The Best & Worst Holsters For Conceal Carry

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foreign this is what concealed carry looks like for a lot of people and today I'm going to help you navigate this mess or stop you dead in your tracks from even getting to this point because to be honest with you holsters are expensive and so hopefully I will save you a ton of money a ton of time a ton of frustration or the person I'm really going after is the one that says I'm just not even going to carry because this is not comfortable at all hopefully I can turn that around and help you out and lead you in the right direction just think of me as your Google Maps or if you like Apple Maps to lead you on the direction to the right path here so you can start carrying and comfort and and something that you can actually trust let's go and get right into it so it's a pretty bold claim to say that I'm going to name the best concealed carry holster on the market keep in mind this is just my opinion but I am sure at this point through thousands tens of thousands now of people that have bought these holsters from my recommendations the comments that I've gotten I can feel pretty secure knowing that my uh my thoughts here will be validated by people in the comments section real people that have actually bought these holsters so I'm gonna move these out of the way I'm gonna bring in the star of the show but I do want to kind of walk you through my thought process on some of these and just kind of tell you where I was thinking where these fall short for me and tell you why I choose the holster I do I started carrying this a long time ago actually I bought this I want to say probably 2017-ish when the P320 subcompact we did that review I'll have to look and see exactly when it was but that's the gun I bought this holster for and I'll tell you I have back issues and this is one of the least intrusive ways to carry and one of the more comfortable ways I've found to carry if it's cold outside and we don't get too many of those days here in the South so I don't get to do it too often but you get to carry two extra magazines and your gun a bigger gun at that you keep the weight kind of on your shoulders you're not leaned off to one side or the other this is a fantastic way to carry I just don't get to use it that often if you're gonna buy one I would say probably spend at least at least 120 150 bucks to get a good solid holster there's some really cheap ones out there I'd stay away from those but this is a decent option so one issue that you'll find with shoulder holsters two is getting to it now this takes practice and dedication none of which I've put a ton of time in so you're not going to see some super quick draw or anything like that but if you have a jacket over it if you have a motorcycle cut over it or some kind of vest over it or hell even a business suit whatever get getting to it is a little bit more difficult so essentially we got to get the clothing out of the way so down thumb break boom just something like that but again takes practice the thumb break on this one is a little bit long so it's easy to get to but it does create a little bit of a point right here where it sticks out is anybody ever going to notice that no but if I wear something even like a polo or something like that it sticks out a little too much so it looks a little awkward this side is no problem because it lays down flat so if that thumb break was man just a little bit smaller more concealed or tucked in or a little bit or something this would be a much better option but again it's just getting to it and hopefully your zipper doesn't stay you know get it get it out of there and again not super quick or efficient with this but it is something you can use and definitely on a motorcycle I mean this is you know especially if you're always wearing Leathers or always wearing a cut or or anything like that this may be a good option and as you can see I mean especially under a jacket it's pretty pretty well concealed that's for sure now normally when I do a video I get way more love than hate but this video on this holster got maybe even more hate than love which is unusual but I get it it's an unusual way to carry but it's still useful in deep concealment and smaller kind of guns and this is the urban carry G3 and so all that's going to be showing is that right there that's it right and the clip is actually underneath so it's going to clip to an inch and a half belt which is pretty standard again you want a good gun belt not a regular belt I don't care if it's a 60 regular leather belt don't buy it core Essentials is the only way to go in my opinion because of its adjustability all that good stuff I've done videos on them check them out regardless this is all that's shown this little flap it's magnetic it covers that clip so you're not going to see it right and all you do is Boom pull it out I don't really get why people hate it as much as they do it's a different way to carry these things aren't cheap right but at the same time it is pretty convenient because you can bend you can sit it doesn't really print I mean very minimal printing it locks in place too which I like boom and even in that video I said it's not my favorite way to carry but for certain situations it's not too bad sometimes the draw can be a little weird because that magnet will tend to stick sometimes to the gun itself so again it's kind of where practice comes into play you're going to have this thing hanging out of your pants God forbid you ever have to pull it but who cares you just want to be able to get to your gut whatever way whatever way is convenient for you to carry a gun don't let anybody tell you that that way is stupid as long as it is accessible and Save that's all it really matters needs to be accessible and safe you need to be able to get to it and it needs to lock in place somehow and this does that again certain situations I like this carry option hey you'll have to forgive me here I don't yet have The Equalizer as of me filming this video I'll have it in like a day or maybe even later today but regardless just to give you an idea of what this type of holster will offer you again I am not a huge fan of this but for the people I'm going to show you what this looks like now to be totally fair I see that most people would probably carry this I guess appendix I I don't know but anyways you'll get the idea at least again not made for this gun but pretty comfortable it's got that material in the back which again is going to cause me to sweat really quickly I'm just not a fan of any kind of material and that one is not even that intrusive it just it bugs me man and then the the sweat guard because you have because you have a little bit of extra material here you see that right there it just man I I don't know I can't explain it just uncomfortable but you get to carry an extra magazine it's on your strong side so