The BEST Isekai Manga I've Ever Read!

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in the world there is always a man who gets hit by a truck and gets sent to a world beyond their imagination that was exactly what happened to our protagonist hitoshi nozaki people in his life used to call him a wildling because of his name and appearance but now he was suddenly in a strange forest in a different world with only straw covering his lower body he sat by a fire he made staring at the food that was being cooked but how did this happen and why to him of all people as he ate his food he thought back on how he had gotten himself in this situation sifting through his memories it all started with a truck when he was on his way to work he saw a student in the street about to get hit by a vehicle to which nozaki felt the sudden urge to want to save that student running out and pushing them out of the way this had unfortunately caused him to get run over by the truck instead as he bled out in the street and started to lose Consciousness his last thought was him admitting that he would choose to reincarnate if there was a chance of it and that was what happened nozaki felt as though he was falling from the sky into the nothingness below him and everything had gone dark he was unconscious for not too long before the man had woken up looking up at the sky above him and seeing the leaves rattle in the wind he was definitely in another world quickly getting up nozaki looked around him in order to figure out his next move he didn't have any cheats nor any clothes on his body he told himself to calm down so he could assess his surroundings and make priorities once he stood up he found a large tree at some place in the forest with a struggle he got to the top of the tree so he could see where to go next to his surprise and disappointment there were only trees as far as the eye could see he wondered if it was going to be dangerous to move in the dark but he changed his thoughts and focused on his priority to find water once he did that he would make a base and find food but before that he needed something to cover himself he had stripped some bark from nearby trees and tied them together in order to make a straw skirt it felt uncomfortable to him as it would prevent him from focusing on exploring but he indirectly thanked the Discovery Channel for protecting his dignity as a human it was now now time for him to transition onto the survival part of things nozaki walked through the forest struggling to get through the dense environment he wondered if he was really going to find a water source but suddenly he heard a sound in the bushes causing the man to freeze in fear the sound stopped and nozaki knew that it sounded like a small animal he realized that his eyes weren't as effective in the forest while his ears were being overwhelmed with information he needed to use his ears to his advantage while trying to find things in the forest nozaki continued his exploration focusing on all the sounds around him until he suddenly heard a certain sound he started to run in the direction of the sound knowing exactly what it was water he stood in front of the river staring at the water in awe nozaki walked into the water and started to yell in celebration picking up the water into his hands and drinking it happily but that wasn't going to be the end of his exploration next he needed shelter and so he walked off back into the forest if he was going to find food he would need to find a place that was not too close to the water not too long after walking back into the forest he he found a large hollow tree with an entrance as tall as he was making this tree the perfect one he decided he was going to live there and sat down starting to think about what he would do for food nozaki observed his arms after having applied fruit juice on his arms to make sure that it didn't inflame him if it did the fruit juice was not edible and he would have to find other fruit luckily he had no sort of reaction and so he started to take small bites from the fruit and planned to wait a few hours to make sure he didn't have an allergic reaction or something even if he did end up being allergic to this fruit he gladly had a large range of food around him that looked edible now the last thing he needed to do was make a fire he grabbed a stick and started to spin it on another at first it didn't work in fact it didn't succeed for a few hours no matter what he tried but fortunately after so much time a spark appeared and he had made a decent fire calling it the most beautiful one he had ever seen but fortunately after so much time a spark appeared and he had made a decent fire he called it the most beautiful one he had ever seen nozaki had shot by the fire for a while wondering how long it would take for him to get out of the forest he laid down ready to sleep so he could prepare for hunting the next day until suddenly a message box appeared in front of him surprise nozaki shot up and stared at it it was showing his status and skills he seemed to only have one skill karate but he didn't feel offended by it feeling as though it suited him perfectly the next day he started to hunt he sat on the branch of a tree with a large stick as a weapon waiting for an animal to walk into the Trap that he had made by memory he had heard a noise and out came a rabbit-like creature nozaki was disappointed by the size of it thinking that it was too small for the Trap the creature heard something and started to run away as nozaki realized that something was coming he looked over and saw goblins start to walk out into the opening he was both Amazed by the fact they were real and a little worried because he wouldn't be able to fight them nozaki realized that they were starting to walk toward the Trap he set up thinking that it could be his chance to get some experience the goblin walked up to the Trap and sniffed the air and Ozaki started to think that the Trap might not work if the smell wasn't erased he was right the Goblins easily saw through the Trap and pulled off the straw on top of the hull shocking nozaki this left him no choice but to jump off the tree and swing at the Goblins he easily knocked out one of the three goblins with his stick it exploding from Impact nazaki looked at the other goblins with determination in his eyes he charged at the other one as it continued to look surprised at its Fallen comrade kicking the Goblin in the neck nozaki sent the goblin flying he turned over to the last goblin to try and quickly finish it off only to realize that it was already trying to swing at him with its Club it used a heavy attack from the top making the goblin have a large opening for a counter-attack using that to his advantage nozaki had punched the goblin Square in the face and sent it flying however this did not knock it out as the goblin quickly got back up making nazaki think that their vital points could be different from a human's it growled at him and started to blindly attack him nozaki was struggling to keep up with the attacks knowing that he couldn't approach The Monster at that moment but he had come up with an idea putting his foot under a root and pretending to fall doing this had made the goblin believe that it had an opening but nozaki did this on purpose to lure another attack from the top he easily dodged the attack and karate chopped the Goblin in the neck the goblin fell down to the ground face planting and was officially dead it sat there as nazaki stared at its Fallen form ready to see if he would get experience from it when he held his foot over the monster with a crunch he had smashed the heads of all three goblins nozaki continued to stare at what he had done until he started to shake with shock and amazement he was excited at the fact that he won his first fight against some of the monsters of the world once night came he walked back to a shelter and started to cook the meat from the Goblins there were some other spoils that he had gotten and put it on a stick near him pelts from the Goblins that he could make into clothes later nozaki checked his status and realized that he leveled up he stared up at the sky with determination in his eyes yelling out loudly that he could do it that he could get through it without a problem and so time past a man was seen running through the forest chasing a boar-like creature he yelled at it to stop trying his best to not let it get away this man was nozaki and it had been three months since he had come to the world ever since his first day he had grown ahead of hair and a beard and became level eight nozaki's senses had been becoming sharper as his level Rose because of this he was able to tell that the animal was about to turn left with a leap he charged forward and successfully grabbed the leg of the animal and caused it to fall over his physical ability was also improving as time went on putting the animal on his back he was about to leave until he glanced behind him and realized that there were some chili peppers near where he caught the animal or at least a plant that looked identical to Chili Peppers these plants could be used for insecticide sterilization or for its restorative properties so nozaki wanted to take as many as possible while he was picking them he heard some goblins nearby he thought that they were being noisy and that he should kill them but changed his mind once he remembered that it probably wouldn't matter when thinking about his levels he started to wear that he had become the forest's king in the three months that he had been there suddenly the Goblins became quiet and something had roared loudly in a part of the forest nozaki was in shock and fear not knowing what could have possibly made that sound especially since he hadn't seen many monsters other than the Goblins in the past three months that he had been here but lo and behold out came this large creature it held a blade in its hand nozaki believed that the creature in front of him was an evolved form of a goblin a hobgoblin which was almost twice the size of the Goblins he thought that the Hobgoblin was going to reprimand the Goblins for arguing with each other but that wasn't the case the Hobgoblin gripped his blade tightly before suddenly swinging at the scared goblins cutting their bodies in half nozaki was in complete shock mouth a gape as he realized that there was no way he could kill that monster ever since he came to this world this was the first time he met a monster stronger than him unfortunately the Hobgoblin started to run at him because it had finally spotted nazaki it roared and chased him down through the forest for the the first time he was the one being hunted nozaki ran as fast as he could through the forest in order to lose the monster but it kept coming suddenly however the monster was starting to slow down nozaki realized with a body that huge it would start to be an obstacle in the forest but this wouldn't be the last that he would see the Monster as it had a sharp nose especially as an evolved Goblin that was when nozaki realized that the forest would not be safe for him anymore since the Hobgoblin would not give up at any point until he was dead his only choice was to try and get out of the forest since he knew he couldn't fight them despite his body shaking he ran home and gathered up all his things and got ready to leave saying goodbye to his first home and so he was off he started his trudge through the forest only stopping and taking rests when the days became night and even when it was night he felt shaken up now that he knew that monsters such as hobgoblins existed in the forest and could come out and attack him at any time he was always checking his surroundings every second each day he would pass through the forest and its rivers and climb the mountains until he would find him new place to call home at one point he passed by a lake and drank some of its water jumping up when he realized there was a deer-like animal with two heads near him also trying to drink the water while staring at him at the same time then night came he sat under a tree root sat with his head in between his knees while he shook from the cold he didn't know how many days it had been since he had left his shelter thinking about wanting to find a city soon as he started to doze off he just wanted to meet another human the next day came and he continued his journey a cheetah-like animal had passed by and nozaki had hidden himself in the mud in order to not be seen by the animal as it would have been hostile otherwise he jumped out of the mud for a breath of fresh air as the mud dripped down his body he was glad that having a muddy swamp in the forest saved his life at that moment and so he continued through the forest once he had gotten cleaned up from the mud he turned the corner and saw that something was on the hill that was close to him thinking it might be another monster he hid in the bushes and looked up at it his eyes widening when he realized what it truly was it was another human he stared at the girl with surprise and awe as he watched her pick from the ground to put in the basket next to her she turned around and saw nozaki trying to get her attention surprising the girl when she had seen him she started to look extremely worried and supposedly told nozaki to not come any closer confusing the man greatly the woman screamed Goblin confusing nozaki even more as she started to run away in a different direction from him why was she scared of him he was frustrated that this was his first experience with another human thinking that he caused it until he heard a Roar and a scream from the woman who had run away he realized who had caused that familiar Roar and started to run in the direction of it that Roar was from a hobgoblin he continued to run as fast as he could knowing that it was not only just a hobgoblin but the one that was set on killing him from the moment they met he started to feel bad for the girl that had been captured by the monster thinking that it had all been his fault because he messed around too much in the forest nozaki was finally able to start catching up to the Hobgoblin finally able to see him and the girl that was on his shoulder he screamed at the monster to let her go but the monster didn't seem to listen muzaki shouted one last time to get its hands off the girl finally catching its attention as it turned around in Surprise once it turned at sonazaki leaping into the air with a Battle Cry he grabbed onto the vine that was in front of him on the tree branch and used it to continue on and keep his speed while he had started to get closer to the Hobgoblin finally face to face with the monster nozaki had knead him in the face colliding with his nose and causing the monster to drop the girl he landed on the ground with no problem and looked up only to realize that the monster had not Fallen only seeming to just be slightly phased by the attack done on it nozaki was shocked and in disbelief at the fact that it didn't fall whatsoever after eating the hit he quickly looked over to the girl who was still trying to get up after falling off the Hobgoblin asking her if she was okay and could she stand to which she confirmed nuzaki ordered the girl to run while he took care of the monster he wondered if the girl got separated from her group but dismissed that thought and told her to go anywhere but where she was at that moment to which she listened immediately the Hobgoblin looked over finally having recovered as blood dropped from its nose as the girl started to run off in another Direction nazaki turned around and faced a monster once more with more confidence than ever compared to what he had when he first met the Beast all those weeks ago even with his confidence he had no choice but to fight the monster getting into position nozaki stared at the monster in front of him and prepared for battle nozaki trembled as he heard his heart beat fast he felt that the pressure of facing this hobgoblin was almost the same as it would be if he were to fight a bear all he wanted to do was run away but he couldn't since he had to protect the girl yelling at the monster to come forward the Hobgoblin swung its blade at nozaki the man swiftly dodging he realized that the attacks were heavy yet had large motions meaning that the battle would be won by who was the fastest he took his turn to strike but he soon learned that it would not be easy the Hobgoblin skin was way too tough for a punch to land so nozak realized that a single punch would be almost useless against it he thought about how unfair it was that he couldn't scratch it while he would instantly die from a single attack needing to try a different approach he kicked the monster in its private parts instantly stunning it once he realized that it worked nozaki swiftly had butted the monster punched it and charged forward at it only to poke his fingers into its eyes the monster screeched in pain blood starting to pour from its eye as nozaki was happy with his success the Hobgoblin started to wildly punch toward him unfortunately connecting with nozaki and nozaki was sent flying rolling across the ground he struggled to get up from the impact of the hit he stood once more and wiped the blood off of him looking forward at the monster who is starting to double in his vision he needed to find a way to take care of this Beast fast considering it was this strong despite his blocks the monster continued to swing at him until nozaki found out one last move he could pull that would give him any chance at winning a high kick the monster stared intensely at nozaki until he was suddenly out of his line of vision the man speeding forward to land a high kick from his blind spot he hoped that the move would finally make the monster fall and as it tumbled over with blank eyes it seemed as if it were it but suddenly the monster came back to life and charged forward he grabbed nozaki and bit into his shoulder hard causing him to scream in agony as he felt as though his arm was being bitten off he knew that he couldn't die in such a place as he was nozaki brought out his middle finger and gave the Hobgoblin a few Choice words stabbing his finger into the monster's ear this had caused the monster to kick nozaki away and send him flying toward a tree he sat there head hung low as he bled from his shoulder and his middle finger was broken he started to feel his Consciousness slip away he thought it would be the end until he realized that there was a chili pepper-like plant in front of him it would taste super hot but it was the last thing he could do at that moment not knowing whether it would stimulate him or kill him the Hobgoblin stared him down and roared starting to charge at nozaki then he consumed the pepper the monster came closer and closer ready to punch him until his eyes opened and he swiftly got up he dodged the attack and spit the pepper into the Monster's eyes causing it to stumble back in pain nozaki leapt into the air and smashed the monster's head with his elbow and knee finally the monster was down both nozaki and the dead hobgoblin laid on the ground together as nozakis stared into the sky with shock he won he finally won unfortunately he couldn't move any part of himself because he had exerted all of his energy and strength nozaki started to lose Consciousness and close his eyes that was until he heard someone calling out to him it was the girl's voice she was calling out to check on him to see if he was okay still seeming to call him a goblin he wondered who she was calling a goblin before he quickly went unconscious once more as the girl had realized that he was bleeding and so he was taken to the village that she was from he opened his eyes to realize he was in an unfamiliar location he laid in the bed before quickly getting up and wondering where he was the pain in his his shoulder suddenly shot through his body as the memories of fighting the Hobgoblin came back to him and he wondered if the girl had helped him nozaki knew that the house was a human house meaning that it was likely that the girl had brought him there a few months after coming to another world he finally made it to a human town he started to look at the bed that he was on wondering if that bed was used by the girl's entire family suddenly the girl had barged in through the door glad he was finally awake he started to wave his arms wildly blushing and saying that he wasn't smelling anything in the house until the girl said that he needed to leave immediately nozaki was confused until the girl explained that the villagers were coming for him and wanted to attack him nozaki was shocked asking why they would do that she gestured at him to look out the window his eyes widened as he saw villagers grouped up outside with pitchforks and weapons malice in their eyes he asked the girl if she was the one that saved him the Villager started to close in and come closer to the house as nozaki asked what he would have done to have them so eager to want to kill him she explained that Hobgoblin materials were extremely rare and could be traded for a high price this let nozaki know that the villagers were there to kill him and take the items from him one of the villagers told the others to wait as he walked to the door he knocked on it and asked for the village pharmacist to open the door to which nozaki asked the girl if that was who she was but the girl shushed him she yelled at the villagers to go home not wanting them to lay a finger on her patient but the man said that they would get along the man started to explain that it was his father who was the mayor of the village and protected them he thought it was cold of her to hit an old woman telling her to show them that it would be different he claimed that he would only just kill nozaki if they didn't get along but the both of them felt like that was a lie the girl said that it wasn't proven yet that he was the one who killed the Goblin and for villagers not to enter through the back door focusing back on nozaki she gave the man an ointment to be used at least three times a day he was about to tell her something until she told him to not worry about her telling him that patients should keep quiet and listen to the pharmacist sudden nozaki heard that the villagers were planning to just kill them both until it was interrupted by someone who said that killing a pharmacist would be a problem one of the men was planning to get permission from his father in order to kidnap the girl and Drug her later shocking nozaki they continued to discuss this saying that they didn't want her to break too soon nozaki held his fist tightly and wondered if the girl was really not hearing what the villagers were saying outside she didn't want him to escape back to the forest but it might have to happen since she felt unable to protect him telling him to be careful and thanked him for saving her she suddenly started to run toward the front door before nozaki can do anything he tried to run after her to stop her before he fell to the floor in pain the girl ran outside and stood in front of the door in order to try and protect nozaki he cursed knowing that he couldn't do anything more for her and deity was told he ran away he left the house through the back door and ran to the forest once more struggling with each step he felt as though he was losing more of his physical strength each second he suddenly heard someone calling out to him the villa villagers having noticed that he woke up and was already trying to run away he looked back at the men and realized that they had taken the girl one of the men called her difficult and slapped her saying that she deceived them this action angered nozaki greatly as the man who acted like the leader ordered the rest of the villagers to find nozaki and kill him once the man had lifted his face nozaki engraved its appearance in his mind making sure that he would remember it so he could plan his revenge in the future he would make them pay for hurting that girl and so nozaki ran back off to The Good Old Reliable Forest he sat under the glowing Moon sitting by a fire he had made while he cooked his food putting the ball of food in his mouth he thought about that man and how the other villagers were harming that girl like it wasn't a problem he stared up at the sky asking whoever it was out there for him to go home he really wanted to be out of the world that he was in dismissing his thoughts he went to sleep and waited for the next day he was starting to fix up a new base for himself seeing how it was growing since the last base had some errors in his eyes starting to do some explanation in the forest he was trying to find some more food for him to eat he found some plants in the ground seeing how the vegetation of the new world was very similar to his old world the fruit he had found had yam-like plants under it it would have been very difficult to hunt for food if his wounds were to open up so it was good that he found food that would keep him going for a while he planned to store it while he waited for the night to come after night came he checked his status once more he realized that he had leveled up twice and developed something called angry waves after he had met the Hob Goblin he looked back on everything that happened as soon as he was sent into the new world he had met people for the first time fought a hobgoblin and now people were wanting to kill him but once he found out that last part he knew that the people of this world were no different to the previous World some people that liked him such as the girl and some people that didn't such as the man with the mark around his eye he wished for the death of the people who had murderous intentions towards him he was planning to prepare himself in the future not just in his body but for the fight in his head said he truly wondered if he would be prepared for the battle what he didn't know was that the girl was not having a good experience her clothes seeming to be ripped off without her consent what was happening to her nozaki had finally woken up struggling to get up after all the exhaustion he had before he looked up and his eyes widened as he realized that there was a snake-like monster in front of him he swiftly grabbed it by its neck incapacitating it while he investigated if he could use it for food it wasn't much but he cooked it in order to finally have meat after so long he had remembered the remarks from that man he learned that the girl came to the village with the pharmacist and his team and once he had died she inherited his role this had meant that she had no family or support as well as being isolated from the rest of the village he dismissed his thoughts as he needed to concentrate on his recovery he dismissed his thoughts as he needed to concentrate on his recovery knowing that he should be able to regain all of his strength within a week until then he was hoping that girl would be safe the week quickly went by some animals were seen hanging around a pile of mud they heard