My EXACT Client Onboarding Process + How to Use "Slack"

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hey guys and welcome to today's video if you're new here welcome if you are returning welcome back in today's video I'm gonna be talking about what a lot of people have been asking I actually got a youtube comment about it as well so I figured I would go ahead and make it in today's video I'm gonna be talking about my client onboarding process and you know once I get a new client what are the first steps that I take so that's gonna be all covered in today's video as well as I'm gonna be explaining slack because slack is a very important part of my communication with my clients so I'm gonna just explain slack how slack works everything that you know that we talk about and slack things like that and show you guys how I have my slack set up as well because slack can be very confusing for most especially one you know it's their first time using slack so I'm gonna go over that and yeah so let's just go ahead and get started with today's video so first and foremost I'm just gonna get inside my laptop screen really quick to show you guys okay now that we are in my screen I want to go ahead and start with the very first steps that I start taking when a new client is being on-boarded into kasaya media which is my agency name okay so the very first step is you know once we get the the go that you know they're ready we've closed the client the very first step is to send the contract via DocuSign now I have pretty much like evergreen type of contract that I send to my clients and I make it known to the clients that this is the same exact contract that I use for every single client you know and never running into any issues with it but of course if they need anything changed just to you know let us know so yeah that's the very first step that I take is to send them the contract and then I also send them the invoice via simple invoices I love that site I'll go ahead and show you so this is what simple invoices looks like they also have like a free trial that you could go ahead and try and this is kind of like what the interface looks like it's really cool super to eat super easy to use so back to the steps okay so now the very first two steps are done right away like I send those emails to them they get both of those notifications in their emails and then their their steps are to look over the contract make sure everything looks good and then go ahead and pay the invoice so those are the very first two steps that are done once those two steps are complete we move on to step three which is to send the welcome email and in the welcome email there is a click funnel link to the rest of the onboarding process so let me go ahead and show you my welcome email so this is the same email that I send to all of my clients in the welcome email this is the first email that I send and like I say right here I send this after the contract has been signed and the invoice has been paid so it's just saying you know hey want to wish you a warm welcome we're so excited to have you onboard ready to take your Facebook Ads over and help skill your business and then I talked about the onboarding process how you have to go through each step thoroughly and completely every single thing that I asked you know make sure that it's done on a laptop or a desktop not on the phone and if they leave you know they they can start again it just won't leave off you know where they finish so they need to do it all in one sitting so just some little notes that I put there for them and then it says click here to get started so once they click this link they are taken to my onboarding which is done through click funnels click funnels is a really cool platform I'm sure you've heard of it if not go ahead and take a look at it pretty cool I'll put all the links to everything that I'm talking down below in the description so you guys can go ahead and check those out so the very first you know funnel and the step is the Welcome funnel so it's step one what to expect from this onboarding process so I talked about you know how the onboarding process is gonna work I don't necessarily talk about how the the relationship is gonna work from this point forward you know within the Facebook Ads part thing it's just talking about how the onboarding is gonna work and what they can expect and then the next funnel is gonna be the process so this is where you know it's a very long video Casey my business partner actually filmed this video and it just explains everything a twosie about what to expect from our 90-day program you know what we expect from the client what the client can expect from us it literally covers everything and I say this to everyone I say this to you know so many people my students you know every one I tell them how important expectations are I you know I've heard some horror stories about people who didn't set expectations right and it was just a mess with the client so I make sure my clients are on page with us and we're on page with them and just everything's going to go smoothly so this is a super long video that we've created and then after that it's gonna be the ads manager integration so getting them you know set up so that way we getting us set up so that way we can take over their Facebook ads yes so that's a short like 10 minute video that Casey filmed as well and then the next funnel is going to be the audience so learning everything about their audience and getting the necessary like marketing assets content and all kinds of things and this is through a Google form that I created so let me pause from this click funnel and actually go ahead and show you my Google form and anyone can make a Google form it's free to use so yeah let me just go ahead and show you that okay so this is the Google form that they get once they click click here so it takes them to the Google form this is the first thing they see so they have to input their company name here so you know I'm just gonna put something really random test next okay so now the the first part is going to be the systems and passwords so we require them to provide dashboard access app access to their Shopify store and again you know just to clarify our agency focuses on e-commerce we work with econ brands who sell a product online so you know the majority of them all have Shopify we don't