Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1980) Powers Booth James Earl Jones

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the film you are about to see is a dramatization of the life of jim jones born may 13 1931 in lindena died november 18th 1978 in jonestown guyana this is his story oh [Music] drink the wine drink the wine they'll be here with flame throwers drink drink in a few seconds you'll feel drowsy you'll lie down and go to sleep sleep forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Applause] [Applause] all all right all right all right the alert is over it was just a loyalty test go to sleep go back to your beds i'm watching over you we're safe this time we must always be prepared to take the final step remember the next white alert might hear real attack [Music] [Music] congressman ryan do you have time for a press conference yeah just quickly keep alive while we're in the air there they are all right everyone i think we better get moving hello how are you i just want to say a few words to the media before we take off uh gene i just want to make a statement all right jack would you get the relatives in behind me i just want to say that we don't know for sure that there's anything wrong in jonestown now we've had various reports that some members of jim jones congregation are virtual prisoners these members of the community who have relatives in guyana want to go down there and show their concern for these reports and ask their loved ones if they want to come home i think we'll know for sure tomorrow i hope meanwhile i think it would be wise if the media and all the rest of us would not spread any rumors or gossip about the people's temple until we know what the facts actually are thank you congressman ryan about how many u.s citizens are there in jonestown our best guess is about a thousand had their embassy they have been in contact with i presume is it true that social security checks are going directly to the temple bank accounts so jim congressman and the reporters have taken off from san francisco we have to get things in order okay man a short time to live full of misery it comes up and is cut down like a flower he flees as it were a shadow and never continuous in one state in the midst of life we are in death of whom may we seek for sucker but of thee oh lord who for our sins are justly displeased yet o lord god must holy o lord most mighty o holy and most merciful savior deliver us not without bitter pains and return in death thou knowest lord the secrets of our hearts shut not thy merciful ears to our prayer but spare us lord most holy god mighty and holy and merciful savior the most worthy judge eternal suffereth not at our last hour for any pains of death to fall from me you stopped making that noise albert i didn't do nothing jimmy you've been making noises all through the service that's no way to show respect for the dead will you hurry up jimmy i've got to get home we haven't had the him yet my mom don't care about that told you not to do that anymore now let's all sing to him [Music] from [Music] under the mercy of almighty god our heavenly father we come in the soul of our friend departed and commend his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust ensure the certain hope of their resurrection into eternal life through our lord jesus christ amen [Music] damn i win your aggie cj that's the same as gambling playing for keith go duck your head creepy now do you know what they're saying you'll go to hell charlie back you go down there and get things ready for me sanders sanders [Music] the topic of our sermon today is repentance and you better repent charlie fishback or you're going straight to hell i heard you got into a scrap with a fish back for today just making fun of the good book not everyone believes in it the way you do your souls are damned you're damned to get a bloody nose if you keep telling them that when they don't want to hear it i don't care there's no reason anyone should gamble well i don't understand you they're only playing marbles playing for keeps your mom should've never sent you that crazy old lady miss kennedy isn't crazy she knows the true word of god hope you obsessed me boy take you over that and turn your head come and get it dear father we are grateful to thee for your love and all other blessings your food's getting cold you said your food's getting cold before alone we're all god's creatures from the median nation every night praying gets longer and longer bless it to the nerves what the hell is different just leave him alone christ's name i'm in amen how many dogs you got now four well it's three dogs too many you can't walk outdoors without stepping in their mess can we talk about something else during supper no because he's turning this place into a zoo yeah when you start paying the rent on it then you start doing some complaining you know damn well i try just that my lungs are your lungs are healthy enough to get you down to the pool hall every day you know what you are you a coward because you're always behind underneath a white sheep burning somebody's crying don't you there are always six people in the clans how to take care of them that's all come on in mrs kennedy all right jim it's all right come on over you know you can always come here don't you he says you're crazy he doesn't like you he doesn't like anybody or anything it's my dog he hates and jews it's all right you see your father hasn't felt good since he came back from the first war he's had troubles and we just got to try and understand him will you tell me a bible story honey you know all those stories by heart the way you tell them makes them better than a movie they are better because they're real this is the fountain of all truth and wisdom in the ancient land of egypt a cruel emperor called the pharaoh occupied the throne and in that land they worshipped all kinds of strange gods like cats and birds and things like that and was in that land that moses first so proud of you son seeing you give yourself to christ hearing you speak your first words foreign oh i can't say how exciting it was you sound proud too but humble and grateful that's why you let others be proud i might be a preacher when i grow up like mr kennedy well i don't see why not you heard the call at a very early age and you're smart and if that's what you really want i know that the lord will certainly hear your prayers that's what i want thanks to you oh you do make me so proud thank the lord now i know that you want to hurry home and tell your mother that you heard the call maybe i'll see you later bye [Music] hanging around wasting time get out of my way you saw him singing little creek i want you to take this and i want you to put everything you own in it because we're gonna get the hell out of here and you and me ain't coming back so pack it full honey and let's get i want you to get the outside of these buildings painted and i'm going to take a pair of these people and have them take the inside of the infirmary and the school room and if you need me i'll be in the pavilion you people follow me please no jim this is marcy well hi marty you're late no i'm not a right on time no if you're late by better take the hamper down to the laundry right away there's uh two extra people down there with nothing to do i'll get right to that anything else special no good i think if i worked any harder i think i'll should be glad the school's over so i can stop running so i can start running in the right direction jim well of course i do i can do what i'm trying to do alone i need you i mean i i need people who believe in me believe in the gospel i'm trying to preach but i need you more than anyone i want you to marry me marcy be my life's companion therefore shall a man cleave into his wife and they shall be of one flesh will you i don't know look i am older than you are you haven't finished school yet you don't know what you want i've always known what i wanted from the first time i sat on myrtle kennedy's knee and she opened the gates to the world of faith to me put me on the path to god i want you to make the journey with me mercy now and into eternity oh i love you i know what you want and i believe in what you're doing i'm just not sure myself i'll help you find the way why don't you come and hear me preach on sunday well now i'll never say no to that is it against the rules for an orderly to kiss a nurse in a hospital room reference how dare you that don't matter what it is charlie you wouldn't know what to do with her uh-oh here comes a preacher quick turn that picture around charlie it is all right works like a darn fool which is more than you can say now don't you make any remarks to get him riled up or he'll stand up and give us a 45-minute sermon hi jim hey charlie how's it going okay sit down you haven't seen you around for a while uh what you've left you i don't think much studying for graduation doing a little preaching what you want boy i do my own sweeping i want to get a haircut i don't cut steel wool with my shears huh you get your uh butt and your bur head out here and tell your mammy to cut your hair with the hedge clippers i just want to get a haircut for my mama's barrier we ain't gonna give it here still a minute just what do you think you're doing you hear what he said he wants a haircut for his mama's funeral i don't care if he wants it for his own funeral i'm gonna cut no nigger's hair here difference does it make he's a little boy have you got any feelings we're all the same in the eyes of god this ain't god's barber and ain't gonna be mine either if i use my tools on that nigga's head and it's not mine either now or ever but this is the house of the devil and those that abide here are cursed you really look handsome your mama's gonna be so proud of you looking down from heaven [Music] i'll walk george back downstairs thank you sir you're welcome you know something mr jones i'd be proud to be your wife please tell the people about that george huh [Music] oh well we're going to indianapolis so he can study for his ordination and then he's going to apply for a pulpit well now that figure some men take their wife on a honeymoon my son takes his wife to church oh but our whole life will be a honeymoon i don't think so i've been there a couple times i'm so proud of you son oh i do envy your mother having a son like you oh you're my mother too my religious mother and i'll never be able to thank you we want to make you feel as welcome as we can mr jones thanks it's important to understand that one of the main reasons for us to accept your application