The Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich I've Ever Made | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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This guy make great videos I bench a lot of his vids when i discovered his channel

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sam makes some great looking food and is a funny guy. At least half of the time in his videos is just him goofing off lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bdog1321 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I've always preferred to call them French Dips sandwiches.

And yes, I know a French Dip is served with Au Jus. My point still stands.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Triforce_Bagels ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

ahh yes Sam the cooking guy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kokojumbo1122 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I made carmelized onions this week just to use them in grilled cheese. I like them with Swiss and a bit of Dijon on marble rye bread. I used leftovers from those for a roast beef sandwich tonight.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ladykatey ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
one two Oh boom look at that holy smokes I have five words for you French onion soup grilled cheese with roast beef okay seven words French onion soup grilled cheese with roast beef it starts with a big-ass pile of onions that will slowly caramelize then add some stuff to make amazing in the pan so first we'll give it a little oil and some butter it's my preferred combination the butter adds the flavor the oil keeps everything from burning and we add the onions so these are gonna take about 15 ish minutes maybe maybe a tiny bit more maybe tiny bit less but we just want them beautifully caramelized think golden color and super soft until there there is really nothing to do and after about 10 minutes when the onions look like this lovely softened we had two things so one is a little vermouth a couple tablespoons and let that do its thing there for a minute or so till most of the liquid burns off over the smell is tremendous so we're kind of faking a French onion soup thing you know you've got beautifully caramelized onions we've added the vermouth to intensify the flavor will now add some beef broth and we're gonna let this and we're gonna let this do its thing for the next Oh 10 minutes or so look patience is definitely your friend in this recipe because what's going to happen is these onions are gonna soften even more because of the vermouth and the beef broth we've just added but then they'll just soak it up and get super luxurious and that's gonna be a huge part of the flavor of this now as the liquid is starting to evaporate we add three things one is kosher salt course lots of fresh ground pepper because pepper makes it amazing and the final sophisticated little touch some dried thyme then we mix and just let them continue doing their amazing gorgeous thing now we can prep everything else and by the way if you're you're not of age and vermouth is an issue for you you could always stand outside a liquor store and have an adult buy it for you that will probably get me in trouble I'm only kidding for sure that's gonna get me in trouble Sam the cooking guy encouraging underaged people to beg for vermouth it's not like begging for beer or vodka imagine if I was outside a liquor store and some kid came up to me clearly and her agent went excuse me sir I'm not of age I wonder if you could buy me a bottle from inside I'd be like no I'm not gonna contribute to the delinquency of minors forget it and then the kid goes but I just want a bottle of vermouth to make this grilled cheese onion soup roast beef thing that Sam the cooking guy made I'd be I mean forget your money I got you covered and by the way a bottle vermouth is like six or seven bucks so keep it and just to remind you it's a fortified alcohol so it can stay on your shelf you can open it today use it for this don't touch it again for six months it's still good and takes the place of white wine unless you're a snob that goes nuke doling only use one that you would dream to cook with that was my Thurston Howell the third from Gilligan's Island if you're old enough it's not damn bad nuke darling only use one that you will dream to cook with okay here's our bread I'm using a focaccia asiago cheese loaf and here's what I like about it I love the size of course I love the cheese baked onto the top but I also loved it's not too thick too much bread sucks so now we have to cut it I hope I don't f this up it's hard to see so I turn I turn I turn and now the top pops off and now we have a choice to make do we cook it like this face down face down or do we go like this and go face down face down max beef down face down yeah like this yeah that's what I wanted to hear atta boy let's build this here's how this goes down Swiss cheese is the proper cheese component for French onion soup so I need to break him up a bit let's break them up a bit so we get like decent coverage shall we like this now we're going to layer of roast beef look this is deli roast beef completely acceptable ladies and gentlemen you don't have to make it yourself in fact it's a lot easier this way trust me though I do like to make a roast beef and we'll definitely be doing one soon but just spread this up across the middle and if you think about it the soup part of French onion soup is beef broth so why not add beef in a very big glorious sort of way now the onions which honestly are the star of the show because look at how tremendous they are deeply caramelized flavoured with the vermouth and the beef broth lots of pepper and now a final layer of the cheese oh my goodness something is super wrong about this ladies and gentlemen nail the top bun of course turned upside down it's opposite day it say I'm the cooking guy now we add butter butter that gets grilled cheese your new butter was coming don't be shocked he's putting butter on that well it's a grilled cheese what has to happen come on here we go face down on the Evo and we go and down and push we want beautiful even golden as' and no just leave it alone for a minute and look here this sides better that's what you want to see roast beef the cheese the onions don't butter the top yet wait till you're almost ready so you can continue to use your hands to push down on it the sizzling from here the smell of the onions that have fallen down on top of the evo the melting cheese the whole thing it's a symphony ladies and gentlemen it's just a straight symphony but we're getting ready to flip so let's butter the top okay it's time to flip and we got to do this quick because it's raining out here oh boy can I do this one too Oh boom look at that holy smokes best decision ever use the bread upside down look what's going on here look a French onion soup has tons of onions melty cheese it's all coming together in one beautiful giant mess same thing that's going on here the only difference we made it into a grilled cheese this may be one of the most spectacular grilled cheese sandwiches I have ever made and when it's golden on top and bottom we take her off and down we go oh oh here we go and now we take a bite but I can't cut it in half cuz it's look how big it is I mean a half of that it's just too much so I'm gonna take a wedge a wedge what's wrong with a little wedge oh boy huh it's like a pie here we go and oh snap what have we created we've created something that's gonna be effing delicious he said monitoring his mouth the steamed the crust the melty onion the melty cheese ah it's a party sandwich that's what it is one two three four eight people that's it it's an eight-person it's an eighth person French onion soup grilled cheese with roast beef it's a ridiculous title can I have a bite please can eat now yes thank you I don't need my son telling me I can eat I just like to make sure his shots ready come on onion if you're a person that doesn't like onion I need to start like a twelve-step onion program hi my name is Neil I don't like onions well I could help you with that with this one bite Oh cheesy melt onion cheese email to onion hold for the military it's an L 84 cm looks not have no idea what it is other than it's a big-ass noisy helicopter and the sound of freedom I don't know if I said this before but I think this might be the best grilled cheese I've ever made and that's not clickbait the haters it's just truth and what's even better I've created the pac-man of French onion soup roast beef sandwiches look at that guy like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like okay so as I stand here finishing something that's clearly not on my January health program I encourage you to make this I encourage you to subscribe I encourage you to like I encourage you to comment in this particular video below with something that you would like to see us make and we might just make it you might just make
Views: 1,342,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best grilled cheese, best grilled cheese sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich, french onion grilled cheese, best sandwich, sandwich, grilled sandwich, cheese sandwich, grilled cheese recipe, grilled cheese sandwich recipe, best grilled cheese recipe, best grilled cheese sandwich recipe, sandwich recipe, how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, make grilled cheese, how to make grilled cheese, how to make a grilled cheese, sam the cooking guy
Id: eLe9Rqq78rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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