaurant in wilmslow which restaurant will serve as oh well that's a nice black isn't it and you collect anything apart from records um well i like old books and maps and anything that's a bit unusual really yeah like when i was traveling this year i got an antique cigarette case from a shop in prague which is my prized possession well there's plenty of gear around here right now lauren you're a student too aren't you i am a drama student at middlesex university halfway through and what are your ambitions i want to work for the royal shakespeare company as an actress favorite drama queen have you been in training for your thespian career for years well i did a bit performing i did a bit of ballet and then i started a bit of amateur dramatics when i was machine no she's not pushing they're more scientists my parents but i did pantomimes and i once paid a jelly baby did you i'm very proud of it one of my favorite things are jelly babies are you a collector of anything i also collect records like jen i've got a 60s record player which is excellent and i like spoons that's my passion in the antique field i like spoons spoons and record players there is an unusual combination anyway i think you're going to do very well on bargaining now the blues niche david welcome home very good to see you now nish you've been friends with david for a few years yep since we've been about that high first at school we met and i've been best friends ever since and what do you do for a living i'm a credit analyst for a major uk bank a major uk bank that begins with b yeah that'll be the one that's the one all turquoise very good so what does a credit analyst do then um basically i structure deals for large businesses looking to fund their financial requirements no good i might overdraft them um perhaps we'll need to review that oh dear i thought you might say that so what is your ambition ambition is to own my own business own your own bank not be the banker but uh be the bank yeah great well you got to think big haven't you indeed fantastic and you collect anything um i collect uh classical cameras uh when i was a young lad my dad bought me a rolly classic camera oh lovely they're really good aren't they yeah great front and um none of this digital stuff um and i've got a couple of likers now so i'm slowly building the collection but um do you got cameras anything else um watches click design watches i think this man's gonna be very good at bargain hunt david you're a big football fan aren't you yeah i mean that's kind of how me and this really developed this strong bond then with both arsenal fans somebody's got to be there season ticket holders obviously massive fans of honoree and but yeah and i collect programs and i also coach i spent a couple of summers out in the states primarily teaching them how to say football instead of soccer yes pretty much but do you get any lovely girls longing to learn how to dribble i always think that's nice in a in a in an american camp since absolutely yes lots about oh they love football yeah great so you're a bit of a high flower is that right yeah on my 21st birthday and my family got me a flying lesson and since then i've kind of taken off with it literally excuse me the pun but um i've had about five or six lessons now so that's the plan so i can jet into these foreign games and yeah yeah absolutely america's the place to learn how to fly absolutely if you want to get it done in six months you've got the money to do it that's the place to be talking about funding something rubber here's the money moment three hundred pounds there you go nicholas there you go 300 pounds your ex by the weights and off you go and very very good luck so stand by portobello will it be the red team or the blue team that bagged the hot stuff today [Music] keeping an eye out for the blues today is michael hogben and hoping to point out a few bargains with the reds is james braxton nice hat don't promise food ah this is this is uh your only prerequisite today wasn't it spoons definitely can you explain this strange fascination with spring it's just i don't know i like though i think they're really pretty look at all this decoration over here i just think it's really beautiful and i like the silver yeah it's definitely silver and very helpfully it's all been marked for us isn't it so we've got sterling silver here and then here we've got fw margaret with two teas and then bangkok so it's time so high will be engraved will the fact that it's got a name on not take value off it no i think in fact the exact opposite i think it's going to add value what do you think it's useful i don't know lifting your bowl leg out or something it could be a tea bag but i think it's about sort of pre-1920 i don't think there were many pgt bags so i think most likely it's uh sugar caster oh okay it's a lovely item the engraving today would cost you at least 20 pounds to do how much is it well it's priced at 35. oh dear i don't think that leaves any room for profit no so do you think i should go and haggle baby i would get haggly keep smiling that's the best way to get money off that's good come on jenny they got the sugar sifter for the sweet