How To Get FREE Leads Using ChatGPT in 2024

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ladies and gentlemen I think I may have just potentially found the best lead scraping method in 2023 2024 so the benefits of watching this video and implementing what I'm about to share is that not only is the lead quality absolutely insane it's super simple and effective to actually do it's not complicated compared to these other YouTube videos out there it's completely free and per unit of time spent which means that the amount of energy minutes and times compared to the actual result so the amount of leads we can generate is once again it's crazy because we're going to be leveraging chat gbt and Automation and I promise you you will not have seen this method anywhere else especially the automation side so part two of this video that I'll be covering later in this video so being an agency owner myself I've tried pretty much every lead scraping software tool whatever it may be out there and let me tell you something it gets very expensive very quickly before you know it you're paying $79 for Apollo and then you realize they make you pay for exports on top of that it's crazy like when I first started my journey like I got so confused in the you know crowded space of you know how to generate leads that I generally had no idea how to do it so the goal of this video is to just give you a simple way that's completely free and this is by far out of my you know year and a half of doing this it's by far the best way of doing it like it's crazy so the main problem isn't the fact that it's expensive yes that's not the best but the main main problem right is that you are getting the same lead list as every other agency owner in the same niches you for example let's say you're in the real estate Niche and you use the same lead scraping softwares which you probably do like D7 lead finder Apollo lead Swift lead Kahuna all these platforms and softwares those are what other agency owners use so when they search for the same Niche they're going to get the same lead list as you which means that the prospects you reach out to have already been mess messaged hundreds if not thousands of times before by agency owners which leads to overexposure and classical conditioning so the prospects the leads you're reaching out to is that they've already been messaged before emailed code called whatever it may be and they've become numb to basically agencies so how can we overcome this well I'm going to share it with you and I'm excited to get into this so this is by far the number one Le gen method 2024 um and the pros is that this works for all niches um it's completely free you get their first name email phone number and any other socials you want into a Google sheet and it's great for beginners because it's so simple and effective now keep watching because it's going to get insane and it's automated by the way so the instructions are here right and we've got one because first of all to be honest you need to understand how to do this um manually and then we can automate it in this video later on which I've got instructions down here but what you're going to do is you're going to go to Google right and you're going to put your Niche and then the brackets if we want their Gmail if want their phone numbers we can do you know at phone no sorry at phone number but essentially go to Google and let me remove myself so you can see what I'm searching here but let's use Roofing as an example for a niche you would put whatever Niche you're in and just replace it so you're going to type Roofing right and then you're going to do that and then at now what this is going to do right is when we click search it's going to have a bun of roofing at websites and it's also got their phone number so as you can see yeah Advanced Roofing we've got you know Aaron Roofing we've got I think you get the point right You' you've literally got like tons and tons of roofing companies right here who you can reach out to like there's loads but the best part like look how many there are and they've all got like their own personal like Gils and phone numbers as well so you can do the exact same same thing by just putting phone number in here because it's a keyword so if you phone number you'd get the same thing right so what you're going to do is obviously we don't want to have to manually copy and paste this into a Google sheet because that would take way too long and yeah we don't have that much time on maybe you do I don't so let me show you how you're going to do this you're going to do contr a so you're going to make it go like that then we're going to go back to the instructions and by the way if you want these instructions then just drop me a DM on Instagram give me a follow as well why not um and I'll just send you this Google doc cuz it trust me it helps when you have the instructions in front of you because you can just copy it so yeah DM me on Instagram and I'll basically give you these this uh this Google doc so next you're going to want to so we basically we've done control a to highlight all the information now control C to copy now we're going to go into chat gbt and click control+v however we're going to say um format this data into um CSV after with company phone number email and website so this is what we're going to get in the Google sheet we can also do first name but let's go to chat gbt now to make it easy we've got a brand new thing here and we're going to basically um let me go back so I accidentally did that so once again contrl A contrl C to get all the information on this page go into chat gbt contrl +v click enter and as you can see it has basically got all the different ones like this so it's already done the hard work right because it's got the things however we want to make this look a lot cleaner so what we're going to do is we're going to look how many leads by the way and that's just the first page we're going to