I Broke into EVERY Vault in Fortnite Season 3!

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today we're breaking into the vault in fortnite season 3 yes I'm planning to break into every single Vault working my way up to the grand finale but first how do you even break into a vault here we go we got the gas can the boss just spawned okay really that doesn't get me in dude he's fighting the boss right now if I don't get in it's over okay okay I got in now we wait now we wait he's going to come and open the vault and I'm going to blast his face with this Liza I'm going to blast him whoa whoa bro you got to get out of here man get out of here get out of here go go the boss is still alive what is she doing no no no no no no no no no she's trying to shoot me ah the car is half Health please die please die please die please die don't throw the dynamite again don't throw the dynamite again no she's dead she's dead dude the soccer skin just grabbed it yo whoever that is can you just drop The Medallion and leave yes please just leave leave leave leave leave leave leave I'm doing this live by the way so there's going to be stream snipers but thankfully that guy was chill all right now we just wait now we just wait here we go the medallions on the ground there's someone coming in here we go here we go yo yo he's going to open it look at him look at him it's the buff fish stick bro buff fish stick open it bro open it open it open it open it yes yes yes yes yes excellent challenge complete all right now we move on to the next challenge okay that's one Vault down and up next guys this is easily the best meme clip I ever pulled off I can't believe this worked as you can see I have the cactus skin on I'm going to pretend to be a cactus cuz there's a lot of cactus this season just hopefully no one comes up to me expecting a heal cuz they're going to get they're going to get a pump to the face instead yes look at him you fool I could hide like right where the car door opens you know oh hell no oh hell no buddy bro got caught lacking all right we might as well stick it we might as well stick it see if we can can we get rid of this I have a crown now I can use the crown as bait but I also don't want it to be ah what's going on over there bro what is going on here bro what is going on this is actually working all right we go back we go back I'll take the crown drop it here I love this man I love this no way right dude this guy looks sweaty what's his name he's not sh up in the feed no no no no no someone's coming with a medallion [Music] bro oh my God we got to see how far we can go there's another Medallion coming oh my God God all three medallions I did it I did it I completed the perfect meme oh my God you got to subscribe for that if you're watching this right now on YouTube you have to subscribe for that wo okay up next we have our second of the three vaults to break into oh it's all the way here this might be tough all right let's not let's get away from that might be it might be too wait wait wait wait we're on something here don't come here yes here we go the only issue now is that he can kind of see me bro I'm not hidden like I'm not I don't have the superhero skin on but maybe he's so locked in that he's not paying attention maybe he's so locked in he's not paying attention I have to just hope that they don't know that I'm in here and they they let their guard down all the the way wa how does this garage open is it does it open from the front slowly from the front got you here he comes bro here he comes this is there's no [Music] way huh the wall was invisible until it was fully open that's what that's what was happening on to the next challenge okay so up next this meme is going to be very important for the grand finale I have planned for the end of this video can you hide in the back seat of a car to win a game without them even realizing it so the way I'm going to do this is I'm actually going to hide underneath one of the nitro booster spots and I'm going to position the car in front of it so that when people hop in they're inclined to drive through just like this just like this facing the Boost and I'm going to be spamming interact so when they drive over the top I'm going to get into the car without them realizing if they don't drive over this ramp I'm going be so sad dude they drove they drove over it but it didn't I didn't account for them going sideways we're going to we're going to still try to sneak onto the car without them knowing but in order to pull this off I'm going to do a different trick we just got to hide in the back you [Music] know there's no one in the car man there's no one in the car yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go don't waste your time don't waste your time shooting a car with no one in it bro dude I need one of these guys to grow a pair and hop in this car and use it to destroy the other person oh he's going atam bro I could third party is so hard right now oh my God I'm so tempted just to like h on the grenade launcher and just come on this guy needs to come to the car yeah grab the car grab the car you know you want it yeah baby that's what I'm talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wrap around wrap around go get him go get him go get him ah dude I'm hurting man I'm hurting come back you need it you need the vehicle come on come on ninja ninja ninja ninja come here ninja ninja I didn't want to have to do this where is this guy I need him to hop in the whip hop in the whip hop in the whip hop in the whip hop in the whip hop in the whip I know you want to I know you want to brother hop in the whip okay [Laughter] perfect okay so that makes me feel a lot more confident in the finale and up next we have a classic pretending to be an MPC going to find a henchman here all right henchman down transformation is anybody shooting the boss oh my God look at this he's coming he's coming he's [Music] coming