Best Dishes To Get Over A Hangover | MasterChef Canada| MasterChef World

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for me there's nothing like a full English the crisp salty fried bacon the blood sausage balanced by the sweetness of the seared tomato and baked beans perfectly sauteed mushrooms two sunny side up eggs and to sop it all up a toasted English muffin when it comes to breakfast I don't want sweet I don't want fried I want kanji white rice boiled for so long it breaks down into porridge I like mine with shredded chicken saute shrimp scallions Ginger a hundred Euro egg black vinegar and chili oil my favorite breakfast is a South American classic biscochos similar to a croissant but denser and filled with delicious Quince Jam all of them are starting with the kanji that's a smart move I have to get my kanji going my rice and my broth and everything in the pressure cooker it takes quite a while to convert rice into a porridge I definitely have to make sure my measurements for liquid to Rice are right pressure cooker it's like a surprise you throw everything in there close it up and you have no idea what it's going to be like when you open it that's good you know pecan cheese you've got soy sauce or saltiness for layer of flavor so you got xiaoxing wine and the aromatic consists of Ginger sarnies and pepper star anise is super potent I'm only throwing one in there because it is quite bitter I'm gonna just go ahead and add half of that and once you've added the seasoning you cannot take it away kanjis are like making a risotto you add your base flavoring and then you tweak after it's cooked you struggle with these now all of them are starting with the dough with English muffins an English muffindo needs to be soft supple with some elasticity to it baking is definitely my Achilles heel but I'm not ready to go home oh those look awesome Chrissy thank you the key to a good English muffin is to allow it to proof in the oven this will give it a fluffy lighter texture come on plastic wrap English muffins we typically buy those back in Regina the biscocho is a completely different dough it's more like a puff pastry light flaky and buttery I essentially have to do my folds and shape my biscaccio dough and get in the oven ASAP [Music] I thought you said you don't bake as you can tell by my physique I eat a lot of bacon the biscocho it's very technical and there's nowhere to hide my food dream is to open up a dessert bar I make pastries all the time but not in the confines of 65 minutes it says going yesterday now the key with a good English breakfast is really timing Cook the English muffin never made an English muffin before you cook it on the stovetop it's a tricky one fried bacon that is crispy eggs that's Sunny Side Up not overcooked not undercooked hang sauteed mushrooms blood sausage oh and if you have the heat too high that blood sausage under all that heat and pressure can simply explode Chrissy wow beautiful golden brown very light [Music] you've got a really nice ratio of dough to Quince Jam great balance of sour and sweet and butter it brings me back home Chef I'm impressed thank you hey Chrissy my first ever kanji I'm feeling the pressure on that one have you made any country in your time oh no [Music] first time you made it eh yes I don't believe you oh because you got the taste spot on oh my gosh thank you Chef you got the saltiness coming from the soy sauce acidity coming for the vinegar the shaoxing wine is going to give it a nice complexity and then the store needs hits just slightly not too much the only thing is the chili sauce maybe it's a little bit messy but this is the kanji that I can eat over and over again means the world to me Chef thank you I do love a good proper English breakfast English muffin great color on the outside and that light pillowy fluffy filling in the center very nice you have a good piece of the black sausage there I can't resist a little of that blood sausage with the English muffin that's a great way to start the day two eggs sunny-side up the pan I would say was a little too hot because you could see a little of the Browning at the edge of that egg white the pan doesn't have to be very hot the albumin the egg white takes very little heat for it to start to coagulate or firm up and this weight here is underdone so that's a shame thank you [Music] baby pizza today with a few other interesting toppings it's gonna be awesome Pizza really like to show them that you know I belong here what would you do I would do a mushroom pizza a little onion maybe a wonderful light but aromatic cheese how about you I would do a white pizza that would do a little bit of cream cheese I would do a little bit of smoked salmon some caramelized leeks you have 30 minutes left out David yeah Chef Tell me what uh what you've decided to put on top of your pizza mine's gonna be a vegetarian pizza I call it the fun guy just like me it's gonna be all uh all mushrooms and what is this that's uh made of duck sell chopped mushrooms onion little garlic all cooked down looks good thank you David best of luck Jennifer Chef how you doing I'm excited for this one it's time for me to redeem myself why do you feel you have to redeem yourself I keep getting pulled off because they think I'm the weakest