for this ministry is that well we've been losing membership over the last several years why what's wrong well the neighborhood's been changing this is an older area as you know and since the war people seem to have tired of it some of our families have moved to the outskirts of town more than some it's not like it used to be when a man bought a house and settled in for a lifetime to raise a family don't the new families need the church as much as the others it doesn't seem to have worked out that way you see what we were hoping mr jones is that perhaps a younger man with more zeal and energy could kind of stir up the spirit in this church i'll certainly do my best [Music] thou will find us [Music] i have a few announcements to make all of them pretty gloomy the sewing circle is canceling its meetings until further notice due to a lack of attendance the women's guild has withdrawn invitations to our annual potluck supper on behalf of our missionary fund there didn't seem to be anybody who wanted to attend since only two children regularly attend sunday school the class has been cancelled no not just a minute i am going to cancel that cancellation if there's one thing that i believe this church must maintain it is its obligation to our young people whether we're talking about one child or a thousand children the sunday school class will continue i'll conduct it myself with the assistance of mrs jones [Music] [Music] lastly are you worried about that something on your mind jenny i'm worried about jim i'm worried about what will happen if anyone leaves jim is just gonna feel so betrayed i don't know what he'll do what if a few of them leave the rest of us gonna be here we ain't going to where ain't nobody nothing can make me leave jim jones you know that ain't nobody know him like we know we've been with him so long that we can't even think of any other life [Music] i remember the first day he came to my door hi honey hello i'm jim jones pastor of the somerset southside church i'd like to invite you to services on sunday i know you have good pensions but i hardly think of what you want for your church oh you're exactly what i want for my church miss jenny call me jimmy jenny jenny you know the story of mary magdalene if she works in this neighborhood i know listen would you mind if i came in for a few minutes just to talk dog yes ma'am talk well i ain't never turned a man away before you come in thank you good morning jenny it's good to see you in church yesterday but now isn't this just a little early for you well i didn't sleep all night and i wasn't working either going out here and i'm gonna give me a dress proper church go and dress like those other ladies wear i don't bring no shame on you mr jones there's no shame for me and anything you do jenny forever have done you can come to the lord and rags are in silk just as long as you come to and that's all that matters i hope so for the first time since i was a little girl i hope so i really really hope so but do you think it's all right for colored people to come into your church i mean there's people that looked at us like we were pigs and apart of course it's all right we're all god's children jenny each of us the same in his eyes yeah but god ain't the only ones looking [Laughter] let's figure that what are you saying preacher how are you mr richard hey y'all where's that big monkey you had in the window well nobody wanted him so i put him to work cleaning out the basement we missed you yesterday yeah well one of these days i was busy feeding the animals how did you get into the pet shop business your love of animals i hate anything with more than two legs i had the misfortune of inheriting this place about six months ago i was an accountant you know i've worked on other people's tax problems then my uncle dies and leaves me this catch itself i can't sell one animal let alone an entire pet shop you know what's in the basement uncle harold's last practical joke more monkeys and when the last the payroll goes in bananas i'll have to fire my staff of one then what why don't you come over to the church and pray with me for an answer pray uh what have you got to lose you're not doing very well without it you know preacher there's a there's a lot of talk about you taking blacks into that church does that bother you nothing bothers me except keeping company with monkeys but it bothers a lot of other people what the hell i mean i mean heck this was the national headquarters of the ku klux klan the only god i know is for white and black for any other color that comes to him with faith yeah it's your funeral and i may just come over there and watch it since then don't have the price of a movie i wish you'd do that come on shut up [Music] oh [Music] welcome brothers and sisters welcome to the rebirth of the holy spirit in this vulnerable place of worship well this is the home of the lord and you are all welcome here today i will take my sermon from that pure and beautiful ideal of love the brotherhood of man the scripture sayeth there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved some of us think you're not revitalizing this church at all you're destroying it not one my god they've cut its throat god's inflammable why would they do this to you jim we called you in to discuss a matter of church policy but it's gone beyond that i'm sorry jim we're going to put out a call for a new minister what did you see that church last sunday every pew filled yes filled with with what you're young you're inexperienced you'd be better off spending a few years in a smaller more tranquil community i mean that sincerely sincerely i don't think there's a sincere man on the board of this church there's no love here this is the last church i'll ever enter where i put my beliefs in the hands of small men without vision without faith [Music] brothers and sisters brothers and sisters will you pray with me oh lord i beseech thee in all thy majestic wisdom and mercy to see the burden that these your children must carry amen we are all together in this world black and white red brown and yellow a single humanity suffering the pains of this mortal life working for the joys of thy eternal peace lift our hearts lift our souls take us unto thine almighty presence and keep us safe from harm amen amen praise the lord amen where is your church brother my church is here my church is everywhere well wherever it is i want to go to it you're always welcome you're all welcome that nice wait a minute i want to look at this [Music] otis that is a wonderful job wonderful come on let's get inside before we freeze the dead mr jones yes ken bundy um from mr richie's pet shop hi karen welcome to the people's temple clayton told me how sorry he was he had to let you go he said you were very bright very conscientious i told him you sounded just like the person we needed to run our child care program oh thank god i was scared that you wouldn't want me i don't know come on in come on you'll see everything's all right come on my heart's full of jew i want to share it with you for sunday this place will be as shiny as a new dime and as pure and sweet as the mercy of our lord come on do you know anything about the temple i work here only a little only what mr richie told me whatever it is i hope well it keeps on going every job i've had in the last 18 months has gone out of business like mr richie's pet shop well we're not going to go out of business we're for a long long time we're in the business of eternity look um anyone who knows life and the pain involved but also know that you've suffered i can see it in your eyes just that i've tried so hard for so long we're here to welcome you to the true faith in the true belief are you ready to come to god my father threw me out of the house he got me with a guy we weren't even doing anything our hearts are open to you karen you have no more worries i'll take care of you the kindest man in the world i don't know how to thank you i'm really happy i feel happy let me show you the rest of the time they join the madhouse huh door was open yeah there's nothing in the register but bills for the food these monsters eat clayton i've got a proposition for you hello mrs kruger yes i'm jim jones pastor of the people's temple i'd like to talk to you for a few minutes uh well our family goes to uh grace presbyterian yes ma'am that's a fine church what i want to talk to you about is a delightful gift of love and friendship for your children think how surprised and delighted they'd be to come home this afternoon and find this sweet little fellow waiting to greet them oh i i don't think they'd want one of those uh what kind is it it's a capuchin monkey man one of the cleanest most docile house pets you could possibly have it's far more intelligent than a dog much more loving than a cat easy to train lives on a few pieces of fruit as clean as a pen look at that he loves you you'd be loving your entire family it'd just break his heart to be taken front oh i don't know it's for a good christian cause ma'am and the 29 purchase price includes a month's supply of bananas 407 they are clinton first income of the people's temple our wings of deliverance you better open up a bank account you're a great salesman too but you don't know business i better open you a non-profit corporation before you have to hand this over to the tax collector i don't have a statement i don't worry about it i'll take care of it just tell me what you want to call it call it wings of deliverance incorporated mr stevens be reasonable tell the wholesalers to be reasonable mr stevens how are you fine well maybe not so good you see my business is cod to me that's cash on delivery to him creditor so why don't we just go inside and talk to jim about it it's really gonna warm your heart when you see where all this food is going all those presents that jim has from mr steven's children you get those pointy clayton jim takes care of the spiritual needs of the flock and i take care of the more material needs here's our health clinic here this ping-pong table is donated this is myron this is charlie mr stevens over here we have all these books here they've been donating to us also this is my favorite session we set up a daycare center this money is owed to you every time that you will receive a paycheck now these elderly people they don't realize the social security benefits they're entitled to so this is gene now she's going to assist them and help them deal with the government agencies one day soon we're going to open up our homes for these elderly people here's the produce that you delivered today now some of