Alex Hormozi's $100M Cold Outreach Strategy Revealed

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I went through all of Alex rosi's content about lead generation and cold Outreach so that I could bring you the best takeaways and build my own company that does $600,000 per month using the same cold Outreach strategies I'll be teaching you today now her MOSI actually credits figuring out cold Outreach for saving his business when he needed it most and it took him hiring three different people in an entire year before he got it right but by watching this video you're going to do it in a single day now in his book $100 million leads he talks about a lot of strategies but he does not talk about a lot of the tools and resources that are available to help you actually execute on them so I'll be throwing a lot of those in throughout the video myself in his materials heroi really emphasizes the importance of understanding cold Outreach and cold Outreach is different than warm Outreach because these people don't know who you are they don't trust you and you don't have any Goodwill with them yet so you have to overcome that lack of trust and familiarity and he gives you some tools to do that mainly lead magnets and giving value upfront a quote that stuck out about this we're not trying to tickle their interest we're trying to blow their minds in 30 seconds with the value that we're going to provide them so cold Outreach is much different than warm Outreach because these people don't know who you are they don't trust you and you don't have any credibility with them so give them value immediately before going for any ask once you build some Rapport and some Goodwill then you can go for the ask heroi then goes into the different ways to contact people and where your interested parties on the internet actually live he talks about three different ways for acquiring leads the first one being scraping scraping is using software to collect leads from the internet and there's a lot of different examples of this online and I'll mention just a couple right now so scrup is a tool that you can use to scrape from LinkedIn so you can create LinkedIn filters using different locations and job titles and industries and then scrape their contact information using scrp there's also different tools that you can use to scrape Google Maps you can scrape from Facebook groups and there's a lot of different scraping tools out there that you can explore this is one that I recommend the second way he says that you can acquire leads is by buying lists now he mentions that you can acquire these from Brokers like buying them from other companies or other established businesses the way that I like to buy lists is a tool that I like to use called Apollo is the number one B2B database that I've used so far and they have millions and millions of different contact points for different people across various Industries and countries and job titles now buying data can get quite expensive so it's definitely worth looking at your options to see what you can afford if you try and invest Too Much Too Quickly in data and in scaling before you have the other stuff down it can get very expensive and his third way to gather contact info was elbow grease or manual effort this is joining communities to find and contact potential leads and you can do this on Facebook groups you can do this on Twitter you can do this on Instagram a lot of people do have public information especially on Instagram and Twitter and Linkedin you can go to these platforms and find them yourself personally this is obviously the cheapest way to do it and he talks about leverage all the time so if you have a lot of time to leverage you might want to consider consider elbow grease if you have a lot of money to leverage you might want to consider buying a quality B2B database like he talks about leads and comparison to fishing where concentrated groups of different interested leads are concentrated in these different ponds and you need to know what bait to use to attract those different types of leads Alex rosi also really emphasizes personalization and value in cold Outreach one important quote about this is personalize and then give big value fast the idea is to make the cold out Outreach feel like a warm Outreach now personalization can take a lot of different forms now a lot of people just think about including variables and their cold emails like hey first name I'd love to help company with x y and z now in the modern days this is not good enough so I'm going to show you some ways that I personalize my emails using AI to do this in mass and very affordably and very quickly now in regards to personalization heroi says this is kind of like writing a sales letter it's the last sales letter that you'll ever write for to secure your financial future how would you write that letter you're going to personalize the crap out of it you're going to know everything that you need to know that the person that you're writing that to and include as much relevant information about that person as you can now here's some little tricks that I use to personalize my cold emails using the most upto-date technology that he does not talk about in his content so instantly. is the Outreach platform that I use and it's my recommended one it's going to be linked down below if you want to give it a free trial So within this lead section there's this little brain AI prompts and I've actually created a lot of my own prompts that you can use they're publicly available and this is one that I I use a lot it's one of the most popular ones on the platform find competitor so this one will actually look at their company name and look at their industry and look at their city and it'll identify one of their core competitors if you can call out one of