link it's time for me to tell them guess what I'm not as weak as you think I am so what kind of pizza are you making teach some um pancettas for some saltiness and then fresh mint and basil so is that a dessert type Pizza instead of straddles between it straddles between he is to find that right balance right exactly you think you can pull that out I can pull that off and now we pray and it's very tricky to do this properly everything needs to work crust sauce toppings control of the heat lint made a cream sauce for his Seafood she's made a very nice crust Sabrina's Pizza does not look right way too much crust on the exterior I like what David's doing he's had a little cream to his to excel so it's made it very creamy and Rich the home Cooks have just seconds left to complete their Mystery Box Pizza challenge gonna be last minute my crust I can't take it out right now quasi right now is trying to cook an egg on top of his pizza using every second possible ten nine eight seven six three three two one hands up smells like pizza in here oh I feel the heat the egg's not quite where I want it to be it looks it looks perfect the shiitakes are nice and brown I'm happy after observing and sampling throughout the challenge the judges will now take one final look to select the top pizzas for tasting foreign you had 60 Minutes to create a Master Chef worthy Artisan Pizza there are three pizzas that we can't wait to take a closer look at the first home cooked we like to call up made a pizza that showed both finesse and craftsmanship they better try this pizza it looks awesome please come up David hi Dave I call it the fungi it's got a Portobello duck cell base it's a masataki mushrooms Chantelle mushrooms and gnocchi mushrooms and a white balsamic dressed arugula that crust is lovely and crunchy with a little chew to the center absolutely wonderful thank you Chef you've taken a single ingredient mushrooms and made it shine on your wonderful Pizza nicely done thank you chef it looks like something that I really want to sink my teeth in the aruga perfectly flavored with a little bit of acidity from the balsamic breaks into the richness of the cheese I like it thank you chef [Music] the second home cook that we'd like to call up come on feels that they have something to prove in this competition I am positive they're going to call my name the pizza that we want to see belongs to Jennifer yes yes I did what I call Summer Fresh and it teaches pancetta balsamic glaze walnuts and a little bit of basil and mint [Music] balance the bacon cheese Peach not only can you cook you can cook with style that balance of sweet and savory you managed to make it work and that is not easy and if I could give any of you other Home Cooks a little advice that would be not to underestimate Jennifer that is an amazing Pizza well done this is the big turning point for me in this competition now my competitors can see what I'm really capable of we're making poutine girls rule boys rule if we're gonna kill it today so this is going to be a really unique challenge for the simple reason there are three teams competing one bucket down guys what about Sabrina's team who has she got in her team that she can really rely on that's got strength that can really help pull this off is it John what do you think it might be fun enough some of these are thin yeah they're good if they're too thin don't do it I think she can rely on herself I think she has probably what it takes to take the entire team on her own forward I mean she knows poutine inside and out you think she's going to be a great leader I think she'd be a fantastic leader foreign I've come to get an update on your poutine dish our gravy's coming together our potatoes are on fire and we're gonna have some deep fried jalapenos you cut flank steak before yeah you know how to do it it's perpendicular to the grain yeah otherwise stuff exactly and what color are you expecting on that beef it's gonna be a little pink inside not too much as a college kids we don't want to go too rare with it sounds like you've got it all together [Music] what are you gonna do a Japanese inspired bacon poutine what do you call it bacon Japanese so what's in it the of course the bacon a pork stock a Sriracha spicy mayo Nori and a scallion well look at him go okay look at him go you're fast aren't you thank you Chef you didn't take the peels off no I like it rustic okay so you got the bacon here I'm you know bacon goes lovely with everything and it's gonna impart Bacon Fat flavor with the fries as well I think that's a fantastic idea getting a lot of that bacon fat into the fries the potato is gonna absorb it and give it extra extra flavor I want to pick pork but in the sound of what you're doing I couldn't wait to taste this thank you chef I only had to say one word bacon [Applause] I am the biggest Hustler when it comes to this I know Michael is a smooth talker and Cody is all looks I need to distract from them and Cody's good looks and charms you're good [Applause] we said bacon it went crazy let's make one up I'll make them taste it Tammy makes a beautiful dish of butter chicken puts in and Jennifer brings it in the crowd and she's making people smell telling them to go with a green Booth if you're eating them with your friends