60 Days In: Was It Enough? - Full Episode (S6, E10) | A&E

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(soft intriguing music) (intense foreboding music) - I'm Sheriff Jonathan W. Horton, Etowah County, Alabama. I, Jonathan Horton. When I took office back in January, I inherited a very broken jail. (inmates shouting) - [Officer] Lockdown! - [Jonathan] The pods were overflowing with contraband. - All right, you ready? - [Jonathan] And there were more drugs in jail than there were out on the streets. - She's a (beep) goldmine. (inmate laughing) - [Jonathan] Since day one in office, it was clear to me that we needed "60 Days In" more than any other jail in America. So we put seven undercover participants into our facility. And right out of the gate, they started droppin' like flies. (intense foreboding music) (loud banging) - I hate myself right now. I failed. - [Wife] You're not. Honey, you're not a failure. Listen to me. You couldn't be an inmate because you're a CO. (eerie foreboding music) - You watch the show and it looks completely different than when you're in here. In the back of my head I was like, "You should've just stayed a fan." Like, I'm not as mentally strong as I thought I was. - I just really thought I could come in here and be socially malleable, but I don't fit in. (inmate laughing) - [Alex] And it's more than I could handle. - You comin' in is a game-changer. With so many people dropping out early, we brought in Tony, a CO from the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Your mission is to save the program. - Can you do that for us, Tony? - Yes, sir. - Some of the participants came in thinkin' they were just gonna be on a TV show, but this jail ate them alive. - I already deal with a lot and I knew mentally I would comin' here because I knew I had the gluten intolerance to go against. But Jennifer is just being a butthole. When I get to the level of pisstivity that I'm at now, I black out and I can't control what I say. So I would rather just bow out gracefully. (intense foreboding music) - Officer McNair. - They know I'm a cop and that puts me in a very, very dangerous situation. I'm just tryin' to not get killed. I would like very much not to be the next person stabbed at Etowah County. - What I'm gon' do is I'm gon' pull you out today. It's about doin' the smart, safe thing. - With half of the participants dropping out early and another one's cover being compromised, we are in a dire situation. We're down to the final three participants and now I'm worried I'm not gonna get enough information to make a difference in the jail. The 60 days is up and it's time to pull the last three out. I hope and pray that they were able to find some useful information for me and that this all just wasn't a big waste of time. (intense foreboding music) (soft intriguing music) (singers vocalizing) (soft intriguing music) (birds chirping) - Fourth quarter, minute left, I'm countin' down like literally minutes and Megatron just basically sealed the deal for me. 20 items for some meth. (intense foreboding music) Megatron came back with the product and he just whips it out in public and I'm like, "Oh Megatron, what the hell?" You know, I don't want nobody to know that I'm actually buyin' these drugs. I'm like, "No, let's go to the back." (inmates shouting) - I'm in the day room and I see Dennis talkin' to Megatron. I'm like oh, he must be tryin' to buy some drugs from him. But I do not think Dennis would be as successful as me finding drugs. Because at this point, everyone trusts me 100% and I'm makin' a lotta money from store. - I gave Megatron just some of the dust of it, just for helpin' me out. And then I wrap it up and put it right in the cuffs of my jeans. Wanna see it? All right. Hold on. It's a little dope sack. So that's called ice. So basically like crystal meth. It's just a another term for it which is called ice. I pay what, 20 items for it? I wanna give it to you guys. Just hold it, you know. If I get caught with it, drop it, you know what I'm sayin'? I can catch a charge. I can land in jail for real in Alabama, which I don't want to happen and I can probably bring down this whole program. - [Woman] 'Kay? - Hold this with your life, all right? - [Woman] (chuckles) Believe me. (soft foreboding music) - Look, I'm a new guy, never been in jail and I can get this stuff very easy. So imagine somebody who's been in jail in and out, they know the system better