price of 22 pounds boys check this out wow i think you're going to like it what is that michael i'm glad you said that it could be a page turner or it could be a shoe horn i said it's a shoe on because obviously it's on an animal foot i think this is a gazelle but i can't be 100 sure about it but i just love quirky items when you go to an auction room you want people to notice the lot you've got you don't think i've seen that 100 times before i haven't seen one of these for a long time and it's one of those rare things which people might really like at an auction sale probably quite a big book though yeah well you put your boots on with it but it's just got a nice tactile filter i really like it it feels very authentic is there a market for this i think so you know an auction is all about a market two bidders that's all you want on that what's the price market faulty queen i mean that seems peanuts to me margin to be made on it margin i reckon 60 quid good margin yeah you know on the downside you could lose a few quid but i think it's got potential it's different isn't it that's what you need in this sale first buy i think we're there let's go for it yeah let's see it's just so easy sometimes [Music] do you like that looks a bit like an egg that's been run over on the m56 but actually it isn't because this thing's made of shark skin amazing isn't it shark skin is unbelievably tough and durable sometimes you get this shark skin which is called shea green because it's stained that color or red or brown anyway i rather like this because it's green so you see this border running round the middle it's all girdle well that masks the hinge and if i click this it'll click you'll see what it's all about um look at that now this sort of box is called an etwi this one happens to be for sewing and you can tell that because it's got a little thimble look a couple of pairs of scissors exquisitely made scissors and i think most intriguingly this little box it's a needle case the needle case has got a hallmark on it the edge of the girdle has got a hallmark on it but if you've got really sharp eyes you can see a scratch signature two which is aspiris that's got a ring to it hasn't it that name royal silversmiths smart shop in old bond street this is a high quality piece of kit beautiful object very much sought after and priced up on a stall up the way at 750 pounds wow that's some shark [Music] i just found this fan i love it so isn't it absolutely gorgeous priced at 45 pounds but is it worth that much oh it's got to be look at all this lace and stuff where do you think it's from i think it's from paris france french lace french lace i think it's lovely and we've got a lovely silk ground here and then we've got some lovely paintings i just think it's absolutely gorgeous i like this wiggly bit it looks like an exotic west indian shell there it's radiating joy and happiness on the back it is slightly i don't know if that's the backing that's coming away there yeah we'll turn it around before anybody notices as long as the sticks are they're all the sticks all right yeah none of those none of them okay but it looks lovely i just really like it stunning good find yeah and also the painting's very good it has a slightly japanesey feel it doesn't it says yeah it would have been my hand yeah definitely definitely excellent i think 45 pounds a bit much yeah maybe i mean it's quite i think i think it's nice to see it at 45 i would have thought we were going to be paying 81 20. really if we can get it down pass it on our elbow okay yeah let's go for it let's go for it they fanned the price down to a cool 38 pounds this market is packed with people looking for a bargain if you need some top tips on buying and selling antiques then log on to our website bbc dot co dot uk lifestyle and get the big picture [Music] mike i've had a stroke of luck just picked up this from this lady over here okay i find it attractive nice clock seems to be working order good boy what do you think i really like it let me tell you a little bit about it first it's actually called a carriage this one and what you would have done it would have come in a leather case originally and you take it on your travels and you would always know the time it's lost its leather case but it's a nice example it's an eight-day one it's not a repeater which would have a little bell in there and you'd have a little button on there to press but when you look in the top of this one here you see this little escapement here when you spin that backwards and forwards like that and it goes backwards and forwards you know the clock's in good order what sort of age is this it's about 1900 1900 well 1920s max okay yeah so it's a nice example sweet but it's priced what is it i think it's better it was marked to 80 pounds but she's having a closing down sales just moving stalls yeah can get it for 50. 