this goes to feeding volunteer workers but more than two-thirds of it goes to feeding needy family nor are you crazy or am i crazy or are we both going next the monkeys and promises of salvation just aren't going to make it we're broke we're going into debt faster than i can add it up uh clayton clayton i'm just beginning jim we no no no no no what i want you to think about is forming another corporation this one will also be non-profit it's a deal in um real estate buying selling transferring donate its proceeds to the temple whole title to the building here which we're going to purchase jim we don't know a thing about real estate you call it jim lumar after me my mother and marcel we'll be the board of directors and you'll be the treasurer yeah yeah yeah but you don't have anything to use as a base that's a deed to a house and two acres of land formerly owned by granny carver how did you get that it was a gift to the temple gift of gratitude what am i supposed to do with this sell it and pay the grocery bills that's what you need [Music] oh dear god almighty i am a lover i say it with humility not pride i say it with sorrow not hate but we know here today that those who have attempted to defile us to hurt us to condemn us have truly helped us yes helped us for now we know how desperately the work of this church is needed now we can see how clearly the lines have been drawn between the forces of good and the legions of evil now we know that the enemy is not just some mysterious force lurking in the dark shadows but a real ambitious enemy remember this never forget this it will become worse [Music] uh don't go out there i think i'm in the house take the baby out the back go out into the woods sweet jesus [Music] you're not gonna do anything you just want to scare me you know what to do come on out here before we come in and get you [Music] what do you want with me i never did anything to you just get out here unless you want that house and everything in it burn to the ground no [Music] no no [Music] i'd like to see them burn their crosses before a man of god i'd like to see the flesh ripped from their bodies with a terrible swift sword of an angry jehovah beast like that should suffer the agonies of the damn place you could frighten a baby i'm sorry my food just got the best of me mr jefferson would be glad to stay with baby you should go down to the hospital god bless you both okay now we've got it all laid out here to give you an idea of cost against cash flow i don't care about numbers my people are being helped they're being held to the rate of 2 000 a month more than we're collecting that's impossible well the numbers are here they don't lie this church is doing more than the city of indianapolis you've got nursing homes for the elderly food programs job placement programs clothing exchanges nursery schools something's got to go no we don't retreat we expand well you can't expand on credit the temple's going to end up in bankruptcy court and they'll close us down can't believe this we have at least eight pieces of property donated by my followers but only one of those pieces is in a white middle class neighborhood the dobson family place people are moving into the suburbs small homes and deteriorating areas just don't move that quickly then cut the prices give second mortgages see what you can do about getting these suppliers to cut their prices no way no what if all the people in this congregation said they were going to stop using what these people supply and what if 500 letters were written each and every day to name selected from the telephone book urging that these suppliers be avoided i'll do what you want i'm going to bed night clayton stupid father divine he doesn't have any financial trouble maintain this i know nothing of such worldly things brother jones we're all lands in our father's flock how do you support the shepherd do you retire do you contribute part of your income i just don't understand there's nothing to contribute all of us divested ourselves of all worldly possessions as we entered heaven and the grace of father divine all of the gift is his the gift of eternal salvation his touch can heal the name of the halt the broken and the blind [Music] i want to thank you for the tour [Music] this is a very beautiful place tell me do you visit your family at your home this is heaven there's no other place for me father will see you now mr jones i've wanted to meet you for a long time most of mankind has shared your hope very impressed with such a beautiful place it's heaven father you were forced to leave new york was it because you were too weak to conquer the philistines no my son it was because we were becoming too strong and they were frightened but how could you sustain such a movement and how did my son moses sustain his flock but the cost ask and you shall receive my son you shall receive all worldly possessions sustenance of whatever kind the holy father requires father um sometimes the women in my flock tempt me what shall i do about that it is your duty your religious obligation to um bring the desires to the surface so that you can eliminate them remember mary wasn't a virgin i think you've given a whole new world to may father divine as it should be so let it be my son tell me do you really believe that your god i don't have to say that i am god and i don't have to say that i am not god i say that thousands of people call me god millions of them and millions of people who call me the devil but i don't say that i'm god and i don't say that i'm the devil but i produce god and shake the earth with it thank you father thank you [Music] really true [Music] the gifts of heaven what are they what has god given you today the food in your bellies the clothes on your back these flowers you see he has given you life but what have you given to god have you helped to pay his bills have you helped to provide him shelter at his place of worship have you given until all your energy is drained as his mercy must be drained have you given until your back aches with the effort as his mustache carrying the burdens of a sinful world oh children children we must all give give give [Music] great [Music] the evidence [Music] we can see [Music] you to succeed all [Music] oh [Music] [Music] your friends [Music] jim you all right just this burden's incredible there's not enough time in the day to do it well you're exhausted you're working too much not nearly enough delegate some of the responsibility and the authority to the committee does god delegate responsibility and authority marcy i'm tired i need something health yeah what are they called amphetamines bless these hands give me the power of your sweet charity oh jesus come to me children come to me give me your lame your blind and your halt and i will heal them for i am filled with the faith and the power and glory of the lord and you shall receive the magnificent gifts he is prepared to bestow upon the [Music] oh lord i faith for this your devoted servant we all pray together but we believe in the spirit and the mercy of god almighty o devil deaf spirit devil dev spirit come out lord i can't hear you it's a miracle hallelujah [Music] do you have faith yes i do do you truly believe indeed i do are you ready for the sickness that twists your body to come out i give everything to god then be healed [Music] i can walk [Music] [Applause] [Music] was that all right of course you were perfect [Music] i feel funny about pretending this way fooling me we're not fooling anyone karen we're reinforcing their faith assuming that it can work miracles just trust me karen i know the power of faith i also know that it can be helped with just a little push [Music] you're truly a wonderful brilliant man i'm not just a man i've been blessed i've been chosen [Music] so marcy [Music] i know you're awake marceline i want to talk to you it's nothing to talk about oh yes there is you're the one person who truly understands the burden i'm carrying as the embodiment of faith you can't take that understanding away from me just as i'm about to see my way through this miasm of mortal confusion to the path of salvation and righteousness don't you preach to me when i found you in the arms of another woman i wasn't even a woman as a child i have to be all things to all men and women you should see a doctor a psychiatrist a psychiatrist i've had a vision of life everlasting don't you understand and having miraculous insights unlike any i've ever heard before marceline i am the chosen one you have to understand and support me you have to keep faith with me what about our marriage what about faith in that we are one flesh now and forever your faith is it in this little black book of myths and fables and a thousand and one mistakes yes no you cannot put all your faith in that little black book is your faith in some vision some fantasy of god is a golden-haired figure in a rainbow an imaginary sunburst in the clouds no then where is your face is it where it belongs in the message i bring to you in me the spiritual father of your church what i can't hear your faith thank you god praise god my children my children my children you are all my children i am your spiritual father who will guide you who will love you and save you save you from temptation save you from sin and take you to the gates of paradise that eternal heaven that awaits each of us who truly believes and i will bring you the fruits of this life for your faith in me gives you power power greater than any on this earth and we must be certain of your faith there must not be the slightest shadow of doubt you must show it demonstrate it [Music] brothers and sisters stand up when i call your name brother curtis sister fleming sister moss sister calhoun brother emery sister hagin brother morris brother phillips i appoint you and i charge you with the responsibility of maintaining a constant vigil over these sinful fallible mortals when they falter we must give them strength when they transgress we must punish them when they fail we must make them succeed and we will succeed in the name of heaven we will succeed to exemplify purify and glorify in god almighty praise god what have you been saying about father jones sister crandall i don't know what you mean don't make it worse by denying it sister you think you can keep things secret but word gets out you know what we mean you've been disrespectful you let your grasp on your faith weaken you let it slip away i've done all i could but not until you had to be reminded not until someone had to come looking for you nobody had to come looking for me oh no your measly little