to me you know it's like this yeah it's not made for that mag either but you know it's convenient because now you have everything just right there in one spot so if I need to draw I have to adjust this all the way around honestly I feel like that extra material kind of gets in the way of my draw too so I'll kind of do it in slow motion not trying to make this thing look either better or worse just trying to tell you kind of where I'm at with this but if I'm drawing my hand instantly goes here and I I should just be able to move that shell maybe a little bit because there is some adjustability to it and again it's not made for this gun but you're going to see that's where the gun's gonna sit the gun ain't going to sit anywhere different even if it was The Equalizer right that's that's the shell that's where the gun will be right so when I'm drawing this I get the shirt out of the way and you can almost use it as a way to leverage your thumb and leverage the gun in and out like that and with enough practice I could get used to it I just feel like it's a little bit too much now here's the thing if I need to reload right so boom got the gun out dropped that mag I want to reach over here right I want to reach here to be able to draw out and with the magic of editing I now have my spare mag in the neomag by the way if you go with a Neo mag go with the one with the longer clip it's just easier to work with this is a super strong clip and the smaller one is just kind of hard to open up so the one with the longer clip is the way to go in my opinion but I would rather be on my weak side to get to that magazine right it's just it's just easy if I'm on my strong side I basically have to switch the gun over get that mag out pop it in switch it back over see how inconvenient that is now if you're carrying like this because I know some people are going to say this this just seems like too much of a pain in the ass I feel like most people would would try this and they'd be like nah I'm good I'm good again nothing against crossbreed I like their company this is not the way I like to carry but I know somebody will say well man you're supposed to carry that thing appendix well hell I can barely get the gun in their appendix honestly but even if I do that right this just seems like a nightmare but anyways okay if this is the way I was going to carry you can see it actually conceals really well let's say I need to get the gun out boom and then if I carry it in the front then I could use my support hand to get that mag in and out this is just too much I don't want I I just hate this style of holster not a fan of it at all forget the magazine pouch or Carrier that's even on it it just seems like too much to kind of get to and it seems like too much material around the gun a little bit unnecessary in my opinion now here is the crossbreed this kind of straps around that pull it tighter then you have a calf these are the boots I wear every day too so if you don't have taller socks and you know boots like this this is gonna suck to wear that velcro on your skin oh good on that but you can see how that kind of works right and then we'll use the lcp2 again just like that so I can adjust the length of this a little bit but that is where it is most secure I wore this at work I've worn it quite a bit actually as you can see not too bad conceals pretty well you know there's a little bit of you know a little bit of a of a bulge right there but again who the heck is paying attention to your legs so hard that they're like oh God I think there's a little bit of a extra bulge on that guy's right hand leg that looks suspicious you know so it conceals pretty well and it's very comfortable you know I I enjoy I really appreciate that part of it concealed carry is such a mixture of comfort concealability but access and the type of gun are are equally important and can you shoot that gun well you know these these are very important things and so this meets the comfort and convenient part of concealed carry but the ability to get to the gun is definitely a problem and you know I'm sacrificing quite a bit if this were my primary carry if this was the only gun I'm carrying now as a backup I'll take it but again most of the time when I was carrying like this this was my only gun so getting to the gun is the biggest issue here and so what's got to happen pull your leg up and out do the strap boom get to the gun in order to use it super inconvenient as far as the draw again if we're talking about a backup that's one thing but as a primary carry this is not the way I would go and and you know people will say oh well you know concealed carry isn't supposed to be comfortable it's designed to save your life well there is truth to that but also most people are not going to carry if it's uncomfortable so you know you can say whatever you want but the idea here for me and the goal here for me is to get everybody to carry no matter what position may work for them if they're carrying they're already A Step Above most of the population and that leads us to this so Kydex holster super popular couple of different reasons you get really secure lock up on the gun so you know that it's going to be in place it's going to stay in place unlike a friction held like leather holster or some of even the examples that we've shown today where they're just held in by gravity and a snap or something like that this you pop it in all you have to do to get it out is pull it just like that no extra material and this one specifically is from tolster we've been working with these guys for a long time you don't have to take my word for it at this point I can assure you there will be somebody multiple people in the comments to tell you their experience with tolster and it's always positive I don't know that I've heard a single bad word from somebody that has bought from them because they do such an incredible job and they keep your package small I still think that's the best slogan they could ever use but again they still haven't picked it up but essentially you don't have a bunch of extra materials so what I hate is when you have a carry gun similar to this is a Glock 43x and you want a thin light carry gun but then you have a big honking holster that just makes your small comfortable carry gun into an uncomfortable carry gun so this does not do that so there's a couple different options here this is the profile this allows you to actually switch the can so if you ask anybody that that has ever carried a gun every millimeter every inch every ounce makes a huge difference so you can move this clip anywhere from zero to 15 degrees and that's going to move it just a little bit forward or just a little bit back but it makes a huge difference High Sight channel right here so if you have night sights open down here so it does allow some of the lint and stuff to fall through or if you have a threaded barrel it's going to work for that