Ultimate Vietnamese Banh Mi Sandwich Recipe | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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you asked and we answered an amazingly delicious pork bond me oh yeah you're gonna want this oh my god can you smell it of course you can that's all we gotta watch and make one the Venerable the iconic the tremendously delicious bond me made simple by exam the cookin guy and here's how we start we begin with a in this case a pork tenderloin great little piece of meat easy to buy comes just like this cook it the right way there perfect but we want to make a little marinade for it get in a bag get it marinating before we continue and that looks like this we start first with a little soy it's a couple tablespoons some plain white sugar 3 tablespoons lovely some fish sauce and before you freak out and you go ah disgusting it's not just adds flavor it's gonna be great a couple big cloves of garlic squeezed and mixed in and of course I'm using the world's best garlic press the Zyliss will put a link below a little sriracha I love you sriracha and the juice of a couple limes well it's gonna be fantastic and then of course we mix mmm it's tremendous and I know people looking going oh my god fish sauce really Sam really hey you know how many of you have requested upon me do you want the right way or do you want like the crappy cheap-ass way I think you want the right way get yourself a little fish sauce by the way I use it in a Caesar salad dressing and it's crazy good now we do this I want to save a little bit of this marinade for after so I'll just take a couple tablespoons stick it in there then we take this lovely pork tenderloin into the bag and we have the marinade we seal it up we get out as much air as we can and we're done mix it around make sure it's covered and just take the whole thing and put it in the fridge so here's what I always say if you got 3-4 hours give it 3-4 hours if you got an hour well then then you've got an hour still gonna be good while that's marinating we make our quick Vietnamese pickles that will consist of carrots and daikon radish we just got to cut these guys up into little matchsticks you know I'm saying little match this so chilly just asked a good question that's Max's wife that does these I mean all kinds of stuff but does these we're gonna talk about this in a little bit cuz something happened I'm not happy about it but something happen anyway a daikon radish is a mild radish and mmm not like some of the other more spicy radishes it's really nice my regular everyday Western supermarket has this you probably can find these almost almost anywhere and if you can't well then just move to a neighborhood that has daikon cuz you want it for the bonhomie matchsticks so I'm gonna want my carrots in my daikon about the same length so I'm gonna do this and then flatten this guy out on all sides and then we cut into strips like this hey hey not you okay then just stack these little planks up like this and cut them into matchsticks you know they make I even know what the hell the things are called they make what are those things called mandolins mandolins that will do this a lot easier than i'm doing it but to put the carrots in a bowl do the same with the daikon and then just add those to the carrots we're ready for next then we add some rice vinegar they don't need to be covered but we definitely want a decent amount in here we have some kosher salt a tiny bit of sugar and we mix come on all right these guys now you can also go in the fridge now we wait okay before we cook the pork tenderloin and still the whole bond me together and I can't wait cuz it's gonna be amazing I just had a little bite of the pickle the daikon the carrot is amazing fantastic let me talk about this shirt for a second so you know we have a website called make America cook again and Jilly Max's wife Jilly has worked very hard at developing the website creating the designs and making it badass we went so far as to register make America cook again with the United States Patent Office we have been issued a goods and services mark for make America cook again on any clothing so imagine our surprise when we saw not this shirts online but max put the picture up that shirt by the way it's very close but it is not this shirts do them side-by-side this one Jilly created that we have the government goods and services marked for versus that one that they don't so I find myself in a position of having to say to Nora Dinh don't know if that's a real name or not that it's time for you to remove your rip-off make America cook again shirts from your site and anybody that does this you have to take them down I'm sorry so if you want a proper fully registered sanctioned by the United States government make America cook again t-shirt hat long sleeve hoodie whatever go to our website not pay for the real thing should make up on me let's make up on me and when you're marinating time is up however long you've given it we take our lovely little tenderloin out of the bag let me drip a bit inside and throw them right on to a nicely hot grill one two today like that and now over the next you know 10 to 15 ish minutes we're gonna move it around a lot cooking it evenly on all sides bringing it to about a hundred and forty-five degrees that we will check within its to read thermometer but let's not forget the marinating liquid in the bag you don't want to use it just like this so we'll take this and pour it into a little pot put it on the heat let it boil a little bit it'll kill any of the nastiness in there then we can use it to brush on our little la hello tenderloin this little fellow