The BEST Gaming PC Builds RIGHT NOW! πŸ‘€ (April / May 2024)

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ladies and gentlemen it is time for one of my favorite videos the best gaming PC builds you can make right now as throughout this video we're going to help you to find your dream gaming PC and we're going to be doing that by having a look at current deals on component pricing across the globe from places like new egg and the US to e overclockers and scan here in the UK and to properly kick things off I do want to start the more affordable end of things so our budget rig and the first thing I would always do when playing out a gaming PC is to actually look at graphics cards as this is going to directly dictate what sort of frame rate you're going to get and then you can fit everything else within it there's no point spending like $150 on a case and then leaving yourself $100 on a graphics card doesn't make sense so let's actually start by looking at our gpus and I would suspect that the best offer is probably going to be on an arc card so let's start with our Arc a750 we use this as a Baseline and yes sure enough we actually have a card here for $190 and the performance you can get with the a750 is pretty remarkable in both 1080P and 1440p you're looking at maybe like 60 to 120 FPS depending on the game look there's barely any difference between the a750 and the a580 performance like isn't crazy difference between the two but there's definitely a lot more value at the moment in the a580 obviously the other option you can go for is AMD so we could have a look at the AMD 6600 this is usually the one I'd look at this gigabyte one but this actually seems quite expensive at the moment about 240 you can get our fighter card here for1 199 but I've got to admit I think at the moment the arc is going to be the way to go so let's add the a750 to our basket once you have settled on a graphics card obviously the next component then to consider is going to be your CPU or the processor and for me I actually think this is quite a simple one really because whilst you can look at something like a 5500 uh ryzen am4 chip personally speaking I think the Intel platform gives you a little bit better upgradeability plus you actually get more performance out of the box at this sort of price point now obviously it is going to depend on the exact ship that you're looking at cuz clearly something like a 4900 k for $730 is going to have amazing performance but we're typically looking at either a four core or a six core CPU and even if we look at the I3 1200f as we've tested numerous times on the channel even so recently as a couple of weeks ago it still performs really well in the vast majority of titles I mean there will definitely be games where you get a bit more stutter where six sces would be better but I would rather have this in my system than something like the 5500 that's based on real world experience having used both I think this is the better all round chip but recently there have actually been some pretty good offers on the 12 400f that we have here so this is a six core chip with very similar single core performance so this is going to give you better performance but interestingly this actually might be one of those cases where the UK wins which is very rare when it comes to pricing because $135 at the moment for the 12400 F on on New Egg but in the UK I've actually seen this for as low as like Β£108 I think that was on sale at the moment it might be around about 115 120 but if you're trying to shave every penny then the I3 is absolutely fine you can upgrade this at a later date you'd be very happy but if you do have that little bit extra budget like now Straight Out The Gate I would advise going for the 12400 F so this is what we're going to add to our basket once we've chosen our CPU we then need to look at an Intel motherboard and I wouldn't advise going for like properly bargained basement the cheapest you can physically fit in there cuz it's going to affect your longevity you won't have as much bandwidth so you lose out on features where possible I'd look for probably a b760 or a b660 motherboard but if you do want to go for something like this MSI Pro h610 like it will work is just not going to be the best board in the world I mean I've used it and it's fine but what we actually have here is a much better dealer cuz we can get this b660 m motherboard for $95 or there is actually a b760 m that is an option but it's only got two Ram slots so I would actually instead go for this b660 better longevity with a four Ram slots also supports XMP as well so if you do want to overclock the memory and run faster Ram this is a motherboard that will support it once you've then settled on a motherboard this will now allow you to start looking at cases and again the reason we do it in this order is because once you've chosen your motherboard you'll probably notice the board we went for has that M as a suffix for the name that essentially means that this is a Micro ATX motherboard which can go in a fullsize ATX case but it will always look a little bit funny as you have a bit shaved off the bottom so instead you can save yourself a fair chunk of change and go for a Micro ATX case which is a bit smaller and indeed here are all of the Micro ATX cases sorted from low to High I mean there's the q300l it's almost like a friend of the channel at this point we've used it loads of times actually the most recent budget build that we've built in real life uh you can find that video in the top right corner of your screen is a very similar build to this actually in the q300l with a arcg you believe but that's around about $40 if there is something a little bit better for not much more I would probably look at that what about this game