a sound and turned around only to realize that there was a man who was emerging from the mud that man was nozaki as the creatures had started to run away nozaki knew that that one person his new Target was much different than a hobgoblin so he needed to be even more prepared he started to rub off lines of mud in his face wondering if what he was doing was like the camouflage he had seen in movies nozaki wanted to avoid fighting them as much as possible and walked off to continue his plan it was time and so he walked off toward the village two men were seen sitting in front of a house seemingly there in order to keep watch to look for nozaki they believed that it was unlikely for him to come back they wondered what was wrong with the girl that was taken not wanting to mess with the actions that were happening and hoped that things would be cleared up soon nozaki was listening in by the side of the house and knew that he needed to use the back door when he walked back there he noticed a man but he was glad that there was only one person there nozaki threw a rock at a tree to distract the guy before swiftly jumping the man and knocked him out he walked into the house successfully without being caught and saw the girl tied up to a pillar in the house he ran in and asked if she was okay grabbing her attention he rubbed off the mud from his face and said that he came to help her leave the village with him nozaki started to untie the Rope before saying that she would be staying in the village confusing him greatly she explained that all her patients were in the village and that she would supposedly be released soon as everyone was apparently not a bad person when Ozaki had finally untied the ropes on her legs he saw the injuries that she had received from the ropes he also realized that the ropes on her arms were falling down she yelled at him to leave her as there would be too many men out there and that it would not end well for him he stayed silent head hung low as some villagers walked into the building ready to capture nozaki the man was happy to finally have been able to find Ozaki until the door came flying toward him because nozaki had kicked it out smashing the man's body and knocking him out more men had started to pour into the room as nozaki prepared for the battle that was about to occur anger laced in his eyes they charged at him all at once without hesitation and then there he was that man whose face nozaki burned into his mind the man claimed that he was being careless last time but that he would not let nozaki Escape nozaki told the man that if he took his request he would let him live his request for this man was for him not to do any more harm to yakushi's daughter and tell him all the stuff he did and apologize the man told him to suck it and ordered the others to kill nozaki he swiftly dodged each and every one of their attacks seemingly yawning at their moves then when it was his turn he immediately sent his fist flying toward the face of one of the men sending him tumbling to the ground they checked if he was okay and the man with the mark around his eye took the situation into his own hands and said that he would be the one who would kill nozaki nozaki got into position once more knowing that the attacks would continue coming starting to feel more tactile the mansanozaki standing in place and laughed asking him if he came to the fight on ready this man's name would come to be known as Philip one of the men who had grabbed his attention Philip continued his egotistical rambling until one of the men yelled his name she angrily asked what he wanted until it was shown that the man that nozaki had punched was dead just from that one punch nozaki stood there eyes widened in amazement as he realized that he had truly killed another human everyone else in the room was also shocked by his actions while nozaki was lost in his thoughts he wondered if humans were really so fragile he gathered himself quickly and said that he wasn't shocked as that guy was probably just a big waste of space Philip was enraged that nozaki had easily killed one of his men without even using a weapon nozaki stood up once more and held up his fists getting ready to fight back as he started to get surrounded he was extremely confident that he could beat everyone in the room because of his fighting skills as long as he just landed every one of his punches there were eight men in the room and three of them had fairly decent weapons while the other had farm tools to protect them there had to be some something else he could use other than his status and skills considering he had to be careful of the weapons they shouldn't be able to see through his movements due to the physique of the world so it was likely that he should be fine as long as he kept himself close to his enemies nozaki charged at Philip as he was the only one who had a shield and sword and Philip had tried to stab nozaki with his sword but nozaki had dodged it easily suddenly he kicked the shield making Philip laugh at the action he had truly thought he could win the fight from nozaki's actions that was until nozaki's path of his leg had suddenly changed the zakies like had changed its trajectory and rotated his foot successfully colliding with Philip's face Philip was completely knocked out by this attack not knowing how such a strong attack could exist falling to the ground Philip was done just like that nozaki had thought about what kick he had done and remembered that it was called a Brazilian kick his thoughts were cut short by the rest of the men all charging at him one tried to stab him with a spear and another man had come up behind him and attempted to slash him with a sword the man with the spear felt confident that this would be the end for nozaki thinking that he wasn't aware of the man behind him but oh he was wrong glancing behind him nozaki had swiftly turned around and elbowed The Man Behind him in the stomach grabbing his body and throwing him to the ground just before finishing it off by stomping his foot into the man's throat the last of the men were terrified at the scene seemingly as if they were about to run away but through some luck they had stayed nozaki was annoyed but he knew that he could win the battle in just one step he told the last of the men that he was about to give them a really bad day them starting to charge at him with no plan the Spearman came forward and Ozaki grabbed it once it had slipped past him shocking the man he pulled at his spear telling those to let go and that was what he did he let go of the spear and the Spearman had stumbled back almost falling as nozaki announced that he was going to do his best to beat up every last one of them once the Spearman was tumbling over nozaki had dashed forward and punched him in the face blood covering his fists once the two had stopped connecting the rest of the men had had enough and started to run away from the sight of the scene and from nozaki altogether some of them had even thrown up from the Bloodshed before they had left screaming that there was a monster nozaki was glad that he had gotten rid of everyone before there was another man who had walked into the area yelling about Philip it was his father and he asked what had happened here he checked to see if his son was alive but he wasn't he stood back up tears running down his face as he angrily asked nozaki if he was the one who killed his son nozaki didn't answer the question instead asking his own question of whether the man in front of him was the one in charge suddenly Philip's father ordered someone named hagert to kill nozaki for his actions and a man Khloe both than armor had stepped into the battlefield he had apparently been fed by Philip's father up until now just for this moment the armored man told Philip's father that he was aware of that and that he would repay the favor of picking him up when he was little due to his father banishing him from the city hagert held his blade in his hands and told nozaki that he would do well as rust on the sword nozaki had recognized the armor to be plate armor and got ready for another battle nozaki wondered what he was supposed to do as the energy from this new enemy was too much of a difference from the men he had previously fought on top of that there were no gaps in his stance nozaki knew that this man was a strong person and started to sweat with worry he wanted to bring the battle into one of attrition he glanced over to see that Philip's father was walking over to the men who were still there and ordering them to bring back those who had ran away and even to give women and children a weapon as he wanted nozaki dead at all costs nozaki needed to focus on calming down his breathing as it was starting to be all over the place he started to take deep breaths and find finally started to calm down he needed to figure out a plan because if he rushed into battle his enemy would surely make use of it so he started to analyze his opponent not wanting to overlook any details no matter how small he noticed the way that hegert had shifted his Center of balance was weird seemingly trying to cover his left leg it reminded nozaki of the time he was injured in the knee having to struggle through physical rehabilitation as the knee played a vital role in attacking and defending if that was the case nozaki theorized Heckard would use a wide lunge attack at him at that range as it would be the most effective nozaki chuckled at the man for not having moved yet and claimed he was scared suddenly Heckard had finally moved and did just as nozaki predicted lunging forward with his sword to which nozaki easily dodged or at least that's what he thought he could do he only barely dodged it the tip of the sword having grazed his neck causing blood to spill nozaki realized how dangerous this man was knowing that if his knee was fine he would have been killed hegert started to solidify his his guard but nozaki's goal was the armored man's left knee he crouched over and dashed at hegert's leg curling around it and causing the man to fall over as he started to bend the joint nozaki knew that no matter how strong a person's armor was it wouldn't improve the strength of their joints once it had snapped nozaki sped over to curl around hegart's neck squeezing the head of the armor with his arms with one swift motion hegert was down his arm had fallen to the ground once nozaki knew that the battle was over standing up slowly he let go of the man's body and set him down on the ground nozaki was amazed that the day had come where he would snap a person's neck but finally the battle was over but really it wasn't quite over yet he looked over at Philip's father and walked over to him he started to step back in fear tripping over a rock and falling to the ground the man had started to beg for his life but nozakia said that it was him who had wished for the slaughter to happen suddenly the man claimed that he would curse nozaki and drag him along to hell to which nozaki apologized by saying he was an atheist though and cursed himself for not having his son and his men to have them set out their plans sooner nozaki said that he didn't want to talk anymore and walk towards the man as he started to scream and that was the end of that man nozaki stood proudly after finishing the battle speaking to himself that it was them who had started it by stealing the Hobgoblin materials from him and harming the girl once he remembered about the girl he jumped as he thought he forgot about her restraints but the girl had run out of the building calling out for him he wondered how she had gotten out of the ropes before she explained that another patient of hers had noticed her and came to help her he realized that she would have witnessed all that he had done about to try and explain himself but she knew exactly what had happened having heard what the mayor said dismissing all that happened she told nazaki that it was time for them to leave the village as soon as possible allowing herself to come along as well she had known that after the incident it would be best if she were to leave as her strength was no longer needed regardless of whether the village would deteriorate or reduce juvenate nozaki realized that the girl would be considered his ally while he was the target of fear causing the girl to no longer have a home he understood that and asked her before they went for her to grab whatever she wanted as he would be able to carry it once she was done packing nozaki had realized that she had packed quite a lot a large backpack sitting on the ground he sweat dropped before telling the girl that it was time to go she took one last look at the Village before returning to him and smiling and agreeing as they walked away from the village nozaki knew that the girl's facial expression at that moment would be one he could never forget They Carried along with their path predicting that it would be a few more hours before they were able to leave the forest the girl explained that just outside the forest there would be a main road within scattered along it during their Journey nozaki started to explain how he had gotten to where he was only telling her that he had lost his memories once he arrived at the forest they had continued to chat starting to get to know each other nozaki had started to realize that his head started to become weird he felt as though he was having fun traveling with his girl they were still conversing but he was distracted by the fact that he could talk so comfortably with this girl because she had resembled someone he knew long ago three days passed and they had set up camp somewhere nozaki Sat by the fire realizing that it was a mistake for them to have skipped at the Inn but now they were stuck with camping once he saw that no one was looking he thought it would be a good time to check his status the girl had told him that apparently the masters of the world would use the church's magical device to check their levels meaning the fact that he could check his own was abnormal once the status box had popped up he realized that Not only was he at level 15 he had also gained two new skills of sense and conceal he had also realized that his title was a goblin wondering who was managing the system of statuses and if that God who sent him to the world was involved with it the other title he had was Monster one he had gotten after killing those people from earlier this was nozaki's first night that he couldn't sleep after killing a person he thought it was fitting for him knowing that the experience he had gotten was from humans he wondered how the leveling would look like if a war were to happen the next day the girl asked about this war that nozaki was wondering about and he was wondering if it would just be easy for someone to become level 100 she explained that it was unlikely for something like that to happen nozaki assumed by that response that there might be a system in place to prevent that and proceeded to ask her what would happen when the same species killed each other the girl walked forward before realizing that nozaki had stopped in place head hung low she asked him if there was something wrong his fists trembled as he played back the girl's words when the same species killed each other the experience was almost nothing but when he killed people his levels went up considerably he wondered what exactly he was as the title of monster flashed through his mind the girl asked him if he needed medicine as the man continued to stare into the sky in a serious expression finally the two of them found a place for them to stay nozaki sat in bed still thinking about what the girl had told him he knew that he was different than human since he had somehow gained experience from killing other humans he definitely could not let this fact be found out as he would immediately be disposed of as a Potential Threat suddenly someone had walked into the room alerting his attention it was the girl who had just gotten out of the bath her asking him what he was doing in there she told him to leave as she thought she had already told him to go to the cafeteria before her throwing a towel in his face he tried to excuse himself by saying that he was thinking of something and so the two of them went to eat they both were celebrating a toast for the safe journey they had they had started to eat their food and were enjoying it greatly nozaki was glad that the journey was going to be over the next day because it was ending he knew that he would stop growing fond of the girl if he stayed with her he would surely bring her Misfortune and fall in love with her after the feast they had continued their Trek and finally arrived at their destination the girl pointed and called for nozaki's attention telling him that she could see the city the city being named rock cliff they stared with surprise and amazement that they had finally made it they walked over to the line that was leading into the city nozaki covering himself with a hood just in case anything bad would come of it if he didn't the closer they had gotten to the city the more impressive it looked to them the guard asked for the next group of people to inspect and the two of them knew it was their turn the girl walked up to the guard and tried to take something out of her bag not knowing if it would work as an entrance pass nozaki was starting to worry wondering if he would be put on a Wanted list after the incident at the Village the girl had finally pulled out a letter from her elder sister Apprentice the guards realized that she was an acquaintance of someone named Claren they quickly let the two of them in and waved them goodbye as they entered the city nozaki was beyond shock that they had entered that easily wondering who Clarin was the girl had explained that Claren was the adopted daughter of the feudal Lord Earl Megan nozaki was shocked by this information and let the girl lead the way they walked through the city and nozaki was looking around wildly at the unfamiliar yet astonishing surroundings he expected it since it was a city that flourished from its trade but was still amazed by how Lively it was he was glad there were many various human races around so he wouldn't stand out too much in crowds suddenly the girl had called for nozaki to hurry up somewhere making him realize he had been dawdling they had finally arrived at This Old House where a woman was seen walking an old person outside waving goodbye to the old man and telling him not to get sick anymore the woman turned around and saw the girl waving at her surprised at her presence the girl Belle ran up to the woman with excitement in her eyes this woman was the person that Bell had mentioned Clarin the two women had hugged each other greeting each other after having not seen each other for so long Claren looked up and had a more serious expression before asking the two what had happened to them after nozaki had greeted the woman himself after nozaki had explained what had happened claran understood the situation and thanked Ozaki for doing well and bringing Belle to her Clarin walked up to the house and started to bring Belle into the house as she wanted her to get some rest Belle stopped saying that nozaki still needed to come with and still calling him a goblin she turned around to see that nozaki wasn't moving and this is when she realized that nozaki said that this was the end of his journey Clara knew exactly who he was and what he had done telling him that he needed to be careful out there as he had still killed someone who had the blood of a noble he thanked her and started to turn around Bell continuing to call out to him but claran cut her off by saying that nozaki was thinking about her future nozaki told Belle to take care and fully turned around not wanting to look back Belle was silent for a moment before bursting out one last time with a smile telling nozaki as well to take care of himself and now nozaki was by himself once more he sat at a fountain trying to collect his thoughts before he suddenly jumped up and slapped himself in the face it wasn't time for him to feel down instead it was time to continue his journey of survival he walked up to someone and asked them for directions to somewhere he walked in that direction knowing that he needed to make money while he was here he needed to become an adventurer while he was at the city finally he had found the adventurer's guild facing the large wooden doors in front of him he took a deep breath and started to walk into what would be the start of his second chapter he started to think about what to expect within the guild and what kind of new life you would be leading nozaki started to think back on all the RPG games he had played thinking that he could be meeting face to face with a Hostess of a Tavern or receptionist who would give blessings Imagining the image in his head however that was not the case as he was met with an old man the man asked him if he was there to register to which nozaki nodded and the man pointed at a paper for him to sign nozaki struggled but the old man told him that anything that resembled a word would do as many people at the guild also couldn't write as the priority was how well a person could do a job the old man had suggested for nozaki to not listen to the Small Talk of the other guild members nozaki realizing that people had made guilds within the bar as is all the customers were adventurers all of them seemingly to have been observing nozaki the moment he walked in a group at a table were discussing how nozaki seemed like a dangerous guy one of the men asked if another at the table kaimon agreed to which he did another person at the table said he didn't like the situation rising from the table and grabbing his weapon as he didn't like nozaki staring at them the man with the ponytail told the man with the weapon to leave nozaki alone but it didn't seem to stop him as the man prepared to walk toward him when would nozaki catch a break the large man with the weapon had walked up to nozaki angrily asking him what he was staring at nozaki started to tremble but stood his ground as the man towered over him the large man called him annoying while the old man at the counter told the two men that if they were going to fight they should do it outside nozaki knew that he was being too direct when he was staring at the group of people knowing that making an uproar on the first day would be bad this man was strong but he had no choice and got ready for another battle except this one would be one of ass kissing instead of using fists nozaki rubbed the back of his neck and apologized saying that he thought the man was so amazing that he just felt the need to stare the large man was silent before starting to believe nozaki's words nozaki had put up both an accent and a personality to make his lie believable the other other people at the table watched one of the men with a smile on his face after nozaki had finished his rambling he waited to see if it would work as not a single person had seemingly dodged that Onslaught before the man gripped his weapon saying that nozaki talked too much causing nozaki to believe what he did may not have an effect on the seasoned adventurers but luckily he would find that it worked perfectly and was super effective on the man as nozaki looked up at the bashful man nozaki internally laughed at how easy it was to lie to this man he continued it some more by saying that he would buy a drink for the man and after two hours only the people at the table in nozaki were in that bar now the drunken man laughed with a few women that he had met while everyone is chatting with each other the man with a ponytail looked over and greeted nozaki introducing himself as Al nozaki smiled back but he knew that this man named Al was a sharp man so he had to be cautious Al asked for confirmation if nozaki's name was yajin saying that it was a name he wouldn't get used to hearing nozaki explained his name and appear appearance being unusual by claiming that his grandmother was bought as a slave and came to rock cliff from afar place the boy next to him had jumped into the conversation saying that his younger sister was also sold as a slave Al said the boy was khaimon and to not mind his taciturn nature nozaki said that it was nice to meet the boy and Al wondered what the group should do next as the large man whose name was gone had disappeared somewhere with those women he had been with nozaki asked Al if he could tell him about the surrounding region as he claimed that his mother lived in a rural farming Village and never went out much which is why he didn't know much about the world that was a lie as well but Al pulled out a map of the Region's sub-national groups pointing out where rock cliff would be nozaki started to get excited from the new information that he was learning in the north was the forest Sanctuary led by a self-proclaimed sub-national group in the West Was azlar Kingdom in the East was the chrysar kingdom and in the South was Mariano Kingdom nozaki noticed that the closest border was to the west and so he needed to remember that he pointed somewhere else on the map and asked about it to which Al said that it was an extremely enormous Nation called the megat Empire and was a nice place to live if one was an ordinary citizen the night went by and the two men had continued to chat with each other laughing with one another while kaimon seemed to be asleep nozaki decided that it was time to go and walked up the stairs of the bar and paid goodbye to the others Al thanking nozaki for the enjoyable night nosaki walked into one of the rooms where he would sleep for the night and sat on the bed inspecting how much money he had left it wasn't much and he didn't think he could buy a decent set of armor with the amount that he had which is why he needed to find a quick way to earn money the bag of money was left over from Belle he originally refused it at first as he was planning to sell what he had hunted and collected on the road and if something happened he would just Camp outside Belle wasn't satisfied with this saying that he would at least have the money to live she had also said that she was letting him borrow it and for him to return with twice the amount nozaki hit his face between his knees while he sadly thought back on the memories of that girl the moment almost being tainted by the sounds of gons and those women in the other the room the next day came and nozaki was ready he splashed water in his face from a nearby well and went back inside the Inn with a plan he was going to get himself to be in the party of that one group you talked with last night it seemed doable to him since he made a great first impression the previous day he walked up to the group and said that he wanted to be added to their party claiming that he wanted to become an inventor like gons gons Took The Words the wrong way and thought that nozaki had intended to leech off of him in their party confusing nozaki greatly Al quickly