The *RANDOM* SEASON 3 Boss Challenge! (Chapter 5)

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welcome to the season 3 apocalypse battle pass skins challenge I'm going to randomize all the new skins in the battle pass and only use one color of weapon depending on which skin I get if I get The Machinist it's going to be gray weapons only the best vegetable peab body will be green weapons heavy metal fan rust will be blue iconic fortnite Superstar bright Raider is purple super villain Megalodon is gold weapons and finally if we get fallout's t60 power armor it's going to be Mythic weapons only to complete this challenge I'm going to have to get a win with two of these skins so make sure watch the whole thing cuz it gets crazy not crazier than this guys YouTube is telling me that 75% of you watching right now are not subscribed I've been doing this for years and I upload every single day so don't miss out make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos let's jump into it first up we have pebody and with them it's going to be green weapons only come on now let's get it a lot of places to land on the map but I'm actually going to land at this random location right here well you think it's random cuz it's not even marked on the map but believe it or not this is the home of peab themselves I need green weapons only though so let's focus up and find that okay it looks like I can get an enforcer AR here who's Landing with me oh my gosh you got zapped out of the sky easy elimination to start things off and who do we have over here the P the myth the legend Peabody you've got Earl need something oh my gosh okay all right thanks man I'm just going to go I need to get some more green weapons oh looks like there's maybe a chest on this car oh there was okay we got a pistol Milo is uh no bueno right now it's not good there we go we got a shotgun in the roof there's a chest let's see what we get and it is another enforc ryar great looks like there's one more chest up here and we have a combat shotgun okay well this is some unfortunate loot I got to say but it's the hand I was dealt let's get a car and get out of here after I get this big pot thank you very much I'm moving and grooving I don't want to pop my big pots yet because I know there's cactuses around so I'll just hit those oh there's somebody over here oh they have the Mythic vehicle already that is no bueno there we go I just got it stole their car and they're not going to like what I'm going to do to their car you can keep trying to shoot me all you want buddy have you seen the ocean cuz we're going straight into the ocean buddy there you go I'm going to let this thing sink sink oh my gosh it doesn't sink well this is unfortunate it just goes on water did anybody know this I'm deep in the water just sink oh it just started flying hello um I don't know what to do oh my gosh I have to jump out I'm not going to survive I got to jump out that is the most epic elimination I've ever got in fortnite ever actually what the heck was that that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in fortnite that guy is tripping I'm just going to go ahead and do this emote water my peas I'm so sorry that guy oh my gosh where you going bro oh my gosh it was a fellow PE body let me take your loot thank you okay finally that guy's loot is falling think maybe it's getting stuck up there okay I think I got to go get the loot it's in a really bad spot I want The Medallion though at least I know nobody will be able to get that AR going up oh that is the edge of the map okay he's not falling anymore kind of just stuck okay ooh there's the Mythic AR where's The Medallion though oh he has Nitro fist too I can grab the N oh I can get The Medallion and I'm going to grab the Nitro fist just for Mobility mind you I cannot use them to attack people there's more loot up there I actually should probably just go get the rest of my mats now there we go look at that we're chilling okay what a wild start to the game honestly I did not expect that what a strat though to bring him to the ocean it didn't work because the car didn't sink but then it did work because I made the car fly somehow which I don't think I'll ever have the answer as to how but uh you know we take those oh and there's a wastelander challenge here take damage when picking up items but I get get bonus XP let's do it I'm going to activate it why not I just can't pick up items okay um picking up mats and stuff is going to hurt me and ammo okay I got to watch out don't loot people's bodies that is what I got to remember is there a better shotgun here for me I'm actually going to take this shotgun and this AR and those both hurt me okay if I don't remember that I am going to get eliminated by myself up AR on the ground de can now build that oh my gosh can you relax no I need that car okay I'm going to pick up wood it's going to hurt a little bit that hurts a lot it hits me 10 per pick some ammo okay this is getting ridiculous this is getting ridiculous why did I take a wastelander challenge as well look how beautiful my green SUV is though looks pretty sweet on top of that though I have this green super car mhm bbody Ain't no Nobody all right their name means something in the business still some fighting going on over here let's go check it out sounds like they're above I'm going to fist up where we at what you doing buddy oh you had no HP oh shouldn't pick up any loot what's up dude moving it I'm kicking it oh there's a ramp here I didn't know that yeeha going back to my super car let's check it out a little bit maybe get some uh bulletproof tires yes sir some Nitro um let me try that again some Nitro yes sir ow it exploded on me now I mean technically this car is green so if I use a turret on it I think that's fair game it is the season