than I do. (soft intriguing music) - Morning. - [Inmates] Today, I'll be taught the word of God. - [Inmates] I'll never be the same. - [Inmates] In Jesus' name. (intense foreboding music) - [Jennifer] We were in church service. - And so I was praying and just like looking for guidance in leading of the Holy Spirit. (door banging) (Ciara shouting) - And all of a sudden I heard banging and screaming and all kinds of stuff. (Ciara shouting) I see Ciara. You can literally see that her face was distorted. (Ciara shrieking) - And I looked up in her window and we made eye contact. And I just allowed the Holy Spirit just to pray through me. And so I'm praying under my breath and she's up there just throwing out profanities. And in the name of Jesus, I commanded her to shut up. And that was the very moment where I took control spiritually and gave her her right frame of mind. And so as I'm praying down on the ground, the Holy Spirit was in her room comforting her. I'm telling you, I looked at this girl and under my breath prayed and this girl shut up immediately and she never even came back to the window. I am not willing to allow Ciara or any other person that I see to be tormented by a demon. Spiritually, I'm going to command it to go. (inmates applauding) - [Jennifer] God's work with her isn't done if my goal is to have Ciara spiritually set free before I leave this place. - Encouraging strength and a buildup is all that you can do, - [Inmates] Amen. (intense foreboding music) (intense foreboding music) - So, Dennis may have got a little bit of drugs. That's cool. I ain't trippin' on that. However, he's not gonna get nowhere near as much as what I get; especially from Megatron. I got all the commissary, I got all the money. I got the biggest influence in this pod, that's why I'm called the pod boss. So if there's drugs in here, I'm going to get all the drugs. That's just how it's gon' be. (intense foreboding music) - Hey hey, get Megatron. - Megatron! - [Tony] He's comming. - [Justin] Hey. - Nah, you's tryin' to break things. See a (beep) tryin' to look out. - You see what I'm sayin'? He tryin' to break the (beep). He talkin' 'bout both. (soft foreboding music) (jail door banging in the distance) - Lemme see, check this out. This a whole box right here. Ain't never been opened. - Aight, aight, aight. - [Tony] Yeah, okay. Now you workin' with me. - [Justin] He knew it was five too. I want (beep). - [Tony] Good. - Aight, yeah. - [Tony] You know, Dennis? He honestly can't do what I can do. Since I been runnin' the store, I probably made about three to 400 bucks easy. - We'll be able to get a bump a piece. So now I have the money to buy all the drugs and I'm not gonna stop with clone. (intense foreboding music) - The 60 days is up and it's time to pull the last three out. I'm gonna pull Dennis out first 'cause I'm really not worried about Tony. (dark foreboding music) (soft intriguing music) - Yup. - Yeah. - [Officer] Pack it up. - Pack it up? - Aight. - All right. (soft intriguing music) I was so ready to go. It was like I had chains on and they just all fell off and I was just ready to get up outta there. Aight. (dark foreboding music) (both chattering) (soft intriguing music) - I'm goin' home. Goin' home. Goin' home. (soft intriguing music) - Woo. That run felt really good. What's up, guys? - [Producer] You made it. - Hell yeah, I made it. Hell yeah. - [Producer] How does it feel? - (beep) amazin'. I'm just happy to be outta that place. It's a jungle in there, man. You gotta look over your shoulder every second, every minute, you know? - [Dennis] Yeah, yeah, I brought it with me. - [Dennis] Yeah. Yup, so brought it with me. I brought my shank. - It was too easy. Too easy. Went right through the metal detector, then you sound off nothin'. This is gonna be somethin' I'm gonna give to the sheriff and the chief to let 'em know you know, how easy it is to take in, bring stuff outta the jail. How easy it is and how in danger their employees are. I'm hopin' that it shocks the (beep) out of 'em. Like you know, because a guy like me, they probably just was like, "Oh, this guy," or whatnot, "Just come in jail." But no, I got in the mix and I put my life on the line for this, so I can't wait. I don't even wanna like hand it, I wanna toss it over to 'em. Like yeah, it's how terrible your jail is. (intense foreboding music) I have not stretched out my legs to run in two months. So right now, just wanted