jumped in and told gonze to calm down as nozaki who went by yajin had come from a rural area Al asked nozaki if he knew what base value was to which the man said he didn't a person's thoughts were represented by their strength endurance intelligence willpower and dexterity within those the most important for an adventure were strength and endurance while a base value was the amount a person started with stats were decided by base value and level and if his base values were lower than the desire to mount in a job he wouldn't be the best nosaki asked how the base values were decided to which I'll explain that strength and endurance were decided by one's body physique at birth Al asked nozaki if he had noticed that everyone in the Inn except for kaimon were all taller than him gons jumped into the conversation and said that because their group couldn't break through a supposed level ceiling they were still at level 6 despite being the strongest party in rock cliff they explained that unless he had a special talent like kaimon he would never have a place in their party nozaki still didn't want to give up and asked what a special talent was Al explained that it was the skills a person had and that for example they were looking for someone who was specialized as a scout with the sense presence skill as it was difficult to acquire nozaki was silent for a moment making the others think that he was spacing out but that was until nozaki had finally spoke with hope in his eyes saying that he had the skills of the Scout tree the party was shocked by this information and talked within the group they had finally said that nozaki couldn't just have them believe his words blindly and gonze cut in by saying that nozaki would have to show off his skills in practice and so nozaki was off every one of of the people in the group showing off their skills while nozaki was waiting for his turn it was a spectacle that he wanted to cover his eyes from kaimon had used his judgment skills to pick out good armor then gons used his natural threatening demeanor to scare the shopkeeper and have Al haggle the shopkeeper while smiling as if they weren't doing anything wrong the shopkeeper gave the group the armor begrudgingly and nozaki had finally gotten an extremely good piece of armor that was bought at a terribly affordable price nozaki stopped in place for a moment and apologized to the group saying that he was grateful that they had let him take the test to join the party and went out of their way to help him get equipment he was confident that he would pass the test so the group wouldn't have done what they did for him for nothing gone smacked nozaki's back and told him to not worry about it as if he failed he would just retrieve the armor from his dead body and sell it back for money the group walked away from him after casually telling nozaki that making nozaki remember what kind of world he was in the test was tomorrow and gonz told him to sleep well that night the next day the group was set off for a mission one that would put nozaki to the test and prove that he would be useful to the group everyone who's geared up and ready to go in the end nozaki couldn't get to sleep they made their long Trek through the lands Al was inspecting a paper with a job description that they were about to set upon it was a request for a subjugation of a wolf type monster called a gray wolf the person who requested the job seemed to want them to exterminate this monster as it was attacking the livestock it would be close to a day trip for them but the commission fee was not bad in Al's eyes nozaki realized that it was because the walking speed in this world was different compared to his previous world and the most important stat in this moment would be endurance but he wondered why this one specific request was left over on the board people received rewards for completing requests put up on the notice board but due to gone sleeping in it was the last one left when they arrived Al explained that the gray wolves had a habit of hunting in multiples of five such as packs of 5 or 10. if one's true strength wasn't enough for the job the tables could easily be turned which is why people chose to avoid it after some more walking they had finally arrived at the Village once they had walked in they already saw the horrible scene that was in front of them a sheep had laid on the ground completely mangled from what the Wolves had done to it the citizens of the village said that this wasn't the first time it had happened to their livestock and how the day was supposedly the third time nozaki felt pity for the citizens as they were constantly being worn down by the situation a little girl who was named Maya walked up to the old man her grandfather who had been explaining the situation and said that she wanted to make a proper grave for the Sheep it seemed that the little girl had a close relationship with the slaughtered sheep and she continued to cry from its death if this situation were to continue the village would be destroyed and the old man begged the adventurers to help them in any way Al responded and said that they would need to hear the details before they could lend them their strength the old man LED Al somewhere and Al told the others to wait here while he went off to learn about the situation gonze had no words to say about it because he put his full trust in Al's negotiations and if there was anything unwelcome they would refuse the job and leave nozakian gonz would be there while they waited being on the lookout in order to see any strange movements gonz knew that nozaki was wondering why they would be on guard when the people around looked like nice people but before he could explain more Al had finished talking to the old man and walked up to them gons asked how it went and Al said that they would be going ahead with the job the monsters being located in the east of the forest they set off for the forest and Al continued to explain to nozaki that he should remember that requesters can lie in order to make it seem easier to take on or better in terms of money and in that moment the only people to blame would be themselves nozaki was responsible for his own life as he realized how tough the world really was they finally arrived at the forest and got ready for the battle that could be occurring gone said that they would wait outside the forest while nozaki would go in and find out where the den of the gray wolves was and then return to relay that information Alto nozaki to constantly use his conceal skill because if he was found out it would be over as he would be found first before he found them before nosaki walked off kaimon called for his attention and told him to show them what he got making Al chuckle from the words of appreciation as nosaki would also be relieving kaimon of the duty if he succeeded and so nozaki walked into the forest it had been a while since he had walked in a wooded area ever since he had lived there for the first three months of his coming here he felt out of place for an unknown reason despite how familiar he used to be with the forest nozaki remembered that the gray wolves would be a larger version of those in his previous world meaning that they must have a keen sense of smell he jumped out of his thoughts shaking his head as he said the forest wasn't his home his priority was to erase his scent he thought as he looked around for some plants to rub on himself he found some mint plants growing on mass near him and started to scrub the leaves all over his body successfully erasing his scent knowing that the plants existed nearby he was going to have guns and the others do the same once he came back he started to focus as he stood in place as he knew that he needed to strengthen his senses and use his sense skill at full power completely tuning everything out around him and trying to find any sort of clue that could lead him to the den of the gray wolves he could vaguely sense the Press of animals in the vicinity but finding a specific monster with the skill alone would be unlikely he remembered the info that Al gave him about the Wolves how they moved in multiples and he used that to his Advantage he started to look around and noticed a large-sized animal's footprint in the dirt it wasn't just Footprints from one animal but multiple he used his sense skill again and shot up at the fact that he had noticed five presences nearby following a path toward those five presences he had finally arrived near the Wolf Den seeing the Rabid beasts up close he went back and let the others know leading them to the same place that he had found and the others were proud of nozaki's skills they asked Al what their next plan would be and Al asked nozaki if he was sure that the Wolves were the only enemies to which nozaki confirmed Al grind and told nozaki that it was time for them to go wild and show nozaki the true strength of their party because they couldn't have a newcomer looking down on them he told nozaki to watch from afar and see them fight the Wolves themselves they walked into the cave with stealth the group had made a plan with nozaki before the they went in for him to give them a signal when the Wolves would have noticed them meaning to start the battle nozaki watched closely and immediately noticed one of the Wolves start to make a move nozaki jumped up and let the group know that they were spotted calling for kaimon to make a move he pulled his bow back as one of the Wolves ran outside and it was shot in the eye immediately gonz rushed to near it and prepared his ax giving a battle cry before slashing the wolf as gonze pulled his ax back he heard the barks of two more wolves coming out of the Cave the two wolves had dashed toward him but he was not phased by their presence immediately cutting another in half with a single swing nozaki was amazed by gon's skill in already having killed two of the Wolves so quickly the only problem was the fact that the movement of gons was too large another wolf was extremely close to biting gons until Al charged in and blocked the attack with his shield sending the canine flying nozaki realized the strategy that was being played gons would do these large movements while Al would make up for those movements and cover his back protecting him they were surrounded by three more wolves but they would be no problem to them as kaimon and Al would precisely dampen the enemy's Mobility the last wolf had staggered arrows poking out of its limbs as gonze towered over it and made the final blow he brought the ax down and the Wolf had been decapitated meaning that the group had won nozaki stared in awe at the power of this group as he knew this was truly The Rock Cliff's strongest party the corpses of the Savage beasts had lined the ground as the party had stood proudly after winning the battle nozaki sweat dropped as he felt the Fearsome power of the group after having taken out the five wolves in just a flash he continued to stare in awe until gonze walked up to him and asked him what he was staring around for telling him that his job wasn't finished yet and to do his work properly as a newcomer everyone had their fair share of holding one of the wolves in order to bring them back they moved the gray wolf corpses over to the river so they could dismantle them and get their materials nozaki having helped kaimon during the Dismantling in order to learn by the time they'd returned to the Village the sky had gone dark and while the villagers celebrate created the success of the party they recommended for them to change their plans and stay for the night for maximum safety nosaki wondered if the others took into account of him being experienced and tired but he dismissed his thoughts quickly getting back to chatting with the other villagers one of the villagers asked if nozaki was the one who found the den all by himself but nozaki said that he didn't do much the little girl from earlier Maya had quickly walked up to nozaki and thanked him with a smile calling him Uncle as well her grandfather reprimanded her for calling him that while nozaki just chuckled with this nozaki was finally able to safely get over his debut battle as an adventurer and the opportunity had now bought him the ability to be able to have many more Journeys ahead of him the next day nozaki was excited for a portion of the reward after him and his team had finished their Quest they gave him a bag of money and he loudly thanked them wondering if it was truly okay for them to give him the amount that they did the group believed that it was likely enough to cause nozaki to live in comfort for a whole week before he would have to find another job and gonze reassured the boy by how much he deserved the amount due to his contribution to the task against the gray wolves Al and the others bid their goodbyes to nozaki and left him to do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day once the three had quickly disappeared into the city to do their own respective things nozaki had stood there and thought wondering what he should do next he remembered how the others fought during the mission knowing that it was part of the job of an adventure to put their lives at stake but felt as though the heavy mental pressure was not normal even if he was watching the fight from the sidelines nozaki had planned for his next move to think about the future and take some mental Solace like Alan the others did but his thoughts were cut off by his stomach growling that was going to be his first priority instead going back to the restaurant nozaki had gotten an entire chicken surrounded by vegetables all to himself the woman apologized for the wait before the boy promptly began his meal thanking her and taking a bite only to realize how tasty it was compared to all the other food he had eaten so far in this world the waitress asked how it was telling him him how expensive the ingredients were as nozaki had suddenly declared that he was going to spend all of his money on food claiming that an adventurer's body was their Capital she laughed at his words now knowing that he was one of the few who didn't just seek alcohol and women for Comfort however she warned nazaki that it would be a difficult path as stocking up on meat and vegetables was dangerous due to the monsters that hunted them or the tax that Gathering vegetables had on people she suggested that nozaki will have to properly earn money if he wanted to continue eating good food and that was exactly what he did nozaki continued taking Gill jobs with the help of Al and the others and in one of them he used himself as bait to learn ostrich-like creature to an area where it would be surrounded once it was in reach Al gave kaimon the signal and the boy had let go of the arrow he had already drawn in advance and hit the monster in the eye stunning it nozaki ran past gons which gave him the space to swing his ax and decapitate the bird the group praised nozaki who still went under the name yajin for doing a great job as bait he had been completing several quests with them and had also attained smooth coordination with them after a while after they went back and got their celebratory meal after finishing the quest nozaki was ecstatic to eat the food Al told him to calm down as the food was not a Noble's meal and asked if he was spending all of his money on food dozaki explained to them that Health came first for an adventurer while everyone else at the table thought at how strange the man was they had finished their food and nozakian gaunts were playfully arguing with each other about the count of something nozaki believed the number to be 15 but Gods could only count to 10 since he only had 10 fingers nozaki laughed and said that gonze could just count to 20 if he used his toes but the boy regretted his words once he saw the dark look on gonze's face however it was a false alarm as the large man had lifted his foot in observation before giving nozakie thumbs up for the advice the day had ended and nozaki had walked through the hall feeling stuffed from all the food until he looked out the window and noticed the view from it he had thought that he had gotten used to living in rock cliff until a day came where they had gotten another request about gray wolves Al said it was the exact same request as the previous time the subjugation of five gray wolves but they were worried that it would somehow be different this time even if it felt easier last time the group arrived at the village and was greeted by an old man who explained the situation from the beginning nozaki was not alarmed whatsoever since it was all seemingly going exactly how it did last time when they had walked to the forest and waited for nozaki to come out he walked toward them and told them that he had found the den but also that they would need to lure the Wolves Out in order to have a better chance of fighting them due to the grass in front of the den Al was hesitant about the idea and thought that it would be too dangerous but nozaki insisted and said that it was his job as a scout to be a decoy and wanted the group to put their trust in him after some time to think about it Al decided to agree with the plan telling nozaki that he could not die under any circumstance nozaki found a small animal and cut it using its blood as bait to lure the Wolves out of their den a growl was heard and one of the Wolves jumped out from the darkness and charged towards nozaki as he smiled knowing that the chase was about to begin all five canines were on nozaki's tale as he ran toward the direction of the opening that he found earlier Al and the others were waiting outside the forest with their weapons ready a bird flew down onto the rock next to kaimon and flew away in confusion as Al was starting to think that nozaki was late until the man had burst out from the trees and yelled at everyone to prepare for attack the three men smiled before getting ready as the Wolves started pouring out from the forest they had no trouble at all encountering the Wolves attacks as they swept through all five of them quickly however it was not going to be like that for long nozaki suddenly sensed more entities coming the direction from afar he widened his eyes in confusion and fear and tried to tell the others that the enemy reinforcements were coming they asked how many there were and nozaki mentioned there were 10 arriving shocking Al and gons while more wolves would be a struggle he was more worried about what was the creature in the Middle with a y wildly different presence from the gray wolves nozaki wondered what he was going to do about them knowing that he would have to escape as it would be near impossible to defeat whatever it would be in their path gaunt asked Al if they should retreat but Al said that it would be impossible to leave without killing the five there already nozaki was in thought watching the battle as he believed that he needed to prioritize his own life and desert the others he prepared himself to run away before he stopped his thoughts quickly changing as he felt that this entire situation was his own fault as a scout and that responsibility meant that he needed to do something about it to prevent himself from never forgiving himself for abandoning the others he charged forward and said that he would assist the others getting ready to kick the wolf despite having never fought a quadruped monster believing that it would still have an effect on its face like every other monster unfortunately the wolf swiftly dodged the attack with its quick reaction time and ran behind nozaki to attack him from his blind spot nozaki knew that it would be bad if it landed and jumped out of the way rolling on the grass before getting back up Ali yelled at him about how dangerous it was but nozaki was too busy trying to find an opening to directly hit the Wolves he stared at it as it stood in place observing its movement before it started to charge once again nozaki made use of its speed and was able to counter the attack and kill the monster with one kick sending it flying as it twitched on the ground he felt a bit more confident in his ability to fight once he saw that while the Wolves were fast they lacked durability nozaki turned around knowing that there were two more left until he realized that it was too late Alan gons were able to kill the last two of the five wolves and I'll ask to nozaki if he was finished with the wolf he was fighting feeling about ready to retreat until nozaki looked behind them and saw that there were 10 more wolves standing opposed to them they stood in silence and stared at the group of men until Al noticed one of the wolves in the center of the pack he started to explain how it was rare for that one wolf in the middle to be mixed into a pack of gray wolves it was the superior version of black wolf it huffed before it lifted its head and started to howl loudly nozaki pulled out the dagger that he kept on him at the back of his body getting ready for the battle that was about to occur all of the gray wolves started to reach all at once toward the group of men gone scoffed and held up his ax yelling at the others that there was no way out of this and that they would need to put up all the effort that they could nozaki held his fists up a knife in one hand as he sat in silence watching in observation he noticed that the black wolf was not charging with the group instead seeming to plan to watch from afar each of the four men seemed to have their own set of wolves to have to fight two wolves walked up to nozaki and snarled before dashing forward at him he stepped out of the way but they kept coming at him without a break another dashed right after the last one which meant that nozaki couldn't avoid this one's attack its teeth cut a slash through nozaki's leg and ran past him only for the man to realize a third wolf was coming his way to give another slash the three wolves started to circle around Ozaki at a distance as he realized that the Wolves were only distancing themselves after an attack because they wanted to toy with him nozaki noticed that the movement of these wolves was different from the other gray wolves he had seen and he wondered if it was because of the black wolf that watched in silence even if nozaki stayed on the defense his blood loss would be a detriment later in the battle he was disappointed that dying from these wolves was a real possibility after having been through so much pain and being transported to that world he decided that he needed to survive he needed to kill these wolves one of the Wolves dashed toward him and nozaki knew that he had to risk getting hit in order to guarantee a counter charging forward at the wolf he had slashed its neck with his knife and successfully killed it even if he had gotten a scratch on his face another of the monsters ran up to Chomp down a nozaki's leg causing him to stop and struggle grimacing in pain he brought up the knife and stabbed the wolf that was biting him in its head during this the final of the three wolves jumped towards nozaki's face and he had to smack its head with his hand causing its teeth and Claws to scrape his hand and forehead and his knife to fall out of his hand blood started to drip down his face blinding him in one eye but he still held his ground nozaki knew that he could make do without a knife but his wound situation would be a problem he thought about it for a second trying to find an attack to kill it in one go until he remembered something he had hidden in his clothes in case he got into a situation such as this one a silver coin and spices ripping the coin out of his shirt he threw it at the wolf's face and stunned it which gave him an opening to punch the wolf's Square in the face it collapsed and nozaki felt accomplished until a shutter waved over him as he remembered the black wolf he turned around but it was too late as the black wolf had already jumped onto him and caused him to slam onto the ground I'll notice the situation Ozaki was in and was worried as the large wolf dripped saliva onto his face the black wolf had nozaki pinned on the ground as its face started to close in on ozaki's its claws started to dig into his chest penetrating the metal plate in his armor as nosaki realized that his strength was near its limit soon he would be done for nozaki remembered something he could do and took his arms off the monster for a second the black wolf tried to bite down on him until he swerved its head out of the way and pulled out the spices and shoved it into the monster's face successfully stunning the Beast it pulled its head up giving nozaki an opportunity to grab the monster and climb around it locking its head in his arms and trying to choke it to death the wolf started to stand on its hind legs as it continued to try and get nozaki off of its back but it was unsuccessful it thrashed and thrashed jumping around in hopes that the man would let go but nozaki knew that he couldn't let go as his entire life depended on hanging on after a long while of struggling and violently moving the black Wolf's body started to shake tears and saliva started to drip down its face as nozaki continued to hold on not letting go even the slightest until he knew for sure the eyes on the monster started to roll inwards and the large Beast had come to a close its body falling onto the grass nozak continue to hold on even after the monster had fallen just to make sure that it was entirely dead after some more waiting the man had started to let go and look at what he had done the black wolf was finally dead and nozaki laid there on the grass staring at the sky with accomplishment and happiness the battle was over however our protagonist was not exactly ready to move anymore as it seemed that he has used up all of his energy on the battle and couldn't even stand the others had also successfully killed off the other gray wolves and gons walked over to nozaki staring at the man with an unreadable expression nozaki was prepared to be reprimanded for his actions of being inattentive to his surroundings and letting the Ambush happen without warning but luckily that wasn't what gonz was worried about guns complimented nozaki's ability in taking down the black wolf all on his own and Al walked over bloodied and hair down complimenting nozaki for his skills as well once the battle was over and nozaki had built up enough energy to stand again the group of men had stood over the core corpse of the black wolf as kaimon sliced into it checking to see if a certain item was in it kaimon's eyes widened as he said that he had found what they had hoped was in its body a Magic Stone nozaki was confused on what it was until Al explained that it was used as fuel in magical devices or as a catalyst in alchemy in items such as that was known to form inside the bodies of monsters like the black wolf nozaki had killed Magic Stone such as the one found within the black Wolf's body could also be found in dungeons with high Mana concentrations but the one of the size that they had harvested