to be jolly I don't even want to really use the turret against cars that are um being uh a nuisance is there somebody around here I heard somebody shoot oh I heard a zipline ow fair enough they have a nuca cola they did is it going to hurt me to pick it up oh shoot hold up Z LLY up I just automatically picked up items when I eliminate them it almost eliminated myself oh boy dude this a little unfair to keep hurting me um I I guess I have to take damage to heal why did I do this wastelander challenge I should probably carry medkits I'm going to do that and I need to avoid all this loot actually let me uh pick up some brick ow it hurts to be alive remind me not to take a wastelander challenge while I'm doing another challenge at the same time a little bit too crazy okay I need to modify my weapons so we got a bunker over here and it looks like uh the two other Medallion players are fighting so anybody in here I think we're chilling I'm going to open this run away ow dude I keep picking things up and I keep getting hit I really need to find like a gatekeeper shotgun or something I just got to open things and like run away know I won't find a gatekeeper in these but maybe in these cases but okay I'm going to heal up a little bit let's deck this thing out here we go all right we are decked out officially looks like The Medallion person has Consolidated so they are probably in a Mythic vehicle right now oh yeah I see them I'm going to have to put on a lot of damage to take him out I got to scram they're over here somewhere oh my gosh got him oh my gosh I got to be careful not to pick up loot I'm pick up that both medallions pick up that oh this hurt dude this hurts look I get more XP though that's good right XP is always nice I'm going to pick up these big pots take a lot of damage doing it but there we go see I didn't even have to damage them with the car I just had to blow up their car smart now I have all three medallions what the heck the Wast ler challenge shows up in your inventory it's actually pretty cool okay I'm moving it here top 10 situation blowing up the gas pump oh my gosh what is happening with this car what is happening right now I made PE mad I'm sorry Peabody I have infinite ammo that is fantastic I really don't have to pick up any more ammo there's a med kit here though let me light this campfire there we go full HP I got all the med kits I need feeling good not misunderstood somebody zip line here absolutely demolished not picking up any of that I think there's probably somebody down here oh no no they're over here trying to run away from me got him okay I really want to fist over there and get into their box but didn't like that I blew up their car did I blow up their car there we go I'm doing work to him I'm going to get behind him oh my gosh I'm accurate y want to fight me too oh no you're flipping your car you got to got to watch out don't make me do what I did to the other guy got him try to use the fist on me ain't nobody take out peab you understand ain't nobody a green motorcycle I'm not going to take it though you can get shot way too easily on those I'm taking this beautiful green SUV three people left in the game where I had one of the craziest starts ever with a wastelander challenge see a guy over here got him one V one situation I can take out these flying drones there we go I think if I take out three I get an Accolade does that give me uh extra XP I don't think that one did my gosh just bured so this guy's hiding somewhere in this area they're probably terrified I'm terrified too hello where are you well time to get to work they're probably in like here [Music] oh I see them here goes nothing big hit oh let's go green weapons only and the wastelander challenge complete you'd love to see it holy smokes believe it or not that is is just win one of two that I need to get so let's see which character we get next next up we have bright Raider and with her it's going to be purple weapons only let's get it bright Raider honestly it's going to be really tough to match that uh game one there oh my gosh look at this Contra what the heck there's debris flying everywhere it's kind of cool though I'm can to do my best though let's see what I got I'm looking for something purple is oh nuca Cola not going to do me a solid there are you nuca Cola okay I'm not seeing much so what I'm actually going to do is oh shoot this is not good I don't have any weapons I just got to dip I had a plan my plan quickly fell apart going to be honest oh wait did I see a rare chest no it's a portapotty oh my gosh all right so I was going to go over to the ship add lots of floor loot I was going to see if I could find some uh fists on the ground or something that did not work out so now I'm going to go ahead and uh go to my actual landing spot that I want to go to which is right over here the place we visited earlier because this is actually where bright Raider is there she is look at her what up bright Raider she sells a purple boom bolt which I'm going to buy I guess two of cuz um I don't have a weapon oh I got Nitro fist I have the most interesting inventory right now I can use all the weapons they just are um H they're not like you know they don't shoot bullets which isn't necessarily a bad thing I mean this is a pretty good inventory if you ask me we just get some mats and some more we can check out what the wastelander challenge is take damage when picking up items I did that last game I'm get a pass this time around all right let's break this bus for this ammo crate and then let's get out of here my purple McLaren looking fresh though I'm actually going to make my way over to redline rig and try to take out the boss I got the fist which should make things a bit easier at least but taking out the boss is going to be tough oh they just