The Beulah Show (1950-52) | Two Episodes

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the Bueller show who spends most of her time in the kitchen on the cambridge wrong [Music] it says the words on page five about the office charles kid would easily renowned novelist world traveler and authority on matrimonial problems mr. Amos Lee says to watch clothes for the danger signs of marriage disintegration I feel there a the casual peck on the cheek and though the kiss is a duty rather than a pleasure be the drippings apart from mutual interest not listening while the other is talking see inner turmoil as reflected by a rough manner became is ring exactly the husband wanting to stay in and forgetting that his wife spent almost all her time in the home hmm if the reader knows a couple with a matrimonial problem mr. Ainsley wants their names the information is confidential and he'll send special instructions in a plane so so [Music] in medieval days up through the Renaissance Alice they used to torture a man with an iron collar but iron doesn't cut as much as starched linen so please Alice would you please please what Harry I wasn't listening be not listening what is talking back in medieval days oh yes dodging your collar I'm sorry Harry I'll try to remember to put a note on the bundle no starch Thank You Alice is dirt a collector's item Donny won't you let the other boys have any I've already seen enough now March upstairs Wharf March panner Harry there's a dance at the club tonight and I promise not me Ella but Harry I prom I'm staying in after dinner you'll find me right here [Music] come on bill get up and go to work I'm working baby Merkin I'm in Britain in perpetual motion well what's this reverse research listen some waterfalls on a pattern the pattern moves and generates the motor the motor lifts the water the water falls on a panel some power moves and generates a motor the motor lifts to water the water oh we love finish a water come on bill there's a fix them to be done up to the Hendersons how much is in it for me I'm doing the fixin well you want to rip my tools no the tools I need are up here them paper pen ink envelopes stamps and privacy bill I just come over here because of the confidential nature of my word well you don't have to with the understanding that this is confidential [Applause] [Applause] Devon and IVA gas bill let it to mrs. Henderson from you-know-who the water in power seconds notice and a plea from Donna's jetan atom club is delinquent is that all there's a letter here in a plain wrapper that's what I'm waiting for word suggest to a mr. and mrs. Henderson but I fed him for I'd better warn you Beulah if anything has crossed the state language head and daughter it's a penitentiary offense oh don't worry mr. Paxton it ain't nothing illegal I just performed the grand coupe of my career Oh bill bill bill who the ladder from Dallas I wasn't listening I said who's the letter from Oh mother which one mine Oh [Applause] nobody knows the trouble I've seen Perry what is it a rebate on your income tax are one of Bonnie's comic books this is the stickiest the gooiest letter I've ever read what are you talking about when you hear it seems that our marriage is crossing troubled unchartered waters it is yes and this chap named Amos Lee is going to send us a compass it's a figure of speech his own I'm supposed to remember that you're just as beautiful as the day I married you just as in need of consideration just as desirable I'm supposed to bring home presents and little surprises never let the feeling of courtship fade away I like sweet things hmm I think mr. Ainsley is absolutely right oh he is huh read that part about being preoccupied about not listening when your marriage partners talking read that hmm wait a minute there I'm still on the part about the present a little surprises oh I think this is a wonderful letter now you listen to me Alec Henderson oh well I don't agree with everything on the letter dear but now let me ask let me ask you who sent our names into this matrimonial magician well I did a member of your bridge club perhaps or maybe you're going around saying we're incompatible Harry Anderson I never said such a thing in my whole life and you know it but I never even thought it until now I never sounded dinner's about ready I don't believe I care for any dinner Thank You Beulah I'll be in my room somebody send in our names probably one of your humorous friends they always think of the funniest things [Applause] gillo would you do me a favor everything mr. Harris would you make up the guest room that is if I'm even a guest in this house a mr. Harry about that Mary don't even mention the letter to me I'd like to get my hands on a jerk who sent our names into that matrimonial quack mr. Hanna I hope it's some satisfaction to whoever did it to know that it's probably broken up our marriage will be back with Beulah in just a minute [Music] miss Alice I'm not even letting another viewer miss Alice I want to say something to you yes illa billah' I got two weeks and two days salary coming to me why are you leaving us