BEST Lead Scraping Tools 2024

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I have tested every single leadless tool I could possibly find to see which one is the best I spent 40 hours on this video trying to go through each individual tool testing every single one of them to see which one is the highest quality lead lists for the cheapest price we're going to judge them on a couple different criteria but the main ones being how many emails does it give us and how many of those emails are verified same with the phone numbers how many phone numbers does it give us and how many phone numbers are verified I also have every single lead list that I tried in a Google sheet with all the stats and statistics and also every single lead of this I pulled throughout this journey so if you want to try those or look at anything like that you can look at it in the link in the description below there is a ton of different types of scraping tools there's local business scraping e-commerce scraping and then personal data scraping I'm only going to go through the tools that I really liked using and I think that aren't going to be worth it for you you don't have to go through all these tools I've tried all of them extensively also I'm not getting paid by any of these tools so you know that my opinion is unbiased first I'm going to start with a local business scraping this is basically if you're looking for plumbers roofers anything that is a local business this is what you want to use for that now for targeting let's say doctors or lawyers it's going to be a little tougher to get through local business scraping so I recommend using personal data scraping for those Industries but if you're just targeting local businesses where it's a one-man band or just any companies car washes laundry mats stuff like that this is what it's good for the best tool that I have found so far based on the data is so it's 37 for unlimited scraping tool is actually really good it's got a Facebook scraper a lot of times when you are scraping from a Facebook business page the person that made the Facebook business page was the owner and so they put their own personal data like their own phone number their own email and so you know the data is a little higher quality they also have a Google search function which has a lot more data to it but I was only able to scrape like 60 leads at a time using the Google search function I have a list of 140 contacts 95 of them had emails and 57 of them were verified it's like 60 percent of verified email rate which is great and then there was 126 phone numbers and 76 of those were verified so at 60.32 phone number verified right and that's mobile phone numbers which is insane that's incredible my favorite tool before this was Ninja leads and they actually literally just just sat down two days ago that's why I had to remake this video because they shut down they only had a 48 mobile verified rate which is still incredibly good but this one is much better scraping from Facebook business Pages something to note as well with Leeds gorilla it was kind of annoying to set up you have to set up this Google Cloud API thing in order for it to actually function and you also have to pay a little extra for that Google cloud service stuff I haven't tested it a ton you might have to pay an extra five ten dollars a month depending on how much you use it now an honorable mention to local business scraping is D7 lead finder it's 35 a month for 10 lists per day they also have several packages I'm not going to go through every package and every tool whatever this one's really good because you can scrape almost any City you can scrape a ton of data so it's really good for a cheap price out of a list of 231 businesses I had 131 emails and 83 of those were verified so that's 63 percent uh verified with the phone numbers it's 230 phone numbers 91 verified that is 39 verified which is also pretty good also in the local business category I try lead scraper reunion scraper ninja leads and leadswift you can look at the data and how it compares to these tools in the Google sheet in the description below something I forgot to mention is with all these tools you're going to get varying different results depending on which industry you're targeting and where you're targeting so keep that in mind this is is the results that I got now going into personal data scraping there is a ton of tools and the personal data scraping category I have 24 tools total that I have found and tested I also sorted these from the cheapest to the most expensive in terms of price per context so price per contact is if you're paying 100 a month and you're getting 10 000 credits then you're paying a one cent per credit that you have and I only really did extensive tests on any tool that was under three cents per credit because if you're going over three cents per credit it just becomes not worth it for you it's also like Zoom info Congress and we're seamless AI who are they're extremely overpriced thousands of dollars per month now they are really good tools they have pretty good data I've tried seamless AI it's that it's actually decent it's not the greatest but Zoom info's data is really good but the thing is it's tens of thousands of dollars per year and so for the average Joe it just isn't worth it and even for me it's not worth it and I do this for a living all right so the first two tools I'll talk about is use Artemis and Lead rocks now I used to recommend these tools all