5 Must-Know CUBASE Recording Features

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let's look at five amazing recording features we have in cubase hey what's going on chris hillem here from makes down online now before we jump in i just want to let you know since this is a cubase tutorial video i have the ultimate guide to cubase which is my premium online course where i'm going to give you 15 office since you're watching this video now this offer is only available if you're watching this video i'm gonna give you a coupon code near the end of the video so stay tuned okay now let's jump right in and talk about those five amazing cubase recording features now there's way more than five recording features that are quite amazing in cubase but i just want to point out five of them now the first feature i want to show you is the input channel if we go into audio connections this is where we can add an input bus okay i have one at the moment which is a mono in input which is connected to the first preamp of my interface so axr for mic one and if i go on the mix console i see that input that input is actually a bus which is a channel okay which is actually pretty cool let me show you what that can do now if you don't see that input fader on your mix console you need to click on the top you will see that set channel type filter icon make sure you click on it and this is where you you'll be able to select or to check on input channels okay or else it's not going to show okay so this way you'll be able to have like a visual of the actual input channel straight of the um the mix console okay first what i'm going to do here is to make sure that my uh my input channel is routed on the channel i want to record the audio on in case all and i see that mono in is the one selected so i am good so before i start my recording i can actually add plugins on that input channel which is quite cool so for example if you want to record with a compressor or you just want to add like you have like a drum set you want to you want to record a full live drum you want to record and you want to add a tape machine on every channels you know just to add a bit of color to your sound while you record without having to to insert those plugins afterwards during the mixing stage you just want to commit right away whether it's a compressor or a tape machine or a mix mix console emulation plug-in you know whatever you want to add and commit to it you can do so straight on an input channel and for example what i have here is a compressor that i have inserted right on this channel and my voice is actually the signal that is coming into this input channel at the moment and there you go you can see that my signal gets compressed now you're not hearing that signal yet um but this is what i i'm actually going to be recording okay so i'm going to go back and just try this one out and start recording so testing one two i'm recording with a compressor on the input channel let's listen to how that sounds like so testing one two i'm recording with a compressor on the input channel there you go now i over did it because i wanted you to hear the effect so again it's a very cool way if you want to commit with a specific type of effect straight on the recording stage you can do so by adding the plugin straight on the input channel and now for the second feature auto monitoring modes this is super practical and you need to know this stuff so let's go down to edit and to preferences if you click on vst at the bottom you will see a right at the on the the right side of the preference window you will see the auto monitoring and you you have like access to four different modes we have manual while record enabled while record running and also tape machine styles now those different modes are related to the monitor option we have here on every channel so that button the monitor button when we click on it we are actually monitoring the signal that is routed to this channel let me just put on my headphones so this one i'm going to get any feedback there you go all right now i made a full video on direct monitoring i'm going to leave the link on top if you want to check it out if you're monitoring through cubase or using direct monitoring you can use this little guy to monitor yourself while recording which can be practical and those different modes will activate or deactivate that little button okay so let me show you now in manual mode you have full control so you decide when uh you you turn this one the monitor button on or off okay if we select go back to preferences and we select uh while record enabled that means that the monitor button will be active only when the channel is record enabled okay so this is what i get here so if i start recording i can actually hear myself through my monitors through my headphones actually and if i stop my monitor button is still active because my channel is record enabled um now i'm going to go back and change the mode but you know i'm going to do it faster because i actually set myself up with a shortcut to go from one mode to another okay so i'm just gonna tell you how i did this briefly before we jump on the other mode go under edit go down to key commands look for vst or just type in auto click on enter and you will see it just beside vst you will see auto monitoring and you set yourself the shortcut of your choice and mine is escape so that is the key i'm going to press on to go from one mode to the other so i'm going to jump to the third mode which is um while record running okay so this is the third one so that means that when the channel is record enabled and is you know the the project is not playing your monitor button will not be active but the minute i'm going to play it's still going to be inactive but when i'm going to click on record now i'm going to get the monitor button active okay so if i stop the music if i stop my playback everything is going to stop and my monitor button is going to be turned off okay so that is another mode now the uh the last one is tape machine mode and this is one of my favorite mode when recording i always use this mode and this is a very straightforward it's like a tape machine works basically when the project is on stop by itself the monitor button is going to be active if you click on play it's going to be turned off if you click on record it's going to be turned on if you click on stop it's going to stay on okay so you get the idea so if for example you just want to punch in one part this is how it's going to sound like record it's going to be turned up and then i'm going to continue recording from that point on and that's it you know so very cool so the singer or the player can hear the actual playback of what was recorded and then hear himself when the recording starts you know and so on and when it stops it goes back to the playback which is very practical so those are the actually the both modes that i use the most tape machine and also manual so there you go so when i record tape machine and for everything else i usually stick that to manuals now for recording feature number three channel lanes which are very practical when recording so for example let me just bring my locators into a loop and record a few lines so this is the uh the signal i'm recording at the moment and i'm gonna stop and now i have like a bunch of takes on top of each other what i can do by selecting my track my channel i can go on the left zone and click on this little guy here which is the show lanes option and there you go now i have a visual of all the recordings i just made on my recording session okay so this is a very cool feature when recording and also when editing it actually sets you up for your editing stage which is great so for example um i can record like several takes of a verse you know for a lead singer for example and then i can just pick and choose the parts that i want to keep you know for example i can by selecting the comp tool that i have on top i can listen to any of these takes so i can go from one take to another in a very fast way which is very practical then it's very easy to edit afterwards so this way i can select the best it takes to comp a full vocal recording that can be done with all sorts of instruments like bass guitars cellos and so on you know and even drums and other multi-track recordings