The Bidding Room Season 2 Episode 25 - Strange Sculptured Pot

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[Music] first up is David who's hoping to seal a blockbuster deal for a cinematic pairing the items I brought in today would look nice and anyone's front room they come in raid and Do's appear over them before facing the dealers David's pieces will be valued by Simon who's been an Auctioneer for nearly 30 years here we are Sunday night at the London padium Yes actually it's reminded me that of my local Cinema when I was a teenager that at the back they had double seats all right yeah you could take your girlfriend there there was nothing in the middle between you to interfere with the night's proceedings so they you have to book early to get those seats I tell you the cinema or the girlfriend on that happy note let's ask David all about these shall we David nice to meet you hello Nigel what have you bought us today I bought you a set of chairs from my front room which I bought in more a more Comm antique dealer I paid just under £400 okay I use them to sit and watch Cinema to make you feel you're in the cinema yeah okay are they comfortable enough for that they're comfortable yes yeah okay well shall we ask our expert Simon what he thinks about them did they tell you who they were by or anything like that or I think it was from a by a fellow designed by a town designer called Peretti I believe that's exactly it that's what I wanted to hear Jan Carlo Peretti he worked for castelli who were the people that made these chairs these are their axis seating range originally this design would probably have been from the ' 50s that sort of period but these are later versions of date wise because of this sort of viny plasticky bit on the bottom I'm going to say they're probably what 1990s is yeah because they're so modern does that really affect the price the way the market is at the minute Nigel no no all they want is the design the form and the look yeah so it ticks all the boxes in that respect so it's exactly the same as it would have been made in the 60s nothing's changed at all it's just newer yes exactly yes I get that so David you paid 400 for them yes what would you like to get for them I'd like to get more than 400 but willing to take less although David's paid retail price in effect not that long ago I think next door in front of dealers they're probably going to offer him my personal opinion is around about the 300 is where they're at but you never know £300 is does that sound all right it sounds a good starting point good now before you go into the Dealer's room let's ask Simon to sort of sum up so you've got all that knowledge going in designed by petti made by castelli mid-century design Cinema seats go for it thanks for bringing you in good luck thank you bye when you were shuffling along the roads to get back to your seat with your popcorn and your drink yeah and then you're trying to push that down with your I I often find in the cinema um that people are late they arrive late and the first 20 minutes of any movie is quite important because You' got to get the plot sets the whole thing so I now say people late I say you're late just I can't resist it know you're [Music] late valuation went well they said slightly less than what I was expecting in the first place but still a good price so I'm looking forward to get into the bidding room and getting that price up high it's Lights Camera Action for David as he enters the bidding room could his seats earn rave reviews from furniture buyer JB or curio collector Ian hello hello hello hello hi and what's your name name is David hi David hello David nice to meet you David we're all really intrigued as to what is underneath this cover so okay would you do the honors and and show Wass I'll take it off of you Cly what film sh today is there a matin oh dear you remember the days you used to look in the corner there was a little lady with a little light shining on the little ice no going back to the 1930s I don't even know what you're talking about all right 1930s film alist Sim go on then JB what am I sitting on you are sitting on a castelli I believe it was Jan Carlo petti was it for castelli they did a lot of contract furniture for offices never seen them for cinemas as such I believe they are airports and they were sold to me as Cinema cheers I would have said the same thing but then when clever whats it come no no no no I'm not necessarily saying that design was solely for airports but they he designed a lot of airport Furniture so it might be you might have install them correctly I'm sorry now but now Ian doesn't know whether he's watching the Cinema or he's going on holiday come on I would say it probably is an airport with that upholstery or a waiting room or some discretion it doesn't matter does it the Airport cinema dates I think late probably' 70s I think the designs from the 60s but these ones were made in the '90s yeah that's how good the design actually is though is the fact that they still produce them year after year and they're still in fashion I mean look at them they're ideal for home use now to be quite honest I think couldn't you Bol them the back of a a split screen camper van or something like they' look amazing amazing they look fantastic I could bolt them in the back of my van and you could come out with me for a day I could where are we going every way you want Malaga airport yeah I'm a bit jealous you to planning your little day trips away together aren't you two seats two seats yeah come with us James where's a sitting oh I don't know believe him you can drive hey you turn coat so before we start bidding what else did Simon tell you about the shares Simon