The BEST MINSC BUILD in BG3 - Lore Friendly Tactician Guide

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hello my friends and welcome back to another balers gate build guide today we're covering a build for mink the mad rashemi so I've gotten this question a lot how do you build mink because by default he has the worst build of any companion character in Boulder's Gate his starting stats are incredibly terrible and they won't do what the character wants to do so I'm going to go through and talk about a couple builds that we can do which both fill the character's needs and Niche and are on Flavor for M as well as being viable for tactician mode when you get MX he's going to have enough experience to level him up to level 12 whatever level your party is so we're going to be going through levels 1 to 12 but we're going to be focusing on endgame power rather than focusing on how to level up the character over the course of the 12 levels cuz he's going to start at level 12 when you get them that being said all of these builds are totally viable to play as main character or you could use them for carlac or laelle very easily and they would be on theme for those characters as well so let's talk about what mink actually wants to have so he's a two-handed Berserker um which means that he should probably have the ability to go berserk which he doesn't by default in the in the game in older additions of balers gate he actually had rage either as a class kit think a subass or as just a natural ability that mink got he was just able to rage as a ranger even though normally in Boulders gate 2 Rangers couldn't do that um so we want to add in that we want to make sure that he's a strength based character fighting with a two-handed weapon and we want to keep him pretty on Flavor for his charging in and beating things down attitude so I'm going to focus him on outputting two-handed damage I'll be doing two versions of this build one that uses Ranger and one that doesn't so if you feel like it's important for him to still be a ranger then you can definitely itely go with the first version but the second version I think is going to be a little more powerful overall all right let's get started so first off we have got to fix this mess for a strength-based ranger obviously the default stat setup is nonsense not to mention he has way too much wisdom for a character that doesn't want to focus on casting what's this Charisma doing here and so on so let's let's fix his ability points I'm going to clear this and set back down to default and we're going to make sure that he is focusing on strength and Constitution cuz he's a giant man should be tough and able to deal damage so we're going to grab 14 dexterity for armor class in medium armor and initiative as well as 16 in both strength and Constitution our remaining four points go to wisdom so that we can still do some Ranger spell casting as well as just having the best save but you could move these around a little bit if you wanted to for a main character maybe you would want more Charisma in case you wanted to be able to take a charisma skill but for the most part this is going to be the best build for MX stat-wise for sure for your favorite enemy choices you start with Mage breaker which is fine we don't want Ranger Knight which is usually the best of these because we're not going to be using heavy armor anyways so we don't particularly care about heavy armor so we can stay with Mage breaker it's it's on theme for the character and none of these matter particularly we do however have to change Beast Tamer here for some reason m is given Beast Tamer which lets him find a familiar but the character always has the unique ability to find familiar for Buu no matter whether he has the F familiar spell from any other source anyways so this actually just lets you summon a normal familiar not summon buo um and I think Buu would be jealous if we had a second familiar so let's swap that out the most on theme one by far is Wasteland Wanderer for cold since m is from Far Northern rashan he's going to be very used to the cold fire is probably the most powerful of these just because fire damage is slightly more common than cold damage but I think we're going to go with Wasteland Wanderer for cold here so now we have fixed his ranger levels and let's get him leveled up at level two Ranger we probably want to make sure that he can just get into the fight and the abilities the damage on his spells will not be very good so while we could use Hunter mark I probably would just take enhanced leap and long Strider here this will make sure that he can reach the enemies long Strider is great to have on every in every party so you're definitely going to want access to that for our fighting style we're going to take defense because it's the only one that really matters for a two-handed weapon character and at Ranger three we actually have kind of an interesting choice so you get to choose your subass here and essentially we get to choose between Hunter and gloomstalker we're not going to keep leveling up in Ranger so the Beast Master Ranger is less useful also again minks already has a companion so we don't want him to have more companions um the choice here is essentially one between more sustained damage or more initial burst damage Hunter allows you to take Colossus Slayer which gives you an extra d8 damage every turn that you are hitting a damaged Target so this is kind of more sustained damage over the