He Reincarnated As A Weak Farmer And Gained A Skill Book To Become Peerless | Manga Recap

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he was a Game Addict feeling disheartened because his favorite game which he had been grinding for 3 years had discontinued its service during this time he accidentally discovered a new and intriguing game bored with normal modes he decided to play on the highest difficulty level Hell mode which unexpectedly pulled him into an endless game world he found himself reincarnated as a young boy in this game embarking on a new chapter in a different world it's been 5 years since he was reincarnated here taking on the name Ain given to him by a couple who raised him he was born as a baby in this world so he couldn't reveal his Origins From Another World Ain chose to be a Summoner in this game calling forth beasts to Aid him in battle however despite 5 years passing Ain still wasn't strong enough to fight the Demonic beasts partly this was due to his lowly family status which prevented him from leaving the forest to level up limiting him to training only with a childhood friend named Karina a powerful sword Saint ain's talents as a Summoner were undetectable to the judges of this world making him seem ordinary yet ain's parents never felt disappointed always encouraging him to live a happy life Karina also from a humble family like aens was admired by everyone for her sword Saint Talent today the knight's Guild was visiting to assess her abilities standing before the guild leader Karina was eager to prove herself despite knowing that deceiving them was punishable by death if she couldn't satisfy them she would be in serious trouble her father gory was terrified but Karina was even more excited gripping her sword and ready to fight her opponent was a knight named brand the battle began with Karina aggressively attacking gaining the upper hand until brand kicked her into a wall it seemed over but Karina refused to give up she attacked again even more fiercely leaving bran breathless and admitting defeat defeating a knight at just 5 years old made her the pride of the village excited Karina approached the guild leader to see if she could become a knight but she was too young and had to wait until she was 12 Ain watching from a corner knew everyone's talents he thought the guild leader would be incredibly skilled but his talent was even lower than karinas who was a three-star sword saint Ain the only Summoner in this world possessed an eight- star Talent however due to choosing Hell mode he had been stuck at level one for 5 years after Karina defeated the night brand their unnamed Village was renamed in her honor time passed and Ain was now 6 years old he managed to level up his Stone throwing skill to level three but it was still too weak to survive in this Hell mode difficulty today after his training Ain returned home to find his father coming home late causing worry for his mother ain's father the leader of The Village's hunting team had to undertake dangerous tasks every Autumn due to their low social status like hunting demonic Beasts for the village this time he returned severely injured which confused Ain according to Uncle gory the Lord's new decree was the cause the Lord had decided to reduce the hunter Risk by including civilians in the hunting parties but but this inadvertently hindered the hunters and ain's father had struggled to save them the next morning ain's Father regained Consciousness knowing he couldn't work in his condition Uncle gory enthusiastically offered to help until he recovered aurin immediately refused feeling he had pretended to be a child long enough though they weren't his birth parents Ain felt their love and knew it was time to help them in the following days he worked hard in the fields to support his family with with 60% of their produce going to the Lord they needed a lot more for the winter so farming alone wasn't enough it was time for Ain to hunt over 6 years Ain had accumulated enough experience to unlock a new skill upgrading his summoned beasts today was a good opportunity to test it he summoned a frog with a taunting ability quickly luring a giant bird Ain Stone attacks were ineffective so he changed tactics and summoned a pack of dogs to to attack the bird despite the 15 dog's efforts the bird remained unfazed and even aggressively pinned AR and down this wasn't working in desperation Ain summoned three blood sucking worms to distract the bird easing its pressure on him and giving him a chance for a final strike his first hunt of a demonic Beast felt exhilarating bringing its carcass back to the Village surprised everyone Ain continued hunting these beasts eventually reaching level two the Jun from Level 1 to two in Hell mode significantly increased all of ain's stats on that day Ain decided to return home and reveal his duty in this world to his parents his mother was very surprised by this Revelation while his father was not as he had long noticed that Ain was no ordinary child regardless Ain would always be their son in December Ain and Uncle gory left the village to exchange goods for food on their Journey AR asked Uncle gory if there was a way to elevate his family's status from Surfs to commoners Uncle gory explained it would cost 10 gold coins per person ain's family including the unborn child totaled five members determined Arin resolved to help his family become commoners before leaving the village to raise the 50 gold coins needed Ain realized he had to hunt demonic Beasts for several years and Save A Lot even though Ain longed for a new weapon weapon he just stood outside a weapon shop looking in godor a local boy spotted him and started scolding wanting to avoid trouble Ain was about to leave when godor challenged him to a duel promising to leave him alone if he won reluctantly Ain accepted and easily won with a wooden sword as godor was much weaker than Karina 9 months passed and Ain and godor trained together during that time one evening ain's father and Uncle gory returned with news that this year's hunting quota had unexpectedly increased to five beasts and they had to take civilians with them this worried both men unsure if they could meet the quota seeing this Ain asked to join them claiming that he had been blessed with greater wisdom by the gods and could help in dire situations the hunting team was enthusiastic to see their leader recovered but apprehensive about the two civilians joining them Ain knew his goal now he had to help help these two civilians successfully hunt during this Expedition the group left the village and headed towards Mount white dragon named for a dragon that slept at its peak Ain was excited to learn about it resolving to defeat the Dragon one day but their current task was hunting giant wild bores which exerted a highlevel demonic beasts pressure ain's father and Uncle gory's group took their positions expertly coordinating to lock the Boar's mouth this was when the two civilians were to engage as Ain reminded them following Uncle gory's recount of the previous year Ain had identified their weak point the civilians had no experience in Beast hunting and should not be in the Vanguard they only needed to wait until the beast's movements were restrained and then strike to finish it off the final Beast fell and aand gained experience from assisting in its defeat the giant boar gave Arin 400 experience points leveling him up to three hunting bores yielded had more experience than birds so Ain decided to continue helping his father hunt bores to accumulate experience until he raised the 50 gold coins 6 months later Ain had gathered enough experience to unlock a new Summoner skill now able to summon irank demonic beasts the next day he ventured into the forest to summon his new beasts initially unsure of a summoner's combat style Arin now understood the game designer's intention and irank Beast group could fulfill every role in a battle he envisioned a future commanding a powerful horde of beasts to defeat any enemy in his path another year passed and a giant boar hunting season returned this year Ain Village had a quot of 20 boor coincidentally Lord Granville planned to visit the village to observe its development and apologize for the increased hunting quota a Royal Decree he couldn't defy the village leader quickly introduced Ain to the Lord since joining the hunting team with his father Ain had become the main guide confidently he assured Lord granel that the village would meet the quota of 20 bors at that moment the hunting team returned with three bors surprising the Lord especially as they were now wearing armor this was thanks to Lord Gran's approval the previous year to craft armor from Bor skins relieved the Lord quickly summoned ain's father and Uncle gory to his lordship's house to commend them the Kingdom's decree to hunt demonic beasts had been in place for 15 years but many villages had failed the fact that Karina Village could meet its quota was miraculous Lord granal was impressed with their decad long efforts and declared that ain's family and Uncle gory would be elevated to commoner status the news delighted Ain so much that he almost jumped for Joy now he wouldn't have to save money anymore Lord granel then grew curious about why they specifically hunted giant wild bores ain's father's face darkened At The Mention so Uncle gory explained the land had been developed by surfs long ago and in the early days the wild bores often destroyed everything they worked for that's why Roden ain's father had declared to exterminate them it was the first time Roden and Uncle gory had taken down a highlevel demonic beast but at the cost of a friend's life despite gory's advice Roden continued to Harbor a grudge against the bors Lord Gran impressed by roden's courage and effort decided to reward him by granting him any wish he desired Roden immediately pulled Ain over asking the Lord to allow Ain to serve his household Ain was shocked he had just become a commoner free to hunt as he wished and now he had to serve in the Lord's household reluctantly seeing his father's tearfully happy expression when the Lord agreed Ain couldn't refuse from that day on Ain would serve in Lord Gran's Castle before leaving he had to say goodbye to everyone especially Karina a duel seemed like the perfect farewell they clashed and Ain gained the upper hand using all his magic stones to enhance his abilities to win Karina's joyous smile made it all worthwhile before departing Roden pulled Ain aside to advise him he knew his son was extraordinary and that serving as a Lord's servant wouldn't hold him back but would be a stepping stone for greater things Roden believed that one day ain's name would be known throughout the kingdom thus began ain's second life in the other world upon arriving at the Granville household Ain was assigned to be ceil the Lord's daughter's personal servant she was the same age as Ain and he felt a bit resentful having to do menial tasks for her and so ain's life continued Ain was assigned a small room in the attic which though not very spacious was secluded enough for him to comfortably practice his magic the Lord's family consisting of 30 members had modest meal portions that are unnoticed were even smaller than those of surfs the lady of the house had been observing Ain since his arrival finding it hard to believe such a bright child was a surf son Cecil the young mistress laughed upon hearing that Ain had no talents proudly stating her own abilities as a magician and her brother Mi high as a swordsman living in the Lord's household Ain learned much including that Cecil like Karina and dog Ora would attend a training academy upon turning 12 after serving breakfast to the Lord's family Ain had the morning free to explore the city and gather information the city was vast taking 4 hours to walk around a stark contrast to Kina Village he was particularly intrigued by the adventurers Guild a place he was eager to join as adventurers hunted demonic Beasts for money however when he tried to join the secretary informed him that he was too young disappointed but not deterred from his original goal of hunting beasts Ain noticed a notice board with various missions showcasing the game's diverse range of monsters a particular Beast caught his eye one without a specific location listed an adventurer told him that it was a rare Beast usually found in extremely dangerous areas hence the lack of precise location the board listed many kinds of beasts from low to high level including the white dragon sleeping at top the mountain the adventurers Guild offered a reward of 1,000 gold coins for its defeat but no one dared to hunt it Ain lived until mid November before finally having the opportunity to leave the city during his time there he gathered a lot of information helping him to easily choose suitable locations for hunting demonic beasts he summoned a bird named hook and gave it basic commands which it understood well much to ain's Delight since leveling up as a Summoner Hook was the smartest among all the beasts he had summoned Hook's task was to scout for demonic beasts and it quickly located a group of goblins leading Ain to them Ain then summoned a pack of tigers named Tama to surround the goblins from all sides despite their numbers the Goblins were not easy to defeat feeling the situation was getting out of hand Ain changed tactics and summoned a butterfly-like beast named AA whose ability was to put the Goblins to sleep with its dust this was ain's chance to finish them off he threw stones but since the Goblins were durank beasts his throws weren't lethal he let Tama finish them off after 2 hours of hunting goblins Ain earned a total of 1,000 experience points making this his most successful hunt now it was time to collect collect magic Stones Ain dissected the goblin corpses finding the de an magic Stones valuable for a Summoner like him after collecting all the stones Ain wanted to continue hunting he searched the forest for more goblins and by evening he had caught a total of 80 goblins and five horned rabbits it was a great day off that allowed Ain to level up twice during the hunt he also learned more about aa's abilities it could put most demonic beasts to sleep but some could resist Ain lost a few Tama in this hunt and needed irank magic stones to resurrect them to complete his team continuing the hunt he commanded the hook flock to keep searching but as it grew dark and their vision impaired it became difficult to continue although he wanted to keep hunting it was time for Ain to return to the city a month later Ain would leave the city every 6 days to hunt demonic beasts and his current level had reached 12 As Time passed Ain became increasingly eager to hunt more although he wanted to upgrade his equipment however he decided to save his money for a complete and satisfying set Upon returning home the butler summoned Ain to appear before the Lord the Lord commended Ain for excellently completing his assigned duties but was curious about what Ain did on his days off since there was no point in lying Arin admitted he went hunting demonic beasts explaining it was a way to live like his father the hunter Roden even while serving in the Lord's household this Revelation surprised the Lord who felt he had made the right choice in selecting Ain acknowledging his bravery the Lord then inquired about the corpses of the beasts advising Ain against selling them outside as it could tarnish the family's reputation instead the Lord offered to buy them directly paying one silver coin for each 6 days later Ain went hunting again in aiming to start his day with 100 goblins while finishing breakfast hook flew back in a panick state signaling Ain to follow confused since he had only instructed hook to scout within a 3 km radius Ain followed and discovered a group of adventurers surrounded by goblins recognizing them from the guild Ain quickly threw iron balls at the Goblins which were insufficient to kill them not wanting to reveal his identity as a Summoner he fought the goblins with a knife soon after he managed to rescue the severely injured Levan thankfully carrying emergency healing herbs upon waking Levan immediately recognized Ain and expressed his group's gratitude offering to repay him Ain seized the opportunity to ask for all the rank magic Stones they had after Levan's group left Ain called hook not to scold but to praise it for its independent thinking a