pledge had to be forced from your pocket while you were collecting blood money from a poor tenant that profit is all i've got that's all you got and what's the temple got what's our dear father jones got to take care of all his stuff and children i don't know has he got you to help has he got your faith to support him you are a philistine and a godless one among us no no this didn't involve faith it involved money that too that more than anything because that is the way we can achieve our goals and withstand the hatred of our enemies and i must have loyalty even from you especially from you i'm sorry i'm interested no no no come in we're just finishing up hello trouble no just a disagreement over my need for loyalty we don't need any problems now all our hard work has just paid off the mayor has appointed you head of the human rights commission we've got some political clout now i guess they know i get things done they know you can deliver votes and now you can deliver jobs you take the loyal church members you put them in civil service jobs you can control the city i didn't know i had machiavelli working in the accounting office [Music] you were very special to me he's a very lucky man so are you how many huh 350 tickets i don't know i never sold i better call the manager mr brooks somebody out here wants 350 tickets listen i don't have to take talk like that to hold this dumb job come out here and tell them yourself what's the problem no problem i want 350 tickets for the next show and here's the money for 350 dollars i'll get up into a tab dance between the cartoon and the feature wait a minute wait a minute what the hell is this a section for collards only holds 50 people sir this is a historic moment we're desegregating the first theater in indianapolis you can't do this to me i'll call the authorities i am the authority i'm jim jones the city's new human rights commission listen as long as we're here i'd like to talk to you about job opportunities in your theater for some of the young men in our church these are the largest nuclear devices tested to date carrying a destructive force a thousand times greater than the bomb dropped on hiroshima i've had a vision it came to me in the night and it came to me from god a nuclear holocaust more devastating than any catastrophe known to man since the great flood when only noah escaped worse than that i have seen it i have heard the screams of the hell i have watched whole cities turn descendants i know that it is a true vision and that we are doomed and where will you hide from this vengeance that has been promised again and again to sinful man the careless man to faithless man prepare prepare yourself are you ready to meet your maker the scientists are military experts they know of only nine places on the face of the earth that will be safe yukaya california and the redwood valley is one of them and that's where we're going those of you who have donated all your worldly possessions to the church will travel with us to this sanctuary and there you'll help us to build a glorious new people's temple [Music] for me [Music] i don't understand i need a church but i can't build it you need workers but you won't hire them now what in god's name is wrong here mr jones this is a rural area you can't fix skilled craftsman off the trees it takes time there are hundreds of men just sitting around in the little towns around here but they're not builders they're sitters that's the problem you come outside with me i want to show you something sir sir are you not not kid wait a minute what do you want son i'm looking for work see there are men who want to be hired what do you do a carpenter plumber driver i've done a little wall those you hold the cart no but i'll work hard because i'm strong enough for anything you got here you don't look strong enough to get to a doctor's office you've been sick i had a virus i'm okay now hire him mr jones he's not qualified he doesn't have a union card and i think he looks all right to me aren't you son paul thank god he wasn't up on a scab i'll take care of him you got some men on this job as cold as ice but he's okay he's okay tracks this man is junkie i'm gonna get him to a hospital no they'll lock him up what's he been taking nothing don't lie to me he's in serious trouble and i want to help him just as i want to help all children of god i just came here to get a job we don't have any money for god's sake tell me i'm a minister i'm not a policeman paragort methadone heroin heroin addict heroin what's going to happen to him be quiet i'm going to take care of him he's not going anywhere in july freedom from this demon that's possessing his soul jim this man is a drug addict we got to think about when he wakes up he's going to be off of sick he's going to be acting crazy or anything ladies call marcy tell her to get us some tranquilizers some stimulants whatever we're gonna need to take care of him tell her to take this girl up and get her fed i don't want her around him until this is over karen i want this girl fish i don't think you give the instructions in this area um these are father jones instructions that's all you had to say peter [Music] all [Music] right oh easy don't hurt him that's all right [Music] oh okay it's okay start a fire perry [Music] oh [Music] the demons that are torture bringing peace [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] morning you watch after him okay call if there's any change he's sleeping i have uh sheila working in the kitchen and she's staying at jenny's that boy in there he could be my son i have to talk to you not now i want you to help me i need a shock no now i am tired of being humiliated by your lovers i will not put up with it anymore oh god marslin don't i have enough on my mind i have put up with so many of them now karen is treating me like i'm a piece of dirt and i am not going to stand for it anymore come on i want a divorce you try to divorce me neither one of us will live to see it happen do you understand do you understand don't you ever mention that to me again come on and help me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i joined the people's temple because it was the the one place where i felt wanted and accepted and where people of all races were working together to carry out the teachings of the gospel you think jim jones is sincere in the beginning yes i believe he was sincere mr richie you're in a position to answer a question which keeps coming up and that is is the people's temple a bonafide religion or is it a crazy cult well you could do a lot of arguing about definitions congressman but uh i think it basically comes down to one thing the people's temple is jim jones and always has been it started out to be one thing but as he changed it changed you were with the temple a long time weren't you yeah from the beginning that's where i met my wife jim spends money faster than i can add these bills clayton will you help me with this please huh will you help me oh yeah sure wait a second i'll be glad when our new office and the church is finished and we're out of here [Music] i think the movers dropped it i don't see much of you oh it's been a busy time you have time for jim he needs all the support he can get clayton you know that so do i jane we were together we made a life together we could find time are you proposing to me clayton you know what i am what i can do i'll give you a good life and what about jim i know how you feel about him i know how women feel about him all the women in this church are in love with him in one way or another i couldn't accept that i wouldn't be able to ask you if you couldn't accept that i wouldn't be able to save me i think we also have a medicare check for you to sign mrs manners yes right here would you sign that for me please all gifts to the almighty god bless you mrs matters god bless you father have you been feeling well that's good i'll see you a little later that's the last check for today 39 000 for the month [Music] i'll take these to the bank this afternoon and uh you and i can stop at city hall right great what's going on gene and i are gonna go down and get the license we're getting married well it's wonderful it's about time congratulations clayton you're very lucky now well thank you jim see that i'm very happy for you i'm three months pregnant jim well david's family wanted him to go to medical school and me just to go anyway well he's got a fine mind he should be a doctor doesn't seem quite strong enough without his family to push him so we'll probably end up back in haiti back on drugs never we can't let that happen we've worked too hard i don't know it's so primitive and natural here there's no time there is no time and there's no trouble here wish we could stay it's like the garden of eden where it all began i'd like to come here to commune with the creator of all this without the constant demands on my time in this place this heaven that you've almost single-handedly created i think is one of the most beautiful things that i've ever seen a giving of so much love we must all give her love and everything we have you could help me help me to make a better life for david anything i'm asking you to be close to god close to me david's dead that by giving to me you're really helping him he needs me now i need you [Music] [Music] you're much too sensitive for this world our tormentors are everywhere but i'll protect you david [Music] look like a girl with trouble no i'm fine you know um there are some men in this world who can't live by the rules that apply to most of us they need so much they need everything they need everybody wouldn't that be called sinful here in this church some maybe but not for those who who give everything they've got to the world around them the way i see it they're saints and anything they do is all right as long as they just keep right on beings but i just can't stand it anymore he has taken over our lives our bodies and our minds you understand he saved my life he's a he's a true messenger of god maybe he is god how can you believe that don't you see what he's doing to those poor people look at me remember what it was like before we found him look at look look in my arms no more sores look at my eyes no more pain i'm surrounded by drugs i turn in the dispensary never even crosses my mind that i want them or that i once might have been a junkie this is just as bad how can a man of god have used the bodies of a man and a woman together and alone a married preacher it's obscene and it's insane he has special needs he he gives so much of himself his spirit and his flesh