Max Defender can't say I've used a game Max case before let me know down in the comment section below if you have and if this is any good uh but it comes with a load of fans as standard it looks like it's a pretty decently sized chassis as well it's got some upgrade ability this is one of the main problems with a budget gaming PC if you do cut every single Corner then means when you do want to upgrade it everything starts to annoy you whereas if you have maybe a slightly better or larger chassis like we have here it is going to be a little bit easier so it's up to you but as we've done the q300l loads of times on the Channel I want to go with this let me know down in the comments section below if you Ed this case is it any good of course we also need to grab ourselves some memory do make sure you select ddr4 if you're going for a ddr4 motherboard ddr5 if you're going for ddr5 it will vary quite a lot but you can't use one and the other so you'll go to build your PC you'll notice it won't fit and you'd be incredibly sad I've done this myself not something I recommend 16 GB should be absolutely fine but I have selected ddr4 3600 here if we scroll down a little bit there's some Petri Viper steel but this is only a single dim please make sure you're buying a kit of two to get the proper dual Channel operation and the full rated speed so you basically got a choice between tforce Vulcan Z or this Patriot Viper steel they're basically the same price I would probably actually go for the Vulcan because it's lower profile so if you're going for a bigger cooler uh then you're going to have less compatibility issues but the Viper still will look better and as we're going to use the stock cooler that does actually come with our CPU this is going to be fine and it's probably the best balance without going for RGB but then obviously spending more money you're also going to need to grab yourself some storage or an SSD here we're filtering for p gen 3 or Gen 4 500 gig and up but if you can afford the extra money for like a terabyte drive it's going to make a massive difference really if you go for 500 worth case you're looking at like three games that's it we're going to go with this one from Team group and then I think that leaves us with just one final component which is the power supply and here I've filtered it from 600 ws and up you have to cut corners and the best way of doing this on the power supply is to always buy from a rable brand but buy a slightly lower wattage that's still going to work fine for your system and probably go for what we call a non-modular power supply where all of the cables are actually attached to the unit there's this thermal take smart series 600 wat so for $45 600 W we're going to add this to our basket but with that added that actually should be our rig complete here we have all of our components again we're using the stock CPU caller that does come with this you're looking at $623 21 so yeah I I think that's really good actually I mean again I love the fact that budget gaming PCs have come down in price so much and the fact that you can get that combination of that Intel chip that isn't the best but keeps up with our graphics card is fantastic really and the Art card are so surprising just how much gameplay you can actually get out of them even in like the latest AAA titles but anyway that's our budget build complete it's now time to move on to our mid-range and our luxury build right after a short word from this very exciting sponsor if you're after the perfect gaming keyboard then you simply have to consider ducky this is the Tinker 65 though a 75 is also available and you make it your own by grabbing your own key switches and your key caps for something truly unique and I'm told on this that assembly is very straight forward and there's no soldering or anything required to get everything to work so we take it out of the bag and here's our Bare Bones frame you then want to grab your switches these are cherry Max brown but there are so many different ones to choose from oh it comes in a jar and I think it's fair to say we're going to have spares last one and there we are complete there is so many different color key caps that you can go for and it should just be a case of dropping them into position and then once again building it up and don't worry it also has Oodles of RGB create your dream keyboard today with ducky Tinker with the link down below welcome back everybody I now think it's time to rustle up our mid-range gaming PC and here I actually want to start with the graphics card as you probably expected first thing you should do but actually I want to look specifically at AMD because there are two cards that pretty much dominate the mid-range either the 7700 XT or the 7800 XT I think are the ways to go and it's interesting cuz the 7700 XT that we have here at launch I thought the price of this was like it wasn't that it was too expensive is that it was too expensive relative to the much better 7800 XT but since then as we'll see the pricing has actually changed quite dramatically which makes it easier to recommend so you've got this sephar pulse card here uh that's Β£400 whereas the 7800 XT as you can see is actually the cheapest one is Β£480 so there's now that Gap that should be there essentially for uh these two cards to be able to sit and be sold separately really so I'm going to go for our 7700 XT and if you do want to see my full video about this card remember it's a little bit out of date but the performance obviously should be about the same you can find that build in the top Rand corner of your screen where we go through the performance you can see for yourself exactly how good this GPU is we then of course also need to grab ourselves a CPU and this time you could go for