you know I'd never do that but the suitcase for you going but you gonna fire me Miss Sarah listen why are you and I don't blame you the tiniest night and I ain't gonna ask for no references either but why am I going to fire you well on account of a letter Billa you wrote oh you can forget them two weeks in two days ah I'll leave quietly Beulah yes miss Alice put your suitcase down yes ma'am you sent in our names yes we miss Alice but why well I thought I saw symptoms of a cracker you know mr. Harry pecking me on the cheek and you not listening when he talks and and he not wanting to take you out at night of course I could be wrong maybe those symptoms are there Beulah Alice you get more beautiful every day Harry [Applause] Harry here open up nothing very expensive mind you oh how lovely Harry Anderson but here hmm you didn't do this because you wanted to you did it because it said so on the letter well I did it what difference does it make a great deal doing it doesn't count if it's wanting to do it and you didn't want to I'm sorry I ever did it so am I we've got better flowers not in the backyard and I don't care what's in your silly box if you've got money to throw away the town is simply rockin with end of the month sales the flowers the present and the letter and then Baldwin saw the scintillating myriad of life that's in gaily in Valerie's eye is this beautiful the cellar yes Beulah I don't have a lot of good common sense - but I don't think mr. Harry would ever agree more than both like a meal - twin may I expect dinner doing feathers mr. Heric presently why don't you go take a crack at him mr. Hallett well maybe it would sound better coming from a disinterested party meaning me huh mr. Harris about you and miss Alice being kind of cool towards each other yes girl well nobody knows when the force gets on their love they don't know whose fault it is or if it's anybody's fault yeah Beulah the same the same thing happened to ballin and Valerie what are they to people I read about mr. Ames bainsley oh it is to story about 211 people it's beautiful mr. Harry just beautiful Owen and Sally got married again so what's that got to do with us I suppose the two people are divorced they can always try to get together again oh but they didn't get no divorce they got married again exactly like the first time Oh a reenactment like cops with a suspect the scene of a murder Oh ridiculous oh don't say that mr. Harry please mr. Ames the man that wrote this to story said going through the motions and hearing the marriage words again was just the spark needed to ignite the flame of love no villa no definitely no [Applause] come on mr. Harry panda if the exact [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll get mad after all these years and you're not even told me how you have an editorial good imagination zero I notice my back is I'm trying to make the bribe and I'm gonna do it anyway cuz how did you do it or your and get all new things hat but love the shoes and do our best at sustaining oh yeah dreams located to I'll present a they'd have us nighttime and yeah and yeah batted up by taking home our yo bill and I ain't getting married you ain't no time to tell me I spent all that money on clothes mr. and mrs. Henderson I get married oh but - me it's about time Harry I didn't throw it I dropped it oh well that's all right ball one was nervous the second time - you need any help masala oke Amendola mr. Harry hmm where you going with that suitcase I'm about to unpack my marrying clothes it's nice to get a lot of use out of them yes Alice that's the dress all right you're just as pretty as the first time thank you beautiful oh let me see the picture I don't know what I haven't done without it just like you an exactly as before what part do I play in is wedding [Applause] of a flower girl Oh Harry's not come on and don't bother the folks you will find a job where you down come on [Applause] Harry the watch mother gave me was my something new but it doesn't run so shall I use it as my something old and wear something else something new take a look at someone blue uh-huh well it'll be all right dear as soon as you get your gesture and your collar and your cuz that and your whisk it on under this well take off your undershirt what's that the fat doorbell oh if anyone get to and if anyone gets a look at that living room Harry just relax Beulah we'll take care of everything and it's probably only the minister minister mother which one Oh Oh Alice Henderson you promised me Harry Harry I didn't invite them really I didn't but well Baldwin and Valerie have both their parents at their second wedding so I suppose doulas fabulous yes dear but don't blame Beulah you know how she is about details and I told her that I wanted everything exactly the same so she would buy this picture and Oh Oh George George yes you know Oh George my favorite daughter leave you're getting bigger listen why don't you two mothers go on downstairs while Harry and I get they'll do hurry I have just time to sandwich the ceremony in before my visit to Aunt Martha but you just got I know my plans