50 quid well i'm i'm excited for you 50 quid yeah that says to me it's going to fly you can't lose a lot of money on this you know in any auction cell that's going to be estimated 40 to 83. bring it spot on price-wise do you like it i think it's with items like this profit is going to be made i think it's a winner it is a winner in there because at 50 quid you cannot go wrong with this one two out of two we're doing well boys and what's caught my eye in here is this gorgeous pair of obelisks look at those these are architectural in form but i suppose were copied from cleopatra's needle which was brought back from egypt and set up on the embankment the good old victorians took that shape and decided to decorate them this has been decorated in pietrajura which literally means hard stones but what i like about this pair is that instead of being made in italy they were probably made in derbyshire each of these flowers in this long trail of convolvulus is a separate piece of stone and if you look carefully the difference in color in the leafage is because each piece has another piece of stone snuggled up to the next and then been carefully polished off which is an exquisite work of art how much i hear you say well come down to portobello with 800 pounds in your pocket and they could be yours [Music] hello hey how's your shopping going really well [Music] ah cameras what do you think dave michael you like your cameras i do yeah any good ones here um yeah i quite like that chica there dave would you reckon you know like my cameras very very nice nice colored mint one there for you as well mate i don't think you'd let it go to auction mate i know how passionate you are about your cameras yeah go straight into your pocket away you go get them away [Music] jenny james look at this oh very nice that is lovely look at this silky satin i can see that in your stage dressing room i think so that is very smart i don't think chizik auction rooms was really ready for a sort of mojo dress all right then [Music] boys i've found something to warm you up well i certainly hope so it is what bargain hunting is all about buddy i mean look at that little beauty did she warm you up oh beautiful lady i'm in love michael's beautiful let me tell you a little bit about it the lady i bought this off i thought this was brass it's actually bronze now that makes the difference of 150 quid the way you can tell it's the bronze is because it's still got some of its patina in here it's been over clean which is not a good sign-on one but it's a beauty do you think that affect the value there it will affect the value but i think someone will recognize what this is and you know if this was had its natural patina and it was a bronze from the art deco bill which it is you would be talking three four hundred quid three five pounds that would be superb i think that's a winner there now i think in this condition it's still going to do two 250 if people recognize it and i'm sure they will and there's a couple of ways to tell the age of this one really if you turn this over you see this rust on the bottom here yep now you can't do that overnight so it's not a reproduction and when you look at the fine face on here this is beautifully cast this one fingers are in good order when you look at bronzes you think faces fingers and feet check that out look at these they're absolute beauty niche i'll be honest mate i'm in love though i think it's a beautiful piece how about you mate but there's a sense of the pose definitely i mean obviously i can't let my mom see that but i'm liking i'm definitely liking it the good news is i've already bought it i just couldn't resist that you've already bought it michael you spent our money i paid 140 quid for it we had 210 quid left we're in record time what we spent 30 minutes we've got three goodbyes we've got time for a coffee one with that one let's go get a drink i might even get a branding [Music] jenny james look what i found oh wow what are these opera glasses definitely opt gases they're very very very luxurious that's what i saw shiny like shiny they're very nice look beautifully gilded aren't they look it just gets better look carl zeiss who's a very famous maker in germany brilliant and they are responsible for great optical lenses so this is really good stuff now we've got mother of pearl lenses here haven't we the sort of colors to the lenses yeah but beautifully engineered that wheel look look how it moves in there now i really really like them very theatrical this is rolls royce of open glasses yep well it is priced at 100 yeah i'm not surprised really lovely quality we might be very very pricey i just think we should try and haggle i definitely think i think remind me i think we've got about 250 pounds suspected we've got sure so do you think we'd sell them for anywhere near as much as a hundred thousand look at the lamppost there's a sign there yeah what does it say it says the red team are going to win today god how thoughtful of them they're very nice people in nottingham the girls put the storeholder in the spotlight and got the glasses for 80 pounds not only the reds and blues who are on the lookout for a bargain james and michael too have a challenge to spend the change and find something to boost their profits the question is how much change will there be and will they make a profit with it so the reds take away the silver spoon at 22 pounds the silk fan at 38 pounds and i hope they see a profit with the opera glasses at 80 pounds good stuff girls there so out of that lot which bit do you fancy the most i like the opera glasses yeah thank you both are they going to bring the biggest profit [Music] james you agree the fan i like the fan undamaged undamaged okay fine how much do you spend 140. 