few days after parting with Levan's group Ain received a total of 100 ear rank magic stones from them which greatly aided his progress in late December the leader of the knight's order occasionally visited the Lord's House the knight's Duty was to protect the Lord apprehend thieves and eliminate demonic beasts during a meal Cecil excitedly offered him rabbit meat that Ain had caught surprising him the night informed Ain that Karina Village had met its hunting quota for the Year this news saddened the Lord's son who lamented why they couldn't enjoy the meat despite their hunting efforts Ain found it odd that all hunted meat was transported to the capital leaving the Lord's children with less meat than the children in Karina Village at that moment Thomas the Lord's son requested Arin to hunt a white deer for him next time Ain immediately agreed knowing the white deer was a seank beast similar to the giant wild boar he had seen his father hunt one before and felt it was time to challenge higher level beasts the next day Ain went into the forest to hunt the white deer he set traps and lured it away before he could capture it spending the whole day to catch just one the experience points he earned were less than from hunting goblins which somewhat disheartened him however he was satisfied with the accomplishment and carried the deer back to the Lord's House surprising everyone ain's ability to hunt a white deer at the age of eight left even the Lord astounded prompting him to order the butler to thoroughly check ain's background thanks to his achievement in hunting the white deer Ain received a new assignment in the Lord's household he was now allowed to freely hunt outside and the Lord doubled his salary as a servant increasing it from 50 to 100 silver coins in March Ain went out with Miss Cecil as her elder brother Mii was returning to the Family Estate from the capital students from the capital were transported by airships and Ain was impressed ressed by its Grandeur as soon as Mii stepped off Cecil rushed to embrace him compared to his sister Ain thought Mii seemed much more mature to celebrate mihai's return Cecil ordered Ain to hunt a lot of demonic beasts an easy task for him he returned with a heap of meat entering the garden Ain saw Mii practicing swordsmanship with the head knight mihai's sword play was smooth despite being only 13 upon seeing Ain return Mii challenged him to a friendly duel during the duel Ain gave his best but Mii was significantly stronger and one after the duel Mii laughed and revealed that he would be participating in a dungeon exploration as a school test this summer which sounded thrilling to aurin he longed to join but feared he might be stuck serving the Lord's family forever realizing he needed to find a way to advance and leave in early April Lord canel visited Lord Grabel with whom he had a long-standing rivalry Ain learned that it was Lord canel who had influenced the king to increase the annual hunting quota the territories of the Grabel and canel families were situated along the slopes of the white dragon mountain with the large mythro mines mostly on canel's side while the white dragon resided on graval for over a hundred years the two families had been in conflict over Mining rights Lord canel came to boast about his daughter who had no talents shockingly comparing her to The Talented children of Lord Grabel which angered him Noble daughters with Talent still had to fulfill Noble duties by Autumn Arin turned nine and had been working for the Grabel family for a year after saving up he bought himself a suitable set of equipment every time he checked his stats and saw them improve he felt exhilarated his successful hunts had led to the near Extinction of goblins having hunted over 10,000 today Ain went in into the forest to hunt higher level demonic beasts hook soon located a beast and Ain summoned Tama to attack however its shell was too hard for t to penetrate forcing Ain to change tactics he summoned the jiha to sprinkle its sleep inducing powder planning to kill the Beast before it woke up Ain dashed forward and leaped onto the monster Beast furiously stabbing with his sword the creature's shell was so tough that he scraped his hands ra before he could finally defeat it however extracting the Magic Stone posed another challenge due to the beast's armored body frustrated with the difficult hunt Ain decided to switch his Target to an easier prey setting his sights on a sleeping orc he summoned his Tama pack for a surprise attack the orc startled awake quickly counterattacked taking down three of ain's Thomas in a short time but that was no issue for Ain who could summon many more he rallied his forces for a full-on assault and finally he triumphed over the Troublesome Beast this day marked a significant turning point in ain's life as he managed to slay a level sea monster without relying on traps reflecting on his previous defeat to me high Ain realized he was still too weak and should not be overconfident determined to rise up in this hellishly difficult game world he reminded himself to strive harder after a brief rest Ain continued his hunt focusing on Orcs his haul for the day included a giant ant in 15 Orcs earning him a total of 25,000 experience points excitedly he rushed home recalling that a full day of hunting goblins had previously yielded only a similar amount of experience now if he could hunt around 40 Orcs a day he would gain a substantial amount of experience on the 1st of November Ain had the opportunity to attend school with Miss Cecil as a reward for serving her family for a year sitting in front of the teacher he eagerly inquired about how to use magic the key to wielding magic was to have the talent of a wizard without it magic remained inaccessible Cecil demonstrated her ability by making a verifying orb glow with her touch proving her Wizardry Talent when it was ain's turn the orb remained dark indicating his inability to use magic Not only was he inferior in swordsmanship but he also couldn't use magic and his summoning skills were mediocre this realization dampened his enthusiasm for the entire lesson A year had passed since ain's hunting was recognized bringing him closer to the city's residence suddenly he noticed a commotion among the people Levan's group rushed past him prompting Ain to immediately follow and inquire about what had happened the madaga monster had emerged at the southern gate of the city incredibly powerful and only the captain and his Knights could combat it Levan's group was hastily heading to the location to help Evacuate the citizens as a hunter for the Lord's House Ain decided to assist regardless of the absence of orders he quickly headed towards the south gate where chaos rained soldiers were urging people to enter the city and shut the gates while a Merchant's Carriage was blocked by the Beast facing the enormous monster towering at least 5 m tall barin felt away of fear inside the carriage the Merchant's family was trapped Ain couldn't leave them behind dodging through the crowd he drew a steel ball aimed precisely and hurled it at the monster's face to draw its attention then he ran in another Direction provoking the Beast to chase him the monster enraged by the injury abandoned The Carriage to pursue Ain ain's heart raced as he fled but the monster's speed exceeded his expectations it was about to cat catch him when unexpectedly it stopped Ain realized the creature was toying with him which infuriated him he was determined to make the Beast regret not seizing the chance to kill him opening his Summoner menu Ain didn't summon combat beasts but instead used all his monsters to boost his stats then turned tail and ran he ran towards the forest outside the city and when he felt safe enough he started summoning three agahi intending to put the monster to sleep but as soon as he summoned them the Beast killed them ain's face went pale as he continued summoning other creatures but nothing worked neither the Sleep tactic nor the diversion worked on this monster Ain was cornered and had to change his strategy he plan to level up and return to face the Beast later however the madalu was relentless in its Pursuit determined to chase down Ain Ain kept running with the monster Beast hot on his heels 3 days later he staggered back into the city utterly exhausted and collapsing at the city Gates where the soldiers had to bring a doctor to attend to him after receiving treatment Ain slept for 2 days straight waking up to find himself safely in his room he sighed in relief grateful to be back once fully recovered Ain presented himself before the Lord to face any consequences surprisingly the Lord did not reprimand him instead he commended Ain for his Brave in protecting the city's people ain's reward for his actions was 10 coins plus an additional 10 from the Grateful Merchant totaling 20 coins with this substantial reward Ain immediately bought himself a new sword sharper than any blade he had received back in his hometown it easily slew the giant ants that previously required much effort since the harrowing chase by the rank b monster ain's hook had memorized its form soaring in the sky and ready to report its proximity this rank b monster was in a league of its own compared to the beasts Ain had encountered before but he was determined to add it to his collection soon the next time Mii returned Ain had the chance to spar with him again since their last defeat Ain had leveled up significantly however Mii had also progressed Ain approached the match with Extreme Caution he launched a series of attacks all blocked by Mii who then counterattacked leading to ain's over overwhelming defeat once more Ain couldn't accept this he had grown much stronger than last year yet still lost so one-sidedly after the battle the Lord's family went out to eat hearing of ain's encounter with the rank B Beast Mii was shocked even as a student of the academy the mention of facing a rank b monster made Mii hesitate he was not confident in confronting it himself at that moment a soldier rushed in to inform the Lord that the white Dragon had started moving adventurers had spotted it leaving the territory of count cable the Lord concerned discussed with his Knight we to launch an investigation to pinpoint the exact location where the white dragon would land the Knight felt the task was challenging due to the many dangerous monsters around the mountain investigating the entire area could take months this whole story greatly excited Ain who anticipated a major Expedition by the Lord's family it would be an excellent opportunity for him to freely hunt Monsters by mid July Arin continued his diligent hunting and it took him over 2 years to level up his Summoner class he had progressed from summoning level E creatures to Level D before welcoming new members Ain tested the new skills of his older summons surprisingly he could share his vision with hook his bird this skill was not limited to sight but also extended to hearing giving him the sensation of soaring in the in the sky combined with the Hawkeye skill ain's Vision could extend hundreds of kilometers only now did Ain understand the importance of the intelligence stat the higher it was the more monsters he could control simultaneously it was time to welcome the new members a team of rank d monsters appeared before him apart from aquatic monsters all these creatures had intelligent stats over 100 allowing Ain to share information with them without delay AR located a monster to test his new team's capabilities standing from a distance he used his shared intelligence skill to command them they might not have overwhelming strength but their efficiency was more than sufficient with this ability Ain could even command them to grind experience for him while he slept on his way home Ain had an idea he used hook to fly back to his hometown and left a gold coin in his house planning to do this every day henceforth July marked ain's 10th birthday and his second year working for the Lord's family over the past few months the knights had been scouting the misil mine area the region was swarming with monsters and clearing them out to continue mining would take up to 3 years a time frame the Lord found too long the situation in count canel's territory was no better with the white dragon wreaking havoc in the area as for Ain he was thoroughly prepared when he turned 12 he planned to leave and start his journey as an adventurer there were still two years left during which Ain intended to do his utmost to help the Lord's family reopen the misil minds Ain used hook to scout for Monster infested areas as the Knight Squad would soon be launching an offensive there after some exploration he discovered a goblin Village likely the source of the Goblins he had previously hunted the village was littered with human bones indicating the Goblin's preference for human flesh Ain was determined to eradicate them completely he summoned harami fish to buff his other monsters with evasion skills then directed his bear Squad to destroy the goblin Village the Bears easily overpowered the melee goblins while Aron commanded hook to attack the ranged ones as they invaded the village and the Goblins realized they were under attack a massive horde about 200 strong emerged it was time for Ain to join the fight Ain summoned a group of bears to engage the Goblins the summoned monsters were ferocious showing no signs of weakness against the goblin horde which began to fear them Ain had anticipated this and placed a bare team in waiting to Ambush the Goblins he then commenced a massacre leading up to the moment the Goblin King appeared it was time for the king to face ain's strongest Warrior bear which had already killed thousands of ranked sea monsters Ain was confident that the Goblin King was no no match for his bear after slaying the king Ain instructed the Bears to gather the corpses in one place for easier collection of magic stones with the task completed Ain used a torch from his spatial storage to deal with the bodies this spatial storage was incredibly handy the mission to obliterate the goblin Village was a success resulting in over 200 goblins killed and a substantial amount of experience gained Ain began planning his next targets aiming to conquer more Goblin Villages and eventually an orc Village culminating in a rematch with the rank b monster that had previously humiliated him in March Mii returned from graduating the academy but he seemed unhappy upon meeting Ain Mii immediately challenged him to a serious duel this time Ain was determined to defeat Mii he Amplified his speed with the stats of his rank d monsters making him almost twice as fast as last year he launched a critical sword strike but astonishingly Mii blocked it Mii seemed to predict every move but Ain did not falter he was Resolute in his aim to win a note about the monster species in this world each species has a leader known as a lord monster possessing terrifying strength far beyond the others so far Ain had only managed to defeat a Goblin King Ain lost again even though his speed had significantly increased Cecil however was delighted proud that her bodyguard was so strong she encouraged Ain to ask Mi High to teach him swordsmanship suggesting that Ain could become as strong as her brother Ain liked the idea but doubted Mii would agree to teach him at that moment Mii called Cecil and Thomas over to announce that he would be away for the next 3 years to fulfill his Noble duties which left Cecil in tears the Lord and Lady seemed prepared for this news having braced themselves El since the count boasted about his daughter's lack of talent the next day the entire Lord's family Bid Farewell to Mii as he set off to fulfill his Noble obligations Ain curious asked rickle what these duties entailed but even rickl was unsure before leaving Mii leaned in to remind Ain that he was a strong person and hoped Ain would protect his sister well with that Mii departed on his Carriage the noble duties would keep him away for 3 years by which time Ain planned to have left the Lord's family and Cecil would be enrolled in a noble Academy until then Ain resolved to take good care of Cecil as Mii had requested two months after Mii left for his Noble duties Ain had conquered a total of 52 Goblin strongholds the white dragon mountain range was nearly cleared of goblins aurin now at level 35 set his sights on the orc Villages the layout of these Villages