said that the pair of them were highly desirable they've been designed by pet design they really can be put anywhere into any room in the house they're Timeless and they'll always be in fashion and he's right so on that note he wants to kick it off the dealers seem taken with a pair of chairs over to David to see if he can sell at or even above expert Simon's 300 valuation I'm not to insult you I'm going to start the bidding off at £50 £110 120 130 140 150 come on you can go more than that if you're sitting that and think you're going the holiday these days that's true 160 then 170 I'm out okay David I'm with Melissa I'm going to watch the battle cuz I think there's going to possibly be one I like it but I'm not that Keen on the Breck so you out yeah go 180 and I'll go 190 200 quid I'm out at 200 so you got2 200 on the table David 200 wasn't what I was hoping to get is it not no no what's your magic figure where where's your where's your limit probably 240 I could do 200 I don't think I go anymore would you go 220 no I'm I am firm on 200 no can't take the money no 210 last 10 220 no on I'll give you 220 actually and JB stole these from under your nose you can't on holiday now I know I'm going to be sat having a wet weekend in Weston in the back of my van James you're a hard man I'm out what did you say at 220 220 is Fain hey happy days brilliant [Music] [Applause] when you had the valued with Simon what did he say they were worth said 300s did he wow gosh had a good time in the dealer room the dealer reaction was good they all thought the chairs were pretty cool they loved the design and in the end it was down to GB meting the last minute offer not for the amount I wanted for them he paid 220 I still see that as a good deal as I don't have any use for them anymore thanks David thank you much good to see you mate we'll go towards a holiday for my daughter and Alice up in the Scottish Highlands where we can see some proper snow where you go mate skaggy skegness you skaggy skeggy not on a plane no oh are they Car Park seat yeah Wai for the bus in my camper the mini bus for skag n is about to arrive please get your bags ready thank [Music] you next to take on the dealers is Angela with a star studded souvenir from a cult Club classic the item I brought in today is a lovely piece of memorabilia It's associated with the film I acted in in 1968 and uh it's very special this has made my day I'm mine as well yeah Angela hello how nice to meet you likewise and thank you for bringing this poster and I understand that you were in the film that's right fantastic tell me all about that oh well it was one of the first jobs I ever got one was terribly excited although one was used for decorative uh reasons as they might say I just love being on the set meeting everybody Kenneth Williams Barber and so on and so forth did they give you this or did you have to buy this poster no there's a sweet story attached to this we were always sort of having reunions in the good old days I went with uh the late Jeremy Lloyd I used to know him really well well yes off we Beetle to lunch at Pinewood and then later uh the auction came up and he was sweet enough to to buy it and gift it to me that is so Jeremy yes yes so it's got a special place that's yeah in my heart he was very very close friend of mine Jeremy you've had it's hanging up at home yes yes and now it's time to sell it maybe maybe yes to find out all about it the first thing I noticed uh Angela is is the condition absolutely mint oh you know colors are as bright as the day it was really the first thing I always look for is the printer and that's Barry of Bradford you could you couldn't ask for a better name they were the ones that did all the film posters going back to Ten Commandments in the 1920s right up to Flash Gordon in the 80s and Beyond these were the ones you'd have seen actually in the cinema so this isn't a reprint for you to just hang on your wall at home this is the real the real thing is what what you did kyber actually come out then did you remember I believe it was filmed in 68 so probably what 69 I would think 69 this is so perfect of the of the period of the period and they're very collectible aren't they a huge collector's Market whether you're a carry-on fan or not I mean the imagery to start with is just is so eye-catching isn't it well I mean you got everything going for it Angela honestly I can't I know I've keep going on about condition but it's really important when we're talking about movie posters when you get in there when they know the connection I I honestly think it will fly just as a movie poster I see it at1 150 but with your connection and the whole story I could see it doing easily double that yeah is that good news I was expecting minimum of a th000 pounds were you yeah well we just don't know we just don't know we just don't know so the key points to take into the bidding room are it's absolutely Mint Condition we've got one of the most recognized film franchises in this country if not the world in your favor Angela that they're probably never going to get another chance to buy this with the connection it's how desperate how Keen they are to own it I'd go in there and Dazzle them which I'm sure you can do very good luck thank you okay bye see you on the other side Simon valued it I thought on the low side little disappointing but things can change hello hi hello hello what's your name my name is Angela we are very intrigued so would you like to whip it off I would indeed Abra Kadabra that is cool wow as soon as you read carry on you just don't read any further do you because it's just iconic best thank thing ever so where did you get this from well uh I'm an actress and I was