to get out and like just run and just take it all in. (soft intriguing music) (birds chirping) You guys have no idea what it feels like to be locked down for 60 days in a jail and be a free man (breathes heavily) and really take in nature, really take in the little things in life. Man, it's a blessin' to be out. (dark foreboding music) (Ciara muttering) (door banging) (dark foreboding music) I did warn y'all. (officer speaking indistictly) - I am looking for spiritual deliverance for Ciara. I plan to pray and wait for a door to open. I don't know, will I approach the CO? How will I be able to go into her room? Will I do it inside her room? I don't want it to be a spectacle, so, I'm not really sure. I'm going to pray and see what God wants to do. - Miss Ciara! - Hey, Ciara! - Tonight we were out in the day room. Ciara got out, had found out how to disengage the locks. - And she wouldn't listen to the CO and she just started acting up. (door banging) - And she just became irate. - No, you know what? - So I walked up the stairs and just talked to her and asked her to come down. (Ciara shrieking) (intense foreboding music) (inmates shouting) And when Miss V seen that she listens to me, she had this great idea to put her in my cell. Praise God. This is a beautiful moment in time. I felt like this was an amazing opportunity. This was the Holy Spirit leading me to go pray for her and deliver Ciara. - [Jennifer] I'm not going in there to fight with a demon. I'm not going in there to argue with a demon. I'm going in there to tell it what to do and I'm fully expecting it to respond and leave. (intense foreboding music) - Miss V had this great idea to put her in my cell. This is a beautiful moment in time because I'm confident in prayer that God is gonna do something and my goal is to not leave here without her being delivered. But first, I need to listen to her story, kinda gauge where her mind is before you know, delivering her from her demons. - Yeah, they shouldn't be able to stick you in infirm that long. She had talked and poured her heart out to me. I just listened to her and God was building a rapport for her to come to me and ask for prayer. (soft intriguing music) - Okay. - [Jennifer] I think that it was such a beautiful moment to be able to share those hours with her and to see her in her right frame of mind for most of that. I mean, there were times where the information kinda was scattered. But for the most part, she made sense. - [Jennifer] I feel like the entire facility handles Ciara as though she's only a convict, as opposed to having mental health issues. - Mm-hmm. - It was just like a (sighs) refreshing moment of just praise God that my prayers are being answered. (somber piano music) - God has shown his presence in this place. It was a great night. We had a great time together. - God delivered her and I'm really confident that her behaviors are going to begin to change and I think she'll do really well. (intense foreboding music) - Man, give us free! - Yeah, how many trays? (inmates chattering) (intense foreboding music) - [Tony] I was able to get clone, so now I'm waitin' for Megatron to get me ice. Megatron know that you know, I get commissary stuff, so he automatically assume that I will have the money to buy the drugs from him. So it's just a matter of time. (inmates chattering) - What is it? - Boys better be... (speaks indistinctly). (intense foreboding music) (inmates chattering) Hold on, hold on, hold on. - Megatron said he didn't have no ice, but he did say he had some cream. So I was like, "Aight, cool. "Bring everything you got, I buy it from you." - I think cream is a, I think they call cream like crack, coke, somethin' like that. Yeah, I'ma call you back in like, say about 15, 20 minutes at the most. All right. - All right, bye. (intense foreboding music) (inmates chattering) - Aight, I know. (dark foreboding music) (inmates chattering) - We're sittin' at the table and he was like, "Hey bro, look I got this for you." (dark foreboding music) You know, he showed me the cream and I turn around. The CO like right here in my face. So I'm like, "Oh snap." Like, "Put it up, put it up." (intense foreboding music) - C'mon now. - Yes, sir. (dark foreboding music) - I'm going to pull Jennifer next. She's the only participant left in the female unit. - Unit five, Deputy (speaks faintly). (soft foreboding music) (inmates chattering) - C'mon. - [Jennifer] The CO came to me