LIVE: Salmon Patties & Fresh Fried Okra - Southern Cooking Tutorial

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going to be making salmon patties tonight cream potatoes and some fried okra and it's going to be delicious the kids are eating May's already here Amy's on her way and so I'm going to open up the salmon and pick the bones and stuff out of it because that's what I do and then I have already chopped up our potatoes and our okra and so we'll start frying it up in a minute all right so this salmon of course has the skin and the bones when it comes out of the can this is just double Q pink salmon it's actually I I grew up calling it salmon but when I went to college people taught me to say salmon and so now I most of the time I do say salmon all right so I just grab it uh out of the can I take a little bit of the skin off and you don't have to you can just mix it all up I know a lot of y'all do and then I put the good meat in a bowl that I'm going to mix them up in and I leave the juice and the other stuff in this in this one over here y'all let us know what y'all were doing on a Friday night um are kids still playing football yes so I imagine a lot of people are at football games tonight it's been kind of rainy here um so if you're at a football game you won't be watching us I guess but if you're like us and you don't have any kids to go watch football you're at home so y'all tell us where you're from and where you're watching from tonight since we're live I don't think they're gonna be able to hear me tmy if I talk I bet they can you think y'all hear me when I'm talking that's the first thing we need to find out before I start talking okay we got people from Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa Maryland oh they can hear me if they're telling me where they're from North Carolina can y'all he hear Chris y'all let us know if you can Lancaster South Carolina tville South Carolina some Carolina people all right I'm G to wash my hands and then we're going to add our ingredients in our salmon patties and I'll show you how I make mine all right Milton Florida down there near Pensacola we know where Milton is County we sure know where that is have they told you if they can hear you or not somebody said yes but I don't know awesome you'll have to talk pretty loud I'm sure if you want them to hear you um all right I got some green onion we're going to take three green onion and I'm just taking off the I always take off the outside peel when I do green onions that's just what I do that's what Mama did so that's what I do so I always just peel the outside off of it the the outer most one I cut some of the leaves off and then we're going to chop these up and uh since my chopping block is on that side I'm just going to come around chop these up and we're going to throw them in here so I like green onion in our salmon patties and my hands uh wet from just washing my hands so I got to be careful so if you've never put green onion onion in your salmon patties you ought to give it a try it's really good my daughter my Amy my youngest absolutely loves salmon patties my potatoes are uh starting to boil over there I need to go rescue them let me get these two big pieces out when you bow potatoes I bring them to a bowl with a lid on but you can't leave the lid on unless you want a big bowl mess can you okay I'm going to come back around there and I'm going throw these onions in here and then I'll trade with You Chris again so we're just going to chop these up a little bit get them in here in our Bowl KY dokie I like having my sink right here next to me it's convenient should have got me out of um now sod do you can't get right there right up under my feet honey bun all right so we're using this recipe it's in our first cookbook on page 100 actually so you put it egg in there um I use flour a lot of flour compared to most people uh but most people that try my salmon patties love them so we're going to use a half cup of flour we're going to use A4 cup of cornmeal mix that's white lily self rizing cornmeal mix so it does have flour in it already and we use about half teaspoon of pepper we use about a/4 teaspoon of [Music] cayenne and I typically put a little juice in here as well and I mix them up I'm going to get me a real spoon to mix these up it's going to Clank a little bit but that's all right we're live tonight we're cooking just like Mama did and uh we might make a little noise I noticed somebody from let's see I saw somebody from along Island New York oh wow we used to have neighbors in that were from Long Island yeah our neighbor across the street PA County was from Long Island I know I saw a Iowa remember that do you remember Rudy and Irene's last name uh no me either their names were Rudy and Irene Miss Rudy I mean Miss Mr Rudy and Miss Irene and colie we love them we lived there long enough we did see them transition to heaven and um I'm adding a little bit to this CU I put a little bit more juice than I normally do sorry about that y'all but hey it is what it is I want to be able to form them into patties all right so we're going to get these over here I'm