15 reasons why Logic is better than Pro Tools for mixing

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hi so today I'm going to talk about why in logic rather than ProTools and specifically why I think logic is better in terms of speed efficiency and fatigue in long mixing sessions when you're doing it professionally now just want to start out by saying this video is not intended to trash Pro Tools in any way I think it's an amazing doll I use it every day I've been using it for more years than I can count and I've mixed many many albums and it's fantastic and I think it still has the edge when it comes to tracking lots of tracks at the same time punching in on-the-fly real-time monitoring of effects I think Pro Tools is is the way to go but when it comes to mixing I actually think that logic in recent years has made significant steps beyond Pro Tools and is now quite a lot faster to mix in for the way I mix and a lot more efficient a lot less mouse clicks so I'm gonna have a look at some of those differences and you know this is just how I mix other people approach it differently but a lot of things have changed in mixing over their recent years because things have gone much more into the box I grew up mixing in a hundred percent analog on tape and I mean that's how I learned so I know analog really well I know what it's like recording to and mastering to tape I spent many years doing that before moving over gradually to digital and then as Todd's going on I've gone more and more and then went completely in the box quite a while back and in doing that my mixing practice has changed because once you're in the box a whole bunch of other things become available to you and other ways of mixing and expectations from clients also all change and I feel that logic has reflected those changes and moved with the times and even in being very innovative with a lot of those things and Pro Tools has not kept up in many ways it still works the same way as it did many years it has done for many many years and I'm finding it significantly slow and clunky in some areas which is what I'll be looking at so why am I doing this I'm not trying to make Pro Tools users feel bad I'm a Pro Tools user I'm going to continue to be a Pro Tools user for the foreseeable future the reason I'm doing it is because I'm hoping that if other Proteus users learn what's different about logic and what advantages logic has for what I call 21st century or in the Box mixing that collectively we might be able to persuade or put some pressure on avid to bring in some of these advances and you know that would transform my mixing work because I use Pro Tools all the time and at the moment I find that if it's possible for me to work in Logic I'll move everything from a proto-tool session the client gives me over the logic for lots of reasons and that's what we're going to be looking at and as I said if it's an album and I'm working on it for a few days or a week I mean the time I'll save in logic is significant many hours will be saved and fatigue too and we'll see why all that is the other reason is that anybody who's looking to move up to be more professional in their mixing work and they want to use they're not really using either logic or pro tools might discount the advantages that might be there for them using logic for mixing specifically and I just think it's worth people understanding what those differences are so they can make the choices and finally I'm doing this because there might be things I don't know about Pro Tools I mean I've been using for many years but that doesn't mean I know everything there is to know about it and somebody might say oh you know what you were saying you can't do this in Pro Tools but actually you can and this is how so I really encourage people to leave things the comments if I've something I don't know or I've said something that you know I said ProTools can't do this but actually I'm wrong and it can then I'm hoping people will say something because they'd all learn something from that and that's going to help me in my daily mixing him and if I'd learned how to do something faster in Pro Tools that's great for me so it's for all those different reasons that I thought I'd have this discussion about why I find it so time concern so time saving working in logic rather than Pro Tools so having said all that let's have a look at the first thing okay so here we are logic and I'm want to let a plug in I say I want to let an EQ on a snare here so here we go and as you can see everything is organized in my own way so getting near cue is simple icing is a modern EQ as a character EQ that's how I think about them so I want a modern EQ just go straight in here there we go Pro q3 very quick so here we are in Pro Tools now in Pro Tools if I want to load a EQ say on the snare then what I need to do is go in here and I've got two choices I can either go into EQ in which case I've shown every EQ on my system which is a massive amount so finding the one I want if it's down here is gonna be a real pallava it's not only time consuming it's tiring fatigue over a you know hours and hours a day you know whole day of mixing and you know get it wrong you don't quite get the right one you know how that time I can't remember the name of the EQ until I see it and in a list this big you know it's easy to get not necessarily confused but it just takes more mental concentration to keep in mind what was I looking for by this town here is that you know or the other option is to go to you know the manufacturer