and his love has to be returned from whatever source he finds i've given everything i have for you too david do you hear me everything and i've gone to bed with everything from traveling salesmen to this religious maniac to get you a fix or help when you needed it and you owe me two i'm leaving would you come with me please david please [Music] oh [Music] no hello dave [Music] it wasn't easy to find you maybe he didn't want to be found i know you're not trying to hide from me you're trying to hide from yourself [Music] god looks after you always dave [Music] please leave him alone leave us alone do you want him back on heroin do you want to turn him into a zombie again you want him helpless and totally dependent so you can suck the life from him i saved him and i will not lose him to you to drugs or anything else david david you're coming back to me are you no please yes you are you're gonna go back to school and get a train that mind of yours and you're going to be a doctor you're going to save the holy spirit that i found in you because you love god david because you love me you must prove that love david you must prove it now and forever [Music] you understand of course you understand stop i want you here i want you to see this [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] here we are lord we have [Applause] arrived paradise lost paradise foul [Applause] we are reborn in the name of the spirit and we consecrate this holy place to the almighty amen [Applause] but it was not god who brought you here no no it was jim jones that made this happen [Applause] [Music] who will show you the path to peace and prosperity through work and devotion [Applause] yes i will [Applause] and what has your minister your father led you from he's led you from this don't look away don't turn your eyes from this revolting city this is what they did to you and this is what they'll do to you again if you don't follow me is this what you want [Applause] what is this what you want never again never again never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you want to face the realization of my vision of [Music] when you look into your hearts and souls and if you're found wanted you know the terrible consequences for without me in life and in death you are doomed [Music] i [Applause] one two three [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the film you are about to see is a dramatization of the life of jim jones born may 13 1931 in lynn indiana died november 18th 1978 in jonestown guyana this is his story [Music] so [Music] hello jim hello looks really beautiful out there congressman ryan should be impressed you've always been such an idealist but they're not coming here to seek the truth they're coming here to destroy us this will give you a better outlook don't go here dave stay with me while the enemy's here will be it's an ordeal i may need more medication jim you know i'll be close by cause of course i can always rely on you david my we've come a long way you remember those days [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh i couldn't be happier it's my baby [Music] i'm not sure i am i know that's my child the clayton does clayton will be very proud that i am the father jim please don't tell him that not now come on perry always taking care of me always protecting me [Music] do i will be a while i need your strength [Music] he was in a revival on the morning do you know the drill tell me one more time all right you stick this under the seat in front of you and you keep your feet on it until you get to paris then an early field and you book the next flight out to geneva you take a cab orlando for air and you make the deposit okay when do i sleep after the money's in the bank jim don't you think somebody ought to go with her no the last thing anyone would expect a girl like this to have would be a suitcase full of money excuse me we're coming up in the san francisco turnoff in about five minutes thanks barry you get my medicine for god's sakes jim get some sleep you've been going for 48 hours no i can't sleep i've got too much to do well you're going to burn yourself out you ought to try to relax a little you know stop taking those pills that keep you jumping all the time and that clayton [Music] i want you to find a church in san francisco right away buy it in los angeles [Music] i'm gonna leave my flock to paradise dem street's paved with gold hey [Music] you'll grow up to sit at the right hand of god [Music] isn't he beautiful you like the names i've chosen for yes joshua's a good name joshua james i had karen book us out on a flight to guyana tomorrow well i like to stay near gene and the baby for a few days why they're under my protection you're going to guy on with me bring plenty of money we're going to open a new mission there i don't understand what you want mr jones you can do anything you want with the 3000 acres in the jungle and the followers of your group can come and go as they wish yes i know but we are a special group colonel because we believe as you do in the democratic principles of socialism my flock is constantly persecuted and hounded in the united states everywhere we turn another enemy is attempting to destroy us the cia has attempted to infiltrate my flock at least two attempts have been made to assassinate me what jim means colonel robles is that we have certain needs you know to protect ourselves we have no desire to circumvent the laws of your country but we will need to bring in rather large amounts of supplies that might seem unusual to your customs officials what sort of supplies well there's going to be a very large amount of money flowing into your country colonel to finance our activities for our own people as well as the missionary work that we wish to do elsewhere i see and what else we will need certain equipment for our own protection you know how active the cia has been throughout the caribbean in chile paraguay cuba ecuador el salvador guns yes there will be some guns where you are asking a great deal of a small marxist republic in the infancy of its revolutionary development i must think about this long and carefully of course colonel i'm certain that you have many questions mr rich and i are going to inspect the site of our jungle paradise this bundy is as efficient as she is beautiful and i'm certain that she can answer any questions that you may have any questions at all all right karen colonel will have everything he wants in the way of information about us it's so nice for you to come mrs briggs thank you mr first actually it was her mother who persuaded us to come here mr jones i was very moved by your comments about stuffing she watches your television program religiously forgive the fun my mother seems convinced that your prayers or perhaps one of your healing services would be a benefit to her what's the nature of her problem cancer yes the doctors say absolutely nothing can be done about it what do you say that's a medical myth i'd like to talk with your mother she doesn't go to picnics we're holding a healing service to commemorate the opening of our mission in guyana leave your address and phone number with one of my associates i'll come and talk to your mother and prepare for the revelation of faith and what can i do for you mr johnson pray with me that's all i ever asked [Music] now will each of you give a fond embrace to your neighbor a salutory kiss of greeting let's fill the atmosphere with [Music] [Applause] of the holy spirit might happen [Music] let us believe let us [Applause] [Music] do you have the faith to be healed yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell them i believe god you are god only god could have done what you have done you are divine [Music] oh my friends your hands are blessed with miracles aren't they yes i'll cancel the power of me i'm god yes i know your god you are the resurrection of christ [Music] you are divine and you are my child i am yes i you must am me i do you worship me worship yes i wish you oh yes [Music] this weekly saturday morning broadcast by the reverend jim jones of the people's temple is brought to you as a public service by this station jim thank you scott good morning everyone i'm going to talk this morning about one of the basic features of all mankind chill commemorative george masconi on tuesday he's our only hope of preventing the homosexuals from taking over the city buddy if we don't stand together for moscone on tuesday we're gonna have to stand alone against all those pigs who want to break the heads of every gay guy in this city several weeks ago on our telecast i spoke to you about the universal human need for shelter there are those among us who do not have it children the elderly even the helpless victims of disease and many of those who are considered different because of creed or color or something as private as sexual preference no shelter for them and yet they are all god's children that is why i am particularly grateful to our newly elected mayor for his selection of me as your housing commissioner discipline discipline discipline discipline we must all have discipline it is the only way that i can have the freedom to extend our wonderful work through missionary centers to the underdeveloped sections of the world i'm prepared to establish the first of these in the jungle paradise of guyana this is church my leadership these are the only means of survival [Music] those who forget must be reminded again and again of their obligations they must be punished to expunge their sins to acknowledge their mistakes and pay for them richard jefferson standout father jones richard jefferson was sleeping as you spoke i'm sorry i stand that is exactly what i mean stand up let us all see who shirks his partner carrying this bird are you awake now are you paying attention to our father huh huh wake up wake up pay attention to what's happening can you stand before god richard jefferson and then admit that you were sleeping while his message was being brought to you do you confess that your faith was so weak let me hear you let us all hear your shame i didn't do anything that is not remorse that is not a confession that is not humility but i was up all night painting the nursery school you said yourself it had to be done dad and it was done you performed a small service but god doesn't want your small gifts your minor efforts [Music] are you sorry that you couldn't give that to him to us to me i'm sorry answer our father i'm sorry louder louder i'm sorry what right has he got to have any hit richard richard shouldn't sleep during the services payton's hard work the boy