How To Generate Leads: 4 Best AI Tools (And ChatGPT Prompts) For 2024

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Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing how we generate leads, calls and sales. And in this video, I'm going to go through the 4 AI power tools that you should be leveraging this year to grow your business. My name is Ravi Abuvala, founder of Scaling With Systems, where our sole mission is to enable businesses to scale using simple systems. And we've worked with over 1300 clients in the past few years. And so I am always on the lookout on how can we increase the efficiency of our lead generation, our marketing and our sales process. And these tools Here are some that I don't think I've seen anybody else talk about, at least the way that I'm talking about in this video here. And I think you're going to get a lot of value from it. So make sure you stick around until the end. The first artificial intelligence software you can use to grow sales in your business is going to be Gong.IO Now, Gong.IO calls itself a revenue intelligence platform. And essentially what it does is it takes in all of the information from your sales calls and spits out actionable insights so that you and your sales team can increase your closing percentage and thus grow your business. A few examples are coming across the screen. As you can see right here, it says that only 23% of reps are adopting the new messaging. 86% of top reps respond within 24 hours. If you engage the CFO of a company, you improve the win rates by 46%. And this won't replace a sales team manager or a sales team leader or you if you're the one managing your sales team. But instead it will increase their efficiency a 100 x It uses artificial intelligence in order to analyze what's going on in the calls and helps you make decisions such as take this wrap off of the calendar or give this rep more calls. Or if you speak to the CFO, you have a higher chance of converting that person by 46%. As you can imagine, all of these little wins that you stack on top of each other could lead you to doubling, tripling or quadrupling your closing percentage over a time period of 30 or 60 days. Here's a great graphic that Gong IO has on our website here. So it captures all the interactions, text messages, phone calls, voicemails, emails, anything from your CRM zoom videos, and then it puts it inside of the gong IO platform automatically, and then it spits out insights on strategy, productivity and deals, which I think is a very, very cool platform. And so you can literally see how quickly are people adopting new messaging or new pricing. You can see if you speak with a specific person whether that increases the win rate versus speaking to different people. And remember, this is powered by artificial intelligence, meaning that you're not having to type out, oh, I'm speaking to the CEO and the person on the other end doesn't have to say I am the CEO, but instead the artificial intelligence reads the conversation and makes an assumption based off of your previous conversations as to whether or not that person is a CEO or not. Our second software is called Enrich with A.I., and this is actually a phantom buster add on tool. Now, if you've never heard of Phantom Buster, it's probably one of the leading tools in lead generation today. It allows you to not only scrape data from multiple sources like LinkedIn Sales Navigator or even Google Maps, but it also allows you to craft messaging and send the emails and have the outreach campaign inside of the software, which means that you're able to do literally end to end everything you need to do for a lead generation software inside of Phantom Buster. But what we're talking about in this video is a new beta add on. They have called enrich with a AI. And what this does is it actually allows you to leverage artificial intelligence in your lead generation campaign in order to generate more leads, more calls and more sales. And a really great example that they cover inside of here is you can take a list of LinkedIn sales navigator profiles that you've scraped from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and if you have never watched the video, I've another video on YouTube where I go more in-depth on that. But they can take a list of thousands of people that you've scraped their profile URL, you know, their first name, last name, their job titles or city, and then you can actually ask this enrich with AI beta tool here to come up with a personalized connection message for this person, leveraging this artificial intelligence. And for years we've done LinkedIn lead generation of LinkedIn outreach and we've always done somewhat personalized outreach messages, but it's always been kind of copy and paste and a little bit cookie cutter. But if you use this tool, what you can do is actually have hundreds of different variations of personalized messages in a matter of seconds, all leveraging artificial intelligence. So an example workflow of how this would work is first you would go inside LinkedIn Sales Navigator and identify a list of people that are the highest quality audience that you could scrape from. Then you'd come inside Phantom Buster and you would scrape those people into a CSV file. Then you would take that CSV file and put it inside of this enriched with AI and. Create thousands of different personalized connection messages. And finally, you would use those thousands of personalized connection messages inside of that CSV with their profile URL. Back inside Phantom Buster again to start sending connection messages. The third Air Power lead generation tool is called Reach Out dot A. Now this one is honestly very, very cool and what rich outdoor air does is actually takes the typical cold email, which is just text and messaging, which I think does work. Now why is reach out is so powerful? It's because in our experience, we have always found that whenever we're able to leverage custom videos inside of our outreached messages, whether it's on a social media outreach, an email outreach, or LinkedIn outreach, we've always seen a higher connection rate, a response rate and a higher conversion rate. But of course, the biggest bottleneck is filming and sending those videos, right? If every video takes 2 minutes and you want to send 100 emails a day, that could be 200 minutes that you're spending just on the filming of the videos. And obviously that's very difficult to do. And what reach outside air does is it actually replaces you in that entire process. So if I scroll down here, you can kind of see what this looks like. But what Ricciardi gives you is a link that you can put inside of the email and you can even hyperlink it as well. So it's kind of a little hidden in the cold email. And then when they click on it, what happens is it can actually take them to a landing page where you had an air created video of you saying a specific script based off of that person's website and the cold email that you're feeding it. So it uses air to actually replace what you look like and it creates an air powered version of you. And then if you're sophisticated enough, you can actually import a specific voice you wanted to use from a different software in order to match your voice. So now you have the air version of you speaking your voice. And on top of all of that, you can make the background of your video, be the website of the person you're cold emailing. And our fourth and final tool is going to be chat, but not the way that you're typically using it. So Chatbot is actually the foundational A.I. that's powering a lot of these other softwares. They're just kind of putting their software on top of Jackie Beatty. So this is like the bare bones of artificial intelligence and anybody can use this. And a lot of people have, and there's hundreds of videos online of how to use Chartbeat, but you can 100 acts increase the efficiency of your Chachi beat by downloading your mine into a catchy beat. So what do I mean by this? If you look at this, this is our chatty video. You can see it says agent Ravi GPT. And what this means is that we have over the course of weeks put all of the information of Ravi above all of the types of videos I do, the types of sales letters I write, the type of Facebook ads that I create, the results from the videos, the shorts, the YouTube videos, and we're just feeding this air software everything it needs to know about me and the things that I've done, that I've worked and the things that I've done that haven't worked. And now whenever we are presented with a task that we need to do, or even better yet, when my team is presented with a task that I need to do like script or a YouTube video or a script assured, they can actually ask agent Ravi Gupta to do that first and then get a template or an outline from it. Not just a random generated template, but a template from thousands of piece of text that we've already vetted. That's very similar to how I would answer it. And then they can give it to me. And sometimes it even has better answers than I do because my human brain is not nearly as powerful as the artificial intelligence tool is. So instead of leveraging chatty like everyone else where you're giving no context and you're pretty much just asking it to give you an answer based on what it thinks the right answer is. Instead, work on creating an agent GPG tool that uses all the information about you to give a custom answer almost exactly how you would answer it.
Channel: Ravi Abuvala
Views: 67,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lead generation, lead generation strategies, how to generate leads, ai tools, chatgpt, lead generation tutorial, b2b sales, smma, digital marketing, phantombuster, reachoutai, conversion rate optimization, scaling a business, lead generation tips, scaling with systems, ravi abuvala scaling with systems, ravi abuvala course, chat gpt prompts
Id: fn3heXmUFcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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