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how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel it's cole and jay we are no longer in sunny florida we have returned back to the natural state and of course it's cloudy it's raining we're in between thunderstorms right now so we may not have a whole lot of time to fish but we're going to try to come out here and catch some monsters for y'all so here at this dam we're not actually gonna be fishing right here we're actually gonna hike back further downstream to a spot but we are starting right here because we have to get some bait and luckily for us there are literally eighteen thousand million bazillion shad down there i was planning on throwing a throw knit but there's honestly i shouldn't throw it running because i literally will fill it up with way too many so luckily for us we brought a new dip net that we just got the other day so we got a dip net and uh jay said that she's gonna go down there and dipping at us some fresh bait so we're gonna hike down there get our bait situation taken care of and we're gonna make the hike to the fishing spot and hopefully start catching some monsters so guys y'all are excited to join along with us on this first video back in arkansas do us a favor hit the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel to wish us good luck and we will see you down at the bottom let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh guys look at these shad they're everywhere it should be really easy to catch yeah okay just uh i guess just swing and catch a few i got your bucket yep i would say that's plenty of things you're good way too easy is that all shy let me look in there yeah it looks like it's all shad we actually saw a few crappies split up on this thing too we got all sizes got big got medium got small that'll work let's get some bucket water nice that's good that's good now we can go catch some fish yeah let's go get some monsters [Music] all right so we got the bait now we have heights back here to our spot we're back here at this little spillway and it is rolling the water is up a little bit but that's normally a good thing for this spot um it can get really low and the fish like to be here so really the only time you can fish it is when the water is up like this but we're excited so we got the shad of course we're gonna be throwing those out we're throwing them out whole using them as cut bait but we also brought our crappie box too which is a bunch of assorted soft plastics and we brought some crappie rods um don't know if we're gonna catch crappie but we're gonna throw little jigs around and see maybe catch some crappie some white bass some something some whatever it's lurking here but it looks really fishy just saw fish just saw a fish oh looks really fishy now that we've seen one so yeah hopefully we'll catch them before we get run off by a thunderstorm and hopefully it actually won't even thunderstorm at all because i want to fish i don't want to go home so let's get rigged up let's get our blinds in the water and let's see if we can catch all right let's get in here to our bucket get one of our fresh shots these are threadfin shad not sure we got any gizzards in there too but this one in particular is a threadfin and i'm gonna start off with a little bit of cut bait action i'm not going to cut the thing right in half i'm still going to get meaty chunk but i'm going to cut the tail off just so we can get a little bit of scent dispersal let these fish know that we're here and we're willing to feed them today make their life easy and i'm just going to stick one hook right there in the back just like that and that is the rig i'm just using like a little drop shot type rig there's a lot of sticks and branches down here so i don't want the bait to really drift around a whole lot so we're going to try this and then jay has a carolina rig rigged up with the heavy weight so her shouldn't move around here we'll see which one works best but we're just going to pitch it out here right in front of us it's actually pretty deep out there right now because the water is up and then i'm just going to lay the rod down right here i got a fish fish on fish on oh he came off whoo well we almost lost the rod over there watching jay's ride the rain started picking up she ran the camera and put it up underneath the tree and while she was doing that my rod about got took off out there i had it on free spool but he still almost took it i wonder what it was it was a pretty good one i had him on there for a second but hopefully he'll come back for it you feel something yeah okay let's see what it is down there we've had a few bites a few misses we need this fish jay got him got him oh my gosh it's huge oh my gosh jay that thing is huge oh oh my gosh oh my gosh he's huge he's huge hold on to him jay that's a huge one oh my gosh that might be the best i've ever caught get out of the grass i got the net i got the net oh my gosh i got the knife i got the net come on oh my gosh oh he's fighting good he's fighting so good wow oh he's in the net [Applause] that was nuts that was awesome oh my gosh that was so cool that was insane okay look at this guys we got our fish we got our guy oh he's let's get over this flat ground over here check out this monster oh my goodness that was such a fun fight he looked way bigger than this out there though it looked like my pv i don't think this is my pv but it is a dang good one yeah i mean he looked massive look like a freaking arapaima jumping up i mean the setting i mean this almost looks like the amazon out here and this is truly a prehistoric fish definitely the one we came out here to catch today and i'm so happy to see that there are some out here in the area and that they're willing to bite yeah look at the head on that thing because we i'm not kidding these fish are so much fun to catch i know they fight so hard they take cut shad really good and there's just nothing like them they are they jump all crazy it's just awesome but we have to use these grippers because they have teeth oh yeah they have needle sharp teeth let me zoom in there maybe you can flex his mouth out a little bit i don't see my finger and i've been bit way too many times with these guys and they are super hard to hold on to i