calories don't count Jennifer's big mouth is actually gonna help herself puts in bodacious [Music] my first contribution is actually helping not hindering like I thought what is that everybody hungry [Applause] it's good oh that's good you got all the flavor you need in that 30 seconds it's 30 seconds we're gonna have a crowd coming for Putin okay ladies everybody bring the heat we need more grave this is not gonna be enough this one's ready students at 12. choose your protein [Applause] Mercy we need fries people here we go the students of wealth University will now choose between the red teams Japanese inspired poutine with bacon Nori and miso gravy the blue team's Philly cheesesteak poutine topped with deep fried jalapenos and the green team's butter chicken poutine with fresh cilantro yogurt and mango slaw the team that sells the most orders will win this challenge so check this out this is the big dirty steak poutine who's getting the first one ladies first thank you very much the forks are right here and the napkins are right here how do you like it that's delicious we got bacon baby bacon cells everyone loves bacon yeah I love butter chicken it's worth the wait over here it's crazy I've ever tasted in my life I see the red and blue team's lines and they're endless I look over to the green line and there's like 15 people in there it's like a two-man race they got nobody oh no good pick on team captain for Lynn I can overhear the other teams talking that our lineup is very short what they don't realize is we've already fed them and those people are coming back from war time that I got my second one from the Green Team they got there first I was still alive yeah wow it's a very short line is this your second plate yeah it's delicious it's incredible the green team has sold so many orders that they've run out of chicken this is all you have left yes we're selling out chef wow we're running out of butter chicken but Tammy decides to make another badge and she does it in world record speed like I've never seen anybody go and make a butter chicken that fast in the kitchen there we go Tammy Saves the Day [Music] fruit vegetable is one of the most common ingredients used in a lot of culture it is comfort food to almost everyone in this world root vegetables they're actually like really versatile and also very forgiving which is like everything I like in a food or a person basically Michael what would you do I'm thinking totally vegetarian and almost like a meal soy of these root vegetables I tell you sometimes Seafood vegetables can be very Bland so I would take meat make a stew so all that meat flavor will go into that root vegetable making it more exciting I would actually make a multi-layered soup using all root vegetables three very different options you know what I'm really excited come on there we go I am making a root vegetable soup this is actually how I convinced my husband to let me do the cooking he was known as the good cook but this was the dish that sealed the deal it has sweet potato turnip celery root and some golden beets when Blended together they create like a super root vegetable please bring your dish to the front [Applause] I can't believe it's happening I do have what it takes it's a roasted root vegetable soup there's some sunchoke chips a little bit of crispy pancetta for nuttiness and pine nuts it's very very pretty I just love what you did with the essential chips and these herbs because it looks really earthy let's give it a try foreign it's comforting it's got good balance of flavors I got the sweetness from the potatoes fantastic job yes thank you so Chrissy are you proud of this suit I am very proud of the soup yes you've got the coriander seed you've got a little bit of chili happening yeah you've definitely showcased to me that you have a really great palette thank you when you pureed the soup did you add any dairy to it yes I poured heavy cream in there I would have added actually olive oil to it because that cream right now is masking a lot of the big bold flavors that you really want to achieve right yeah other than that it's amazing great job thank you so much I left my career as an Airline customer service agent to come here and do MasterChef Canada and it's completely worth it I know exactly what I want to do and I hope I can get there I'm seeing massive fully constructed dishes around me but mine is one egg as season two we had to do three applications of an egg and my soft poach was over there's some runniness but not enough it's the thing that kicked me out of the MasterChef Canada kitchen today I'm making shakshuka it's basically eggs dropped into tomato sauce it's very very important for me to cook that egg properly or all this is worth nothing Andrew I like to see you I'm doing well fantastic so how are you going to re-imagine this lonely little poached egg I'm doing a dish called shakshuka or otherwise known as eggs and Purgatory Purgatory eggs and Purgatory are you in purgatory right now I am not in purgatory I'm exactly where I need to be Chef back when I was on the last time I was working my federal government job which I hated so three years ago I opened a restaurant and I've never been happier my mother was the inspiration for the naming of my restaurant Africa