was was similar to the goblin ones so Ain decided to use the same tactics this time however he added Boron for long range support as the knights were due to arrive the next day The Assault on the orc Village began with Ain leading his summoned Army to the gates his Bears seasoned in battle easily overpowered the Orcs in one-on-one combat to counter the orc archers Ain used Boron to Shield the Bears then Unleashed his spiders to control the Orcs after defeating the Orcs at the gate Ain LED his troops deeper into the village the Orcs sounded the alarm and a formidable army charged at Aron he responded by summoning all his Bears to confront them the battle was fierce and timec consuming due to the orc's greater strength suddenly Ain sensed danger and called for Boron to quickly raise a protective shield he initially thought it was the orc King but it turned out to be orc Sorcerers this was the first time Marin witnessed a monster using magic impressive as it was they still had to be eliminated the orc Sorcerers targeted Ain continuously bombarding him with spells though they couldn't injure Ain they still made it difficult for him when attacking Ain proved ineffective they changed tactics targeting areas where ain's summoned Army lacked defense Ain couldn't allow them to cause chaos and pulled out his steel ball aiming and striking the sorcerers in the face a single hit was enough to kill these magic Orcs only rank C monsters Ain wanted to continue the attack but these Orcs were too clever quickly moving out of his range and then counterattacking as the smoke cleared the orc numbers were still overwhelming and the situation was getting dire Ain changed tactics abandoning defense after checking he still had enough magic stones to resurrect 20,000 more bears plus a recovery item made from a rank D monster ensuring that his 30 Warrior Bears wouldn't fall the fierce battle continued until the orc King appeared its oppressive presence causing aurin to feel a twinge of fear this orc King was on the same level as madalu making arin's Bears seem tiny in comparison with just one blow the orc king killed two of ain's warrior Bears Arin hurriedly summoned more but the orc King's pace of Destruction was faster than ain's summoning rate meanwhile the magic Orcs continued their barrage overwhelming Boron Ain was forced to use his bare Warriors as a shield to protect himself as the orc King decimated his bare Army Ain tried summoning more but they were just fodder for the king there seemed no way to win against the orc King in this situation and Ain considered retreating just then the captain of the knights appeared startling Ain how did he arrive here the captain had noticed ain's Bears which which could be problematic if he discovered their origin Ain quickly recalled all his summons the captain sword in hand confidently approached the orc King Without a Trace of fear Ain had heard about him that he could single-handedly defeat matagal today Ain witnessed the captain's strength firsthand the Knight Captain declared he would single-handedly defeat the orc King and asked brand and Ain to clean up the remaining Orcs initially Ain had planned to monop ize all the experience points here but given the situation it seemed he couldn't do much more he focused on observing the strength of the two fighters the Knight Captain faced the orc King seemingly exposing many vulnerabilities which confused Ain it seemed Reckless even for someone as strong as him the orc King swung its ax in Fury but the captain blocked it effortlessly with one hand and even repelled the king astonishing aurin he knew the captain was strong but to overpower a rank b monster like the orc King was incredible brand however was not surprised he had followed the captain known as the battle demon Xena for a long time and was familiar with his overwhelming combat style the orc King enraged by the previous blow attacked zenoff fiercely despite the disparity in their classes zenoff held no disadvantage meanwhile brand was ready for his task as the magic Orcs bombarded from a distance brand pinpointed their location and charged at them defeating the rank C monsters with a single blow brand adeptly fought off a horde Of Orcs handling them with ease back to Xeno he had already defeated the orc King showcasing Incredible strength that kept surprising Ain the technique brand used seemed similar to the skill Karina had used Ain realized that Knights and Priests each had their unique skills yet he was clueless about his own Xeno didn't even need to use a skill to kill the orc King an absurd level of strength after the orc King was defeated zenoff asked Ain to help brand with the cleanup expecting the night Squad to arrive by Nightfall seizing the opportunity Ain asked to collect the magic stones from the Orcs once the cleanup was done zenov suggested burning the place down to prevent other monsters from resettling he commended Ain for his excellent work leaving the remaining tasks to his Knights that evening Ain had dinner beside zenoff zenov didn't ask earlier but now he was curious about why Ain had recklessly attacked the orc Village before his arrival Ain had already killed a total of 52 Orcs an achievement that greatly impressed zenoff more than he had anticipated it turned out zenoff had been aware of all ain's activities from the moment he noticed Ain in Karina's Village he knew Ain was no ordinary child his suspicions grew when the forest near the Lord's House started showing signs of monster kills and recently he discovered several orc Villages had been conquered their magic Stones all taken xenop was sure these were ain's achievements done in his quest to challenge Mi High xeno's curiosity was piqued about why a talented child like Ain was deemed talentless he even consulted the gods to learn more normally a child without Talent wouldn't be memorable but strangely the Gods remembered Ain vividly it turned out ain's stats were displayed in a way that the gods couldn't read leading them to mistakenly assume he had no Talent zenov believed Ain had a unique talent of his own a fact the Lord already knew however the Lord had allowed Ain to hunt monsters freely which puzzled Ain zenov didn't know the exact reason but decided he wouldn't report today's events to the Lord in return he asked Ain to report everything himself as a Gest Ure of gratitude to express his thanks Ain offered to massage xeno's back a back that had endured many trials and tribulations covered in scars to an outsider it might appear frightening but to Ain it showed xeno's Incredible strength after more than a day Ain returned to report everything to the Lord his unauthorized outing was not reprimanded instead the Lord's family was worried about him two weeks had passed since Ain was rescued by the the night Squad it was time for his second assault on the orc Village this time Ain successfully defeated the orc King thanks to a well-devised plan he sent 40 Bears to attack from all sides aiming to reduce the orc numbers as much as possible while prioritizing the elimination of the magic Orcs to prevent them from joining the orc King the orc King facing 40 of Ain Bears alone stood no chance indeed failure is the mother of success both both in games and in reality by November Ain turned 11 in the 5 months since his first orc Village raid he had destroyed 20 orc Villages his efforts significantly accelerated the Lord's mining plans reducing the timeline from 3 years to two next Spring Mining would commence everything was going smoothly and Ain would soon have the strength to leave the Lord's House at 12 to start his Adventure one day a royal messenger arrived with a letter from Mii upon reading it Lord brael was visibly shaken the news was from 3 months ago and it informed them of mihai's death on the battlefield the Lord couldn't believe it his son had just graduated and as a member of a low-ranking noble family should not have been assigned to such a dangerous task the family was taken aback by the sudden tragedy Ain remembered his last moment with Mii who seemed to have anticipated this and asked Ain to take care of of Cecil a heated argument ensued between Cecil and the Lord as she grieved mi's death and angrily questioned the future obligations of nobility Cecil was furious at being treated as a sacrificial Pawn seeing the Lord's helplessness Ain realized that low-ranking Nobles couldn't defy Royal commands that night the Butler and Ain brought food to ceil's room but she locked herself in and refused to eat until the next morning the house was gloomy with mi's death as everyone dearly loved him his loss was a heavy blow to them suddenly a maid rushed into an oun Cecil's disappearance the family panicked searching for her Ain found Cecil's window open suggesting she had escaped that way with the butler's permission Ain went outside to search for Cecil he summoned Hook Sharing its Vision to search from the sky hoping Cecil hadn't done anything rash he found her sitting alone clutching a Keepsake from Mii crying Cecil expected Ain to take her back home but instead with utmost respect Ain expressed his loyalty affirming that he was her faithful servant and would always be ready to protect her wherever she was trying to act as if she didn't need anyone's care ciso stomach betrayed her with its rumbling as she hadn't eaten since the previous night Ain with a slight smirk prepared some food for her as Cecil ate she cried mourning her strong and kind brother Mii she couldn't understand why his life was cut so short and dreaded that she too might soon face the battlefield Ain felt a Pang of concern knowing from his research that there were no signs of war with neighboring countries making mihai's Battlefield deaf imp plausible Ain suggested to Cecil that they should go out and explore but she immediately refused questioning how two children could survive outside Ain had already thought this through and advised Cecil to return home for now he proposed that once he turned 12 they could embark on adventures together he mentioned a book about living freely explaining that everyone has the right to choose their own path hoping to encourage Cecil to make her own choices his words enlightened Cecil who decided to return home at home Lord brael rushed to embrace Cecil comforting her and assuring that she no longer needed to worry about Noble duties the Cil mining project was about to commence and upon its success and Royal acceptance Cecil would be exempt from Noble obligations Ain realized why the Lord was so eager to advance this project if it had been completed sooner perhaps Mii wouldn't have had to fulfill his duty Cecil immediately rejected her father's well-meaning offer feeling obligated to fulfill her Noble Duty as his daughter 6 months after mihai's death the Lord's family returned to normaly the the Knight Squad had completely eradicated the monster camps and Mining was set to begin after the summer aurin having cleared the orc Villages set his next Target on the giant ant nest in the white dragon Mountain according to Levan The Nest housed about a thousand ants including a queen ant responsible for breeding The Nest entrance was Tiny allowing only one ant out at a time so ain's first task was to reduce their numbers he summoned his Bears to attack the nest and the Ants swarmed out forcing Ain to deploy his full force after a month of Relentless battling Ain felt exhausted no matter how many he killed more ants kept emerging replacing their fallen in a month he estimated he had killed over 2,000 gaining substantial experience but struggling to collect magic Stones the difficulty in collecting stones meant it was time to change tactics the second month of hunting ants was equally challenging just when Ain was pondering his next move he noticed the ants were no longer emerging from The Nest the fact that the ants were no longer emerging from their nest meant their numbers inside were significantly reduced Ain saw this as an opportunity for a final assault he summoned the bird horu to share its vision and Scout inside the ant nest which was like a maze dark and narrow Ain struggled to find the queen ant's chamber he decided to First deal with the remaining ants in the nest commanding his Bears to attack despite a dayong exploration he still hadn't found the Queen's chamber as evening approached Ain knew he had to return to the Lord's house but leaving now might mean missing a crucial opportunity luckily Ain finally found the queen ant's chamber he reorganized his forces aware that the queen was a rank be monster and not to be underestimated the chamber housed the queen ant and 10 worker ants Ain led a small team into the nest after months of waiting for this moment he illuminated the chamber with a lantern and saw the queen ant three times the size of the regular ants he set up a bare front line and commanded them to eliminate the worker ants first the queen joined the battle but was slow allowing Ain to exploit its sluggishness Ain continuously replenished his forces as he battled to his surprise he defeated the queen ant with only 20 Bears a stark contrast to the 100 Bears needed against the orc King it was too late to return home so Ain decided to spend the night in the nest he couldn't rely on xenop to cover for him this time to justify his absence Ain took the queen ant's Magic Stone as a trophy while collecting it he discovered a shiny sparkling Stone in a corner recognizing its significance the next morning Ain returned home to expected reprimands but he was prepared he explained his ventured to eliminate the ant nest surprising Lord brael and Cecil they were initially skeptical so Ain presented the queen ant's shell as proof even xenop had never seen a queen ant as conquering an ant nest required significant Manpower usually directed at orc or Goblin Villages how could Ain have conquered it alone worried he might reveal too much Ain quickly changed the subject showing the sparkling Stone he found which was Miss tillor now convinced Lord brael and Cecil believed Arin story according to National Law as the discoverer of the misil or mine Ain was entitled to 30% of the mining profits this discovery made Ain considerably Wealthy by October Ain finally turned 12 and the Lord's family began their Century long awaited mining operations thanks to ain's discovery of the mine he was now extremely wealthy and didn't have to worry about money however he found no joy in this peace and quiet at that moment the butler rushed to inform Ain that the Royal messenger had visited Lord brael again this time accompanied by count canel the visit concerned the misil mine the brael and canel families had long been in dispute and now the royal family wanted to resolve it by having both families manage the white dragon mountain range together Lord brael was shocked and refused insisting on a royal confirmation this this angered the messenger and the Lord was left sweating worried that the mine might fall into the canel family's hands with the night Captain busy guarding the mines and two days away from returning the Lord needed him to accompany him to the capital to settle the matter the idea of jointly managing the mountain range seemed peaceful but Ain suspected count canel had ulterior motives as he pondered he heard a scream from Cecil's room rushing to check he found three Intruders k kidnapping Cecil Ain drew his sword and fought valiantly but couldn't defeat even one of them they used toxic smoke knocking Arin unconscious when he awoke he found himself in Cecil bound a Summoner can still fight as long as they're alive so Ain summoned horu to observe from above the gang's leader appeared angry at his men for bringing Ain and ordered them to kill Ain immediately the leader was far more dangerous than the others a hardened Warrior from the battlefield and the only guarantee of their safety against someone like zenoff Ain first needed to figure out where they were controlling horu he discovered they were on an Airborne ship with no way to escape he decided to gather more information circling the ship he looked for Daga the leader only to find many passengers who seemed unrelated to the kidnapping perhaps they could help just as Ain considered approaching them he heard a familiar laugh it was count canel and the Royal messenger their presence confirmed this was their scheme Ain EES dropped on the conversation in a corner and realized the letter wasn't from the emperor but was a forged