but then you have a similar kind of problem you know especially if I go to one where there's a lot but even if it doesn't have a lot I've got to remember the name of the company that made a plug-in and I may well not remember the name but I remember the name of the plug-in but on what company made that and again so it's very time-consuming very clunky and tiring fatigue over a long day of working so that's you know just not in the same league as logic I mean loading plugins is so quick and easy in logic whatever you want you can organize in any way I mean I do it like this but you could anyway you want I've got a go to folder just for the plugins are unloading kind of constantly and you know you can move them in and out of here and change what's in any of these at any point really quick and easy so it really I mean just getting to something it's so quick so yeah there's really no comparison and in a day I might save an hour in terms of the time it takes me to load all the plugins and a days mixing in over a week it's a serious amount of time and that means time is money if you're mixing professionally you can save a number of hours in a week I can be mixing in logic just because of the just because of the plugins and also the fatigue it's such a long tedious job in Pro Tools that you get at least I get tired and fatigued and in logic it's just so quick because you know that if you just go to your EQ modern EQ it's going to be one of these you know it's it's amazing and amazing difference so that's plug-in loading in logic so no automation in logic so let's say I write some automation so I'm gonna play this I'm gonna write some automation so I'm moving this down and if we get back up so just imagine I'm kind of you know writing this in real time and so forth okay now say I think ok fine but I was a bit late here I really want this section you know I did it right but it was basically late it's the kind of thing that happens to me all the time is I do the ride and I think okay that was good at the beginning but I kind of the end I mess it up was a bit late on everything I could do it again but you know in logic you can just grab this and just move it so you know or if you just want to grab any one kind of bit of it here and kind of move it up or down or anything like that you know it's all just so quick and easy in either direction the other thing is if I want to move this you know I can hold down shift and it locks the movement to horizontal only which is such a time saver or say I want to move a vertically you know I can child shift and it locks it vertically so fantastically quick and easy plus the fact that if I get my automation cool tool here you know I can I can change the curves here so say I you know say I write a couple of a couple of points here and I just think well you know I really want is uh I really want to curve here so I'm gonna get my curve tool here and you know I want it to do that what I want it to do this or I wanted to do that you know it's just it's so quick and easy to do all this yeah you can kind of ride a fader curve down like that you could do lots of points in Pro Tools but you know this is just it's a whole other really level of automation it's just so crazily quick and easy to do everything so and if I just want to you know I just want to grab these two points and just move those just select them just shift click select shift click select get rid of those because I just want that one thing I can just grab the middle of the line and pull it you know and everything about it is just so quick and easy that it's you know it's just a so much more advanced feeling than ProTools where everything is very clunky and so yeah automation in logic for me is really a on a different level than then Pro Tools so here we are in Pro Tools now say for example I want to move this point over to over to here okay now I can move it over there but I've moved it a little bit higher than I wanted to so how do I know it's the same volume well I can look at the numbers I can try and line it up visually but and then when it's something like volume like this you know just a tiny movement means I've moved it quite a bit it's quite hard to keep it in line which means a lot of extra RSI types strain on the mouse I can zoom in obviously I can expand this and so forth but it only improves the prop the problem marginally there's no way of restraining this movement when I move it like this so you know with volume it may not be as crucial but with certain other plug-in parameters keeping it an exact value can be absolutely crucial say for a pitch plug-in for example but there's lots of other circumstances where that's the case so it is an awful of fiddling goes on to keep it to keep it right and that's time consuming because I end up having to do the Edit two or three times to get it right sort of just in logic it would just be once bang you're done you know it's a big time-saver in a mix you know where every track may have a lot of automation on it and going and adjusting that automation or simply just writing in automation quickly and being able to adjust that easily and quickly you know it's just it's just such a time saver in it again in a day's mixing when you can just manipulate things on that level with that speed and that ease it's not only a big time-saver over over a day of mixing or a week of mixing it adds up to a lot but also it's fatigue the amount of fatigue that's added when I'm working in Pro Tools because I can't do any of stuff in ProTools every you know you've