The BEST Pulled Pork on the Kamado Joe

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HopHead4Life 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
who I got all hahaha ladies and gentlemen I didn't I wanted to have the awesome shot of the blade bone coming out but it decided to fall out a hunt zone today we're going to be making the greatest fall-off-the-bone cold pork you've ever had [Music] welcome to kimono max today we're gonna be cooking a pork butt on the kimono Joe we're gonna be using some of our favorite hardcore carnivore seasoning today and it's gonna be delicious and you can use this for practically anything you can make sandwiches you can make tacos little com carnitas if you wanted to phenomenal food to reheat throughout the week so we got about a nine pound butt and we're gonna be sliding this up with some hot sauce hit with some seasoning thrown on the jus with some Hickory and Applewood and it's gonna be phenomenal so stick around let's fire it up so the good thing about a Boston butt is that it's pretty easy just to throw on the grill there's not a lot of trim work that happens you can see this marbling isn't pretty incredible cut the fat cap here and you can just see all those strands of fat that are running through it right there that's the blade bone and you can just see all the different fat all throughout it and that's gonna be some pretty incredible flavor once we get this on we need a binder some people do mustard some people do oil for whatever reason today I thought the idea of some hot sauce sounded good so I got some Valentina hot sauce so you've seen this at any Mexican restaurant and we're gonna put this on and then we're gonna start to give it a nice little coat not gonna do too terribly much for flavor maybe a little collar in the end we'll make sure we hit both sides looks good already so for seasoning I'm gonna be using some hardcore hardcore carnivore today to start I'm using their amplify seasoning and what that does is it's not necessarily something you would want to use on their own or on your own but what's gonna do is it's gonna help with that real savoriness flavor so it's what they would call mommy so we're gonna give that a little sprinkle on the top pretty good color Pat it in we never rub it in because it's gonna go all places that you don't want it's gonna clump up and then we're going to be hitting it with the hardcore carnivore red so pretty traditional seasoning for butts you can use on pork awesome color okay I've been contemplating all morning if I'm gonna do fat up or fat down and if you ask anyone you're probably gonna get a different answer I have not you know become a fat up type of man or a fat down type of man still figuring that out so today what I think we'll probably do let's go fat down so the idea of fat down is that this heat is coming in from the bottom and that fat cap is gonna help protect that meat on the flip side people who say fat up say that fat is going to start rendering down it's going to start basting the meat I think that the main flavor the main fat flavor that you're picking up from this pork butt is all that inner muscular fat so yeah that's gonna be there no matter what so I think I if I had to subscribe to one I probably would say fat down because in the end you're probably not gonna be eating that much of it and it's gonna help it get a little bit crispy and I don't think you're giving up too much by not having it on the top so girls coming up to temp we're gonna be cooking around 275 today first thing I did when I came out here today was actually threw in some hickory and some apple chunks today so all that smoke right there that's what you're seeing so we're gonna let this coming up to about 275 and then we're gonna throw this on and then from that point you know they say maybe around an hour per pound I've generally found that it's a little bit quicker so we'll just see it's all about the the feel of the meat and how it's pulling apart and then what get in that color and then once we get to the place that we want it we're gonna wrap it and finish it off so stick around okay girls coming up to temp it'll be 275 in just a minute we're gonna go ahead and get this on fat side down looking beautiful great color love what that hardcore carnivore does that smokes just rollin so at this point all we got to do is wait so this is gonna be on here for probably a couple hours we're gonna be checking in on it to make sure that it's staying moist and spritz a little bit but we'll get there probably in the next hour I don't have her self so we've been cooking that for about two hours right around the 275 mark and now is the time we want to start to spritz so we want to be able to preserve that crust in order to do that you can do a couple different things some people do water some people do apple juice I like a combination of the two so I got about half apple juice half water and then actually just for an additional kick I threw in some of that Valentina hot sauce that we used as the as the binder for the rub so right now we're gonna open this up and we're gonna get this breast oh yeah looking good really good color but you can see it's starting to dry out a little bit so we want to hit that with the spritz just to preserve some of this bark and you don't want to douse it looking real good you want to make sure to use that wide stream because if you did a real pinpoint stream you have the potential of knocking off some of that bark that we work so hard to to get on there it's looking good we're gonna shut this down and come back in another couple hours so we're right at the four hour mark I'm spritzing a few times over the course of the afternoon here but we're gonna take a look to see how it's going and do a little temp check when we wrap it we want the color to be right but we also want to be around the 160 to 180 zone so we're gonna take a look and see where we're at right now looking good good color I don't know if you saw that that jiggle this pork butt had a lot of fat in it and so that's not terribly surprising we got that jewel even before it goes in and gets wrapped so that's a good sign so we're gonna take a look to see on the temperature right now 155 177 there 165 150 closer towards the blade bone 170 so this thing's almost ready to wrap I'm probably gonna give this maybe another 30 minutes and then we're gonna put it in some aluminum foil and throw it back on the grill okay it's been about five hours now we spritz it a few times we we check the temperature we're right around that 170 180 range we're probably going to be pulling this off around the 200 range so at this point we've got the color we want the the crust is there everything looks awesome so right now we want to wrap and what wrapping does is it allows those internal juices those internal interm us kill our fat that we saw like all that good marbling it allows that