know yeah just literally he's being pretty calm right now yeah yeah you you may handle that one but anyways do you wanna get a quick weight on him real quick and say big sure yeah all right what's the scale saying six pounds 15 ounces not bad at all i think i remember your biggest one was like what like nine pounds i don't remember i really don't i think it was like nine pounds and it came from this spot so we've seen some big ones jumping let's get him off the hook and let's get him back in the water can we get a graceful release [Laughter] so graceful we got in the splash zone oh yeah you got stuff all over the lid good job jake let's catch another one all right guys i just released my fish literally just released it oh my gosh holy cow holy cow that looks like a 10 pounder you almost got smoked with the hook i am so sorry about that oh my gosh that was a big one hopefully we saw that jump oh my gosh that was insane that was a big old fish i've missed a couple fish with this hook i'm using a different little style circle look that i normally use and i'm not really feeling i have some more that are like more traditional like more rounded i think i'm gonna swap up to that because i've missed three fish so far with this thing you know it was a little bit heavier gauge so i'm gonna make that swap i'm gonna get back out there dang that fish was massive he would dang it oh dang it cole you feel something oh yeah oh baby there we go second fish is that another opponent running right children is there both in what is it oh nice one nice one nice one i don't i think he's just now realizing he took i think so too can bring him here this net oh he's fighting hard you got him jay oh it almost hit me in the face oh my gosh she really hit me in the face the hook like grazed my eye i'm not even kidding oh my gosh oh but we got the fish wow and we got our eyes so that's good that's awesome and really nice both yeah it kind of slowed down the rain actually stopped and um the fish kind of quit biting but hey we're on the board with our second fish let's get him on the grippers all right well here is my second bowfin of the day he fought different than the first one the first one just went wild this one just came straight to me at first i don't think he realized he was hooked and but then when he did realize then he started like thrashing and everything it was awesome i don't know what's going on with the tail i know there's a whole bunch of them in here i think they just got done spawning and uh they make beds like largemouth do so i guess maybe from fanning or maybe just another one took a chomp out it looks like one took a bite out of his tail it kind of does look how crazy it is it's all bloody and just i mean these fish are freaks in general but that is awesome got two fish we're like two for seven or two for eight at this point we've had a lot of bites but hopefully we'll start landing more than we're missing but let's get this guy back in the water he's not bigger than the first one i don't think so we won't weigh him we'll just get him back in there and hopefully catch one even bigger good job let's be a little bit more graceful this time buddy all right see ya easy don't tell your friends [Music] that was good that was awesome jay good job oh i'm so slick oh i should not have done that i am so slimy gross i think we got one guys got him got him stay on there stay on there yes finally finally oh my god once they're both in oh i got him i got him i'm gonna he's trying to go down to the pipe i got him here just trying to keep pressure on him don't want him to come off oh heck yeah that's what we're hoping for that's what's up well that took long enough guys we've been out here for about an hour and i've missed about eight or nine maybe even 10 of these guys but finally we got this one up here on the bank i'm not sure what the issue is with the hookup ratio today like normally we don't miss them this bad i know and uh normally we use circle hooks but we also um like to use the j hooks with like straight braid maybe that's what we should be doing today so we can actually jack into them really hard but either way we're getting bit and we're getting a few fish on the bank and that's all that matters maybe we can turn our bad luck around and start landing more fish than we're missing but um look at this guy back in the water he's got some pretty cool colorations yeah look at the blue he's got the blue on his fins right there no blue in his mouth sometimes their mouths would be solid blue and it'd be really cool but maybe you can see those teeth in there he is just awesome one last look at our little bowfin oh you got a fishing line one jay seriously oh shoot i'm gonna try this i'm gonna steal it go again i'ma steal your pole you're going to miss him i might don't miss him don't miss him oh baby you got him you okay oh my god oh you got us in the bushes dang it we were just talking about how we were gonna start landing more of these fish and i blew it dang he had it too long he just ran this right in the bush i think he was already off and when i pressed up the hood dang hello these little circle hooks are not working out too well for us today nope we have to go back to store and get some better hooks oh my gosh oh my gosh the bite is picked up guys got him that's a big one oh baby oh it's a big one that's a big one stay under the stand over there stand up there that's a big one oh my gosh yeah it's a big one please get it please get it please get it he's stripping drag oh that's the biggest one jay this thing is big i think he's the biggest one whoa whoa we're turning around now baby let's go you got one on that pole too jay there's one that pulls there's one you're pulling get pulled [Music] you got him you got him we just doubled up keep down the bush yes yes doubled up on monsters i don't know where my fish is at right now here we go we gotta get him oh gosh he's still in there oh he's beautiful he's so beautiful jay don't lose yes that fish is so awesome looking oh my gosh oh that was crazy we just doubled up on the biggest fish of the day and the most beautiful yes oh my gosh yes we got a spot on his tail too oh my god that one's awesome now that is one of the most beautiful bowfin i think that i have ever seen look at those gorgeous