was her nickname for me when I was a kid and it means Troublemaker in Arabic I got my whole passion for cooking from her and I'm here to make my mother proud because she's amazing poached egg liquid Center absolutely Chef that's the only thing that is scaring me right now still to this day and I've cooked thousands right you know what we want to see yes I'm confident in my dish but I'm still terrified about what's inside that egg I made shakshuka which is eggs and Purgatory it's a traditional Mediterranean dish I charred peppers and onions and my tomatoes and then of course the egg let's try this egg it's gonna be the moment of truth everything rides on this egg I'm just praying that it's okay [Music] oh look at that you are out of purgatory and on your way to Heaven by the looks of it oh my goodness [Music] I would say pretty much mission accomplished the egg spot on the flavors are big bold so well done thank you onboard the spaceship there's this needle that sticks out of the wall and you take your package and you slide it over the needle and then you turn for the amount of water you want to put into it then you push either a lukewarm button or a hot button that's about the best you can do as a space Chef oh my goodness it's a bit nervous okay and I've never cooked many of these ingredients before I actually really enjoy this challenge it's weird but it's interesting [Music] this is a real honor Colonel Hadfield is a real hero I'm going to make Colonel Hatfield some breakfast and I'm making some really flavorful pancakes with the strawberries cranberries walnuts and raspberry [Music] very good at mystery boxes I've won before the secret is cook what you love I'm making what I would want to eat if I came back from space I'm making kanji both with the dehydrated corn and the potato kanji is on porridge that is Savory that you normally put meats or vegetables into this is what my mom always makes for me Veronica hello Chef how are you Monica it's very nice to meet you nice to meet you too Colonel so what are you making I'm making a corn and potato conch and I'm going to do a Japanese omelette with the carrots and the broccoli and a fish floss crumble what's the biggest challenge right now that you're facing uh the biggest challenge is time the clock's not in my favor right now on board the spaceship we have a schedule that tells us what we're doing every five minutes for the entire six months we're up there that's amazing because I don't know what I'm doing in the next five minutes you better figure it out because time is ticking away I'm working on it chef sorry guys [Music] this is a corn and potato based chicken Congee I also made a Japanese omelet with the dehydrated broccoli and carrots as well as a fish floss crumble I really want to be sure and get everything on the spoon here I don't want to miss one thing that's a wonderful mixture of everything it immediately gives you a sense of being back on earth a sense of home thank you Colonel it was an honor of cooking for you today thank you kanji is the ultimate Chinese comfort food [Music] this dish does it for me the meat is perfectly cooked very moist I love the corn after 166 days of space I would love to come home to one of these two chef [Music] this is insane who would have thought Scotch egg is the thing that stands between me and that gallery I'm gonna do my grandfather McConaughey proud it's a Scottish last name I got to do something with this I don't care who's going home today as long as it ain't me let's call Jake it's a lot more difficult than it might seem you need to cook that egg so it is just hard cooked not overcooked and rubbery but cooked through completely sure that sausage means it's ground fine okay a little bit lumps you're not gonna get that very thin and delicate layer bold mag for 10 minutes right into an ice bath the egg's supposed to be fully cooked hard-boiled but not overcooked so you don't get that green ring luckily for me back home I make spot tags all the time Trevor pulled his egg out of the boiling water at 10 minutes some might argue that that's a little bit too early everybody wants to pull their egg at the same time nobody wants to be the person with the underdone egg certainly nobody wants to be the person with the overdone egg the way that I'm going to do my hard-boiled egg is going to take roughly 12 to 13 minutes I know they've all taken them out too early [Music] some people are struggling with getting that perfect sausage crust around that egg it's not sticking I'm getting parts that are coming off of it that I completely have to re-flatten some and do it again the idea of getting it into a hot fryer to seal that outer crust keep those wonderful juices in from that sausage meat crispening up the crumbs is super important [Music] man the tension in this kitchen is intense [Music] into it in here you can hear a pin drop they are focused somebody's going home today so everybody wants to put their best effort forward can't open anything [Music] five four three two one hands up [Music] hello Mary Chef any Scottish people in your family Barry with a name like mcconicky yeah there's a couple my grandpa McConaughey could never get me to wear a kilt but he got me to make a scotch egg we noticed that your egg was in the