The Best Lead Generation Strategy for 2024

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I've tried every lead generation strategy out there Google ads Twitter ads Facebook ads scraping Discord manually telegram Cod email you name it I've done it and in this video I'm going to reveal to you what the best lead generation strategy is for 2024 and how you can generate thousands of super qualified leads so this is a recent lead list that we scraped we got here 10,000 leads are various different web 3 blockchain defy gamey companies and as you can see we've got only decision makers so co-founders Founders CTO marketing directors anyone that can say yes or no to working with you their name their last name company website company name the LinkedIn URL and various keywords related to their company I'm going to show you three ways that you can get a big fat list of data without really having to do much first things first we're going to log into find you're going to sign up you're going to pay for the subscription then you're going to install the find email extension you just go on Chrome and type in find extension mention you can just grab that and it will pop up as a little envelope with a heart on it in the corner what you're going to be able to do is you're going to be able to export the data from LinkedIn right into find email and then download that sheet first things first you want to make a search so for example I want to work with web through game studios I'm a developer and I want to help them build their games and we're just going to choose the job titles of decision makers okay so you might want to look for Biz development manager co-founder founder chief executive officer and CTO could be quite effective here as well just put that in see all of the people attached to this right here and obviously if you want to be a little bit broader than web 3 game Studio what you can do is you can type in blockchain company and you should get a ton of results 47,000 here so find email can only export 2,500 leads at any one time so you're going to have to do it in stages but it doesn't take that long at all so you just need to export so you can see 2 and 1/2k and then what you do is you go to find email and then you put contact you create a new list and you say Kai blockchain companies or whatever you want to call it create list what we're going to do now is just go scroll down to the bottom see it's just here you click export so while that's running let me show you how to use Edge in to get more leads that may not necessarily be on LinkedIn or any other source so eding is a great tool that I found recently it's super effective for finding the latest trending companies daps STS marketplaces exchanges investors companies events that are coming up for example if I want to find trending companies or companies that have just been raising you can do that if I want to find the decision makers at cardano for example and I want to work with them so we got the founder here Charles hoskinson probably would take a minute to get through to his inbox and get something set up with him so maybe I want to go for someone like in Ops or I want to go to the operations people and find someone there that I can work my way up the ranks and get to the main decision maker so for example I can unlock his email here and we can just add this to our sheet that's the main tactic of how exactly to get 10,000 plus super qualified leads to send your pitch to or speak with to set up a partnership with and it's really straightforward although there is limited resources to get web 3 or blockchain specific leads in this current state you have to be resourceful you have to try things that not everyone is doing so that's the exact step-by-step process you can use to generate hundreds of thousands of super qualified leads that you can turn into clients if you want to learn more about building the most effective lead generating machine for your web 3 company consultancy or agency then click the link in the description below or just go to cops. and I'll show you how to generate super qualified meetings so you can close more deals and beat the bear also YouTube thinks that you want to see this video right here let's see if they're right
Channel: Kai Cabero
Views: 34,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lead generation strategies, lead generation, b2b lead generation, lead gen, lead generation tutorial, b2b lead gen, lead generation tools, lead generation tutorial for beginners, how to generate leads, smma lead generation, lead generation strategy, lead generation course, cold email, how to cold email smma, how to cold email to get clients, cold email marketing, cold email template, cold email lead generation, how to cold email, cold email outreach, smma cold email
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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