do local businesses things like that so you know your Google form might be a little bit different than ours okay so now the next thing is you know provide your email system whether it's MailChimp convertkit whatever it is send an invite to us and you know we tell them why we need an email list which you know we usually cover that during the meeting but this is just to reiterate that okay and then the next thing would be to add your business manager ID below and then you know I show them how they can find their business manager what I've learned is that most econ brands know about Facebook Ads you know maybe they've done Facebook ads in the past for their business and they're just looking for someone and take it over or they just have some sort of idea about how Facebook Ads work as opposed to like local businesses where they know nothing about Facebook ads they think like a boosted post is a Facebook ad which you know I could get into that as well but for the sake of the minute video I just wanted to cover this as well so I put a little you know screenshot to show how to find that oh I have to actually go ahead and click this to move forward there we go okay so the next part of this form the intake form is to drop a CSV file of your entire email list here drop a CSV file of your clients only email list here I guess I'm gonna have to go ahead and put some files here and then of course I just have like a little note here of how to do these some people most people won't know how to do this so you might have to create like a little short little loom video or explain to them how to do that and the next step is to provide a Google Drive shared folder with any marketing images to use for ads so we use Google Drive for everything literally you know I'm on Google Drive every single day all day long you know for different reasons but I love Google Drive I love all the Google Apps and general so yeah it's my favorite and we have all of our clients on Google Drive as well keeps things really organized and efficient on our end and you know their end - you know I've had people send Dropbox links and you know things like that on this form and I had then had to have them convert to Google so you know drag-and-drop all those images into a Google Drive folder because I mean there was just so many different links like Dropbox Outlook you know whatever it is we just need everything to be simple all in one place we can't keep going back and forth when it comes to the ads and having you know all the creatives in one spot it works like a charm so make sure to stick with it and also providing their logo any other like guidelines or preferences you know who their competitors are what brands are their inspiration things like that just to have a better idea of the brand so let me go ahead and fill these out real quick so I can show you the next step okay and the next step of this form this intake form is about social media so you know getting their social media links to their Instagram Facebook YouTube website whatever it is just so we can gather more information about the brand and then you know if they have a piece of content that we could watch that would describe their company well some most clients for econ dayson like add that they filmed you know something along the lines of like a brand brand awareness video things like that they would put the link right there so that's important too because this just helps us understand the brand more because we really like to dive deep into the brand especially an econ brand because there's so many out there there's so much competition so it's really important to really understand the brand and what they provide their mission their goals things like that don't see test okay now this section is very important I might have said that about a previous section in this intake form but this is truly super super important it's about their ideal customer when it comes to Facebook Ads you know the most important thing is who you're targeting because you don't want to target some you know someone random who's not even interested in that brand and with that brand sells so you know you don't want to be targeting a some-some mom who's not interested in fitness you want to be targeting people who are interested in Fitness so yeah that's just an example that came off the top of my head so this section is very important and I even stress to the clients that they really need to put a lot of time into this section and like I said this just falls back to the expectations if you set that expectation and you actually tell them hey I need really detailed answers from you I'm on this intake form they're gonna do it I have yet had someone who really just put no time and effort and put like short answers at all so just set those expectations I can't stress it enough how important it is okay so what is your ideal customer look like what do they act like what do they spend their money on you know things like that so I need to know what the ideal customer looks like for your brand and then what is your ideal customer not look like who is someone you know that you don't want to market to put you know put a description about them here and if you look at all of your existing customers who have ever purchased from you what are their most common traits between them what are some patterns that you've noticed so yeah you know like I said a lot of the brands most of the brands they put in a bunch of time into this whole entire Google form and I love it I get like so many long paragraphs of the answers that we can filter through and just read up a bunch about the brand to better understand it and it helps like crazy when it comes to you know executing it and the ads so let me go ahead and fill this out really quick okay in the last section last but not least and definitely very important is communication so during you know during the the meetings previous to onboarding I explained and I stress how important communication is to us we communicate with our clients almost every single day it really depends for marketing usually every single day for management not so much but I mean communication is so important it's crucial and we communicate with our clients directly it's you know us and the client it's not a you know our team member it's us in our client okay so we are super involved when it comes to client communication