Intel or AMD you pretty much looking at something like an i5 uh 14600 K that's a solid option or you could look at going for AMD with something like a 7700 8 core chip but it doesn't have those efficiency cores that you'll find over on Intel and the one that I've got my eyes on is the 14600 K which is this one and as you can see is very similar in price I mean they've actually got the 14600 KF which is the same chip but doesn't have the integrated GPU I would actually rather have the 14600 KF in my system than the 700 so let's go with this but we do have to be aware that we're now going to have to get some decent cooling cuz this thing can run quite hot so the one other thing we're going to use here today is this 240 mil Arctic liquid freezer 3 comes with argb fans but has a contact frame inside the box which means it's way more efficient um than just using the standard Intel Mount but I actually did a full build with that exact same chip it was the K not the KF but it's essentially the same uh with the Arctic friezer 36 and this did a surprisingly good job of keeping it under check I was expecting like thermal issues but in gaming at least we didn't see any and you can get this for around about Β£30 at the moment so definitely some good options if you're trying to save money of course we will also need a motherboard to get this rig to work and I am going to look at z790 here is the boards have become a fair bit more affordable actually but the two things really you do need to pay attention to are whether they're ddr4 or ddr5 because Intel can be either then the second and arguably actually the more important one is you need to make sure you buy a motherboard that has USB bios flashback utility if you're going for a 14th gen CPU because chances are the motherboards you buy won't actually support that straight out of the box unless it's a brand new ski or something like that whereas if you buy a board that you can actually update the BIOS like with a USB drive you don't need a chip in there you can pretty much use anything but a lot of them don't have this feature so have a look at the back of the USB uh before making the purchase I do want to make sure we go for DDR 5 so we could go for this Prime board look we got this gaming X look from gig by I like the tough boards but if they're ddr4 I don't really want to go for them so how about this one Asus tough z790 plus WiFi ddr5 I think this is going to be the better board so we're going to go with this a my cat's just died for our ddr5 motherboard we will of course be needing some ddr5 RAM and actually I think this is a pretty easy decision cuz whil you've got your usual suspects from like Corsair G skill Kon this one here is what's calling me if you like so we're looking at 32 GB at 6,000 MHz but this one has a cast latency of 30 which is very low and bear in mind you can buy this for Β£10 it's in their sale at the moment I think this is a steel and it certainly looks a little bit different as well a little bit more racy this time for storage we'll be looking at PCI Gen 4 as we want to get as fast as speed as possible and again they're not like crazy expens or anything I mean this NM 790 is one of used loads of times on the channel before Β£70 for that is very good but once again we'll do a quick speed comparison this one is 7,400 6500 whereas the simly priced Corsair one well that's way lower 3500 on the rights no right that was a really easy decision wasn't it Lexar NM 790 this is why we use it on the channel let's press on now to have a look at some of our chassis and I've selected mid Tower here as we don't need anything particularly crazy oh we've got this I really like this actually this is from MSI the gungir 111 R cor 300D haven't actually built in that just yet fantech XT view comes with RGB fans as standard is not like a gigantic case but you can still fit pretty big gpus in here very similar to their bigger stuff isn't it and a lot of cases these days sort of goes for this like side look so as long as you are using fans on the side I think that's going to work quite nicely haven't used it but very excited I think to get one of these in how about that and then last but certainly not least we are of course going to need a power supply here we've selected 750 wats obviously is going to be a bit more expensive but it's a fairly power hungry GPU but nothing crazy this time I do want to go for one that's quite efficient and has full modularity as well uh we've got this gold rated one from MSI for Β£100 look that's a solid option or we could go for this RM 750x look that's actually in stock and the good thing about the Corsair ones is that you can swap the cables out really easily you buy like a custom kit at a later date if you want to neaten it up and that is actually our mid-range rig complete I think this is probably going to be near like the Β£1,200 mark let's have a look I've undercooked it that was actually Β£ 1,45 82 at the time of filming this is going to be pretty stupid really when it comes to the amount of performance you're going to get from this obviously if you wanted to upgrade that cooler maybe for Aesthetics as well as performance is like an extra Β£15 or so to go for the 360 so maybe that's worth doing but once again let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below if you want to check at current pricing it's list down below but let's move on to the final rig the performance Behemoth that can do it all and actually for this rig I still want to maintain a little bit of sensibility about this because it would be very easy to just go for an RTX 4090 but with the release of the 4080 super I don't think you necessarily need to go for the 4090 it depends what you want it's pretty much just if you want to run at like 4K full rate racing