got to try to move every point very carefully you know it adds up over a day you get tired quicker I do and the other thing I would say is that say for example you know I wanted this to line up exactly with the beginning of you know a draw a drum hit or something okay now how am I gonna do that the drum hits up here okay say I say make things a bit smaller so I can see them both the same time okay so there's my drum hit now how am I gonna do that now I could create a marker right I could create a marker but without creating marker it's really know what you know I can line that up like that to a degree I can see but there's still a gap there just exactly where that is it's all pretty and look at the way this Scrolls very clunky can't scroll it part way up so that I get that drum hit right at the top here which means it's going to be near impossible to get it precise and if it was in the middle here I'm not gonna see anything at all there's no way to line it up I'd have to scroll this to the top and look for the red line and it's still pretty pretty imprecise you know it's yeah you can do it but it's it's it's clunky and it's it's tricky and I can't line up unless it's at the very top of the screen there's there's really no way to line it up and that's not always convenient or possible to have to always scroll the thing I'm lining to the top I might want to scroll this line this one up to here and the next one I might want to line up to their um I have another automation laying down here where I want to line up to another one and yeah it's doable but it's just you've got a scroll every time go to scroll this up and I got and then try to estimate how close that is the beginning finance iteration like this but I was doing something pretty precise and jumped over of the way there I have to scroll horizontally back it's just all fiddly so if I wanted to get really precise about something you know I'd probably make a marker and then once you've got the marker there you've got a line and then you can really line that up because you can get the marker light see when you move a marker you get a line and that's where you can see precisely what's going on so that's the solution but it's not ideal I mean again it doesn't actually cross over here so if it's trying to line that up you know it's it's far from ideal but it's you got something you can work with a bit there but it's an extra step and it's still not as good as well as you in terms of lining up so I want to move this so that it's starting at a certain note now how do i line that up well it's really easy because you get this vertical line and if I what's trying to line it up with something up here and we're trying to line that up with with some track higher up you can line it up with this vertical line and it just makes it makes life so much quicker and easier then you know in Pro Tools there's you can make a marker but in logic it's just like everything is there ready to be lined up so quick so easy so much less messing about so accurate and the accuracy means speed especially when you're doing this kind of thing all day long another problem is say I've written some automation here okay I've used a fader and I've written some automation okay and I've done my past and I think okay it was fine but I was a bit late when it came here and I'd really this bit should have happened a bit earlier well this is no way I can move this as a block so that means my only choice is to rerun it again and try to get it right the next time and my experience with that is that I end up doing multiple passes to try to get something right and then I end up do an awful lot of editing if I still haven't got it quite right you know because I don't have to redo this part because I got that part right so I can kind of start recording from this point but it's not as good as running in from the beginning end up doing an awful lot of editing to try to get it right one side once I've done the pass and in logic you can just grab the whole thing and move it over a bit as far as I know there is no way of moving things horizontally in Pro Tools also say oh say I say I had a I'd written some automation and I thought okay what I want to do is I'm gonna bring this down here bring that down here but I really I don't want that to be a ramp I want that to be a concave curve or a convex curve or S shape because that's what I want the volume to do well really way of doing that you know all I can really do is use a fader or try to draw in like this which I can do but if I didn't get it quite right you know how do I change I would have to write it in again I can sit here and kind of do that and then whoops everything seems to be moving here and then I can try to get you know you can't you can do that but it's now difficult to edit this if I've changed my mind I have to get the pencil back I'm gonna have to try again and if I want to just a bit say so I wanted a bit less you know a bit shallower of a curve well I'm gonna have to be here doing it again and again and I've made a bit of a jump here and it's all a mess in logic all these things are just built in to your automation tools so all kinds of all kinds of issues here now I can just grab this here why is that not working yeah this is this is another thing that drives me a bit mad about Pro Tools is that it's kind of buggy so it should be that I can say I've got a bunch of points here and I you know I again I want to bring say say as I want to bring this central section down for some reason it's not letting me do that now