The Best Way To Use Calendly & Google Calendar To Plan Your Day

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can better manage your time using simple tools online and the best level both of them are free so let's get into the video hey guys I'm Jay from hex burrow unleashed and as I said in this video I'm going to show you how you can use two free simple tools to better manage your time and be a more effective entrepreneur if you haven't already make sure you click the subscribe button below to that notification bar button on because that will make sure that you get notified every time we release our new content which is at every Wednesday and every Friday now the reason that we decided to do this video is it a few people in our elite membership group asked how can I be more effective in the time that I have available to myself and myself and Naomi we both do this we struggled with time but when you realize that you can't manage time but you can manage what you do within that time that's when the breakthrough happens so just as a bit of direction if you think that you might benefit from being part of our elite membership group then I'll drop the link below in the comment section so that you can take a look at that but moving on what we're gonna do first of all is jump into my computer and I'm going to show you a piece of software called calendly and this is where you can create booking slots of varying lengths so that people can quickly and easily book into your calendar without you having to go back and forth telling them what dates and times you're available then then finding out what dates and times they're available then telling them that you're not available at that time then then changing the type what a nightmare yeah now currently makes all of that so much simpler so let's jump into the screen so here we all have countably you would have to sign up to currently it's really simple really easy really intuitive but I actually have an account to raise we're just going to jump straight into mind so that once you've set everything up you can see exactly what it is that you're supposed to be doing so here we're in my account for currently now I've several I've integrated and I'll just show the integrations typeset so once you've signed up the first thing you want to do is look at the integrations tab and see what you can integrate calendar with now trust me there's a lot of things so you can see you can do currently for Chrome Salesforce HubSpot stripe GoToMeeting zoom Facebook Google Analytics currently into greenhouse which is a recruitment software one of the best out there my tie-up marks of teens conference in calendar connections can click APR web hooks slack zappy a PayPal so there's so much you can do with this product so just think about the ones you want to integrate and how you gonna make them work just to let you know the ones that we integrate with is we integrate with Google Calendar so that's your CRO and we also integrate with zoom now the reason that we integrate zoom with convey is that when people book through our link zoom will automatically create a unique link that will appear in their calendar invite now that means that when the notification pops up to say that today you have a meeting it'll also have the unique zoom link in there so that you can get access to the video call and that's really it really simple so the next thing I want to do is just show you inside of my platform so that you can see the type of meetings that I have created and I'll just explain why I've created these three so as you can see I've got a one to one catch-up call I have a free strategy session and have a coaching call so the reason that I do this is so that when I look in my calendar or when I look at zoom and the list of meetings I'll have booked in I can clearly see really easily what type of meeting it is this is really important because if it's a one-to-one meeting then that just means that we're having a conversation a bit of a catch-up maybe and just see if there's any way that we can potentially help each other moving forward now if it's a free strategy session this is what we do for people that we can know them but really what it is is for prospects so we offer some free value for around half an hour and at the end of that free strategy session we offer them the chance to continue working with us if they see value and it's great to know that that's the type of call it is because there may be similarities between a one-to-one call and a free strategy call at times other than the structure that we create within it so you have to know the difference and then we have a coaching call now this is really important because coaching calls are set up for our clients so we need to make sure that we know that we are having a coaching call with that person but equally we ask more specific questions within the coaching call now let me explain that when sort of books on the coaching call we ask a series of questions that they have to fill in before booking the call now this is the same for each of these three categories however the actions are all different so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to create a custom appointment and all the different settings inside that you can use let me show you that now so here I'm going to click new event type see the options that come up you can have it so that multiple people can jump in with you or you can have it so that one person jumps in with you so on this I'm just going to create one one-on-one so I'm going to call this test location you can have a comparison focal Google hangout zoo go to meeting custom ask him by T so what do some say zoom web conference in and that's because I have this integration set up already now you may not but if you do zooms awesome then you've got the description instruction section this is where you can include any information or details that the invitees should know about