We Caught HUGE FISH Below a Private UNTOUCHED SPILLWAY!! (Kayak Camping)

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this is a pretty substantial one big head shakes I think it's the right kind of oh he's heavy we'll just hang on my heart is beating out of my chest oh my River hats I'm out here on this super duper remote River I'm not sure how close the nearest house is to where we're at but I promise you it's it's not very close and I have a bait straight down and I hope to repeat this process many many times and hopefully catch a big fish so let's go we are at a little bit of a dilemma the uh we brought quite what we thought were quite a few baits but we are at least halfway through everything we have and we should have brought crawlers I thought about bringing crawlers but the end result is we brought no Crawlers so I don't know what we're gonna do for bait if we run out it might be a kick back relax enjoy the campfire and blow it on out of here in the morning but hopefully between that point and this very moment there's a a really big fish interjected and there's a variety of different kinds of big fish in this place I don't know it's neat it's like Jurassic Park I think we need to get moving no nothing just us we're probably the pigs later wow this is a gnarly looking Bend too is that a brush pile there might actually be a brush pile not much one I guess looks like most of it's on the bank is that like a 55 gallon drum The Sandbar yeah I definitely don't want to look inside because bait's low I'm giving myself a self-prescribed one rod limit unless I see something amazing or you know that once we get to Camp I'll probably run two or I'm somehow able to catch a little bait there's a little creek running in here that's where bait things happen often times one of the coolest Parts about this whole float is we're planning on camping at a private Spillway locking down as the crow flies we have like a mile about a mile and a half like three miles as the curl flies yeah it's every bit of two miles now the more I look at it on here [Applause] hopefully we don't have to Portage around the dam out of the water but on one side it's five feet on this side it's about 15 the current's pushing right into it and yeah it is a little wonky on this side I say I'm restricting myself to one round a little bit [Music] I'll put out two what's that I cheated I said I wasn't gonna put a live bluegill down and it took 30 seconds once I did another camo one today is I don't know this river is awesome it keeps getting more and more awesome I had a feeling it might be like this and uh but to see it in person pretty damn honestly it's just awesome yeah it dropped off big time back there but it's shallowing up over here this River functions funny the bank isn't that steep over here either so we'll see we'll see that's all I know we'll see chance it's rising up a little bit we're in 16 feet right here there's enough water to hide a catfish we'll see if it does hide a catfish definitely gonna drop that gross bluegill head down just to see what happens and probably gonna drop a live one down because I can't help myself I was gonna say no flatheads here but damn that ate the nasty bluegill head oh he's in there blue cat oh wow that's more of what I wanted so we have two fish on can't get that holder not out of the holder wow this went to chaos real quick no [Music] you busting me off wow busted 60. pull and drag like crazy I'm shaking oh yeah I have a blue cat on well that was kind of nuts foreign how nothing had happened and then that Rod gets hit and while that's going nuts that Rod gets hit so I don't know I wonder if him pulling drags sought it against this braid but we will never know it was big it was really big bad luck today it's like the best best day of bad luck ever just bad luck on big fish and all the little guys well before all that pandemonium started I was going to tell you about the fishing rods I'm using and not using whisker Seeker odds anymore man I'm like shaking right now that was really really big I got some ideas on different things I'm gonna do but in the meantime I built myself a set and I really like them so far the rods for sure I'm still getting used to these reels they put out a lot more drag than what I'm used to using so that might factor in I don't know I didn't think the drag was set that tight and I still don't think the drag's set that tight so I don't know what happened 60 pound broke right at the hook and it hurts my feelings that's that's all I really know for sure been a while since I've had my feelings hurt like that well we are at the dam and I can hear it loud and clear which probably isn't a good sign for just paddling through it I'm glad we got here with plenty of daylight to kind of evaluate we're either gonna go over it or I'm gonna gotta figure out right now it sounds mean though I'm gonna say let's approach on the east side approach it on the East Side because the from what I looking at the banks the east side looks like the easier Bank to Portage if we have to it's a little shallower slope I still can't even talk very good after that fish pretty mean bud I'm gonna bet this is gonna be a porta Jean thing yeah we're gonna go investigate closer and see what we gotta do I'm not gonna lie I've kind of always wanted to run a set of rabbits like that but if I do I would like to do it in a place where help would be quickly accessible and this ain't one of them so as much as I think that bank is going to suck to drag all our stuff up and around I don't think we have any other choice so I went and scoped the scene and it's precarious to say the least um it's gonna suck to haul everything up and send everything down but it's a pretty cool spot looks fishy we'll see but we got some work to do we did it River Rats we met we oh you didn't break a hip did you no no okay good we got all of this stuff and Chris over