course of a fight it will be basically an extra d8 every turn which is pretty useful um giant killer I think is not particularly good because it requires your reaction which you want to have available for opportunity attacks and we're going to be getting other uses for a reaction as well and a hord breaker you would rather just have more damage most of the time so we definitely would want Colossus Slayer if we're taking Hunter the other option here is to take Gloom stalker because Gloom stalker gives you extra initiative which is incredibly important on tactician mode extra movement speed which really fits with Mink's you know gung-ho attitude where he wants to charge in and the extra attack on your first turn of combat because this is a two-handed weapon character that extra attack is going to be worth on average something like 30 to 30 or so damage so it's going to be an incredible amount of extra damage from The Dread ambusher attack I think that I prefer Gloom stalker here um but hunter is Maybe a little more on on Flavor for mink and both are pretty good so I would I will select a gloomstalker but you can make the choice based on what you think is best here probably take Hunter's Mark here it's just the most likely to come up 1d6 extra damage we'll be attacking three times in our first round maybe we don't have a use for our bonus action although we will have a use for our bonus action so what we pick here doesn't matter that much we're then going to deviate from Ranger because at this point we've more or less gotten everything that we want from Ranger in terms of the flavor we've gotten him immune to uh cold or resistant to cold and we've given him his gloomstalker extra attack so he's getting additional damage and we're going to go into barbarian barbarian allows us to give him Rage which is really important for M that's such a huge component of his character and also very important is reckless attack this is really useful because we're going to be a two-handed weapon build using great weapon fighting so since we'll be taking a minus5 attack penalty on every attack The Reckless attack will allow us to hit much more frequently and finally of course he's a Berserker so we're going to be taking Berserker um as well because frenzy is really valuable on this character because we will be doing 10 extra damage on every attack this will give us four attacks in the first round of combat um potentially up to six attacks in the first round of combat with action surge because of course we will be going into fighter as well and so that's going to be an extra uh 30 damage per attack you're going to be bursting if you hit all your attacks for something like 180 damage in your opening round of combat the enraged throw is also really nice with the bonus action because it allows you to hurl enemies around which of course mink knocking people over is really important and if you run up throw an enemy knocking it prone and then you gain advantage on your attacks then you won't have to use Reckless attack for that which makes you slightly harder to hurt if they're prone of course you get advantage on attacks against them having hit level three Barbarian we're going to dip into fighter fighter is really good for the next six levels because that gives us two Feats still allowing us to increase our strength um because because fighter gets a bonus feed at level six otherwise we would be having to level up Ranger and Barbarian which don't get much at level four and so fighter going to level six I think is going to be the the sort of natural pick here um because we want to be able to get extra attack as well so we need to make sure that our at least one of our classes hits level five of course we are taking great weapon fighting which increases the damage output of our weapons it's especially good to use weapons that have multiple damage dice on great weapon fighting so you would much rather be rolling 2 D6 on a great sword than 1 D12 on a great Axe so keeping because it doubles the chances of you rolling a one or two and re-rolling it it's going to be um significantly better for your damage output overall so definitely keep an eye out for great swords specifically for mink it's also the the weapon that he comes with and prefers the most is a great sword so it's on flavor but also synergizes extremely well well with great weapon fighting then we get action surge which allows our burst damage to be significantly higher here we have another choice of subass the kind of Natural Choice let me level up in fighter here the uh Natural Choice is champion because it gives you improved critical hit and of course you're attacking a lot and your Critical Hits will hit for a ton of damage but I actually think that the best option as it usually is is Battle Master the reason for this in particular for this build is that Precision attack allows you to roll a d8 and add it to your to hit chance which means that that basically by itself negates the to hit penalty of attacking with great weapon master so you're much much more likely to hit your attacks so Precision attack is incredibly useful trip attack will allow advantage on subsequent attack attacks and then repost gives you something to do with your reaction um whether you're making an opportunity attack for someone leaving or making an opportunity or retaliation attack for someone hitting you so that that gives you a reaction use you al already have bonus action uses from your rage and so you're