automate this so it we'll do the second page third page fourth page fifth page sixth page you get the point here and we're going to use automation to do the rest of this um so what you're going to do is you're going to go here and you're going to copy this so where is it here it is so format this data into CSV like that so when we paste this into chat gbt like this what it's going to do is if you wait is going to give you this now I'll skip to the part once it's done now okay so now it's basically just giv you all the leads in the uh in this CSV format so what we're going to do right is we're going to copy this so I believe it says copy code here and then we're going to go to a notepad um for example I've just gone to onlin notepad. org um and what you're going to do is you're going to copy this and paste it into this Google sheet so it looks like this but now we need to download this as a CSV because you can't really download it from chat gbt so that's why we're using this notepad so you're essentially going to go here click save um You can call this whatever you want let's just call it Roofing and once again you can use this for any Niche like personal trainers uh gyms real estate yeah Plumbing like Ecom whatever you want like this works and it's completely free so Roofing and then you're going to do yeah you can just call it whatever you want I'll just call it uh leads click save and as you can see here it's basically downloaded it up here as a CSV so not not only do we have um we can basically now just go here file um and I believe it's import and yeah just upload it as a CSV now you may be asking me Charlie how can we automate that so not only is that insane right because I've basically um given you away or finding unlimited leads completely free using chat gbt however if you're an OG of my channel you know that I made a similar video on this a few months ago however I found something even better and this is the craziest part yet if you thought this was good because it basically just gives you like hundreds of leads automatically we I found a better way and it's basically a way of automating that but we can do it 10 fold so it's insanely powerful here and what you're going to do is you're going to download either mger this is completely free if you're a Mac User or you can download J jitbit for non-mac users and what these are these are macro recorders means that basically what we've done there we can automate that and just give it to that um to do the same thing over and over again and repeat it as many times times as we want So the instructions is once you've downloaded it um I recommend mer it's so much better than jitbit but if you don't have a Macbook then you just have to use jitbit basically or another macw recorder um or you can just do it yourself manually like what I've just done because it is sort of automated already but I want to go one step further and give you this information um now as I talked about earlier right there's going to be different pages so obviously we don't want to automate the same page but when we go right to the bottom if we keep going there'll be like page two for example um which means that this is one page but there'll be another page with you know similar results but not the same companies so that's what we want so what we've got here in a Google sheet is Roofing one Roofing two and these are for all the different pages right now if um if we go back into the instructions um you need to make sure you have the tab so when you run this automation through merga or jitbit you need to make sure that the um the tabs so as you can see up here are in the same place every time otherwise it will mess up the placement of the automation um and you also if you're using M don't go on your phone because it's sort of connected so yeah it'll mess it up once again um and yeah just follow what I do now very carefully so close any tabs you are if you're on Tik Tok because you're addicted to social media then turn that off um and just watch this now um for literally like 2 minutes it's not going to take long and also you may have to do it a few times to get good at it um so yeah let's do this so what it's going to look like is you're going to want to open MGA so I've got MGA up here um essentially yeah in the backgrounds with Discord you know I've got a free Discord so feel free to join that if you want um but yeah essentially this is mger right and we can basically play back the recording as many times so I recommend making a key to start and stop so for example I've done command R and that means that we can record what we've just done and play it back if that makes sense I'm trying to make this really simple um and you've got command s which basically means to um you know play that recording as many times as we want so it'll repeat what we've just done in terms of going on Google finding roofing companies finding their emails putting into chat gbt putting into the notepad and it's going to do that for you so we can repeat this as many times as we want but I'm just going to repeat five times so now the amount of leads we just created in that CSV it's going to do that fivefold automatically through automation so so we've got command R and command s and it's going to repeat it five times so what we're going to do is we're going to go here and we're going to make sure we uh close this tab so now let me move my mic so I can have full access to this walk through now of how the automation Works stay tuned because this is going to be crazy so once you're on your Google sheet have your Niche just in the in the you know rows here essentially so you've got Roofing grouping grouping and then the reason we have 1 2 3 4 is just because it will basically put a different page so so like what I was speaking about before about the the search we got from the first lead list was just one page so we can automate this to do page 2 3 4 5 6 automatically without having to do anything