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officers came charging to us and uh the interaction happened where joe cool's uh standing really what they were trying to do is stop us from seeing the little kid [Music] is that how you normally do it lay down in the back seat what are you watching pornhub dude my guy's late my guy's laying down in the back seat with absolutely no identifying marks on he doesn't have a body camera he does not have a can i get your name ranked star number uh panzerotti it's gonna have to go through you rinse r-a-n-z-z-o-n-i two two three is it what's your star number i can't see it sir rule 37 you require to give it to me what's what's your star number right rule third no i can't this i can't see it that's what i'm saying rule 37 you're required to give it to me what's your star number rule 37 item 65 in these two three two three one six two two three one six two how's it working we got it hey your misconduct report's gonna be uh attached to his so when you go and sign the affidavit just tell him who he is don't worry they'll they'll be able to send you a letter you'll hear it it's 3510 south michigan fifth floor make a right okay jerks can't help it but beat jerks they can't help it but be jerk what's up with your guy laying down in the back seat with he's got no bait he's sleeping he's got no badge on he's got no name tag on and then he starts he starts recording us yeah of course i asked him hey there might be a guy drunk in the back seat of that ground big i don't think he's wrong and i think he stole the police uniform he has no he has no star nothing no identifying marks but he used his phone to videotape me so now that's uh that's tantamount to a body camera now that's for you requestable uh but uh again remember he has no identifying remarks on him did you forget that part the camera in the state of illinois ilcs625 vehicle code says you can't do that and you don't have your seat belt on that's a one-day suspension that's an automatic one-day suspension the sergeant's got an automatic one-day suspension for himself palomuvo what's your star number there paulo mobile 2400 2400 paula moveable got a one-day suspension he's not wearing he's not wearing his seat belt that's the illinois vehicle code nor and he had a uh uh is it's interfering without wrecked records hit that like button guys hit that like button hit that like button hit that like button guys hit that like button concerned about that at mayor lightfoot twitter at mayor lightfoot you guys hit that like button the person in the back seat violating our rights thank you does anybody concern you at all does anybody else see this is escalating this guy stopped in the middle of traffic he pulled out his phone and pushed the light now look what he's doing are you bored you don't want to direct your behavior this is michigan avenue the one of the busiest streets in chicago if not the biscuit street in chicago he's on the short bus yeah they got they got the right bus for you they got the right length you just got joe cooled you might hey there's an intoxicated member in a cpd outfit right here asleep in the backseat the easiest money they ever made they love this people ask do they not like this they love this they love this they do people ask if they don't like this they love this they love it they love it you shouting your light in my face all y'all got to be dicks is that reason you shining your light in my face that's assault right [ __ ] you why would you do some dumb [ __ ] like that that's why people don't like you if they're curious thank you thank you it wasn't so hard passed out in the back seat [ __ ] nobody gonna correct this misbehavior nobody and chicago's under a federal consent decree that means there's a federal judge the honorable judge dow jr who's in charge because they have so many constitutional rights violations they can't be trusted they had had the federal agency take over for them because the department of justice came back with a scathing report after they audited you for a year this is this is them on their best behavior this is their best behavior this is this is cleaning up hit that like button guys 46 hit that like button man that's why they don't like us we don't have a comment nothing to tell them would you identify yourself officer rule 37 of your policy i can't see you from this part would you identify yourself you're a white shirt you can do better yes set the example it's a small thing right you have to identify a request upon a citizen uh or another officer on or off duty that's your policy you don't want to follow it they won't follow it do you understand do you understand your policy also says we will communicate with any citizen trying to communicate with us what am i doing here officer sir uh it's we're at michigan what am i doing i'm trying to i'm trying to communicate we're right across right before the millennium park we're at uh learning how to move around and interact with the citizens and you need that more than all right because you fought to set the example for them you allow them to shine lights that light on that car you let you let him siren out of my face and you do nothing why would we like you guys why would we respect you why wouldn't we be out here protesting like what i how could i like three out of five we go thank you sweet thank you swedish sugar i'm sorry i ain't moved [ __ ] i'm on the curve is that a threat be nice why don't you do your policy and id let's get back to that how difficult is that why you want to give me your orders yeah you see you see the academy there when you yourself aren't following your own policy and it's in the federal content decree item 65 you are to give your uh name rank and star number without hesitation without anger without repercussion but now you want to give lawful orders see how that doesn't work see how you you're not following your own policies or the federal consent decree yet you want to give us orders i would we respect you we're trying to communicate but there's downtown chicago we live here we like the sights i'm having a blast i'd rather be nothing doing nothing nothing and holding you accountable sucks thought at them big ass lights it sucks if you stand in your eyes it wouldn't be nice of us but you let but you let your officers do it this guy chuck at least thank you chain weaver my man thank you chain weaver if someone's not wearing a seat belt say that again have you ever ticketed someone for not wearing a seat belt i can't hear you have you ever ticketed someone for not wearing a seat belt we're upset with you bro because you let that guy shine and light my face and that cat right there in the backseat i was deflecting and you did not id he's citing can you do any of those things i didn't ask you that you're supposed to identify yourself because i'm angry because my public servant i'm a professional i'm trying the police you for you that brick in the back for you the brick in the world i'm sorry i won't correct them they were walking down the street quietly i would just go man you're the actor no tell that dude to stop sounding like somebody can i get his name ranking star number if he's using his phone i gotta afford to request that so i want him for your request for you to see yours can i get your name ranked star number in the back search why would you ask him because he used his phone it's tantamount to a body camera now it's for your requestable business why he's doing whatever he's doing it's for your requestable for your problem he's using his phone hey why not very good uh yeah i can't see your start number man i'm gonna have to get closer to you or something yeah stay stay on the short bus stay look he's doing it again dude thank you you're a straight dick dude don't worry don't worry he i got his id he'll pay for what you do he's got to pay for what you do shot jump shot in right here so i get his id he's going to pay for what you do trust me he knows who's in the back of his car hey here's the fridge with the light look i can file a misconduct report i can file a misconduct report in my sleep i can file a misconduct report my sleep i win [Music] always got to be dicks always [Music] yeah that gentleman goes around giving tickets for seat belts yet himself he doesn't wear seat belts now a seat belt in chicago is on average about 200 if you want to go to safety school it's about 222 they give us seat belts tickets all day long he runs around without his
Views: 56,229
Rating: 4.8953748 out of 5
Keywords: Disorderly Product News Presents The Cop-Arazzi, Disorderly Product News, San Joaquin News Network, San Joaquin Valley Transparency, Lackluster, Audit the Audit, Police caught breaking the law, Cops owned, Rights Crispy, Eyes on the State, Chuck Bronson, Bait Car, Whole School stands up to Police, News Now California, ASD-DOCS, 1st ammendment audit, auditor arrested, sovereign citizen, John Filax
Id: gfKTmNukc78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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