140 pounds of 160 smackers please 160 pounds james there you go that's your challenge have you got anything in mind out there in the market to make this big profit something small and perfectly formed well you don't have to go too far the blues take away the gazelle's foot at 40 pounds i'm not sure what anybody's gonna do with that the carriage clock at 50 pounds and the rather lovely bronze lady at 140 pounds [Music] great stuff there okay so what's your favorite piece right okay it's not because she's got no clothes on but i think we're both massive fans of the bronze lady it's gonna be the bronze lady yeah all the nice curves got no brakes i love it it's gonna bring the biggest profit is it possibly i think i think we have a good chance in all of them how much do you spend 230 pounds 20 pounds that is 70. is it yep well done you're a banker this is 70 pounds 70 pounds coming over michael thank you not too much today the challenge you're going to find something yeah something funky and unusual but there's the fu fun done let's find out [Music] this is the assay office in london and it's here that silver and other precious metals have been assessed for quality since the year 1300. the methods of testing and hallmarking have changed over the years and now it's a mix of computers and old-fashioned handiwork if you have a piece of silver to hand just have a look at the hallmarks the first mark on this piece says gh which is what's called the sponsors mark the next mark is the lion passel which is the traditional british mark to show that it is actually silver next door is 925 to indicate the purity of the silver the leopard's head which has been used since the year 1300 to indicate a piece of silver marked here in london the next door to that is the date letter in this case a little g to indicate the uh 2006. would you believe it over 20 000 pieces of silver and jewelry arrive in this office every day for hallmarking each piece has to be tested to establish that it has the correct fineness of silver in it and the first test is called the touchstone test if we take this silver spoon which has been hallmarked then take this little ring which may or may not be silver at all and this little ring which probably is silver what happens is the spoon the suspect ring and finally the last piece is rubbed on the stone which makes a mark then the expert takes the silver sulfate solution and if you look at the line running across the touchstone the outside one is clear the inside one is clear but the middle one is dark across the center that means that that piece is rejected we know that the spoon is good but this little ring before it's hallmarked goes through for the next test which is the spectrometer test if i get the piece of silver lined up on that screen which you can see over there shut the lid and abracadabra it comes up with the purity rating 932 parts to the thousand 925 is the hallmarking standard so that ring has passed that test the final test is called titration samples of silver are weighed and dissolved in hot nitric acid forming silver nitrate this is mixed with sodium chloride and the reaction produces a white solid called silver chloride it's all monitored by computer and the purity of silver is calculated to an accuracy of one part per thousand and if a piece of silver passes all those tests it's ready to be hallmarked the traditional form of hallmarking is hand marking the hallmark gives it a thump or two and lo and behold there is a glorious lion pass on these days you can also have your hallmark etched using a high-powered laser there we have it look our very own bargain hunt fully hallmarked piece of silver isn't that charming anyway what would that cost to have it marked well a standard piece of silver 52 p per piece few pennies more for the laser marking service now that is what i call a bargain today's auction is in the leafy suburb of chiswick morning the sale room is starting to fill up and the experts are waiting with anticipation but first let's meet the auctioneer tom keane hi tom tim very nice to see you okay jenny and lauren silver sifting spoon any good nothing to write home about but um okay disabled collectible how much 20 or 30 pounds that's not too bad 22 pounds paid i'll be pleased with that right now this so-called lace fan right is that plastic or is it ivory definitely ivorine ah ivorine which is another word for plastic yeah expensive plastic expensive plastic lovely so not so good than that actually but i suppose you've got fang collectors about but they want something probably a bit finer than that don't they uh yeah it's too tatty really two tatty two tattoos tatty in the fan department right how much is the estimate 15 25 pounds 38 pounds they paid they do well yeah you want a nice hot day for one of those so don't you even a bear fan okay now they were looking forward to a decent profit