The BEST Landing Spot in Fortnite! (Chapter 5, Season 3)

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there's a lot of amazing spots you can land in chapter 5 season 3 but what's the best location it's actually crazy you're going to want to watch this whole video because I provide a ton of tips on how to get some easy wins as well oh my gosh guys YouTube is telling me that 75% of you watching right now are not subscribe I upload every single day so don't miss out make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos let's jump into it there's a lot of places to land on the map but this place over here this is the best one I'm serious I know it doesn't look like I mean it's not even named on the map but it is so darn good I'm just going to line this up and have a really great job there you go look at it it's absolutely beautiful I believe there's a total of five chests that can spawn here I'm going to go ahead and open this one thank you very much there's these cactuses with these blue fruit gives you 30 Shield I love that and it'll give you health if you're missing it too there's some barrels here and we got a Launchpad these metal piles that give you 40 plus metal per pile which is absolutely insane and more metal here CU of the bus then if you go over here another chest in here okay wow I just got some incredible loot just going to go ahead and farm that and farm this and I am good now I can go ahead and take this motorcycle or I'm going to take the express route by uh popping this flow Berry Fizz and hitting this Launchpad oh my gosh I see a bunch of people here I'm going to go ahead and land on top of them it's one down two down and they're kind of just uh make me super powerful right now aren't they let's get these Nitro fists from them this location here is great if you just want to loot up there's also a super car that spawns here and you can go ahead and grab that and then uh get these uh nice additions for it which is fantastic now at this point you have a choice you can go west to this boss here or east to this boss over here I'm actually going to go west to this boss for a couple of reasons but the other boss is absolutely fantas fantastic as well I'm coming in hot now the best attachment to fight the boss is going to be the machine gun turret is right over here and the boss can sometimes spawn above I don't know exactly where the boss is but probably like here somewhere oh right up there I'm going up smush this guy oh it's my boss to fight not yours I think that might us okay the boss is right here what's up dude holy smokes another one bites the dust that fight there was a little bit close off this med kit boss is getting a little bit angry down there luckily the bosses this season are pretty easy to fight players not so much oh ow he is angry and he is down we can get this Medallion which gives us unlimited Nitro fantastic we have some flow Berry Fizz the Mythic Megalodon's Nitro fists and we have the Mythic Megalodon's combat shotgun now this thing is great don't get me wrong but I actually prefer the gatekeeper so I'm going to keep that when you defeat the boss or if you just have The Medallion you can come over here and you can actually just scan your face and you will get the boss's car oh my gosh I did not expect that guy to be there I got to scram I am so hurt where did that guy come from oh my gosh I got jumped I did not expect that honestly okay this location right nearby where we started actually has this water that'll heal you but it heals you very very very slowly I actually can't stress how slowly this water heals you it's like once every second I guess so it'll take you a very long time to heal all your HP instead I'm going to grab these bandages and actually I think people are fighting here from the boss got him grab The Medallion grab that I am leaving got to run keep popping these bandages now of course you can get all the best loot in the world like I have but it's still going to come down to skill getting these medallions and these bosses are going to help a ton though and you're going to want to have good loot to do that so yeah exactly my point these guys are rolling it out over here I'm coming through I'm going run you down ooh that guy just got run over hitting this guy so Hardo this guy was trying to eliminate me earlier got absolutely bodied take this car and get out somebody chasing me oh my gosh this guy is so weak I know it he knows it I'm missing a tire though I'm moving towards him I see you bro oh my gosh he's one shot so much damage on him it's not enough oh maybe it is enough got him give me that crown and give me that third and final Medallion I am absolutely stack now seriously I have one of the best inventories in the game look at me start from the bottom now we're here and I have this car we are absolutely shredding it okay let's go through what each Medallion does so Megalodon's Medallion he infuses you with unlimited Nitro which is absolutely fantastic Nitro if you don't know you can run through walls damage them it is just absolutely insane you also don't take fall damage it's really really great Ring Master scars Medallion will give you infinite ammo and increased weapon damage and you get her Medallion from Nitro drone and then the final one is going to be The Machinist Medallion This One automatically replenishes your Shield over time that means if you have zero Shield after a few seconds it will start giving you Shield up to 75 shield now let's take this car this is the one from ring Master Scar from the Nitro drone this one and the machinists are definitely the best vehicles in the game for a ton of different reasons oh what's up bro one they do a ton of damage and they're Mega accurate two is that they heal themselves over time seriously look at the bottom left my health is just going up on the vehicle and I'm not doing anything also fun little fact if you switch to the passenger seat and you switch where you can actually shoot your weapons you shoot way way faster in this C like it's insane this is me shooting regularly how long it takes me to empty my clip I can do this because I have unlimited ammo now watch when I do this in the [Music] car holy smokes that is absolutely insane so you can get all the weapons you want and all the health and shield and mats from Spawn and where you land how you play is going to be you know equally if not more important but is this oh this is an NPC car hello battle bus oh we are going on and off the road here going through the building oh what's up one of the things you're going to want to focus on is getting one of these like mythical Vehicles especially with how broken they are especially with how broken they are problem is landing at the boss location you're going to get eliminated a lot that's why landing at that location between the two bosses is actually really great hello is anybody home are you in the walls oh you're right over here yeah this car just absolutely shreds but honestly I don't even need this car to win let me just take out one more person come here bro give me a hug seriously this guy's moving he doesn't have much places to go though unless he goes into the storm so going to try to cut off his path there you go this is a wild goose chase how is that car not broken yet there is one of the mythical wonders of the world I think okay I think that's the car there he had 2 Hp I don't know exactly where they went this fist is really good by the way you can hear people through walls oh he's dropping all his loot oh no what are you doing okay I'll let you live feel bad for you oh he just got eliminated now I'm going to fist you where you going dude back to the lobby ooh give me Oscar's frenzy auto shotgun please and thank you oh I wanted this guy to survive oh this guy's trying to go for me huh I don't think so I'm too good with the fist let me tell you now this boom bolt is pretty good I think some of you will find it fun I don't think you're going to do a ton of damage with it well I mean maybe there usually it's pretty hard to hit so yeah what you need need need for sure this season is Nitro Fist and that's why I went for that boss right away having five charges in your Nitro fist instead of four is absolutely insane and that's what the Mythic version of it does for you so I am a big fan of that little Pro tip here too if you go ahead and just fire with it you can go ahead and fly up and that gives you some Mobility but if you aim in with them you do this uppercut and that can actually hit people through walls which needless to say is really really good we use this car to clear all these bushes bye-bye bushes oh we guy right there let's go ahead and smush him uppercut up we go down we go I call that the rodeo I don't know why One V one scenario do I have what it takes to get the victory Royale by the way if you're not going to use this car I highly suggest that you just blow it up I know it seems kind of crazy but if you blow it up then nobody else can use it and uh that is better for you cuz if the wrong person gets that vehicle it is game over for you ooh big hit on him he didn't like that very much and let me show you what the uppercut do oh cracked them what are you doing huh let me just go ahead and oh I ran into him eliminated him just by running into him that's pretty crazy best landing spot GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 1,335,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SIK8-xq0BG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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