actually in the film this was gifted to me so you was actually in this film in the film I think that's me I'm not sure yeah and in other Carry On Film yes so you have actually worked with people like Kenneth Williams and all that Crow that's right oh my goodness wow I'm going to destroy the atmosphere in this room because I don't have a clue what that feel abely no idea I honestly don't and I'm so sorry cuz it is obviously a massive massive film back in the viewing has become the carry on like the hammer Horrors but what an amazing movie poster that is I mean it does look in remarkable condition considering the age it's just stunning isn't it but of course it's been protected by the glass hasn't it yes I'm assuming this would have been a cinema poster I think so yeah so when you go to the cinemas you see the glazed sort of box section yes and it would advertise the film that was sort of coming soon or on now that's right the first one I ever saw at the cinema was carry on camping my mom and dad took me to it amazing yeah Barbara Windsor you know gosh absolutely stunning I love it cuz it's so bright and vibrant but we know it's the real thing there is no evidence of any creases and ever having it been rolled off but if you watch the film it'll crease at watching it I think it would because honestly I love that sort of human I love airplane I love Life of Brian all the Monty Python Etc so yeah so I do feel like I would enjoy but I've just you would like it we'll buy you the box set because you need to watch it honestly yeah I can't believe I've not watched it right Angela let's put everybody out of their mystery let's start the bidding the movie poster has been valued at1 to150 but Angela is looking for nearer to a thousand so will her unique story help her sell for anywhere near that price I'm going to start it at £150 200 250 260 300 I heard you guys had Deep Pockets but we got short arms as well damn Angela I'm going to go to 350 400 450 500 double it 550 I'll go 600 650 come on either you want it or you don't I tell you where I am I'm out at 650 but thank you for bringing it in I'm going to join Samantha as well cuz I think you've got two people especially in the room where it means quite a bit more to them than it does to me so I'm out but thank you it's been a pleasure to meet you as well I think I'm out yes but thank you so much it's been a delight to meet you oh it's been my pleasure coming here so Angela it's at 6:50 with me that is going to be my last bit what are you thinking I feel it's uh worth probably double that and it does have extremely sentimental attachments for me as I'm sure you appreciate I just love how much this means to you and I know if if I was in your situation and I'd worked with these people then blim me I you know and right at this point I don't want to take it off you Angela I'm I'm going to say I'm out but I hope we talk again about it because I really do love it I'm in the same boat I really really would like it I just can't get up to that figure and like ad's touched on see how much it means to you so at the moment yeah I'm out fair enough it's it's been a pleasure meeting you all you've made this all very excited thank you so much for bringing it in it's been amazing to see bless thank you very much you well uh all the dealers seemed uh interested but they didn't quite uh reach the figure I had in mind they went to 650 I feel it was probably worth a little bit more and I turned it down I hope eventually to give it a very very good home well what an amazing poster with an amazing story behind it and what an amazing lady and I think we've been really lucky to meet her definitely absolutely third in is David with something he hopes will make the Dealer's head spin they're made of wood children would have played with them they're very tactile they they're nice to hold and they're really good for if they're not a collection of wooden pears no they are I think I know what they are yes well David what have you bought in today Victorian spinning tops where did you find them they were given to me by a friend they were they were husbands right um he used to play with them upstairs they wasn't allowed outside with them him and his brother used to play with them upstairs in the Attic room well it's very handy because Simon our expert is here to day of course and he is also an expert with spinning tops tell us I think he spot on with dates I think they are Victorian ones so 1880s '90s that kind of vintage right the Bea is in the Simplicity isn't it I mean we just got this little sort of Steel Rod coming out there which obviously was your little bit of pivot that was it would' be balancing on and then obviously you'd wind your bit of boot lace or bit of string whatever you got and then set him like that and just pull and hope it stayed on the table and kids will be mesmerized by that thing spinning and it was spin a long time I seem to remember yeah I always remember as a child the Temptation was to sort of just nudge them a bit whil they were spinning they start wobbling these were I think they called was it whip Whi and tops these were called we used to pull the and you could put any bit of string in there really yeah bit of boot lace or boot lace yeah you're in for nothing cuz they cost you nothing no how much were you looking to sell them for probably about £60 [Music] well I think Davey's got a great little collection to take next door as I say I only usually see them individually so to get a nice little group of eight is great because they're so simple in their form but they're good fun I can see you getting 60 to 80 maybe even a little bit more before you go into the deal's room I'm just going to ask S to sum up so you