was still rare Al started to explain that because it was a consumable item it could be sold at a high price catching the eye of nozaki and causing him to smile and happiness at the thought of getting money for more good food Al spoke once more and told the man that they would have more greetings after they would finish dissecting the monster the group of men walked back into the village as the citizens stared in shock and awe as they noticed what Alan gons were holding Al greeted the old man who had given them the job and asked if he knew what the Pelt on the stick they were holding was the man bursting out in surprise at the fact that the group had defeated the black wolf gonze told the old man that he and the others had almost died there because of him suddenly gonze pulled out his ax and swung at the requester with a feeling of Wrath coursing through him nozaki believed that this scene was due to an adventurer's ability to know that the requester had lied to them and Allah nozaki had to hold gonze back before he could split open the head of the old man the head of the village confessed everything in tears knowing that there was a possibility of more wolves but stayed quiet to lower the commission fee hoping that the group who would accept the job would decide on how to go about it Al felt disappointed that he fell for the lie and said that it was possible the man had a two-toned skill but nozaki didn't know if he was serious or if it was just a joke after that Al had started to relentlessly ask for reparation negotiations for the things that the group had to go through once they had finished what they needed to do Knight came and they set up camp on the road back to rock cliff everyone was tired but the atmosphere was chair careful due to the large amount of money that everyone received the four men started to chat with one another talking about all the various stories they had girls past quests families and friends all of it nozaki had actually started to feel like he had become a member of the party after fighting together with the group days passed and the group finally arrived back to the city nozaki saw the ramparts of rock cliff and was surprised of himself when he felt fond at the site of the city that looked like a den of criminals since when did he think of this place as home but there was another Discovery or rather a lack thereof nozaki had checked his status and noticed his levels didn't go up and he started to think that he required something else to level up any further however he did notice that he got new titles only to realize that it was another insulting one that was most likely written by that one God he had met way earlier nozaki touched his head in a fence and felt angry that the God took his anguish so lightly all his journey being ejected into a dangerous Forest naked fighting against monsters and even humans somehow making it into a city with a normal lifestyle he finally claimed nozaki was going to show that God a piece of his mind for taking Delight in his unfortunate sufferings wanting to prove him wrong and to become happy in his new life from now on a few days had passed since nozaki and the others had finished their previous Guild job gons and the others didn't seem as though they had a concept of savings as none of them wanted to progress to the next job without spending all that they had earned nozaki was laying in bed Awakening from his Slumber during the afternoon as he finally had a lot of free time on his hands for the first time since coming to that world there was only one thing that he could do and that was information gathering after lunch nozaki would have a conversation with the guild receptionist and gain knowledge and stories that he may have it was a daily routine but it passed the time nozaki had learned that the old man was actually quite great seemingly once a famous Adventure from the variety of info he gave because of these stories nozaki found out that at every five levels there would be a sort of barrier that existed and prevented a person from leveling up at least until they defeated monsters at a higher rank at level 5 a person would need to fight Rank 2 monsters at level 10 monsters at Rank 3 and at level 15 monsters at rank 4. monsters that nozaki had not fought with before the guild receptionist knew what nozaki was thinking about why gonz and the others hadn't overcome the level ceiling and that was because Rank 4 monsters were incredibly powerful the metal weapons that the party has wouldn't even have a chance of making a dent into the skin of the monsters the old man explained that weapons made from ore were known as black steel and were the ones that had a chance of defeating Rank 4 monsters but they were extremely expensive and couldn't be bought with the money that nozaki and the others had even if him and the others desperately put money together for a weapon they would need to protect that weapon with their life because if they lost the battle their things would disappear after death the receptionist didn't believe it was worth the risk to try to get a higher level and suggested that nozaki should just stay at level 15 as it was enough to complete summer requests this stagnation at level 15 was something that everyone including the guild receptionist seemed to want to do nozaki ended the day by laying in bed and thinking about the level barrier of the world he yawned and wondered what he was going to do about his situation and if he wanted to become strong nozaki held his fist up before feeling a sense of unease wave over him confusing him he got up and started to throw a few punches into the air realizing that his body felt heavier nozaki decided to talk about this with Al and Al understood what he was going through I'll explain to that physical ability is raised during a combat skill using his sword as an example of something that the effect would also be applied on this is because when a person has the intention to attack the moment they grab their weapon causes their skill to activate when the physical ability returned to normal it was natural for a person to feel their movements become sluggish and Al asked nozaki if it rang any bells however nozaki admitted that his skill wasn't learned that day or the previous day confusing both men nozaki knew that if what Al explained was the case he would have immediately noticed the fluctuation he started to believe that he was mistaken in there not being in effect in his karate skill meaning that he had only just savored It For the First Time despite having had it forever nozaki's fist tightened as Al asked him what was wrong but he did not respond as he was still in thought a sword skill was triggered when a sword was grabbed so how would a karate skill be triggered that was when nosaki realized it was breathing his breathing was different than a normal person's because he would use abdominal breathing to be able to fully control it in order to make as little sound as possible he had been using that technique for many years in fact it wasn't just only his breathing his gaze way of walking Center of mass all the karate techniques that he had learned were all ingrained in his body this had all meant that his skill was constantly activated the entire time every single day and when he finally laid down on the bed and let his guard down his breathing was disordered and the skill was turned off for the first time nozaki had finally figured it all out as Al stared at the man in confusion suddenly nozaki had gotten Al's attention and asked him to teach him everything he knew about skills once Al had done so nozaki had gone far outside the city near its walls the sun high in the sky he walked as far as he could a lantern held in his left hand as the man looked around checking to see if anyone was near him he placed the Lantern on the ground as nozaki had remembered everything that Al told him I'll explained that the most extreme effect of a skill would be its optimization of movement this meant that when the concept is fully grasped it could cause a person to be able to dish out the best attack no matter the circumstance nozaki was impressed by the information Al had told him and wanted to test it out as soon as possible he prepared himself for the practice and started to picture his movements in his head nozaki's eyes widened as he realized that his body was starting to move as the skill reacted not wanting to resist to its effect in one swing he swiftly punched the air in a graceful and concise movement nozaki had stood in place with his fist still outstretched as he felt incredible from the movement his center of gravity was lowered when his knees relaxed and the returning energy stored in the knees and was transferred to his fist when he pushed out the energy by adding a rotation to his fist nozaki knew that all this wouldn't have been possible without the help of the skill and the complicated physical maneuver was this the world a master lived in Knight quickly came but the candle from the lantern that nozaki brought had continued to give light on the man who continued practicing his karate techniques using the new movement optimization after a long while nozaki was starting to realize how much fun he was having during the training he started to reminisce on the time he had started to learn karate for the first time as a child thanking the world and God for creating the karate skills that he had learned and knowing that his skills would not be forsaken in this new world from now on nozaki would live strongly the man had trained all night never having went inside to sleep nozaki was seen laying on the dirt ground as the morning sun started to creep in behind the mountains afar he stared up at the sky knowing that he didn't sleep one second but feeling as though he wanted to train more however it wouldn't be possible at the place he was currently at as the city was now Wide Awake nozaki walked over to the request board and felt as though he was on time due to the number of jobs that were still posted on it meaning that a certain job he was looking for was likely still there peering over the people in front of the board he jumped in excitement and grabbed one of the papers and brought it to the guild receptionist the old man was taken aback by the job that nozaki had chosen a quest for collecting medicinal herbs and felt that nozaki was taking too shabby of a request for someone from their Signature Party nozaki gave a smile and explained that it gave a chance for him to get his own portion of medicinal herbs so he can make healing salves himself The Guild receptionist asked the nozaki how he had learned to mix a salve and nozaki responded that it was due to learning it from an apothecary when accompanied him on the trip on his way to the city the old man laughed and insisted nozaki to tell him more about how he did it jokingly asking if he tied them up and threatened them nozaki was confused until the guild receptionist had explained that apothecaries normally didn't teach their recipes in unless the person they taught it to was a disciple that had accompanied them for years after hearing these words he started to think back to the time he had with the Apothecary girl Belle wondering why she had passed on her knowledge to him despite not knowing each other for that long The Guild receptionist completed the proceedings of the request and told Ozaki that his quest was ready to begin nosaki gathered what he needed and set off for the journey showing his travel permit before walking through the city Gates he had passed many signs and rivers making his way slowly but surely to the forests that he was so familiar with when he was first sent to this world after a long while of walking he had finally found one of the herbs that was on the list it was a gnarl herb which would need to be dug out by the roots and wrapped in a damp cloth after doing so nozaki had felt as though he would be finished in no time from the pace that he'd been going at once he had finally retrieved all of the herbs that were on the request he put the bag on the ground and got up to practice more on his physical skills now that he was in a quiet environment he was going to revise the optimization so he could still move the same as how he learned it even when the skill was canceled after he would do that nozaki had planned to learn the range of effectiveness of his current karate skills and possibly learn other skills that lay dormant within him he had wanted to test whether he could use certain skills and keep them activated while fighting which would be a large benefit in the future if he could combine his karate and sense presence skills internally sighing in frustration nozaki continued his training knowing that there was so much that he wanted to do he had taken a break as he started to feel the effects from pulling an all-nighter but knew that he was suddenly having a lot of fun while training suddenly he had sensed a presence near him that was shaped like a deer he was confused about why he could sense it until his eyes widened when he realized that not only could he sense it he already knew what it was without seeing it that was when nozaki started to notice every single living thing that was currently in a close radius to him not with his sight but with his sense skill deer squirrels Birds arachnids lizards worms everything until now his skill was only just a blurred presence that he couldn't differentiate or tell any features of but now nozaki could clearly grasp the outline of every creature this had meant that his sense presence had evolved and his information processing ability went up nozaki believed that he could truly become even stronger he kept coming to the guild for more jobs and the guild receptionist noticed how hard he had been working every day nozaki explained that he wanted to make his other members portions as well trying to grab the paper of the next job until the guild receptionist pulled it away from nozaki nozaki was confused until the old man explained that he was being targeted there were rumors of criminals starting to pour into the City and people stashing away money to give to these groups who would not care about killing for money and the old man told nozaki to stay careful of these groups that was all the guild receptionist said before nozaki was off for another quest of his walking through the city of rock cliff with a hood over his face he was glancing at everyone around him trying to dismiss it as he shouldn't see everyone as a criminal during these thoughts nosaki had passed a fellow hooded person who started to stare at nozaki as he passed by when he had finally walked out of the city three men were following behind him this didn't really help the fact that he was trying to stop profiling people nozaki was sure that he was being targeted by these three men and knew that they were likely professional Killers who potentially looked into his recent patterns and activity he had decided that he was going to let them continue following him and engage them in the forest nozaki lured them into the forest and suddenly went out of their sight confusing them until he had walked up behind them from behind a tree asking what they needed from him the hooded man licked his lips and said that they would let nozaki live if he handed them all of his valuables and told them the location of any others but nozaki knew that that was a lie he told them that gods and the others wouldn't forgive anyone who put their hands on one of their party members and one of the men scoffed until nozaki yelled for gonza's agreement causing the three men to whip their heads around in shock however this was just a diversion as nozaki was completely lying and started to run away from the men the hooded guy took off his cloak and started to chase nozaki nozaki tried to think of his next move can considering that he would be targeted by other criminals if he went back to the city no matter what he was going to survive and so the hunt began nozaki continued to run and run as the three men continued to chase him one of the men yelled at nozaki to stop running which was honestly stupid of him because who in their right mind would listen to the person who was trying to kill them and stop obediently like oh yes sir my bad let me stop nozaki started to notice the distance between the men starting to grow larger which was natural due to their difference in armor and physique one of the men had gotten their foot caught in the dirt which meant that there was an opportunity for nozaki to make a counter against the men he quickly hid behind a tree and used his hide presence skill in order to stay out of the sight of them the bearded one was confused as to where nozaki could have went not noticing the outstretched arm in front of him nozaki chopped his neck and stunned him as the other two had ran up behind their comrade nozaki had kicked the man in front into the short-haired man causing both of them to topple to the ground the bearded man was still gasping for air as he was being told to move off of the man under him until nozak he had suddenly started to stomp on the man's leg shattering it into pieces the bald man swung his sword at nozaki but he was fully prepared to test his training on the man without an ounce of fear in his body whatsoever the blade was stopped by nozaki's hand as he swiftly pushed it out of the way and delivered a blunt blow into the bald man's face and he had fallen to the ground not too long after the entire battle was done in such a short amount of time as nosaki stood over his work remembering everything that he had done in that moment nosaki pulled the bald man's wrist which gave him the opportunity to use the acceleration of the man's body weight shifting to meet his upper left jab everything was perfectly executed in that moment however even if nozaki had won the battle one of the men was still alive and used his dagger to hold himself up the short-haired man had cursed before looking forward and realizing that nozaki was still there and jumped in fear he started to beg for nozaki to spare his life and that he would promise to not go against him anymore starting to tear up in fear nozaki started to turn around and walk back into the forest as the short haired teary man had stared at him as he disappeared into the trees he sat on the ground with his broken leg an arm crossed over his other arm in frustration that the situation as he thought that he was going to remember the situation and come back for nozaki in the future however there wouldn't be a next time nozaki hadn't spared the man's life as he thought and was just waiting for the right moment to give the final blow to the sitting man he was holding a large Rock while hidden in the trees staring at it before he had finally thrown The Rock and killed the last of the three men after nosaki had finished the battle and taken the armor and materials that the men had he went to Al to discuss about the situation Al heard about how he killed the last man and praised him for doing the correct action and not entering the man's sword range as it was possible that he could have a sword skill nozaki started to think about how it was impressive for that man to have never let go of his sword even in the face of death Al started to explain that it was natural for adventurers to feel Fierce competition with one another since everyone in rock cliff were all stuck at level 15 and that there were some people who didn't earn anything in could only make a living doing side jobs among those people who didn't have the ability to earn things it was likely for them to stoop low and do bandit-like jobs nozaki side in frustration when he knew that this wouldn't be the last of people who had set their eyes on him with the desire to harm him Al explained that those kinds of people's motives could also be out of jealousy or for the sake of taking down a rival and suggested that nozaki should just flaunt his strength until people were too scared Al told him to sell the equipment that he stole into the marketplace as both a means for money and a means for displaying his power to others nozaki did as Al told him and sold the equipment earning a small bag of money as he stared at it in Silence the man at the counter asked if it was enough and nozaki reluctantly agreed he sat outside the building still staring at the bag and wondering if that was truly the price of life this new life of his was now one where he would be trying to survive against criminals once his reflection of morality was over nosaki had walked back into the guild and was called Over by guns and the others gonze asked for his opinion about selling the equipment wondering if he also saw it as easy money nosaki responded coldly and asked Gans if him and the others were just trying to mooch off of him but Al explained that this was his chance to show people his spending and give all of them something to drink too nozaki still hesitated but was told to shut up and just drink instead of moping around as an adventurer nozaki saw the point in his words and decided to just go with it buying himself and everyone else at the table a drink a cheers to their future this big mess that they were making had caused the gloomy feeling in ozaki's chest to dissipate even if it was just for a little bit nozaki's worries had come back once he was pulled into a situation where gonz was ordering someone to take out their valuables nozaki had his eyes wide and mouth a gape in shock at the scene that was unfolding in front of him gonz held out his hand and weighed as The Stranger in front of him was confused asking if gonze wanted money from him nozaki had realized that while following along with gonza's conduct he learned that gonz was an idiot shocked that he would casually go through with something like this gonz always acted on Instinct picked a fight with any guy he wasn't pleased with and extorted when he wanted money new adventurers were normally taken advantage of and would give their money away even if they sometimes didn't want to comply and this was all because gonz was just stronger than anyone else in the city the people who would retaliate and try to harm him would be dealt with with no problem at all and now no one would dare to oppose him other than strangers that didn't know of God's reputation nozaki was displaying his strength similar to how gonze was in order to try and prevent himself from being preyed on by criminals in the future walking away from the adventure as he told them to take care gonze told nozaki that he was going to go to the weapons shop while nozaki said that he would be collecting medicinal herbs as usual however he was left and thought about how other people who had repeatedly act like Gans would end up missing their head while gons himself somehow had the ability to live as he pleased and be left alive without getting scammed or manipulated his questions were answered when Al had walked up to him and asked him if he was going out the answer was Al Al had a hidden side behind his appearance that people shouldn't be deceived by really he was a snake he would often have sources that would gather news from all around town acting as a personal information Network that Al had built himself if anyone was planning to hurt or kill gons Al would be the first to know about it and be able to find a solution Al had asked nozaki what he had been doing and learned that gonze was extorting again but nozaki was surprised that the person who had their money stolen was happy about the situation I'll explained that there was a rumor that went around that people who got extorted by gods were blessed with the war God's Divine protection nozaki was thankful for the rumors and was about to leave until Al caught his attention again telling him that the hair growth medicine he was looking for didn't exist in the city he was struck with a surprise and stuttered when he asked Al where he had gotten that information truly confirming Al's identity as a snake nozaki went about the rest of his day as he was left and thought about how he would put his name out into the world as someone to fear like Al or gonz during his pondering he had realized that kaimon was walking on his own to somewhere he knew that kaimon was smaller than him yet he was also feared by everyone which caused the nozaki to believe that he could possibly use the boy as a reference on how nosaki should display his power in order to be feared and so the plan commenced 24 hours of surveillance on the mysterious life of kaimon he started to follow the boy until he was confused when he entered an inn but his confusion was interrupted by someone breaking out of the window and running past the nozaki he was mumbling about a girl he might have killed and continued to run away after that kaimon had ran out of the door yelling that he was tasked to help protect the girl and kaimon asked for nozaki's help in chasing after the man as they ran nozaki had kaimon explained the situation and the boy had said that the man they were chasing after had violently assaulted a woman that kaimon was friendly with and had gotten Gravely injured this situation had enraged kaimon and he was ready to kill the man once they found him they had arrived at a building and lied in wait wondering when the man would sometime exit but he had not moved in quite a while nozaki explained that it was probably due to being frozen in fear from the fact that he had angered kaimon and he started to sweat from the exhaustion of using his sense present skill for such a long time kaimon had noticed and suggested that they should just charge into the tavern but nozaki felt as though it would be a problem since he believed that the man possibly had people who were connected to him reassuring kaimon that he would be fine kaimon understood and said that they should continue waiting until the man would move and that was what they did fortunately after a while the man started to get up and move away from where he was sitting to approach the front counter kaimon stood up and readied his bow with an unreadable expression hearing the countdown of nozaki once nozaki's countdown hit zero inside the building where everyone was happily drinking with their companions the man that came on and Ozaki were chasing had finally been shot in the head with an arrow and was sent to the ground dead a girl near him noticed and started to scream at the sight while kaimontol nozaki that it was time to return to check on the girl's condition they had arrived at the bed of the unconscious girl as kaimon stood over her glad that her condition was settled but was disappointing in himself for failing to protect her even though he vowed to nozak research came on that she was going to be fine since he was taught by the best Apothecary in the city and he was about to leave the room until kaimon started to speak again saying that the girl was similar to his little sister and that similarity was why she was so precious to him nozaki remembered that