was up all night and how many nights has dad been up all night look how hard he works he gives everything he has to us he works till he drops and when he does drop he drops right into bed with some woman otis jefferson i'm gonna make believe you didn't say that i don't want to hear it this boy broke the rules and he was punished and i was glad in my heart and soul to see him punished it'll make him a better christian [Music] what's wrong son oh oh no who did this to you tell me who did this son two of jones's guys the ones that are with them all the time i fell asleep again sitting on the floor where i was working they just came by and found me john said i had to be punished so they beat me this is worse than the klan for god's sakes i couldn't help it papa i was just so tired we didn't get back from the meeting still seven in the morning and i had to go right to work let me get some morning and we'll talk about it when ryan is getting worse all the time the beatings the women he's got things happening with eight ten women in the church and some say the men too i can't believe that anybody listens to him then you don't know him they do anything he says anytime he says it mr jefferson you're obviously sincere about this but you know jones is considered one of the leading clergymen in this country the mayor of the city has made him chairman of the housing commission he's active socially and politically the members of your church come from all walks of life rich and poor the man you're describing as a monster just doesn't make sense i know it doesn't once he was a fine man but something happened to him okay mr jefferson uh what we have to do now is think about this check it out how can we get in touch with you i don't want you calling me my wife and my children they believe in everything he does we'll protect your situation why don't you take one of my cards it's good to meet you thank you sir oh that's a wild one yeah sounds like a hot one doesn't it it's got all the elements blacks religion sex drugs could make headlines all across the country all right let's ask the fbi if there's anything unusual in the banking transactions what with the medicaid checks and social security checks you can check the real estate records that's public information oh yeah let's ask our friends at city hall if he's done anything with the housing commission besides loaded with members of the church agents asking questions about our bank accounts our finances are none of their business the registrar of deeds told me that there was a man in there from congressman ryan's office looking through the real estate transfer books this is outrageous it's obscene i won't let them crucify me well jim now there's a major investigation going on of the temple we don't know why but it's not going to be any good to scream about it who is this hound of hell named ryan spies assassins man has asked himself what would happen if the true son of god returned to earth to create a perfect society now we have the answer oh yes now we know for i am here i have returned i have brought you miracles and my reward has been treachery yes yes yes or treachery i have been betrayed who among you has done it who is my judas look to your neighbors look to your families is it one of them is it one of them no not here lord is it one of them no it's painting you want my day is done put that cigarette out you know better to be smoking around all this stuff so hi you're early i have to find jim we're in trouble come on tell me who you are i'm not god yes you are no i'm not who are you joshua james richie and i am your father my daddy is my father i am the father i am god mommy wants to josh [Music] jim the roof is about to blow the arson squad is investigating the death of otis jefferson it was an accident otis was the source for the information being gathered about the temple did you know that jim there lies and treachery cannot touch me oh god i wish i was dead but my people what would happen to my people jim did you know about otis jefferson we won't stay here and let them crucify me i know what i have to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let that person condemn us they will not be able to touch us always ready and i will lead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the rest of you will be asked to redouble your efforts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in creating this paradise [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] richard you haven't even started packing yet i'm not going mama we got no business going to no jungle what are we going to do there we're going to make a paradise to live in like jim jones says the trouble with you richard is that you made some mistakes you got punished and it weakened your faith that's not true mama it's just that i got my life to live my life is here i met a girl i like and she's come between you and your beliefs no mama she was in services last sunday and she's gonna get her folks to come just if i go away now i'll never see her again our family has never been separated papa's gone and now you mama mama look i wish we were all gonna stay here together but i know you and raymond are gonna go and i gotta do what's right for me that's what papa would have wanted me to do thank oh oh [Music] this will be our first big harvest and we'll plan again two crops next year mr jones you are not going to get anything out of this what do you mean we'll grow all the fruits and vegetables we need and by next year we'll have enough surplus to supply the neighboring villages mr jones i am not an agricultural expert but you have planted up the hill at the first range the water will wash down these roads like small rivers it will take away everything you have planted than the top soils too why didn't somebody tell me about these conditions should have asked the indians in the jungle they are the only ones who farm this area all they want to do is steal our supplies instead of driving them off you should have traded them some supplies for information we will not fail mr jones i want to help you all i can it does our country no good if your experiment here does not succeed but i cannot help you if you will not miss him this is a jungle not a farm in your country i will make it happen here with god's help mr jones i hope he's listening [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you you're so excited me too i can't wait to see mama and raymond again i love you [Music] richard how are you oh i'm so glad to see you finally finally good to see you this is my wife alice you know you're beautiful hello you know i don't think she'd have married me if i hadn't said we'd come to jonestown all right well then let's go all aboard jonestown come on [Music] [Music] okay could i have everybody off please come on okay we're going to collect all your passports and all the other travel documents that you might have now this is just a simple formality for the guyanese immigration people okay and karen will give you your work assignments all right see y'all later you're in residence b and you work assignments thank you hi karen welcome richard glad to have you back in the family both of you it's good to be here my wife alice hello good to meet you it's very pretty what pioneers all right richard you're in residency that's the blue building and you'll be assigned to logging operations i guess we won't be working again okay alice you're in residence a and you start work by learning about our agricultural system hey wait a minute karen we're married won't we be assigned quarters together that's up to father jones we follow the rules here now let's get going there are more people to be processed [Music] me [Music] [Music] you [Music] how's raymond so full of vinegar just the way you used to be child is in trouble more than he thought of it mama yeah is this a little girl come here come here jenny this is the happiest day of my life all my children mama they put us in separate houses what's going on richard it's not an easy life we've got here and nobody should come here expecting it we're trying to build something new and father jones says we just have to find new ways of living together excuse me could you help me i'm looking for my um what's your number 679 679 there it is now it's time for the nightly news cia agents have been reported barriers in all parts of south america particularly in chile but they are showing no success in cuba fidel castro has triumphed over capitalist exploitation and brought his agrarian revolution into full flower today he reported a 25 increase in agricultural production [Music] and i know that you will want to help his great success in transforming backwards [Music] the work schedule in our commune will be extended by one hour each day hey man i need some gloves my hands are turning into raw meat you just saw go toughen up in a few days i won't be able to hold the axe in here wrap this around your hand i'll get back to work you've been hacking at that tree all morning man the axe is dull put some muscle into it some little disappointment you are spoiled you let yourselves be seduced by a weak and decadent society you've grown fat on rich foods soft work well that's not what god intended for you father wants to see you now father wants to see you now she wants to talk to you about your unhappiness here god what's wrong are you all right yeah come on come on watch your step there you go alice baby what's the matter what's wrong did somebody do something to you do somebody hurt you somebody hurt me you're acting so funny not funny you just had some little pills in my nerves i feel fine richard really don't worry about me it's been a beautiful day today here babe you better eat something no not hungry logging crew let's go everybody on the tractor let's go come on richard it means you you've got work to do let's see some action drive and shine i'll see you later okay all right everybody ten minutes uh i saw i was she was drunk man that wasn't taking any drugs they gave her drugs they deal with all the young women the attractive ones in here what do you mean man i'm telling you they gave her drugs why would they do that to get her under control no no see you don't understand she was just tired jones wanted it man what do you mean wanted [Music] you're lying you're lying he said he said my wife he said father jones oh god goddamn goody look here you want to get back to work and you want to spend some time in the box everybody back to work all marriages are dissolved [Music] i will not tolerate any marriages created outside this church [Music] they are elicited