and she said she needed to talk to me and she was walking me towards my cell. And when she said, "Pack up," I couldn't believe it. (Jennifer laughing) I was just in shock and disbelief. I just didn't wanna leave. I did not want to leave them. - [Inmate] She's leavin'. - Jennifer's going home. I don't even know what to say. - Oh my god. - Like say thank you, Lord. - Yes, oh my god, I'm leaving! But many times in life, I thought God's timing should be one thing and then it wasn't and it proved to be exactly what that situation needed. Goodbye. Bye. I'll be in Michigan in two days. - Bye, Jenn. - Goodbye. - I'm not surprised. - The door closes behind me and I just-- It's not really real until I walk out the doors and I see the traffic and can take a breath of fresh air. (soft intriguing music) You guys weren't playin'. - Hey. - Hi, everyone. - How are you? - I'm so awesome. Lemme in, lemme out. Lemme out. Hello. Hi. - Hi. (Jennifer clapping and sighing) What are you feelin'? - I'm feeling excited. I can breathe and there's no mold and there's no disgusting smell and it's beautiful. I'm so happy. I just feel human again. I feel like I've been let outta the zoo and you know, I can shave my legs and pluck my eyebrows and bathe in cinnamon oil soon. Just my regular routine. I feel like I brought positivity. I feel like I brought the truth, the truth of Jesus Christ, the hope that's in him. I was able to pray for so many people. And just God again, he answered prayers every single day and he did things for these women. The world is so great. It's such a beautiful world. And, um, I think I just brought encouragement, a positive outlook on life no matter what the outward circumstances are. This is a great moment. I didn't expect it to be this great. (dark foreboding music) - I can't wait to go in there and debrief like all the stuff that I got and all information. I did my job and now you know, I'ma show 'em. - With Dennis, I think he wanted to be the center of attention. He wanted to be the star of the show. Kinda like, "I don't care what they've told me to do, "I'm gon' take it upon myself to do what I want." This is real life. Quit doin' all this stupid (beep) that you're doin'. I don't need that. - He's definitely wrong about me. But as far as you know, callin' me overconfident, I am confident, so he was right about that. (soft intriguing music) - Dennis, long time no see. - How're you doin'? - Good, you? - Nice to meet you again, sheriff. - [Jonathan] Yeah, you too, man. - Nice to meet you again, chief. - [Chief] Good. - Glad to be on this side of the bars? - [Dennis] Yeah, definitely. - Enjoyin' your little freedom? - Oh yeah, I enjoyed my freedom. - So you was in there the whole allotted time that you were asked to be. We appreciate that. - Thank you. - And me bein' straight with you: You know I think at first, it was like I don't know 'bout Dennis. He sorta kinda liked workin' out a lot, walked around, shirt off. - I wasn't like just kinda workin' out and stayin' to myself. I was talkin' to any and everybody. Ya gotta make a name for yourself. You know, people kinda respect you a little bit before you could just start jumpin' in and tryin' to find out what's goin' on. This jail here particularly, man, was a jungle. - Uh huh. - I gotta drugs come in through the intake from off the street. And when I do talk to the people that have brung it in from off the street, then what they've done is they just stuff it up their jump pocket. And I actually had a cellmate that actually did it in front of me. - In his butt you're talkin' 'bout? - Yeah, in his butt. In his butt. - How you feel about that situation? - I was just like shocked. First thing went through my head is, "This ain't for TV." So yeah, that happened right in front of me, so I got lucky. - And what did you end up sayin' you ended up givin' up for the ice? It was about maybe a quarter gram, somethin' like that I think it was. - Paid about 20 items for it. - 20 items. - 20 items. - Yeah, where'd that supposedly come from? - It was actually my roommate. It was a part of his ice. - I gotcha. - Yeah. - He brought it in with him when he was booked? - [Dennis] Mm-hmm. - [Chief] Was it that that come out of his butt? - Yeah 'cause that was the only ice in the unit at the time. - You know, we're gonna deal with that. But the drugs were turned over to the Etowah County Drug Enforcement Unit and they were destroyed. That's what happens in a case