on the zeiss opera glasses good names nice good maker opera glasses aren't really um the thing at the moment i haven't been for a while um they're nice but i i'm not enthusiastic about them oh dear feeling gloomy how much though 30 to 50 pounds oh no 80 pounds they paid for that 80 pounds i'll just laugh it's a laughing auctioneer lovely do you think that's a dead lawson um a dead certain loss a dead cert loss anyway let's find out about the reds bonus buy hi jenny hi lauren hi james 140 pounds you girl spent yes yes we gave 160 to james james what did you spend the money on i spent it wisely here we are we've got it it's the paperweight and it's pietro jura and there's some thought possibly it could be from another country as well what do you think well i think it's sort of 50 50 terribly difficult yeah but the old derbyshire hard stone industry made things like in the 1870s 1880s you fancy that james i love these sort of things these are the things that make a home they don't necessarily have a job in today's life but they decorate a table be as a cyborg beater 110 pounds it doesn't matter it's got just our bad stuff it has regrettably these things do take the odd knock but there isn't anything too dramatic the corners are still quite good and if you were really fussy i suppose you could put a beveled edge on those take those out right then so you see a bit of a profit in that do you james um i'd love to have got it for under 100 pounds but the man was loathed to give it even to me at 110 so i think we're on could go either way anyway there we go then you don't have to decide now you can decide just after your first three items are sold whether you're going to take this bonus buy or not now let's get the auctioneer's opinion the reds bonus item do you like it not particularly i don't think there's enough going on for what it is and there's a little bit of damage to feet emitting off the bird well how much 50 or 80 pounds oh dear 110 pounds paid and of course if it makes a loss it gets knocked off their total if they take it let's hope they don't take it oh there you go let's see what tom has to say about what the blues bought [Music] now nish and david they went with this gazelle's foot jobby might be a deer's foot anyway it's definitely dead how are you on animal parts here in west london do you know don't like them not so much no unfortunately there's a lot of animal part in this lot this so-called page turner i mean i don't really know what it is to you um as a patient or a large letter opener the best it could be i suppose so but nobody's going to want to buy it are they do you think it's a bit knackered anyway um no okay how much they're lucky 20 or 30 pounds oh dear 40 pounds paid well there we go then now the brass carriage clock how they selling at the moment they got the door okay but obviously the better ones make big money and these rubbishy ones make very little right we're getting the message here these rubbishy ones lovely okay so what's yesterday hopefully we'll get 40 or 60 pounds for it oh we're not too bad they paid 50. they'd be right at least they didn't pay too much that's great lastly michael hogburn really set some store by this deco figure do you like that i think he's lovely well he thought it was by colin a mm-hmm what do you think well i found a signature did you understand here and it's by and sign p philippe well that's marvelous he didn't spot that that's a very good sign actually yeah well that'll make a difference to the estimate hopefully how much do you think for that at least 150 to 250. that is fantastic isn't it 140 pounds paid that's a very cunning buy 150 to 200 pounds and maybe more yep there's no potential time to find out what the blues bonus buy is [Music] hi david hi nish hi mike hello tim you remember 230 pounds spent we gave michael 70 pounds worth of leftover lolly what did he spend it on let's have a look that's right when is a teapot not a tea box when it's a pair of wool pockets or gravy boats well i mean aren't they just fantastic well i think they look great on the wall they need to clean have a look check them out it's half a cup of tea in the morning no they're actually wall pockets so what you would do is put flowers in just a bit unusual unusual it's not the word i mean have you ever seen in all your years in the business michael a pair of wall pockets made out of half a teapot absolutely to be honest this doesn't surprise us with the vids with the items you've got already this is this what are you trying it's unbelievable i like it i mean what's up how much was this i paid 65 pounds from because they're quirky they're unusual i'm not sure if they're going to make a profit i just liked them because like tim said i haven't seen that sort of thing before and that's what makes things good in an auction yeah what are they made out of silver plate okay yeah i mean it's actually a quality job isn't it i mean they're not rubbish it's a high quality bit of sheffield plating yeah but just doing this zany thing it's a typical michael hogg knotless i think i really like him yep now you don't have to decide right now we'll decide after your first three items have been