kaimon had mentioned his sister before and that she was sold to the markets long ago he left the building and realized that he had failed to use kaim on his reference although figuring out that kaimon's way of displaying his power was assassination wondering if kaimon might be the one that is feared the most out of the three it wasn't really something that nozaki could imitate and felt as though he could only do it in a straightforward manner he sighed in disappointment once he realized that it would be long before his days of ease would come as he sat in silence he realized that there was truly only one way for him to show his power Al had said it before that competition was fierce due to the stagnant level ceiling and probably one of the reasons for the city's high crime rate nozaki stared into the ceiling as he continued to think about the level ceiling nozaki was walking down an Alleyway with a hood over his head while some someone was slowly walking behind him the stranger had pulled out a sword from their sheath while nozaki realized what was about to happen a few days after kaimon's assassination incident nozaki had been through waves of attacks from criminals which had made his heart go wild he cited the fact that another one had come to try and take him down before quickly turning around and telling the man to bring it on the scarred man stood there in silence before preparing himself to fight nozaki but nozaki was completely unfazed by The Exchange they stood opposed from one another not one of the moving in the slightest as they stared the other down the scarred man keeping his sword held straight in front of him that was until nozaki had started to inch himself closer and closer to the man causing the criminal to start backing away more and more after some time the man was backed into a wall and he started to glare nozaki scoffing until those Aki had suddenly charged forward and clashed weapons with the man unfortunately nozaki's knife had broken apart and that meant he would need to use karate techniques on the man however nosaki was now in range for unarmed combat so it was okay as he planned to drive in a left jab on the man he then realized how much closer he was in the attack range and gave a strong headbutt toward the scarred Man's Chest stunning him nozaki proceeded to give another punch in the same place he head-butted the criminal trying to counter by elbowing nazaki's arm but nozaki had brought a hand to his chin and flipped the scarred criminal over and bashed his head against the ground causing blood to spill on the stone floor after the battle nozaki stood over the scarred man's body as he wiped the sweat from his face impressed that his own ability to close up attack distance since they weren't viewed as important in the world he stood in he wondered how bad things truly would have been if he didn't already have experience from his life in Japan after taking the equipment of the criminal he sold it to the shop that he was shown by Al and the others the man at the counter asked to nozaki if he was okay since he seemed to be worn out lately and nozaki explained that it was due to him having to spend every day of his life being targeted the man thanked him for selling equipment to him despite it all and bid farewell to nozaki he left the building and thought about how he had adopted well in the world being able to get around to the Lawless parts of the city as long as he would keep his awareness the slums were a lawless district and it was important to pay close attention when walking around in that area the reason it was populated with so many criminals was because the boss of the organization that had the place under control dealt directly with the feudal Lord and any money that the country could not control was offered up in exchange for exemption from the law this had meant that it was a paradise for criminals as they would be free from the country's hands however despite its reputation as Lawless it didn't leave an impression of a place left to run wild potentially due to the boss's regulation the environment of the slums were not different from any other parts of the city and there weren't dead bodies just laying around in the streets or at least in ozaukee's knowledge especially since there were suspicious bags that were sprinkled over the slums that seeped red liquids but besides the sanitation there was something more that happened around here the hair of dead bodies were made into wigs for money or had their bones into powder for fertilizer or low-grade alchemy ingredient the meat do not eat the meat in the slums under any circumstances is all I'll say while it may seem that the slums were deserted nosaki had always felt as though someone was watching which meant that it was necessary to always have his sense present skill on at maximum Effectiveness visibility was bad due to the disorderly constructed buildings in the slums walking through these areas with his skill on and feeling the eyes of all its patrons felt similar to walking in a forest where monsters would secretly gather he wanted to leave as soon as he could so he could take a breather from using his skill smuggling equipment was the main source of funds for the people in the slums and a person could bring it directly to a pawn shop if they didn't want to get wrapped in the disputes of selling rights nozaki tried to calm himself down saying that he had been doing well so far and felt as though he couldn't sense anyone anymore he finally let his guard down right as he went through the gate back to the regular parts of the city so he could return to the guild however as he passed through the gate and by a weird bump on the ground said bumps started to move nozaki didn't take any notice as he passed by AI since it seemed as though it was just any other bag on the ground but really it was a cloaked man pretending to be one of the bags the cloaked man sarcastically thanked nozaki for all his money and before nozaki could react the criminal had stabbed him in the gut nozaki quickly countered The Man by punching and kicking at him sending him to the ground however nozaki was not doing well himself either grabbing his stomach in pain he looked down at his stomach in shock that the moment he let his guard down after leaving the slums had caused him to get severely injured by a guy that he theorized was possibly using a hide presence skill nozaki grabbed at the wall and struggled to walk wondering what he was going to do about the situation he was in as the blood started to seep into his clothes he cursed as his vision started to blur wanting to somehow reach the clinic before passing out however before he could move anymore his vision had gotten worse in a short amount of time catching his attention as he looked at his hands and realization of what was happening to him he was poisoned nozaki was frozen in place before he had fallen to the ground eyes still open as a hand of his was still holding the clothes on his stomach he had gone unconscious from the effects of the poison and was left all alone in a random part of the city nozaki's body felt like it was sinking as he opened his eyes wondering where he was he recalled what had happened to him how he was stabbed and that it seemed as though he was sinking into the depths of his Consciousness nozaki fell farther and farther into a void of nothingness until he had finally landed on a mud-like substance nozaki was shocked and Confused looking at the substance around him as he started to sink into it until he noticed a hand formed from it sprouting from the liquids it grabbed nozaki's body as all of the people that nozaki had killed had also started to sprout from the mud with blank glowing eyes they were all chanting about how he had killed them and called him a murderer and said that he would be cursed forever because of it all the Clones of the Dead started to surround and grab at nozaki pulling him deeper and deeper into the liquid before he couldn't even see anymore and now he was in darkness nozaki laid in a fetal position using his arms to grab her out his body as he shook from the coldness of the new area he was in he wondered if he was going to die like this thinking this was the sin of a murderer it was true he did murder people and he asked himself if he was just going to live from now on piling up every one of his sins until he couldn't take it anymore he was tired from living a life where he gained nothing in the end and only faced bad people in the world claiming that he had no attachments but right as he had those thoughts a light started to Glow in the vast darkness that he sat in a tiny dot of light Shone under his eye and he opened his closed eyes to realize that it was a memory when he had first entered the world he didn't gain nothing he gained his skills of karate and many others that he had earned along the way of his journey another dot of light appeared showing him a memory of him happily drinking with Al gons and kaimon there weren't just bad people in the world there were people he had started to become friendly with more and more dots of light started to appear in front of him but one of them caught his eye the memory was of Belle smiling this had caused him to fully realize his purpose and remember what it was like to want to live he had jumped up and sprouted from the mud-like substance gasping for air the Clones of the Dead started to grab at him and bring him down once again but this time he was not going back down there was no way he was giving up now nozaki started to punch at the human-like entities around him a newfound desire of Life Burning Brightly inside of him he stepped over the faces of the people he had killed before and the determination to send anyone who would interfere turning brightly inside of him carrying even if there were curses and evil spirits nozaki jumped into the air starting to swim out of the darkness with all of his willpower and finally he saw the light he held out his hands reaching for its warmth and soon he was consumed by its brightness back to the place where nozaki had fallen to the ground unconscious there was a woman who had walked out of the nearby building with the intention of heading out to the shops she walked down the stairs and through the Stone Gate before she noticed that there was someone on the ground next to the gate once she realized that it was someone who was bleeding out with a knife that that was in his stomach she dropped her basket and ran to him she screamed for someone nearby to hurry and help nozaki was still unconscious but deep inside he knew that he was going to live nozaki had finally awoken from his near-death experience opening his eyes slowly however this situation of waking up in a bed looking up at a wooden ceiling after getting injured felt all too familiar to him he realized where he was and before he could say it out loud a woman caught his attention she let him know that he collapsed in front of the clinic but nozaki was too busy being focused on the fact that the woman was a friend of the girl that he knew that woman was Clarin she explained that while his Stab Wound was shallow the poison coursed through his body which made his survival a miracle he thanked the woman for picking him up but Clarence told him to say thanks to that girl nozaki's eyes widened when he realized who she might be talking about as the woman explained that it was Belle who found him and took care of him alone for three days straight he started to blush at the thought of Belle taking care of him closely which confused Clarin as she was sure this was not the first time this happened she scoffed wondering what kind of person nozaki was before explaining to him that the poison had been flushed out and the wound was closed she wanted to tell him to leave while Belle was still distracted but she felt bad for both of them nozaki got up and was impressed at how the wound really was closed up before quickly switching to apologizing to Clarin and saying that he was planning to leave right after he thanked Belle Clarin made sure to remind him to not associate with Belle any further than what was necessary as the situation he had been placed in was getting worse he agreed with a disappointed expression as claran went to leave half joking that he shouldn't get stabbed again and telling him to make sure to take the knife that he was stabbed with with him nozaki's thoughts were interrupted when his sense presence had seen Belle walking toward the door she gracefully opened the door and walked in she stared at nozaki from the doorway as he stared back with a smile once she had realized that he was awake and okay tears of joy started to fall down Belle's face before before she gave him a smile nozaki always thought of her smile as lovely and suited her the most and he thanked the girl for what she did for him and gave her a smile back Clarin was right to suddenly get stabbed in the middle of the street really did mean that nozaki's situation was getting even more dangerous and if Belle were thought to be close to him in any way she would eventually also be put In Harm's Way he believed that he needed to leave as soon as possible in order to protect her smile and that he did nozaki and Bell stood opposed to each other as they stood awkwardly next to the stone gate bell gave a bag to nozaki which held the antidote to the poison he was afflicted with and the recipe for it should he ever need to make it again she shushed him to make sure that he kept it a secret and nozaki thanked her with a look of Joy from just seeing her presence he took out a small bag that held a gold coin as a return for all the money he had borrowed from her in the past Belle looked at the bag with sadness hanging her head low before hesitatingly thanking him nozaki gave her one last smile before he started to walk away without either them ever saying goodbye nozaki quickly made his way back to the guild and was given a plate of food to which he responded happily at the sight of eyes filled with stars as he quickly went to eating gonze was walking by with two women in his arms as they happily chatted he noticed nozaki and greeted the man asking him with a smile why he hadn't seen him around lately gonze jokingly asked if nozaki had met a woman to sleep with but nozaki quickly shut down the Assumption he explained that he was stabbed with a poisoned knife and was hospitalized gonze laughed saying that a situation such as that was a nuisance and that he had almost died to it several times as well before he quickly sat down at a nearby table with the women he was with nozaki was surprised at how lighthearted gonze was at the news thinking it may be an everyday thing for adventurers his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed kaimon grabbing the knife he had with him and inspecting it nozaki was explaining how he could attest to how nice and sharp the knife was considering he was stabbed with it but kaimon was too busy staring at the emblem and said that the knife belonged to someone named katzo the beggar in his Assassin after learning this information nozaki is left in shock as Al came to the table and explained that assassins were the usual nosaki was still caught up by the information and started to overthink the situation and make up theories on why he would be targeted by an assassin but Al quickly shut down his worries by explaining that it was all just for chump change nothing special which left a nozaki in silence he felt a pain in his stomach and Al suggested that nozaki should rest for now so they could celebrate his recovery another time nozaki listened and got up but before he left he got Al kaimon and gonze's attention and thanked them kaimon was confused as nosaki had left and looked to Al for an answer but Al didn't know either shrugging nozaki walked into his room and checked his status while nothing else had changed he did learn that he had gained the skill of poison resistance he stared at the level he was at and laid down on his bed knowing that he would need to change his plans after the stabbing incident nozaki realized that no matter how dangerous the situation he was in he couldn't continue like this or else it would be his downfall nosaki you remembered what the old man had told him about having to hunt a Rank 4 monster with a weapon made from black steel in order to pass the level ceiling and he decided that was what he was going to do after nozaki had gotten some rest he had made his journey on the way to a new building a man at the counter was showing all the weapons that they had displayed while nozaki was currently on the lookout for a black steel weapon he stared at the black steel ax that was on the wall and he sweated at the price that he learned it was nozaki theorized that it would cost around a light motor vehicle but it seemed as though the price was more around a luxury car the seller explained that normally only well-off people like children of nobles or a young master of a large shop were able to buy black steel weapons nozaki was fully aware of how commoners would not be able to bring together that kind of money still wondering how he was going to acquire it the man at the counter gave a sweet smile asking nozaki what he would need that day but the sweetness of that smile turned sadistic as he soon asked for confirmation that nozaki wasn't just window shopping nosaki left the shop in disappointment that the man had caused him to buy an item when he only had planned on scouting the place at least what he had bought would still potentially be useful at some point in the future nosaki started to walk down the city streets as he wondered what he was going to do next and how he would ever come up with the money for a black steel weapon if he were to save up the money the more he would save up would cause him to have to protect it more and cause his life to be more endangered nozaki needed to make a plan so he could earn all the money at once and he remembered that there was going to be a meeting between him and the others about their next Quest that day and the man was filled with excitement however excitement soon diminished as the group sat at the table in silence as Al explained that the quest they would choose would focus on regaining their senses rather than earning them a lot of money these words had disappointed nosaki and he looked over at gons who had a similarly negative expression gonze opened his eyes as he sensed that someone was staring at him but nozaki had already turned his head away Al was explaining all the quests until gonz suddenly stood up and walked away claiming that he was going to the bathroom nozaki slammed his hands on the table and asked if Al noted just how gonze was in a bad mood but Al wasn't worried at all as he knew that gonze was upset over the fact that one of the women he had been with had gone to another man once the money had stopped Al looked over nozaki's shoulder and noticed something happening between a group of adventurers and a woman holding hands with one of the men the group was chatting happily with one another about the quest they had just come back from as nosaki realized that the scene of a noisy couple chatting happily with one another would not be a great sight for gons since he had just gotten cold-shouldered by a girl that he was crazy about the group sat down at the table and got ready to drink loud about their achievements and happiness nozaki knew what was about to go down when he realized how inattentive that group was even for beginners knowing that those who weren't careful wouldn't survive gonze stomped his foot in front of their table and yelled at them to stop their yapping and glared down at the group The Man of the couple got up and glared back starting to threaten gons but he didn't know that what he was doing was dangerous gonze hung his head low in anger and gripped his weapon tightly before the entire situation was in interrupted by nazaki nozaki had walked in between the man with a smile on his face the man angrily asked nozaki what he wanted before nozaki had put a hand on his shoulder saying that they should get along and he sent a hand into the man's gut he did this to stun the man with pain while making it only look like nozaki had just pressed his palm gently against the man nosaki made the situation look like the man was just wanting to act like a prince in front of his girl but was shaking in his boots after getting shouted out by an honorable man gonz nozaki continued the Lie by throwing a bag of money at gons and explaining that it was a desire for forgiveness gone stared at the bag as nozaki said that small fry couldn't stand gonze's extraordinary presence all these complementary words had easily worked on gons as he walked away with a shy expression on his face and nozaki smiled widely knowing that his plan had worked the girl of the couple walked up to her partner and asked what happened to him before she started to glare at nozaki he wanted the girl to realize that she and the others were able to live because of him and nozakian gonz had gone back back to their group's table Al praised nozaki for his actions and Gans told Al that he would leave everything about the quest in his hands well they would just continue the night with drinks while they all drank the night away nozaki couldn't help but think he had somehow taken a liking to gons he was happy that blood didn't rain that day and thought of those days as happy days or that was how it should have been nozaki was now on the Run he hid behind a tree as an arrow was shot in his Direction barely missing him the Archer had yelled at the others about where nozaki was and told him to quickly surround him nozaki started to run even more knowing full well that eight adventurers were aiming for his life and in front of him were dozens of goblins he was surrounded by enemies of all kinds humans and monsters how did it end up like this a foot connected with the ground as someone was walking around the forest losing sight of where nozaki was and asking the others if they knew where nozaki went he was currently under the dirt and roots of the tree that the man stood next to while nozaki was cursing at how meticulous the adventurers were and wondered what he did to deserve it nozaki had developed a regular routine of training in the forest and he was planning to go there once again ever since he had bought that hidden weapon from the shop from earlier but now he was suddenly being chased down nosaki initially believed that the individuals pursuing him were a mere Adventurer seeking to Target him for a little money like Al mentioned earlier and momentarily dropped his guard however much to his dismay this Hasty judgment would prove to be a grievous mistake the pursuing men surpassing his expectations exhibited a remarkable level of skill these men had blocked nozaki's Escape Routes on three sides which meant that his remaining side was to the West deeper into the forest however that side was a goblin encampment so nozaki was starting to run out of options and was in huge trouble nozaki started to realize that these men weren't here to kill him for money they were aiming directly for his life considering a money cut would not be as much when split amongst eight people he wasn't sure about the motives of the men but their murderous intent was obvious because of the fact that the adventures wanted nozaki Dead nozaki would still be in danger later even if he managed to slip away he finally came up with the plan to settle in the forest as his home ground and bet on his life in order to survive he dashed out of his hiding spot as the Archer yelled at the others to follow in the direction where nozaki was running arrows were being sent nozaki's way as he finally broke through the trees into the open area of the goblin encampment all the Goblins had slowly started to collectively notice nozaki's presence as the man had charged through them and gave a Battle Cry right before kneeing one of the Goblins in the face and killing it immediately his plan was to rile up the Goblins in order to cause a distraction when the adventurers came into the area the group of men were still on the Chase and finally arrived at the goblin encampment realizing that dozens of goblins that were around holding up their weapons and giving battle cries themselves one of the men told the others that they should withdraw but another said that it was no use since a Goblin's nose was too sharp their only option being to fight nozaki's calculated plan unfolded with remarkable success diverting the attention of the adventures away from their Relentless pursuit of him now engaged in a fierce battle against the formidable Goblin adversaries each of the men displayed a tenacity that sliced through the goblin ranks one by one one of the men seemed overconfident talking out loud about his ability to sweep through all the Goblins no matter the numbers but his talk of ego was interrupted when he had turned around and realized nozaki was standing right behind him with an intimidating Aura the man just thinking that he was a goblin nozaki swiftly threw a punch to the man's face and exclaimed that he wasn't a goblin as many would first think he was in a Swift and decisive move nosaki sees the Fallen man's sword and hurled the weapon towards the man with the shield as if it were a spear as the blade pierced through the man's leg the wounded man let out a visceral Cry of Agony that tore through the air and before he could fully comprehend his predicament a goblin swung its club with a devastating blow to his head he fell to the ground as the goblin who struck him had wasted no time in continuing to mercilessly Pummel his defenseless form nosaki kicked away one of the the Goblins near him with ease as he scoffed at its weakness he expected a more chaotic battle but witnessed that it would be one that would be over too soon even if he had only taken down two people he realized that the ability between goblins and level 15 adventurers was just too big however his expectations would soon be met as nozaki had felt a new presence behind him on the hill above a thunderous Roar erupted instantly drawing the Gaze of all nearby their eyes turned towards the crest of the hill where an imposing Goblin creature emerged thunderous Roar a mutated variant companions unlike the familiar foes they had been battling these newcomers commanded attention a hulking hobgoblin a goblin Warrior and a mysterious cloaked figure who would soon be known as a formidable and rare goblin Mage the unfolding scene held everyone's breath as the stakes of the encounter sword to unimaginable Heights fortunately nozaki managed to swiftly navigate his way up a towering tree seeking Refuge far from the chaotic Battleground below clinging tightly to a sturdy branch he cautiously assessed the unfolding scene nozaki felt a momentary sense of security wash over him he wondered what the men would do next against these three new Goblin creatures six adventurers versus a