Budget Overland Gear Under $100 That Everyone Needs

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today i want to talk about 10 overland items under 100 that every overlander needs as we get started i want to let you know that this video is sponsored by onyx offroad the mapping software with over half a million miles of map trails i think it's pretty obvious that these list videos do really well on my channel you all seem to really like them so uh we've got 10 items more like 10 categories of everything under 100 everything's linked below let's start with item number one tire tools the first tire tool i want to talk about is this guy this is the older tools rapid tire deflator and uh these everybody seems to make one of these arb has one everyone has one but the idea is when you're going out to play on the dirt you want to reduce your tire pressure so that you increase your traction and just your overall ride quality because you'll have a little cushion ride so as you're going over stiff rocks washboards whatever reducing your tire pressure will help you out having one of these with a gauge on it will let you precisely lower your tire pressure so you're not just looking for a rock to poke your stem and let air out you have control of your tire pressure that's what one of these is for absolutely worth it uh you can pick these things up usually i'd say 35 or less um so yeah check the link below for that and onto our next tire tool the second tire tool we're going to talk about is actually the opposite of the first where the tire deflator helps you deflate your tires this one doesn't help inflate but helps them stay inflated uh this is a tire repair kit it's not much to look at on the outside but when you pop this sucker open it's gonna have some really weird looking goopy strips and then like a drill piece which seems like why would i use that on my tire and that's just if the hole is too small to be plugged with these plugs and then this needle thing so basically the way this works you lube up the needly thing you make sure your hole is large enough for everything to fit through slap one of these strips through the needle and then right into the plug kind of get it nice and solid and then you're gonna use this to to push the plug in as you pull the tool out the tool relieves the plug stays in place then you razor blade off the plug and you should be able to retain tire pressure in your tire so pretty helpful kit to have if you're out there uh the one caveat is if you've lost all your tire pressure due to a hole and you've gone and plugged it you now need to add tire pressure back the one thing that we're not gonna talk about is an air compressor because that's over a hundred dollars but in short i recommend the arb twin i've linked it along with these so there you go your first under 100 set and in fact you can buy both of these for under 100 bucks item number two a head lamp this guy right here you've probably seen ads for it that's that's how i found it i got hit up on facebook with like a thousand ads an hour for the light bar pro head lamp and uh i love this thing i think it is super cool at first i thought like ah that's funny a light bar headlamp nope this thing's rad this thing's super cool so three levels of brightness and then if you push both the buttons on the side you get like single mode it's kind of hard to do this is probably my one thing that i struggle with are those two buttons so if i was going to throw a negative at you if it's these buttons but once you figure it out like you're right and that that's not that bad right just took a second press there you go now it's in center only mode so you're not gonna blind people around you uh and then if you want it also has red mode disadvantage another one is there's not just red center mode like i've tried to and it just goes straight back to that so i wish that there was a red center mode that would be spectacular but this has become my favorite headlamp i can obviously wear it while i'm wearing a hat because it throws so much light that my bill really isn't getting in the way um if you do flip your hat around you're gonna get look at that i feel like i belong on star trek right or uh x-men just put it in this mode now i'm cyclops i'm not the first person to make this joke there's no way i'm pretty sure them making this that's probably what they thought first they're like hey we're gonna cosplay as cyclops and then they're like wait that makes a pretty in headlamp anyway i like this thing i really do uh might make you look a little bit like a goofball but if you're out there and you actually just need light i love it uh 70 bucks for this guy so some of you even 70 dollars might be like hey that's a little steep but there are other options so let's talk about a few of them um this is one i have talked about this one and endorsed this one forever it's the claymore cap on light i've loved this light but the clips are made of plastic and it broke it's actually a real big fat bummer that that clip broke because this lamp this headlamp and it's its counterpart both of them are so so cool but the plastic clip when you're out there in the cold and you need to clip it onto the front of your bill that plastic's going to break and that's what happened and for as much as i love this headlamp that super sucks because it's such a great headlamp but there are other options out there um i have this one as well which is a petzl and this one's cool because it's it's rechargeable but you have to take the battery out to recharge it and no one wants to do that you just want to be able to plug the whole headlamp in so you've got to like anyways you can see there i don't want to do that ain't nobody got time for that so i stopped using this one when i got this one so i'm kind of going in backwards order one i currently use when i used to use the one i used to use to use this one and then one step further so before the petzl which this is still a great headlamp i mean come on it's lightweight battery powered it's it's uh tiltable so still a fabulous headlamp then the one before that the the first the original headlamp this guy wow it has a charge look at that but this one is uh aaa batteries so not ideal uh but still like i think these are like 15 bucks to get just a black diamond basic headlamp what i'm trying to say is that when you're out there and it's dark and you're in the wilderness at some point your hands will be full or you'll need to be working with your hands and having a headlamp this is just such a necessity as an overland off-road outdoor tool of any kind camping tool jump on one of these again everything linked below item number three communication there are countless ways to talk to someone on the trail yelling out the windows smoke signals whatever we all probably think of radios first and this little set here the midland x talker set is fantastic it's got a ton of