THE BEST Southern Pound Cake Recipe (All-Butter) Step-by-Step | My Grandmother's FAMOUS Recipe!

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hey y'all welcome back so we are keeping it going with these thanksgiving and holiday themed recipes and now we're tackling some desserts and i'm super hyped i'm actually having a lot of fun filming these videos and i'm getting like more and more excited every time i get to share something new with y'all so this time we're making a pound cake this is actually my grandmother's pound cake recipe i've spent many many many many many many hours in the kitchen with her making this recipe and those are memories that i will always hold dear to me and always they will always be fond memories so this video is dedicated to her so let's go ahead and get into it so i got a big bowl here you will need a big bowl this is not something you can make in a small bowl so the first thing i'm going to do is take some room temperature butter i'm using the salted butter but you can use unsalted if you want either one works i always just use the sweet cream butter and i'm going to add in three sticks [Music] if you have a stand mixer this is definitely the time to whip it out because this takes a good amount of time as far as like whipping the butter up with the sugar so yes use that bad boy if you got one but i don't so i'm gonna use a hand mixer so i'm gonna go ahead and whip the butter first just a little bit and then i'm gonna add in the sugar [Music] okay so my bow is trying to fly everywhere so i'm gonna put a wet towel underneath it so it'll hold it in place the next step is the sugar and this is just plain granulated sugar and you're going to need three cups [Music] [Music] and this is not one of those recipes that will allow you to just dump everything into the bowl you have to kind of take your time with this one you have to do everything in a particular order otherwise your results might not turn out like you want so keep that in mind when you decide to make this it's not that time consuming but you got to kind of do things the right way so i'm going to go ahead and whip the butter and sugar or cream the butter and sugar together um and i will show you exactly what it's supposed to look like but it's going to take maybe about five minutes to get it there [Music] so you'll see that it works in stages so this is kind of the first stage that you come to when you're doing this creaming process so you're starting to get these crumbles that form and then you'll continue to whip it and i'll show you the next stage [Music] okay so here's the next step you can see that we are beyond like the crumbly stage and now we're in like a this looks like a cookie dough to me so this is kind of like the next stage but this is still not where you want to end up so just keep whipping [Music] so this is what you're looking for you're looking for a super creamy mixture you're looking for pretty much no resistance as you're moving through it with the mixer this is a great time to walk away if you're using a stand mixer and just let it do its thing but do not skip this step because this is how you get all of that air into the butter some kind of chemical reaction happens between the butter and the sugar and it creates i think the sugar crystals kind of slice through the butter and create this aerated texture and you want all that so do not skip this so now that we're there we're going to move on to the next step and that is to add six eggs one at a time mixing in between each addition [Music] so [Music] so here we go we got all the eggs incorporated and it's looking good already so now we're gonna start adding in the flour and you're gonna it's gonna take three total cups of flour to complete this recipe and then you want to alternate that with milk so i'm gonna do three cups of flour one at a time and one total cup of milk so it's going to be about 1 3 cup of milk after each cup of flour you could also substitute sour cream for some of the milk you could use cream cheese for some of the milk recently i didn't have um one of the extracts that i used in this recipe and i felt like it didn't have enough flavor so what i did was put a little bit of coffee creamer in it and that gave it great flavor and it worked perfectly so if you wanted to do a flavored pound cake you could definitely add a coffee creamer to flavor it so many possibilities but let's go ahead and do the flour and milk and i'm using two percent milk i always just use two percent milk because i never have whole milk but you could probably do evaporated milk if you have that or whole milk and i'm using plain all-purpose flour i'm not using cake flour but you can sometimes she would use cake flour a lot of the time she would sift her flour i don't do that and it still turns out perfectly good but i do kind of fluff the flour up inside the bag before i put it in so now it's time to add in the salt baking powder and also the extracts and flavorings that we're going to use so i'm going to use vanilla extract as well as lemon and do not skimp on the extract if you want it to have a lot of flavor like a lot a lot a lot if it doesn't taste flavorful while it's um in batter form it won't be flavorful when it's baked so i would say i probably do at least two tablespoons of each one honestly speaking [Music] then we're going to go in with the baking powder and she always did three to four teaspoons of baking powder [Music] [Music] and then we're going to do a teaspoon of salt [Music] when this hits your nose after you start mixing it up after you put those extracts in you'll understand why you need them so just try it like i know it might sound like a lot i know that it's probably not what you're used to but trust me you need it and it's bomb [Music] and this is exactly what you're looking for you wanted to form those ribbons while you're mixing it you want it to be silky and airy and just so i went ahead and scraped the bowl down and now i'm going to give it one final mix and we will pop it into the pan and i always use a tube pan when i'm making this because that's what she used um