and I found that being involved with client communication actually built a wonderful partnership you know there's there's times when we are you know talking about just funny things like you know that a revolve around the brand or you know maybe not but it's just it's just really fun our slack channel can get super fun at times so it's awesome to build that communication and that type of rapport with your clients so yeah what I say here is you know all communication is done through slack we will create a dedicated channel between you and us please provide the email addresses where we can send the invitation to so you know if you have multiple people on your team you wish to be involved on our slack channel you can enter their name and email address here so with that being said you know there's there's brands out there who it's just us in the the owner who are communicating in the slack Channel but there are brands out there where we have like a slack channel of 10 plus people where you know we're communicating directly with the owner the brand manager the customer service the contact manager the influencer is like we have everyone in the channel and of course you know we have different channels if it comes to that where we're doing like management and marketing we separate that because there's no sense of talking about Facebook Ads and management channel so yeah I mean it's completely up to the brand like I said some brands it's just you know us and the client talking client meaning the owner some brands it's you know the whole team with that the brand that we take on so it's pretty cool and like I said it can get fun at times you know we can talk about anything and everything and have fun with it but of course you know it's mainly all about the brand what we're working on the goals the plan what we're doing right this moment so I would say about 90 to 95 percent is about you know the services that were providing and then the other like five to ten percent is fun every now and then so yeah and then if they go ahead and submit their their form let me just fill this out all right it's going a little slow our Wi-Fi here sucks and we literally live in this luxury apartment in downtown LA and Wi-Fi scrap but anyway okay so they get taken to this thank you have now completed this intake form please return to the onboarding process to finish those steps so they go back to the click funnel and then they click you know take me to the next step this is the next step it's booking their strategy session so you know I have my a QT scheduler calendar right there on the actual let me see if I can this there we go so I have a quick little video explaining what to do and you know when we're gonna do it so what it's gonna be about things like that so they're gonna go ahead and choose the best day in time that works for them to have you know our client strategy session and this is acuity scheduling which is really really awesome I suggest you take a look at it again I'll put all the links that you know I use down below but yeah you can see right here cutie scheduling that's how you spell it so yeah this is super cool and especially since it's like embedded right here I don't have to take them off to a different tab so yeah that's that's the next step and the very last step in the click funnel is final words so just you know explaining that we're gonna be the time frame to expect after the strategy session when we're gonna have the ads up and running you know that we're super excited to work with them because you know we don't take on any brand so the brains that we do take on we like really genuinely care about that brand we're excited to work with ever in we're not we're not you know people who just take on random clients we have really really intense you know qualifying you know questions and things that we asked long before even coming to this onboarding process so yeah we're just super excited to be working with them and that's kind of what I explained in this video okay now once you know the click funnel onboarding is done the client is basically onboarding at that time so the next step is to get the client set up on slack so I actually created a slack workspace for you guys for this purpose for the purpose of this video so I'm gonna show you guys how I use slack and how to use slack all right here we go okay guys so this is what slack looks like I've created this totally different workspace called mentorship with Mariah I might actually start using this one to keep it separate from my business because you can create different workspaces like this is my actual agency workspace I'm not going to go into it right now of course because like I said it has all of my clients it has you know their information what we're talking about so I'm not going to to that so that's why I created this separate brand new channel from scratch to show you guys and explain to you guys how I use slack and how you can use slack so for example my agency slack right here under channels it literally has like a long bar that I actually have to scroll through to find you know the client Channel so for example well let's just scratch that let me start from the very beginning so you're gonna want to create a slack channel your a slack account I'll put the links down below for you guys to go ahead and sign up it's free they have a free plan they also have a paid plan so it depends on you know how big your agency is and what you're looking to do inside slack then that's when I would suggest getting a paid plan however if you're just starting and you just want to kind of work with slack figure it out put some clients on there maybe you don't have a large client base yet go ahead and get the free plan it works really great I used the free plan for so long so yeah go ahead and get that now once you sign up with slack you're gonna create a workspace name my workspace name for this is mentorship with Mariah so you know make it your your agency name you know whatever that channel is gonna be about make it that name okay so now once you signed up it's gonna pop up to this now the general channel and the random channel are always like automatic and once you bring on a new client into your workspace they automatically are sent and add it to the general channel in the random channel I have it set to where you know nobody communicates in the general channel