which would be a male wouldn't it and nothing to do the shape everything to do with pork is male in my mind I don't know why doesn't even make sense I have these stupid thoughts in my head let's turn them and after a couple minutes starting to get some marks so we'll turn it that way like you can see how Wiggly it is it definitely has a ways to go but once you've got good color on one side then you can flip it but then we'll continue to flip it to keep it evenly cooked all the way through meanwhile our little sauce it's now boiling nicely we'll give that a few minutes before we start to use it on the tenderloin so I don't spill it all out of the pot first and when it looks gorgeous like that we give it the flip hello sweetheart and now our marinade that is bubbled away is ready to start to add so we will golden gorgeous any other turn it will start on the edges hey stay there good boy see it just sounds right pork must be male and when our little sweetheart is ready we pull them off look how gorgeous like that turning Oh smells amazing from here through a little foil on top and we let it rest like 10 minutes and while it rests we'll get two more veggies ready so we can build and the first we're gonna want super thin slices of a Persian cucumber these are the best and I'm just using this little baby mandolin I've got to get them nice and thin how great those are nice coolness nice a little bit of crunch and then I love some red jalapeno so we're just gonna cut these guys in thin slices and we'll leave the seeds in because it will add a little heat you can smell it right from here all righty that starts by cutting some slices of pork and let's not forget we always cut against the grain ladies and gentlemen I know if you can see this the grain runs like this you don't want to cut with it you want to cut against it it'll make your pieces much more tender so look do you see that could you do you see this look it do you see this Jews watch I just barely have to touch it so I like thin pieces so I'm gonna do that you like thick pieces you just make anything you want you do not see the liquid running in this so let's just get enough for a sandwich the smell that this is crazy here pretty sure that's gonna be enough let's move this out of the way and start to build we start by cutting the traditional bread of the Vietnamese banh me a little baguette so let's just go one easy slice like this let's leave a hinge the first thing that we're gonna give each side is a little Japanese mayonnaise and spread and remember that little bit of marinade that we saved back I want some of that on each of these sides just to know that a little flavor boost it's gonna be outstanding now we come in with the pork you're gonna go right down the middle like this all these slices that crispy edges everything that you want and a little pork tenderloin we have here in front of us I'm getting a little bit of the fish sauce the lime juice oh it's tremendous now let's go with some of these cucumbers that we cut I'm gonna put some a little layer the cucumbers down go and fellows again with the male thing know what it is today and now our pickled daikon and carrots and get most of the liquid off but just a nice beautiful scatter and this is gonna add some amazing crunch that we want that our two last things a little scatter some of these red jalapenos that I can smell as I throw them on maybe the most important part some gorgeous fresh cilantro that just gives that flavor that honestly for me makes upon me okay so first things first you got to have a bite of the pork and those little burned edges that's what it's all about Oh tiny but sweet you get that Tang from the fish sauce in the best way possible in the lime juice fantastic but okay I got to cut this there's just me look how is that anywhere around here supposed to get in my mouth it's not so should we cut it which is not right juicy delicious pork in there the bite of the pickled daikon and carrot cilantro making it super fresh the little snap of the cucumber the mayo gosh well let's go shall we I don't even know where to go I'm going right here look a good bag of crispy on the outside light and fluffy on the inside didn't even toast it don't need it toasted I want this the tastes of everything holy everything that's going on here this is maybe the best example I can give you don't eat the same thing all the time these are flavors that you're just not getting in a cheeseburger mac and cheese not that there's anything wrong with those things but variety my friends varieties where it's at the bond me rules mmm I got nothing else subscribe if you like us of course like if you like this and comment we made this because a bunch of you said will you please make up on me can't be any more obvious than that we're out of ideas we got nothing left we're running on empty tell us what you want to fill up our idea tank okay we've got a few ideas but more importantly thanks for hanging it out hope you learned some things make something different don't eat the same thing all the time bla bla bla bla bla thanks for helping to make America cook again [Music]
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Keywords: vietnamese banh mi, vietnamese banh mi recipe, banh mi sandwiches, banh mi sandwich recipe, banh mi sandwich, banh mi vietnamese sandwich, vietnamese street food, banh mi, best sandwich recipes, best sandwich, grilled pork, how to make banh mi, how to make a banh mi, sam the cooking guy, cooking pork tenderloin, cooking pork, best banh mi, best banh mi recipe
Id: dtWRvzA0SoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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