the event now make sure you remember that although this is a one-on-one meeting multiple people can book in at different dates and times so this text must be generic enough that it doesn't single anyone out but also informative and accurate enough then it makes sense of the person that's booking in the core with you then what you can do is you can actually name your event link so here I'm gonna leave this is a test but you can call it whatever you want it could be one-on-one coaching call it could be group coaching call whatever works for you and then you can pick the event color so I'm gonna pick green here then you go to next the next stage in the creation process is working out the timeframe that this event is for and also how soon people can book either side of this event there's a few more extra features let me show you in the software so the Avenger Asian you can pick a custom range or you can pick one of these I'm gonna pick 45 minutes here date range this means how far away can people book in with you on this so if we put this for 90 days this means that people can book in with me from today up to a period of 90 days away so I'm gonna put in 90 days you can change your time zone however mine's corrects I'm going to leave it as it is and next is the availability so this is where you can set when people can schedule meetings with you so as you can see we can click on today we could say 9:00 till 5:00 is great we can also say that they're allowed to pay 6 p.m. to a 8 p.m. there are the times I'm available and you can have it apply to just this day or you can have it apply to all days or you can apply it to multiple days so let's select this so it's on every day now what you also want to do here is click on advanced now this is where things get a little bit awesome so here you can set the frequency of the available time slots for your own varieties so are these time slots available every 30 minutes every 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 45 minutes whatever it is you want so I'm gonna set 45 minutes then you can set the maximum number of events of this type that can be booked per day so I'm gonna say two I wants to events of this type of booked in on a day they can no longer booked in on that day and then you've got minimum scheduling notice so this is the minimum amount of time that someone must give you in order to book this event so even if you have nothing in your diary for the next four hours nobody can book in for at least four hours because it's four hours away that you're allowing people to book in now if I set two hours then they could book in on those last two free hours you've got in that four hour period I hope that makes sense and then event buffers so if someone books in but one o'clock for a half an hour meeting that means they finish at half one the way that I've set this up means that nobody will now be able to book in until 2 p.m. because I've set a 30-minute buffer on the back side of the event and then you can also choose to make it secret or not secret this just means that it either does or doesn't show on your main calendar page where people click on to see the types of events that you have and then you click Next the additional options you can have here are invited questions notifications of cancellation policy confirmation page and payment collection so if we look in here are the questions you can pick the name even address you can also add additional people here we're clicking add guests and then we have the additional options now the best thing in here for me in my opinion is that you can select the questions you want people to answer in order to book in with you this is absolutely fantastic for any prospect events you've created that people want to book in where you might be trying to sell at some point on the call so if we look at this they set some preset questions their name email address and then share anything they were hope was prepared for meeting now you can add new questions here and different types as well as a one-line answer multiple line answer radio button said it can pick one of many options checkboxes so they can pick more to pour options and then also a phone number so if we have a phone number here and you can make it required so they have to answer it so can apply that and as you see it appears we can also add something like questions like this why is it number one thing that you want to take away from this call in knowing that if this is a prospect event they tell me the one thing they want to take away from this call and I just make sure that I deliver that on the call so you're able to customize your pitch you're able to customize the event or the content within the event that's been created based on the answers that these people give you when they book in it's absolutely fantastic and then you simply save him close next you can put notifications and cancellation policy and you can create that within here you can set email reminders and you can personalize that message you can do email follow-ups and personalize that you can also use no reply email addresses so that they can't reply to you and you can also send text reminders if you have connected this to it I haven't done that and you can include your own cancellation policy so if people want to cancel or they want to reschedule they can do it and you just set something in here that says you must have canceled within 24 hours of your call or you will not be allowed to rebook again without a fee for example and save and close and then we have confirmation page this is the page that people will land on once they have booked in with you now if you have a premium version of currently you can ask you select to route redirect to an external site however there are ways around this that you can do with the free version of candidly so if we click display coming to confirmation page their basic in the land on the confirmation page that candy has