making sure you're using both your reaction and your bonus action which it's important in any build to have a use for every kind of action that you get access to [Music] here we just take bonus strength this build will only hit 18 strength um because great weapon fighting is so important to it we get extra attack here of course doubling our attacks and here we are going to get access to Great weapon Master which allows us to take a minus 5 attack penalty for an additional 10 damage since we're going to be making um six attacks in our opening round from gloomstalker this is plus 60 damage around it's an enormous amount of additional damage so it's incredibly important for the build and the whole setup is around making sure that your great great weapon Master hits land every time so this is going to be the the best overall damage output especially initial burst damage for mink as a character one other thing to keep in mind with this build is if you are open to it you can use either gauntlets of giant strength or the elixir of Hill giant strength you can drink every morning and set mx's strength to 20 this allows you to get other feat which I'll talk about that in the next build which other Feats we want um but also allows you to dump strength completely because you'll have 21 strength all the time so these items help a lot for this build in terms of making sure that you're hitting your 20 strength and getting the damage out there so do consider using Elixir for this build because it will significantly improve the damage output of your character but if you don't want to 18 strength is totally fine this build also gets quite good initiative um because of the gloomstalker initiative bonus as well as plus two dexterity and we'll have decent Armor class with medium armor and 14 dexterity though not incredible but you'll have pretty good HP just cuz you're taking all high HP classes you'll have the damage reduction from raging so you should be okay in terms of not dying and since you'll be at least instantly killing one enemy every round pretty much because you'll charge in and and hit them with many attacks um you shouldn't take too much retaliation damage so that's the build if you want to include Ranger let me talk also if you feel like it's not that important to include Ranger and just to make the the hit the benchmarks that make mink mink we can do something slightly better so we're going to build him starting as a fighter and of course we're taking a great weapon fighting weapon style here the stat spread will be the same this is usually the stat spread you want for any Melee character so if you are considering just building any Melee character this is the the optimal spread for those characters almost always and then we're going to be taking uh still taking battl Master although again Champion does give you the extra Critical Hits and because you're making all your attacks with Advantage you are quite likely to get some Critical Hits From Champion um the other advantage of champion is that you get bonus additional bonus action attacks with the when you crit with champion and with uh when you crit with great weapon master so Champion makes that more likely but since you already have a bonus action attack from your frenzy attack I think it's less important to have that for your bonus action but Champion fighter is also good especially if you feel like battl Master is maybe too um fiddly for minks cu's a very straightforward man take the same Maneuvers here but this time we're going up to we'll take a bonus strength here going up to level eight fighter and level four Barbarian because that gets us two additional Feats so we're going to lose out on the gloomstalker bonus attack but we'll gain quite a lot of advantages from additional Feats so let me grab great weapon Master here that's of course the the most critical one fighter level seven we get two extra Maneuvers this is less useful than the level three Battle Master abilities because at this point you have the three Maneuvers that you're going to be using all the time but pushing attack can be quite useful and goting attack feels pretty on theme for me so that's the one I like although any of these are totally fine disarming attack can also be quite useful um certain enemies will have weapons that you really want to knock out of their hands because they act as defensive Tools in some way and while you do intend to kill in one round pretty much anyone that you start attacking you can often knock the weapon out of their hand gaining some kind of benefit against them if they have a weapon that increases their AC or a weapon that does damage whenever you hit them something like that it can be useful to have disarming as well and finally at fighter level eight we get another feat so the other Feats that I think are really useful to consider here are Sentinel always good on any melee fighter because especially if you're operating in a party advantage on opportunity attacks is really good um the reaction attack to make a weapon attack against an ally also really nice so that one's quite good if you are using a polearm rather than a great weapon then uh pole arm Master is quite powerful because the opportunity attack when an enemy comes in range is very good the bonus action to attack with the butt of the weapon is less powerful because we are going to be using our bonus action to frenzy attack most of the time but the additional attack when they enter your range is very good