The BEST WAY to Bounce MIDI and AUDIO Back in CUBASE

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[Music] now this is amazing stuff i should be sponsored by these guys but i'm not hey what's going on my friend chris lim here from mixdown online this is an exciting video because i'm going to share with you one of the best ways if not the best in my opinion to bounce midi and audio back in cubase but first if you want to speed up your mixing workflow i'm going to encourage you to sign up to my free workshop on how to build the perfect mix template in this workshop i share with you my whole process on building a mix template and you'll have access to a free cubase session that you can base yourself on to create your own mix template so whether you're using cubase or not if you want to speed up your mixing workflow by creating yourself the perfect mix template click on the link below sign up and i'm gonna see you in the free workshop alright so now let's jump right in and look at this amazing feature to bounce midi audio with plugins and everything back in cubase very cool feature now the feature i'm referring to is available on cubase artist and the cubase pro only and this one is called rendering place okay so i have in this session just a quick session for this video only where i have like some midi instruments loaded with some midi parts right here which are these events uh what i'm going to do here is to bounce those instruments back in cubase in audio this is a process that i do all the time every time i'm done with production and i'm ready to go and start mixing i'm gonna bounce all midi instruments in audio and the way i'm gonna do so is by using render in place okay i'm gonna dive a bit deeper in this feature because i talked about this feature before on previous videos but i only scratched the surface but now i'm just going to dive a bit deeper so we're first going to look at midi instruments and afterwards i'm going to show you how you can do the same and use render in place with audio events and also external gear which is actually very cool okay so now let's just have a quick listen to this part [Music] here okay this is a lead synth right here and on this synth i have let me check if i have any effects here there's a delay for sure that is a send effect that is this one right here with echo boy and i also have as an insert on this channel let me check here i have a decapitator which is a saturation plugin okay so what i want to do here is to bounce um this synth back in audio let's say i'm ready to mix i want to bounce all midi instruments into audio i'm going to select all of those events part of this of this virtual instrument channel and i'm going to click on top under edit go down to render in place and i have two choices i'm going to select render settings i'm going to explain to you why later um and what i have here is the window the render selection window and this is where everything happens okay so on the top we have mode because as you can see i have three events that i have selected what i can do is i can bounce those in audio as separated events so that means that cubase if i select this mode cubase will bounce all these events as separated audio uh audio files okay so it's going to create three files in this case so what i like to do personally is to click and select as one event so this way cubase will bounce the midi to audio and create only one file instead of three files in this case so i'm going to select as one event then i have processing and this is very important like you can see i have on this channel on this virtual instrument channel i have a plugin that is the saturation plugin i want to keep that plug-in and keep it for the mixing stage okay so i don't want to bounce um that media instrument that sound with the effect okay i want to keep that effect on the new bounced channels so to be able to achieve this i need to keep the selection to dry this is going to create an audio file on its own audio channel by keeping the inserted plugin which is very practical then i'm just going to go down to properties and we're going to bounce this so i'm going to show you how that looks like and then we'll try out all the other processing modes that we have but first i just want to get down here and explain to you what we have four properties we have a tail mode which is set up two seconds you can set that up to bars and beats if you want to so i'm going to keep that two seconds and this is just going to add a tail size of three seconds at the moment basically you know when you bounce an event as you can tell it's a specific selection so i always add up a few seconds after that selection so if i bounce a sound that has like a reverb a delay you know or the sound itself you know the sound of the um the virtual instrument itself has a tail in the sound like a pad sound for example this is going to take a long time to decay it's always better to add a tail size okay so this way you're not going to end up with a sound like a bounced audio sound that is going to be cut off at the end okay so that's why i'm adding three seconds so this way i'm sure that i'm going to be good to go and then we have bit depth that you can choose from a 16 to 64 bit float i'm going to keep it at 24. like the session is set up at the moment and then we have a file name where i just you know click on use a custom name and i just add a name so let's uh name this one lead synth all right and then the path i'm going to keep that to use project audio folder but you could if you want to choose a specific location of your choice and then source event this is what's going to happen to the original midi channel in this case or virtual instrument channel and it's going to mute the source events basically okay so all those events are going to be muted but if i want to keep them active unmuted i'm just going to click on keep source events on change and that's it but i'm going to keep that to mute source events all right so now let's render this out alright so now i have one audio event a new audio channel and i have decapitator that is on the new audio channel and also the send the send effect also is putting so all the channel settings whether i'm using inserts sends uh or the channel strip you know everything is kept and transferred on the new audio channel which is very practical so this is by using render in place and keeping the processing to dry if i want to do it the other way around and let's select the same the same midi events go back to render and place and by the way instead of going back to edit render in place all the time you know in render settings just create yourself a key command mine is control r that's it since i use this feature quite a lot i have myself a key command way faster to get a hold of this very cool feature okay so now this time around i'm going to select channel settings so what that is going to do it's going to bounce all the you know all the channel settings with the uh the virtual instrument sound you know everything all