already set up that says you have booked your appointment what you can do though here which is quite close you can add custom links and you could say click here to continue with booking and then you can simply type in your website link here or a landing page you've created or whatever it is that you want so once they see the page they're gonna see a link that says click here to continue with booking and then you still get the same effect this is with the paid version which is allows you to redirect to an external site I thought that's a pretty nice little hack and then if you have the pro version of candy you could also collect payments now again this is something I don't use and I didn't see the point in paying to get this feature because I take payments through other means however it could be something that you want to use and that is it you've done you've created your event and this is what the live page would look like woodsongs booked in with your currently link so this is already connected to my gmail calendar you can connect it to whatever calendar you decide to use so now I can see the available time slots that I have that people can book in on so let's look at Wednesday so on Wednesday I only have 9:45 available Tuesday have have a number of options Friday at 9:45 Sunday I've got a whole range of times so let's book in 1:30 & schuster I got to put my name in there my email address in here share anything into a number and then also what's a number one thing as you said before they're not scheduled event and that would actually take me through to the confirmation page that we spoke about earlier and that's how you use currently and that's exactly what it would look like so the next thing that I want to show you is how I manage my Google Calendar it's all well and good having these Academy events set up so that people can quickly and easily book in with you but how are you going to control that time how are you going to make sure that you don't end up with appointments all over the place and no time to do anything else for yourself now you did see that what I said was a maximum of two event types of that time per day which is one great hack to ensure that you don't get inundated with bookings of random people just trying to take advantage of free booking spaces you have so what I'm going to do is I'm going to quickly show you how I plan my day and how I manage my day in my account so what I would do here is I'd start from the time that I wake up so here you click you add the title and what I would select here which is 6 a.m. something called miracle morning so put that in there and I've set it up you can say remind you if you wish actually set the time that it repeats it repeats daily for me let's set custom to Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and repeats every one week and it ends never I just want that to keep going on so that will go in that and it ends at 7:00 get some more options I'm gonna set this because it's something that repeats daily I'm gonna set this is gray I don't mean that I'm busy here so no one can book him with me now if I wanted people to be able to book in still and I could select free but I'm not so I'm busy and that is it so if I select that don't now save and that's in there Monday to Friday 6 to 7 so I'll do that for every type of event I have so let's add dinner in here so dinner time more options this is gray against it's something that happens consistently I'm busy sand nobody can book in this is going to be 60 minutes and let's make this be every weekday Monday to Friday click Save and that appears in all the way through there now something that I also do which you guys are going to find really helpful is that I have something called buffer blocks and I have between two and four of these every single day now buffer blocks are there in case anything overruns so let's say you have something under nine o'clock till 10:00 and you thought it would take you an hour to complete but you've still got about 20 minutes worth of work left to do when it comes to 10 o'clock now what most people will do is they'll keep working and they'll do the additional 20 minutes but then your appointment at 10 o'clock is now 20 minutes behind so that means you've got 20 minutes less to do the work that you planned in from 10 to 11 that means that the 10 o'clock appointment now over runs into 11 which means you've got 20 minutes less from the 11 o'clock appointment then you should have had you see what I mean and then that means that that follows on and that follows on and maybe some of those appointments over run as well which means that you end up having dinner it's half 12 or even 1 which means you're an hour behind now and this is how people get overrun with work they fall behind and they start to become overwhelmed the key is be strict with your time treat every single appointment as if it is a meeting that you can not miss so when the time hits stop so if anything overruns let's say my 9:00 a.m. appointment over runs till 10 past 10:00 a buffer block allows me to tape that in it allows me to do it well let's say for example I've got an appointment 9:00 till 10:00 but during that time a client emails me and says Jay this has gone wrong can you fix it for me I'll say yeah not a problem I'll have a look at it at 10 o'clock for you so what I'm then going to do is book in on that buffer block fixed clients work and I've got 15 minutes to do it now if that works gonna take longer than 15 minutes I still stop at the quarter past 10:00 I still stop once the buffer block runs out cuz that's all I have that's all the time I had right now to get that work done for the client but then what I'll do is I'll pick up at the 2:00 p.m. buffer block so there's an additional 15 minutes there that I can look at it and if it's going to take more time they're not pick it up again at 4 o'clock and I'll do an additional 15 minutes now this is what's valuable