goblin combo the death match begins shouldn't goblins and such be easily one-shotted if you're a level 15 Adventurer it seemed the answer was no out of the six adventurers that stood opposed from the three higher level goblins only three adventurers were left standing while the others were now dead one was decapitated one was hit by a spell and finished off and the other was sliced in the stomach but how did this happen in such little time nozaki sat in the tree watching from afar with amazement and a little fear from the strength of these monsters he thought their skill was amazing considering they were just wild creatures the first ones to attack were the goblin front lines the Hobgoblin and the warrior Goblin while the Mage was in the back providing support which gave the perfect triple combo these three faced against four adventurers lined up as the Vanguard and the last two for the rear guard the two people people in the back were soon distracted by being caught in a pincer Movement by a detached force of goblins hidden in the forest even nozaki was surprised by this occurrence by how the Goblins were capable of such organized actions when the rear guard fell into a panic one of the adventurers from the Vanguard turned around to attempt to support the two in the back however this provided an opening to the Mage Goblin as it summoned a fireball nozaki was impressed to finally be able to see magic right before his eyes in this world as the fireball hit the adventure of fighting against the goblin Warrior causing nozaki to almost fall from the tree in excitement from the battle the warrior finished off the adventure and left five people left from there on the adventures began their counter-attack as the rear guard finished reorganizing their forces after mowing down the goblins with great Vigor it seemed as though the ties were turning and favoring the adventurers once the smaller goblins were dealt with however nozaki's expectations were broken when an oddity arised from the Goblins movement they stopped attacking the rearguard and began to simultaneously charge toward the Vanguard as their target was the adventure who was fighting against the hobgoblin only two goblins managed to escape the rearguard's pursuit with one being cut down by the adventurer but the other one clung onto the adventurer's foot confusing nozaki the adventurer immediately stabbed the second one but that provided an opening to The Hobgoblin who immediately took it and sliced the adventurer's head clean off another adventure ran up to the Hobgoblin with the intention of avenging his comrade by slicing at the back of the Hobgoblin however the monster was not phased and turned around slowly only to immediately cut through the man with a Battle Cry blood spilling everywhere the Hobgoblin stayed quiet for a moment before letting out a loud shout a sound that reverberated through the battlefield and almost sounded like a whale to nozaki a whale for its allies that gave their lives to open up a path to the higher Goblins the Hobgoblin stayed silent for a while and turned toward the last three adventurers the battle now being a three vs 3 and still held unpredictability everyone stood opposed from each other silent and adrenaline pumping from the anticipation about who would make the next move the adventure commanding the battle who was likely the leader would be the one going one on one with the Hobgoblin while the swordsman and Archer will go against the warrior and Mage in a 2v2 the one who would strike first would win and that was when nozaki noticed the Mage was beginning to chant a spell The Swordsman told the Archer to calm down and just aim at the Mage since he believed it was unintelligent from how long it was taking to chant its spell once the Archer aimed at the Mage the warrior swung at The Swordsman seemingly not guarding the Mage and making nozaki believe that the Goblins would lose that was until the Mage purposefully took its time to summon a fireball and sent it toward the swordsman and intentionally got hit by an arrow The Swordsman screamed in pain from the sensation of the spell giving the goblin Warrior the opportunity to slice through the man and kill him nozaki squinted his eyes in confusion wondering why the Mage had made its chanting time shorter than the previous ones only to realize that it may have been an action on purpose to throw the adventurers off the adventurers had truly lost to the Goblins in a battle of wits and they started to close in on the Archer before he tried to run off in the direction of where nozaki was the Archer climbed up and and nozaki feigned a comforting attitude saying that he was going to lend a hand because an enemy of an enemy is a friend however as the Archer turned his back on the now silent nozaki he was kicked off from the hiding spot by nozaki and sent toward the goblin Warrior nozaki jumped down and ran toward the Mage Goblin throwing a stone to distract and prevent it from chanting as nozaki delivered a simple punch in its face as he knew that it was just a normal Goblin it fell to the ground with a thud and nozaki walked over to the goblin Warrior knowing it was strong but noticed how the movements were big and erratic the goblin Warrior swung at nozaki which he dodged and poked the Goblin's eyes before kicking it in the back of the head two goblins down and one left the Hobgoblin who easily already finished off the last Adventurer the first hobgoblin that nozaki met had killed everything in sight without batting an eye just how a monster is normally expected to act however this Hob Goblin that stood in front of nozaki he was different his eyes held a sadness for the other goblins who had died around him as if he cared about them like how a person cared for another human a Darkness fell over the hobgoblin's face as both of them stood in silence before nozaki finally spoke and said that he was the one who did this the one who caused the death of the comrades of the Hobgoblin nozaki held up his fist preparing himself for the battle that was about to occur as the Hobgoblin glared at him and held its weapon in its hand it was time to settle this the Hobgoblin made the first move and charged forward letting out a Battle Cry as it raised its arms to swing at nozaki it was easily dodged but brought enough wind pressure to bewilder nozaki and make him sweat from the strength of this monster more swings came toward him and nozaki knew that he needed to find a way to get closer to the Hobgoblin causing nozaki to shift forward suddenly in hopes to throw his own punch toward the monster but the Hobgoblin seemed to have predicted this movement and used his blade to guard himself nozaki grit his teeth and was surprised to see the Hobgoblin guard himself with a weapon and seemingly understand the weakness of bare hands so nozaki sent a kick to the hobgoblin's knee this caused them on monster to be stunned from the painful sensation as nozaki used his knee to pin the hobgoblin's knee down doing so to prevent him from moving his body in the direction where his knee was being pinned the handle of the hobgoblin's weapon came flying toward nozaki's face surprising him until he kicked the hobgoblin's heel to stop its action and hang its head low to seethe in pain nozaki saw the opportunity for an opening and proceeded to send an uppercut punch to the hobgoblin's jaw and causing it to stumble back a few steps but it did not go down as nozaki expected the Hobgoblin wiped its wrist against its mouth holding a serious expression as nozaki started to sweat more from how the Hobgoblin wouldn't go down with such an attack even if nozaki felt a response through his hands the monster tried to throw a claw attack at the top of nozaki's head until it was blocked by a simple counter with an arm block a punch to the chest and nozaki knew that the monster's ribs were broken from the angle and strength of the punch but as expected the Hobgoblin was still standing nozaki felt a shutter run through his body as the hobgoblin's eyes turned white with rage and nozaki knew that he needed to move as the monster's leg came swinging toward the human man the foot of the Hobgoblin barely just missed nozaki's face as he knew that it would be dangerous if any of the attacks from the enemy came into contact with him this hobgoblin was really putting up a fight as it glared with anger and tried to swing his blade wide for a horizontal slash or at least that was what nozaki thought instead the Hobgoblin started to spin and suddenly threw his weapon which threw nozaki off since he didn't expect it causing him to not be able to have the time to dodge the oncoming blade but while he was not able to dodge that did not mean he couldn't find a way out of the situation nozaki focused for a split second and found the opening charging forward to collide his shoulder with the handle of the large weapon the Hobgoblin stood there with his fists outstretched ready for another attack as nozaki held his shoulder in pain the monster threw a left uppercut surprising nozaki from the action as it seemed that the Hobgoblin had just learned a move that nozaki used and made it his own nozaki knew that he couldn't guard anymore after getting hit by a flying sword and decided to use his forehead as a defense against the hobgoblin's next punch both colliding with one another and sending one another back they now stood opposed from one another taking a break to form a thought about the next move blood trickled down from nozaki's forehead and the hobgoblin's hand was now bruised and seemingly broken what nozaki had done was a technique all boxers had in the bare knuckle boxing period to defend against the fist with the hardest part of the skull the two stood in silence while staring at each other wondering who would make the next move in this battle nozaki started to wonder what the Hobgoblin would do against him considering his shoulder was broken his vision was impaired and his head was spinning while the Hobgoblin had a cut in the back broken ribs and broken Knuckles the Hobgoblin tightened his fists and brought them up ready to throw another large punch and nozaki knew that it was time to end this once and for all having expected the attack one swing from the Hobgoblin yet it was dodged easily due to how large the attack was nozaki's smile left his face as he started to focus on the battle once more locking arms with the Hobgoblin to stop his arm from going any further nozaki spun around and tried to throw a punch that missed the monster or so it seemed it was really only an option to throw the Hobgoblin off as nozaki reversed his path and collided his fist with the hobgoblin's face stunning him for a moment before nozaki slowly brought up his hand and threw another punch to the gut of the monster this caused the Hobgoblin to open his eyes wide for nozaki to have the opportunity to poke at the hobgoblin's eyes stunning The Monster even more before nosaki kicked the Hobgoblin in between his legs and then at the back of his head and that was it the Hobgoblin was knocked out and slowly fell to the ground finally Dead from the long battle nozaki stood over the body as he realized that he had won against one of the strongest people he had fought up until that moment and spoke out loud to the monster with respect calling him a real Warrior before nozaki had fallen unconscious as well and telling the Hobgoblin to rest well there could only be one hero but they they are both Warriors the battle was over and nozaki walked over to look at all of the adventures to make sure they were all actually dead however he found that a person was still alive The Swordsman from earlier slowly opened his eyes and saw a dark silhouette over him staying silent for a moment before croaking out words to ask if the battle was truly over nozaki came into view and confirmed it for him asking if the swordsman wanted help to be killed since the wound that he had was too severe to be able to be saved from the Swordsmen agreed to be ended before nozaki had a question asking about why he was targeted by the other adventurers the man stayed silent before nozaki threatened to leave him there and have him die a horrible death from the other monsters with empty stomachs who are to soon come over which caused the Swordsmen to finally talk it was back then back when nozaki first arrived at the guild and became acquainted with gongs The Swordsman sanuzaki warm up to gons quickly with his flattery and became a member of the strongest party so rumors were spread that nozaki was an easy mark But even after that nozaki didn't seem to ever go down which confused The Swordsman and his friends until the incident at the bar the other day when Ozaki used a move never seen before and handled the situation impressively everyone realized they judged nozaki wrongly and knew that nozaki became a member of gonza's party with his own true strength but that scared people for what would happen if nozaki were to solidify and build up his position they didn't know what he was like so they thought it would be better to kill him before he were to get revenge nozaki was astonished to hear these words feeling a heaviness way on him as he proceeded to Kill The Swordsman out of mercy and call himself an idiot nozaki's careless actions had garnered attention from the people in the surroundings and revealed his true strength but he was going to think about it later after getting some sleep since it was late before he would sleep nozaki went around to loot and hide the eight people's worth of equipment and also harvest the monsters before they rot he finally leaned against the tree after he was done and let out a sigh of exhaustion from all the work he had done to harvest humanoid monsters letting out a groan of pain as he knew that he would likely have to ask Claire and to relocate his shoulder if she could do so the next day he went to see the woman and Clarin told him about how the prices of goblin materials had went up this was because Goblin eyeballs particularly jet black eyeballs were so rare that it didn't even appear in markets nozaki had thought a bit about whether or not he should raid a super luxurious place but now he may not have to worry about that with this new information he held his head low in silence while thinking about it all about the value of monster materials being three times more valuable than any money a fancy place could make and nozaki started to count it all up until Clarin tried to get his attention and snapped him out of his thoughts he whipped his head up as the woman explained that if nozaki wanted to recover faster after she had set his shoulder he should visit the church and get some healing magic nozaki imagined the scenario in his head thinking about a cute girl going to use the healing Magic on him and blushed at the idea of it but when he went to the church there was no cute girl and nozaki felt disappointed for his dirty mind as the priest proceeded to try and use healing Magic on him however it either did not seem to to work at all or just made it worse as nosaki shouted about how the pain was still there three days later it actually seemed as though the magic did work nozaki's shoulder felt much better as he talked out loud to himself about how the healing magic was super effective by speeding up the Regeneration even despite the side effects being a great pain Al walked up and greeted nozaki and nozaki apologized to Al for just starting work again and already getting injured but Al joked that they were just going to have to make nozaki work two times harder from now on but just before Al left nozaki told him to gather everyone together to which he did and everyone had met up at the guild and stared at nozaki with shock gonz asked for a repeat of what nozaki said and he told the group that they should break the level ceiling nozaki explained to them that he would add the money that he'd amassed this time with the money that he would earn after another job and be able to save up enough required for his plan and resolve the issue of needing to buy black steel weapons they wouldn't have this kind of chance ever again so nozaki hoped that everyone would follow through starting to explain the plan he had once everyone heard the plan gons started to chuckle before turned into a cackle as he called it the greatest plan Al said that it was absurd quickly going back on what he said as he smirked and asked nozaki if those words were what he thought Al would say things were going to become interesting nozaki was asked what their target was going to be if he had been researching the whole time during his treatment and he confirmed that their first step was to subjugate a grade 4 monster a rock lizard everyone started to get fired up and let out a cheer of Celebration proceeding to make a toast to their Futures and bringing their drinks together above the center of the table happily from now on it was time to test the strength of the party a bear-like creature sat on top of a rock and was minding its business until it noticed a presence and slowly turned its head to nozaki who quickly waved at the monster with a smile casually greeting it as if it were a comrade however the monster did not take this positively and became aggressive starting to run out and Chase nozaki who immediately proceeded to run away but this was not an unintentional move on nozaki's part he ran through the forest as fast as he could knowing that the monster was catching up until the next stage of his plan was about to begin dodging out of the way at the right time near a cliff for the Beast to not have time to be able to stop itself as it fell off the edge it hit its head on the side of the cliff and started to roll down at high speeds and nozaki watched the scene of it rolling down while almost feeling sorry for what was happening to it it finally reached the end of its barreling journey and crashed onto the ground where Al gonz and kaimon were waiting for their turn to make their move this crazy bear was a grade 3 monster and its fur could be sold at a high price only partially because it was a brutally dangerous opponent to get its materials from up until now it was a prey that nozaki and the others had ignored but they decided to subjugate it on Al's word Al had told everyone that if they decided to defeat a grade 4 monster how could they shy away from a grade 3 it had been a week since everyone was talking about breaking the level ceiling and gone and the others had changed they discussed how they were going to make things play out and what each of their steps would be in this plan let's break the level ceiling these words were set Out Loud by nozaki these were just a few words but they were enough words that held a lot of meaning behind them to ignite the Flames within the three other men in the party it is said that 70 to 80 percent of adventurers within the sub-national groups were stuck below the level ceiling proving it a great feat to be able to get past such a challenge and in rock cliff no one had ever broken the level ceiling or even as much as set forth in search of a so-called New World the stories of why people in the sub-national groups became adventurers were quite diverse but everyone still held the same goal in the end that was to break the level ceiling and reach level 20 to become a rank 5 Adventurer this was because only a Chosen Few could attain this Rank and be known as true adventurers with it status wealth and fame could all fall into a person's hands and each and every Adventurer had their own story those who aspired to become an adventurer after reading and looking up to the heroes in their childhood those who were given away so there'd be one less mouth to feed and who left the village Resolute to become successful with revenge on their mind those who were born as a Noble's third child in a blessed environment and aiming to establish themselves in the world by becoming an adventurer everyone was different it shouldn't have been like this if it was me I would have done better and if only that person didn't betray me these were all thoughts that adventurers would have that would smolder within them I can't continue on like this I have to break the level ceiling these kinds of thoughts were constantly on adventurer's minds and at a glance even successful people like gonze and the others were also of no exception the scorching Embers inside the group would flare up once again upon receiving the fuel known as hope and everyone would set out on their own paths Alwood cut into a sleep time to gather info kaimon would train whenever he had spare time and gonze was the one who had changed the most he had Brawn but no brains only relying on Al most of the time and using his daily earnings on women and beer but now he was a different man while he was a little dumb he searched for things that he could become good at and it became known that there lied a serious albeit clumsy man within guns with various thoughts in everyone's minds they all completed requests at a fast pace and finally the day came gonze had cut through a monster as Al asked how he felt about the test cut of their new weapon and the big man was astonished by the power of it they had finally gotten their hands on a black steel weapon later nozaki was seen splashing his face with the water from the well outside of the guild the receptionist seemed to have walked outside to greet nozaki and say that he heard the rumors about how him and the others had done something Reckless by buying a black steel ax with the goal of defeating a Rank 4 monster the old man admitted that he had also talked about it before and said that he gave up on his attempt to take on the challenge of breaking the level ceiling once before he and his teammates had saved up to half the necessary amount however one day the money suddenly disappeared as it was stolen by one of the teammates that the old man considered a close friend the old man had admitted another thing about how vexedi was from how he felt relieved from the situation how he realized that he was truly scared of fighting a grade 4 beast and knew that he wasn't the right person for the challenge instead cheering nozaki on nozaki watched the receptionist walk away saying that he would prepare for a toast in celebration as nozaki sat there in astonishment everyone had gotten ready and grabbed their weapons and armor proceeding to walk out of the city with smiles on their faces as they headed toward perilous lands the four men had sat around a blazing fire during the night silent for the moment as they looked at one another with serious Expressions Al finally broke the silence and told everyone that everything would soon be decided in the battle during the next day from now on they were going to commence with going through the battle plan against The Rock lizard one final time the first step was for nozaki to guide the enemy to the designated area as nozaki explained that he had chosen this monster due to its suppressed slow footedness from an eyewitness report every eyewitness report that had been seen or listened to were all the same as they had all said that the rock lizard was supposedly sluggish despite its cases of it hunting other monsters Al insisted that it was still necessary to pay attention and proceeded to explain the next step about how kaimon and him would jump in and stop the monster in its tracks before the most important part would come in the only black steel weapon they had was a two-handed ax meaning that only gons could use it to finish off their opponent while the other three would create a decisive opening gonze was to stay hidden and not move no matter what even if one of the others were to drop dead once morning came they finally set off once more in the direction of where the rock lizard would be found the group arrived at a village where a person who contributed the information to them had pointed to them where the monster should be nozaki and the others Stood Beside one another over a cliff that towered over a rocky landscape but it seemed as though no life were in sight Al believed that he couldn't see the monster and thought that it was time to move on to the next point in the area but nozaki called for Al's attention as he pointed in a certain direction at a rock that seemed very different from the others it was time to prepare for battle as everyone put on serious Expressions once more everyone had gotten off of the cliff and stood at the foot of the cliff figuring out how to play out their plan since nozaki was investigating around to find a decent route to run through nozaki walked up to kaimon who was grinding something against a rock and it seemed as though that he was making something to erase their scent but nozaki was seemingly against it due to the bad smell that the herb had Al explained that the mixture was of mud and The Rock lizard's excrement causing nozaki to sweat and offer that he would help out with finding a more suitable herb however gonze was not going to wait anymore gonze told nozaki to shut up and hurry up to smear it on himself and to not hold back as it would be all over if gonze was found out by the enemy Al asked if everyone was ready twitch the other three men all agreed everyone knowing that they could all do it nosaki hid behind a rock as The Rock lizard started to make its move move and nozaki had looked down at his hands and realized how nervous he was considering how much his body seemed to be shaking he took a sharp inhale to try and calm himself down letting out a deep breath and tapping his fists to his side as if he had reset his brain in order to continue with the plan nozaki walked out from his hiding place and walked toward the large monster with a rock hidden in his hands he proceeded to throw the Rock at the monster to get its attention and the plan was now commenced gonz Al and kaimon were also hidden behind rocks as they waited for nozaki to give the signal for the next part of the plan it was silent for a moment while kaimon watched from afar and quickly noticed the footsteps that were coming nozaka came running with the rock lizard chasing behind him and when nozaki finally ran past the rocks that Alan kaimon stood behind it was time for them to stand up and corner behind the rock lizard and caused the three of them to fight the one lizard nozaki's plan was to dodge the monster's attacks while leaving the assault to Alan kaimon who would aim for the joints that had thinner armor surprising enough alcord had pierced to the Rock lizard's joints despite the nozaki's expectations for the battle to be stretched out the monster's leg and other limbs suddenly extended and whipped against Alan kaimon's bodies something that had not been expected whatsoever by anyone in the group the two men were sent flying after getting hit by the hardtail of the rock lizard and they crashed their backs into the surrounding rocks of the environment nozaki calling out to them worriedly as The Rock lizard slowly turned around to face nozaki silence