here from up that giant hill we actually had to tie a rope in like trapeze down I think that's the right word but we made it we were on the correct side of that and I'm hoping there's some fish here I'm gonna poke around with the graph and stuff we're either gonna camp on this side or that side I'm not sure which this backwards current though I could make it tough to fish off the bank because you cast all your baits out this way and then they end up all in the same spot in this way which that's not a bad spot but it's tough to spread lines out so we're gonna go look over there well we made it from over there to over here on trash island yeah it's pretty gross kind of sad but as far as how the current sets up below the lock I feel like this is our best shot at catching a big fish could be totally wrong but I feel good about it be nice be nice to have some Redemption all right we're gonna we're gonna get everything set up well things have definitely quieted down and a few fish bites and stuff happened and smell it out but I'm probably gonna go to sleep here shortly and hopefully we'll wake up to a clicker rolling that'd be sweet I think I have them felt and bounce off a log I'm getting big old head shakes ooh there's some power there okay cool I don't know what this is but uh I want to find out it's rubbing on something hop up over that edge buddy oh yeah he is right here oh nice flat head sweet okay yeah that's a Dandy what a way to wake up beat you yeah this is a with doozy as they say and uh I don't know who they are I don't know you know necessarily what a doozy means but I mean I barely know what planet I'm on I just got woke up by a bait clicker and a tent out in the middle of nowhere but that was fun and I would like to do it again back to the water she goes or he whatever the case may be okay A Monks releasing you amongst this mountain of trash see you buddy sweet good morning no more action other than that really nice fish last night we got everything packed up and we're ready to head down wherever we got I don't know two three four 12 miles somewhere in that range and uh got a little bit of bait left I'm gonna try to pick a few more spots back or apart on our way down yay catfish it is pretty sad slash gross to see all the trash are out of here would be a pretty pretty cool River if it wasn't for all that but is what it is we picked up all our trash and a little bit more and I feel like that's all anybody could reasonably be expected of anybody that's just my opinion it ain't worth nothing first spot not very far if it's anything like yesterday this will not take very long so I'm hoping it's just like yesterday stretch river is completely isolated like covered by private property there's that lock that we went over in a lock on the bottom side so these fish should be really dumb might have just jinxed myself let's see though well apparently today it's not like yesterday because you've been down for 10 minutes and no nipples yet but we're gonna keep moving this is a pretty substantial one big head shakes I think it's the right kind it's heavy it's gonna just hang on my heart is beating out of my chest oh my God hang on okay okay I backed the drag off after busting that one off yesterday so we're just gonna try to fight him like a crash should have done it these guys not a show stopper but pretty dang nice fish release hooked right on the end of the snoot come here so powerful and cool looking good oh yeah that's a nice one look at him everybody I like him a lot that's the last thing that bluegill saw right there I think I probably worn that joke out but me personally I get a kick out of it yeah this is fun one fun size I guess I couldn't ask for much more we might have enough I'm assuming a little guy you take my bait I bet he did excited this might be my last spot it is choked full of Timber in like 25 feet of water and with the current the way it is it's pretty much one of them where I'ma toss in there and I have zero expectations of getting anything back so hopefully a fish eats it and I can fight him out of there well you got that one for the moment oh the little blue yeah they're kind of little jerks I wonder how many of uh the bites I've been getting are those and I just whiff them because they don't have it in their mouth that's what I'm going to tell myself I got one going right now as the crow flies we are 1.3 miles away according to Onyx which means last time we wind around it's probably more like two miles yeah I mean we're going two to three miles an hour so we got an hour of floating I think that's a good rationale to get moving especially because we got bit right away and then it slowed down this is their last spot not a great spot but probably the best spot we're gonna see between here and where we take out so I decided toss some baits in there just to see what happened but if if this is the end of the video was uh quite the adventure to say the least even by my fairly adventurous standards there's definitely a level of suck in no Adventure is a real Adventure without some level of suck so we got that box checked but appreciate you taking time to watch if you liked hit the like button if you want to see more hit the Subscribe button thanks for watching hope you catch a giant thank you foreign
Channel: Spencer - River Certified
Views: 123,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lake fishing, bank fishing, camping, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rig, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, primitive, bait, kayak camping, for, creek, shallow, exploring, ty pigpatrol, line, missouri, remote, pond, fishing trip, adventure, florida, catfishing, dam, bobber, float, spring, kayak, kayak fishing, We Caught HUGE FISH Below a Private UNTOUCHED SPILLWAY!! (Kayak Camping)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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