The BEST Reverse Seared Tri Tip | KamadoMax 4K

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[Music] today we're going to be making an incredible tri-tip by reverse searing it on the kamado joe [Music] what's up everyone it's max here with come automatics um i was thinking about this before we came on out here my name is max and hence kamado max and i'm not entirely sure if that was clear for the past six months or so so i'm not sure if you just assumed that my name was max because it was kamado max it's not like uh kamado's super size edition or anything like that my name's just max so good to be with you happy to be with you this week and it's tri-tip week been wanting to do a tri-tip for a really really long time not something you typically see as much in georgia where we live um much more out west talking texas california things like that but it's been requested and i'm really excited i got a really awesome cut here from my local butcher we're gonna be using some santa maria style seasoning i'll walk you through what that means and uh it's gonna come out fantastic we're gonna be cooking indirect here 250 degrees on the kamado joe i'll bring this up to tim and then we're going to blast it over a super hot fire until it's totally done and it's going to come out really good and so what we're going to do is i'm going to get this rubbed up with uh with a nice slather to make sure there's rub sticks hit with some rub and we're going to get on the grill so stick around cool so we got this beautiful tri-tip here i actually got this from my butcher and normally there's a fat cap here and they just did a fantastic job of cutting it off and so the only thing i'm going to do here is just kind of remove this big old piece here but i'm not going to go crazy because this looks really really good yep i just pulled off that's fine got some heft to it all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to uh get the slider up so this is the presentation side here i'm going to flip it over and start here um you know most of the time different slathers you can do like oil i'm using some hot sauce here because you know the the santa maria style of tri-tip is uh is from out west and so we're talking texas we're talking california and when i think texas and california i'm thinking heat so this is the season i'm using today it's cattleman's grill california tri-tip and you want to talk a little bit about what that actually means we're using santa maria style seasoning today when i think santa maria style i'm thinking west coast it's not so much just salt pepper like it is in texas and it's really not that barbecuey if that's a word it doesn't have that those traditional flavors but what it does have is salt pepper garlic you know got some dehydrated red bell pepper onions it's really well balanced and really fantastic and when you when you smell it it's just there's a depth of flavor there that is really good you can use this on a lot of things chicken pork you know beef whatever that might you might be like just vegetables i've used that on vegetables as well and it's going to go really well with this dry dough awesome let's get this hit it's a really coarse rub you can hear it as i'm shaking it this is not some powdery thing this is no willy-nilly type rub you can see everything there's some red bell pepper garlic salt onions it's gonna come out really fantastic and it's a big piece of meat so don't worry about over seasoning i'm really happy with this so far though and it looks good smells amazing i can't recommend you know i've tried a bunch of different rubs this is truly one of my favorites here i highly recommend that that side looks good let's get the other side hold that valentina hot sauce nice color i'm liking that santa maria style california tri tip seasoning going down big old chunks gonna make a nice bark you can let this sit for a few minutes after uh after you put it on i'm probably just gonna throw it on though cause i'm hungry and it's gonna be good no matter what awesome beautiful seasoning all over let's get this on joe awesome 250 degrees on the button actually so we're gonna throw this on it's gonna go for probably like an hour ish or so but here come on over here we're gonna lay this down beautiful nice little sizzle there we're gonna get this shut down we're gonna let it roll here for about an hour i'm gonna come back and check the temp maybe 30 minutes or so folks i just came out here and took a look at this i thought we were going to be almost three quarters of the way there but we're actually really really close we're uh probing about uh 120. so i want to uh wait till it gets about 125 or so and then we're going to pull the heat deflectors off and sear this over a really hot fire but we're gonna give this a couple extra minutes and uh you know until then i want to talk about how i discovered tri-tip because here in georgia tri-tip is not that popular of an item in fact i can't even think of one barbecue restaurant that i could get it at uh and the way it came about is that i was traveling out to cali for work i was in california one day and i was in the middle of the desert it was north of los angeles in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert and we had just gotten done with some uh series of meetings in the morning and we're in this conference room and the people we were meeting with had brought in like catered lunch which included tri-tip and we're talking like catered lunches for anyone who knows like corporate catered lunches you know what i'm talking about like it's probably cooked an hour you know ago they bring it in it's fine just for like nourishment at that point but they brought this tri-tip in with some sides and accompaniments and it was freaking phenomenal i was blown away i never had that kind of meal in a meeting setting and so that was the first time i ever had tri-tip and came back cooked it up fell in love with it all over again and hence why we're doing it today so i know we got a lot of people out in california watching this is for you love tri-tip i want a santa maria style grill with the crank and everything just so i can cook this you know maybe one day but at this point what we're going to do is we're going to take the temperature see how we're doing and then get those heat deflectors off and get that fire raging awesome got my brand new thermapen upgraded really nice i've been very pleased so far so we're going to use this to take the temp of this tri-tip here so there's a couple different sections here obviously the point that's going to be more well done i'm kind of aiming for right here if you can see you see how that's separating the grain is running this way as opposed to the grain running this way this is sort of the center point where i'm going to cut this tri-tip and it's going to be the most rare so i'm going off temperature here and i'm cooking at 123 right now which is really good i'm kind of in for 125 but it'll creep up and gonna be aiming for around the 130 to 135 zone once we're all said and done so for right now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take this tri-tip here and it looks a little jelly it's interesting because it feels firm once you start pushing on it but the temperature is there we're going to take this we're going to bring it over look how beautiful that looks we're going to bring it over here to the uh to the cutting board we're going to let that sit for a minute point of note about uh fat