like that. - Okay. - Anything else that you know, you feel's important? - I got this for you. - Okay. (intense foreboding music) - [Sheriff] Uh... (intense foreboding music) - Anything else that you know, you feel's important? - I got this for you. - Okay. Okay, shank made out of a toothbrush and concrete nail. - Mm-hmm. - And a cap. - [Dennis] It's pieced together pretty well. - Oh yeah, and you know, it could cause some damage. - Oh yeah. - Stick it in the carotid, somethin' like that. - Mm-hmm. It's not made in China. It's made in Etowah County. - Yeah, that's exactly right. (soft intriguing music) - Looks like a lotta things and it came from the renovation of the jail, the nail and everything. - Yeah, that's a good job, Dennis. We really appreciate that. This goes a long way. It does. I just wanna say thanks. All right, man? Be careful. - Thank you. - Thank you, Dennis. Have a safe trip back. - Will do. I'm ready to get back. (chuckles) Ready to get back to the beaches. (soft intriguing music) - So finally Dennis. - Yeah, I think he turned it on there at the end. To begin with, I'm not too sure he really was that productive. - If he had focused on his real mission of bein' in there in the beginning, he coulda done so much more. - Yup. (birds chirping) (intense foreboding music) - Now that I'm out, I am ready to sit down and debrief with Sheriff Horton. - How are you? - Jennifer. - How are you? - Long time no see. - Long time no see. - Jennifer. - It's good to see you again. - Nice to meet you again. - We appreciate the fact that you made it from the day you were committed until the day they released ya. - Thank you. - [Jonathan] Thankful for that. - First of all, booking: A lot of the drugs were coming in there. They absolutely do a horrible job of patting you down. (inmates chattering) The girl who pat me down, she absolutely barely touched me. They didn't look in my mouth. They didn't you know, really check me when I was supposed to squat down and cough. There was women who came in and they were wearing layers of clothing. And in every layer, they had some sort of drug in those layers. That could you know, feed the addiction of 20 or 30 inmates. - Yeah, but we certainly know that's certainly an issue. In the female unit that you were in, unit five, right? - Correct. - Were the door locks when you left, are they still in the process of being fixed or what's the condition there? - The door locks are working. - Working? - Yeah, they're working. So there is a way that one of the inmates, Ciara, she was able to disengage the lock. They take a bottle of water and squeeze into that little sensory hole and actually completely disengage the locks. - We have been made aware of that and we are now workin' on that issue there with maintenance. - Again Jennifer, thank you a lot for the time. - You're welcome. - And what you done for us. - Thank you, God bless you. - God bless you. I'll be praying for you. - Thank you. Jennifer was great from an evangelical standpoint. As far as the grand scheme or scope of things for what we needed Jennifer to do, she was somewhat helpful. But at this point, I've got to be honest with you. I'ma still get more information. (dark foreboding music) (door clicking) - Reals. Who's Reals? Pack it up, pack it up. - [Tony] I hear the door open and the CO says, "Reals, pack it up." I'm like, "No (beep)?" - You're goin' home. You're goin' home. They just called me and told me to tell you to pack up. - The emotions. You know, "Oh my gosh, I'm goin' home." You know, "It's really happenin'." There's not much food. - Yeah, I'll take it. - There you go. Y'all split these, man. It's been real, man. It's been real. Y'all boys hold it down. - All right. - [Tony] I'm excited to be goin' home. However, there's still a lotta work that needs to be done in here. Hold it down, man. So it's like a bittersweet moment. (intense foreboding music) - All right, step in there and change. (soft intriguing music) - [Officer] You're good, man. You can go through. - Goin' through booking, I just wanted to run right through those glass doors, the metal doors. I was like I'm gone now. (officers chattering) Soon as I entered the sunshine, I'm like, "Yes, freedom." (soft intriguing music) Oh, (beep) me. (beep)! (exhales) We did it. It's over with. - That's good, man. - Yeah. - Friggin right. Good job, man. Good job, dudes. Yeah, (beep). Damn. Phew, yes. Just let's just go. Just like don't stop