like aqua teal colored fins and it goes all the way down to his tailbone look at that eye spot that's so cool so cool and we were hoping to catch some like this today with these spawning colors this is mouth blue his mouth is not blue it is a little bit i guess so just a little bit but those fins oh my goodness jay what a gorgeous fish this is definitely the prettiest one i've ever caught i know like and he has that i mean he's got the bright orange ring around around that uh tail spot that's so awesome so cool and meanwhile we've got old big head sitting right here wait he's still hooked we're gonna have to get him unhooked and get him way to see how big he is i think he's probably gonna be eight and a half pounds or so that's amazing that was a wild what three minutes yeah it was insane it was definitely insane but that's an awesome fish here we're gonna grab a couple pictures of you with this fish we're gonna get something back in the water we're gonna weigh the big one and then we're gonna get back out this can catch another one i am so stoked that i caught this beautiful fish we're gonna let him go and see if we can catch more and also get a weight on cole's fish because he's got a big one up there all right oh we'll see yeah graceful i know that is sick beautiful there's that beast i just caught if we're starting to finally hook up with more of these fish that are biting which is exciting i think this is going to be the biggest of the day so far oh yeah although the one that jay just caught and released was just so beautiful i think that's definitely the fish of the day but um yeah let's get a quick weight on him we gave him a good drink just a second to go about oh did you see that did he hit you oh my gosh oh near he got me out he got me shoo we both got me again come on bro let's see that's so funny 7 15 again what's up with that wait mine was 6 15. are you just 16. what is it if you're 16 or 10 15. you're 6 15. mine is 6 15. okay how about say i would say there's no way there we go 7 15. okay wait it twice exactly one pound bigger exactly one pound heavier what a cool fish i think we're gonna let him go on this side of the spillway it's nice rich running oxygenated water and i have a feeling this guy was gonna tell his buddies that we're after him so we're gonna go on this side oh my god i saved his life okay we're gonna send him back free willy he about died oh yeah he about got got buy some concrete i saved him i got one i think i got one guys yup oh oh it jumped he's coming to me look at that thing look at that i think where's our net he's in the bush golly whoa get him jay yes teamwork we're doing a little better once you get them hooked it seems like they don't come off too bad if you get hooked good enough there we go oh i should have i should have uh well it'd be all right i should have lip gripped him i had the hook in there it's like almost impossible for the mouse beckham but we'll just hold him we'll get a death grip there you go that's another nice one is that my fourth one third one third third third or fourth i think it's the third one another solid fish probably seven pounds nice not as big as the last one i don't think but still a good one he's not really blue but he's cool and i love him it's a great fight i love how like how close up it is too it's like our baits are 10 feet out in front of us and then they just go nuts yeah okay let's give him a nice little toss back in see you later man see ya oh whoo we going where are you going he wants to stay he looks like an anaconda he does oh gosh well because we get bill goldman here hey you got to go you got to go you're in the mosque there he goes heck yeah i think we're tied up now yummy had to get you back from when you got me earlier okay that's awesome i like that spot over there a lot better that spot right there did me dirty that spot it's doing me a lot better let's catch some more come on oh oh he pulled the water okay got him you got him keep the pressure on him pressure on him come on oh that's a good one in it he's way out there just keep pressure on him yes yes he's going this way come this way with him he is fighting like crazy does he have colors oh my gosh yes it has been a while he might pull the right on the water he did that was awesome oh what a fight you got like the full fight because he was way out there yeah that was awesome jay got a fish and i got a fish not to double trouble him again yeah oh he's good he's good he's good we doubled up again boys and girls wow that's a good one whoa when we catch one we catch two yeah that's crazy let's show you these fish guys we got two fish they look like twins yes big old boffins for days how's about that for our second daily double of the day i can't tell which one's bigger this might be a little bit larger yeah i think yours is just a little bit bigger but that was awesome it's like when we catch one we catch two we have like four rods we probably get we probably get four bites at the same time so many fish out here it's crazy like we have these two and i still see like so many disservices i know it's just crazy but anyways how much fun is this it's a blast it's it's just so much fun it fights so hard we're having a real good time out here and i know that for those of you who've been watching the channel for a while you've seen us make this video like every year and we like literally look forward to this time of year every year so we come out here and catch these fish it's just a really special opportunity to catch these guys but um we're going to toss these boys back into the creek and maybe give it a little bit longer as we catch a couple more there you go i don't like to drop them on the ground nice little torpedoes i think they prefer that yeah we're gonna try to catch one more of these jokers and put the bait back in the magic spot next to these bushes seems like it's about three feet deep right there on that edge but then it definitely drops off to like six feet right here and they're swimming up and down that edge and they can't resist these shad heads see how long that takes i bet it takes less than five minutes to get bit the way they're biting oh my gosh your line is so slack is he there oh he's there and he's big he's big oh my gosh look at the boil look at the boil