HOW TO: Remove Unwanted Objects from your Videos | Davinci Resolve 15 & 14

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do you have a blemish that you want to eliminate from your clip how about a drilled shadow let's see how to do this in resolve [Music] okay I've got two clips here both of which we want to try to remove something from the image so I've got the first one an image of a face and there's a mole on here that we're gonna want to remove or we could duplicate it I'll show you also how to do that and then in the secondary clip this is a clip from Instagram where it just basically loops back and forth but we've got a drone shadow in here that I wanted to get rid of okay so we'll show you how to do that let's first take the clip we'll go into color section and we'll do a power window around this mole so what I'm gonna do is create a circle I'm gonna make it smaller and actually if we want to duplicate than the mole all we have to do is put it right above it will increase this softness a little bit and then we go into what's known as sizing node sizing and all we have to do is move it to the position that we want the new mole in maybe like right there and then we can go back in and kind of clean that up to go back into the power window we can increase the softness and now all of a sudden I go to full screen you can see the two the moles there okay well most of the times you don't want to duplicate that in fact most of the times you're going to want to actually remove that so what we're going to do is undo that I'm going to select this spot right above the mole now what you want to do is find something that's as similar to the background here of the mole now you notice here this has got some layer to it from the light but right above it it looks pretty pretty close to the space of the mole so I'm gonna go ahead and select that area there now when we go into the sizing and we just do a tilt or move it down now we're able to cover that over and so if I look at it you can see that it's it's not visible okay if we look at the video the the image is moving around so what we want to do now is to track that so it stays in position so we go back to the beginning of the clip we go to tracking and we're going to use cloud tracker which is default and we're just going to track forward and then when that's done we're just going to track backwards okay now if we just move that right there it should hold see there all right very good now if I were actually editing this obviously I'm going to add some other features I'll probably add a lot and just throw this on here just for the purposes here dial that down a little bit and then I'm going to eliminate some of this mid-tone detail right here I'll just dial it down there so now if you look at it in full screen it looks oh it looks perfect okay so that's it for removal of say a blemish so let's go into this drone image here and this is a little tricky with with drone images if you want to eliminate the shadow of a drone the drone you need to make sure it doesn't cross the path of anything that's kind of dissimilar in this case this white circle now in this clip example where I've got it looping we're in good shape because it stays on the black top here alright so I'm going to do a couple things first before I mess with this I'm gonna first let me just go ahead and add another node I'm gonna Dow down the sharpness it actually was a little sharper than I wanted to I let down a little bit and the mid-tone detail alright so let's go ahead and create a power one I'm gonna go back here to the beginning of the clip we'll do a power window let's do a circle here I'm gonna do more like an oval I'm just gonna make sure what dial the size down here make sure it's about the same size to fit it in right about there because I don't want to get this imperfection here whatever that is on the concrete I don't want to duplicate that that's a good size there what I'm gonna do is look on here for something that looks pretty similar I think this area here looks pretty good all right so I'm gonna position it right about there now I'm gonna track it first this time that way I don't have this issue so we're gonna go ahead and track that hopefully it tracks just fine it does forwards backwards alright looks good now we're gonna go into node sizing and we're just going to move the position over I can't even see it now there we go alright now the first thing I noticed is it's darker so we may let's see if we can clean it up with the softening effect there we go looks a little better but it's still a little dark if I were to pick another location say here let's pick it here and then go back in here and we'll adjust the position looks like I've got the line in here so you can see the challenges that you run into with this all right let's see how that looks all right so that's a little better you can kind of still see it but I guarantee if this is on Instagram no one's gonna notice in fact it looks pretty good you barely see the shadow and pry expand it there so you get the point that's what you would have to do in order to eliminate that drone shadow you can do this really with any anything you want to eliminate or duplicate for that matter so if you got any questions please leave those below otherwise please like and subscribe and stay tuned for the next tutorial peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Waa Productions
Views: 99,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video editing, remove, how to remove unwanted objects in a photo, how to remove unwanted things from images, how to cut in davinci resolve, how to remove unwanted people, remove unwanted, photoshop tutorial, davinci resolve 15, remove unwanted objects from your photos, how to remove unwanted objects from your photo background, remove unwanted objects from video, object, remove from photo, remove people from photo, remove shadow from face, remove unwanted shadows
Id: R76abOBsW_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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