filled the area and nozaki felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to jump back in fear while watching the monster extend its neck in a horrifying way whipping its head to attack nozaki in the gut and sent him flying just like the others and almost knocking him out as blood spilled out of his mouth it really did seem as though the level ceiling was exceedingly tall and was a hard task to conquer the dagger that nozaki had bought from the weapon shop earlier had fallen to the rocky ground as he coughed and tried to catch his breath through heavy wheezes clutching his chest as he slowly raised his head to look at the enemy ahead he knew that things were starting to get dangerous if he didn't jump back one step after using his danger sense it would have been instant death however he was making a sort of progress nonetheless since the group had found the enemy's true form and nozaki stared up at the Rock lizard with a bewildered expression and a small grin Al finally snapped out of his stunned expression and let out a battle cry while charging toward the lizard but it noticed immediately and swung its tail once more at the long-haired man who quickly blocked it with his shield however the rock lizard circled its neck around and above Al and tried to snap its mouth at him to which Al swiftly got on the ground to dodge nozaki started to get concerned once more and didn't know what to do as The Rock lizard started to close in but when the monster stuck out its tongue and grabbed Al's head nozaki made a move and stuck out his fist with a scoff in one swift movement nozaki seemed to have pulled out a long needle-like object and thrown it into the hole that was the monster's eye causing the rock lizard to scream in pain and whip its head back and forth in a rage before turning toward nozaki and rushing toward him he was extremely focused as to not let his fear take over him and he swerved around its head by blocking the side of its neck with his arm The Rock lizard pulled back with a disappointed expression and prepared for its next attack intently staring at nozaki as he knew that the elastic neck was too hard to deal with and that he still needed to be careful of the tail the monster's head shook in place as nosaki wondered if it was going to move left or right but it seemed that there was no predictable path for the rock lizard despite how nozaki was trying to prepare for its next attack the head suddenly shot to the rocky ground and bounced off in a sharp angle alarming nozaki from this nonsensical move as he decided that his best move was to grab the head of the rock lizard before it could bite at him he felt how sturdy and painful the skin of the monster was to touch almost as if it were like a massive Boulder as nosaki proceeded to hop onto its head and wrap his body around it the rock lizard roared and thrashed its body around as Al called out for nozaki with worry realizing that he was trying to aim for the monster's eye this was because there were no other places on the lizard's body where the attack would go through and Al was at a loss on what to do due to the unexpectedness of the battle he wondered if there were some other weak spot and knew that the monster's tongue looked cuttable despite the lizards trying not to use it as if it understood such a weakness kaimon suddenly started running and told Al that he would leave it to him and started charging at the monster the lizard immediately glaring at the short man he ran up with his daggers as the tale of the monster extended once more and raised high in the air coming down on kymon until it was blocked by Al's Shield which prevented kaimon's attack from being stopped the short Man rushed forward without the intention of stopping and sliced through the skin of the rock lizard causing it to wail while nozaki was puzzled yet impressed that kaimon's attack worked the strength of the monster seemed to have weakened and nozaki knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity yelling out in order for everyone to hold them monster down Al and kaimon jumped into action and rushed towards the legs of the lizard wrapping their bodies around the monster's limbs to keep it in place as nozaki grabbed at the needle in its eye and grounded deeper into the lizard's head The Rock lizard cried louder and violently shook its head back and forth and thrashed its body even more despite the weights of the other two men it stomped and raised its head before slamming nozaki into a nearby Rock however nozaki did not let go whatsoever he held on for dear life his legs securely wrapped around the monster's neck as the lizard raised its tail and struck the back of Al's head but Al didn't let go either kaimon gripped the monster's leg with all his might despite the rock lizard shaking its body fiercely in hopes that it would get out of the situation but to no avail none of the men would loosen their grips even if they were smashed more against any rocks or were hit with the monster's tail after what seemed like forever The Rock lizard stopped its thrashing and its body shook before dropping to the ground round exhausted and close to death blood dripped down from Al's head his hair out of its ponytail due to being hit in the head with the rocky tail of the monster and he was panting for breath all three of the men had determined looks knowing that the next and the last step in their plan was in motion choking out the words for gons to make his move the large man walked out of his hiding spot and held the ax high above his shoulder walking up to the neck of the rock lizard with a serious expression nozaki gave one last grin toward Gans and muttered the words break open the ceiling which was enough to get the guy fired up gonze jumped off of the higher ground that he was on and let out a shout eyes affixed on the Rock lizard's neck and it was done gonz had finally sliced through the neck of the rock lizard with the black steel ax proving their plan to be a success this day would pave the way for the future in one stroke nozaki Al kaimon and gonz with the strength of the four they finally grasped at the opportunity of a surprise Victory the black steel acts that gonze had in his hands was idle on the ground right after the rock lizard had been decapitated seemingly no blood on the ax as if it had never even cut the monster beside gonze was the lizard whose headless body had thrashed around as the blood spilled from its long neck it finally fell over and slammed onto the ground lifeless as gon stared at the corpse in Silence with a serious expression still holding the ax in his hands the head of the lizard stood idly beside nozaki who laid on the rocky ground limbs sprawled in every direction as he stared into the sky he was breathing heavily after holding onto the monster's head for so long also silent for the moment until he muttered to himself about how the four of them had won Al and kaimon were trying to catch their breath as well while sitting beside the Headless creature as gonze walked over to nozaki to get his attention and tell him that he needed to get up as it was time to dismantle the body for its materials kaimon was tying a bandana around Al's head as they they were all getting ready but nozaki was walking around the area trying to look for something Al asked what was wrong until nozaki explained that he was trying to look for the knife that he had dropped during the battle which Al remembered and said that kaimon picked it up and used it for the attack this information caused the nozaki to get excited about how it was used during the battle and almost asked how such a little weapon turned the situation around until kaimon interrupted and explained that he shoved the dagger up the monsters behind the moment was ruined for nozaki as he kneeled down on the ground with a darkened expression staring at the dagger with a dejected and horrified look his body started to shake as nosaki cried dramatically over the contaminated blade saying how it had been covered in a strange mucus Al ignored the man on the ground in Despair and told the others that they were going to Camp there for the day since dismantling the corpse would be exhausting and to take time quickly turning around to nozaki to tell him that the meat of a rock lizard was supposedly a delicacy and that they should all confirm this rumor after they were done with taking apart the monster corpse they saved some of the meat and cooked it since they were staying in the area for the night everyone shared an excitement from how good it looked before quickly digging into the meal with delight during their meal nozaki asked Al if it was fine for them to casually camp in the home of the rock lizard but gone's cut in and stood up slamming a hand on his stomach and telling nozaki that they had defeated the king of the territory which meant that the area was now their territory Gonza looked up into the sky and started shouting declaring that the four of them were the New Kings and that anyone who had a complaint could come at him Al chuckled softly as he joined along same with kaimon all of them standing up to cheer along with Gods about how they were all Kings soon enough after nozaki had calmed down his confusion he flashed to grin and stood alongside the other three men to cheer as well at that time at that instance they were all truly Invincible all of them holding their weapons High to the clear sky the sun shining down on the happy man they had finally returned to the town with a Triumph walking with confidence as if they were real Kings they all had serious Expressions on their faces while they held their weapons armor and other items close to them cheers were heard around the city as people watched them walk down the street with a wooden Carriage being pulled behind them holding all of the parts of the rock lizard citizens of all ages and sizes of the city stared with awe and congratulated the four men for their efforts but nozaki was more focused on the women who grinned and winked at him which caused him to smirk and blush nozaki asked Al how the news had traveled so quickly but the blonde-haired man didn't answer and said that it was fine since it was times like this when a person just needed to act like a hero suddenly there were women in the windows above that counted down before dropping flower petals toward the group in happiness from their actions Al explained to nozaki that this welcome wasn't an act and that everyone was truly happy from the bottom of their hearts in this city nozaki had truly felt as though he existed and was appreciated he existed alongside his Irreplaceable friends and all the rest of the nice people he had that ever since he was sent into this world they all drank the night away at the guild even drinking with the guild receptionist happily and soon enough nozaki had fallen asleep and started to dream about Clarin and Belle snoring loudly from the good thoughts the others noticed that he had fallen asleep and were disappointed at how fast he had drunk himself away but instead made fun of how happy nozaki seemed to be from whatever he was dreaming about nozaki knew at that moment he could live at least that was what he believed the next day the sun shined brightly through the window of nozaki's room nozaki himself was laying on his back in his bed snoring he was starting to slowly wake up and yawn realizing it was morning and sat up to a stretch until a sharp pain throbbed through his head which caused him to hiss at the feeling but despite that it was a new day this city that nozaki was in was his second Hometown at least that was what he thought he decided that he should train today even if it was still soon after defeating that rock lizard from before with the others nozaki stood outside in the outskirts of the city near a stone wall as he practiced all of his karate skills he punched at the air with a serious expression continuing his movements consistently as the sweat started to fall from his face nozaki started to breathe heavily and threw his legs into the air for a kick before he concluded that it was enough working out letting out a huff as he believed that his hangover from drinking too much the previous night felt much better after moving around his stomach started to growl because of all the exercising which made nozaki go back to the guild to get soup for a meal there were some men drunkenly passed out on the floor of the guild as the waitress yelled at them to get up as they were obstructing business since the celebration party was over and the reservation was only until sunrise Al sat down next to nozaki and told the waitress that he was going to have the soup as well and as she left nozaki smiled at the blonde man before stating the obvious about how he was up early Al admitted that he had possibly partied a little too much as well tapping at his head due to the throbbing pain and saying that everyone else should be waking up soon gonze and kaimon came down the stairs as expected and they sat at the table as Al gonz and nozaki all started to laugh and surprise at the appearance of kaimon's hair unnaturally sticking up into the air the boy groaned about his head hurting until nozaki calmed down his laughter as he started to realize a group of people who were walking toward the guild bringing alarm to his senses however before he could react a banging noise could be heard at the front as soldiers barged into the guild and stepped to the side to let there be room for a large man Dawning inexpensive fur cloak to walk into the guild as well this man also had well-capped hair a long mustache and a metallic chain that held his cloak together his wide piercing eyes looked over at a shorter man who seemed almost afraid of the man as he thanked the cloaked man and explained that the prey was at the bar the large cloaked man slowly looked over with wide eyes at the four men who were sitting at the table far into the guild and nozaki and the others all had their heads hung low to try and keep themselves out of sight but it didn't work nozaki had a Darkness over his eyes and a serious expression on on his face as he called for the attention of Al who already knew what was going on the blonde man had sweat running down his face as he explained that it seemed as though they had caught the eye of a noble because of their actions as a group gonz suddenly stood up and put his hands on the table not loud enough to get attention but just enough to show his shock and disbelief everyone started to sweat even more at this information as nozaki was confused from the situation over the centuries Nobles have had a monopoly over information the economy and Magic they ruled the commoners alongside the church and they were a supremely privileged class who gave orders the cloaked man walked over to one of the soldiers to ask if they had secured to the perimeter while nozaki continued to sit at the table and observe from a distance wondering why the four of them were being targeted by the most dangerous opponent in the city was it money was it for the black steel weapon at any rate whichever it was the nobles were moving too quickly but nozaki dismissed his anxieties as the priority was to get out of there as soon as possible nozak he finally spoke again and told Al that there were already dozens of people surrounding the guild which would make it impossible for them to escape with the four of them together but the blonde man told nozaki to wait as he needed more time to think about another plan nozake insisted and said that he stopped hesitating as Escape was their only option explaining that he was going to do something to the noble and act as bait while the other three made a break for it when they let their guard down being the bait would always be his job as that was always his role in the party always holding his head up high until now ever since the day the others had accepted him into the party I'll try to warn Ozaki that the Nobles and soldiers would chase after nozaki for the rest of his life if he had put a hand on the noble but nozaki had already made up his mind Al clicked his tongue before deciding that there was nothing else they could do and told nozaki that he was going to leave it to him nozaki quickly nodding before glancing over at gons who had an outstretched fist kaimon also raised his fist and held it out Al following suit as they all had serious Expressions telling nozaki that they were going to meet again nozaki smiled at the scene before standing up and putting out his arm as well almost touching fists with everyone else as a sign of their friendship and bond the noble finally walked up to the four men as soldiers followed along behind him all of them holding Stern faces as the large cloaked man caught the attention of nozaki and said that he had something to say to them suddenly nozaki had sprung into action and leaped over the soldiers using them as a stepping stool as he used their shoulders to walk over them and toward the noble the large cloaked man widened his eyes in shock as nozaki jumped down and sent a fist flying towards the Noble's face connecting with such force that nozaki's fist almost sunk into the man's face the noble flew to the ground of the guild with a broken nose and bloody face while the soldiers screamed in horror and either ran toward the man or started to come at the four men bewildered by the audacity that they had to harm a noble it was learned that the Noble's name was to be Lord Palmer and gone stood up from the table and looked over at no Ozaukee with a knowing look before he charged toward a wall with great force the wall of the guild broke apart and Stones fell to the ground once gaunt had broken through it and nozaki knew that it was time to go nozaki started to run away from the soldiers who started to chase him until nozaki glanced over and saw the guild receptionist looking at him and giving a small grin telling nozaki to not die to which nozaki nodded in agreement the soldiers scrambled to get together and capture any one of the four men yelling loudly as nosaki proceeded to jump out of a window a rescue team took a closer look at Lord Palmer who was supposedly the Earl's illegitimate child and realized that he was already dead which enraged the soldiers even more as they all chased closely behind nozaki they were not going to let him Escape but nozaki was going to find a way in the end he was sweating profusely both from running and from the fact that he had murdered a noble and the crimes of his past were already floating around nozaki came out into a busy part of the street and stopped in place for a moment to pull out his money bag pulling out the string and throwing it into the air with the intention of the money to fly out of the bag and catch the attention of everyone walking around nozaki yelled that the money was being given away as a lie and a distraction even exaggerating it more that there were gold coins in the bag to provide even more motivation for the citizens to desire it everyone around the street desperately kneeled down and grabbed at the money which obstructed the way for the soldiers to move preventing them from chasing nozaki any further nozaki was successful in escaping and ran past a stone Archway eventually finding a hood for him to wear and covering his face to hide his identity as he went around the outskirts of the city to find a place to fully escape from it at some point nozaki stumbled upon a more run down part of the outer walls that faced the slums they had become dilapidated due to building materials being stolen and likely from Nobles not wanting to put the effort of funding such poor Parts anyway nozaki put a hand on the weak part of the wall and knew that there should be a mark around a certain part of the wall and soon enough the wall crumbled to the ground and provided a big enough hole for light to pour through and give nozaki room to crawl through nozaki gave one last look at rock cliff and gave his Farewell proceeding to exit the city and not intending to ever come back nozaki walked farther and farther away from the city hiding behind a rock and looking at it in the distance as he realized that there were many people starting to pour out of the walls these people were soldiers and other pursuers that were meant to chase nozaki but despite his shock it was to be expected since meddling with the Nobles meant making an enemy of the whole city he was going to need to lay low in a safe place for a while to let things cool down and after that he would have no choice but to flee the country immediately running off to continue his Trek once more meanwhile the rescue team had patched up the face of Lord Palmer who was surprisingly still alive despite the attack and was muttering to himself about how he was going to kill nozaki for what he had done the guild receptionist and a waitress were watching the scene with blank faces stating how the departure of and the others was quite flashy they were amused but also disappointed at the fact that they had to go and punch a massive hole in the guild wall but the moment was interrupted by another waiter her brother walking up to the woman and saying that Al had entrusted him with the keys to Al's storage chest saying that the money from selling the materials of the rock lizard was in there the woman's side from the actions of that blonde man as the old man chuckled before saying that all four of them would be fine since they found it on their own on their own path nozaki continued walking day and night through miles upon miles of land to try and get away from the soldiers which he successfully did as he finally made his way to a certain direction walking up the dirt and grass of a hill he looked over at The Familiar sight of a forest the trees shook slightly as nozaki smiled softly pulling down his hood while muttering to himself that he was home an image of Belle flashed in nozaki's mind causing him to pause for a second before he dismissed it and walked off and into the forest that he he knew all too well monsters aren't the only thing lurking in the dense sea of trees so were the Raging winds carrying the scent of blood thus was the start of an intense second season for nozaki and his karate survival in this world there were a group of people in the forest that were seemingly collecting many boars because they were out hunting laying out the ones that they had recently killed a man stood in front of the corpses and was impressed by how plentiful the hunting ground was since it was his first time deep in the forest another man explained that it was because the other grounds nearby were flooded with low-level adventurers which meant that the more quality areas were somewhere else such as the place that they stood in the four of them wondered what they were going to have to do about the meat as it seemed as though they could not bring it back since it had no value and would likely rot along the way the soaring prices for fur and materials would make them enough money so a guy with a shaved head suggested that they should just eat what they could and scrap the rest the man with a hood noticed something and saw the trace of something being dragged and everyone noticed how it was the size of a camp being destroyed recently meaning that someone was living near where they were hunting it was likely that this person had moved their base there after destroying a big clay Boar's dwelling due to the hoof marks on the ground from the creatures the man with the hood was smelling one of the leaves on the ground and explained that it was doused in insect repelling fluid something that was found after mixing water and finally cut up wood chips within a hollowed-out tree rich with pesticide chemicals after this combination sat for a day and let the chemicals dissolve in the water it was complete and would need to be sprayed out after being held in one's mouth both of the men conversing agreed that they would burn such materials since there would not be a chance to use such a method wondering why this person would have used it only to be confused about another thing the lack of traces of a campfire the man with a hood told the long-haired man that there was a criminal who harmed Lord Palmer and shook off his pursuers and fled into the very Forest they stood in only for another Manhunt to happen a week ago nearby due to being cited by a boy who raised mountain goats this meant that the lack of a trace of a campfire was because this person didn't want the smoke to let his hiding spot be known the man with a scar tried to jump in and say that there was recently a criminal from the rock cliff case who got publicly executed but the man with a shaved head said that there were rumors that the higher ups fabricated that criminal to save face with all this in mind the four of them realized that if they caught this guy and turned him in they would be able to get a massive reward on their hands they set off deeper into the forest with the sole intention of finding this man using their knowledge to be able to find Clues on where the criminal would be next it was likely that the criminal would be following the river and heading Upstream the four men continuing to try and find Clues near the waters until the man with the hood noticed something and had gotten excited when he knew that they were getting close they all went deeper into the forest and the man with a scar called everyone to come toward a certain area only for all of them to find a lump in the ground where the criminal was seemingly making coal since it didn't produce much smoke especially at a time after the Manhunt ended they assumed that the man was unlucky because of the existence of the four men going to try and hunt him down and they decided to camp at this lump and work out a plan taking turns to night watch every three hours as they intended to begin their search at dawn however what they didn't know was that someone was closely watching them a dark silhouette was hidden in the trees and moved away to try and make a move the man with the shaved head got up and walked out to go to the toilet having no fear about anything going wrong since he believed that he would easily murder the criminal the long-haired man looked at the meat with a sad expression as he was thinking about wanting to feed his daughter some of the meat they were eating but the moment was interrupted by the man with the scar telling the other two that their friend was taking quite a while they all called out to him but there was no response only the sound of something hitting a tree which caused the long-haired man to whip his head in the direction of the sound suddenly a shout of pain was heard as the man with the scar was slashed in the arm from something with a dagger that seemingly jumped out of the butt push it was too dark to see so they wondered if it was the criminal but the scarfaced man insisted it was a goblin from a new species even despite the complacent disbelief of the other men the moon Shone down brightly as nozaki