Mage Slayer is always excellent in this game because knocking enemies out of concentration can be super important and finally the one that I think is most useful here is Savage attacker it does have some negative Synergy with the great weapon fighting weapon style but it's going to increase your average damage output by like three per attack something like that with a great weapon um and so it's just going to increase your overall burst damage by 20 or so and that can be an incredibly valuable amount of extra damage so we can grab that or Sentinel those are the two I would most strongly consider but we just get extra Feats with this build so it's pretty nice to be able to do that and of course you can get even more feats uh at level eight we're going to swap to Barbarian and of course you can get even more Feats if you end up using the Elixir and don't have to spend two of your Feats on ability score improvements then you get two additional Feats so you can have let's say no no whoops push the wrong button there my bad level up in Barbarian here we of course are still going to go for [Music] frenzy so if you aren't using Elixir you're going to want to max out your strength if you are using Elixir there's a number of bonuses that you can get alert is super powerful and good on every character so highly recommend taking that on pretty much anyone especially because this build doesn't have the bonus initiative from gloomstalker so going first is just always really nice um charger actually is kind of fun for this build we do have uses for our bonus action but it lets you close more Dam more distance I wouldn't go for it because it takes an action and a bonus action to use this charge you get a little extra damage and a little extra distance but it doesn't uh give you an extra attack and we just want to be making as many attacks as possible um another option here is so for the four Feats that we we get if we're using Elixir I would probably choose alert great weapon Master Savage attacker and um mobile is also pretty good because you can run into someone hit them knock them over then run somewhere else so I might pick that or Sentinel would be the last one especially if you're operating in a group Tavern brawler also has some fun things because you can you're you get the bonus action throw with the Berserker so my suggestion is play around with those Feats especially if you're using Elixir you'll have four Feats and when you stack up a lot of feets on a fighter type character it's going to be very powerful but if you are just building this without the extra two Feats then you're going to want great great weapon master and Savage attacker 20 strength because that's the highest damage output overall for items for this character this character is actually extremely item agnostic the only obviously The Elixir builds will need Elixir or some other way to raise your strength to at least 20 um you'll wear the best medium armor that you can find and the only other thing that you want is a decent great swword great sword is by far the best weapon because it works so well with the uh great weapon fighting weapon style so it's incredibly powerful for that and Savage attacker also benefits most from Rolling extra dice so between those two factors a great weapon is going a great sword is going to be your best option for a weapon other than that you pretty much want just whatever uh the best medium armor you can find anything that increases your Mobility is good so the boots of speed are are pretty good the haste Helm is pretty good the Marshall exertion gloves which you get later on this lets you take some damage to get an additional attack and double your movement speed that's incredibly powerful for any Mele damage dealer especially one like this where you're focusing on single large attacks or where where each attack you do does so much extra damage this character will also wear haste better than just about any other character in the game so if you have a un support character who can cast haste then MX is your guy for putting it on all right my friends this has been a look at how to build mink the Mad rashami Berserker um also of course don't forget to summon Buu Buu actually is quite good 20 hp means at this stage in the game he's going to have a little bit of trouble surviving but he does have 20 AC so he's fairly hard to hit and also does actually pretty okay damage just with his normal attack so this is just a little bit of extra damage that you can get and that can be helpful for for finishing someone off minks can knock them over in one of the many waves that we've talked about having the ability to knock them over and then Buu gets advantage on his attack against them so that's some extra damage making use of that powerful effect can be really useful all right my friends thanks so much for watching this video hope that you've enjoyed this look at how to build mink in a powerful and yet still loreful way and as always if you've enjoyed the video do please leave a like and leave a comment that helps a ton with the algorithm and you can subscribe to my channel for more of this and other balers Gate 3 builds and strategy game videos cheers my friends GG
Channel: Cephalopocalypse
Views: 46,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etarran, Cephalopocalypse, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Build, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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