going to turn on my oil and while this oil is getting warm we're going to mix up some okra and I'm using corn oil if you want to know what kind of oil I'm using that's what my granny used uh when she cooked with everything she used corn oil and we're going to turn both of these up cuz we're going to fry our okra in here we're going to do our salmon patties in here now it's not going to take near as long to fry up some salmon patties as it is to um cook the okra cook the okra but you know I haven't cooked on the stove so it may cook fast so um our potatoes are boiling good and I don't want them to Splash in my grease so I'm gonna turn them down just a little bit put them in the middle I don't want them in the middle I I had them in the middle earlier but I just don't really want them over there just not what I want all right we're going to step over here again baby I'm going to mix this up okay here's our okra I cut it up there's a lot of it I'm going to put some buttermilk on it and toss it in that buttermilk and then we're going to put some flour on it salt and pepper as well let's toss it in the buttermilk first now you want to get enough buttermilk on there that your batter is going to stick to it but not so much that it's runny runny so just put a little buttermilk on it see it's coated pretty good A buttermilk tastes so good on fried okra and I'm using whole buttermilk if you use the low fat then it's not going to be as thick it's not going to stick to it quite as good but if that's all you can get that's all you can get now I'm going to be honest with you uh if that's all you can get you might be better off getting a little bit of sour cream and tossing it some sour cream that would be delicious and you're probably like Oh My Mama never had sour cream but you know what your mama probably had whole buttermilk and now they don't even hardly sell it no more but back then everybody had it we didn't have this lowfat stuff that we do today which is fine if that's what you're drinking drinking but when you're just using it to batter something it's nice to have thick buttermilk okay so now I'm going to just going to toss some flour in it and my mother did use cornmeal and flour when she battered her okra but I don't I use flour only and I use self-rising white lily flour and it's nice and crunchy um and delicious when you make okra with it it's some good stuff ain't it Chris I'm trying to get all that flour on it that's down in the bottom all right that's ready to drop so we're frying some stuff tonight there's there's me a piece of okra in there it's already hot so this oven's going to work pretty dog on good I do believe so I'm going to have to um I don't know which one I'm playing with at the time there it goes so that is nice and hot I would say it's ready ready boy there's a big difference in this oven and what I've been used to yes it does woooo makes me happy makes me happy and I and I loaded it so it needs to be hot don't it matter of fact I'm gonna turn it up turn it up since I loaded it down and then these are my salmon patties and I just you can turn them around like a croquet I mean roll them if you want to Mama never did she just threw them in there but I don't think my uh oil is ready over here yet it's not quite ready so while we're waiting a minute I'll roll a couple of these and then I got to get me some um paper towels and stuff ready for when they come off and if you haven't seen the kitchen yet I'll back up whole thing some people have it all right Daddy are we ready to drop these or stay can t me sticking to me I usually just use my spoon I was trying to do it pretty for y'all tonight guess I should have stuck with my spoon I'm gonna rake this off go wash my hands CU I got half the salmon patties on my hands no I don't really just a little bit but we don't want to waste n Amy's taking some to a friend of hers so that's why I'm cooking a lot she's going to take a plate home tonight she had a test today and she should be on her way I hope here's me a rag I can use right here here all righty so we got it cooking come on over here Chris let them see the food'll turn up my potatoes a little looks good don't it you can see them onions in there good make some pretty too y'all make some pretty they're okas frying good now you don't want to touch it until it's go golden brown and I've got it in my walk today I can test the bottom and make sure it's not burning I guess right in the middle oh it's fine we're just going to let that sit in there and cook till it's nice and Brown I love using the walk because you don't have to use as much grease or oil whatever you call it um you don't have to use as much when you're frying them and when I flip my salmon patties I kind of smash them a little so I flip them and smash them you're going to let them get golden now I put a lot of flour in them so I do cook mine a few minutes cuz you want to make sure that they're done on the inside and that they've raised up puffy and pretty I don't like musy salmon patties on the inside nor crab cakes I like them to be done so this is they're really pretty and golden I'm GNA turn my heat down a