she actually bought me this one and it comes in two pieces so what you can do is lift the cake out like that once it's done cooking and it makes it a little bit easier for you to remove the cake from the pan but what i will say is if you have a two piece two pan like this one sometimes if you don't flour it really well in the bottom the batter can seep out through the bottom and it can create some issues and burning and smoking in your oven and you're just losing your cake so you don't really want to do that so definitely add some extra flour to kind of clog up this part around the edges so you can avoid that and as far as greasing the pan normally what i do is take some cooking spray and then i take some flour and i will just kind of take the flour like this and go around the pan and make sure that it's coated that way and then i just hold it turn it over and get the extra flour out that way but i wanted to try the baking spray this time i'm still going to add a little bit of flour though just because like i said i don't want to run into that issue where the fl where the batter seeps out if you want to use a bun pan for this recipe you can use that as well you could really do whatever you want that's up to you so i found this baking spray at aldi decided to give it a try [Music] and you want to make sure that you're also hitting this part because it will stick there too now i'm going to add just a little bit of flour just so that i can get it into that crevice [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm making such a mess trying to do this while filming [Music] okay so i'm going to put this in a 350 degree oven and it's going to take at least an hour to bake what i will say is try not to open the oven door if you don't have to but after about 45 minutes if it's getting kind of brown and you don't want it to go too much further than that drop the temperature down to 325 so it can continue baking but it won't get too brown i could scrape the bowl completely but i don't because i want to leave a little bit for them to have the bowl i always got to have the bowl when i was younger and the spoon and these so i try to save all this stuff for them so they can eat the batter that's just one of those things that happens in your childhood that you don't forget and i want my kids to have those same fond memories so i always save a little bit of cake mix inside the bowl for them so i just pulled the cake out of the oven you know it's done when you touch the top and it springs back and also if you were to stick a toothpick or something in it will come out pretty much clean if it has like one or two crumbs on it i still go with it because you want your cake to be moist and not dry so i'm going to give this like 15 minutes to cool down a little bit before i take it out of the pan so it's been about 15 minutes so what i'm going to do is take this paring knife you want something like kind of a slim knife and just go around the edges of the pan with it this is i can already feel that this cake is already kind of pulling away from the pan so that's good you can see if there's barely anything on the knife even after doing that so now i'm just going to lift it out if you're trying to lift it and it doesn't come out if you have this two-piece pan which you can do is take this and run it here so you can see what's stopping it just kind of loosen that up and now you can see it's more much more willing to come out so now i can lift it out without any problems so this cake looks perfect [Music] so this is completely up to you but what i've taken to doing lately is just leaving it on this middle piece and just cutting it from here um and that is definitely an option for you if you don't want to risk messing it up trying to unmold it but um you can also just flip it out onto a plate and one more thing you can do if you want if you know that you want to get it off of here is take your knife and loosen it up here so you can run your knife this way too and that will also help you to loosen it up so that when you turn it off when you turn it out onto a plate it won't like rip your cake so that's what i'm gonna do just because i need to take pictures of it [Music] [Music] okay so here we go this is the tricky part in order to flip your cake you put your plate on top and then you kind of got to do it all in one motion it's still hot so i'm gonna put a potholder underneath put my plate on top and one two three boom and here is my cake you could leave it upside down she always left hers upside down but what i'm going to do is flip it onto its right side [Music] and i like this plate better so i'm gonna put it back on here [Music] and there we go we have a beautiful pound cake and now i'm going to go ahead and cut it for y'all so you can see what the inside looks like i want you to be able to see the crumb and all that i want you to know exactly what this cake is supposed to look like [Music] you can see that the slice came out perfectly there's no falling nothing weird happened to it in the oven so taking your time and really making sure to cream the butter and sugar together and just add every egg in separately and doing that whole process really makes a difference in the outcome of your cake so i hope you guys try this recipe and let me know if you do and what you think about it and that is it for this video don't forget to subscribe and send this video to someone that you think might enjoy it thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Danielle LaShawn
Views: 593,272
Rating: 4.8753524 out of 5
Keywords: cake recipes, soul food, how to bake, learn to cook, cooking videos, pound cake, how to make pound cake, pound cake recipe, southern pound cake recipe, how to make southern pound cake, thanksgiving recipes, thanksgiving recipe, holiday recipe, thanksgiving desserts, thanksgiving dessert ideas, holiday desserts, holiday dessert ideas, grandmas pound cake, grandmothers pound cake, how to bake a cake, how to bake a pount cake, step by step
Id: mCtIKFpatkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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