why is that I couldn't tell you but it's it won't let me bring them down normally it does I can just grab it here I can hold down alt and it turns into a different tool but there's some odd reason it's not letting me do that okay so now for some reason wasn't working on that track but it is working on this one again I do find that Pro Tools is kind of buggy which is another thing which I don't have any problems like that with logic is extremely solid with Pro Tools I find it's buggy in lots of little ways for example you saw done that I couldn't get this selection to cause a nodes Automation nodes and I couldn't edit an existing one I didn't get that little thing happening up there that's the kind of stuff that happens now here's another thing if I select here and I hold down alt I can I can move that like this but that doesn't always work that's the weird thing and if I don't have a selection it moves the whole thing but sometimes even without the selection it moves that bit in the middle so again it's all a bit of a kludge or all of it buggy the other problem is that say I've got a complex animation I mean this is easy but you know if it's like this which is so often is it's not necessarily that easy to select the right bits in order to move up and down whereas you know in logic you can just click select the nodes you want to move and you can move any set of nodes so and you can move them both ways so that's automation and all the problems with automation in Pro Tools one of the amazing things about logic that again Proteus doesn't have is that in ProTools you have to every time you want to automate a plugin you've got to go in and tell it which parameters you want automate in logic it's just already right there so just in here I've got all my different parameters here I'm gonna animate say the attack of this and there is and say I want to automate another one what's great is that it's a different color again lining up things easy because you've got that vertical line and I can just keep adding as many as I want here so I don't need to worry about adding them in in the plug-in so you can see the color thing really I find really really helps because you can so much quicker and easier you can see what's going on you can't I mean in Pro Tools you know it's all the same color which makes it easy to get confused and click on the wrong one whereas in logic it's dead easy to differentiate them and to line things up so that's that's a big one now I've talked to a bunch of pro tool users about these issues and nobody has been able to come up with any solutions that just seems to be the way Pro Tools is but maybe there's somebody out there there's something I and these other people don't know and can tell me how to do this but I have scoured YouTube before tutorials over years and I've not found solutions to these problems that don't require you know just as much work just it's just another clunky way of doing the same thing not on anything that gets me anywhere near the speed and accuracy of editing that you get in logic so that's our automation so editing in Pro Tools say I want to line up this base with with that drum okay so first of all I can't really see whether it's lined up to click here and I get a red line here but it stays with my cursor so not really very easy and there's a blinking line here with that insertion point but I can't really see whether that lines up and because the scrolling is very clunky in Pro Tools whereas in logic it's smooth and you can smoothly roll it right up to exactly what point you wanting Pro Tools it just kind of jumps which I find a real pain anyway I'm always overshooting the mark I don't know why they haven't improved that in the past decade where they haven't so difficult so say I want to want to line it up so I grabbed that and I think okay I can move it and like logic you get kind of a a nice transparent overlay here which allows you to line it up that way and that's really useful but to line it up with another track not so easy I can't really see if that's lined up so you know you can make a marker so I'm going to zoom in a bit here I could make a marker there and get that exactly right there and that gives me a line that I can line up to it's it's a workaround let's put it that way but it's an extra step and it still doesn't cross over here cause you can't see it across there but I mean as long as I've lined it up right to begin with that's okay it gives you a line all the way up and down while you're making the marker moving tomorrow I don't know why you can't get that when you're moving apart it would make life so much easier you know it's a bunch of extra clicks and you've got load of markers all over the place you've got to get rid of them it's far from ideal again it's it's clunky time consuming so editing and logic so I just want to cut this I just right-click and I've got my scissors here and if I you know hold down command I've got my selection tool here which will which I can use to to cut with if I like so I've done a cut here and I want to I want to move this I've got this vertical line going up the screen see that white vertical line that means if I want to line this base note up with the beginning of the drums there it's just so easy you know even if it was a track you know way up here somewhere really easy to line it up so it's just it's a lot quicker and a lot more accurate so yeah super great for all that kind of thing for all that kind of editing work so that's editing in Logic so now let's move on to fades now with Pro