version created by the deputy Minister of Justice to obtain this letter they had paid a hefty price offering a share of the mining profits from the white dragon Mountain to the deputy Minister count canel wasn't concerned about the cost since his family already had enough money his aim was to bring down lord bra 's family after delivering the letter to Lord brael they were certain he would petition the Royal Court if the Letter's forgery was exposed they would be ruined so they kidnapped Cecil to hold her hostage ensuring Lord brael wouldn't act rashly they had also sent a warning letter threatening to send Cecil's severed hand to her family if Lord brael continued his Pursuits and if he tried to cross borders to save her they were ready to accuse him of illegal entry they even had a plan to counter Knight Captain zenoff their plan was meticulously crafted leaving no room for Lord brael to retaliate with bravil in a tight spot Ain knew he had to act fast to save Cecil just then Cecil regained Consciousness she struggled against her restraints inadvertently kicking Ain although Ain was awake he pretended to be unconscious annoyed one of the kidnappers moved to silence Cecil unable to feain UNC Consciousness any longer Ain took action summoning AA to spread sleep inducing poison it worked on one but the stronger one killed a jha immediately Ain then freed himself summoning Bears to distract the stronger kidnapper while he dealt with the other by the time the kidnapper dispatched the Bears Ain had eliminated his accomplice now Only the Strong kidnapper remained Ain needed to act quickly before the gang leader returned the situation was precarious and every move counted Ain summoned Boron to block his path then summoned a buff to enhance cil's Dodge ability preparing in case he targeted her next worms and spiders simultaneously attacked him he couldn't believe that someone could control so many beasts at once overwhelmed he was left swollen faced by ain's punches just then the ship's PA system announced they were nearing the canel territory Ain needed to quickly escort Miss Cecil away however an unexpected twist occurred as Daga the leader returned Ain was caught off guard and thrown against a wall daga's speed was unmatched barin couldn't even see his movements knowing he couldn't fight him Ain shifted his priority to saving Miss Cil suddenly Kelk voice echoed through his Beast horu distracting Daga seizing the moment Ain used spider silk to restrict daga's movement leaving two Horus for defense the spaceship was about to land in canel's area if it touched down Ain would lose his chance he carried Cecil to a window estimating a 100 met drop without hesitation he buffed his defense attributes then jumped down with Cecil resulting in only a minor leg fracture which was easily healed with his recovery potion now his Focus was to get Miss Cecil home safely Ain carried Cecil at full speed summoning horu to guide them he was cautious leaving a scout bird to monitor the situation Daga informed canel of their survival Ain knew he had to move quickly as Cecil was vital to their plan if canel discovered she was alive he'd mobilize forces to capture her reaching the city Gates Ain used his status as a member of the braval House to pass through he let hor lead the way heading towards the mountains to avoid the giant dragon in the white dragon range Unsure how many days it would take to reach his clan Ain left the city and ventured deep into the mountains deciding to rest for a bit he offered Cecil some food from his Space Storage Cecil was amazed to see Arin communicating with beasts feeling surprised by him for the first time in their four-year acquaintance at that moment Ain realized that count canel had discovered their survival dagat immediately left the city heading straight for the forest where Ain and Cecil were resting with his tracking skill they couldn't stay there any longer Ain quickly urged Cecil to leave immediately Ain stopped summoning more beasts and instead focused all of them on increasing his own agility hoping to lose his pursuer he tested the enemy's tracking skills by running in a zigzag pattern and sure enough the pursuer followed ain's exact path suggesting he was a skilled Scout Adept at following enemy tracks to avoid leing leaving Footprints Ain moved through the trees Daga now confused struggled to locate Ain from his vantage point in the trees Ain could see the white dragon mountains in the distance still far away for now he decided to find a safe place for Miss Cecil to rest for the night Cecil fell asleep while Ain stayed awake to keep watch for Daga who showed no signs of resting and kept on their Trail the next morning Ain woke Cecil up when the tracker discovered their tree Footprints realizing his tracking skills Ain knew he had to employ a different strategy he ran in a wide Arc checking maximum Footprints and deliberately interrupting his own trail by the second day Arin finally reached the white dragon mountains checkpoint the soldiers recognized Miss Cecil and offered a carriage for their return but Ain declined knowing it couldn't match his speed plus poru had lost daga's Trail it seemed he had discovered it surveillance traveling with the soldiers would only endanger them so Ain continued summoning more hooks for broader surveillance by the third day they were still safe and within one more day Ain could safely return Cecil to her family just as Ain was about to rest he was startled to realize that the oneeyed matag casu which he had blinded 3 years ago was heading straight towards them last time Ain wasn't strong enough to fight it but now things were different it was time to settle a three-year-old score Cecil hid in a corner as Ain instructed ensuring the Beast wouldn't detect her Ain knew he had to defeat the creature before Daga caught up his strategy was straightforward he utilized his team of magical beasts summoning a troop of bears to encircle the madag casu with a single strike the creature killed two of ain's bears realizing he couldn't afford more losses Ain summoned Boron to protect the Bears as they engaged the Beast Ain aimed to Blind its remaining eye with an iron ball but the madasu now more cautious from their previous encounter dodged the attack the fierce battle unfolded leaving Cecil in awe of ain's fighting style Ain reminded himself calmly that he had defeated the orc King and even if the madasu was Stronger it was still only a rank B Beast he was confident he could defeat it after grappling with the Bears the madasu changed tactics leaping in front of Ain caught off guard Ain quickly summoned Boron for protection but it was only a momentary Shield the madasu seized Ain intending to savor killing him slowly Ain kept using healing herbs to sustain himself as the creature bit into his leg Ain swiftly drew a knife blinding it in its remaining eye the beast hled in pain and aimed to kill Ain immediately but Ain having withdrawn all his magical beasts to fortify his defense remained unharmed he had prepared hundreds of healing herbs since being pursued by Daga wondering who would perish first with a final strike Ain defeated the madasu Cil ran to him crying fearing he was dead Ain wanted to comfort her but there was no time as Daga had already arrived Ain pushed ceso behind him ready to confront Daga the Loyalists Defiance enraged Daga who kicked Ain in the stomach with Incredible speed dagot taunted Ain challenging him to summon his beasts but Ain was exhausted from the previous battle just as Daga was about to deal the final blow something unexpected happened Miss Cecil who had never been able to use magic despite her efforts suddenly Unleashed a magical power Cecil knowing Ain could no longer fight decided to act recalling her father's warning that magic was dangerous and to be used used only in emergencies now was the time she Unleashed a fireball at Daga hoping to take him down but he easily dodged and countered enraging Ain Ain had heard about Daga on the ship a deserter who left his comrades to die now doing dirty work to survive a true low life ain's plan was to provoke Daga draining his magical energy in this world there were three types of magic innate from birth gained through training and extra skills which are un lacked most in this world were ordinary and daga's talent lay in scouting his extra skill likely being tracking despite his strength he was just a one star while Ain a Summoner had yet to discover his own extra skill which he was sure would surpass dagas Ain took blow after blow using life herbs to heal himself waiting for Daga to tire then Ain revealed a secret from the moment Daga attacked Miss Cecil his death sentence was sealed only then did dagran notice the bird overhead leading zenoff the KN Captain straight to them it was too late Ain had released the bird at the white dragon mountains checkpoint to seek help from his clan now it was a fight between Daga and zenoff with Arin too battered to continue upon xeno's arrival Daga far from intimidated laughed maniacally relishing the thought of killing nobility he charged at zenoff with astonishing speed but his blade couldn't penetrate xeno's defense zenoff had deliberately allowed the attack showcasing the vast Gap in their strength Daga pale with fear tried to flee but it was too late with a single stroke zenov cleaved him in two the force devastating the surrounding forest with the ordeal over Ain carried Cecil back to their Clan the 4-day Chase had ended well the spoils were substant I a grade be Magic Stone from the madasu and daga's sword though battered Ain was satisfied with the outcome ain's reward for his efforts was a luxurious bath his first since arriving in this world a true Testament to Noble life relaxing in the bath he reflected on the lessons learned from his recent Mission first he realized the need to develop a resistance to poisons used by his enemies next he planned to prepare more life herbs in case of surprise attacks when Knight Captain zenov killed Daga Ain expected to gain experience but he didn't suggesting that killing does not always yield experience after his bath Ain reported the events to the Lord the Lord understood that it was Castle who targeted his family coupled with the forgery of Royal documents a grave crime the Lord unable to tolerate this wanted to immediately appeal to the Royal Council Ain stopped him explaining that direct confrontation was not advisable since the Royal Envoy was involved and any misstep could be blamed on count canel Ain then proposed an idea to relinquish his Mining rights to the mtil mines transferring them to the Lord giving him leverage in negotiations the Lord recognizing ain's intent to use the M's wealth to influence the Royal Council hesitated due to his integrity and reluctance to engage in Corrupt Practices but Arin convict him citing his own family struggles arguing that sometimes one must get their hands dirty to protect loved ones this struck Accord with the Lord who had been leading his family since he was 16 aiming to be a noble leader but realizing the necessity of playing the game for the greater good he thanked Ain promising to make good use of the Mining rights Ain then brought up the topic of noble duties wanting to learn more Cecil joined in eager to follow with the Lord needing to to go to the capital he decided to leave Cecil's teacher to explain everything to them several days after the baron went to the capital cil's teacher arrived at their house to explain the situation the kingdom where Ain lived rashu was located in the central Shadow continent it was a time of Peace so there was no war between nations but the Nobles had a different duty to prevent the expansion of the Demon King's Army across continents 62 years ago the Demon King appeared and his powerful Army began invading continents to stop him an alliance of five continents was formed requiring each country to share resources and manpower to fight against them yet this was still not enough to stop the expansion until the hope of humanity a young hero named helos emerged he graduated from the academy at 15 and was now 22 always on the battlefield Ain and Cecil were unaware of this part of history which led to the explanation of noble duties according to the alliance's agreement this Duty applied to everyone including royalty and nobility they were assigned to the front lines and if stationed near the hero their survival was maximized but in other locations their mortality rate was extremely high as exemplified by Young Lord Mii to Ain it all sounded eerily similar to a gamees plot with a hero and a demon king battling and now aurin a player with summoning talents choosing the hardest difficulty level wondered how he could get involved in this war in November the baron returned after a month's delay in the capital the issue with canel was resolved he could no longer harm The Baron's family the baron called Ain to thank him offering 200 silver coins for defeating the madasu and another 200 for saving Cecil a third bag of coins peaked ain's curiosity the baron explained that during his time in the capital he discussed Cecil's Noble duties with the Royal Council despite his wishes to keep Cecil off the battlefield her talents as a sorceress meant they couldn't avoid the alliance's rules therefore he had a request for Ain over the past four years the baron had observed ain's talents and trusted his strength the 200 silver coins in the third bag were for a mission to protect Cecil both at the Academy and on the battlefield Arin hesitated to accept the 600 silver coins knowing the baron was Noble but not wealthy with meals at home even more modest than those of children in Karina Village the idea of entrusting a daughter to a 12-year-old boy was quite an interesting proposition Ain no longer concealed his abilities and openly told the baron that he was a Summoner he had hidden this since the church misjudged his power but now saw no reason to keep it from them he accepted the mission to protect Miss Cecil but proposed a change in the reward instead of accepting the two bags of money he asked the baron to exempt his family and the Karina family from taxes after finalizing the deal Ain respectfully returned the family crest to the baron requesting to end his service to focus on protecting Cil the baron anticipating this was prepared he presented Ain with a dagger a gift from the family in recognition of ain's contributions which had elevated the baron status from Baron to count the dagger symbolized ain's four years of effort and the count assured him that as long as he had it the Grabel family would always support him the count and the butler expressed their gratitude for ain's efforts over the years in January after finishing his duties at the Count's house Ain visited his family in Karina Village he met his younger sibling meura born during his absence who initially avoided him making Ain feel the pain of not being recognized by his own family he informed them of his resignation from the Count's house and his plans to attend the academy in the capital with Miss Cecil though the family reunion was brief it was joyful for Ain returning to the Count's house Ain completed his final days as a servant Cecil was upset about ain's decision made without consulting her but eventually forgave him dogora and Karina also arrived reuniting after 4 years and preparing for their Journey to the academy with only 3 days until the start of the term they were well prepared do Gora boasted of his ability to take down a giant wild boar alone while Karina avoided discussing theoretical exams dog Gore aside having realized during sparring that Ain was hiding his true talents as it was unbelievable that the legendary swordsman Karina would lose in a sword fight otherwise after their reunion Ain introduced dogora and Karina to Thomas and Cecil Karina Ina immediately approached and shook hands with Cecil making Ain laugh at her Carefree attitude regardless of Cecil's Noble status the count then appeared and Karina didn't hesitate to greet him as well shocking Cecil and leaving Ain at a loss Karina's casual Behavior needed some refining for the next 3 days they would stay there with Karina excitedly exploring the house and jumping on a large bed for the first time which made Cecil quite perplexed re affirming to Ain that this was indeed the legendary swordsman Karina from his village after dinner they gathered for a conversation Karina was