OP Minsc / BEAST MASTER Ranger Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP Beastmaster Ranger build guide for Minsk or yourself as a ranger in balers Gate 3 now what's great about the Beast Master Ranger is it can solo the entire game without any party members cuz it's just a very useful class with all the summons that you can get you get a lot of different pets in this so first things first our favorite enemy we're just going to go with Bounty Hunter here because it's important to have um it gives us a bit of a chance to hit in snaring strike which isn't the best move because we do use an action and a bonus action on it but some of the other options here aren't that great you could go ranger Knight to get Proficiency in history and armor and heavy armor but I think that Medium armor works better for Ranger unless you're going high in your strength so we're going to go for the Beast Tamer obviously that's gives us a fine familiar without expending a spell slot so that's really nice and we can use two fine familiar so highly recommend that one over the other options there for our abilities now I think that dumping strength is is kind of the way to go uh dexterity being our main stat that we want to increase and Constitution it always helps to have extra Constitution our wisdom is going to be a useful stat as well so it looks something like that you can even probably take your charisma down bump your wisdom up a little bit higher so some somewhere in the realm of that looks good for your stats we're going to be going hard into dexterity using finesse weapons so that's kind of the reason for that I'll be getting into the armor in the end but just a brief brief little look through at what we got we want to get something like this by act three but there's lots of great armor for the ranger cuz medium armor seems to be in high Supply especially we're using dexterity so we're going to be going a full 12 levels into the Beast Master Ranger because that's how we make the summons very useful and I think that just works great for Minsk so for our first shot we're obviously getting in staring straight because we just got the feet or the little ability that gives us an increase to that I also like hail of thorns as well um Thorns deal weapon damage an explosion as well there are some other options speak with animals is great but typically you're going to have that on your party face Minsk is not really the face of the party since you get him so late so that's not really important to take it on him now for our fighting style we're obviously going to be taking archery getting plus two damage to range weapon attacks there's no real other option there obviously increase Armor class is great too but this is where things get interesting now the ranger isn't like the most best class but we're going to get into why the Beast Master is the best Gloom stalker is great for multiclass cuz it's very front heavy for our spell cure wounds can be nice animal friendship can be pretty cool as well but uh fog cloud has its uses with just C uh creating blind spots so crowd control is great with that long Strider can be kind of nice as well but it does use open action and a spell slot animal friendship maybe just for the roleplay purposes now we're going to be going with the Beast Master so this gives us the ranger companion gain a beast companion there as companies on you and your adventures the Gloom soccer as I said is great for doing multiclass with like the thief uh range or Rogue and then the hunter is also pretty good but these two only get good at level 11 so not going to replace a spell there but as we get into level three things start to or level four we start to get our first feat which is going to be important here so um we get a I guess we get the feat here we're going to be taking our Dex area obviously up to I would say bump it to 19 if you get The Hags here this will be plus 20 so that's already getting your dexterity bumped up to the max now you're obviously not going to get The Hags here I guess on Minsk but that's more so for if you're playing as a ranger now into our next level we get our extra attack and we get level two spell slots and we get the companion's Bond the bond between you and your animal companion grows stronger your proficiency bonus is added to its armor class so a nice proficiency bonus plus four for our level two spells dark vision could be useful depends if you're going to be using like uh laying down Darkness so if you would have taken the fog Cloud there that can be pretty useful one silence can be nice for just overall uh utility silencing Mages that are in the area I like Spike growth shape a piece of ground and hard spikes movement is Haled and they take piercing damage so that's good for crowd control which you typically want as a Beast Master it's about controlling your enemies dealing damage from a range and then having your your pets use their attacks at close range what's nice is the Beast Master gets bonus actions on their pets so you'll see what that's all about here soon for a second favorite enemy it's really up to you uh we can get protection from good and evil or SA sacred flame there if you want this is kind of a meme there's no sense in casting sacred flame but Ranger Knight just to give us a Proficiency in history but also to give us the heavy armor if we want to change up what we're using now we also got our natural Explorer for level two Beast Tamer being obv the first when we pick an expert in navigating the wild Proficiency in slate of hand can be somewhat useful but resistance to damages is really nice and I think that fire damage and cold are two of the most popular so especially in Act three I would go with fire damage resistance and cold damage is nice too so take you can take that alternatively now for level seven we do get another subclass feature of exceptional training which the Nal can do Dash disengage