it. Go, just go. Just go. - [Producer] You did it. - Did it. Guess what else I did. - [Producer] What? - I got the drugs. (dark foreboding music) Oh, man. - [Producer] You did it. - Did it. Guess what else I did. - [Producer] What? - I got the drugs. - You got 'em on you? - Yeah. - Can we see 'em? - Yeah. (soft intriguing music) - [Producer] Who'd you get that from? - Megatron. I actually put 'em under my private area. I knew that I'll be leavin'. Didn't know when exactly, so I just kept 'em there until I was called. This here is the coke. - [Producer] Be careful with that. - [Tony] Yeah, which means I gave $40 for this from a guy's books. This here is the clone. - [Producer] So what are you gonna do with it now? - Give it to you. (laughs) I don't want it in my possession. - Thank you. Nice doin' business with you, sir. (laughs) (soft intriguing music) - [Producer] All right, so what do you wanna do now? - Eat, man. - [Producer] Want somethin' to eat? - Yes, yes. - What do you want? Do you want me to take you through drive-thru? - Yeah, whatever. (soft guitar music) Hello, yes. Can I get number two, the Baconator? Ketchup, mustard, onions, bacon. A large Sprite, a Frosty Cookie Sundae and can I get a large sweet tea on the side and a taco salad? - [Employee] The big one or the small one? - Oh, we're gon' go big. We're gon' go big. - [Employee] Anything else? - Yeah, that'll do it. (employee speaking faintly) No, I'm sorry and two baked cookies, chocolate chip. Thank you. Everything in here? All right, thank you, guys. Ooh man, let's see. Yeah, finally here. I'm here. Yeah. (soft piano music) - [Tony] Amazing. Real food. You know, I'm definitely goin' to approach and handle situations different based off this experience 100%. Like an example: When they locked everyone down because of one incident which had nothin' to do with me or any of the other inmates, you know? That's kinda rough. You know, I will make that a priority now once I get back to work. (soft intriguing music) (dark foreboding music) - Tony, how's it goin', man? - Pretty good, sir. - Been a while. - Not too long, but a little while. - Grab a seat. Tony came in late to save this program. He was a correctional officer and he knew what to look for, so I'm hopin' that he's got the most useful information. Lay it out to us, what you found out. - Yes, sir. I felt like I need to invest more time and training. Like when the stabbin' took place, like for example. (inmates shouting) - [Tony] When the stabbin' was over, the officer did not spray 'em. He didn't handcuff 'em. As far as I know, he didn't call backup. - He didn't do anything. To me, that tells me training. You gon' be in situations where it's possible you can freeze up. So when that happened, all you can rely on is your trainin'. Your trainin', trainin', trainin'. Better equipment. I feel like they don't have enough stuff on their belt to do their job. Don't have any cuff pouches, no tasers. The saw team, they're the only one with tasers. They don't have pouches for their gloves. If they gotta you know, stop the bleedin' or you know, with that whole stabbin' situation. Another inmate say, "Why didn't you spray 'em?" He said, "Come here." He walked over to the inmate, he took his can. He said, "Here listen, ain't nothin' in it." (chuckles) That's no lie. He took his OC can off his hip and said, "Look, there's nothin' in the can." And I'm just lookin' like, "What?" Like why would you even tell an inmate that it is empty? Even if it is, even if I just used it and just happened to have the chance to get you to warehouse, why would I tell the inmate that it's empty? - We've got some real issues that have to be dealt with. That bein' said, I know that you happen to be one of the first participants to physically put your hand on narcotics. - I have a couple here. This is some cash that I got. This is one of two shanks. I gave roughly 11 items for this. - Comes from a dust mop. - Dust mop. And this is some clone. - Very dangerous. I mean, messes people's minds up, shuts your kidneys down. It's just ridiculously messed up. - I gave I think 40 bucks for this and I mean, it was easy. And here is a razor blade. This stuff was extremely easy for me to get. This is some coke. (soft intriguing music) With the drugs, I feel like you could never stop it. - Sure. - It's just too much, but you can slow it down - We appreciate you takin' time away from your job to come and help us. We