enthusiastic about life at the Academy especially interested in the dungeons while dogora looked forward to graduation and fulfilling his dream of becoming a knight Ain hadn't yet told them about their Noble duties deciding to wait for a more appropriate time given its dangerous nature after graduation with her swordsmanship talents Karina would be appointed as a baroness and would have to fulfill her Noble duties along with Cecil as for dogora his performance at the Academy would determine his path 3 Days Later Thomas took Ain aside before their departure asking him to ensure Cecil could really fight Thomas knew about the noble duties and like his elder brother Mii deeply cared for his sister Thomas was reassured by ain's promise that he and Cecil would surely defeat the demon king with that the four of them began their life at the Royal Academy in the northern part of the central Shadow continent in the gamat Empire the hero helos was present the soldiers were puzzled by the spirit King's prophecy which spoke of another Hope For Humanity despite helos being their current hope even helos himself found it baffling and decided to investigate meanwhile ain's group arrived at the capital with Aron marveling at the city's advancement compared to the countryside they they boarded a train to the academy where about 20,000 students were enrolled this year Ain knew he had only 3 years to prepare before heading to the battlefield and had to pass the entrance exams first before the exams began the group needed to reassess their abilities this test was similar to the assessment they had when they were 5 years old dog Gora went first followed by an eager Karina curious about how much she had improved over the years strangely there stats hadn't changed much since they were five finally it was ain's turn he had a bad feeling about this the orb emitted a strong light surprising everyone but still Arin stats were only ranked e he couldn't pass the test Ain forced a smile and encouraged Cecil assuring her that he would still serve as her guardian even if he couldn't attend the academy just then two people appeared the secretary addressed one as the principal known as long year Ain was curious about the other person helmos noticing ain's information was intrigued by his Summoner skills a talent he had never seen before the principal also found it odd suspecting a problem with the testing device helmos decided to assess Ain directly which nearly drove Ain mad with frustration as helos read out all of ain's information without permission after a thorough check helos sarcastically encouraged Ain s gesting the device might indeed be faulty since Ain stats were not bad at all helmos expressed a desire to see the abilities of a Summoner Ain quickly covered Cecil's mouth requesting helmos to at least introduce himself first helos then laughingly revealed his identity as a hero and openly admitted to reading ain's information to everyone now Ain asked helmos to disclose his own stats helmos agreed revealing that most of his stats were at Max maximum levels then it was ain's turn he summoned a small rat the weakest of his beasts a fact helmos had missed in his assessment with permission Ain led the group away to the academic test it felt like a University exam but Aron had prepared thoroughly and he and his friends easily passed the test officially becoming students instead of staying in a dormatory Ain decided to rent a house for the group finding it more convenient for everyone to live together together afterwards Ain led the group to the adventurers Guild to register while waiting Ain negotiated a deal with the guild to buy a large quantity of magic stones with only 3 years at the Academy he foresaw the need for many Magic stones for the upcoming battles after finalizing the deal they went to explore the dungeons Ain invited everyone to form a team which he named High gamer symbolizing their Collective aspiration to reach the Pinnacle in his previous life Ain couldn't pursue his dream of becoming a professional gamer due to work commitments but now with Talent stronger than a Heroes he aimed to become the strongest in this world after finishing at the adventurers Guild Ain took everyone to rent a house choosing one close to the guild for easy access to the dungeons that evening during dinner Arin informed the group about their Noble duties in 3 years he and Cecil would have to join the battle against the demon kingk Army Karina and dogora immediately decided to join them Ain status board updated indicating that two more people had joined the team and could now see all his information next they discussed how to defeat the demon king with only 3 years to train they faced a daunting task to surpass his limits Ain needed to find a ring known as the Mana recovery ring April arrived and it was their first day at the Academy with 100 classes of 30 students each 3,000 students had enrolled that year Karina Drew much attention as a legendary swordsman their class teacher laid down The rules emphasizing that regardless of their backgrounds whether peasant commoner or Noble everyone was equal at the Academy the school schedule was 6 days a week with four periods per day general knowledge in the morning and talent classes in the afternoon as ain's summoning Talent was unique he was Exempted from afternoon classes on their first day off after starting school Ain gathered the group to explore the Dungeon eager to begin Ain and Karina couldn't wait any longer thanks to the substantial funds Ain brought he was able to equip everyone with the best gear they embarked on a level sea dungeon entering a separate Dimension that prevented different exploring teams from encountering each other an ideal setup for Ain to keep his summoning abilities hidden Ain released several hooks to Scout and Ma the dungeon choosing the shortest route to the boss room he checked the team stats now easily accessible since Karina and dogora had joined his team when they encountered two smile monsters Ain let Cecil take them down herself marking her first Monster defeat Karina and dogora quickly dispatched another pair of attacking monsters as the team Advanced by the end of the day they had cleared the first floor of the dungeon this exploration was highly efficient as they could resume from where they left off in their next session clearing one floor Ain gathered about 200 magic Stones his information sharing skill allowed him to leave summoned beasts in the dungeon enabling him to hunt and attend classes simultaneously by the fifth day they had reached the sixth floor and faced the level seat dungeon boss this was an opportunity for the team to witness ain's summoning abilities in full action they encouraged Ain to defeat the boss himself he agreed summoning a pack of bears and swiftly defeating the boss in one turn after collecting the treasure they returned to sell their loot for gold which wasn't a lot but enough to cover living expenses Ain marveled at the convenience of the dungeon spatial teleportation feature curious about who could have created such a system on the last school day in May just before the 3-month summer break their teacher reminded them of a mandatory dungeon exploration test at the end of the holidays failing this test would result in expulsion students were allowed to form their own groups naturally everyone wanted to team up with Karina but Ain as a group leader quickly asserted his claim and invited a Healer to join his group it wasn't until lunchtime that a student named kill applied to join after some discussion kill agreed to join ain's group for a dungeon run scheduled for the coming weekend kill's first dungeon Expedition with ain's group was an exciting experience for him especially the thrill of leveling up 3 weeks later they finally reached the boss room Ain strategically positioned the team for the attack Karina and dogora strengthened by their continuous efforts could now solo fight against a level CA monster kill's task was to heal any injuries from the backlands his healing skill was highly effective instantly healing Dora's wounds upon incantation kill had learned this skill during his time at the church finding its use exhilarating Karina and dogora also wanted to use their own skills but they had to wait until their second year to start learning them kill's eyes lit up upon seeing a treasure chest in the boss's room containing a shield made of mtil material selling it could bring in 15 gold coins as previously agreed Ain evenly distributed the money in Magic Stones among the group earning kill's respect and making him Express a desire to officially join ain's team Ain then invited kill to live with the group but he politely declined citing his family responsibilities in June one night Ain suddenly woke up realizing something important he left a few Bears to guard the house while he went out to upgrade his Summoner level now capable of summoning level sea monsters he excitedly explored his new team members the most notable among the new summons was a soul type creature named who could communicate with Ain and move through walls next Ain tested the skills of the lower level summons when he summoned a locust and activated its skill it multiplied into a sworn this skill was exactly what Ain needed promising to be useful in various situations the next morning Ain returned and introduced Maria to the group from now on Maria would be responsible for guarding their home Ain was eager to test the new monster team over the the weekend after breakfast the group went to school where a special event was taking place to boost students morale featuring The appearances of Sword Saints dolberg and Sylvia as well as the hero helos upon meeting sword sa dolberg Karina excitedly asked for his advice on using skills motivated by her desire to become stronger dolberg took Karina aside for individual training instructing her to fight with all her might as he gradually guided her Kar attacked relentlessly but dolberg easily countered Her Moves he advised her to abandon the idea of using skills until her second year despite this Karina persisted and continued fighting dolberg into the evening eventually understanding how to use her skills but collapsing from exhaustion Ain was impressed by Karina's performance and helos took an interest in Ain curious about his dreams Ain remained reserved deciding to keep his skills and aspirations confidential until he fully trusted helos finally the day for Dungeon exploration arrived Ain summoned the bird Fran which could carry the team at high speeds through the dungeon Karina was eager to test her newly learned skill flying sword enhancing her attack range Maria accompanied Ain ready to collect magic stones that dropped thanks to Fran speed the team quickly reached the dungeon's final floor observing kill's despondent demeanor Ain realized kill only seemed happy when treasure was involved deciding to quickly finish the dungeon Ain planned a celebration for the new team member kill immediately declined feeling guilty about his large family of eight in the city struggling to find work to alleviate this Aon proposed that kill's family join them to take care of their house offering to pay them a fair salary Cecil chimed in suggesting that the earnings be divided into six parts with one part going to kill's family in return kill would give all the magic Stones they collected to Ain this Fair Arrangement LED kill to agree albeit hesitantly that evening kill brought his family to ain's house where Ain had prepared a lavish Feast to welcome them during the meal Cecil became curious about kill's background kill's sister inadvertently revealed that their family used to be nobility kill then confirmed that they were indeed formerly Noble but not anymore kill knew Cecil was a noble and assumed Ain was too but Ain denied it Cecil then shared everyone's background with kill including their Origins from a humble Village and mentioning the granal territory kill's demeanor changed drastically upon hearing this accusing the Graal family of ruining the canel family kill became agitated but to avoid further misunderstanding Cecil asked the servants and kill's sister nah to leave the room she then explained the wrongdoings of of count kennel towards her family justifying the graval family's actions kill calmed down a bit and shared his past with the group he revealed that he was the son of count canel but had been abandoned by his father and lived alone in a house outside the city upon learning of his family's downfall kill vowed to fulfill a 5-year Noble Duty longer than the standard 3 years to atone for his family's actions and eventually restore their honor kill's revelation of his dreams and burdens mov the group Ain declared that regardless of kill's family background they would support each other he emphasized that the noble Duty was perilous and kill wouldn't survive alone Ain promised not to let kill bear the burden by himself and kill touched by ain's words wept feeling accepted from that moment kill and his family became a part of ain's household the next morning the group set out for another dungeon raid this time targeting a level be dungeon aiming for a more challenging Adventure the decision of the five-person team to venture into a level be dungeon was seen as risky by the secretary who wanted to prevent ain's group from going however they couldn't be stopped since they had a certificate of completion for a level C dungeon the level be dungeon had a total of 12 floors and Ain set a goal to complete it within a month before entering he reminded everyone to take an antidote as a precaution once Arin scouting team returned turned they began their dungeon assault the group riding on Fran swiftly cleared up to the fourth floor kill's Eyes gleamed Upon discovering a treasure chest but seou stopped him suspecting it might be a disguised monster as expected by Cil a creature attacked them when Maria approached the chest the rank D monster was dangerous only when it could deceive its victims but with preparation it was easily defeated by Maria the group was impressed by Maria strength which depended on ain's intelligence inside the chest was a spear likely to sell for 50 gold coins which aren decided to keep until after the mission suddenly a goblin attacked them but dogora quickly neutralized it unexpectedly using a skill dogora felt exhilarated by being able to use his skill enhancing their chances of Conquering the dungeon smoothly by July the group had reached the final floor of the dungeon the boss of formidable level be monster demanded caution before engaging Ain reviewed the team's stats since he played at a hell difficulty level and the others were at normal they were almost catching up to his level the team launched a combined attack on the monster Ain summoned a pack of bears to hinder its movement allowing dogora and Karina to Target its weak points Karina took down the boss with a single strike successfully clearing the level be dungeon they collected a substantial amount of magic stones but Ain noted that the attack speed was slower than he expected after exchanging the dungeon loot Ain used the money to build a stable and buy a watch for keeping track of time during dungeon raids as August approached providing a two-month summer break Ain sent the messenger bird Pono back home to update his family on their progress with his communication skill he could keep in touch with them regardless of the distance during during his time at the Academy ain's home Village of Kina had developed significantly with his father being elected as Village chief after catching up with his family Ain sent Pono to inform the Lord about kill's story The Lord was surprised to learn about a noble with healing abilities and considered kill's presence beneficial for his daughter's safety in the Battlefield 3 years later however the news about count canel's treatment of kill angered him labeling canel as contemptible Arin suspected that the Royal Envoy had deceived kill into trying to rebuild his family from now on the envoy would be considered an enemy of ain's group by September with only one month of summer vacation left ain's group finally had the opportunity to challenge themselves with a level a dungeon the boss of this dungeon aank a monster was enormous and unlike anything Ain had ever seen requiring thorough preparation since learning he had been deceived by the Royal Envoy kill had been in Low