The BEST Gaming PC Builds RIGHT NOW! πŸ‘€ (June / July 2024)

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ladies and gentlemen if you're looking to build yourself a brand new gaming PC in 2024 then guess what you're in the right place as throughout this video we're going to go through all of the latest components that you can get hold of all of the best prices to find you your dream gaming PC build and we know that loads of people want to build different PCS at different price points so that's what we're going to look at today three different gaming PCs one basically as cheap as possible including some used parts one for around about Β£1,000 orar and one for Β£2,000 orar so regardless of your budget what you're trying to get out of PC gaming hopefully we're going to have it covered so stay tuned as we find the very best components you can get in 2024 right after a short word from this video sponsor msi's project zero is here and your next PC build will never be the same project Zer motherboards take all the usual MSI Motherboard smarts and reverse the connectors to the back of the motherboard allowing you to reduce your cable clutter and have a truly stunning PC build project zero comes in both AMD and Intel platforms and it's compatible with a wide range of project zero cases from MSI and third parties learn more today with the link down below so let's kick off then with our budget build and as I stated in the intro I do want to look at Ed components because especially things like graphics cards or CPUs they can actually save you a whole bunch of money and get you way more performance than you would otherwise get if you looked at new so instead let's have a look over at eBay and the card I am looking at is an RX 6600 because for 10 HP gaming even a little bit of light 1440p this thing is a a dream you're going to be looking at maybe like 100 frames a second Plus in multiplayer titles obviously it depends on settings and the exact game but it's surprisingly flexible and it's one of those cards that shows if you don't want to go for 1440p or above you really don't need to spend a ton of money on a gaming PC to Great to Great to get great performance and I mean as you can see this is definitely more what I was expecting really around about $150 or so for a 6600 and there's definitely a few cards there are some that are a little bit more expensive some of them have best offers on and I guess depends how long the seller has been trying to sell it but you've got two here one for $155 from azot then one for about 150 us from Sapphire assuming they haven't been used like too extensively in really like hot environments or they've not literally been thrashed with mining or something like that then graphics cards do typically tend to last for a long time I mean obviously you're not getting the full warranty but eBay do guarantee that it at least works or at least is as described when you're buying it so it's always a little bit of a risk but a used graphics card is something I would happily buy myself so if you want to save yourself some money about $150 for a 6600 I think is a great way to go it definitely is worth noting though that if you did want a full warranty and you wanted a brand new graphics card then you can buy the azrock version of this at the moment on New Egg for $190 so that's $40 more which obviously once you sort of factor in everything else could make your gaming PC what about 10% more expensive or just under but yes if you did want that warranty then $190 is still a pretty good price let's press on now to CPUs and usually the one I recommend for the budget end of things is actually a four core chip from Intel the 1200f because you can usually get it for such a good price new or used it's obviously only a four cor chip but it definitely has very strong single core performance so as long as you are just playing games you're not going to be doing a lot of multitasking this is still a very strong chip but fundamentally it's also very easy to upgrade in the future to something like an i5 or i7 even an I9 uh depending on the motherboard that you go for so you know you've still got plenty of shelf life in it if you like but I'm interesting how much this will cost on eBay so let's take this opportunity to have a look what can we find uh $70 or best offer that's not crazy cheap really is it and this is actually one of the problems I find with CPUs there definitely are very good prices out there but they're a little bit harder to find than graphics cards because I think people just don't tend to necessarily sell them as much to upgrade like they do with graphics cards I'm not entirely sure but it's going to be worth putting a best offer bid on some of these I reckon you could probably get one on a good day for maybe like $55 $60 which again is going to save you a decent amount of money but the cheapest one on here at the moment is this one uh which is 7 us but as I say they're accepting offers just upgraded and no longer needed the CPU sounds about right just out of Interest what happens if we look at the 12400 f is that going to be any different oh yes look I told you you could find deals as long as this one actually works look someone's selling one although it is a bid okay it's a bid for $63 so if you could get that for around about $80 or so that would be a decent step up as that's a six core chip but as we're trying to save as much money as possible I'm going to assume that you can get our 12 100f for around about let's call it $58 now of course we'll also need to grab ourselves a motherboard and if you're looking at used I'd recommend going for a b660 whereas if you're going for new then chances are b760 you've got much better availability slightly more bandwidth but fundamentally same socket same CPU support you just might need to update the BIOS if you're going for like a 14th gen CP but with the 12th we're going for today shouldn't really matter and I've got this set at the moment to free local pickup as there was loads of boards coming from China or Hong Kong and I didn't really want to have them in this