have all that knowledge to take in to the deer's room when you sell them obviously push the fact that You' got a great range you know it's a readymade collection for somebody late 19th century fun simple and AD I think target him right okay thanks for bringing them in thank you pleasure to meet you and you good luck thank you bye Sim was really excited the fact that it's a a whole collection so yeah I'm really excited about going into the biding I with all the the information I've got and get as much money as I [Music] can hello hello there and what's your name it's David David what are they they're spinning tops Victorian spinning TOPS oh okay oh my goodness look at them I have to say these are great I mean I've never ever seen anything like it they're just absolutely superb Dave do you know how these work I believe you wrap the the lace around it and then hold the top and pull the lace and it spins around then do you know what dates they are roughly well Simon told me they're late 1800s how you getting on a I'm I'm all right stop it it's getting a bit late shut up keeping an eye on time you know what what are you doing a I don't know what I'm doing Dad can you not just spin them without the shoelace I feel like it's a shoelace that's causing a bit of isue one I've got this one done I've got this one done look at this one oh I see nice work yeah ad won't be buying these no no it's Point down this this way oh you'll definitely need a lace I think it doesn't that way without it could spins this way being Victorian these will have all been hand tooled and you can imagine them making them can't you and ab Tak great care into making just a child's toy which doesn't really happen anymore so okay guys are we ready to start the bidding the Victorian wooden spinning tops are valued at 60 to 80 time for David to get haggling £40 I'll go 50 there's eight of them okay then I'll go 80 it's better 100 110 120 130 knew you'd like these as well 140 150 160 I'm liking it you're getting a bit of a sweat on ad I mean it's bit of a spin actually just let you know that I'm out right 170 anym 175 180 I'm just going to say I'm not going to bid on this and I'm out 190 [Music] and that will be my last bid sorry right anyone else any higher to be honest my limit was really 150 and I've gone over that so I think I'm out at that do you know M I'm out too so David I'm in at 190 yeah brilliant I'll accept your offer we have a deal we do fantastic brilliant [Music] you yes we'll be having this little competition tomorrow won't we okay David so obviously you know what we've paid you what did Simon value the collection at 60 to 80 60 to 80 you and your toys 60 to 80 was that 0 what did you pay 18 60 to 80 60 to 80 and you paid 190 1010 short of 200 you couldn't even play the game ad bought the spinning tops for £190 in the end he gave me an extra £10 which is going towards Farley hospice which I'm really pleased about it's more than I expected so I'm really really chuffed should have a little play Trouble Is you've got to get quite a velocity up haven't you a what a velocity that is exactly not how the victor or used to do it flipping what of a ball see that's how they used to do it he do they cost you 20000 and now look at them they're all over the floor you've scattered them over the floor like a spoiled child did I really play that for them even I'm [Music] shocked next up is Christine with a very peculiar piece the item that I bought in today is ceramic it stands about 11 in high it was standing in my living room but I decided to put it away because it freaked people out it's a bit scary you think it's one of those things that people would fall in love with or run away from I'm not running away from it no not me Christine hello Nigel how long have you had this little beauty um just over 20 years have you yeah I got her for about three quid wow I mean I found in love with her as soon as I saw her and I was going to use her as a plant pot and put Cactus inside but I decided not to because otherwise it would have ruined the inside of the plant pot I've had it stored for the last few years because some people find it really spooky do they yes they do but the more you look at it the more you sort of fall in love with her no I love her yeah and now you're moving on I'm downsizing so and you're curious about it I really am they're commonly known surprisingly enough as head planters okay so you were right putting a putting a a cactus in but no I agree with you because that can cause all sorts of problems inside with water damage and all that kind of thing so you you did the sensible thing actually yeah but I don't know whether you ever noticed underneath but we have got little set of um initials underneath yes I did notice but I couldn't quite make it out well it's um it's by a chap called Andre Laray a and he worked for sidmouth Pottery which was Devon okay and they closed in 72 right so this is slat bang 60s I have seen these uh head Planters before they do turn up very rarely each one is sort of hand decorated so there would be slight variations in every one the shape there would have been more than one of those done if you look at their makeup it's very sort of Bieber over that period yes it is the facts of that 60's Vibe again does toally yeah yeah mini skirt stay boots okay um are they collectible are indeed yeah yeah no this this will have a a really good following they don't turn up that often as I say over probably 20 30 years I've probably had maybe two or three of them to sell so you know very rarely that you see [Music] them she's worth actually more than people might think you know because I I think it's a fantastic bit of 1960s art Pottery I'm going to rain myself