were all made I've got to catch the train so hurry yeah alright mother which is another way of saying Oh George now here yes isn't it nice Harry and I are getting married again baby Ellen I'd marry you every day what good no stag party whoa remember fifi lush and lovely Fifi Oh Fifi that was our song VP watch this lovely Fifi but nobody knows the trouble I've seen but it's all and there's not bill stop slamming that door oh yeah oh don't worry baby he's duty-bound into Paris he'd be over as soon as possible oh dear and everything was going so smooth well what do you know hey girl you ever bet the bang-tail know what the bang tails the ponies the races here's a hot hunch do it again and the third do it again yes like Alice married do it again it's a cinch well it should be I've never been on a horse race before will neither why but I'll bet a dollar if you will Jeff an eternal I've got a phone in the back so often running at 244 244 who's my train Oh Alice Beulah my train remember I've got to get to Aunt Martha's Yesenia training they're going to do it again and want me to watch they'll have to hurry Oh the teachers game the train is leaving what am I gonna do no okay that's alright Nick I haven't anything to do I'm hold on you give me the call if do it again wins put it on have fun there's a fair they are over the training they're at the post acting up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love it very good better dearly beloved we are gathered together in the presence of these witnesses to unite this man and this woman enough that mr. Easley is the smartest man on vine and the marriage words again sure they stuff the Henderson wasn't it beautiful bill just beautiful particularly with Donna read those words Beulah baby yes Phil we've been courting for years yes I know Phil don't you think it's time we got married but with one little provider anything bill anything Donna's got to do the kitchen but but he's not old enough to make it legal bill he's got a couple of years of present schooling four years of high school four years of college and if he has a meaning towards preaching then there's more years of schooling which was waiting for baby [Music] the Bueller show if marriages are made in heaven my guardian angel is shown been loafing on the job performing Danny you come and get your breakfast you can do your 500 lat [Music] good morning baby I come right up just as soon as I got your cold why you the fastest Answer Man at mealtime I ever did know oh that wasn't it baby dieter give me your shine and peace gives me a lift up well that's right pretty bill that's a bigger than age no I couldn't eat a thing just had Dylan sand Culver's slipper jewels diner you feel all right sure never feel better right on the ball well that's fine mr. Harris got some work for you to do oh I know there was a catch to it you talked to me too sweet over the phone it ain't nothing but fixing up some furniture in the backyard for the barbecue he's gonna have Saturday night where would that face here yes I couldn't heal a few Asian little big that's more like yeah you're an old sand man can work on doughnuts alone finish up after I eat how about the right kind of wheels that's easy put on the junkyard and get them mr. brower's down there something we can use we can't win a race of jump but higher Street needs ball bearings we Bill's here to clean the barbecue burrs to have good Oh tell him to touch up the furniture and string some wires for lanterns telling bill one thing at a time is the best method mr. Eric too much stuff confuses the computer can't Donny ever get here on time for breakfast I'm driving me mr. Harry he's washing up now oh by the way brick parent is bringing his knees to the party and I thought I'd ask margin teak I sure wish I had one of those new portable barbecues they're wonderful no dirt no trouble that old brick thing of ours smokes like a four-alarm fire you'll have one from Dave you all have arthritis someday but I don't like sitting around waiting for it man you can see the fire streak now that you're a real bonfire sounds like a world beater but you'd still better eat your breakfast Barney Oldfield Barney huh Barney Oldfield he was the greatest race driver of all time and he didn't have the problem carrying I've got what's that do wheels Oldfield needed things too but he always came up with what he wanted he improvised he used imagination and ingenuity Barney Oldfield had an unbreakable faith that he'd win and when he did he always paid off his obligations hadn't you better get started for the office dear you know you have a nine o'clock appointment oh yes I should I think my briefcase is here no I'll look in the den and you know what you bet you can son just get in there and win after breakfast [Music] not in there must be upstairs oh well if that's for me tell him I've already left for the office okay [Applause] hello oh yes good morning mr. Potter the barbecue has arrived wonderful does it have that revolving motor spit and and the grill that lowers and raises fine no no don't deliver it until Saturday you understand it to surprise