exposed magazine release so that allows you to load the gun holster the gun pop the mag out top it off put it back in the gun is safe the whole time one of the biggest things very minimal design so wherever they're doesn't need to be extra material right in here all the way around they don't put it on there which keeps this thing comfortable the type of material is also very comfortable as well now this is the profile holster super easy to get on and off not complicated at all and even better that gun is securely in place if I need to get to it boom it's right there put it back in the holster boom so that's how easy and that's what kind of difference you get with a holster like this now again I've been working with holster for seven over seven years now and I don't know something like 13 000 people have bought from my link alone these guys they know what they're doing so comfortable adjustable can all that good stuff and adjustable retention as well so you can adjust just how much force it takes to get that gun out of there really awesome design they have their ex macro holsters out now so this is the Contour so this is an outside the waistband holster and again this gives you the ability hey I I like outside the waistband because it allows you to carry a little bit bigger of a gun it's a little bit easier to get to but if you want to conceal it so let's say you're in an open carry state or whatever you can open carry just like this if you need to get to the gun boom right there right well with this holster because the design is so short the overall length is so short minimal again as minimal as possible you can actually throw your shirt over this right and still be able to pretty well concealed I mean this is a fairly larger you know carry gun wearing a red shirt trying to make it stick out as much as possible and it still does a pretty decent job throw a jacket over this boom there you go so even better concealed at this point and if I need to get to it boom right there awesome option now if you want inside the waistband but you have an optic on there that's where the oath holster comes in the oath holster from tolster so this has a single clip design you have the claw attachment mod Wing attachment is what's holster uh calls it and essentially this allows the gun to be pulled further in so especially a gun like this where it's great has a longer grip instead of let's just say it's sticking out like this inside your waistband it's actually going to pull it in and there's different lengths to these so there's like a medium and a large or a small and a medium anyways so if it's like this originally it's going to pull that thing in just a little bit making it even more concealable but again all of the features remain sometimes you guys give tolster a hard time like hey man where's the holster for this gun or this new gun or whatever and they've gotten way better since they've gotten bigger as far as getting holsters out for new guns on release day or shortly thereafter but one thing you can never say about these guys when they release something it is not half-assed it is not oh man they could have done a better job or whatever it fits it's snug and they did the best job they could have on this holster that's why I believe in these guys man because they will make sure when they release it it ain't like Call of Duty or it ain't like an Apple product or hey we'll just release it and fix it as we go it's right the first time so I appreciate that minimal design magazine release is exposed High site Channel cut out and here so it can accommodate an optic and also the material the extra material I talked about is cut out to keep this as comfortable as possible mid sweat shield on this right here and this thing is just as comfortable this clip right here is super super strong this is probably the strongest clip they make that thing ain't going nowhere once you get it on your belt so that's the X macro oath holster the profile holster or if you want to go with the Contour outside the waistband so these are just some of the options that I've used since I started carrying there's many other options from bras to freaking belly bands you know to off-body don't recommend but if what it takes for you to carry is a belly band and you say I just don't like this fine as long as you can get access to it that's the biggest thing and you're actually going to carry it you know and some of the other things we talked about that's what's most important there's a lot that goes into this but I hope that I was able to simplify this for you a little bit and give you some options if you want to check out tolster again 13 or 14 000 people have bought from these guys so they can't all be wrong I could be wrong but they can't all be wrong so and I've had nothing but positive feedback they're discounted through my channel and yes it does support my channel which is fine if you don't want to do it whatever that's fine but this is the best holster and the best way to carry that I've found not just because of the holster and all the features I talked about it's the most accessible in a car on a daily basis on a motorcycle wherever I am I can quickly get to my gun and feel confident that it's going to be there when I need it securely in place everything we just talked about this is the way to go for me personally three to four o'clock position is where I like to carry and that's where I feel the most comfortable and even with back problems it doesn't cause that many issues there's some days that are worse than others for sure if you have back issues you know what I'm talking about but generally speaking if it's one of those days I'll go to just a little bit smaller gun or whatever the case may be but you're never going to catch me you're never going to catch me in a place where I can legally carry you're not going to catch me without a gun or an excuse to why I don't have it because that is the most important thing and remember we take an obligation to protect even the people around us that don't want us to have guns we would still protect them if they ever needed it and you never know if you'll need it God forbid you do but if you always have it you never have to wonder what if thank you guys for joining me I'll leave those links down below to tolster and if you want to check out some of the other options I'll leave videos to those as well thank you guys see you in the next one and as always hold them down [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 201,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best conceal carry holster, best carry holster, best etc holster, best edc holster, best holster for conceal carry, conceal carry for beginners, conceal carry tips, how to make conceal carry comfortable, best conceal carry, best carry gun, best carry gun 2022
Id: N6io9038LDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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