appreciate it, Tony. - Yes sir, yes sir. - Thank you, Tony. - Yes, sir. Yes, sir. - If we can help you, let us know. - Things I found was extremely disappointing. I mean, it hurt. It hurt. Etowah County Sheriff's Office you know, hopefully you know, you can benefit from this like majorly. - Have a safe trip. - Thank you. Because there's a lotta things that need to be addressed and I'm hopin' this can help. And I'm just thinkin' like man, I really do feel like this is the last hope for that facility. (intense foreboding music) - I feel that Tony was a game-changer and I'm very, very pleased with what Tony brought to the table. Out of eight participants, there were three that actually finished the 60 days in. I feel like if the other five wouldn't have gotten out so early, that we would've obtained more information. - We wanted to check in and see how you were feeling about the information you got from the debriefs that you had. - I think that there were some of the participants that did a excellent job. The other half. (intense foreboding music) - We wanted to check in and see how you were feeling about the information you got from the debriefs that you had. - Yeah. So it was quite revealing. I think that there were some of the participants that did a excellent job. The other half were just a fish outta water that just sort of appeased themselves to make it through the period of time they had to make through. Outside of that, Tony was a wealth of information. And you know, of course he had that background. He came from the corrections field and so he knew what to look for. He knew and that played a big role in bein' able to give us great information. If we could do it again and we had more people like Tony, I'd be all about it. (intense foreboding music) Based on the participants' feedback, (horn honking) we've made a lot of positive changes. (dark foreboding music) We've seen to it our correctional officers are better-equipped. (taser zapping) - [Officer] Standby. - Folks need to be retrained (taser zapping) (officer wincing) and made to do their job correctly. (dark foreboding music) But now I'm goin' to send in another group of highly-trained professionals, a special ops group of people, but only for 30 days. - I'm a narcotics detective. I'm ready to get placed in the facility and to do what I do and that's undercover work. - I am the commander of operations of a county jail. - I'd probably feel bad for them. - I'm a firefighter and I have eight years experiencing corrections. I do not take (beep) from anybody. If you put your hands on me, I guess it's go-time. (intense foreboding music) - I'm a retired sergeant. I'm not gonna allow for you to come up to me and say, "I'm gonna kick your ass." I'm gonna take my attack on you first. (intense foreboding music) - He was so beneficial to us in the first phase, we're gon' bring him back for the second phase. - Back in this bitch bitch. I got nothin' left. Nobody is goin' to question if I'm 60 days in. - Man, I'm 6'3", 250. You don't wanna play with me. (Tony laughing) - We're not lookin' for participants to just observe and report. We're lookin' for 'em to get their hands dirty. - [Officer] Get off of 'em! - [Jonathan] To get involved. - Get on the ground! - [Jonathan] And to show us where our problems are. - I'm supposed to be one of them. So if I'm gettin' meth, I'ma have to act like I'm methed up for six hours a day. If I get cocaine, the same thing. - Why the (beep) you you gonna talk-- - I am gonna identify how those drugs are getting in if thy do bring 'em in. There should be no distress signals, no weakness. Twice the work, half the time. - Holy (beep), here we go. (inmates shouting) (intense foreboding music) - Why the (beep) you gonna? - My goal with this phase is to test the COs 100% - Lockdown! (intense foreboding music) (handcuffs clicking) (dark foreboding music)
Channel: A&E
Views: 154,743
Rating: 4.8516197 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Days In as it Enough, 60 Days Tony and Dennis, drugs, Jennifer 60 Days In, inmate, Season 6 Episode 10, S6 Ep 10, Episode 610, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case, first 48, live PD, 60 days in, swat, swat team, narcotics, jail, prison, A&E, AE, aande, drama, television, reality, real life, entertainment, 60 Days In, Was It Enough
Id: rB8SEM66Ppw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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