the time and I vouch for them all the time because they're extremely cheap for the price that you're paying for them use Artemis is 129 for 35 000 credits a month which is the cheapest on this list I pulled a list of 150 contacts got 79 emails out of that but only 22 were verified that as 2 27 percent verified email rate which is incredibly bad it also has some phone numbers but it only gave me 13 phone numbers 12 of them were verified but you know who cares because it's only 12 phone numbers and so I thought maybe it was I pulled over on the list let me try something else so I tried another list I got scraped 150 people got 81 emails 23 of them were valid and I had 23 phone numbers so it's like it still was very bad in terms of the amount of verified emails that you're getting through this tool I recommend it a lot just because how cheap it is it's also on appsumo for 79 one time for 7 000 credits but it just isn't really worth it if you're like if you're only able to use 20 emails out of every list you pull just like why is it even why would you even get it same thing with like lead rocks I tried that one it used to be on app store it's not on there anymore so right now it's 2.9 cents per credit at 145 per month for 5 000 credits I put a list of 377 people it was 265 emails and 44 of them were valid which is 16.6 valorate which is incredibly low it's actually pretty decent in terms of phone numbers that had 152 phone numbers 104 of them were valid which is a 68 valid phone number rate but that's about all it's good for it's just phone numbers so I don't really commend either of these tools the tools that I do recommend there is one called it is 79 for unlimited credits I pulled a list of 100 contacts 75 of what the emails were valid so 75 175 which is incredibly good it did have some phone numbers but it was worthless like I pulled a list of a thousand people I only got 49 phone numbers out of the thousand and only eight of them were valid so I'm not even sure where they're getting that data but it's entirely bad in terms of the phone numbers but the emails is the best it was extremely fast in terms of scraping you can only scrape from sales Navigator which is a little bummer so you have to have sales Navigator in order for this to work but it does give you some extra data like it gives you Twitter data Instagram data Facebook data sometimes a little bit also shows you what technologies they use I don't know if you want to use that but it's there it also shows you if they have open profile so if you're doing an email campaign that's pretty cool and it's on appsumo right now for like 39 for five thousand credits per month or like 79 for ten thousand credits per month get on appsumo for a one-time deal and keep it forever which is incredible so either way I think this is a really good tool for the price you're paying and the data is like almost the best in terms of the amount of valid emails that you're getting out of this tool another tool that I really liked is sales it's 119 for 10 000 contacts it's one point two cents per contact out of a list of 250 people that I pulled 227 of them had emails 150 of them were valid that is 66 percent valid email rate which is great 138 phone numbers 60 of them were valid 43 valid phone number rate so in terms of the best tool that has a good amount of emails and phone numbers this is the best one overall in terms of giving you that type of data and it's going over some other tools a lot of people like it is 99 for 10 000 credits so about a penny per content the thing is it's just like every other tool 250 contacts 131 were valid that's a 52.4 valid email rate and so you can get a scrub for cheaper get more credits and it's more valid emails so it's like it just isn't worth it for me there's some other tools that are really cool to have unique features like snow video basically you can go into any website you click on the snow video Chrome extension and it'll show you which emails are associated with that website which is pretty cool those are just some extra features that are really unnecessary for anyone's daily activity of scraping leads now there's a whole bunch of other gurus they're going to take all my data they're going to take all this stuff and they're going to call their own I'm the one out here doing all the work doing all the slave labor everybody else copies me I see a whole bunch of other gurus like oh this is the best strategy for getting clients like you don't even know that you didn't even test that I've sent hundreds of thousand emails hundreds of thousands of texts tens of thousands of DMs I pulled lists of millions and millions and millions of contacts I've done it all and so if you want the best strategies please subscribe to my channel because nobody else has it like me I am 100 the number one best at getting clients I know more than any of these other gurus know because I've done it all myself and so if you want a system of consistently getting 120 sales calls per month you can book call with my team below or I'll coach you one-on-one on how to do this I'll set up the campaigns with you and for you and if it doesn't work you don't pay anything thank you so much for watching I will talk to you guys soon
Channel: Karston Fox
Views: 29,635
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Id: 7dv35iqQgPs
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Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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