continued to run through the trees keeping a steady breath as he sarcastically wondered who they were calling a goblin if a person wanted to survive they would have to take whatever means necessary nozaki and the long-haired man stood opposed from one another the man holding a blade as he was sweating profusely and tried to catch his breath nozaki stood tall and confidently a blank yet serious expression on his face as he stared at the man in front of him without speaking one word the long-haired man wondered why and how it ended up like this and that's a good question why did it end up like this two hours ago nozaki was still running through the forest huffing for breath but not getting exhausted just yet since he had been through worse situations he realized that the men were not chasing him despite all the attacks that he had done to them and knew that it was likely time for Plan B and started to run back knowing that things were going to get hectic from now on the three men of the group were sitting near a large tree to try and recover from what happened planning to wait there until dawn while the long-haired man would take watch while the other two would focus on resting since they were not at their best to fight it seemed as though the man with the hood was pierced with something giving the weapon to the long-haired man and explaining that it was thrown at him before the enemy broke Van's nose and slashed him with a knife the weapon was a throwing spear made by shaving wood and the long-haired man realized that the tip of the spear was smeared with poison except not a strong one but enough to provide an obstacle to the man who was hit by it he told the other two to not let their guard down and turned around holding his sword tightly at his side as he tried to process everything that had happened up until that moment suddenly something flew out of the Bush's end toward him which brought alarm as he swung his blade at it until he realized that it was not a weapon or a throwing spear it was internal organs he started to scream in confusion as more started to be thrown at him causing him to continue slash at it as the long-haired man truly wondered what was happening nozaki was hidden behind the bush as the three men were all standing up and beside one another as they looked around with confusion and unease as they wondered if their friend clort was the one who owned the organs that was being thrown at them which caused the scarfaced man to feel more confident about the perception of their Enemy being a goblin nozaki ran off into the distance and poured some water into the nearby dirt to create mud as he proceeded to smear the mud all over his head and body the next step in his plan was to smear some on some herbs while he would wait for the mud to be dry so that it would be harder for the other men and any other creature to spot him and find his scent and now the preparations were complete he sat down and thought about what his next move would be knowing that the guys following him were all unfamiliar but he did not care about their identities as all those Aki had on his mind was to kill everyone who was coming for him and once he would do that he would be able to enjoy all their gear he wasn't sure if it was because his living standards dropped but he seemed to see an iron pot as convenient to him as a microwave and knew that he wanted that pot badly even if he had to steal even if he had to kill meanwhile the three men stood in place while all of them held blades in their hands starting to believe that their friend really was dead the scarfaced man asked if they were really not going to move wanting to wash off the blood of the river but the man in the hood said that he wasn't the only one covered head to toe and entrails the long-haired man jumping in to agree and asking what they were going to do if they were attacked out in the open a sound Was Heard as nozaki stood hidden nearby and waited for the creatures to walk out of the trees and into the area that the three men stood in knowing that these wolves were lured out by the smell of their friend's innards all three of them spread out with their backs to the tree as they proceeded to fight the wolves with all their might but this was not a battle to be won the Wolves were all killed off but so were two of the three men by nozaki's hand and that was what had happened and led up to this moment with nozaki and the long-haired man standing opposed to one another Corpses right across the ground along with the two men that the long-haired man considered comrades he spoke and said that he was impressed by how skillful nozaki was for the way he handled things and took advantage of the chaotic situation to crush everyone one by one nozaki explained that he had gotten previous experience since back then he would have to improvise but now he had ample time to prepare things he looked down at the long-haired man's knee knowing that the man would not be able to use that leg because nozaki had cut the ligament however before nozaki could do anything the man introduced himself as Road and said that he had a daughter and couldn't afford to die like this begging nozaki to let him go nozaki felt disappointed in himself for hesitating and being swayed so easily trying to convince himself that he didn't care about the man's plan whether or not he actually had a daughter nozaki finally spoke and asked Rhode about what the status was of The Manhunt for him and Rhode explained that there was no need to worry since they caught the supposed criminal that harmed Lord Palmer and publicly executed him the this information had surprised the nozaki with how fast the city had dealt with the situation and knew that this was good news even if there was still a possibility that they were trying to find him under wraps however it seemed as though everything would blow over in about a few months Rhodes still tried to beg to be let go after he had answered saying that he would likely not be able to make it out of the forest because of his leg but nozaki stayed silent and raised his dagger causing Rhodes to hang his head low with a sad Smile as he apologized to his daughter pharah since he knew what would happen the two dashed toward one another and road was swiftly killed nozaki standing over the now dead man as he knew that this would have to be the new Norm of his life to take things in accept the truth and adapt to the world all for the sake of survival a long time later nozaki was seen training in the forest swinging his dagger in the air in front of him the Lone Wolf stood there three months later still honing his skills his beard and hair seemed to have grown out since then as he wiped the sweat off of his face saying out loud to himself about how he had become accustomed to the new fighting style he had learned back when he had fought alongside Alan the others nozaki was always worried about whether he should focus on picking up new weapon skills or not but he realized that kind of thinking was wrong since he had always just been greedily absorbing all kinds of unarmed techniques up until now this time nozaki planned to be set if he could incorporate knife techniques as well continuing to swing the dagger in the air if he was to name it it would be school of nozaki hand to dagger combat he looked over and saw a llama-like creature in the distance causing him to realize how hungry he was which led to him capturing and cooking said animal later that day Knight arrived and nozaki was seen sitting near the iron pot and cooking a meal for dinner nozaki was glad to have this pot throughout the past three months since it made his eating habits less dry than what it would have been without the pot however the moment was cut short as a man walked up to nozaki and said that he was happy that he had found his pot useful it was one of the men that nozaki had had killed but his face was twisted into a horrifying expression and was very bloody the other men that he had killed started to appear which caused the nozaki to stand up and start to run until he stumbled upon the body of Road a girl crying at his side who is likely his daughter Pharaoh she asked him why he killed her father but nozaki tried to explain that he had no choice and pharah's face suddenly blew up and became large starting to chase nozaki while screaming about how he was a liar she said that he only killed him for their items while he continued to insist that she was wrong nozaki suddenly woke up from this nightmare with an arm outstretched to the ceiling making him realize that everything was just a dream he sat up and tried to dismiss what had happened in the nightmare getting ready for the day the sun Shone through the mountains as nozaki walked through the forest using the map from one of the men he had killed making him start to think about what pharah had said in his dream he continued his Trek through the forest and made lots of progress to the area that he intended to end up at heaving for breath as he went to climb up a Tall Tree nozaki looked around and saw what he had expected to see the mountain that was part of the mountain range on the western edge of the map he looked at he had finally crossed the border for the first time since coming to this world he had finally set foot in another country just like he wanted to nozaki walked down the road as a person on a horse passed by him the first person he had seen from the Ozil art Kingdom he was testing out just to make sure that this man would not have recognized the nozaki trying to stay confident due to how long ago the crime was nozaki noticed that there was a bag of money on the ground and turned to look around wondering if it belonged to the man who is still currently riding off at the nearby town there were guards at the gate who yawned from how boring their job was since there were barely any people who came to and from the town there was a spider that made its home on the top of the wooden fence sitting idly as it waited for its next prey a man from the inside said that the gatekeeper was doing a good job and suggested to close up and grab a drink however the guard noticed two people approaching the town during this the spider saw something nearby a butterfly which caused the spider to wait in anticipation for it to fall into its web in order to make a meal of it he smirked and told the man that he was not going to close up as nozaki and another man walked toward the gate the man told nozaki that if he didn't want to set up camp there was only one option left and that was to go to this town nozaki thanked this man and stared at the unfamiliar area knowing that it had been ages since he had last slept on a bed an old man had a sickeningly sweet smile and was talking to nozaki as the two were conversing about how much money the old man was going to give him nozaki did not seem satisfied with the amount that the old man suggested and nozaki sweat dropped putting up his hands apologetically as he told the old man that he was going to pass on the amount nozaki left with a scoff and looked back at the weapon shop building with a glare as he was disappointed that the old man was trying to scam nozaki with such little money to give her his weapons the gatekeeper got nozaki's attention with a friendly smile asking about the deal to which nozaki explained that it fell through and the gatekeeper sighed and said that the old man always tried to take advantage of the fact that there were no other shops to do business with nozaki was planning to sell his weapons at the town of Bath City and asked if there was an inn around the town to which the gatekeeper pointed in a direction at a building where many birds were perched nosaki entered the building with a creek and was immediately greeted by this older woman who also had a sickeningly sweet smile telling him that the payment for a night is one silver coin which alarmed him by the expensiveness he took out the coin and gave it to the woman assuming that the price was because it was either this building or the woods but to The Innkeeper had a mischievous glimmer in her eyes before telling nozaki that his room was the innermost one nozaki noticed the look and walked to his room to think about it looking at the floor with a gloomy expression until he realized that he noticed the smell of blood and the door bolt seeming as if it could be opened from the outside along with being made of thick material to prevent screams from traveling all these things had made nozaki wonder how much adventurous blood the room had soaked up to that date making him know that this place was a burglars in he wondered if he should do something to escape but the village was completely fenced in however his thoughts were quickly dismissed by the fact that he needed to head to dinner before they would get suspicious unfortunately nozaki would stop in his tracks as he saw a body fall onto the floor just as he was about to leave the room he was alarmed and thought it was a corpse walking up to it until he realized that it was just a boy who fell asleep in nozaki's room of all places nozaki checked if the boy was okay and he quickly woke up and looked up confused yet had recognition for nozaki before nozaki brought some water to The Boy The Boy felt much better after drinking the water and chuckled softly calling nozaki an interesting man for helping him so much throughout the day such as delivering the pouch back to the boy that contained an entry permit for Bath City the boy asked if nozaki had a permit as well explaining that he would have to pay an entrance tax along with having to pay a hefty D bribe is expected from the guards but the boy said that it would be a different story if nozaki agreed to come with the young boy to which nozaki agreed and said that they would see each other at the front of the Inn the next morning Knight finally arrived and nozaki was eating his dinner or at least he was pretending to eat it while drinking and keeping an eye on The Innkeeper wondering if she had put something into his food the time to sleep had come and there was someone already fast asleep in bed while three people were slowly coming up the stairs one of them being the gatekeeper from earlier they all held weapons in their hands and made a plan the gatekeeper and another one of the men were going to kill nozaki while the last of the three would kill the young boy the short-haired man said that they were being too loud but the gatekeeper said that it was fine as they mixed a lot of somni grass with the food and it would cause a person to not be able to wake up even if the men were to sing in their ears the larger man barged into the boy's room and pulled the covers off the bed only to realize that the boy was gone and only had nozaki's pack left lying on the bed alarming the large man as he cursed under his bra breath the boy however was sleeping in nozaki's room the same room that the gatekeeper and short-haired man walked in with nozaki standing behind the door with a dagger when they fully entered the room nozaki immediately stabbed the gatekeeper in the neck and took him out before the short-haired man could notice and killed him as well as the two fell to the floor the large man had walked into the room and charged at nozaki but nozaki was two steps ahead and whipped his body around to kick the man in the gut grab his hair and stab the dagger into his neck as well all of them were now dead and nozaki turned to look at the boy wondering what he was going to do with this kid with how Carefree he was especially with sleeping in nozaki's room so easily the next day nozaki gathered up all the weapons from the three men and casually tossed them in front of the old man from the weapon shop from earlier and asked for a price causing the old man to have a mouth a gape and shock and fear as he stared at nozaki who started to explain the entire plan that the town tried to pull on him nozaki knew that the old man was trying to read out nozaki's character but read him Raw as nozaki was still alive at that moment leaning even closer to scare the old man which succeeded as the old man started to cry and scream in fear nozaki stood at the wooden gate waiting for the young boy who took a long time to wake up and meet up with him the boy asked if nozaki was finished running errands as nozaki explained that he was just leaving the people a message as they walked off and finally left the village the young boy finally introduced himself as Lewis nozaki introduces himself back under his fake name and Lewis said that nozaki could ask the boy any travel questions such as how to deal with robbers but nozaki stayed quiet the duo walked down the empty road beside one another chatting to each other and trying to make a connection as they were going to be traveling together for a while the sun started to set and nozaki told Lewis that they will have to camp out somewhere around where they were which disappointed Lewis since they had to do that the previous days due to being ambitious about wanting to get to Bath City in such a short amount of time nozaki noticed how worried Lewis seemed to be about Bandits making nozaki wonder if that was the reason why the younger boy decided to travel with a complete stranger they started to make food and sat by the fire as Lewis started to explain that they'd been attacked by Bandits three years ago when he had stolen money from his family and ran away from his parents in Bath City afterward his mother had found him to which he slashed her face with a knife and he proceeded to flee the Border until he was captured by Bandits who broke his bones and wouldn't let them get treated Lewis managed to run away and he was now where he was today supposedly with no one after him anymore nozaki asked why the boy was telling him this but Lewis didn't explain any further and the two decided to just eat dinner when they were done Lewis went to sleep and nozaki told him that they were going to take three hour shifts and take turns keeping watch bidding each other a good night however not long after Lewis seemed to get up and try to sneak out nozaki assumed that the young boy was going to use the bathroom deciding to wait for a little for him to get back until he believed that Lewis was taking a bit too long to come back he went off into the forest in the direction that the boy had went in and asked if everyone was all right twitch Lewis yelped in Surprise and said that everything was fine as he was trying to get cleaned up before going to Bath City the next day nozaki apologized for almost peaking and walked off to wait for Lewis to finish bathing however the young boy was actually not a boy at all she blushed and grinned softly and finished up her bath getting dressed and heading back to their camping spot as she half sarcastically called nozaki a gentleman for not coming along the Lakeshore and peeking at her she jokingly asked if she was not pretty enough to make him do a lowly thing but nozaki admitted that he had regretted not doing so making the girl laugh and ask when he realized that she was a woman he admitted that he knew ever since the first time that they truly met each other at the burglar's Inn but he had kept his mouth shut for his own good like he always did Lewis apologized to him and explained the story even more about how she used to be a slave from a brothel and how her scar was when she escaped from there how she harmed herself in order to lessen her value as a slave to prevent the slavers from pursuing her the scar was also in the same place where Lewis slashed her mother and she swore that she was going to return the money she stole which was why she was returning to Bath City as she didn't have anywhere else to go Lewis wondered if she should leave the money without seeing her family since she believed that they would just be angry but nozaki reassured her that it would be fine as either she could stay with them if it all went well or she could come with him if it didn't he thought that he would set himself up in a big city like bath and sell all his loot but if Lewis truly doesn't have a place to be then she could just keep nozaki company and bring good conversation for the road the girl hit her face in her knees and thanked nozaki with a weak voice as he gave a warm smile toward her and asked if he fulfilled his role that Lewis hoped for him to play those words caused the girl to start crying as she confirmed his question making her think back to her time at the brothel how she would look out the window and reach out to the light with the desire to go home they finally arrived in the city of bath and Lewis walked off to meet her mother who turned around with wide eyes and a shocked expression nozaki gave the girl a thanks about how he was saved a little bit and told her to take care promptly turning around and walking away as Lewis and her mother collapsed to the ground beside each other while crying and apologizing to one another nozaki looked up at the new city and knew that he was going to have to work hard for a place that he could return to deciding that his first priority was to go trade with shop owners and walked off with a bright smile he sold all of his weapons and proceeded to head off to the city of great bath the largest city in the north of the Kingdom with all the money he had gotten from selling his loot to buy the best gear however once nozaki arrived at the gates of the city he was apprehended by guards and had his money taken just as Lewis had told him nozaki tried to beg the gatekeeper to forgive him about the little money he had as he didn't want to lose it so he could afford a room to sleep in that night the guard scoffed with a smug grin and told nozaki that he could pass not wanting nozaki to block the gate he finally had the ability to enter the city and stomped off with a grin looking at the guards asking the next people to declare their valuables nozaki took out the the secret jewels that he had stashed in a certain place where the sun don't shine and felt disheartened by the fact that he had to go to such lowly techniques just to smuggle money into the city wondering if he gained more or lost more from the action the city of great bath was more lively and vibrant than what nozaki had seen in rock cliff and thought that the gates of the city were less impressive than the last after walking down the street he finally arrived at The Adventurous Guild of great bath with the intention of getting new armor and starting a new life he was immediately brought to the site of a woman greeting him and telling him to join the queue which excited nozaki because the old man receptionist from the last Guild had told nozaki about said information nozaki proceeded to stand in line until it was his turn however a random man who recognized the receptionist Elma had cut in line while saying that he was going to take a request nozaki got upset and he knew that he should not let this man just cut in front of him because in rock cliff if others thought you were an easy target they would try to kill you he kicked the man in the like to bring him to the ground and started to choke The Stranger alarming Elma and the rest of the people in The Guild building as they watched to nozaki knock a man out in broad daylight nozaki asked the girl if he could register for the guild since he was from out of town and Elma reluctantly gave the green light telling him to sign a certain place on the paper he turned his head and saw another desk in the guild asking about the service to which Elma explained that the great bath Adventures Guild also had a Butchery workshop for dismantling monsters nozaki saw value in this workshop and quickly finished off his papers before walking over to the desk with the Pelt of a monster that he had acquired on his way from Bath City the man at the desk praised nozaki for his work and saw Butchery skill within him introducing himself as Daniel and asking if nozaki would like to come and help out in the workshop the next day nozaki decided that it would likely not be a bad idea to make friendly connections and agreed to help causing Daniel to become excited from how the workshop was saved from the short-staffed problem before nozaki would head off he asked Daniel if there was a library around the place as he was a stranger to the city and wanted to know the local laws he found a room to stay in and relax looking at his status to see all the skills he had gotten throughout the past few months after running away from Rock Cliff his level and skills have increased significantly and he had learned new skills such as sewing which he learned easily and Butchery which took a lot of monster dismantling nozaki started to wonder if each skill had a different difficulty level but he decided that it was something to think about later as he needed to sleep since the next day was going to be a big one day arrived and nozaki had already experienced the hard work of what it was like to work a day in the dismantling yard Daniel asked to know Zaki how it was and he said that he was exhausted as expected but Daniel still praised him for being courteous fast and hard-working as he had hoped the materials that the workshop had gotten were all gray Ash wolves with a rare monster every once in a while which would make everyone get excited Daniel proceeded to ask once more for nozaki to join the workshop because of his skill trying to convince him without the income was decent and there was no danger involved like an adventuring he asked asked to nozaki if a stable life was really so bad but the conversation was cut short by his children starting to walk home which made Daniel have to leave and make sure they got home safely nozaki watched the scene from afar and thought about Daniel's words wondering if he truly should just take a hold of a stable life however his thoughts were interrupted by two men grabbing nozaki's attention and saying that the chief wanted to see him to talk about the fight at the guild the previous day nozaki continued to watch The Family Walk Away in silence before turning around with a grim face and saying that he understood promptly following the two men with no hesitation or reluctance they entered the back door of a building and walked down some stairs with nozakian between the two men to make sure that he would not run away and everyone seemed to look at nozaki with negative Expressions nozaki finally stood at the desk of a man in a cloak who was referred to as Gary as this man praised the Two Men And stood up tall and proud nozaki felt the aura of this man and knew that Gary was the one who truly ran the place that nozaki stood in as knows stared at a Gruff man with spiked hair and many scars on his bearded face
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 566,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: Q1kn__gIsoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 42sec (11082 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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