thank you very much hobby dynasty later goodbye what a surprise Oh now let's don't be nosy the surprise will be if you make your nine o'clock appointment hmm oh don't work too hard at the office do be pretty hard to keep you in mink coats with that advice boy if we had those hoops we'd really be in shape that is if they were red instead of green maybe they ever laid one inside what good is that gonna do us I wonder what Barney Oldfield would have done in a case like this what are you talking about imagination and ingenuity how's that gonna get us my baby buggy let me put it to you this way if mom was here and she wanted to get the baby buggy how would she get it I don't know how it's possible but they really gonna get married in the bibley world this ain't part of the tutorial what did you buy I didn't miss Alice bought it now what does she want with a baby carriage you suppose she's expected yeah it looks that way oh well forget it and help me take this price to the incinerator [Applause] [Applause] don't go to pieces or real people have been having babies for years it's gone how can it be gone within arrived yet the baby carriage I left it sitting right here maybe it's only wishful thinking on the part of you good miss Alice must have come and taken it about what that she's gonna have a baby silly well is there anything you know something about baby I'm gonna build miss Alice the finest lid in town I bet you miss Alice hear that baby cares to keep mr. Harry from seeing it why the poppers got to know about it sometime 80 yeah but sometime they try to keep it a secret as long as possible whatever the fun is that place yeah women are funny all right bill huh you got to promise me you won't tell mr. Harry darling um no one else okay baby I won't say nothing to nobody and we let on like we don't know nothing about it that's right we let out a little Sealand and nobody about it at all but what about this public address system of 1952 well you that already but just keep your big mouth shut well haha REO your hearts on the other side you're crossing your liver will be back with Beulah in just a minute not you guys who are you expecting I'll be through here in just a minute what in the world are you doing cutting out a jab look at you buy dresses not this one I can't besides it's fun to make it no you could at least take the pins out of your mouth before you kiss me don't be grumpy darling did you ever update the office it's not that just that when a man comes home he expects to find a clean house not our garment loft I have it all cleaned up in a jiffy mr. Harry would you please look at the pasta in the kitchen there's nothing wrong with it my wife is a dressmaker I'm a plumber which faucet is it it ain't the fasted mr. Harry it's miss Alice yes Alice well she got to do with it well she's got a secret but I think you ought to know you mean the whole plumbing systems gone out that dress she's cut now didn't you hear what she said no I suppose oh it wasn't what she said you couldn't get a model like that in town I got that well it's the maternity dress mr. Harry boys is she making that for she's making this for her sound what the man came here for Potter's this morning with a baby carriage she hid it so you wouldn't know nothing about it Beulah are you sure yes sir packed it but this is wonderful it sure is well that must be the surprise she was talking about this morning on the phone she must have called dr. Garrett I heard her tell him that she'd seen a little while oh you got to treat a very now miss Barrett yes I have all just think of it Beulah Donny's gonna have a little brother or maybe a little sister and you got to give her everything she wants and treat her mighty sweet I remember when we're expecting Donny she always wanted strawberries do you remember Beulah I sure do I'm going downtown and get her some right now they know strawberries in the grocery store this time to hear mr. Harry well then I'll send a Chicago if the mother of my child wants strawberry she's gonna have strawberries oh never mind picking up those things darling Beulah can do it later on you sit over here and rest until dinner besides you said you wanted to picked up all I changed my mind I like it this way you can cut cloth all over the house if you want to Harry did you have a drink out in the kitchen no but I could use one I've got a run downtown darling something important that I forgot don't wait dinner for me Harry what's the matter with you what did you forget stop I mean an appointment I forgot all above it and remember darling I love you more than more than anything else in the world [Applause] hanging up the leather and hanging up the lanterns for the Oh barbecue [Applause] anything else woman hang up as hairy a little boy with Gani smile or a girl with blonde curls oh oh well how's it coming or if you expect me to use these letters from the last barbecue they got holes by them except those three that won't work well I'll get some of the strawberry you can't light strawberries mr. Alex you gotta have candles bill can you keep a secret well I've already got one you