look at that boil down there oh my gosh jj that's a monster don't let me go down the pipe i'm coming i'm coming yes he's not as big as i thought he was no but he was wild that was awesome these fish are insane that is another beauty jay another nice like five or six pounder i'm not sure how many we've caught now we started off kind of slow we were getting the bites but we weren't linking up with them i think this is the fastest action we've ever had out here it's very possible and if we stay out here afternoon there's no telling how many we could catch but unfortunately our time is running out here it might sneak in a couple more i don't know i'm trying to sway you to let me stay out here a little longer but um i know there's some things we got to get back home to do so let's get this fish back in the water and let's maybe catch another one i guess we can catch another one we should catch another one can try we might catch one that's solid blue you never know give it a little bit longer yeah just give it like give it like 10 minutes okay 10 minutes okay got a fish guys got a fish just let the j's fish go oh he's way in the oh my gosh oh my gosh what a specimen don't break it that's a monster you have to get the net that's a monster i don't know if this might be the biggest this might be the biggest that's definitely the biggest get over here oh my gosh see that's what happens when you fish a little bit longer jay look at that beats guys i think that might be the biggest one of the day he needs to touch eight pounds to be the biggest oh my gosh i think it's gonna be eight pounds we walked over here to look at the spillway because we heard some noise and i looked back and my line was going i was like oh my gosh it's got a fish so he munched it a little bit longer that's probably got him look at that mouth got a little bit of blue got some needle sharp teeth what a fish i think he's gonna be eight what do you think i think so let's find it go oh yeah holy smokes eight pounds nine ounces wow not a bad bowfin at all beautiful fish fought good jumped good looks like i mean a monster monster he first came in and he is still feisty so we're gonna get him back in the water while he's hot and uh yeah i think we're gonna call it a day that was definitely worth staying out here another 10 minutes it was that's a good fish to end on oh well there we go that was probably our least racial retreat that was awesome [Music] so [Music] okay guys we just caught that last boat and we packed our stuff up we're walking the trail back to the car and we have our eyes on a black racer hiding here in the shadows i think it's a black racer there he is he looks to be like probably a three foot snake he's just chilling but we're gonna try to catch him we gotta be so fast he definitely sees us oh yeah he's gonna spring so i'm going to spring ready set go got him got him and he's not going to bite me either cuz i got his head whoa that was like the easiest black racer catch of my life i know normally they're so hard to catch i'll just tell you when he's starting to wiggle his tail around oh he was just cold up he was hoping we would just walk right past him but i got those eagle eyes when it comes to these snakes i wanted to catch a lot of snakes this year and this is the time of year to catch them they're out and about this one here was just in there basking this guy was probably just all cooled up sitting there waiting for like a frog or something to come by and he wasn't going to chase it down these these snakes are so fast they're going to flicker in his tongue he's actually being quite chill there he is as soon as i say that he said hello i will bite you these guys are about as naughty as the water snakes that we like to catch i would say they're even naughtier and they always bite but so cool what a beautiful snake stinky too i smell it a little stinky but i don't actually think he got on i mean he just pooped on himself which is nice most of the time you know they just poop all over us but that is really cool this is our first racer catch of the year this isn't the biggest that they get but still a really quality size snake and an awesome find an awesome way to cap off today's video oh yeah so what we're gonna do i'm gonna set him down here in the trail let him ease back on into the grass get back to doing his things hopefully not stressing out too much we just wanted to catch him so we can show you guys this guy up close y'all get good look at him one last look at him look at that tongue and he's just squirming right through my hand so pretty he's probably thinking about biting me okay we don't need any bites today we're gonna send you back let's see how fast he is you ready that's it not that fat i was pretty fast that was pretty fast no sneaky pass awesome we got a bunch of bop in and we got a snake perfect colin j video well i think that is a perfect stopping point for today's video we caught a lot of fish yeah we got rained on we know we missed a lot of fish we missed a ton of fish guys we are gonna come back next time with some big j-hooks so we can just drop the hammer on them yeah you know normally the circle hooks work well but for whatever reason just like our gear was like just not stiff enough to really drive those hooks home and it's kind of weird sitting hook on a circle hook when the fish are like right in front of you it's how you need some distance between you and the fish to get some like some slack in it but anyways the sun's out now it's bright and sunny but there's another big storm out that way it's going to come and smash us up so we got to get out of here so we hope that you all enjoyed today's video if so you know what to do smash the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel leave some comments down below letting us know what kind of fish you'd like to see us catch next and we will see you on the next one bye guys bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cole & Jay
Views: 796,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole and jay, fishing, spillway, spillway fishing, outdoors, bowfin, spillway monsters, big fish, cut bait, shad, lady angler, fishing girl, fun, nature
Id: OTuVl54UVkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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