longest do you think it could be overcooked I'm hoping it's not over you can often tell a good scotch egg by the weight a good even ratio of meat to the egg is important but what's even more important is the cook on that egg yes chef [Music] what do you think I'm pretty happy with that if it was in your shoes I'd be pretty happy with it looks like a pretty even coating of the sausage grind around it let's give it a taste good and crispy I love that combination of that perfectly cooked egg that is still nice and warm with that crispy outer crust great job thanks Barry thank you chef perfectly cooked I want to eat it eggs benedict sounds easy but boy oh boy is it full of little twists and turns poaching that perfect egg is a challenge unto its own what I do is I create a little Vortex and slowly chew up the raw egg into that Vortex very very carefully because if you don't the egg is not gonna come together my biggest concern is I have to get this poach perfect on this egg first try I'm not going to be in the final because I'm going to take a lot of care and attention to the little details with this poached egg so I don't mess it up like I did the last time foreign [Music] I don't eat a lot of eggs the only ones I like are scrambled or over easy I am not as confident as I should be I don't really cook a lot of eggs I'm gonna do my very best holidays I believe is one of the most difficult sauces to make if you do not keep whisking your eggs they stick to the bottom of your stainless steel bowl and then they cook and they scramble and you have to very slowly drizzle in that butter if you dump it in all at once it's going to separate and break minutes one more minute left breakfast in one minute this is all about timing execution and technique if they screw this up they're finished look at this may right now is the front runner she is already applying her hollandaise to the top of the poached egg and that hollandaise we wanted a beautiful yellow color it is unbelievable 15 seconds Trevor I think my sauce is perfect couldn't be happier wow you pulled it off but there's nothing more disappointing me than cutting into a poached egg and not having that beautiful gold and yolk ooze out wow that is that just leaves me speechless [Music] let's see if it tastes as good as it looks you obviously added vinegar to the water did you add any salt to the water I did I did it's a bit Bland and there's another issue you can see that the hollandaise is just slightly too thin it's just washing off of that egg and that's critical and I think that bacon makes up for the lack of salt on the egg that's a pretty solid performance by you thank you I want to do a stuffed French toast with a cereal crust it's taking a diner dish and elevating it I'm gonna stuff it with this smoked free cheese it is so brilliant hey Nadia how's it going I'm good how are you I gotta say Natty I'm a little worried I see no coffee whitening around I see no paper cups what do we have here we have like a cheese chamber here what is this I use some Applewood um smoking chips oh just walk inside of here I smoked sabrie and I thought that would really like elevate it yeah that is fantastic that's legal looks delicious and best of luck to you impressive thank you I'm feeling really proud I think that I really embraced this Challenge and I think it shows on my plate I've made for you a elevated and stuffed French toast with a spicy Berry and fig sauce and smoked Applewood Brie terrific well let's have a taste dead foreign to me it's an interesting flavor of sweet meats savory that sweetness is offset by the heat that I'm finding in the fruit puree what is that heat coming from so it's Cayenne I don't find it overpowering I think that the sauce could have been just a little bit thinner a little bit more plentiful but it ticks all the boxes as far as I'm concerned a great French toast with a modern attitude and twister nicely done thank you foreign [Music] I love the way you Incorporated the smoke I typically would not expect to find that in French toast but you added your own personality to it I think that's really important in this kitchen thank you great job I'm still impressed with those little birds all that work and look at just that little bit of meat what inspires me and my cooking are our memories and people and feeling I always cook from my heart I have bacon I thought about the bacon this is so our family Mary hi go through the whole dish with me I'm really excited to listen I am making my take on Chicken and Waffles I'm gonna do quail and sweet potato cornmeal waffle it reminds me of my family vacations when I was young well tell me how long have you been with your boyfriend friends six seven years you know what they say a way to a man's heart your stomach that's right [Music] my family here I am rejuvenated and I want to show off homemade butter you got this Mary this is looking pretty darn good come on I only make butter for the people that I love so intense oh they look good five minutes and five minutes left five minutes [Music] oh Veronica is opening up her pressure cooker so I hope a beep is cooked [Music] biscuit is cooked feeling really good right now it's just all a matter about getting it on the plate six five four three two one hands up foreign [Applause] with