together okay so now i have the new channel if i look under insert there's nothing because the sound that saturation has been bounced with the sound itself okay you can hear that saturation going on it's within the sound itself now the sand effect is intact as it was before so that has been transferred to the new audio channel if i go back one step again let's do that again and open the render selection window and this time around i'm going to click on complete signal path and this is going to bounce the sound with the inserts all the channel settings like you know the channel strip insert and so on and also the signal path so in my case that send effect which is a delay that is on another channel it's all going to be bounced all together on one single file okay so let's try this one and now we have a blank track meaning that there's nothing in the sense nothing in the inserts everything has been bounced all together and if we have a listen so we have the saturation and we also have the send effect the delay okay so that is another way to do it uh then let's go back one more time i have like several virtual instruments i want to bounce them all together i can do so i'm going to select all of them let's go with you know all of these channels go back to the render selection window and i'm going to keep them to dry for now okay let's keep them to dry and if we go down we have to the name we have only space for one name you know so this is something that you need to consider if you uh you bounce you decide to bounce several tracks all together they're gonna have the same name you know but different versions when i do so i rename those files afterwards which is not that complicated so uh what i can do in this case i can just you know vstsense and that could be like the general name for them and that's it so i'm just gonna again click on render so there you go i have all of my virtual instruments bounced on separated tracks back in cubase in a very fast way okay and in this case since i selected dry as far as processing goes all of my inserted plugins and the send routing has been kept in place which is pretty nice i'm gonna go back one more step again and let's go back to the render selection window and this time around i'm going to click on channel settings let's say i want to just bounce all those effects with the virtual instruments sounds all together doing so that will give me another option down below which is called mixed down to one audio file so that can also be practical let's say you're in a situation where you're you're crafting a main synth pad for example by using several sounds out of several different virtual instruments that is a common technique you craft your sound with different instruments all together and you end up with that very massive nice tone and sound that you're going to use as your main pad for example in that case you can combine all those all together and create only one stereo file and bounce that back into cubase so to do so you just need to click on mix down to one audio file so that will combine all selected events and bounce that back in cubase in only one stereo file and there you go we have one stereo file that is the combination of all those virtual instruments all together [Music] okay so you get the idea and the cool thing is that you can also do this with audio events now note that automatically rendering place created a stereo file okay and this is done by default render and place will respect the way the channel or the virtual instrument is set up to begin with so if you're you're working with a virtual instrument that is a stereo instrument it's going to create a stereo file automatically if you're bouncing a mono instrument it's going to bounce a mono file if you're same for audio if you're bouncing out of the stereo channel in audio is going to bounce it back in stereo and if you're using render in place on a mono audio channel it's going to do the same and bounce that in mono back in cubase now we saw what we can do with virtual instruments and render in place but we can also do the same with audio now the way i'm gonna work this out usually is if i'm working with an analog gear that is actually a very good situation to use render in place so let's say i have this audio that um we just bounced and i want to add some eq you know the eq that i have the stam audio poltec type eq that i have here in my rack mount i'm just going to insert the hardware and now by using this uh the sound is going to go directly to my stem audio hardware and come back to cubase if you want to know how i do this i'm going to leave the link on top i actually made a video specifically on how to to work with hardware in cubase i'm going to link that on top and down below so let's have a quick listen if i bypass it [Music] okay there's a significant difference everything's a bit more full in the bottom end and a bit more brightness also on the sound let's say i love the way it sounds right now and i want to just bounce that back in audio uh because i want to use that hardware on something else i want to commit to the sound that i have what i'm going to do is again use render in place so this was going to bounce this selection the this audio event back in cubase by printing the hardware into it so i'm going to go back into render selection put my selection to channel settings this time and rename that to synth with eq all right so let's click on render but before i do so i'm just going to select only one part because it's going to take too much time to export because it's going to export in real time since i'm using hardware okay so i'm going to go back here and click on render now i'm rendering only that selected event so there you go i have a new track created the uh the synth sounds bounced with the effect the hardware eq effect so now i can reuse that eq on something else in my session if i want to by committing to the sound and bouncing that over with render in place which is very practical so there you go this is one of my favorite features that we have in cubase or render in place let me know if you're using this feature on your side and if not are you planning on using it leave all your comments and questions down below subscribe to the channel click that notification bell so you don't miss anything share and like if you enjoyed this video and don't forget to download the free workshop on how to build the perfect mix template the link is down below until next time my friend take care and see you
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 19,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase tutorial, cubase training, export in cubase, cubase tutorial 11, render in place cubase 11, render in place cubase 10, cubase 11 pro, cubase 11, cubase 11 tutorial, Bounce in Cubase, chris selim mix template, chris selim mixing, chris selim cubase 11, chris selim mixdown online, Chris Selim, Mixdown Online
Id: iKf07Ex2eCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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