sexually motivated relationships that have no place in this society [Music] i am now ending those relationships and in my knowledge of you i will designate your appropriate mates dammit you can't do that you you can't take my wife from me i know you richard jefferson you are a homosexual that's why your wife has left you you're one of those dirty little who hang out in the men's room at the bus station sit down homosexual i will not sit down now i want my wife you can't do this to people we came here to help to work for god you think you can pull this you're crazy listen to the dirty little fairy he wants my body and i won't give it to him that's why this woman came to me and told me of his evil lusts and stayed with me because i am the only truly worthy object of your love and your desire you are crazy man you're crazy you're nuts put them in the box let them lie down side by side for 48 hours and see if the big queers will attack the faith again throw them in the box put them in the box uh full of stories about the temple what are they saying oh mostly innuendos and rumors you know what did they say well there's been some interviews with ryan and uh some people of the relatives in jonestown what are they talking about just some stuff about real estate transactions now don't be upset but jim they want you off the housing commission tell them i resigned because of this vicious plot perpetrated to destroy me and all my work it would be better to be dead than to see them destroy everything we've worked for all these years if they're sending mercenaries after us they won't like the reception they get we'll die before we give up our struggle tell the faithful we'll stand together against these lies now jim you better come back here and make an appearance or else they're gonna say you're hiding if i come back they'll send me to prison for the rest of my life i'm creating a utopia and they're determined to destroy it and me with it i'll never come back jim now listen to me [Music] he's um [Music] he's all right [Applause] is jim as out of control as he sounds on the radio it's worse than that sometimes clayton [Music] i'm not with him anymore he's taking the life of a young man [Music] [Music] i won't josh out of here newspapers and television in san francisco been murdering us remember david's wife yeah she's been talking to ryan oh my god that might break him completely it's time to get out gene [Music] i know [Music] clayton my health is falling apart i can't stand the pressure i wrote the russians to send me two medical specialists i can't trust anybody from the united states the ia's got them all in his pockets jim there's another 200 000 in the case here we need every cent our only protection is gifts from the faithful gee take this money to brazil open a new account you've got to keep it hidden from the cia [Music] jim this uh congressman has been investigating the temple they've spread stories that people are being kept here against their will there are no prisoners here they all love me jim they say that uh messages have been smuggled out attacking you and everything about this place they call it an armed camp oh my god my god my god my girl perfidious foul traitors they've infiltrated us spies and mercenaries come to my children come to me children come to the sheltering arms of the lord let me protect you i'd rather see your dad i'd rather see us all dead than imprisoned tortured vile evil warriors of hatred are descending upon jim i want to take joshua back with me no no no well it's time he went to school jim he goes to school here he's learning more here than he'll ever know at the hands of the imperialist traitors all they'll do is teach him more their rotten lies well i want to take him back never he is my son he's the prince of the church he sits at the right hand of god well jim i am not going to let you do this you can't tell me what to do you are a disciple don't become my judas i'll take care of this jim josh we're both getting out now i don't think we'll ever see josh again well our only hope gene is through some kind of legal help we tried to take him out now none of us will get out of here alive okay you going somewhere yeah jim wants gene to take that to brazil and i'm going to take her to the airport thank you [Music] operator operator operator i'm trying to get through to san francisco congressman leo ryan's office georgetown guyana thank you [Music] congressman ryan congressman ryan this is clayton richie i'm calling you from georgetown guyana [Music] well i've i've been the business manager of the people's temple for many years and uh well i'll tell you everything you want to know about it if you'll just help me take some kind of legal action to get my son back jim jones has yes sir mr ryan i strongly urge you to come down here and see for yourself just what's going on in jonestown there are traitors among us turn coats despicable tools of the cia who think they can send down spies disguised as congressmen but you will not prevail you will not prevail even today a traitor among us has tried to take my son from me with a cruel and savage legal action while in georgetown but i tell you now i tell the world now only death can take him from me and death is no more than a step toward the eternal life of peace which we'll all share one day there is light eternal there is life [Music] um [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] listen little brother i gotta get out of here i gotta take my wife and get out there's no way the trails all through the jungle are patrolled by guards but they'll get you for sure but if they don't the snakes will this is a nightmare but you never wake up what can i do jim jones is going crazy and if you keep fighting this you're gonna go crazy too her parents they'll help how can i get a message out you can't trust anybody around here hey what are you guys doing back here uh well um going to the toilet what does anybody do here you know you're not supposed to be back here this late well don't tell me tell my kidneys maybe we'll tell father jones and see if some discipline isn't in order [Applause] mom you know that uh that congressman is coming down here uh-huh well if anybody wants to go back with them again if they want i don't want to hear anything about that raymond mom we have got to get out of here i want us all to go help me please you're asking me to help you wrong jim jones i can't do that the trouble with you raymond is that you were too little to know how it was before jim jones helped us we owe our lives to that man i'll never leave in jonestown and if you do i guess i just lost a son people's temple receiving in medicare welfare and other governments spoken directly to jim jones about your visit to jonestown [Music] jane we're sorry sorry where's my mother doesn't mean she did yes she is and let's go talk to fox i don't want to talk to him i don't want to see him james we have to accept this he cheated her he lied he said he cured her he didn't cure [Music] she yes yes give me your auntie no just finishing jane we're gonna give him an injection [Music] it's okay we've just gotten clearance from jones to go on to jonestown this plane ready yeah there's a charter waiting at the airport you sure you want to go we're sure do you think jones is going to react strongly to seeing you since you both quit the temple and james discussed it and we'll fly with you to poor cat tomb and wait for you there congressman ryan how do you defend this investigation against charges that you're meddling with freedom of religious choice look jim jones is down here in a south american jungle with a thousand of my constituents i am pledged to their protection and well-being we've had reports that some are being held against their will i intend to find out if that's the case believe me i'm not coming down here with any preconceived notions do you have any comment about the public officials back home who openly support jim jones in the people's temple no comment the first time my wife went to a people's temple function it was a picnic she became a fanatic follower of jim jones gave him a fortune even sold all her jewelry broke up our marriage when she followed him to guyana those stories about drugs at jonestown congressman do you intend to go into that and we don't know if any of those stories are true we're going to find out actually i've heard from sources i trust in san francisco that jones got a lot of kids off drugs we have no verification of that either that is true my husband david langtry was strung out on heroin when we first joined the people's temple we tried everything to get him off but nothing really seemed to work jim jones got him off heroin let's be very grateful to jim jones i wish i had the guts to kill him [Music] hello i'm congressman leo ryan from california yeah we know who you are all right let's go see mr jones not all these people i thought this had already been cleared with mr johnson the only thing i know about is you mr daniels and mr briggs mr holloway that girl i don't know anything about them i mostly don't know anything about those two mr and mrs richie don't plan to accompany us these others are reporters they expect to be able to talk with mr jones and visitor encampment you'll forget about it because we don't want that many people around the guyanese authorities in georgetown have told these reporters they're free to go wherever they wish georgetown this is jonestown father jones makes the rules coming all right everyone uh we're free to go all the relatives press i'm sorry you're going to have to stay here for the time being i'm going to get a clearance for you as soon as i see mr jones [Music] [Music] oh [Music] welcome to jonestown congressman molly i'm marceline jones pleased to meet you please meet you my husband's uh looking forward to meeting you did you follow me mr jones i'm leo ryan welcome congressman welcome to jonestown welcome all of you i'm sorry i wasn't at the airstrip to greet you but i've had a touch of jungle fever and i wanted to save all my strength to talk with you you'll all just sit down my people want to come and talk with you and we'll have your relatives brought here too we have some reporters with us they weren't allowed to come here i thought it might make everyone uncomfortable having them looking around might be more uncomfortable to have them say that you were trying to hide something i have nothing to hide you ready yeah send somebody after the reporters oh my gosh oh oh thank god you come and you are so happy mama died i'm sorry i'm sorry don't get me out of here you have to get there