The best keybinds for Helldivers 2 on PC

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hey guys this is just a quick little video for hell divers 2 uh and I'm just going to show you what I consider consider to be a pretty good uh control setup for mouse and keyboard cuz the game's definitely designed with controller in mind so the default mouse and keyboard controls are not they're not going to work for you very well at all so come up here pause the game come up to options come down to mouse and keyboard come to change bindings uh most important thing where right off the bat what you definitely want to change is uh down here under strategem you want to change these to the arrow keys so up up to up down to down Etc you get the idea cuz the default controls that have them on WD which obviously is what you use to move around unless you're rocking some really weird setup but so that what that means is uh when you open your strategems which is the little tactical things you call in you can't you can't you can't move around while uh while you're inputting the codes to do them but if you change it to arrow keys you can move around while simultaneously doing it albeit you have to take your hand off the mouse obviously to use that hand for the arrow keys but it's it's a it's so much better than the default controls I I would say so there's a couple other things as well we've change or I've changed and I recommend you do so as well um come back to bindings uh back back under strategems open strategy list I think I can't remember what it's on by default I think it's on control by default I have it on space bar but uh you can have it on whatever feels comfortable for you I like it on space bar cuz you use strategy so much and I don't know I just like have it on space bar but anyway more importantly I recommend changing this right here to press cuz uh by default it's on I think it's on hold I find it easier to just have it on press that way you can just press the space bar Whatever item whatever you've had it B what you whatever you bind it to and you can you know simply input the codes without worrying about holding down the button at the same time so change that to hold uh sorry to press I would recommend so that's the most important bits out of the way everything else from here is I guess pretty personal preference for me every time I play a shooter any any shooter game whether it's first or third person or whatever I like to have uh Sprint on my mouse button my side Mouse button and crouch on my other Mouse button so but if you don't have Mouse buttons obviously you'll have to think of something else probably just leave I don't know probably just have Sprint default on shift I feel like that's what most people have for Sprint anyway but anyway that's what I have for uh yeah as you can see that's what I have for Sprint Mouse button uh Crouch Mouse Button as well uh prone I on X I think X is the default so climb climb the default is uh space I put that on C which is usually Crouch by the default but I have that on c um CU just cuz I wanted the space bar for for the uh strategy dive I have on shift excuse me which um works for me diving you know you do that actually quite a lot it's pretty important but it's basically your Dodge you probably know that already um this is all self-explanatory now now with the map uh still tab uh yeah this was this is another weird thing that I I did um so with the map you open the map and then you can move around on the map uh just position the cursor to Ping different things on the map I put I put it on uh u j h and k so move up is U move down J move left is H and move right is K and then I put left I left zoom in and zoom out on the scroll wheel obviously and then uh Place marker is is Q I can't remember if that's the default but anyway that's what I have so that allows you to open the map and move around with uh U jhk like so I don't know what the defaults is I don't know what the default controls for this is to be honest so I don't I but this works for me anyway but it's a bit cumbersome but you know you can ping you can ping the map I only just worked out how to actually do that um so that's that um what else we got done strategems so for combat left left most I left most of combat um the same although I put melee on V I haven't used melee like a single time in this game it feels really weak maybe I'm using it wrong but so you don't need I don't you don't need melee on F cuz melee is originally on F you want you want quick steim on F which is your heel so definitely put definitely make that change I would I would say um I don't like having heel on V because it's a bit of a stretch to reach it um quick grenade I left on alt I think that's the default now change equipment Short Change equipment long I put on B and N I'm going to be real with you I'm not I'm not 100% sure what so that that's just switch as your weapon I just use the the numbers for switching weapons so I guess don't I wouldn't even really worry about that unless I'm yeah I wouldn't worry about that one but I put it on D andn I don't think I changed anything here uh yeah so open weapon wheel I I kept on long press R which allows you to change some functions on your weapons by holding down R and scrolling with the scroll wheel or pressing uh if there was a semi there's a semi-auto if there was a full auto I would press I think right Mouse it would scroll it uh to full auto but this this gun's only semi-auto so that's that left that I think I left that default um have I missed anything uh that's that for combat communication you know it's it's I put emote on J because I think I used B it's usually on B but I use that for change equipment that doesn't that's that's that doesn't really matter I just wanted to make sure I was comprehensively including every control thing but anyway yeah I think that's pretty much it um or it is it's it is it's basically yeah it's it that's it um so yeah I just wanted to make that video cuz I feel like there's so many this the very there's so many controls like there's so many things it's kind of it's definitely not it's definitely designed with controller in mind which obviously the first game was a PS PlayStation exclusive so um but you know if you have if you set the controls up in this way you will have a much less painful experience I think um especially with the strategems just make sure you do the strategems on the AR Keys um but yeah hope that's helpful for anyone else who is having similar issues to me and uh I'll see you next time thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Kneebs
Views: 37,493
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Id: YBMY4B9l21U
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Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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