content so i mentioned that this was taking a whole lot less time to cook than what i was expecting so i've seen other videos where people have cooked them for about an hour or so as usual i got this at my local butcher my local butcher's good lots of inner muscular fat that runs through the middle of it and what i've found just over time is that the more fat that's running through the middle of the meat it actually is less time that the meat has to cook if it was just a really dense piece of lean beef i think it probably would take a little bit longer but that fat renders down so nice especially at that 250 degree temperature you know that's what we cooked pork butts and briskets and things like that and it did the same here today hence why i think i cooked a little bit quicker so you know it's not an exact science you know keep your eyes on it keep your eye on the temperature make sure it feels right and everything but but like i said this took about 25 less time than what i was expecting so for right now what i'm going to do let this sit here this is going to be the resting period you actually don't need to rest a steak or anything after you've reverse seared it this is the resting period right now as this girl comes on up to temp i'm going to take these grill grates out take the heat deflectors out i'm going to right now open up the bottom vent we're going to get some maximum airflow in here and we're going to get a really nice fire we're going to finish this off okay uh try touch been resting for about five minutes or so grill grates are in the lower position we got the fire going really nice and hot going to lay this in this is the presentation side on the top here so i'm gonna save that for last we're gonna let this go down i think that's beautiful i'm not really going for i said this in the um the porterhouse episode i'm not really going for grill marks you know we'll get them fine but right now it's just still i get a nice little crust there which that flame is doing move it around a little bit if you can and just let it sit for you know maybe a minute or so aside it's beautiful look at that you can see all those giant clumps of nice spice and garlic and pepper and everything onion well the smell is fantastic the fire hitting that [Music] ah look at that just in what 30 seconds i could just sit here and watch this all day you kidding me i tell you what take a picture of this take a screenshot of this and make it your phone background okay it's been on for about a minute or so look at that come on man beautiful nice and bubbly that's that male yard reaction here i learned about this uh the other week that's when the uh the crust gets just that perfect point where it starts almost caramelized you can hear it and we're not going to let this go too much longer here okay been another minute and a half a minute or so let's flip this make sure it looks good and boyd does it i'm happy with this let's do a quick temp check right here in the middle 135 i'm liking it let's pull it off here [Music] now that is not oh man it smells good you can smell that garlic and onions i'm going to take a look at some more temps 125 it's a huge chunk and it's going to carry over a little bit longer so as we let this sit here five minutes or so it's going to come up a few degrees so um you could cut into it right now like i said um the resting period occurs when this thing comes off from being smoked not really right now so if you want this to just cool off a little bit until it can um so what i'll give this like a minute or so and then we'll come on back actually before we do that i'm going to explain a little bit about what we're doing here you could do a lot with um with tri-tip you could put some barbecue sauce on it have it just like it is but i went ahead and i made this beautiful chimichurri sauce if you think of chimichurri it's kind of like a parsley version of pesto instead of basil i'll put a um a list of ingredients everything down in the description but it's really easy we're talking like parsley olive oil red wine vinegar salt pepper uh red pepper flakes and maybe something else but super easy really good you can put on a bunch of stuff i'm gonna drizzle on top of this thing once we're cutting it up okay time to cut into this thing so we got the grain going this way on this piece and we got the grain going this way on this piece so instead of trying to like do this and follow along the grain i'm just going to cut it kind of right where it becomes two different kinds of meat oh man look at that beautiful we'll save this piece for now that is freaking falling apart man man the flies are bad tonight come on look how juicy that is that is just how i remember it out west super juicy just falling apart like look at that i to get a bite just like that ah i'm really happy with this immense beefiness i really like this kind of meat some people say it's lean i think it's perfect i think it's the perfect amount of fat for a steak it's kind of like a rabbit kinda like a strip and maybe just a little bit more full flavor it is tremendous and this cattleman's california tri-tip just brings it home you can taste the uh you can taste the garlic taste the onions kind of like the um the bell pepper that's in there obviously salt and pepper brings it out oh my gosh here come on in here i'm gonna show you what i'm gonna do here we're gonna take that uh we're gonna take that chimichurri and we're just to hit that it's got a little bit of a spice to it and this chimichurri i've never had it with the chimichurri but i expect it to sort of almost cut cut the spice a little bit see here let's try it with chimichurri look at that that is beautiful i'm really happy with this let's give this shot you need to make me a promise if you make this you need to make it with the chimichurri if you're skeptical i get it please make it and please try it and if you do try it let me know in the comments if you did if you liked it because that just took it to a level i really wasn't expecting i love pesto on pasta and everything but that on just some like hot steak and just like beef is totally different than if you're having it with italian boot for instance i'm planning on trying a lot of different tri-tip recipes but i'm very excited with how this turned out came out awesome really nice medium rare in the middle here and i really want you to do the same so you know this has been a fun cook as always thank you so much for hanging out if you enjoyed the video please like it comment if you like this if you're gonna try the chimichurri and uh and subscribe got weekly videos having fun grilling out the flies are crazy this is a real world back uh backyard cooking here but this is tremendous stuff i'm gonna get inside we're gonna have some dinner until next week [Music] you
Channel: KamadoMax BBQ
Views: 29,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tri tip, tritip, best tri tip, best tri tip recipe, tri tip recipe, reverse sear tri tip, reverse sear steak, reverse seared steak, reverse seared tri tip, how to cook tri tip, how to reverse sear tri tip, bbq tri tip recipe, cooking tri tip, reverse sear, grilling tri tip, smoked tri tip recipe, how to bbq, how to grill, kamado joe tri tip, tri tip with chimichurri, chimichurri, chimichurri sauce recipe, santa maria tri tip, santa maria, reversed seared, green egg tri tip
Id: f_XScU2lm8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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