Spirits but he still held on to his aspiration to revive his family a resolve worthy of being the elder brother of Miha Ain sent numerous scouting Birds ahead into the vast dungeon which was significantly larger than the level b1s despite the extensive search they had yet to locate the boss room fortunately the adventurers Guild allowed them to rest inside the dungeon and Ain summoned many monsters to guard them as they slept deeper into the dungeon they en encountered more rank B monsters including two orc Kings in a oneeyed monster Karina and dogora quickly dispatched the orc Kings but the oneeyed monster launched a powerful attack sending dog or a flying back although it didn't cause significant damage it was clearly stronger than the Orcs when Cecil stepped on a teleportation trap she and dogora were forcibly transported to another location Ain panicked and instructed Maria using her wall phasing skill to locate them 30 minutes later Ain found them cornered by two giant snakes with dog Ora injured while protecting Cecil Ain commanded everyone onto Fran's back and activated its Sprint skill reaching Cecil and dogor at just in time on the last day of September they prepared to conquer the final floor of the dungeon the boss's immense size standing at least 10 m tall was daunting successfully defeating it would yield substantial experience Ain deployed his new monster team for the battle taking the lead with the self-destructive Awakening skill of Cabo a monster whose explosion took down 10 or Kings now only the boss remained dogora and Karina attacked and when the boss finally moved its punch shook the entire room despite the surprise the team relentlessly attacked with Cecil and Ain providing support from a distance after a long battle they finally defeated the boss the reward was an axe perfectly suited for dogora indicating it was time for him to switch weapons at that moment they received a notification from the adventurers Guild congratulating them on completing the level a dungeon and awarding them a certificate once they collected five such certificates ain's group would be eligible to tackle level s dungeons in October as Ain turned 13 the group returned to school after the summer break the classmates greatly admired Ain having benefited from his advice on conquering level sea dungeons that afternoon Karina invited Ain for a practice duel but he immediately declined explaining that he couldn't convert his summoned beasts into stats while they remained in the dungeon and without them he stood little chance against Karina Karina was taken aside by the class teacher for specialized training while Ain chose a normal student for practice after 3 hours of intense sparring with the teacher Karina had proven herself capable of conquering a level a dungeon leaving Ain proud the teacher then called Ain and Karina to convey a message from the principal summoning them to his office on their way Ain discussed his future plans with the teacher aiming to conquer all four level a Dungeons in the city one of which was outside the capital his goal was to conquer a level s dungeon before graduating the teacher mentioned that he had only managed to conquer three level a Dungeons and could go no further whereas sword St dolberg was the first in their Kingdom to conquer a level s dungeon a record yet to be surpassed upon reaching the principal's office they found him surprisingly youngl looking despite being over a thousand years old the principal had summoned Ain and Karina to participate in the upcoming Martial Arts Tournament an event that had only been reinstated in the last 2 years 16 non-mage participants would compete to find the champion watched by distinguished guests from the kingdom to maintain the Academy's reputation the principal personally nominated Ain for a slot intending to test his summoning abilities Ain immediately declined unwilling to expose his skills publicly in October just a day before the Martial Arts Tournament count Grabel personally visited kill and Nina at their home he first apologized for the downfall of their family and then discussed the Revival of the canel house count Grabel had already spoken to the king who didn't promise much but set a challenge for kill if he could achieve significant accomplishments in his 5-year Noble Duty the canel house might be restored regarding the Royal Envoy count gravel initially thought he was acting alone but it turned out Prince imel vaugh the king's grandson and next in line for the throne was behind him without concrete evidence they couldn't act against the prince the King was aging and expected to pass away within 5 years giving kill only one chance to restore his family's honor the count hoped kill would give his best effort during the Martial Arts Tournament Karina easily defeated her opponents advancing to face sword St dolberg the match was one-sided despite Karina's efforts she couldn't overcome dolberg and was heavily injured after being healed she burst into tears not from pain but frustration at her weakness vowing to defeat dolberg next year meanwhile Prince inil vaugh met with with count Grabel demanding a private conversation and ensuring that General zenov was barred from entering Ain cleverly disguised himself as a servant to EOP on their conversation curious about the prince's intentions the prince praised the graval territory for producing talents like the sword Saint and for overthrowing the Cel house however he criticized the Count's actions as they had burden the Empire which was seeking more talented individuals for the battlefield the prince then abruptly demanded that count gravel send his daughter and the sword Saint to war surprising the count before graviel could respond Ain intervened suggesting it was a Noble's duty to send their best to the battlefield saving count gravil from making a potentially dangerous retort that could put Cecil in an even more precarious position 3 months passed and Ain group continued to successfully raid level a Dungeons Gathering many valuable items by January they faced their toughest challenge yet a gigantic Dragon the strongest boss they had encountered the dragon's overwhelming presence initially intimidated the group and Cecil questioned Ain on their strategy especially after the adventurers guild manager highlighted the dragon's strength Ain determined to defeat the dragon warned everyone about its powerful breath attack he summoned kbio and used its self-destructive skill against the dragon to everyone's surprise the dragon spoke revealing not just its strength but also High Intelligence Ain ignored its words and continued his assault which enraged the dragon prompting it to attack the group dogora and Karina quickly positioned themselves for a Counterattack Karina put all her strength into an attack but failed to harm the dragon which retaliated with its breath attack Ain lost three boros knights in the process and was barely able to avoid a dangerous situation the dragon's Relentless assault turned the situation dire and Ain struggled to summon boros in time to protect the group despite the challenging situation Ain encouraged his team confident that they could still defeat the dragon he asked everyone to stand behind him but Karina exhibiting unusual behavior ignored his instructions and charged at the dragon miraculously she penetrated the dragon's breath attack and its thick skin with her strike Ain immediately realized that Karina had manifested her extra skill this is the power that dogora and Ain witnessed when they were just 5 years old Ain hurriedly checked Karina's information when she used her extra skill all of Karina's stats increased by 300 moreover she had an ultra fast regeneration ability regaining 1% of her lost Health every second struck by a painful blow the enraged dragon counterattacked with a tail whip but Karina stood her ground undeterred and continued to fiercely attack this time Karina aimed directly at the dragon's belly as it was about to unleash its dragon breath skill a short circuit in the skill caused the dragon's mouth to explode along with its energy and Karina alone defeated the boss leaving everyone gaping in amazement she happily turned back to boast to her friends her extra skill was truly incredible Cecil was curious about how Karina could use such a skill but even Karina herself was unsure it seemed to activate spontaneously with the boss defeated a new Treasure Chest appeared a golden one containing the ring Aron had long been searching for a ring that he thought would rapidly restore his magical power but it turned out to be for physical stamina recovery Instead at that moment Cil reminded Ain that they had just defeated the dragon the white dragon of White Dragon Mountain was just an a rank beast and they might be skilled enough to defeat it now Ain immediately dismissed miss the idea feeling they were not yet ready to face the white dragon they were lucky this time with Karina Awakening her extra skill without it they would have been defeated by the boss let alone the white dragon moreover with the land of Kel now part of the royal domain after being conquered even if they defeated the white dragon the Nobles from the capital wouldn't seed the land back to kill therefore Ain thought it best to defeat it only after kill regained his title 3 months later the group conquered their third a rank dungeon Cecil continued to level up while Karina and dogora had reached their max levels doora was disheartened by this if they couldn't level up anymore how could they become stronger Ain disagreed stating they still had much to do like mastering their extra skills however the inability to level up further left Karina and dog or at disinterested in doing anything Ain drawing from his gaming experience speculated ated that there must be an item to break the level limit with only 2 years left before they had to go to battle he was determined to make them stronger April arrived and Ain and his group were now second-year students today their class welcomed three new students two from the elf tribe and one from the dwarf tribe since ain's group only had five members the teacher immediately added them to ain's group for Him to guide them and all three were already aware of their Noble duties like ain's group They too had a strong goal to become much stronger in the next two years since Sophie would be the next elf queen the principal personally reminded Ain to take good care of her during a meal the three newcomers were amazed at what ain's group had accomplished they had only managed to conquer b-level dungeons while ain's team had already defeated three a-level dungeons to better guide them Ain decided to return to the b-level dungeons but to maintain progress in the a level dungeons it was best to split the team into two for simultaneous exploration kill Karina and Cecil would explore the a-level dungeons while muru fmat and Sophie would tackle the b-level dungeons Ain and dogora would be in the middle exploring the b-level dungeons in the morning and switching to the a-level ones in the afternoon on that morning Ain and dog oric guided the new members Sophie and Fat's talents lean towards team support so muru and Ain had to lead the way to protect them maru's ability was incredibly powerful capable of controlling Golems but she couldn't bring her Golems from the kingdom otherwise muru alone could have faced the dragon the deeper they went into the dungeon the more impressed Sophia became with Ain he was stronger than she had imagined however her formal way of addressing him as Sir made him uncomfortable so he directly asked her why orang reminded made Sophia realize her reason was simple Ain was the boy mentioned in the prophecy of the spirit King rosin the spirit King usually deep in Slumber and not speaking to anyone had awakened 10 years ago and mentioned a boy with black hair who embodied the finest qualities of humanity it wasn't a dream but a prophecy the spirit King Rosen was certain that this dark-haired boy would bring hope to mankind Ain immediately realized that on the first day he met the hero helos and the principal they were also quite surprised to see him probably because they had heard about this prophecy in mid April at the Grabel Duke's domain Ain sent a group of magical beasts back to Karina's Village to help his father with Land Development he even spent a lot of money on expensive tools made from mithil for them Ain left Maria behind to control the magical beasts and help the villagers by the end of July Ain and Sophia's group had reached the boss room of the B- Lev dungeon they were about to attack when Sophie advised them to step back it was her turn to Showcase her extra skill summoning a powerful great spirit with just one strike she defeated the boss muru and farmal could also use extra skills which made Ain and dogora a bit sad as their group still didn't understand what extra skills were the next day which was the start of the summer holidays Ain was called to the principal's office again and this time hero helos was also present whenever helos met Ain he would try to get close and act friendly while Ain could only offer an awkward smile like last year the principal nominated Karina and Ain to participate in the Martial Arts Tournament Ain immediately declined he didn't want to expose his abilities to the world he could refuse last year but this year it seemed Ain had to participate the principal was quite sure that Ain had heard the prophecy from Princess Sophia that he was the most likely candidate to defeat the demon king therefore everyone wanted to see more of his Summoner skills however Ain still refused feeling that he wasn't strong enough yet if he exposed his abilities he might become a target for assassination by the Demon King's followers at that moment hero helos intentionally dropped a magic recovery reain the item that Aon was still searching for in the Dungeons and he knew it as a predecessor hel o advised Ain not to try too hard as this item couldn't be found in any dungeon not even in s-level dungeons helos offered Ain a very favorable deal the champion of the upcoming Martial Arts Tournament would have a duel with him and if Ain won he would give him the magic recovery ring Ain immediately agreed realizing the Ring's powerful potential and he was determined to obtain it after meeting with the hero Ain returned home to inform his friends who were all wor worried about his chances of winning against the hero however Sophia saw this as an opportunity to witness ain's true capabilities currently Ain had no way to defeat the hero but the Martial Arts Tournament was still 2 months away giving him time to prepare he decided to train alone to defeat the hero meeting new summoned beasts and a large quantity of magic Stones The Magic Stones available in the city alone were not enough so Ain planned to travel around the continent to buy them all he would leave a group of magical beasts to continue conquering a-level dungeons with his friends so there was no need to worry over the next 2 months Ain tirelessly visited various guilds across the continent to purchase magic Stones due to the large quantity Ain was buying other guilds intentionally raised their prices despite the high cost Ain being wealthy had no choice but to buy them by the end of summer his Summoner skills had reached level seven enabling him to summon belev magical beasts in October as the summer holidays ended Arin turned 14 in their second year students were taught a new subject called Demon King history a topic not known to ordinary citizens everyone knew they would soon be heading to the battlefield Ain class had three Nobles and a sword St karinaa who were certain to fulfill their Noble duties on the battlefield the time spent at school was us to discuss and form groups to increase their chances of survival after class the teacher announced the Martial Arts Tournament with Karina and Ain participating a few days later the tournament began Ain was strong enough to defeat even the third-year seniors surprising everyone however this was not enough to face the hero dogora was sure Ain was still holding back for his match with the hero both Karina and Ain easily defeated their opponents in inevitably leading to a Faceoff between them only one could fight the hero and everyone wanted that chance Ain used all his magical beasts to boost his stats for the duel with Karina he wanted to win through sword fighting as the match