sold right now let's get the auctioneer's opinion now the blues bonus item these are absolutely fantastic aren't they these wall pockets did you think i think you like them more than i do oh dear okay then how much do you think they're worth for novelty value which is what they are there's a bit of damage on the handle here uh 25 35 pounds for the pair oh lordy 65 pounds he paid well i wonder if they'll take these as their bonus buy hope not [Music] if you saw one of these boxes in a sale room and you didn't open it up you might easily think it's a box camera perhaps dating from the 1920s well it's true this thing does date from the 1920s but you just wouldn't believe what it's capable of we're so used to having popular music on demand via the radio via an mp3 player one of those cd players but in the 1920s they had none of that and if you wanted to take a young lady down by the riverside and enjoy a nice little picnic then this would be the piece of kit to take with you you lay it out on the grass flip that little switch on the end and that little fella just pops out like that beautifully made you then insert the arm in there and you're beginning to get the message you're right it's a little record player and on that plaque it says peter pan gramophone it's a portable gramophone but a very unusual design having got the arm set up you'd make up the turntable like that put the arms out pop your record on the top give it a bit of a wind make quite sure you're nicely charged by which time you'd have given her a small glass of shabbly with my advice and one of these nice cashmere rugs and slip that little lever and wang round and round goes the record get the arm down like that here we go [Music] there you go you've got it that is the romantic moment and hopefully at the end of that performance you'd both be feeling pretty good just like you may be feeling pretty good in today's auction because this job is estimated in the sale at 35 to 45 pounds and who knows you might get lucky [Music] jenny lauren james this is the exciting moment we're there you're clutching each other are you nervous you don't need to be nervous because your silver sifting spoon is going to do all right i can tell you 22 pounds paid 20 to 30 pounds is the estimate that's a good going to be a good start we hope the fan however 15 to 25 pounds is the estimate you played 38 so that's a bit tight and the zeiss opera glasses that could be difficult 30 to 50 is resistant 80 pounds some ground to cover absolutely anyway first lot up is the silver sifting spoon and here it comes number 25a is a sterling silver sifting spoon the casing embossed handle i've got one bid with me already 15 pounds on it he'll give me 18 for it 15 pounds thank you 18. 20 18 pounds 18 pound 20 new builder 22 25 28. 25 pounds standing by the 25 pound back wall but at 25 pounds if you're able to come in at 25 pounds in sold all done yes that's all right plus three pounds nothing to be sniffed out there now this old fan 28a a fine lace trimmed and hand painted fan show me 20 pounds somebody please 10 pounds for it then i'm good at 10 pounds thank you 12. you're a 10 minute 10 who could be 12 and take it along at 10 pounds she'll be bad at 10 pounds all day like 10 pounds only 12 new bidder thank you 15 18 20. 18 pounds 18 pounds we're going to finish 18 pounds in 18 pounds 18 pounds i don't believe it that's minus 20. right 17 down it's all going to be down to the old opera glasses interesting a pair of carl zeiss guilt bronzer 50 pounds of those 30 pounds 20 pounds slightly 20 pounds 20 000 two places 22 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 42 come on zero 40 pounds at 40 pounds 42 new bit of 45 at 42 pounds 45 anywhere 42 pounds about 42 pounds right now 45 48 48 50 55 60 50 70. 85 anywhere you think 85 90. yes 85 pounds of 85 pounds you want 92 now out for definite 85 pounds thank you for the bit all done 85 pounds 85 pounds plus five pounds that's absolutely brilliant what are you going to do about this bonus buy then you're going to take the bonus bike this is the pietra dura plaque oh bracker's played 110 all right what do you want to do i'm thinking take it or not take two minus twelve isn't that bad yeah you might make it you might win on the other hand you might make a profit on the juror in which case you'll be ahead quickly no i can't i've gotta let's play the game you want to play the game go on then i don't know what you're going to do jen's are you going to do that i don't think we should no do you think we should i don't know you are lauren you are what you're going to do quickly with jen and say no no it's safe you're not going to do it no no that's my responsibility now yes okay you're minus 12 pounds you're not going with the bonus buy and it's coming up next 35 the italian picture of paper weight and is it worth 50 pounds start me 30 pounds for him please tell me 30 pounds look at them for a bit i've been 30 pounds thank you 32 anywhere and 30 pounds over the 32 32 35 38 40 42 45 that forty five pounds you're bidding sir you wanna come in 48 fifty fifty five fifties bid take five or fifty pounds or under fifty pounds and see you bit of fifty