come on man that's too easy all right I have one one more meme I want to try before the grand finale can you pretend to be an inflatable should I replace one of them or should I be dancing near one I think I should just be dancing near one that's probably the move this is my big brother right here I'm going to take his spot yeah this is it the good thing about this is I can actually turn around and it doesn't feel like I'm giving away my position I can literally turn around and look everywhere oh I could drop a crown that might attract them yeah yeah yeah you know these kids love their crowns hey there's someone back there yeah I see them Wait no that's another inflatable guy someone's here what the hell what the wait that actually worked bro that actually worked man I got to go catch that dude okay so it actually worked but he ended up getting away unfortunately all right now it's time for the grand finale I'm literally just going to grab my gas canisters and I'm going I got a med kit that's great get in get in come on Brother come on he's fighting the boss right now bro oh that how is that not yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay now this guy just killed the boss the timing is perfect I'm going to stay in this back seat behind the driver for as long as I can like I'm going to let this guy take me into the end game if I took any longer I would have been screwed [Music] this is perfect it's a sweaty skin too so I think he'll do a really good job like making it into the end [Music] game he just I just he just can't notice and don't flip the car over immediately oh my God imagine if he just flipped it over immediately just just don't notice me bro there's there's so many people look at him he's right next to me bro him swapping to the grenade launchers from this far away is a little bit crazy like this guy might be a bot he can see me nah bro he can't he can't he can't see me wait Bros driving is atrocious and you don't need Nitro when you have a boss car oh holy crap this guy sucks yeah come on come on come on get some kills bro bro you that is the time for you to swap to the grenade launcher make it make it to the end game brother make it to the end game but you know what you know what if he dies it doesn't matter because look at his swapp it bro if he dies someone else will take the car they're not going to check the car like he's not going to make it he's not going to make it to the end we're we're about to lose the car right here we're getting chased by a guy with a Turret we're about to lose the car right here we're about to lose the car right here bro boost boost go dude he does not know how to drive oh my God bro I literally have probably like a seven-year-old kid driving the car right now he's almost flipped he's almost flipped 10 times this has to be just a child driving the car oh my God I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm feeling hopeful I'm feeling hopeful bro what if he killed everybody and it's just me and him I I have to let him win if it's just me and him at the end I have to let him win I would feel so bad like I feel like we're bonding don't accept that no no no no no no did he just accept Flores lava did he just grab Flores lava I could have drove guys guys he doesn't know I'm in here I could have driven off with the car he wouldn't have trusted to get out if he thought I was in the car some of you some of you probably thought he could see me if he if he could see me he wouldn't have left the car cuz I could have easily swapped seats and drove off he drives slow like he's like assessing the situation huh bro bro bro bro get back in the car bro you know what actually don't get back in the car I hope someone Jacks this this car I hope someone Jacks this car I hope someone was really good was going to take us to the end game Jack this car bro bro run run run run get out of here go this is actually hilarious for some reason I was hoping I would get a like a a really good player but somehow this is better somehow this is this is better bro this is wait there's a car here on the on the map he's right there bro he's right there he's right there bro bro don't let him punch us he's in the car with us bro this guy knows this guy definitely knows bro what is happening no no no no you got to stop him man you can't let him shoot the car you can't let him shoot the car bro bro bro hop out hop out stop him bro hop out and stop him oh my God oh my God we' been hijacked we have been hijacked we have been hijacked don't blow it up oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait this car is still alive the car is still alive the car's still alive no no how dare you bro bro bro we almost saved the car man all right we got we got to we got to go find we got to go find somebody master master that was the guy who was driving driv in the car that was my original driver me and him are making it to the end together bro Masher I don't want to have to kill you man I don't want to have to this is not how I wanted it to end master I didn't want to have to do it like that ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and if you guys want to improve in fortnite 1V ons just search ultimate 1v1 in fortnite Creative it's the best 1V one map out there right now go play it right now I'll see you guys next time
Channel: SypherPK
Views: 1,602,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, competitive, gaming, highlights, gameplay, fortnite highlights, fortnite tips, stream highlights, how to play, fortnite gameplay, sypher, new update, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new patch, fortnite new item, everything epic didnt tell you, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, fortnite event, mr beast fortnite, undercover, fashion show, Fortnite chapter 5, asianjeff
Id: AeZSl0C9Ntc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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