little bit now that I flipped them over I I can't I haven't figured out which which one's want yet I'm pretty sure that that's the front you turn down I turned down the back I'll get it eventually I guess all right so let's get us something to put these on because these are going to get done pretty quick how is everybody tonight we got many people watching 00 oh that's pretty good for Facebook thank y'all for watching all right we going to let these get golden we're not going to rush them because you want them to get good nice and done on the inside and then we'll drop the rest of them and I'm going put them up here under this light when they're done they'll be good good good let's see how much uh our potatoes are getting done I need a fork I'm just running Chris out of the kitchen now I doubt I stay on long enough to cream the potatoes in front of y'all um I'll probably just fry up this food get it under the warmer let that be it and then cream my potatoes once we're off here most of y'all know how I cream my potatoes by now that's about five times faster in that other yeah it's still not quite ready to flip not quite there getting there but not quite there y'all we get these out pretty and one can of salmon goes a pretty long way when you do when you cook it like I do all right we'll turn that on drop some more this time I'm just going to drop them like Mama would do your way she would drop them and then smash them let's just make a big one that'll be a big one okay we smash them I know I'm sticking to it here let's let me use this and smash them it'll be wet they're sticky all right leave this out did y'all notice my new canisters I got for my flour and stuff I don't have them on the website yet for y'all but I really like them they're big they're gallon size and they hold a 5B bag perfectly perfectly all right that Oak I'm smelling it I better turn it starting to smell it means you better turn it oh it looks good don't it still not quite there you want it to get nice and brown before you flip it let's see how this over here looks it looks Brown you don't want to flip it too much oh it looks good though all right I'm gonna put this stuff back over here clean up my space while daddy look shall watch the food I'm sure when I walk wearing this um thing to talk in I've never had one I've never had a lapel before y'all do you like it can you tell it should help with the echo in here we do have high ceilings show them how high up it goes Chris goes pretty high my cat would like some of that I'm GNA put it right there for her everybody's going to be have happy tonight even the cats there's a stupid fly in here you tell we live out in the boonies it's real life there's flies oh did y'all see my swing can opener it's pretty cool if y'all hadn't seen it see how it works it's kind of like a commercial one um I do have that on the website I love that thing I had one woman send me a personal email and tell me that she got one and that she was amazed at how much easier it was for her to open cans cuz she has arthritis so if you suffer from it it is a good handy thing my sister thinks I'm crazy she uses an electric one she's like tamy why in the world don't you have an electric can opener and I'm like cuz I don't want it that on the counter I got all this other stuff out on the counter but I don't know I just I've never had one since we've been married have I Chris getting Brown now maybe I'll get you one for Christmas or something I'm gonna turn this light off so y'all can see the pretty o cuz that red light makes it look weird you see how pretty it's frying up and what I like about using flow look at that see that beautiful crust it's crunchy and delicious and let me show you something else you look down at the bottom of my grease and it's not full of cornmeal because that's what happens to Okra when you put cornmeal on it half of it goes down in the bottom of the skillet if you don't believe me just give it a try I bet you if you try your okra with buttermilk and self-rising flour you will make it again I have people tell me all the time they try that too they like it it's it's pretty warm sanding over the stove though when it's on High boy that's pretty though ain't it I love my new stove y'all oh and let me tell y'all something about it you know if you were on here the first time I made biscuits in it um they didn't Brown I put them in this little oven I didn't know it but the oven The Little Oven don't have one but somebody taught me a trick I haven't tried it yet but I need to me and Chris don't get up eat biscuits every day but um anyway it has a convection on this side I can turn it on and it really gets everything Brown like it should so uh that's nice because I was worried about that not having a I was afraid my baked good wasn't going to Brown good but they do they're going to all right let me fix me something to get this okra out on put it on a pie plate I think it's ready don't you you think it's ready daddy perfect wow that looks a lot better than the first OCH I fried in this kitchen on that electric stove don't it oh Lord yeah yeah we I didn't know what I was doing y I'm just