their core competitors in a call in a text in an email that is going to take you Leaps and Bounds away from your competition it's going to make you stand out it's going to get the click and it's going to make them think that you actually did the due diligence to put the effort into that Outreach some other personalizations that I've created using these AI prompts are finding the paino in their industry so if you're not personalizing campaigns for different Industries like a cold email campaign for design companies a cold email campaign for automotive companies if you're just lumping them all together cuz maybe you're a Facebook ads agency and you sell to everyone you can use this to personalize that email I also created this uh first line using the SEO description so this is a really interesting way to personalize the first sentence of an email it's the first thing that they'll see once it hits their inbox and it'll increase the likelihood that it will get answered heroi also highly emphasizes Simplicity in communication in fact one of the things that he says in his book is I got a 50% response bump in email all I did is I rewrote all of our templates in below third grade reading level and I found this to be extremely true for my own Outreach the more complicated the language the worse your emails will perform people don't want to spend a lot of brain power power going through a cold email somebody that they don't even know yet they have nothing invested in your email so keep it as short and as simple as you possibly can to optimize your level of success one little trick to make an email even shorter and simpler is run it through chat GPT and tell it to make this email as short as possible and as simple as possible without losing its core value this will give you a result that I think you're going to like heroi also talks about the importance of follow-ups in the cold Outreach campaigns in fact he emphasizes follow following up multiple times and in various different ways so what does this mean it means you have to follow up with the same person at more than one touch point I recommend about five or six touch points across multiple channels so multi- Channel or Omni Channel marketing means if you're emailing someone it might be good not just to email them but to send them a second touch point on LinkedIn to send them a voicemail drop to send them an SMS this Omni Channel Outreach strategy will increase the likelihood that that person will see on one of those platforms and reply to them but also feel like they're familiar with with you because they already saw you on email because they already saw you on LinkedIn they'll be more likely to give you a call back if you leave them a voicemail here's a quote from Alex rosi regarding follow-ups if you contact someone multiple times then you show that you are serious curiosity increases because they fear they're missing out so it's important in your Outreach to stay persistent don't do a simple two or three reminder sequence give them value over and over again hit them on multiple channels and leverage technology and automation to help you do this there's a lot of really cool technology that exists right now including zapia where you can connect multiple platforms you can connect instantly with an SMS tool you can connect your go high level with voicemail drops to a LinkedIn automation tool there's a lot of really great technologies that make it very accessible and if you're interested in learning more about those you have to join my course where I teach all of this the link is going to be down in the description where I go through setting up these different Omni Channel sequences these automations everything that you're going to need to know and in line with the Omni Channel Outreach he talks a lot about an effective voicemail strategy now this was really effective for him in making cold Outreach work and he doesn't talk about this a lot publicly I actually found this as a golden nugget in one of his pieces of content but the tool that he uses for his voicemail drops and his automated phone Outreach is called phone it's a really effective tool we actually use it in our own company highly recommend checking it out but this is exactly what he uses now he says that the script with cold calling is everything so you really need to focus on that script if you mention a known client or a known competitor or in that voicemail or in that cold call you're going to have a much bigger success rate now with all of the follow-ups and Omni channel multi- channel Outreach that he suggesting that you do in order to be successful you also need to be cognizant and aware that you're not overbearing somebody you're not harassing somebody and if they tell you to stop you need to stop now obviously the most effective cold email is one where you research the person that you're sending that email to and you write an email or do a video or do a call directly to that person with all of their information in mind you already know about their company their industry and you're just sending a direct email to them but obviously this isn't very easy to scale you can only get so many of those out per day so he recommends leveraging technology and automation to scale this up as much as you can without sacrificing too much of the personalization and this is where I recommend using instantly to build sequences that will do this on autopilot for you while still bringing in personalization elements like their industry their competitor and you can schedule these out for weeks at a time with m multiple different touch points all right now this one's not going to be very sexy but it's one of the most important things in making your cold Outreach work and in pouring more money in scaling it up so heroi says a few times I failed at Cold