began Karina fiercely attacked Ain who was struggling just to block her blows she teased him to summon his beasts or she wouldn't hold back Karina used her extra skill striking Ain across the chest thinking she had hurt him Karina retracted her sword and ran to check on him but it was all part of ain's plan and Karina had fallen into his trap after the match Karina was frustrated with the outcome Ain quickly consoled her saying it was good she lost because now she could face the sword St dolberg whom she had lost to the previous year this would be her chance for Revenge as for Ain he had his own duty to fulfill hero helos sat high above watching them Ain knew helos was strong but he wondered how long the hero could maintain his confidence the next match was between Karina and the sword St dolberg everyone was skeptical about Karina's chances of winning remembering ain's advice that her opponent was just a student and thus dolberg would likely not use his extra skill Karina seized the opportunity for victory the battle started with Karina aggressively attacking dolberg Arin noticed that dolberg spe was still slightly Superior to Karina's as the fight progressed dolberg started to counter Karina's moves she had to retreat and use a healing herb before continuing after a series of continuous attacks dolberg finally counterattacked sending Karina flying however this triggered Karina's extra skill allowing her to launch a fierce Counterattack on dolberg she successfully knocked dolberg down once causing the spectators to question if a student really could defeat the kingdom sword Saint dolberg unable to accept this started to change his stance his stats Rising alarmingly which surprised Ain Karina wouldn't be able to withstand it as she charged at him dolberg Unleashed a powerful strike at that moment hero helos intervened stopping dolberg helos pointed out that dolberg had used a skill against himself just to fight a child leaving no room for denial acknowledging defeat Dober having damaged Karina's sword gifted her his own blade and left with the hero Karina was dumbfounded still not comprehending what had happened she had really defeated sword St dolberg or had she it wasn't a true victory dolberg was restricted from using his extra skill without that limitation Karina would have stood no chance disheartened Karina returned to The Spectator seats the next match was between Ain and the hero in this world heroes are special beings sent by the gods to save Humanity from the powerful Demon King's Army but that didn't matter anymore to aurin who was slightly irritated by the hero's confident smile he swore to wipe that smile off immediately the match began and hero helos eagerly awaited to see how much ain's training had improved helmos charged at a tremendous speed catching Ain off guard but he managed to block it the strike shook Ain to his for a mere regular attack and yet so powerful if helos used a skill it would be overwhelming helmos continued his Onslaught forcing Ain to defend desperately but Ain gradually caught onto helo's Rhythm ready to Counterattack he opened his summoning book and called forth his new Beast a towering Dragon appearing on the battlefield and shocking everyone only the audience was surprised by ain's summoning of the Dragon but not helos his attitude suggested that this match would still be a tough one for Ain helos hadn't used his skill yet so Ain charged to attack aiming to force him to use it which would give Ain a chance to win Ain struck helos and immediately commanded the dragon Dora to breathe fire at him helos quickly flew up to avoid the attack not just a jump but actual flight and he also used a healing skill to treat himself truly the hero had many skills from from above helos taunted Ain stating that even with a magical dragon he couldn't touch him Ain however just smirked ready to prove him wrong he summoned a group of cabau to surround helmos followed by cabal's self-destruct skill this surprise attack somewhat injured the hero as Ain said he wouldn't give helmos a chance to Counterattack he summoned more cabau as soon as the smoke cleared causing another explosion this new skill of rapid summoning was ain's Advantage gained after reaching level seven as a Summoner previously it took him 10 seconds to summon a beast but now he could summon all the beasts in his directory at once a strategic advantage in battle summoning beasts while the enemy was still unaware albeit at a higher magic stone cost this tactic however was not going to be enough Helo stopped flying and descended to attack Ain directly Ain had his response ready summoning a three-headed hellhound to Counterattack surprising helos fighting Ain felt like battling a Demon Lord helos thought he decapitated the hellhound only to realize it had no blood Ain seized this moment of distraction commanding Dora to breathe fire at helos helos retaliated with a slash at ain's flank sending him flying during that moment ain's timing was perfect he summoned another hellhound from behind to Ambush helmet forcing both to use their healing skills helos felt enough Play Time had passed continually holding back against Ain would never end the match he warned Ain to surrender as he was about to seriously use his attack skill this was what Ain had been waiting for he gathered Dora and the hellhound close preparing to defend against helo's assault helos charged easily defeating the hellhound and three-headed dragon Dora and approached Ain timing his counter perfectly as helos got close Ain summoned another Beast named mea equipped with a massive Shield that blocked the hero's attack Ain didn't stop there he activated Myra's skill reflecting all of helo's damage back at him to defeat the hero Ain used helo's Own Strength against him This brilliant strategy made helo's laugh acknowledging that the prophecy of the spirit King was true ain's arrival indeed brought hope to humanity after years of fighting helmos had grown weary he had been in countless battles without even knowing what the Demon King looked like as a hero he couldn't show despair to his comrades but he wondered how long this would continue especially when he couldn't protect his team from the demon Army let alone The Demon King it was then that the spirit King gave him a magic recovery ring telling him that with it helos would meet the one who would bring hope to humanity now helos had affirmed that person was Ain despite taking a full hit from helos Ain was unfazed which annoyed him helos should have been lying there surrendering the ring continuing the fight was costly in Magic stones for Ain Helo smiled at Ain warning him of the final attack his killing intent changed the atmosphere in the arena terrifying everyone he was about to unleash his extra skill Ain quickly summoned all his tenu with their self-destruct skill to to bolster his defenses hoping they could withstand helo's destructive strike helo's sword Shone brightly as he delivered a terrifying blow piercing through ain's defenses forcing Ain to brace himself fully despite his efforts Ain was sent flying out of the Arena Furious Ain thought helos was trying to kill him now magic Stones didn't matter anymore he switched to a war of attrition determined to get the magic recovery ring at all costs Ain used the skill of the Beast makoko which restored all his magic and physical strength within a 5 m radius his arm instantly regenerated ain's resilience after such a blow puzzled helos with such a vast difference in power how could Ain ever win but Ain remembered his father's teaching the harder the challenge the greater the effort needed to achieve one's goal this statement made Helo stop smiling finally understanding the weight of his own burden Ain firmly told the hero that the greater the despair the more effort is needed light is always at the end of the tunnel and effort is necessary to overcome despair if the Demon King represents the beginning of evil then Ain declared himself the beginning of Summoners this bold declaration before everyone surprised even helos who approached and handed AR in the magic recovery ring the fight was just a pretext to test ain's abilities as the spirit King had entrusted helos to give the ring to the worthy one having achieved his goal Ain immediately surrendered no longer needing to waste magic Stones one week after the Martial Arts Tournament concluded a party was organized to reward the students efforts the Crown Prince aware of ain's strength was now scared to approach him knowing the prince was targeting the braal family Ain brandished the sword gifted by dolberg as a symbol of his loyalty to their house and directly threatened to crush any anyone daring to Target the Duke's family after the tournament helo's returned to the capital helmet ain's emergence had turned a new page in helo's life lifting his spirits from his previous Gloom by December in the deepest level of the A- rank dungeon ain's group finally defeated the boss without relying on Karina's extra skill muru had reached level 58 just two levels shy of her maximum the group had achieved their goal of conquering five A- rank dungeons now qualified to enter an s-rank dungeon their guide appeared to congratulate them and lead them to the designated location for the s-rank dungeon located at the Yan Pani Shrine in the Kingdom of valkis Cecil immediately recognized it as maru's Homeland she had heard of the Yan Pani Shrine dedicated to dig granny a creation God in the dwarf Faith but had never visited it the shrine's distant location dampened the group's Spirits Ain began to strategize another move next year as third-year students they might be able to transfer to another school like muru the guide informed Aron of the many rewards awaiting them in the s-rank dungeon after defeating the main boss a hidden boss would emerge likely dropping valuable loot Ain was eager to test it out a few days later the king of their country passed away and the people wore morning clothes for several days a month later Prince inul Von ascended the throne Ain remained vigilant for any trouble especially now that his identity as a Summoner had been revealed but nothing significant had occurred in the two months since obtaining the magic recovery ring with the ring in hand Ain could now intensify his training one day the principal summoned ain's team they thought they might be allowed to transfer to valkis but instead they received orders from the new king to deploy to the zenam battlefield where 10 million demon troops were advancing into the central continent traditionally the demon Army being the weakest in the central continent did not attack zenim and valkis due to their strong armies however with the hero's emergence zenim had become the weakest link in the alliance just a month ago 3 million demon troops had attacked and crushed the previously impregnable demon Fortress currently 70% of zenim is under the control of the demon Army the principal was unable to contact anyone there indicating that zosen was in grave danger With Disaster looming clothes Ain quickly reviewed the map and noted that 6 million demon troops were attacking zenim the principal mentioned an army of 10 million meaning 4 million were reserved troops waiting to be deployed however their exact location was unknown as zenim is adjacent to the central continent where the hero had appeared Ain decided to First rescue zenim predicting the demon Army attack sequence would be zenim then the central continent and finally VES Ain also deduced The Demon King strategy in this offensive forcing the elf reinforcements in the central continent to return home for defense breaking the Continental Alliance and creating internal fractures however ain's Group of Seven couldn't save zenim in this situation they had to allow the Elf Army in the central continent to return violating the alliance AR came up with an idea he would send 600,000 healing herbs to support them compensating for the returning elf troops thus began ain's group's first battle against the demon Army classmates receiv received news of ain's group transferring schools Ain was well-liked so his departure saddened everyone but it was a necessary Duty in dream of Ain the next morning the team would depart for zenim before leaving kill went home to Bid Farewell to his sister and servants Cecil left a letter similar to how Mii did in case of her demise on the battlefield the following morning they set out Ain had Maria lead a dragon Army ahead to scout the Airship was prepared and on board Sophia reminded everyone about some rules zenim was elf territory and they disliked Outsiders to avoid trouble everyone had to disguise themselves and choose the peaceful city of Nest as their landing spot for days later they reached Nest Untouched by the attack but overflowing with refugees seeing the injured Ain decided to use the healing herbs to help the group split into two Arin accompanied Princess Sophia to meet the elders while the rest helped the refugees Sophia quickly returned reporting the elders grave concerns the queen Sophia's mother was in the city of tiamo near the last defense line while safe now the demon Army would reach tiamo by tomorrow and then head to Nest Ain spoke up saying they still had a day to turn the situation around only then did the room acknowledge ain's presence indeed the boy with black hair was the one mentioned in the spirit King's prophecy when Ain saw a wounded soldier he immediately used a healing fruit to regenerate The Soldier's broken arm and asked how many people in the city were like him Ain instructed the soldier to gather everyone in the city as he would use 1,000 healing fruits to help them Ain planned to leave a supply of healing fruits for them to self-administer while he and Sophia headed to help the elf queen in tiamo Ain left behind some items for communication summoning Maria and the bird popo to stay popo would handle ain's messages and Maria would guide the citizens as soon as they stepped outside many people recognized Princess Sophia and expressed their despair having seemingly lost all will to fight at this crucial moment Sophia as their leader needed to be strong and she was she declared to her people that she had returned to save their country from the demon Army and then she and ain's group set off for TI the distance from Nest to tiamo was 1,000 km and if they flew continuously through the night they would arrive in time 2 hours later they reached TI which was already besieged on all sides by the demon Army likely preparing to attack at dawn they had to act fast Sophia quickly LED Ain and the group to meet the elf queen everyone was surprised by ain's arrival the boy in the spirit kingk prophecy but what could a boy like him do most had already resigned to evacuation however Ain rejected this idea providing healing fruits for the entire Army and planning a night attack on the 300,000 strong demon Army besieging them Ain aimed for the largest contingent meticulously preparing before launching the battle Ain and Cecil would initiate the battle from above the others would follow upon ain's signal it had been a month since the demon Army attacked zenim estimated to have killed about 3 million elves likely consuming them to replenish their energy on the battlefield Ain was determined to avenge these atrocities on ain's command Cecil summoned a meteorite and dropped it on the demon camp elim ating 10,000 enemies in one strike Karina and dogora leading a dragon Army followed up with their attack in the confined dungeon spaces Cecil couldn't unleash her full power but now she could Ain noticed some demons using healing skills and prioritized targeting them Cil strike and the dragon attack plunged the demon Army into chaos utilizing the cover of night Ain aimed to maximize their casualties at this moment Arin noticed 30,000 demon troops advancing towards their location as reinforcements he ordered everyone to cease their attacks in this Direction only as the demon troops in other areas were still asleep Ain then LED his team to Ambush the reinforcements from the south in just one night ain's group managed to eliminate 40,000 demon troops a feat that even astonished the elf queen their city tiamo was now temporarily safe however as Ain was about to eat he heard more distressing news not just tiamo but three other cities were resisting demon forces with a total of 1.2 million demons invading zenim each city was under siege by 300,000 demons