channels uh super easy to use you don't need a license to use it that's another thing and the whole set of two radios and the charger which is usb rechargeable under 100 bucks so even if you are a licensed ham operator or gmrs or whatever you might use this little set is a great backup or if you're just getting into this this is a great first set so you'll use this as long as you go even if you do later get licensed you'll still carry these as backups because redundancy is key that's why we love gear because we can carry two of everything along those lines though if you are a ham operator there's no way you haven't heard of the baofeng radio everybody knows these little things i don't even think you can get them on amazon anymore i think they had a weird import licensing issue with the fcc but there are i'm not gonna say knockoffs of this because this is basically a knock-off radio but there are other budget radios similar to this that you can find so if you are a ham operator this is a great little radio uh they're tanks man i uh i dropped this thing in a river still works works great and as a licensed ham operator this is one thing i always carry and then have these guys with me as well even though i have a built-in radio in in the jeep just redundancy is good and if i run into someone who is not a licensed ham operator we can pull out the x talkers and still have good communication we don't have to use smoke signals item number four cookware i have talked about this thing way too much and uh we're putting it in this video too this guy the stanley base camp cook set i love this thing it is compact completely reliable i mean i've never had an issue with it it's all metal comes with four plates four bowls a frying pan even a strainer lid like you can't go wrong with this thing it's fabulous i love it i've only ever felt like the frying pan was too small one time and that was when i was making paninis but it's all dishwasher safe too so when you get home from camping throw it in wash it in the dishwasher because you can can't recommend it enough i will recommend it forever you're welcome go get it i mean it's like firewood like you want to go camping without firewood why would you go camping without a stanley base camp cook set you know better item number five mapping software there are a ton of mapping apps and softwares and platforms and whatever but today we're talking about onyx offroad who is the sponsor of this video so i'm gonna bounce up to the studio which is literally right up above us it's the floor of the studio right there and we're going to talk about onyx off-road bounce back down here and then we'll finish up with some of these other really fun items onyx offroad has become the first app i open when planning an area to explore like i said at the beginning of this video they have over half a million miles of trails mapped through the united states and they're adding more every day when planning a trail you start by selecting the vehicle size you drive and onyx will automatically filter for routes that fit your ride so you're not going to end up down anything too skinny just because it looked like a route on gps next you can search the map for an area but i usually just scroll over the general area that i'll be visiting and start looking for highlighted blue routes these routes will usually be accompanied with pictures and a difficulty meter these are especially helpful when i'm planning routes that my wife and i will be doing together so that i can make sure i'm not doing anything that's out of her comfort zone when you have an area selected the next step is to make sure you have an offline map downloaded to begin downloading maps navigate to the screen where the route starts and select offline maps at the bottom of the app then simply hit new map from here you can choose the detail level of your map i have a fair amount of space left on this ipad so i'll do five miles or high resolution and up top you can name the map i usually do this in parts so imaging pass 01 and so on with the first map downloading we just move the map in the download window and begin downloading the next part of the route i always overlap the downloaded area just a little bit to make sure i don't miss anything and there you have it your maps are downloaded you're ready to go hit the trails so to get a free trial of onyx offroad make sure to use the link down in the description with summer creeping up on us now is a great time to start route planning item number six a gps tracker now that we're back in the garage uh let's talk about this so you've just downloaded those maps that we just did on onx you're out on the trail you're doing your thing and uh how do you know where you are right your phone doesn't have service nothing has service your ipad doesn't have service whatever your tablet and uh you need to know where you are so grab one of these this one right here is the x gps sky pro 160 or something like that uh they have a 150 version which is the one i'm gonna recommend to you so i bought the 160 because it was more expensive honestly that's why i did it i was like oh it must be better but really it just allows you to connect to more bluetooth devices which i don't need i need to connect to one tablet so get the 150 which is under 100 fits within the criteria for this but operates the same way it's the same thing with the red dot connects via bluetooth to your phone or tablet to find a gps signal and transmit it there so if you're tracking your route or whatever this will let you do that and it'll just have a constant feed a free gps straight to your device as you're cruising around literally a one-time buy right here the x gps stuff is incredible and awesome and if you're just getting into this this thing is what you need right here i have to talk about this the garmin inreach mini this thing is literally a life saver it has an sos button so it will do all the same stuff that this does bluetooth transmit all that stuff to your device but includes that sos button where you can say i'm stuck i'm dying literally dying i need immediate help or someone else is hurt whatever you get this little sos button which is hidden like if you can't accidentally press it it's actually kind of hard to open and get to but you give that a press and help is on the way and that is come on like i said i can't in good conscience tell you run out by this when i know this exists even though it's more money this is well worth it that's my spiel if you can afford it get the garmin inreach mini if you can't this thing's freaking incredible you'll love it item number seven organization we've talked about all this fun stuff and there's still more to come but where in the world do you put it well i did a video on these last fall and i've been using them ever since step 22 stingray bags are awesome for all of this stuff so they're soft pack flat pack boxes so they also