on everything like path tracing uh 4090 is the card you need to do it and then the 4080 can pretty much do everything else but obviously you get those specific Nvidia features with things like Dills S3 and better rate racing support uh but with the 480 super it's still costing you a crazy amount of money but at least it's not stupid crazy money so let's have a look what we have all of the cards here on NewEgg are around about 1100 1200 but I'm not too picky so this 999 4080 super triny is the one that I would personally go for here so we'll add that to our basket as far as the CPU is concerned you've probably guessed where this is going the 7800 x3d as this is the best gaming CPU as far as motherboards are concerned you'd probably expect me to click on x670 cuz that's obviously the best of the best but actually for a gaming PC still doesn't really make sense unless there's a really good offer so I'm still going to stick with b650 here but we will pick one of the more premium ones with better vrms and things like that Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi $212 $270 for the stricks but again as far his performance is going to be concerned there's not actually going to be any real difference between uh the tough motherboard and the strick so it depends I guess how many ssds and things like that you're going to put on this but I just can't sit here in good conscience and say that the stck board is going to be worth the extra money because I don't think it is so we're going to stick with the tough having said that though if we scroll down we can actually find this 850 W power supply but if you can get this for $115 as part of this combo that is definitely doing as well as this is one of the more premium rigs it's very easy to get carried away with things like cooling but actually this deep cool ls720 SE seems to be like the go-to cooler for me personally in these videos just because like the price performance of this again is insane it's a really nice looking unit this is $110 but I am interested in how much the new Arctic one is it's looking like a$ 150 $160 so no I would stick with the ls720 for 110 us once again we also beening go grab ourselves some ddr5 this time do pay very close into kits that have this little AMD Expo logo as it it's just AMD kits tend to be a little bit more certified for use with AMD chips so you can run into less potential issues essentially uh let's have a look we've got this filtered to 32 GB to the stuff running at 6,000 mahz ah yes here we go this is the kit that I've again used loads of times myself this is an RGB kit Trident Z5 RGB AMD Expo running at 6,000 MHz let's add this one to our basket of course we also be needing some storage again this time I've upped it to 2 terabytes so add this to our basket and then it's time to talk about the chassis and here I've actually selected the top sellers so this is almost a good insight into what you guys are actually buying and 4000d probably unsurprising is the top seller but that's a little bit too small I think for what we're trying to do here fractual North as well is a fantastic case looks amazing but actually top mounting a radiator in that is a bit of a pain 5000d is a great option but that is potentially a little bit boring uh so what about the new 01 Vision this is going to take up a fair amount of space on your desk for $140 you are definitely getting a lot for your money here but we will need to add some extra fans so let's add that to our basket and the cheapest option uh to match everything would be to get some similar ones so these are the Deep Co FC 120s and you put one at the back and then I guess a couple at the bottom underneath or you could maybe buy like four fans and then have have three at the bottom one at the back uh and then obviously the caller will be on the side of that case and once again that brings us towards the pricing section of this video it's not actually too bad bear in mind if you were to buy an RTX 490 some of the versions probably cost the same amount of this uh $2,244 I'm really impressed with this because we really do have a gaming PC that's going to look awesome but I think it would be very easy for this to like Skyrocket in price if you started to like go for components that were just unnecessarily more expensive things like that motherboard maybe going for a more expensive case fans cooler things like that this is still going to have that same epic performance and you know it's not going to be 4K in literally everything but it's going to be very close this is going to be a ridiculously powerful gaming PC and because it's in that LE Lee Vision case with those extra fans I think it's going to look incredible have I got this right or are you watching this thinking why is he doing that why is he cutting that bit out this is meant to be the best of the best why is he not a 490 we love to hear from you let us know down in the comments section below smash the like button if you've enjoyed this get yourself subscribed and of course if you do want to check out current pricing on any of the components that we featured here today we will leave them listed down below with our affiliate links but thank you so much for watching we'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 72,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, gaming pc build, pc build 2024, best pc builds, gaming computer build, gaming pc 2024, rtx 4080 super, rx 7700 xt, rx 7800 xt, intel arc, arc a580, arc a750, newegg, budget gaming pc, mid range gaming pc, $500 gaming pc, $1000 gaming pc, $1500 gaming pc, $2500 gaming pc, rtx 4090, intel, nvidia, amd, graphics card, gpu combos, am5, ddr5
Id: vuyymZ95H_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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