to leave them be was not an option Ain had to assist the other three cities fortunately they were still holding out waiting for reinforcements Arin effectively allocated resources to each City despite feeling exhausted he couldn't rest yet the situation was only temporarily stable with 260,000 demons still surrounding tiamo they might only remain quiet for a few more days Ain then requested to meet the spirit King a seemingly difficult request however to his fortune he received approval the Flying Squirrel on the Queen's shoulder awoke revealing itself to be the spirit King a revelation that shocked everyone AR sought a reward for their efforts in Saving zenim his friends had reached their maximum level so he asked the spirit King to help them transition to a Hell mode to remove their level cap the spirit King took some time to consult with the gods but the final answer was negative they couldn't switch modes for ain's group unperturbed Ain asked if the spirit King could help them advance to a higher job class after some discussion the spirit King agreed but only allowing an additional star for each job change the next morning as soon as Ain woke up everyone crowded around him curious about the job transition Ain took this opportunity to reveal his identity explaining that he wasn't from their world the conversation with the spirit King had opened a new opportunity for the group whenever they reached the maximum level of a job they could now advance to a higher job class eliminating the max level constraint today was also the day they would battle the demon Army Ain reviewed his summoning list deeming it too small to fight the demons thus he summoned the alipo ants and activated their egg laying skill replicating many more ants now a formidable ant Army was ready to face the demon troops kill used his skills to buff the ant army with protective magic making them incredibly strong now they were so powerful that only a hero's extra skill could defeat them AR commanded the ant Army to begin their assault Karina joined the fry immediately activating her extra skill and diving into the midst of the Demonic beasts the others also pressed the attack the soldiers on the city walls were astonished by what ain's group was accomplishing not wanting to be outdone their morale soared as they joined the battle this was exactly what Ain needed with no level s demonic beasts present Victory seemed Within Reach alapon was was indeed the trump card in this battle its reproductive ability producing a formidable an army of 300,000 in just 30 days seeing this Ain decided to continue leveraging alapon breeding capabilities the Demonic forces at the southern gate were decimated by ain's Onslaught forcing them to retreat to the northern gate in just one day the spirit tribe had achieved a sweeping Victory on all fronts albeit with significant casualties cries of grief filled the the city kill and Ain surveyed the aftermath and kill knelt beside a father cradling his deceased daughter using his extra skill kill resurrected the girl as long as the victim hadn't been dead for too long kill could bring them back though he could only use this skill once a day that evening the queen was amazed by the day's achievements the spirit tribe had slain 100,000 demonic soldiers a counselor suggested that it was safe for the queen to return to the city of Nest but she declined pharmo who seldom spoke up interrupted a man about to protest introducing Ain to Gula the strongest man of the elf tribe and the sole Spirit Mage chosen to protect the queen it made sense to Ain why he hadn't seen Gula on the battlefield soldiers then reported to the queen that according to their pact with Ain they had collected magic stones from about 70,000 monster corpses totaling around 30,000 Stones these would would be enough to reactivate their magic ship bringing the wounded soldiers from Nest to Aid in the city's defense and Recovery with the battle turning in their favor Ain informed them of the news from his summoned beasts the Demonic forces had abandoned all other cities and were converging to the north Ain declared that he and his group would start by eliminating the smaller demonic groups and when the time was right they would join forces with the spirit tribe to reclaim the capital the next day Ain LED everyone in pursuit of the Demonic Army making great progress until the fourth day of the chase when he realized their true intent he quickly withdrew his forces and returned to TI to inform the Queen the Demonic Army wasn't fleeing they were regrouping with a million strong force heading their way in two days they would reach TI there was no time to run their only option was to fight Ain devised a plan he would delay the Demonic forces for 1 to 3 days while the others fortified TI 3 days later the million strong demonic Army reached tiamo and initiated battle just as Ain returned in those three days he had already slain 400,000 of them but at a great cost in Magic Stones his friends were too exhausted to fight so Ain relied on his tireless magical beasts he summoned all his Beasts for a fullscale attack despite their efforts the Demonic forces were still overwhelming Ain ordered everyone to use their extra skills to thin their numbers Gula and other elf commanders fiercely defended the city no matter how fiercely they fought the demons kept advancing Ain was running out of magic stones with only 9,000 left against 400,000 enemies he was using nearly 300 Stones per minute leaving him less than 30 minutes before depletion just as Ain and his companions Karina and dogora reached their limits some soldiers returned to TI with a large bag of magic Stones 3 days earlier Ain had led a force to kill about 400,000 demonic soldiers but had to return quickly to TI leaving no time to gather the stones so he collaborated with about 3,000 elf soldiers to collect them with the replenished supply of magic Stones Ain was ready to Counterattack he summoned all his Dora dragons and used their devastating skills consuming a massive amount of magic stones but causing significant damage Ain launched a widespread attack pushing back the Demonic forces Gula and the other soldiers were shocked by this display of human power after hours of effort ain's forces temporarily drove the Demonic Army from tiamo achieving a massive Victory after such a tiring battle soaking in a bath was indeed a luxury following the Battle the queen expressed her gratitude to ain's group however Ain wasn't in a mood to celebrate they had only repelled the enemy temporarily around 2 million more were stationed in zenam and a coordinated attack by them would be unstoppable so Ain immediately outlined a new plan first they needed a stronger Fortress Rula Castle located north of tiamo the Demonic forces had only recently seized it and likely hadn't reinforced it yet the elf Commander quickly understood ain's intention and ordered the preparation of troops estimating about 5 days to gather a sufficient Force meanwhile they plan to launch a Full Assault on rapula castle with Ain continuing to deplete the Demonic Army's numbers that night Ain summoned Maria and instructed her to scout rapula Castle surrounded by mountains and difficult to attack Maria infiltrated The Fortress disguising herself in the clothes and body of a demonic Beast the Demonic forces hadn't seen Maria before so she went unnoticed as she surveyed The Fortress teaming with demonic soldiers a fat pig demon summoned her ordering her to deliver tea to grasta The Fortress Commander grasta a name previously unknown seemed to be an important figure Maria entered his room to find three individuals clearly from the demon tribe a first Glimpse for Ain even the academy had no information on them grasta was Furious over his Army's defeat while the other two speculated about the reasons for their loss this was a fortunate eavesdropping opportunity for Ain it seemed that demonic forces were unaware of ain's group's involvement with the elves their intelligence seemed lacking grasta frustrated believed the powerful demonic Army could never lose to the elves he sent a request for reinforcements to the demon god preparing for a pincer attack strategy determined to annihilate them completely the next morning the tunneling into the Fortress was complete Ain returned leading a small team alongside Commander Gula 5,000 elf soldiers would accompany ain's team into the Fortress their mission was simple once inside they needed to open the gates for the remaining troops Gula found the plan risky but Ain was confident in its high success rate so the operation began Ain and catula led their respective halves of the soldiers on separate missions to eliminate a large number number of enemy forces Ain summoned the magical Beast Sophia and she quickly called forth her wind Spirits rendering the Demonic armies ranged attacks ineffective as the Clock Struck the appointed hour Commander rikudo stood outside the Fortress ordering his elf soldiers to use their extra skills to support the infiltration quickly gul's group opened the gates allowing the exterior forces to flood in and sweep through the Demonic soldiers without causing too much damage to the Fortress Ain and rikuto rapidly reorganized their troops to face the emerging enemy Ain stood ready to confront three powerful demons including grasta who had previously severed Commander ruto's arm disdainfully grasta underestimated rudo unaware of the elf Force's true strength breaking into the Fortress was a considerable feat but the demons were overconfident rikudo stepped back leaving ain's group to deal the final blow Gro was surprised by ain's presence questioning how humans had infiltrated their stronghold dismissing gr's psychological tactics Ain retorted sharply uninterested in conversing with fools grasta enraged faced a well organized opposition Karina was set to battle commander grasta dogora would fight the werewolf yulf and falo would take on the long-haired demon this was their first time fighting three demons simultaneously prepared with strategic planning Karina and dogora launched their attacks unleashing their full power however the demons were incredibly strong and easily repelled them Ain realized he needed to handle the dark-haired demon first they coordinated their attacks on the werewolf yulf surrounding him with three-headed dogs and Dora dragons but the demon M's healing skills kept yulf unscathed it was then that grasta commanded yulf to use his extra skill shocking ain's team with the Revelation that de could also wield such power Yul charged at an alarming speed but Ain was ready with a counter strategy using a reversal technique yulf was taken by surprise and repelled before he could recover the dragons and hellhounds Unleashed a devastating combo defeating him instantly only then did grter recognize ain's extraordinary abilities suspecting that Ain must be a liberator Ain was baffled by the term Liberator even the demon Mage doubted its validity they couldn't believe that a normal human like Ain could alter the course of a battle grasta changing his plan again ordered the Mage to quickly report back to the demon god while he stalled for time aurin sensing their strategy urged Karina to use her extra skill which she struggled to activate in the meantime Ain commanded his hellhounds to attack grasta but the demon was so powerful that he defeated the Hound with a single blow just then Karina Act activated her skill and engaged grasta in hand-to-hand combat while the Mage looked for an escape Ain couldn't allow this and directed his Dora Dragon to strike the Mage but his healing skill was robust and it took more than one hit to defeat him Sophia quickly asked PHL to shoot the Mage but FML hesitated and missed a critical shot allowing the Mage to escape meanwhile Karina was overpowered by grasta her extra skill nullified Ain rallied everyone for a combined attack and after several hours they finally defeated grasta grasta died smiling confident that the Mage had escaped and that the demon god would eventually avenge him killing graa earned Ain a staggering 32 million experience points finally unlocking his command skill the group then focused on eliminating the remaining demonic soldiers in the Fortress hours later the Elf Army successfully reclaimed rapula Castle Sophia felt guilty for letting the Mage Escape but it was all part of ain's plan Maria had successfully followed him and now they could see what the demon god was really like Ain promptly informed the queen that the plan had succeeded without any casualties their next Focus was the Demonic Army heading South toward zenim they had to leave a substantial Force to defend Rula castle and couldn't move them to intercept the southern Invaders so Ain devised another plan he and his team would defeat the approaching Southern demonic Army hours later the Mage returned to the elf Capital Ain was overwhelmed by the immense pressure emanating from the demon god who was Far stronger and more unusual than grasta as the Mage began his report the demon god pointed straight at Maria blaming gr's foolishness for not recognizing the Spy right beside him exposed Maria dropped her disguise and verbally confronted the demon god who uninterested sent her back immediately this encounter confirmed to Ain the demon God's immense strength a direct confrontation seemed hopeless fortunately the demon god was obsessed with the world tree and wouldn't leave its vicinity giving them a chance to defeat the southern demonic forces Ain wondered how effective his new command skill would be hoping it functioned like a rapid summoning skill to give him an advantage in the upcoming Battle Before the operation began AR needed to report back to the elf tribe he instructed them to stay and defend rapula Castle while he alone would confront the Demonic Army pouring in from the south Ain then questioned the queen about the demon god leel whose name strangely resembled those of the elf tribe considering lel's obsession with the world tree Ain speculated that he might be from the dark elf tribe and the current conflict could be his revenge against the elves the queen pondered but couldn't recall any dark named leisel the following day the campaign began ain's group stayed behind at rapula Castle where Dora's extra skill was key to their defense Ain reminded him to use it sparingly only in critical situations Ain then mounted a Griffin and headed to the southern front line in the meantime he had a brief window to converse with the hero he had sent Maria back to talk to him partly to deliver recovery fruits to the hero's Army with the elf Reserve troops returning to zenim the hero's forces at the front line had significantly diminished putting immense pressure on him the 1,000 recovery fruits from Ain would alleviate some of this burden after Sylvia delivered the fruits Maria brought up the demon god Ain was Keen to learn more about leisel especially any weaknesses should he have to face him the hero helos advised Ain recalling their fight during the Martial Arts Tournament he acknowledged Ain strength but doubted it was enough to confront the demon god helos having defeated two demon gods in the past credited his victory to his Divine extra skill admitting he stood no chance in a bare-handed fight against them 3 hours later at the zosen coast Ain stood ready overwhelmed by the sheer number of demonic soldiers approaching it was time to fight a million demons Ain distributed his magical Beasts for reconnaissance confident in his chances of Victory the battle commenced as Ain summoned Maria and activated the command skill on her this skill usable only on level B magical beasts evolved the recipient into a general class monster enhancing all their attributes Maria activated her General class skill creating an army of duplicates stronger than her original form this excited Ain as it allowed him to form a formidable Beast Army Maria's single attack could take down a level a monster without even using her Awakening skill now it was time to sweep through the million strong demonic Army
Channel: Nino
Views: 566,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manga recap, manhwa recap, manga, manhwa, recap, manga summary, manhwa summary, anime, nino recap, manga recaps
Id: jq8S21RDWso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 25sec (8665 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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