Tools I want to make a fade then I select but where I can drag you Nora can select and make a fade that way editing it's not quite so easy now here I the cursor is is not it's not turning into the Edit thing I'm gonna have to zoom in to get that to happen and now I can I can edit that what I like about this is that in Pro Tools you see a change in the waveform as you change your fade or a crossfade and that's that's nice and you don't have that in logic and I like that about Pro Tools but honestly it's icing on the cake the real bread and butter is the actual editing and this zooming in and out all the time is a bit of a pain in logic it's just not necessary to do that also in logic any fade you have and if I want to edit that I can double click on it and you know I can edit the shape and so forth but I want to change the width of it I mean in logic all I do is click anywhere on the region on the clip and over here in the inspector I can I got all the information about the fades on both ends of the clip the cur or the fade which is continually variable the distance of the fade it's all there so there's no need to zoom in and out or anything like that now if I have when you get rid of these fades here say if I have a crossfade that's fine but if I want to adjust that crossfade again you know I can change the curve and things but in logic as soon as I do a crossfade first of all I don't have to have a dialogue comment box coming up and in closing again it just you drag across with it with a modifier key and you get the crossfade and I can grab this whole thing and move it and I can adjust my fades like totally quickly and easily I mean the whole thing the center of the fade can be adjusted all like really quickly and easily it's so much quicker and easier then then then in Pro Tools in the inspector I can I got all the information about the fades on both ends of the clip so you know the curve is there and everything is can be controlled numerically if you want it to be and it's just so quick and easy to just do it right in place people go on about the fact that you can select multiple clips and do fades crossfader or start and end fades and all of them but you can do that in logic too logic has an awful lot of other tools that Pro Tools doesn't have as well manipulation tools and again you can have all of those on key commands again I think you know Pro Tools editing is is excellent and it's fades are all excellent but logic is just even better it's quicker it's more accurate it's a more flexible time saving stuff basically cover a long day of mixing or a long day of editing the other big thing in logic that's a massive massive time saver is the ability to save plug-in chains so for example I've got a preset a bunch of preset reverbs for snares and I can go in here and again you can organize this any way you want you know I've organized this a certain way I can go back to previous albums and find certain things that I've done on previous albums sure I think all those that got was that snare reverb I've used in an album last year you know I keep all that in here now of course you can import that as a session data in in Pro Tools or in logic you have all that in logic - it's pretty much exactly the same their session importing logic in terms of the importing channels and things but it's so much quicker to do it this way I can just go straight to reverbs drums and I've got my it might go to drum reverbs right there which aren't necessarily just you know it's it's not you know you've got your your channel strip you know your sorry your plug-in presets and so forth but it's beyond that because that you know that only saves that one plug-in setting but in logic you can save a whole chain so that reverb some might not just be that reverb might be that reverb plus an EQ or it might be a compressor in that reverb or a mic have a bunch like in this case it does this one loads a whole set of ribs that are my go-to snare reverb so I've got a choice automatically loaded of a bunch of reverb sino sound great on snare like using hook ok let's try this one okay no I think that's going to be the one you know it's just setting up a mix is so quick and easy it's quicker than doing session import I fine it's less fiddly because I don't necessarily want to import the entire session I don't have to go through UNTAC everything and just tick you know the things I want and its years scrolling down this little list with lots of little scray takes ages and it's tiring and time-consuming here I can just go straight for it okay you know straight into here where's that session you know let's go to Klein's and so forth and and pull in that just that drum Channel real quick and easy so that's a big time-saver it's to the point of being kind of a game changer another one is you can copy a whole channel strip and paste it onto another channel strip that's super useful you can reset the channel strip so really ultra fast ultra ultra useful the way solos work in logic I find so much easier you don't have to worry about so having a solo safe everything all the time and then unsolo safe one way and reseller says in logic i want to sell our an ox you know a subgroup I just have to solo the subgroup and it automatically solos everything that feeds into it really quick and easy it's just smart it knows always knows what you want but if you want something different you can always solo safe things in an other way if you want to but it's default is what you normally want nine times out of ten so it's a lot quicker and easier