pack down super small very sturdy i mean for this is fabric how cool is this but they're super sturdy they'll hold anything so your radios and whatnot toss them in there because you can then you have the full-size stingray which is where i keep all of my cooking and kitchen stuff i love this thing to death uh again rugged great and because it's soft no rattling so even that stanley cook set when it's in here i don't hear it rattle at all because this dampens that noise and insulates the sound so if you're like me and you hate things rattling in the back of your car as you're cruising down bumpy roads put all of it in these and you won't have that rattle magic this is just that's freaking awesome and it's get there they're just getting better he constantly releases new stuff i can't talk higher of them they're just they're worth it one of the best things i've added to my overland setup in the last 12 months hands down item number eight a wood bag for the longest time i've wanted a wood bag i remember looking at the internet and just constantly finding this one specific one it was like bougie as i'll get out you know waxed canvas leather handles and it was so nice it was just like it's like 300 for a bag that carried wood and i just could not justify that so in a moment of frugality i went to amazon and i thought they've got to have something like even if it's like rip stop nylon or whatever and i found this this is basically identical to the 300 one but mass made sure it's probably not supporting a small business but like dudes i can't pay your mortgage anyway so this thing um i got mine for 38 i said 25 in one video a while ago but i i just did my taxes this was 38 bucks uh however they're usually 50 so i think they go on sale occasionally but this is my top selling amazon affiliate product right here everybody seems to love this so get it get on it if you see it in stock jump on it because they sell out super quick i think every time i post a video within a few hours people are like oh my gosh it's out of stock so if you're watching this right now the link is below go get this thing you're gonna be so happy you did uh holds about two full reams of wood uh you know if you buy your wood sometimes you have to that's the way it goes i don't have a forest out back i have someone else's garage so i can't go chop down a tree but there you go wood bag go get on it this thing's sick i love it item number nine a knife set while we're talking about waxed canvas stuff we got to talk about this this is my knife roll uh and it's from camp chef inside of here we have two really great knives a uh 10-inch chef knife stainless steel great i love this thing this is like my go-to knife uh stupid sharp i did cut myself pretty bad with this while on the pony express so if you are buying this kit buy a first aid kit as well and then a seven inch sentoku knife again i love this guy it's great because it's got the little perforations in it so things don't really stick to it so if you're really trying to get some good chopping like potatoes and stuff that's what i love this for i'm not a knife professional either i'm not a chef by any means so just for those two knives alone this kit is freaking awesome but it comes with even more i feel like i'm a knife salesman it can cut through a shoe it probably could i'm not gonna do that i like my shoes but you get a carving fork and it has a uh 10 inch set of tongs if you're like me do you do like this body thing where you slide the thing and then i do that that's how i like i love that you can't not if you pick up tongs and you don't do the like are you even grabbing tongs did you even pick them up anyway 10 inch tongs some of the best ones i have ever used because like they will grip and they're long so you're not burning your hand reaching for something love them all of that fits neatly in this little canvas roll uh can't go wrong just like the wood bag this does sell out super quick so i know that every time they have them in they go really fast i did just check the other day before making this video and they are in stock right now so if you see them still in stock jump on it if they are not in stock then that tells you just how quickly they sell out this thing is sick you need it number 10 this is it portable toilet uh doesn't look like a toilet right now but that's just because it's in travel mode packs into a nice briefcase shape so it's really easy to throw in and stack on top of all your other stuff i stacked this on my largest case fits perfectly but this i added last year when everything went nuts and we couldn't travel so i knew my wife and i would be doing a lot more camping and i thought of her when i got this i was like well you know let's make things a little easier on her when we're out and about and away from amenities so i picked this thing up and although i bought it originally for her it's become one of my favorite things i think there's something to be said about being comfortable doing your business and this thing does that it's just like i no longer worry about anything it's like if i got i've got some business to be done i'm gonna go do that business because i've got a little toilet seat here and it doesn't matter so it doesn't matter if i'm in an area where i just need to dig a hole i have you know obviously something to sit on or if i'm in a wilderness area and i have to pack it out they also have these waste kits so you can attach a waste kit to the toilet and use this as a retrieval system basically so it's not the most luxurious of the products i've talked about but everybody does it and since adding this to the kit like this has been so great to have um clean waste you can find these on amazon again under 100 bucks i love it one of my favorite things absolutely love this so there you have it 10 items under 100 that every overlander needs you're welcome hey as a reminder i do stream every wednesday evening so come hang out with me live ask your questions in real time it's fun we just we hang out we talk about whatever you want to talk about no agenda it's great uh but that does it for me so if you liked the video please like the video if you have a question leave me a comment and if you want to hang out again make sure to subscribe until next time i'm justin b mcbride [Music] you
Channel: Justin B. McBride
Views: 67,487
Rating: 4.9096775 out of 5
Keywords: Budget Overland, budget overland build, budget overland gear, budget overland vehicle build, overland items under $100, Budget oerland equipment, how to overland on a budget, overladning on a budget, cheap overlanding gear, overland gear for cheap, overlanding, budget camping gear, affordable overland gear, affordable camping gear, overland, jeep, tacoma, 4runner, bronco, how to car camp, onx offroad, Overland maps
Id: 2CA1OWExk1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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