which i'm going to show you later on and for the next feature track versions so to access track versions you need to select your channel go on the left zone click on the track versions tab and there you go that's simple so if for example i record one take you know so i'm just going to record this small little part and then i can create a new version so for example if i want to try different lyrics with the singer or in a different part or different chords with the guitar player i can just create a new version within the track itself without having to create a new track channel to to try and experiment with different parts so track versions can be very useful in this case so for example um i have this first take that can be an arrangement and let's create a new new track version i'm going to click on new version and that will empty the channel itself with a new version and from that point on i can just record a new you know a new take a new arrangement or a new idea and go on and on with recording those different ideas and once i'm done i can just listen to all of those different ideas and pick the correct one very very cool and also what can be done is i can convert those different versions into lanes so let's say i recorded like three four different guitar solos okay and i just want to edit them all together and build a just one solo and all together what i can do is to select my channel go down to go up actually to project and down to to track versions and then you will see the option to create lanes from versions now i have a new version with all of those recordings in the lane mode where i can actually start editing and comp my vocal in my case you know or a guitar solo or whatever you are recording and you can also do this the other way around so let me just delete this let's record a few takes all right testing one two testing one two recording four lanes and track versions in cubase okay so now i have a bunch of lanes and i want to convert those into different versions instead i do the same thing i make sure my channel is selected i go on top under project go down to track versions and then you select create versions from lanes and there you go i have all of my versions and i have all of my recordings in two different track versions which is very cool so before we jump into the last feature of this video and let me talk to you about the ultimate guide to cubase that i released a couple of years ago it has like more than 11 and even 12 hours of footage all about cubase okay so check it out the promo code for you to get 15 off is cubase 15 okay so cubase 15 is the promo code that is only going to be accessible within this video that's because you're watching the video okay it's not available elsewhere and also available until sunday you know so sunday is the last day that the promo code is gonna be active okay so check it out the link is down below okay now let's talk about the last feature of this video as far as recording in cubase goes and we're talking about folder tracks okay so let me show you what i can do with folder tracks while recording uh so i'm gonna select all of my tracks so let's say i have like a bunch of tracks like for a drum an acoustic drum kit for example or you're miking a guitar with several mics like you know a room mic and two microphones to uh to record the guitars you're going to add a bunch of different tracks so what you can do to keep everything in in sync you can add those tracks into a folder so you you select them all you right click and you click on move selected tracks to new folder and there you go from that point on if you click on record ready it's going to apply to everything inside to all the channels that are inside the folder itself okay so at this point you save time you can also apply direct monitoring straight from the folder channel itself and it's going to be applied on all channels within the same folder and you start recording that simple so let's record a few a few takes and we'll see how that is going to go alright so now i have a bunch of takes i can select the first track click on uh on the the show lanes feature and there you go from that point if i activate this little feature on the on the folder channel which is the group editing feature and if i want to listen to different takes out of that performance and recording i can do so by working on the first channel on top and since the group editing feature is active that will be applied all the moves that i'm going to make on top will be applied on all channels within the same folder so this is very practical especially when recording drums and of course it's an amazing tool when editing also let me share with you one last recording feature that we have in cubase and we're talking about punching and punch out very useful especially when you're recording by yourself let me show you how that looks like in cubase so let's listen to what i have here i just recorded myself counting numbers don't worry i'm not singing one two three four five six seven eight okay what i'm gonna do here is to punch in four five six let's find it four five six all right i'm going to remove the click for now and let's select four five and six four five six i'm gonna click on psnpeater that will set up the locators on top the left and right locators from this point i'm gonna go down the project window and activate my punch in point and punch out point and that will go according to the left and right locators if you don't see those at the bottom the punching and punch out points go on the setup transport and make sure punch points is checked on and then you will see those points right here at the bottom i'm going to put on my headphones and we are gonna work this out i'm gonna go from the top and i'm gonna activate the in and out point one two three four five six seven eight there you go okay so let's listen one one two three four five six six seven eight okay so you get the idea that works pretty well if for example i just want to you know record a bunch of uh a bunch of different takes for this part in a loop you know while selecting that full section uh with the locators what i'm going to do here is select my full you know the full region i want to loop i want to loop out i'm going to add my click and then i'm gonna go down and i'm gonna click on that lock punch point two locators i'm gonna make sure this is on active and now as you see on top i have like red locators those are the actual punch in and punch out locators that i'm going to set up right at the same point so what i can do i can do this manually by just dragging them along you know to where i want them to um you know to be located but i can also select an event or my range of selection tool okay and select the part that i want to i want to have that punch in and punch out locator to be at and then go under transport down to punch points and to set up punch point to selected range and that is a command that you can set yourself with a shortcut like i did you're gonna need to do this manually if you want to and there you go now i have my locators set up to that range very practical now i'm gonna activate my loop and start recording one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven you know so you get the idea now i have a bunch of recordings that were recorded within those punch in and out points okay so very very easy to set up and practical to work with so there you go my friends those are my top five plus one bonus cubase recording features that i wanted to show you and talk to you about now if you have other features as far as recording goes that you love to work with in cubase that i didn't cover in this video feel free to share everything down below in the comment section and also if you have questions and other comments everything down below and if you're new here on the channel subscribe to the channel and click that notification bell so you don't miss anything until next time take care and see
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 19,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cubase, Recording, Recording in Cubase, Cubase recording, Cubase11, Cubase 10.5, cubase 11 pro, music production, audio recording, Cubase recording features
Id: iLqNr5gPzo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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