Outreach I hired people who'd never track metrics well the third person did in cold Outreach succeeded metrics are the most important thing in any of your different marketing channels and if you're not tracking them with cold Outreach how are you going to know if a campaign is working how are you going to know if a channel is working how are you going to know if an audience is working this can be very difficult to do so what what I recommend doing and this is what I do myself for tracking is I use UTM codes in all of the links that I use in different campaigns UTM codes are are way for you to add additional code and words to links that you can track in the back end so what happens is I'll put a cly Link in an email that countly link will have information on what campaign it came from who the audience is what channel it's on and when someone books a call using that link it's all tracked in my pleo dashboard this is where I collect all of the data and I can visualize it very easily so this is what pleo looks like and I can see how many calls are coming in each day through all of these different channels it's really important to know your data to know if something's working and to know what the value of a call or a sale is especially if you're an agency and your time to close somebody is between 3 and 6 months it can be really difficult to track what the value of a booked call is of what an email is but it's really important for you to gather that data this is pretty advanced stuff and he actually doesn't teach this in detail in any of his trainings but I do recommend if you're interested in learning more about it to join my course where I go over those things in extreme detail if you don't already have a lock on your metrics you need to learn how to do that you need to learn how to utilize UTM codes import them into a spreadsheet using zap year and then visualize them using pleo or another visualization tool so if you're not already doing that please join my free course it's right down below so some metrics that are really important that you need to keep in mind this is what he recommends directly how many emails are you sending how many emails does it take you to book a call how many of those calls does it take for you to make a sale how much is that sale worth how much is that call worth by knowing your metrics you can easily say okay this is profitable or okay it's not or this campaign's profitable and this one's not and then you can take the next step in optimizing these campaigns turning the unsuccessful ones off and scaling up and doubling down on the campaigns and the channels that are working for example in my company we have an extremely successful cold email machine this thing sends about a million emails per month now we also tried to get cold calling to work at the same degree we hired an entire team team of In-House cold callers we had four people on the phones all day every day and it just wasn't very effective we had single cold caller who was doing well and what we found is most of those leads were actually coming in from the voicemails and from the emails so what we did is we transitioned a lot of that to voicemail drops and just double down on the email which is what we know is working if we didn't know the difference between who is coming in from emails who is coming in from voicemail callbacks and who is coming in from live calls we wouldn't have been able to make those decisions so dial in your metrics and you'll be able to make much easier decisions much more quickly now clearly heroi is a master of lead generation now he doesn't give too many of his technical Secrets away so we dissect it as much as we possibly could from his materials a lot of that includes building lead magnets setting up cold email sequences getting lead data cold calling we know he does all of these things and I hope that you found this helpful in some of the specific strategies and tools that you can use to make this happen now a lot of this is a lot more complicated than it sounds just by hearing the bird's eye view strategy you really need to to get into the weeds and watch somebody actually build these things from start to finish and this is where the course really becomes handy it is a free course all you have to do is go down there sign up for it actually give you 8 million free leads to start with so you don't have to do any of that manual labor a lot of that is already done for you and then you can learn how to set up these things from A to Z so you can build a $600,000 a month cold email machine like we have by following the exact steps that we took and that we use for our clients to generate leads on autopilot just like Alex Heros now if you love this video you need to watch the entire cold email course linked somewhere on this video go ahead and click it and if you're not already subscribed you need to be you need to fill your feed with stuff like this that's going to help you grow your business become a better entrepreneur a better marketer and make more money so subscribe hit the Bell notification and like this so the algorithm knows to serve you more like this on your feed if you have any questions I'd love to talk to you in the comments and we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Lead Gen Jay
Views: 10,171
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Keywords: lead gen jay, jay feldman, lead gen jay cold email, alex hormozi business tips, lead generation, $100m leads, cold email marketing, b2b lead generation, how to cold email, cold email training, cold email lead gen, lead gen, cold emailing, cold email outreach, alex hormozi 100m offers, alex hormozi 100m leads, cold email to get clients
Id: ND2vv3f83qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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