Chicken Shawarma on the Weber Rotisserie | Barbechoo

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[Music] hello guys welcome back to another cook on the channel and today we are doing a chicken shawarma on the weber rotisserie i've done these once or twice in the past the rotisserie is a fantastic way to do shawarma and i've also gone a few times just with skewers so you screw up the meat and just intercept them across the barbecue or onto the cooking grates but the rotisserie is a nice way to get plenty of those nice gnarly charred bits on it uh you tend to do it a little bit hotter in the rotisserie because it's constantly rotating so we're doing this with a chicken thighs so i already have a bowl in true blue paper fashion this is one i prepared earlier because i need to get it into a marinade key thing to pack flavor into those chicken legs chicken thighs is to let it marinate overnight so last night i prepared this so this is roughly after they've been deboned this is roughly around two and a half kilos of chicken thighs then we made up a bit of a marinade with oil and lemon juice there's cumin in there paprika cayenne pepper salt pepper uh lots of stuff i will leave a link in the description if you want the full details for the marinade you can check it out so they've been sitting overnight in the fridge and now we need to get them onto the spit to get them onto the rotisserie by the way being cheap and deboning two and a half kilos of chicken thighs not my favorite thing to do because we have our spit and our forks um pointy end goes into the motor but we need that to secure through the meat so we're going to put a fork onto this end first now we can thread our meat on from this end and that will uh build up the shawarma and then the last port goes on the one thing i don't like about the weber rotisserie is it's only a double prong on it for doing something seo usually you would thread the thigh on on a four prong one on the two prongs and then the next one would go on to the other two prongs and you could always put extra ones on but that's a bit of a faff so today we're going to have a longer flatter shawarma rather than a nice big round one but it'll still taste good so we have our chicken thighs that have been marinating overnight uh there's no other way around this it's going to get messy so just go through the middle of the chicken thigh slide it down and then stretch out over those prongs so hopefully you can see that kind of catches it and holds out flat stops it flopping away too much and the idea is to build everyone on top of that pack them down relatively tight and then the whole thing cooks is one mass but all these little knobbly bits on the edge that's what gives you a nice little charred bits so again two and a half kilos is a decent size shawarma it's not the biggest i've ever done but i couldn't bear to debone anymore oh that would have been awful it took me forever so on the one prong stretch out over the other one and then push it down to meet the last one so we're going to build them up in layers like that and once you get closer to the end i'll show you how to put this one on and sense the whole thing together so once we get up to this point we're coming to the ends of these prongs here so the next one will go on fine but after that there's not much to hold it in place so if you grab yourself a single prong or a double prong and won't push these through just to extend out those forks so i just go in either side of the prongs on the actual rotisserie [Music] and push those up through all the way up that gives us an extra prong then that we can still feed stuff down onto and it will stop it spinning around and then same on the other side so now we can thread the rest of it onto this and then the rest will be held in place by that second prong okay so with all the chicken on i've spun this around just to show you so this is our spike and these last portion here aren't on the skewers the skewers foundation maybe around here and from here on they're just sitting there throughout it now if we were to put that on the rotisserie those would just flop around so we need to get them onto this fork so i've just threaded them on there we put the fork on and you can either one at a time pull them onto the fork like so or you can fix the fork in place and then you can use both hands just to take one at a time and pull the edges out and each of them get threaded on like that [Music] okay so this is the last one that isn't on the skewers so stretch it out onto each prong like so then if we loosen this off we can then push this entire end up try and make sure it's catching some of that first part of chicken and then push it and push the whole thing tight together hold a little bit of tension on it and tighten that down all right before i cinch it down completely if we take a look we're not in the middle so with more of a gap at this side so i'm going to loosen both of these off slightly and push the whole thing through we have pretty even got both sides and then tighten down the thumb screws so we have a pretty flat shawarma that's all going to turn all them little knobbly bits we're going to char up nicely there is one other thing i want to do before i put it on and that is to put a bit more seasoning onto it with loads of flavor in there with the marinade i'm actually going to give it a go with the al pastor rub uh from smoothie carter this is designed for shawarma uh you can do other stuff with it as well but i thought this would be a perfect idea just get a bit of flavoring on the outside too go ahead and give it a dusting all over with that i need to go too heavy on it because obviously we have that marinade in there with loads of flavor in it too but it's just going to add a nice little texture to the outside of it as well those little crispy bits extra crispy perfect so that's it ready for the barbecue one bonus about barbecuing this time of the year you can leave your stuff outside because it is probably colder out here than it is in my fridge at the minute so we'll go over take a look at the barbecue and see how we're setting it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we have our weber kettle set up with lump wood charcoal on both sides uh spit's gonna set in the middle before before i put it on i'm gonna stick the drip pan in there because there will be oil and all sorts dripping off this so i want to catch it in there i don't want that in the bottom of the barbecue so we can bring our spit over set it in place i'm sure we're sitting in those little tabs so it spins properly adjust you guys here so you can see then flick it on let it start spinning it should spin pretty evenly um so it's not like having a chicken or a turkey on there and the meat's pretty even weight-wise on it so it should spin nice and freely and these little bits here these are going to be the little pit master nibbles temperature rise we're probably sitting around 200 degrees or so um we're gonna get the lid back on stop the coals firing up too much we've burst into flames here in a minute but we'll get the lid on regulate that air flow and keep it sitting around 200 then we'll just come back every now and again and have a check on it [Music] okay our shawarma has been spinning for just over an hour i have probed it with the thermapen and we are hitting an internal temperature of around 8182 which is what i like to go to for thighs i think they at least need to go into the 80s for them to be pretty tender uh so we're going to lift it off and let it rest for a little while and then we'll slice a bit off and give it a try but i'm pretty excited about it it looks incredible a few nice little black gnarly bits on there but not too bad so uh there should still be a good amount of flavor on the outside of it i cannot wait to try it it's pitch black now gotta love them winter cooks [Music] um [Music] how good does that look smells so good chicken is still really moist even taking it a bit further now we always say don't overcook a chicken taking legs and thighs up to the east definitely makes a huge difference they're a bit more tender to the bite but they're still more than juicy so i've carved a little bit off i've made up a bit of a garlic sauce i've made this in the channel before i'll leave the link in the description if you want to check it out then time to tuck in [Music] nice gnarly outside piece that is phenomenal [Music] such nice flavor all the way through the meat from the marinade and uh on the outside then that crust from the charcoal flavor that rub then adding a little bit of extra crust on the outside it is something special it makes standing d-bone and all those chicken thighs more than worthless as most rotisserie cooks are it's a pretty simple one if you want to give it a go i'll leave the link in the description for the marinade and a rough technique for it you know stick it on let it spin around but all the ingredients will be in the description box below uh i'll also leave a link to the garlic sauce i think it might have been my gear ross video i've done it in not sure but i'll find it and i'll leave a link in the description box below if you want to give the garlic sauce a try too if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Barbechoo - UK BBQ
Views: 44,126
Rating: 4.9367089 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, UKBBQ, Barbechoo, Learn to BBQ, How to BBQ, Barbecue, BBQ Tips, BBQ Techniques, Cooking Outdoors, BBQ Tutorial, BBQ Food, BBQ Recipes, Chicken Shawarma, Chicken marinade, shawarma marinade, Weber Rotisserie, Weber
Id: G_bV33XUD74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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