don't want to add another to it bill I'm gonna have a baby you too Donny's gonna have a little playmate shouldn't know that'd be a leak with Oh real oil what's wrong got to do with it it was supposed to be a surprise mr. Harris how did you find out well Beulah told me how did you find out from the same information booth I've got a surprise plan for Miss Alice you want to know what I'm gonna do what's that metallic I'm gonna redecorate the guest room make it into a nursery oh that of these fine little animals all over the wallpaper kids like that we can do it while miss Alice is in the hospital see they got some wallpaper donek rims with pink elephants on it that sounds wonderful oh let me congratulate mr. Harry many happy returns of the day thanks Bill here have a cigar mmm thanks 25 Sarah sometime soon I hope to be congratulating you and Beulah I don't all in the wallpaper buzz just yet mr. Harris oh there you eye so you finally got back yes dolly knitting little things I see little listen bet I'm knitting a sweater for Donnie he tore his falling out of a tree Oh have you been till 9:30 oh my Erin in town took a little longer than I thought it would where is Donnie oh he backed off to bed early tomorrow's the day of the big race you know did you have any dinner yes I had to buy the hotel are you quite comfortable darling quite comfortable oh don't get up don't exert yourself well it would hardly be exerting myself to get a ball of yarn from the chair oh well I'll get a try oh let me put this behind your back I don't want behind my back it pushes me forward no no we mustn't sit with no back support yeah that'll brace you now doesn't that feel better no how we should read or something and stop fussing over me oh you're worth fussing over here don't you pussied up you weren't this solicitous when I was having Donny oh well as a man grows older he understands what a woman goes through we don't you think is a little late to do anything about that now it's never too late tell me what were you doing in town until 9:30 Oh as you know I'm sorry celebrating but I hardly think the small party were giving him hours worth celebrating well I wasn't celebrating the party I was celebrating what goes with it Harry you found out I think that's mean and underhanded berries at this time of the year no soon Harry you're out of your mind they must have got the fortune sowhat's money if you can surprise me I can surprise you oh yes I did have a little surprise for mr. Harry Doolin but he found out about it yes um you sort of surprised us too I suppose mr. Potter told you about it mr. Potter how does he know well after all darling I could hardly have done it without his knowledge I got to go see about daddy dying are you sure you're feeling all right I mean if you don't feel up to the party tomorrow I can call it off call it off well you know this timing I don't know all the details but when are you expecting it oh well don't worry about that bowing it will be delivered on time [Applause] I want you to know darling that I'm the happiest man in the world oh you're sweet dear but really what I'm giving you it's hardly worth all this attention oh I think so in fact I was going to keep it a secret but I might as well tell you I'm having the guest room redecorated for you Oh Harry that wonderful I'll call mr. Kramer in the morning and get some ideas I've already got an idea how would you like pink elephants on the wallpaper big elephant what for well is it gonna be cute I'll be fine at least when your Uncle Ben comes to visit think elephant should make him feel right at home mr. Alice Donny wants you to come upstairs and say good night oh no no don't you go I'll go find what you're running up and down stairs [Applause] Billa can you come here a minute you gasps mail so you were the one who found out about the surprise yes some and you told mr. Harry about it yes some well he was so jittery and nervous I thought it would cheer him up you gotta know it sometime yes I guess so but I did want to save it as a surprise for the barbecue party why he might fade out there before I let people faint all he'd been waiting for this so long miss Alice and I'm just as happy as he is you know it's just one more thing for you to take care of and I was gonna love that miss Alice they said it's a new polish for its legs we can rub the rest down with steel wool that must be a new technique can you imagine Harry wants to keep it up in the guest room that's a silly idea about tapering the walls with pink elephants that sounds real cute to me well it doesn't to me we'll keep it in the garage and we can bring it out when he wants to pilot it [Applause] [Music] I never saw so many presents for barbecue before maybe different people who wasn't invited so they'll get invited next time you don't suppose the news got about that miss Alice was expecting do you Oh course not baby you know I've been as tight as a clam I'm by the way you didn't know him your big trap did you but I have a secret to keep bill Jackson I keep it oh yes baby I know that you've been tight-lipped alright except when you run over a