we're going home we're going home this woman is hysterical she's shocked by the quite natural death of her mother cancer or she had cancer and you said you'd turn you didn't eat lives hear me live get away from me don't you touch me i did cure her she lost her faith and the disease was waiting to attack again there is no fate no faith oh my god see congressman that's just part of my work trying to maintain the faith of the weaker souls who came down here expecting a paradise to be built overnight without a lot of hard work yeah i'll show you around our facilities we have someone in charge of each one to answer any questions that may have good [Music] we've had 31 children born here in jonestown without any complications i'm a registered nurse and never met a finer doctor than dr lamtree we got a great deal to be proud of mr jones oh yes we certainly do this stays locked until after ryan and his people leave all right [Music] mom look at this salad fried chicken mashed potatoes vegetables cake be nice to be at visitors all the time [Music] i must admit mr jones i came down here expecting to find a hell hole in the jungle and everything i see indicates to me that you've got a well-organized very comfortable encampment here thank you very much mr ryan [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hey is that congressman gonna ask if there's anybody who wants to get out of here you suppose that is a private party over there do you want to leave and i don't want to be seen talking to you now but don't go out that gate without me i'll give you a story that'll blow this place apart where do you keep those lock boxes joke out in the jungle on the other side of building e uh-huh well why don't you just stash our friend there for a while until this is over okay [Applause] oh god how are you i'm all right i'm very busy but all right why did you come here would you believe i'm still your life i love you [Music] it's been so long i thought you'd met somebody else maybe even gotten married [Music] david haven't you had enough of this i can help you you can go back and be a real doctor doctor don't you understand what's happened to me i'm a real human being i've actually saved lives i've cured people i've stopped pain i've worn miracles then jim could fake thousand healing ceremonies and i've done it with these hands with this mind and with my body and my soul we're building something beautiful here sheila if only our enemies would leave us alone i'm david don't use that on me you're not alive you're living a memory i am this moment and i have been from the first moment i heard jim's voice and i will be until the last moment i hear him speak these attacks on me are all lies every leader with a vision has to go through that tell me about these real estate transactions it's really very simple members of my flock make contributions to the temple there's nothing wrong with that not one of them is out on the street they've all been provided for what about these claims we've heard of sexual abuses hasn't every leader every prominent man in the world been subjected to such outrageous gossip this includes mains places dates seems like more than gossip all right i have committed one indiscretion in my entire married life the guilt of that still haunts me except that it led to the birth of my most beautiful son joshua and it's led to this despicable legal action as you know but believe me mr ryan please i swear about all that's holy i've never permitted myself or any member of my congregation to commit any acts why am i so persecuted say no peace for me anywhere in the world however a simple gospel have i created so many enemies why do people hate me when all i've ever tried to do was good so painful so painful mr jones i am merely trying to find out what's going on here on behalf of almost a thousand of my constituents who happen to be members of your flock they're the constituents of god and jim jones [Music] our fine outstanding congressman has come all the way down here to find out if i'm a sex maniac [Music] to find out if i'm holding you prison i want you to tell them what our lives are like and after you told them the truth about what our lives are like here perhaps they'll go away and leave us in peace [Applause] notice the guards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's my flock talk to them all you want ask them if i've destroyed their lives by leading them from poverty neglect and anguish i think we've seen enough mr jones i'm ready to go back to port kaituma with those of your group that want to go with us no no no i want you to stay marcy find beds with the esteemed congressional investigator and his assistant may have your attention please everyone when we leave here tomorrow any of you that want to go with us will be escorted back to the united states in comfort and safety [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] now any more of you want to go with us should step forward right now lies they'll tell about us now don't let them go we can keep them here they're just a handful of people the right tickets does that make they'll be back you know with troops to wipe us out we can stop them we can stop them now before they have a chance to hurt us i'm not gonna let them do this to you i'm not gonna let them do it it's too late just let them go please do something to protect yourself something tell me what to do tell me [Music] don't hurt them do something it's all over it's all over i've been betrayed send david to me i don't feel well ask everybody to come to the pavilion i have to talk to them bring me my family bring me my family [Music] come children come to the pavilion everybody come to the pavilion bring your families let's all come to the pavilion for one final moment together huh sounds like dad wants us to have another one of his loyalty tests it's time to leave all our fears and frustrations behind it's time to take the final step together to eternal life oh i love you i love you i love you all that's right bring your families everyone come to the pavilion that's right i want all my children to come to the pavilion for one final moment hurry hurry my children please hurry in spite of all that i've tried a handful of our people with their lies have made our life impossible there's no way to detach ourselves from what's happened today we're sitting here waiting on a powder keg hurry hurry my children please hurry [Music] we have been so betrayed we've been so terribly betrayed are we all here how very much i've tried to give you a good life it's been said by the greatest prophets since time immemorial no man takes my life from me i lay my life down if we can't live in peace then let's die in peace [Applause] no now what's going to happen here in a matter of a few minutes is that one of our people is going to shoot the people who left i didn't tell him to do it i didn't plan but i know what's going to happen that's just as plain as i can tell you and i've never lied to you i never have lied to you so my opinion is you be kind to children you be kind to seniors and you take the potion like they did in ancient greece and step over quietly because we're not committing suicide it's a revolutionary act the people in san francisco will not be idle over this they'll not take ourselves in vain you know jenny jennings what about russia is it too late for russia it's too late it's too late those people are out there they're out there with their guns i can't control them and once they kill anybody you think you think russia is going to want us with all this stigma before we had value but now we have no value to them well i feel like that as long as there's life there's hope that's my faith sooner or later that hope runs out because everybody dies i never saw anybody yet who didn't die now i'd like to choose my own kind of debt for a change [Music] but dad i'd like to choose mine too it's not that i'm afraid to die i know you're not i know you're not it's just that i look around at all these children and i think they deserve to live i agree but don't they deserve much your life has been extended to this day because of him [Music] [Applause] paul says there's a man born out of due season well i have been born out of duces and just like we all are and the best testimony we can make [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] when nobody else would and if you want me to die because you want us to die today i'll do it for you we'll all go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please give us some medication it's simple it's just simple just please get it before it's too late i'm telling you you have got to move you got to move you got to move [Music] [Applause] [Music] mother mother please [Music] there is nothing to worry about now everybody keep calm and try to keep the children calm okay now you children i want you to lug up those little children and start administering them they're not crying out of any pain it's only a little bitter tasting [Music] this is something that we can all rejoice about so you should be happy i know i am [Music] i don't care how many screams you hear i don't care how many cries of anguish there is a million times preferable than ten more days in this life i strongly maintain to lay down your burden i'm gonna let down my birth down by the riverside shall we let him down [Music] we've had as much of this world as you're gonna get get out there they'll alter our seniors they'll torture our children we cannot have this please can we hey son can we hasten with our medication please please [Music] all the hypodermic needles have been used okay [Music] we'll help do i have today it's my son i'll find you in the next world death is life forever [Music] but it's too late [Music] anything happened to mom [Music] oh no oh my god [Applause] trailer i don't know who fired the shot i don't know who killed the congressman but as far as i'm concerned i killed him he had no business coming i told him not to come [Music] oh free at last free at last tried so very very hard we used to sing this world this world it's not our home well it sure isn't we're going to set an example for others a thousand people who said we don't like the way the world is take our life from us we laid it down we got tired we didn't commit suicide we committed a revolutionary act of suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 726,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2MBs2sm-5rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 28sec (11308 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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