I'd rather have like a proper like local gamer that's trying to sell it on or something like that I mean there's this board here that's probably our best option now it's definitely not the best in the world this particular gigabyte one if you're going to put like an I9 in this you probably lose a little bit of performance versus a more expensive board but for our 1200f should be absolutely fine again around about $66 best offer so hopefully you can get this for about 55 does it say there's anything wrong with it a bent pin adjusted VGA slot one not working okay we're not buying this one right let's go over to New Egg not having any of this you can get a b760 m here for $100 or a real Bargain Basement ASRock for $90 actually if you want to go for the cheapest possible rig we actually did a build with this which is a h610 m board which is not fantastic but it works fine for gaming it's just only got two round slots and is pretty Bare Bones do they still have it yes they do but actually that's still $80 that's still quite expensive isn't it honestly for the sake of like $15 $20 I would say it's going to be worth going for this gigabyte one instead I know it's more expensive but I would recommend it because you can upgrade it as I say to something like a more like power what's the opposite of efficient power hungry chip like a core i5k or something like that or an i7 uh you could put that in here it's got much better vrms you've got four Ram slots definitely worth the upgrade so we're going to go with this for $99 instead now because this motherboard is a m micro 8X board it means we can actually save ourselves a little bit more money when it comes to our case and go from Micro ATX uh the cheapest one is this game Max M60 it doesn't actually look too bad I mean it does have mesh is that mesh yes it does have mesh on both sides so actually air flow should be okay despite this solid front panel the only one actually that I would consider instead is this one from Deep cool Matrix 40 cuz they're cases tend to be okay at the budget end of things and this actually has glass on it as well I mean there's really not that much difference between the two I think I actually prefer the look of the game Max but then you've got better like radiator support on the Deep cool and obviously you've got that glass panel so you can see inside your rig both only have one fer standard but let's be honest you're going to want to swap these out to something better um if it makes a whole bunch of noise anyway I mean actually I was going to say that I haven't used either of these cases before but I have actually used the Deep cool look there it is in my old Studio evidence I I think that looks pretty cool and just because you have slightly better support for cooling I think we could go with that but if you'd rather have like the mesh look from the game Max then I imagine that's good too but as always check the reviews let's grab ourselves some ddr4 memory now we're only really looking for 16 GB if they have some obviously make sure you're buying a one with the fastest speed possible really I'd aim for 3600 MHz and you got a few different choices here uh but I've used team group Ram before this one comes in a couple of different colors but we stick with gray 3600 MHz ddr4 for $38 of course we will also need to grab ourselves an SSD and here I filtered it to speeds over 3,000 Meg and 500 gig or more I mean I would recommend going for a terabyte if you can afford it especially for your boot drive because it just means you're less likely to run out of space a lot sooner games get very big but obviously if you're trying to save as much money as possible as we are here uh then it's not a bad way to save yourself some money as as an easy upgrade later cheapest one here is $33.99 do you want to have a quick look at the spec I mean it's not crazy 32600 but as I say like for $33.99 absolutely fine you can always buy another one later and still use this for more storage so we're going to add this kingspec one to our basket and then actually with that I think it's just one component left to go which is our power supply and AMD recommend 500 WS or above for our GPU and to be honest that gives us a little bit of upgradeability room as well cuz obviously we're not using a high wated CPU so plenty in the tank if you like and power supplies are not we devise going for the absolute cheapest one uh you guys have been recommending this for ages there is actually a tier list uh from cultist Network that go through loads of different power supplies and loads of bits of advice about which ones are good which ones are bad that's a good little resource for you to use but for our 500 watt unit I mean the one that's actually standing out to me is this a550 BN which is from MSI but it's not fully modular obviously at this price point so that means you have more cables plugged in around the back that you have to tidy up but because it's not a massively high powered power supply there's not actually that many cables in the first place and if we go all the way over to our tier list you can see it's actually in tier C so it's not the highest end thing in the world but it's certainly not in a void or anything like that and for $50 I think this is not a bad little power supply actually so we're going to add this to our basket and then actually I think that is everything really we will have to do ourselves some maths cuz obviously we've gone for some used parts as well and if you're wondering what about the CPU caller we're obviously going for the stock cooler because it does make a little bit of noise it's something you can upgrade later and I would recommend doing that but it's not going to stop you from gaming especially with something like a 1200f it's not a particularly hot running chip so what do we have $267 plus about 160 for this graphics card for shipping plus 70 for our CPU and actually that is pretty perfect I was aiming for $500 and we've done it there we go $497 N4 that's not too bad and actually includes shipping on NewEgg as well so obviously pricing might be like plus minus