used to gas I cook better on it you know you get used to what you get used to but now I grew up with electric we just had a plain old electric coil stove like most of us did back in the day and even my granny had she had a big stove and a bunch of you know two ovens and all that she still had electric that's the reason Tammy wanted this oven cuz her grand had a double oven yes that was the whole purpose we wanted that double oven and now we got it and a lot of y'all are uh like well y it's only you and Chris but uh lots of times now I cook for May and Amy and their friends so we have more to feed than we did back in the day but that okra is absolutely gorgeous now that is perfectly fried okra not too Brown not too light I mean it's good see and I turned it off and it's off and um see the it's just wonderful it's just wonderful so we're going to turn on our heat lamps and keep this stuff warm up here while I cream some potatoes how many we got going on now Chris 694 do y'all want to stay on while I cream my potatoes it's up to y'all as well might as well may you start our video good we're playing a video on YouTube tonight for Pino cheese I'll show y'all that in just a minute so y'all can go over there and watch it if you want to when this goes off let's see the front is this one yeah all right now you can tell that there's some stuff down in the bottom where I fried my okra but it's not a lot of cornmeal cornmeal makes it just like powdery looking on the bottom okay um now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have you come around here while I get my stuff out to make my cream potatoes we're going to need milk we've got doubled eggs I'll just show them this we made Pino cheese today it's playing on YouTube right now some sweet tea some milk some sour cream some butter salt and pepper and that's it right then we should have some ters and I got my mixer right here handy dandy I love my kitchen and I'm G put this right here and I do believe my um things are right here so we're going to mix up some cream potatoes so we got a big supper tonight I don't have bread made but Lord have mercy we got everything in the world we don't need no bread um we hardly ever eat bread unless it's breakfast now we'll eat um cornbread if I'm having collared greens or soup or something but I don't make bread for dinner and I never have have chis no really never never really made bread for dinner um my mama made biscuits almost every night um but I don't and when she my mama hardly ever had dessert moose soda she hardly ever had dessert and um she would just butter a biscuit and put some sugar in it some of y'all probably had this mama put sugar in the biscuit and then when we would come in there and say mama I'm hungry before it was time to go to bed she would give us one of those sugar biscuits did your mama do that Chris really well she didn't make biscuits that often did she Lord my mama did Chris's Mama made caned biscuits y'all now his mama didn't did she his mama but now his mama could his mama worked my mama didn't that's the difference right there when a woman's got to go out and work it's hard for her to have the energy to make up a real big supper that's why they use their crockpots eat a lot of spaghetti chili soup don't you all right so I put a little bit of milk some salt and pepper some butter and I'm about to put just a little bit of sour cream in here oh we had friends come over Monday and I cooked a big supper well a lunch let me get finished with this and it was so funny cuz uh he said and she don't make mashed potatoes she makes cream potatoes he goes and she puts sour cream and all that good stuff in there don't you and I said yes and he was happy that's what I made I made them granny green beans all right there's our potatoes and salmon or fried okra little test with the FR I want to hear it crunch I'm going to post the um doubled eggs this week too sometime this weekend there it is crunchy I forget I have this on I guess I can hear it so good man now that's a Mama that can cook and that's why the kids still come right and it's because I grew up people watch watching people cook i g to tell you a recipe book is not all you need you need to be able to watch somebody in the kitchen throw a whole supper together and watch them time it and it really helps a lot y'all have a wonderful day and we thank you so much for watching Collard Valley Cooks where we cook like our mama see it love you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 73,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canned salmon, salmon croquettes recipe, salmon cakes, southern recipes, salmon croquettes, salmon patties, collard valley cooks, collard valley cooks recipes, cooking channels, cooking shows, country cooking videos, hillbilly kitchen, hillbilly kitchen recipes, old fashioned recipes, paula deen recipes, rachel cooks with love recipes, soul food videos, southern cooking videos, vintage cooking, whippoorwill holler, fried salmon patties, how to make canned salmon
Id: EvWplIDPK1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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