or the random channel so I actually delete deleted the random channel and you can do that by going to channel settings additional options delete this channel yes permanently permanently delete delete okay so now it's done the general channel unfortunately you cannot delete it it's there slack wants you to have it you can't delete it I've tried so you just have to leave the general channel and then you know as people join some people who aren't familiar with slack they might go ahead and say something in this channel I just delete it if they do it's usually just like hey Mariah or hey Casey whoever it is I just delete it because I don't want anyone communicating in this gender general channel and I don't want anyone getting confused as to what channel to communicate on and especially since like I said that general channel is open to everyone who is in your work space so if a client was to start talking about you know something pertaining specific to them it's not going to make sense to the rest of the people in my work space so just make sure to create a private channel for that client so I'm going to go ahead and show you how to do that alright and then this channel was just created like when you join slack you have to create a channel I'll go ahead and delete that again so once again delete channel yes okay so this is what it should look like once you delete those channels so the very first thing you're gonna do is go ahead and click this plus button create a channel and then make it to private make sure to make it to private super super important like I said if it's not private every single person that you invite to your work space is gonna see this channel and everyone in this channel and everything that you guys are talking about so make sure to make it private okay so there is a bunch of ways that you can do this as far as the name of the channel now again the name of the channel everyone's gonna see this so make sure it's relevant so usually what I do is you know if I have if I'm doing management and marketing for the client then I'll separate it into two different channels so I would say the name of the client so let's the name of the brand so let's just call it say we were working with Nike underscore marketing so that's how I would have it set up if if I'm not doing marketing management if I'm not doing both and I'm just doing one I would just make it like and of course you know it depends how you like to set it up this is how I like to set it up you guys can do it however you want so let's just go ahead and say Nike marketing I never put anything in the purpose you can if you want and then you would want to send an invite to people you can do this here or you can do it another way I'll show you the other way because like I said this is a brand new workspace from scratch so no one's on this workspace yet so let's go ahead and create channel okay now we're in this brand new channel that we created on slack and then up here you can see the member list which it's just me right now there's no one else on this workspace so all right there we go so now to see the workspace directory you can click here click here and then this is gonna be everyone in your workspace directory so you know you're gonna see all your clients right here and then these little green dots mean that they're on and active alright so now that we're in the channel things that you know that we talked about it's everything relating to the brand and the service that we're providing so literally from the point of onboarding till you know continuing the partnership with them all communication is done through slack if they you know and I even say this Casey says this on the onboarding in that long video about expectations if you send us you know an email or you send us a text message or you know you you send us a message on skype or you know whatever it is we're not gonna answer it just gets too complicated when you have clients messaging you on whatsapp telegram email Skype you know all these there's so many different platforms out there so we keep everyone on slack and we make it known that if they don't reply on slack or send their messages on slack you know we're not gonna answer so it's really important to set those expectations I had this one client a long time ago when we first started still working with them and everything's going great but they were new to slack and they really didn't you know catch on so they went ahead and sent Casey a message I forget what it was on maybe like messenger or something like that they sent a message that wasn't on clack Casey didn't respond for like a good hour to and next thing you know the client sent the exact same message on slack they literally just copy and paste into slack and then from that point forward um you know everything has been smoothly everything is on slack and that's the way you know it has to be that's the way we like it to be and you know we set those expectations and everyone is you know usually fine with it we've never had anyone say well I don't like slacker I don't want to use slack so yeah just make sure to set those expectations and you'll be fine okay so if you want to invite someone to your channel of course you can do right here because it's a brand new channel it's a brand new account they're trying to show you how to use it but let's say that's not there and you need to add someone you're gonna go ahead and click the little gear icon again and invite new members to join all right so invite to this channel only I don't create a you know a new channel because I've already created a new channel so continue and then if they're already in your workspace and you created like a separate channel to start a different conversation and a different topic then you can go ahead and take them here and they'll pop up but if they're brand new client brand new to your slack you're gonna want to go ahead and click invite a new person to your workspace type in their email and name right here the name is optional they can type it in when they sign up but you want to send the email address the slack invitation so you're gonna send it to you know the clients email whatever they put on that Google Form put it here they had multiple people add them here and then they automatically will you know send to the channel and start talking there and then like I said all new members will