so we just have to do it once basically so what this will look like is place your thing on here so put your cursor on the first one and then you're going to put your cursor anywhere on this page just make sure it's the same place you do it when you end the recording basically so it does the same thing so let's just use l for an example once you put your cursor on the set place and you've got your uh column selected you're basically going to click command R CU that's going to start a recording now I'm going to do this I'm going to have to do this quickly to speed it up otherwise if I do the automation while speaking it's going to do it really slow so I'm going to speed this up um and just go for it quickly and basically explain to you as I'm doing it so I'm going to click command R and as soon as I do that I'm going to press down on my um keypad not the cursor so we're not going down to click on this we're going to use the um the cursor as you can see on my keyboard down and it's going to do the same thing but let's put it back on the L and click command R to start the recording recording started so down you're going to contrl Ctrl T to open a tab click G for Google Now once you're here you're going to contrl V and you're going to put boom and then at space and then you're going to go back here you're going to go across not using the cursor C and then you're going to go back onto Google V paste now it's basically got a brand new one you're going to contrl C just like what you did last time and go to chat gbt and go to the bottom contrl + V and paste now we're going to go back onto Google Sheets actually you know we're not going to go back into Google Sheets we so it's essentially it's already done it for us because I said format CSV so now we can just copy the code copy code go to your notepad contrl V click file save save as whatever you want leads and click save and now it's just done it now you're going to close the Google go back to this Google Sheets go across without the cursor and put your cursor back L because that's where we started and stop it recording stopped now I've just done the automation so now I can literally go for a walk go to a gym and play this back as many times I want and it'll get as many leads as you want for free in your Niche into a Google Sheets for you or as a CSV um so let's run this so command s we'll play this back so playb started I've pressed command s I'm not touching anything as you can see it's going to copy the lead I'm not touching anything this is literally an automation where it's gone on to Google right now it's going to put Roofing but this time it's going to do Roofing fre instead of two which means it it's going to get the third page from Google not the second page which means that we're going to get brand new leads and this is automated I'm not touching anything I could literally go for like a walk I could go to the gym and let this do it this is by far the most effective way to get free leads in 2024 and it's absolutely insane so it's copying the information from the page it's going to go onto chat gbt it's it's going to go to the bottom it's going to literally paste it into chat gbt I'm not touching anything um and it's going to go back onto no I didn't actually want it to go on Google Docs but as you can see it's going to copy the code like look how insane this is and it's going to basically paste it and save as a thing um all you need to do is just make sure you clear it at the end of the automation close the tab once again puts it back and I could let this run for as long as I wanted and it would do the same thing over and over again um and it's insane because look it's literally look it's gone on to number four now so this is going to do page four while I'm not doing anything I could literally go eat food I could it is nuts like hopefully you can share my enthusiasm here because it's pretty insane for getting leads um so I can let this run all day and get as many leads as I want really easily however I'm going to stop the recording and yeah so basically it's insane long story short please leave a like and comment if you got to this stage because yeah it's pretty crazy now yeah make sure you follow these steps um and once again uh DM me on Instagram if you want this instructions because yeah it's much easier to follow and also if you don't want to run this automation for some reason let's say you on you know uh non MAAC and it's a bit complicated for you go on to upwork and you can basically get a VA for $4 an hour let's say from a Philipp which is their average wage and get them to do it so the best part is you can send them this video and just get them to do this and I think I I did the math right so per hour you can basically get 200 free leads doing this which means that for 10 hours you could get 2,000 leads from personal whatever emails phone numbers of your Niche and they usually charge $4 an hour which mean that if you can't do the automation for some reason just go on upw work get a VA and it would basically be $40 for 2,000 um personal leads which is pretty good value like that's pretty good um but yeah hopefully you found this video insane um it was you know really fun to record it um we're almost at 5,000 subscribers by the way so click the Subscribe button um I post very valuable content that's helped me um because that's sort of the goal of the channel here so yeah leave a like comment and subscribe um and yeah once again if you want all this you know Google doc then just DM me on Instagram and I'll send it over um and give me a follow on Instagram why not but yeah hopefully this video helps and I'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: Charlie Barber
Views: 53,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leads, quality, free, best, how, agency, b2b, automation, chatgpt, ai
Id: YlIs29Y8PmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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