to have 15 minutes or even half an hour loss staggered through your day depending on the amount of time or the likelihood of the events are gonna come up for you if you have client work maybe 15 minutes isn't enough maybe you need half an hour however if you're in property for example or something like that then maybe you need to make a call to an agent we need to follow with the solicitor so 15 minute buffer blocks three to four of them might work perfectly for you and you decide where they fit but evenly throughout the day tends to be good because what it does is it stops you being one of these people that drops everything that's important to you the second your phone rings or the second someone emails you or the second of clients that there's something wrong or the second and agents rang you and left a voicemail you've got to stop that you've got to stop being reactive to everybody's needs because you've got your own stuff we've got your own day and by stopping that yourself stopping for just a call for 10-15 minutes the impact of that on your day really is massive it's huge and it can compound four out the day two three four five cause sudden you can be an hour to an hour and hardly in two hours behind in your workload so I'm going to show you quickly how it's a buffer block so that you can set it as well and also so that if you want to allow people to book in join your buffer blocks so people to use your calendar the link and book in but actually see the buffer block spaces still I'm going to show you how you do that so let's say I have a buffer block at 3 p.m. so I'm gonna put buffer block in here my buffer blocks are going to be yellow so I can always see a buffer block I'm gonna mark it as free and I'm gonna mark it that this is every weekday Monday to Friday and my buffer block is 3 until 3:30 so it's a 30-minute buffer block that I have and they've set that in there boom that's my buffer block so if anybody emails in or rings me or leaves a voicemail or a text message or whatsapp message whatever it is I can simply look at my buffer blocks and stick something in there so I can just change this one to say client work and also you only change this event so now I know that client work is happening there however if somebody pops in using your currently linked and they book in into a nice buffer blocks this is what will happen as you can see the two slots have sat side by side now this is absolutely fine and this works perfectly for me because I can see that somebody is booked in on that buffer block which means it's no longer available somebody has taken that time up and that's fine because that's time of allocated for additional work or for people to book in with now if you have a buffer block like I mentioned before and somebody has booked in on that once you changed this to say client work you also could if you spell fine right you also need to change that to busy because then nobody else can book in next to it that wouldn't happen and you just want to make sure that you book in everything that you do so that you're fully aware of everything that goes on in your life and honestly if it's free time it's an activity if it's a run if it's lunch if it's a dog walk if it's a morning meeting if it's goal setting if it's reading a book listening to an audio book going Jim make sure everything is in this calendar and color-code it it has to be color coded so you can see exactly what it the reason that's so important is that you're not killing yourself you're honest with yourself you know exactly what time you have available for yourself you know when you're free you know when you're busy and you know when someone asks me like Jay are you available next week let's go and play a round of golf I'll genuine look at my calendar and I work out whether or not I'm free and people take the mickey girl you know you're so busy Jay but it's not even that it's just that I want to make sure that the time I'm committed to myself or the people or activities or Naomi I want to make sure that that time is sacred because I treat everything within my calendar as if it is a meeting that I can not miss and when you start to do that time just starts to present itself and don't worry you may look at your calendar once you've done this and thing I have no free time every day is absolutely booked up with no gaps do you know what good that means you're utilizing your time to the best that you can now if you start to fall behind and you realize that stuff isn't getting done and you're constantly slipping then this is a signal or a sign that you're not being realistic with the amount of time that things take so you either need to allow yourself more time or this is a sign that some of the stuff that you're doing no longer needs to be done by you so is it time to get a VA is it time to hire someone is it time to get some assistance now this is a great position to be in and if that is the case then fantastic start to look for one of those services but the best thing about this is that you can actually pick a color of the things that the VA is going to do and change that color in your calendar so the work is still there being done at certain times but your VA is now doing that if it's time dependent if it's not time dependent take it out of your diary leave that space blank and put something else in there you know additional buffer block or allow more time to do the work that you do or even take on something new if that's what you want to do but at least then you can see what you're taking out of your diary and you can build that into your VA or your assistants workload so that you can see what they're doing on a daily basis this is how I manage my time this is how Naomi manages her time and we do this within the same calendar so just to let you know Naomi and I also have different colors for each other's work so I'm green and name is purple so what this means is that I can book in on a