than having to solo say for everything a nun solo say things constantly whatever I'm always doing in Pro Tools the rest of the mixer and logic works pretty much the same way as as in Pro Tools in terms of it's not set out exactly the same way but it's really similarly you know you've got your mute and solo like in Pro Tools the mixer is totally customizable you can choose to have whatever you want or don't want showing up and that's about the same in both things are laid out pretty similarly you've got your output to wherever it might be going physical outputs busses and so forth aux is all that sort of thing you can expand this and her and have the name as big you know bigger if you want your inputs are here Sens are here it's it's really very similar in in pretty much every way to Pro Tools and just as flexible you know your read/write modes are here yeah I don't find a big difference in terms of working with the mixers I find them incredibly similar and that I don't find any problems in Pro Tools it works you know very similar and I can just switch straight over and it's not a problem organization is a big one in in logic I can just put all of these into a into what logic calls a track stack a summing folder and there we are they're all tucked away in there and that is such a saver when you're working on a big mix and there it is and on that summing thing I can put effects and it does the same thing in the mixer collapses all up there opens up there that's a big one that saves a lot of time logics take folders I think is for another video it's got it's got a playlist now just like Pro Tools but it also for a long time has had take folders which are really useful for comping which protocols doesn't really have anything like that it's got playlists but they're not they're not the same thing so yeah this organizational thing is just great you can also just put things into a folder which is another kind of way of organizing things where things are just like you get a mini arrange window inside that folder I don't tend to use that so much for organizing but if I've got a bunch of takes I don't want but I don't want to get rid of them I chuck them into a folder like that and so yeah that's a huge time-saver that organizational ability now one of the things I like about logic is it's groups they work a lot like Pro Tools you can get them here or you can you can access them in in the side channel here if you like when this is closed they'll appear here I'll like them in a floating window because it's just easy to grab hold and have them around but they're always available but what I like about them is that all the different things that you can control with the group are all um instantly accessible at all times so you know it's not like Pro Tools where every time you want to change I think okay I don't want my group controlling the volume or I don't want it controlling the mutes or whatever it might be in promoting once you've got it edit the group go in there remove or add the things that you want to remove or add and then click close it's a big pallava whereas just here it's just always there so on the fly as you're editing I can turn things off and on which I'm constantly doing it's just a big time-saver in ProTools you've got the complicated thing of these various buttons up here which even after using ProTools for many more years than I can count I still get confused and it's very easy to got the button selected wrong to lose your selection and use that carefully you know selected loop that you've made which is a real pain logic the looping is completely separatist just it's just all up here and it doesn't matter it's totally separate from any kind of selection that you do down here and it's great because this will automatically bounce out there of course you can use markers as well you've got markers it automatically will loop and turn it off of course but you know by default that's that's a loop you can do this which means that you'll skip over that as it plays through so if I play through here you'll see when it gets to that it just jumps past it so say you're experimenting with an arrangement you think well or even an edit and you think well what happened if I just cut that bit out what would that sound like dead quick and simple to do all that sort of thing so yeah the the looping tools and arrangement tools I find more advanced quicker and easier in logic the other big advantage about logic is CPU usage so you know if I've got a lot of plugins and I've got like a high res arrangement as more and more things are and are going to be in a future 88.2 and 96 kilohertz you know that uses up your CPU a lot quicker when you've got a lot of plugins of course it sounds cleaner to because auntie lazing isn't a problem when you've got eighty eight point two and ninety-six at which where it is a problem at forty four point one and forty eight a lazing is a serious problem with plugins that add harmonics unless they've got over sampling and most of them don't or a lot of them don't even from them from the big manufacturers but as soon as you go up to eighty eight point two or ninety-six the lazing is out of the audible spectrum and so you know things are a lot cleaner and more open and the depth the 3d depth is better a lazing tends to collapse the stereo images as well as add kind of nasty distortion so mixing at high res gives you a better result purely for that reason not because of the fact that it's representing frequencies outside of human hearing but just because it deals