my dish I feel more pressure than in any other cook so far I made cornmeal sweet potato waffles with seared Quail breasts and underneath is just a bed of creamed spinach it's reminiscent of chicken and waffle but a little fancier [Music] you know I'm surprised Mary this is so delicious and perfectly seasoned and I knew you did not taste it right I can't no because you don't eat meat no you're missing something um I'm really excited to try this waffle with creams finish right [Music] all the flavors texture comes together beautiful thank you perfect delicious family meal except the butter you know why why because it's so delicious and there's so little of it you're a lucky punch up there it would feel so amazing to win this challenge because my family's here to share it with me of meat filled pies I've made pies before I made meat before in my mind those two things do not go together my sister and I make Tootsie every Christmas I'm feeling so confident the trick to making perfect tortier is twofold first the pastry must be delicate and Flaky second the rich meat filling must be perfectly cubed cooked and seasoned with an aromatic blend of herbs and spices I rip open the fridge and I see this bounty of game meat my family and I love to hunt so it reminds me a lot of home I have never worked with game in my life tortiller it's pie related I can make a pie crust just by feeling the dough but it's the meat filling that's really bothering me [Music] tortiller is a dish that was traditionally baked using the Lesser cuts of meat it would be the legs of game birds the hind of game animals it is one Hefty meal I'm keeping my pie super traditional cinnamon cloves Sabrina hey Chef what kinds of meat did you choose good old traditional pork and some bison it makes me happy it makes me feel like I'm home I know there's a lot at stake for you because you are missing a big event to be here yes sir today is a hard cooking day I'm missing my only sister's wedding is that weighing heavy on your mind yep I have to nail this I'm making this tootsak for her well good luck thanks Jeff the home cooks are fighting for their lives in a tortillera pressure test that will send at least one of them home oh it smells amazing up here key here is those spices cinnamon clove bay leaf make sure you remove that nothing worse than biting on a Bailey easy to overspice a tortilla you put in a pinch you add a second pinch those flavors build and build and build and it's out of control the pastry is an important part this will be a bit of an interesting change because I usually do sweet things you need to have the right thickness of pastry and try and keep it as crisp on the bottom as possible if you roll that pastry dough too thick it's going to be Raw there's no such a thing as a good looking raw pie no so in the last few minutes where they've got to decorate egg wash their pies and get them into the oven because it takes 30 minutes for those tortillas to cook I don't know what Tammy's doing over there I'm starting to lose track of time I haven't actually assembled anything yet 30 minutes your pie needs to be in the oven [Music] if I don't get this tortilla in the oven I could be going home okay watching my pie I'm like a paranoid parrot very important when they're putting the pies in the oven they're going in the bottom and then you're going to have this basic little convection happening that Heat's going to wrap around the top hit the top of the pie and make that nice and golden brown five four three two one pie out heads up everything is riding on this tortiller and I don't know how the filling is inside the pie so this is a mix of bison meat and Applewood smoked bacon I flavored it with rosemary sage Thyme and bay leaf the crust actually has a bit of cayenne pepper and black pepper in it see that it's very dense it means the meat is packed nicely all these little slits that you made that release all of the air that got trapped inside it looks delicious very moist it's glistening inside taste that taste like a pastry chef made it or a Savory Chef made Savory Chef that's right great control of the spice and salt nothing's overpowering it's all working in harmony so it looks great and it tastes even better yeah it's got mad skills [Music] moist flavorful very nice I'm giving up my sister's wedding to be here nothing is kicking me out today tell me what you put in your tortilla bison pork butt nutmeg a little bit of cinnamon [Music] lovely and moist and the seasonings very subtle tastes delicious thank you great depth of flavor crust perfectly baked crispy on the outside in the center nice and buttery flaky [Music] choke it up what's going on just thinking well listen you're missing your sister's wedding but I think for a massive opportunity really great job please go back to your station [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 762,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef Canada compilation, compilation cooking videos, MasterChef Alvin Leung, Alvin Leung, Best hang over food, hang over remedy, Best of MasterChef Canada, full English breakfast, pie recipes, crispy bacon, cooking challenge, masterchef team challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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