took out the boss where oh where are they what is that purple thing it's a shock wve like somebody's right down there oh shoot oh shoot oh my gosh I took out the person that took out the boss we heal up a little bit now I can't pick up the Mythic which is very unfortunate but uh at least I can take all this other stuff that a risky little fight oh my gosh what a hit sorry for this I'm in the hits business oh there's no shot that was crazy I got to run a little bit I saw some footsteps behind me it looks like they had a med kit though which is nice got to make sure nobody's trying to take me out right now I think I'm okay me and my crossbows and of course the hammer fists don't forget the hammer fists now you see I would get the boss's legendary vehicle the problem is that um you see it's red and not purple if it's purple I could use it but it's red so I will refrain see I like to make challenges challenging I'm that guy what am I looking at over here don't mind me I'm sorry monks oh my gosh literally crushed absolutely crushed okay this is going to be hard actually can't oh actually this does work oh my gosh got him dude he's a psycho he's actually kind of smart he drove me to the gate and if I was there for about a second more I would have opened it by accident so then he could have taken the car and absolutely obliterated me so whether he meant to or not he almost made a really smart move this vehicle is extremely destroyed we're going to see if we can make it to where we want to go uh-oh person with The Medallion nearby this is so bad my car just disappeared my car just teleported wait what did it actually teleport to where it says I'm moving it says it teleported somewhere over here honestly I think it just flew under the map yeah let's go with that oh my gosh flip it get me in this is good oh no guys going to shoot the car it's like a bold strategy don't make me take you into the water I know what happens when I drive into the the water now I will do it I might drive us into a gas pump it might be the wave sorry about this dude getting out of here holy smokes okay at least I blew up that that's my mission number one that guy is probably going to be an issue though and I can tell he definitely does not like me oh my gosh this canister almost exploded on me bro what is happening oh my gosh I hit the launch pad guy doesn't see me and they got into another car I'm telling you right now I'd really prefer to have an actual weapon right now instead of two boom bolts and Nitro fist like give me an AR please but I mean it is what it is I think this person is in the vault I have now trapped them in the vault so whether they want to be in there or not they are stuck I have my Escape vehicle ready I know you're in there I'm not letting you out I don't have a strategy to keep him in there though um like I don't have medkits and I don't have a gun to like shoot their wall I think I'm safe to break this wall okay I have further cemented them into this location maybe I could buy a weapon from Jonesy over here what's up Jonesy tell me something please a thunderburst SMG let's go that is huge coming in oh I just punched them through like a bunch of walls give me that Medallion and um I guess I'm not going to take the other stuff I don't know pop the nuca though wow they had some good loot that was not the person I was fighting before though ooh I will take the gatekeeper thank you okay I have an interesting load out now uh my load out is very very interesting let me just modify the shotgun modify the SMG as well give me some uh hip fire laser modify the crossbow too why not okay everything is just ready to go now I'm feeling like I got a pretty good load out I'm not going to take the fist cuz I want to use the fist to damage people and if I take the Mythic ones then I can't do that okay well I know there's no more mythical vehicles in play which is nice but I know somebody else has Medallion so I'm going to go hunt them down feel like I have almost the perfect purple load out oh someone got eliminated here he's one shot got him oh my gosh give me that Medallion I didn't grab it now I have it I'm going to leave I'm going to take their car actually I'm going to dump this thing over to the side don't want them using it I don't want to use it okay I got a proper load out now I just got to reload everything feeling good so I know I got one psycho at least oh my gosh what a shot two for two I'm all Nitro up hit this geyser you are going to know where I am exactly because I have all the medallions so I just got to remember that I'm going to grab this car has no modifications on it looks pretty innocent oh it looks like the guy who attacked me earlier stole my SUV where you going B going back to the lobby that's where you're going and no I do not need your crown I already have one from last game buddy three people left besides me can I free my car oh no my car is stuck in the storm I don't want to take damage but it's so beautiful I'm grabbing it a little bit of damage but I can heal up with a cactus I am the king Cactus hey somebody is shoot at me I'm going to go ahead and just Fizz and then try to go at him here are they brawling oh my gosh it's one down two down and now it's a 1 V one situation let's go mono eano I have arguably the best purple load out right now honestly I'm feeling pretty good I'm going to blow up all these bushes they're right here I'm going try to hit him with a bow let's go that's a big old W baby the random season three battle pass challenge is complete GG oh no it's R Shar he's got my hand it's Megaladon
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 1,880,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FHC4QUqt-J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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