with the lazing with plugins a lot better but it also taxes your CPU a lot more and I find that logic can run about a third as many plugins again as Pro Tools before you hit the CPU limit and it's a lot more forgiving in other ways with the CPU so yeah it's a again it's a big time saver I don't have to freeze as often don't have to worry about plug-in management as well plus logic logged logic has a bunch of strategies you can use to spread it across the CPU that you don't get access to in Pro Tools so yeah you can go way further with plugins significantly that I almost never hit the CPU limit in logic versus Pro Tools I hit it pretty quick and it's always then a balancing act of how much time can I spend freezing things the other problem with ProTools with freezing is that it freezes the entire song and so does logic but this is where this is a big difference in time and that is that in logic you can determine where the end of the song is so you know I do a lot of stuff where things are recorded in one long session in jazz you get that a lot people might do two or three takes and they do it all in one long session and then they later listen back and choose which take they want or maybe they even record the entire you know the entire recording session in one long Pro Tools session and it's you know 30 minutes longer an hour long or whatever and then you've got a track in the middle and you know you want to freeze something like that you you know it takes forever to freeze that entire thing in Pro Tools even if you cut out the rest of the tracks you just choose the one you want and you erase the rest and save it as a separate session it still keeps the track the song the session as long as the original recording session wasn't it nowhere to change that so like in a situation like this you can see how long this is so there had been other things recorded here which I didn't want which I got rid of but what's so great in logic is you can just grab this and just move it so you know I can just simply shorten this session to whatever I need and when I freeze which is freezes it very quick and easy in Pro Tools it would have to freeze the entire hour or half an hour or ever long that recording session was even if I've gotten rid of everything in here so freezing becomes a very long lengthy process and in logic you know it's as quick as it can be for the length of your recording so really a fantastic again huge time-saving difference so there's that there's a CPU it's a freezing a lot and their Pro Tools does have the advantage of being off the freeze oxes and logic can't do that and that protist 12 brought that in in that that is great and I wish logic had that and I hope that Apple bring that in in the next version of logic but that aside I don't find I need to use that very often in logic anyway because the CP usage is just so great so yeah CPU and freeze length two big ones sometimes the delay compensation stops working in weird ways just on certain tracks and the it'll be working and then it'll stop working and people say oh maybe your plug-in isn't reporting the delay compensation but this is a plug-in that this is something where it's been working fine without any changes of any plugins and then the whole session just starts to kind of fall apart timing wise that is an issue I've had a lot of trouble with whereas logic is rock-solid timing wise I've never had any timing issues or delay compensation issues with logic but with Pro Tools I've had rather a lot of issues like that going back to here of course this is all completely customizable what you have up here in logic every bit of this is customizable what you have in here what you have up here it's far more customizable you can really tailor it to be exactly how you want it to be don't need to have that you can have that which you can do a lot of that in Pro Tools but it's not really not anything like as flexible which again not a game changer it's just really useful and you know you can get your editing here you can have your mixer here showing down here again really great for a laptop you know and you can get editing down here everything can be down here MIDI editing can be down here now I won't even start on the MIDI editing for logic is just it's just head and shoulders above Pro Tools in many ways but I'm not going to bother going into that now another thing I like against it's a minor thing but the scrolling is so smooth in logic it's not this clunky click click click where you've gone too far oh I've clicked one too many other Lassa it's just totally smooth and really nice and easy and smooth there are other things you can have a secondary you've got the arrangement here as well as markers so you can you can like have separate markers just for your arrangement above here which is useful and I think that pretty much covers it you
Channel: Heron Island Studio
Views: 36,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compressor, compression, attack, release, ratio, equaliser, parametric, high pass, low pass, LPF, HPF, high shelf, low shelf, linear phase, boost, cut, cue, frequency, modulation, room size, size, mixing, jazz, fusion, progressive rock, prog rock, world music, review, plugin, plug in, heron island studio, 2 bus, master bus, pro tools, logic, automation, editing, audio editing, screen sets, apple, cpu, fades, solo, groups, looping, selections, freezing, stability, edit automation, plugins
Id: iJNTzjtesGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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