thousand going again for another bill done in fifty pounds you sold it for fifty pounds you that's just the right thing isn't it [Music] next up is the peter pan record player sweet isn't it 30 to 45 pounds here we go a rare portable peter pan gramophone number seven i'm selling now i've got one two three four bids on it i've got forty forty six seventy five and eighty thousand me i'll take five at eighty pounds eighty five anywhere there's a bit of eighty pounds he five thank you ninety take now all commissioners are out eighty five pounder bits are eighty five pounds without eating 85 pounds there you go that's a pretty little tune for somebody [Music] nice david michael this is exciting isn't it is stuffed up with people that sell room fantastic now the page turner he's estimated 20 to 30 pounds on that you paid 40. okay i think it's a bit chancy animal park from all right west london i don't know carriage timepiece not so bad 40 to 50 850. right in the middle that's okay yeah but your figurine that art deco figurine has to tell you you've found a signature p philippe on it isn't that great and his conservative estimate is 150 to 250 pounds how about that that is fantastic and you only paid 140. um i'm a true bargain well it should be a result we've got to sell it first anyway we sell your three items then you decide about the bonus buy right okay okay first of all that one is your page turner and it is coming up now bronze by the mounted deer hoofs paige turner 20 pounds for it 10 pounds for it i'm good at 10 it could be 12 at 10 pounder but at 10. it was about 10 pounds i beat we'll take you along 12. you're 15. 18. we'd like 20. we're 20 22 25 28 48. 30. 22. he's not 45. that's good 35. you've been 35 pounds selling the 345 are you out 35 you've got it 35 pounds 35 pounds next is the carriage clock number 56a the brass and glass case standard carriage clock this timepiece 50 pounds 30 pounds they could be 30 pounds 32 anywhere 32 35 38 40 42 45 48 55 yes in profit 55 60 5 nope 16 bid take five at 60 pounds 360 pounds in 65 new bidder 17. it's your bid now 65 pounds 1265 pounds finished 65 gigabyte of room for another bid at 65 pounds 65 pounds that's very respectable plus 15 plus 10 pounds plus 10 pounds a guilt bronze figure of a nude nude girl pleased to say all like those 100 pounds for it it taught me like 50 pounds for it i've been at 50 55 anywhere i've got a bit of 50 pounds give me 55 until you get along which is 55 60 5 70 5 80 5 90 5 90 bid take five and 90 1995 new bidder 100 110 120 130 140 on 50. you're in profit you're in profit 160 are taking somebody else and it's going to come in 150 the bids at 150 160 new bui at two points 240. yes you are 110 pounds can you believe that's amazing listen now you've got to decide are you going to go with a bonus buy right you have 110 pounds worth of profits that is in the bank right it's in your bank in the bank but do you trust michael hogben michael hogmann paid 65 pounds for those teapots half a teapot here half a teapot there what you're going to do you're going to go with hoggers right if it makes a profit gets added to 110 pounds if they make a loss it gets knocked off your 110 pounds this is the question do you want to play the game or are you going to chicken out what you're gonna do i think it's been logs and dogs up to now and i think maybe we shouldn't push our luck i'd ask me personally being a banker i'm gonna bank the money you're gonna pay the money you're not gonna go with hogman he's very disappointed i can tell you sure okay here we go a pair of silver plated decorative wall pockets in the form of georgian teapots was it worth 50 pounds 30 pounds something 30 pounds please somebody ten pounds i'm good at 10 powder 10 give me 12 12 pounds there 15 18 20 22. at 20 pounds 20 pounds take to a 20 pounds only the bids with me at 25 22 25 28 pounds at 28 pounds all done 28 pounds you did exactly well you're banking 110 pounds that is absolutely [Music] winners and losers eh well more runners-up than losers because minus 12 pounds isn't half bad that's usually a winning score on this isn't it james yeah very respectable very respectable anyway you didn't go with the bonus buy because if you had you'd be minus 72 pounds now what's that tell us james i have wrong environment yes of course wrong environment absolutely but you guys what about this you were 10 pounds up before you got that fantastic figure of michael's that's marvellous isn't it 110 pounds overall not a bad day's worth it's not a bad day's work you didn't go with the bonus buy quite wisely is it turned out we let him off absolutely 110 pounds then here it is what are you going to spend it on nice lovely anyway join us for some more bargain hunting yes yes for more information about bargain hunt including how the program was made visit the website at bbc dot co dot uk lifestyle next on bbc on the news headlines then a bournemouth pub is in the hunting ground for cash in the attic [Music]
Channel: David Smyth
Views: 111,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 98OuFnC2BqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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