certain time say to two or three to be doing one thing and they only can also book in at to two or three doing her own thing so you see as we showed you in the example with the client work and the one-to-one come and Li link we saw two colors together we also have that and we also see the two calendar colors together now the reason this is important is that if someone has booked in that say Naomi name he's booked in recording time to record a video I know that I can't be booking in during that time to have any calls if we're in the if are in the office I can go to another office and it can work from there but if I'm in the office I cannot make any noise I need to be quiet so me click be claps in a way my laptop is not going to work so what am I going to do during that time that's great time for me to think round you know I'm gonna make some clothes in the other office or in the house so then I'll book in to make calls to agents or to investors or I'll make a booking with a prospect or maybe able to do some work I'll be writing something I'll be creating something or I'll go walk the dog whatever it is it allows me to realize that that time I need to be quiet in the office or out of the office and that is a fantastic thing to be able to do when you're working side by side with someone but notice what I said there we both use the same calendar the same central calendar so that's my work that's Naomi's work that's our personal things there's people booking in and it's all of that stuff together and it just gives you absolute clarity as to what is going on now if you're trying to fit everything into your calendar now and it's not working nothing fierce then that highlights that there's a problem a problem that can be solved so don't stress but it does mean that you need to address the issue that you're facing if you've got too much stuff and not enough time you need to either do less stuff but just do the important things the other stuff needs to be sidetracked or it means that you need help it means that you need to hire someone so make yourself aware and just be honest this way that we manage our calendars allows us to be honest with ourselves about the time that we have and the work that we're doing means good to look at your calendar think how much of this work in this busy crammed week that I have how much of this work is taking me towards my goal taking me towards my mission and if none of it then you need to start stripping some stuff out all another way to create as such is to get up earlier go back slightly later I wake up at 5:00 and I only wakes up at 6:00 and I generally go bad about 11:00 but I tend to stop working around half five six o'clock but we manage our days effectively so if I have to book in something later I do if that means that I'm gonna miss my run there now either swap some time around or it doesn't happen when I have my run because my run is an appointment that I cannot miss if you remember every appointment in your calendar is a meeting that you can not miss and when you start acting in that way you get that mindset that everything is important whether it's an meal whether it's a dog walk whether it's reading a book time with it's education time whether it's playing with your kids whatever it is it's a meeting that you can not miss and honestly if you start to do this you're gonna see great results so that's it guys that's exactly how I manage my time manage my diary and manage to manage effectively more to pull businesses at any one time I hope this has been helpful to you if it has then great absolutely fantastic make sure you hit that subscribe button turn the notification bar button arm and also hit the like button and drops a comment but if you have any questions if there's any uncertainty or any any questions you have around the process I went through then please drop some questions in the comment section below I will try to answer them as best as I can because I do understand I do appreciate that everybody has their own unique way of managing their day and the way that I've just shown you might not fit perfectly or exactly in the way that you want to work so I'm happy to give you more direct or more customized help and advice to help you to get this how you need it to be for you I mean one thing I'd say is if you do need this sort of help then certainly check out the link that's pinned at the top of the comments section because that's the link to our expert elite membership group which is where you can ask on a weekly daily basis for help for assistance for guidance on anything that you want to run your marketing or your business to ensure that you're growing and moving forward in the way that you need to be going equally we do weekly training sessions and also a monthly mastermind and we also show you tips tricks resources and tools that we use to make sure that you get the best out of your business and the best out of the hours that you have available in the day so I hope you found this how for guys others say if you haven't subscribed already do hit that subscribe button below but that has been it for today's video so do check out some of our other two videos that we've got over there and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video see you later bye
Channel: Expert Unleashed
Views: 12,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use calendly, top tips for using calendly, tips time management, time management strategies, time management for students, time management skills, top tips time management, time management, appointment scheduling, calendly tutorial, how to plan your week as an entrepreneur, google calendar tutorial 2020, time blocking mastery, time management for coaches, best calendar for mac, how to get more work done in less time, time blocking google calendar, plan with me june
Id: mCQY1xt6kvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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