little go on there's more presents for miss Alice I don't get it you sure this ain't your anniversary mr. Harry oh of course not you don't think I'd forget my anniversary do you that's January 16th oh that's Donnie's birthday mr. Harry oh that's right well let's see we were married on February 12th that's mr. Lincoln's birthday oh well anyway I know this isn't our anniversary well why don't we open up one of these packages take a peek at the card inside I suppose we could do that one of the little ones maybe yeah well that name bigger the whole little thing with a lobster cracker we'll open it it looks like the easiest one to wrap up again what are you three conspiring about hello there you look lovely well thank you all in the yard looks lovely too Billy you and Bill did a nice job thank you Miss Ellie just a few Lanham strung around Oh Dooley you'd better get the orders you know mr. Perron and his niece they're always early and of course the bad days are always late the other is an icebox I'll get them the cellar come on bill okay ready Harry did you buy favorite no they're all for you for me well don't you think you deserve them well oh there they are oh hi hello hey we early no not at all you're right on time hello Julie hello mrs. Henderson this isn't much but it'll be useful I think it's also exciting well a barbecue isn't exactly exciting or an occasion for gifts but I'm sure this one is you bet your life these will come in handy that's a Chicago Forum best cotton house in the country Harry do you know what this is all about well put it with the others nothing gets open til I make my speech I've been rehearsing him all afternoon all I can say is this is all very mysterious yeah right there one of the mysteries of life hey hey [Music] congratulations Alice it couldn't happen to a nicer girl I wish somebody would tell me what this is all about Oh we'll let you in on a secret as soon as Burt makes his speech well I better see about the punch excuse me yeah that's a miss Alan there's a man at the front door from Thomas he says he wants to see you perspiring heaven excuse me everybody hey shouldn't you be taking things a little easy of course not stupid women don't pamper themselves anymore when they're having babies do you all know about the baby of course everybody knows Oh [Applause] mr. Harry you promised me you weren't gonna tell nobody oh but I didn't how did all of you find out about it well I think Oreo told me oh yeah all y'all my housekeeper told you Lee he told our cook to and miss Alice wanted to keep it a big surprise that's why we wanted to surprise her first give Oreo one drop the information you got a cloudburst okay what's it gonna be Harry a girl or another boy chances are will be one or the other [Laughter] I really don't know Alice you alright I will see Perry it's arrived it's arrived yeah he just keep up your strength here it is there just what you wanted but that's a barbecue where's the baby baby baby well aren't you gonna have one it's not that I know of you let us down again Henderson everything is so funny what's so funny then that was the reason for the strawberries and all the attention Oh Harry whatever gave you that idea well maybe you better ask Beulah well it's all on account of the baby carriage you bought in hidden miss Alice baby carried I didn't buy any baby carriage well that was no convertible that they left in my kitchen that old fire street today man mom you see nurse we've really burned up the roll good thing they taught us about Barney Oldfield adAway what I never gotten these baby carriage wheels baby carriage wheels I'm beginning to see the light baby carriage wheels where'd you get them I charged my Potter's you charge something upon us without asking me sure he said that was the way Barney Oldfield made the grade and Genuity imagination of courage one day I'll learn not to be so literal I think it's wonderful you wonder sure why mom and I'm gonna pay off my debt just like Barney Oldfield it here's ten hours prize money dad you can take the rest out of my allowance okay Barney but maybe you better keep the $10 a winning race driver deserves a couple of sodas to celebrate his victory oh why don't we do with the baby presents I'm sorry I disappointed you darling disappointed me I think it's a wonderful barbecue no I mean about the new arrival oh don't you worry about that of course not Alice Keith to present every girl's entitled to another chance but a focusing on our baby after all too bad and I was really in the moon so was I amita swivel own hands wouldn't be so a little fella wouldn't scratch his sin well just put it away bill someday it may come in handy you mean oh just a minute passing pigeon let's don't lump the apple cart before the horses loose bill what's this crib out of sight before all sees it and spends it all on the tablets you're the second type of deal [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 72,810
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Id: Ayg_hByC0HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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