and help as bonus actions very nice for positioning purposes and then for our level two SL spell slot bark skin can be decent set Armor class up to 16 um you're typically going to have a higher Armor class than that pass withow Trace can be a decent stealth based off option but I think silence or cure wounds being like the the best it's not great to use your actions for heals but they can be useful at times as we get into Ranger level eight this is where we get another class feature here with the land stride gives us uh doesn't bother us when we got difficult terrains so that could be nice for just I guess movement movement and getting around the battlefield now we're going to go ability Improvement again but alert is probably the most underrated of all feeds so you plus five to initiative and can't be surprised as a ranger kind of owering to get that so for a level 12 feet that's likely the one to go with but you can also go with something like Sharpshooter which um if we're going with the Dual crossbow method that's great because it gives you minus 5 to attack r with plus 10 damage so if you're doing two attacks crazy amounts of damage but I do think that it's better to go with something like this and bumper dexterity and Constitution up so as you can see here we go from 68 Health to 76 so that's why we want that rounded off gives you so much more health and you could even go a little bit earlier and change your stats to have it so that it was um you bump your Charis or Constitution up but uh for a level three spell I like conjure barrage Channel your weapons Essence and destructive widespread V volley large a of effect damage lightning arrow is going to be probably our next pick here as we proceed into the ranger level [Music] 10 so for Action we're going to be going with hide and plain sight or I guess that's the one we get and um Sanctified stalker is kind of the meme of these two so this doesn't really matter a whole lot but for Wasteland Wanderer I think cold is kind of the best to go with there and then once we get to our next level this is when things come together for the Beast Master so here it is Ranger level 11 and we get our subass feature that's important beastial Fury so you bomb your animal companion CU deepen unlocking an extra attack very useful especially if you got like the Wolves cu the wolves are good for flanking the bear obviously being a tank for our next attack we're going lightning Arrow lightning arrow is just really great to have and then for our final level into the ranger at level 12 we're going to be going with the feat alert now there are a few other ones that we can go with like crossbow experts decent if you're using crossbows but I prefer allerg just for the plus five to initiative and can't be surprised super useful in the honor mode so that's nice Sharpshooters also consideration sorry with that or also you could go with an increase to Constitution or wisdom but I think that alert being the most important for the ranger now we're going to get into the gear a little bit here um the Titan string bow is a really great option if you're going to go high strength the reason I drop strength is you can get gauntlets that increase your strength to 23 or you can also get a the hill giant potions which gives you a 27 strength so you won't have to worry much about anything with that so that's why we dumb strength but we're going to be using the Assassin a ball cow at max level so this gives you to see in the dark up to 3 meters so that's useful if you're playing more of a stealthier rogue uh style Ranger shade Slayer cloak uh while hiding the number needed to roll critical H is reduced by one ballist armor gives us a enemies within 2 meters become vulnerable to piercing damage which is what we're going to be afflicting with our knife two knives here piercing damage and then also the bow is piercing damage as well so I like the emulators balls cuz targets that have maximum hit points get bleeding large area of effect attacks that can proc easily killer sweetheart gives us a critical hit after um you kill a creature which is very useful and Gunter male is our bow here on hit Pro possibly inflict guiding bolt upon the target which gives you an increased chance of hit you get Celestial haste from it and this is just a overall strong bow I also like the the ring that gives you two acid damage as well so something like that looks pretty solid for a build there your main focus is to get as many summons in as well you also have fine familiar boo which is pretty funny so you can pop that down and we got Boo the hamster there but also you got a lot of different summons Rangers companion you can go with the wolf lunging bite bear companions great for tanking um I like typically the wolf for that also the dire Raven can you can call in The Raven you can have up to five um summons here so the Raven comes in the Raven's pretty cool and then you can use the Raven to summon and another Raven so there's the Raven two Ravens we're going to dismiss thece truth oh why do you run away we're going to dismiss our our first Raven and then you can summon in the bear which can also summon in a bear um trying to there it is dismiss summon so see we still have those two crows there and then we can summon in another their companion I guess it won't it won't let me with the with a short rest but that's basically how you can get a bunch of summons and make the Beast Master super overpowered and just having boo is kind of nice too so there it is thank you so much for watching this build guide for the Beast Master Ranger I hope you found this video useful if you did please hit the Subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JasonDunna
Views: 4,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jason Dunn, jasondunna
Id: FHHcnpTtZfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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