in a little bit because of the the chip on the base I say with confidence you can expect between well between 50 and £80 definitely it's not a bad done profit no it's not really no no are you happy with that yes up to a point up to a point what say you get 80 what would you do with the money take myself out for dinner I think just yourself you would invite me you can come if you want thank you very much that's last an invitation now before you go into the dealers room I want time to sum up so go in there armed with all this expert knowledge okay Andre lay so remember that name sidmouth Pottery 1960s a great example of ceramic work of that period and they'll all fall in love with it yeah chrisy that will give you a head start anyway have fun thanks for bringing it in I've never seen anything like it in my life no no no I hadn't either so so I think you have great success yeah thank you good luck thank you thanks I thank you the valuation went really well um you know I learned a lot of interesting things in there I'm hoping that it'll start a bidding war that will drive the price up because it's such a unique and rare [Music] object hello hello hello hello oh my goodness well what is your name my name is Christine what on Earth is that it's terrifying a lot of people do say that it's absolutely why I don't sort of like put it on show at the house it's been stored for quite some time because of the grand kids I don't blame you where on Earth did he get that I was at a boot fair in dich and it was three quid I'll give you five for it then no So Christine you're at this car boot you've got up at 6:00 in the morning and you're being drawn towards a stall yes full of normal normal normal items and that was in the middle it was in the middle why because I just find her fascinating Ian you could put an ostrich egg in it what for my your breakfast what's it made of it's ceramic can I ask what Simon made of it he loved it and he also knew who the artist was really yes immediately Andre zoret so how old is that mid-60s so banging retro CH as much as it's a bit weird a cand it's calming isn't it it's quite nice it Su me yeah in a way she's almost like she's put a makeup on gone out in the rain and it's just gone everywhere she got Pander eyes she has got Panda eyes like me in the rain was the little chip on it when you bought it yes it was okay yeah it's very thin porcelain isn't it it is isn't it like a bisque type yes I know what you mean though you know what I mean it looks better as you get close yeah it does yeah still terrifying look it's drawing you all in yeah it is something what was it originally made for it was a plant bot oh right really it should look even weirder with a planting wouldn't she imagine just like a big old Cactus coming out of their head hair but it look like hair spider plant we're going to find out who's the most Bonkers in the room um so I think we ought to start the bidding after some initial dos the dealers are warming to the ceramic head so can Christine beat Simon's 50 to 80 valuation I'll start it at £10 you're in profit already aren't you from 20 years ago yeah oh yeah all right 15 no £30 no £35 no come on everybody £40 no £45 no £60 nothing thank you miles off £70 no thank you £80 no thank you 150 what 150 150 160 no wow if I could have done some research I'd have bought it but I think I'm completely gambling at this really I'm gambling 180 you're getting close am I I don't think I want to get any closer any advances over there no I don't think so I'm going out I'm afraid you're out anyone else not for me thank you I'm out on this you've got quite a good deal there I think with Ian so we're at80 I'm having a barmy one cuz I haven't got a clue mhm Where Do We Stand I'll accept it fantastic right I have to ask mhm wait for it go on what did Simon values at he valued her at from 50 to 80 I tell you what it needs some research because yeah it'll it is worth what somebody will pay for it and if you get somebody locked into that kind of maab yes it's going to go like you work for me oh it was really exciting and I really really enjoyed it Ian bought the pot uh he really loved it and he was drawn to it considering I only paid three quid for it I'm really happy with The Profit that I made today thank you very much thank you thanks Christie I'm going out for dinner I you'll just buy anything can't deny that I think I've just proved [Laughter] [Music] it last in is Duncan with a piece that tells of bad habits from Days Gone By the item of roing today is silver SM to fit in the pal of your hand or in your in your pocket uh it's just over 100 years old made in 1904 in Birmingham well this is a box it is and and it's silver it is indeed well let's ask Duncan all about it hello Nel hello Duncan thanks for coming in and bringing this pretty little box with you tell me all about it where did you find it yes I found it at a house in crew I was visiting there looking at a stamp collection I noticed the corner of my eye the glint of the silver in the corner which drew me across there and I thought what a lovely uh piece you're like a little Magpie could of silver and your yes there was sunshin in crew yeah so tell me um what did you pay for it I paid £85 £85 okay yes little little lot isn't it classic silver cigarette case in the late Victorian style which is how we term that one without even looking at Hallmarks I can tell it's from that period simply because of this style of decoration which is those classic Victorian swirl and then the classic Shield shape cartouch on the on the cover there with the little presentation and I can see the date on there 1905 solid silver solid silver absolutely um and still retaining its little elastic