automatically join these channels which is the general channel so if they say in it say anything in the general channel you know go ahead and delete it and then message them in the channel that you guys will be communicating on so as soon as you know the channel was set up and I've invited the team members my next thing that I do is send a slack welcome message to all my clients so let me go ahead and CV there we go so this is the same message I send to all new clients on slack you know hey glad to have you here on slack we will have all communication here from this point forward not sure if you're familiar with slack but I'll send the steps you know below you can take a look at them how to download slack how to set up slack that way you never miss a message because sometimes you know when they come into slack they don't set up their notifications properly so you know I'm sending the messages and they're not getting them so super important that they follow the step-by-step Welcome message pretty much and then I say you know we have you we have the slack app downloaded on both our MacBook and iPhone to ensure we never miss a message if you have any questions just ask if you want to add another person to the team you know moving forward just let us know and then I have the steps to download the slack to MacBook or iPhone and then steps to turn on the notifications from computer and from a phone so this is the first message I send to everyone so I'll go ahead and send this you guys can see and then yeah so now I have my first message here and then there's just a bunch of things you can you know upload a file from your computer there's just so much you can do with slack but I just want to cover the basics because if not I could be here for hours explaining slack but yeah this is the basics of slack this is how I use slack like I said I communicate with all clients from the point of onboarding until you know the whole partnership working with them through slack we communicate about all things you know relevant to the service that we're providing like I said sometimes it gets fun and we talk about you know things off topic but yeah that's how slack works that's how I communicate with clients and this is how you can communicate with clients as well like I said all the links will be down below so you want to go ahead and check these out I highly recommend it because these are like my top favorite apps like I use them every single day I've tried a bunch of apps before and you know just softwares and tools and programs things like that these are my favorite all-time favorite I use them every single day okay and then from that point forward once I've set up on slack basically the client onboarding is done you know I I have stuff to do on my end where I add the new client folder on Google Drive I create a you know a folder with the clients name and then I put everything that we gather from them in that folder we organized it super well very organized keep things efficient or being organized is super super important when you own your own business it's just important in general and then we also create a Trello board workflow for you know myself for my business partners team members things like that we're all on Trello slack and Google these are things that we use every single day so yeah I mean those are the steps to client onboarding super simple once you do it a couple times you get the hang of it it's gonna be like super quick but yeah three steps in the beginning two steps in the middle and then just three steps on my end and then the client is on boarded and you know most of these steps are already like set up in systems and it's super quick and efficient so yeah that is my client onboarding process that is how I communicate with clients and yeah okay guys so that is gonna conclude today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you guys got a lot of value out of it and maybe just you know comparing my onboarding to your onboarding will help you out maybe you want to tweak some things maybe you want to hop onto different platforms different software's tools things like that that I use that you might not so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed today's video go ahead and leave your comments down below because like I said you know most of my videos come from you guys what you guys want to watch you guys you know your suggestions ID things that you guys need help with things like that I love to you know make content based around what you guys want to see there's no point in making content if no one you know has any suggestions or ideas because like I said you know I'm making content for you guys specifically for you guys to get value out of it so make sure you go ahead and comment down below if you have any questions about today's video or you have any video idea suggestions for my next videos go ahead and comment and I'll be reading those also if you enjoyed today's video go ahead and give it a thumbs up like it and make sure you're subscribed to my channel turn on the little bell notifications that way every time I post you guys get a notification and yeah so that's it for today's video and that's really it for my my work date today because I have family coming they are flying from Florida and Rhode Island and they're all meeting me in KC here in LA my little sister she's been here multiple times before but the rest of the family it's gonna be the very first time so yeah it's gonna be really fun and I'm super excited I might even make like a video vlog type video for you guys just you know showing around LA things like that so be really different but yeah be fun so I'm off to LAX to go pick them up and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Mariah Miller
Views: 44,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, smma, young entrepreneur success 2018, how to build a $10k per month smma, how to succeed with smma, how to make 10k online, mariah miller, mariahashmiller, high ticket closing, how to make money online with no money, client onboarding process, client onboarding, how to onboard new clients, how to onboard smma clients, how to onboard new clients smma, how to use slack for business, how to use slack for beginners, how to use slack effectively
Id: xK8wO_cWWxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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