Homemade 7up Pound Cake Recipe - From Scratch | Cooking With Carolyn

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hi guys there we're going to be making a 7up pound cake really easy and from scratch but before we get started I wanted to show you a couple of pans that I have one a friend lent me so that I wanted to show you guys don't get rid of antiques or things that are passed down to you just because they may look a little tattered or old but this is a fabulous baking pan or bundt pan from swans down swans down and that's the cake flour that we buy still today they still sell their cake flour in stores but this is a cake pan it's about 60 years old his grandmother purchased it in the 60s probably early 60s for about 6 bucks so I went on eBay and I wanted to see how much these are going for right now they are going for like 78 and 80 dollars these are considered antique and I'm gonna tell you I baked this particular recipe in this bundt pan and it turned out fabulous it turned out absolutely delicious so what he told me how he takes care of it because he still uses it to this day is that he will when he's done baking with it he'll just rinse it out with some nice hot water no bleach or anything like that but he keeps it clean that way so it stays seasoned and it's really smooth inside when you feel it so if you run into pans like this thank you they looked a turd just clean them up as best you can and then try to use them and keep them nice and clean because these are so unique and they still turn out fabulous cakes even over 60 years later now I have a fluted baking pan or a fluted bundt pan excuse me that I have also that was handed down to me and it's really nice the reason why I won't give this one up is because of the weight it is so heavy that I can tell this is a great conductor of heat so I'm not going to get rid of it and I'm going to keep it and I did bake the recipe that we're going to bake today in this fluted pan so it doesn't matter you're going to see me using a age of food pan in this particular video because I love what it does for the 7-up cake recipe gets that nice crust on the outside but you can also use your fluted bundt pan it's just a matter of choice so when we go through this recipe see which pan you have shop around and see if you can get some for bargain it's not an issue at all you're going to enjoy it onto the cake we're gonna start by getting three sticks of butter nice and whipped and next we're gonna add our sugar now before everybody gasped about the amount of sugar it does look like a lot it's three cups but this is a pound cake we we know this job was dirty when we took actually I tried making this cake with less sugar and trust me it did not work I was actually upset because I felt like I wasted my butter my sugar my eggs so I'll stick with the measurements the link will be below to the recipe it's gonna take you to GD seasoning com where you can find this recipe and you can make this cake at home if you're wondering why I'm showing you how to add one egg at a time it's because one as you add each egg the batter is going to take on a pale yellowish color too you want to make sure that each egg is well incorporated before you add the next so that just helps your batter along moving on to our extracts I like to add a dab of vanilla extract and then a good amount of lemon extract and that just goes really well with the 7up and the flavor of the cake why this recipe we need one cup of 7up so I'm going to measure that out and then I'm going to add it ultimately with the cake flour so starting and ending with flour okay so one cup of flour goes in and we mix it till it's well incorporated just as a quick reminder guys you can most definitely use a stand mixer to make this cake also or a hand mixer as you can see I'm not having any problems with my hand mixer in goes a half a cup of 7up and we're going to make sure that's well blended and after a while you're going to see me stop so I can scrape down the sides of the bowl that way all of our batter is well incorporated I didn't mention one of the most important things when you're baking this recipe and most cake recipes you need to make sure that your ingredients our room temperature our butter was room temperature the eggs was room temperature and I also made sure that the 7up was room temperature so everything begins at the same base so that was our second cup of flour and I'm getting that well mixed and then I scrape the sides of the bowl down and then I added the last half of the 7up same thing keep on mixing and then the last of the flour after the cake batter is mixed really well and beautifully velvety like this just pour it into a bump in that's been buttered and floured and I use the cake flour the same flour that I used to make the cake that's the flour that you see lined in the pan and then just take your time and pour the batter into the bundt what I was trying to do was stay out of you guys way and so you can actually see what I was doing but I go much faster when I'm doing this actually and you can take your time and put in half of the batter and then make sure it's spread evenly and then go back in with the rest of the batter you know if you're looking for a really inexpensive treat to take to work or even this weekend during the Labor Day holiday this is the recipe for you it doesn't take a lot of time doesn't cost a lot of money and people are always ready for a little something sweet once the cake is done I'm going to go in with a skewer just to make sure it comes out clean just like that and I'm going to let it cool in that pan for about ten or fifteen minutes before I turn it out onto this cooling rack and then I'm going to let it completely cool there for about an hour so I'm not sure what you guys like with your cake but I know what I like with mine a cup of rich black strong coffee goes well with this beautifully fluffy moist deliciously rich 7up pound cake I want to thank you guys for spending this short time with me thanks for watching remember this recipe and a whole lot more can be found at Gd seasoning calm and I'll see you next time this cake can now stay here it has got to go off to work
Channel: CookingWithCarolyn
Views: 1,309,994
Rating: 4.8606434 out of 5
Keywords: homemade 7up pound cake recipe- from scratch cooking with carolyn, homemade 7up pound cake from scratch, homemade 7up pound cake recipe, 7up pound cake, 7up pound cake with swans cake flour, 7up pound cake recipe soul food, 7up pound cake soul food, 7up pound cake made from scratch, gd seasoning homemade 7up pound cake, gd seasoning lemon pound cake, gd seasoning 7up pound cake, gd seasoning recipes, cook with carolyn, grand diamond seasoning 7up pound cake
Id: u1Btk6TkLFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2013
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