9 Essential Calendly tips you may have missed (UPDATED VIDEO AVAILABLE)

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hello my name is paul and welcome to another one of my productivity training videos in this video i want to give you some tips for how to get a little bit more out of calendly now calendly is a scheduling tool that i've been using for the best part of about five years at this point since day one when i started my consulting business it is a scheduling tool which allows me to set my availability so if new potential clients want to book an introductory call with me they can do that on my website and existing clients as well can use my scheduling links to book time to get onto my calendar so for a consulting or freelancing business callumly is a fantastic tool but even if you're just like wanting to find a more efficient way to schedule meetings canada calendly really is an incredible tool uh could i really couldn't imagine using my business uh running my business without this this tool so this video i'm just going to give you some tips for using calendly this video is kind of intended i'm assuming people have done their basic calendly setup already you've maybe set up an event type and you're ready to learn a little bit more and i just want to point out a few little tips and things that you maybe missed when you set up your account so the first thing i want to point out here if i just go into one of my event types let's go into my consulting introductory call are the notification settings so when you are customizing event type you can have calendly send emails before and after a meeting so they can get an email reminder and i can personalize these if i click on that personalized link i can actually customize the default text in here now if you just leave it calendly is going to send like a fairly generic reminder that hey you have your call coming up with paul pretty soon but i can customize this if i want as well and uh if you want to put in maybe some questions or a bit of an agenda for the for the meeting you can you can customize all of this content you can actually set up the time delay as well so this is set to go 24 hours before and i can't even add multiple reminders if i want to do a 24 and a 12 hour reminder i can do that so that's the first thing that's just worth having a look at even if you just want to personalize the the message a little bit add a bit of your own personality it's worth jumping into these uh email uh reminder settings likewise and i don't do this but you may want to you can send a follow-up email after the meeting so if i turn this on and personalize this i can have something go out one hour or you know a day after or something saying you know thank you for your for attending you know feel free to book with me again something like that so really nice really simple way to send reminders and follow up with people after meetings now something else i want to point out on this notification screen when you are setting up your event types is i highly recommend if you've connected to your google calendar or your microsoft 365 calendar to switch to calendar invitations what this does is it actually puts a calendar event on your let's say google calendar and it adds both people you and the attendee as recipients this is really useful because it means if you make changes to the appointment you can actually drag the appointment around on your calendar the attendee will automatically get those changes so you don't actually have to reschedule in calendly i mean you can if you want those email reminders but you can just move the event round and say right we're going to delay by an hour and everyone that's been invited will get that change so i do recommend setting up the email confirmations that's also useful if you ever delete the calendar invite as well you can just delete it from your calendar and it will actually cancel the meeting in calendly as well so the calendar and calendly talk together really well now when getting started some people don't understand um that they can set you can send attendees a link to your main booking page a bit like this just by clicking um clicking this link up here it's usually calendly.com your name or your company name but you can see here i'm actually only displaying two of my event types these two green ones here the other event types like my 30 one hour and 90 minute meetings they're actually not showing on here because i only want people on this screen to be able to book an introductory call with me and so what you can do if you don't want people to have access to certain event types is you can in your settings um hide a particular event type and so if i come into the when can people book this event if i go to the bottom i can make this a secret event down here that means that this event type will not show on my main account booking screen so that's really useful if yeah you want to keep certain event types private for for a different use case while i'm on the screen you may notice i have this custom message up here which is really useful because it lets you kind of explain something or give a little bio about yourself before people book and so you can edit this from your main account settings and so if i go there now you can see here i have this little bio um yeah please note these meetings are for potential clients and i'm actually i'm taking next week off so i've said here note i'm taking time off between these dates so when people are booking with me here they can clearly see okay cool pool's unavailable for those particular days so it's definitely worth in your settings customizing these details if you want to put in a little bio about yourself or or some kind of explanation about your availability some other things to pay attention to in the settings if i go to the calendar connection settings this screen is definitely worth reviewing particularly around which calendars you want calendly to check for conflicts in now i use different calendar categories so in my google calendar i have a green calendar for appointments i have a calendar called busy and actually i do use that with calendly so if i don't want to be booked during a particular period of time i can block off a section of time and say that i'm busy paul is like my default google calendar account and then things like apps and sports which are other accounts or calendars that i use calendly will check all of those for conflicts now i do have other calendar categories that i don't mind if canonly schedules on top of those things but you do want to check your conflict settings here to make sure you don't get booked if you've already scheduled something for yourself if you use the chrome browser you'll see you can install the calendar extension up here to get quick access to your different event types for quickly accessing links but the feature i really like in this extension is the ad hoc meeting and so this could be useful maybe you just want to schedule a one-time meeting the person's not really finding any options in your available settings but i can say here right i want to schedule a one-hour event and i'm available here here here or you know i can i can pick like a number of these slots and i can set my location you know office or i might put in like a zoom link in here and uh i can then create a link down here and if i put this link into an email if i actually load it up now somebody will be able to pick from the available times that i've given them so this is quite useful if yeah somebody's not able to find an available time in the calendly event types that you've already set up but you just say look here's two or three times that i'm available you can send them an ad hoc meeting so that's a really nice feature in the chrome browser and the final thing worth doing with calendly is checking out the different integrations that are available i've connected my calendly account to zoom so if i go to one of my event types in my location settings you can see when somebody books a call with me calendly's automatically going to schedule that call and zoom and create a unique zoom meeting link for me as well so that's a great integration you can also connect to google meet or other web conferencing services i've also connected to stripe so i have my priority option here where people can actually pay 50 to book a slot with me for these special times that i'm available and payments will then get paid out to my stripe account and using zapier down here there are loads more things you can do so i have connected calendly to things like pipedrive which is my sales crm and asana which is my project management tool so if new leads or clients book calls with me i can have new deals be created in my crm or tasks get created in asana and that's all possible through zapier if you have any questions about that or if you want help with setting up any integration feel free to reach out to me i am a zapier certified expert and can help with that kind of thing for you as well so i hope you found this video useful if you have any questions please leave me a comment below thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Paul Minors
Views: 15,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calendly, productivity, calendar, meeting, business, entrepreneur
Id: 04g5ZuESX8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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