to start to really break down and that's where you're gonna get your juiciness that's going to be that succulent pork it's gonna be able to pull apart it's gonna be delicious so colors there we're looking good we're gonna pull it off and get this thing wrapped right now you can see spritz Ned has helped us get that good color maintain that good color it smells incredible right now you see all those big chunks of pepper and garlic everything from that hardcore carnivore rub this is gonna be really good so we're doing the same thing we did before we can go fat side down and they're gonna wrap all this together so this but sitting on a couple layers of aluminum foil here the only thing I'm gonna do right now is just hit it with a little more of that spritz just for some additional moisture that said this thing had so much fat in the middle of it it does not need it so right now we're just gonna wrap this up and get back on the grill so alright so this is gonna go back on the grill it's not so much about the time it's more about the temperature in the field so we're aiming for around that 200 zone so it could take a couple hours just depends everything from the weather outside - how much fats in here is all gonna affect how much time this is going to take I got my digital thermometer here and we're gonna be checking it yeah so let's get this back on some of you may have noticed that I do not have a leavin thermometer in the actual pork but the reason for that is that I left it outside it got rained on and Bruins so I haven't been able to monitor the temperature of this in real time have been coming out checking and making sure it's okay if I were to do this for competition I would definitely have a leavin thermometer where I can monitor the temperature of the dome here as well as the internal temperatures of the meat but we're just growin out today so you know we could be a little more casual with it our jaw it's about the seven hour mark right now it's about seven o'clock at night here clearly so what we're gonna do is we're going to pull this butt off and this is an important step it's a step you're not gonna want to take but we got to let it rest we want to dig into it I know but what we need to do is pull it off I'm gonna put it in the cooler here and if you got 15 minutes do 15 minutes if you have two hours you could even go that far so we're gonna pull this off we're gonna let it rest and then we're gonna patiently wait until we can break into this but it's looking incredible trying to hold that close to the mic you can just hear you can just hear those internal juices going crazy this thing is bubbling from the inside out and that is what's breaking down this but on the inside you know the colors there it's gonna stay there but that is what the past couple of hours that's really what's gonna be breaking this thing down to where it's cuz fallin off the blade bone and just succulent so it's in the cooler we're gonna wait stick around alright Joe I can't wait any longer we've been resting for about an hour now so it's been about an eight-hour cook in total and what we're gonna do here we're gonna pull this out of the cooler it's been resting there for about an hour we're gonna put this on the platter we're gonna start shredding up and at this point you can do anything you want with it you can make some pulled pork sandwiches you can make a pulled pork platter with different sides and everything you can make some tacos you can even just put it in a ziplock bag and freeze it for some meal prep pulled pork freezes amazing stays in the fridge awesome so it's really good for doing something like today on Sunday just getting ready for the week so let's get it out and see what we got and remember we'd like double ramped and then double wrapped it again so we've got some layers to get through look at that awesome crust super soft not sure if you can see that bone is pulling away that's the tell-tale sign you see that bump coming away that's a blade boom this thing is shrunk up or by probably about a third you can just see it kind of get a little squishy there so far it's looking good we're gonna get it Oh ladies and gentlemen I didn't I wanted to have the awesome shot of the blade bone coming out but it decided to fall out on sound so there you have it perfectly pulled out blade bone no chalking if you overcook it sometimes you'll see some white here that's when you know you overdid it but this looks amazing here folks I gotta say this is the first time that the blade bone has ever fallen out as I've lifted it so we did something good here today and I'm really happy with it this thing is super jiggly we're gonna pull it apart now let's dive into it I think the owl next door likes what we're doing here now that my friends that's pulled pork got some of that crust they're super juicy falling apart got a smoke ring it smells incredible that hardcore carnivore smells amazing you could put this on anything you could serve this with eggs tortillas put it on a bun everyone's gonna be happy folks this looks awesome here awesome bark awesome color it just fell apart my hands you saw that the blade bone just like was leaping out of the actual but always a good sign so at this point we're gonna try a little bit of it and just see how we did that's incredible you barely even needed to network but amazing pork flavor ultra juicy ultra juicy that hardcore carnivore rub is amazing just a little bit of heat and all those amazing barbecue flavors that you mommy that hardcore carnivore amplify really takes up a notch that you wouldn't expect and this is ready to go for anything you want you want pulled pork sandwiches you want carnitas put it on some eggs whatever you might do definitely got try this this was about nine pound but took about eight hours total on the come on Oh Joe cooking around 275 you definitely ought to give this a try folks if you like what we're doing here we certainly appreciate you commenting you like do you like pulled pork what do you want me to cook next we've had your requested items here this is one of them what should I cook next I definitely appreciate a like comment subscribe be sure to follow us until next time it's been Quemado max [Music]
Channel: KamadoMax BBQ
Views: 93,728
Rating: 4.8779955 out of 5
Keywords: bbq pulled pork, pulled pork, pulled pork sandwich, best pulled pork, bbq pulled pork sandwich, best pulled pork sandwich, pulled pork recipe, best bbq pulled pork sandwich, best bbq pulled pork, kamado joe, grill, barbecue, boston butt, shoulder, pork, smoked, recipe, rub, dry rub, big green egg, kamado joe pulled pork, kamado joe pulled pork shoulder, kamado joe boston butt recipe, kamadojoe, kamadojoe boston butt, bbq, kamadomax, pork shoulder, pulled pork (food), best boston butt
Id: rPHh37liHgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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