holders there as well people actually buy these now and they're quite handy for putting either calling cards or business cards and I noticed you've got a couple of little extras rattling about inside which is quite nice so we got a a little silver threy bit which is again that solid silver that one and then this is just a little bit of brass but we got a image of Christ on the front and then and then the Lord's Prayer very tiny for people with very good eyesight absolutely yes and I suppose who who was the Box given to does it say on it it it says on it it's a it's a reverend and it was presented to him by his Sunday School uh members presumably as a token of gratitude or long service or goodbye or goodbye exactly yes which is typical of the reason for those silver cigarette boxes they were often presentational gift items I can see the hall marks there yeah on both sides which is important because essentially we have two pieces of silver I think it's sort of around about 3 oz so sort of 50 55 somewhere around there I I think the dealers will go to round about probably around the 8090 which is your money back you might make a few pounds it but I think you paid a fair market Price to be honest points to take next door late Victorian beautiful original Condition it's just a nice bit of silver so they'll all have a good go at it for you great okay good luck thank you very much I think you do really well thanks for coming in thank you bye-bye thanks thanks would you have cleaned it no as fine as it is I would have cleaned it to with an inch of its life it be gleaming and glistening there but no no blinded yeah it was great to meet Simon today and draw on his vast experience over many years yeah I'm really looking forward to going into the bidding room and achieving a a good [Music] price hello and what's your name my name's uh Duncan nice to meet you dun hello Duncan I'm going to be the first one that has a look before he end us very nice obviously it's a it's a Vesta case hallmart silver really really beautiful detail into their classic sort of Victorian probably 1890 something yeah the inscription on front's got 1905 so you're there are thereabouts the hall Mark which is on the inside it's on both sides got the the anchor symbol which uh shows it was made in Birmingham now I love it when it came and I thought oh no but I must spend hundreds of pounds a year on books of stamps and they go in the van they go in the car and I lose them then I want another stamp so I buy another book that's going to be my stamp holder bookie thingy hang on yeah not bought it yet mate no no no this is going to come home with me calm down just to warn you this is coming home with me I like it you might have to pay a pretty penny with that then it's really nice I like the inscriptions on the front stop it so it says presented to Reverend GW ski from Bary Sunday school bomy school yes I used to go to that school so I need it live did you I think I'd use it for little bits of jewelry and stuff cuz it is nice it's really really pretty I sell every one of these that I get for business cards these days cuz but you know the last thing I like about that is look at the shape yeah it's cool isn't it you put it in your pocket and it'll fold the Contour slly curved that's a quity thing it's going to curve to your body and it belongs in my pocket do you see how well it fits ad it's made to measure okay you lot let's start the bidding the dealers are intrigued by the silver case so can Duncan reach or even exceed the 80 to 90 valuation 30 quid is that all £40 now you're way a drift I'm going to go 70 quite a bit to go yet 75 but I'll go to 100 cuz I really like it so certainly great to get into three figures but I think we need uh some higher bids than that 100 quid is my Max on that so I'm out tell you the truth it's a bit small for me I like big lumps of furniture also I don't actually like the presentation thing on there that because you can't then sell it to someone to present it to someone else to give it to someone else the gift so to me that actually devalues it a little bit £100 is about a pretty fair price off 0 oh dunan what a nasty man I was helping you there who's sitting in tears now just when I we going to lie you A's not having this I want it 105 110 Duncan ignore him that's a little bit like more like it we want notes on the end not fives I I'm out go on E don't let ad beat you there come on Cinders where are you green one out Cinders I shall go to the ball at 120 130 oh o now now we'll talk get some momentum going now I think I've topped out mate I'm out but thanks so much so dun we're at 1:30 with me I'll will use it love it treasure it forever so do we have a deal at 130 what about 1 150 I'll walk away now 150 go on ad got an excellent piece there I don't want to do 150 but I would do 140 just to give you a bit of a sweeter but then I stop I'll take it 140 you will fantastic so Duncan sells the silver case for £40 well above Simon's top valuation of 90 yeah it's been an excellent day today Aid bought the cigarette case uh in the end at40 really pleased with what I achieved today got some great news to tell the wife when I get home it's probably too much money I don't care I just loved as soon as I felt it I just loved it and I wouldn't have stopped I'd have gone further probably wrong but I just really liked [Music] it
Channel: The Bidding Room
Views: 2,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bidding room, bbc, the repair shop, auction, auctions, antique, antiques, antiques roadshow, nigel havers, biddingroom, bidding room, repair shop
Id: nTxKp3aSstE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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