depending on the exact delivery charges on eBay and things like that but that is pretty awesome isn't it and it really does go to show that you don't have to spend a ton of money on a gaming PC and because the 6600 is such a flexible graphics card even if you do play single player AAA titles it should be able to handle them quite well I mean it's not going to do it in literally everything there are going to be some titles with that four core CPU that will struggle but generally speaking if you want an entry level gaming rig I think this one is great obviously you can spend more that's a given but if you want to just sort of get your foot in the door really without going for something like an Xbox Series S with a mouse and keyboard This is among the best and cheapest ways of doing it and I'm really happy with that actually but I think it's now time to hop on our 8 hour flight back over to good old finally sunny blighty and move on to some scan UK with our $1,000 or pound build woo and as you come to expect we need to Kickstart this build with a graphics card and I'm actually looking at AMD once again here because I love the 7700 XT and 7800 XT uh when it comes to this sort of budget and as you can no doubt see the cheapest card is actually Β£400 which isn't too shabby especially bear in mind this is a triple fan card as well so it's not like good going to suffer hopefully with calling or anything like that I mean the problem that's not really a problem with the 7700 XT is it only has 12 gig of vram but then that's still four more than you'll find on the 4060 TI unless you go for the 16 gig version but then that's even more expensive which is also very weird uh so I will go with this for now but I do also want to have a look to see how much that 7,800 XT is cuz if it's not that much more like we have here I think we can make this work and you're going to get more performance with this so for an extra 60 you get more performance but fundamentally you also get extra vram because this is a 16 gig card rather than 12 which is going to give you better longevity and especially if you're playing 4K or even 1440p in some games at like like rate tracing uh with high textures and things it could make a difference so we're going to go with this apparently my rig from last time is still here so it's not 2,600 don't worry next up we're talking processor and obviously we are going to need something that is decent enough to keep up with this and I am thinking AMD once again probably either a 7800 x3d or a 7700 let's have a look what's on offer I mean it's 340 for this 7800 x3d or not that much less for our 7700 I'd rather go for the x3d and there is actually a bundle down here look uh you can get a b650 tomahawk Plus plus the 7800 x3d for Β£510 that's not too bad is it that's about Β£160 for that motherboard I really don't think that's going to work I think our motherboard is going to push it over the edge and it's going to be too expensive so we'll see if we can make the 7700 work I mean look we're already up to Β£750 just for those two components so I'll see if I can make this work we're going to have to be on a bit of a shoestring budget here but I'm hopeful I think we can do it we're going to have to look at the absolute cheapest b650 motherboards really aren't we I mean look you've got live mixer here for 160 refurbished Eagle for 135 or a new Eagle for 140 this isn't going to work is it we're going to be way over we're going to have to swap our CPU out for the six core I'm sorry I didn't want to do it either but I'm telling you it's just not going to work and obviously if you do want to upgrade your rig and spend more money on it great so where possible I'd rather have an inferior CPU that we upgrade later and this is still going to be perfect really for what most people are going to use you're not going to notice like a huge difference really whereas knocking down that graphics card I'm telling you definitely will be noticeable once again we will of course also need to grab ourselves an SSD and there is fortunately one drive here that is standing out which is this one about 4,000 on the reads and the rights from WD blue and this is fundamentally one terabyte which is good so we're going to add this to our Basket in terms of memory or Ram we could go for 16 gig and save ourselves 20 but I don't really think it's worth it we did a full video on this actually you can find in the top right hand corner of your screen there's not huge amounts of differences but there are instances especially if you're going to load up a load of applications where 32 will start to outperform 16 and obviously this is only going to get worse over time as games get more and more resource intensive and other applications do as well so what we have here the cheap cheapest option is actually this one here $86.99 but that is only a 5200 MHz kit but everything else starts to get a little bit more expensive doesn't it and I really want to do this as close to 1,000 as possible so we are going to go for our 5200 MHz kit we're also going to need to find ourselves a case and a power supply now for about 70 quid which is going to be difficult I mean do we have anything in the Realms of cheap we've got this antech ax20 and I think I've actually used this and it was okay but it wasn't exactly the best thing in the world but that would fit into the budget but I'd rather we spent more and got something else to be honest so is there anything nearer the 50 Mark what do we have oh what about this one ah no we might be talking this is better montech air 9003 now this doesn't have RGB fans or anything like that but if you're going to swap them out anyway doesn't matter but this is full mesh and actually has your cable management grommets and things like here so I think this is going to be your better bet Β£55 we're going to add this to the list and I'm afraid we are going to go over slightly on budget cuz we're at 991 here but it is just the power supply to go now and you can actually get the same one that we had in the previous build but now in a slightly bigger 650 WT version I'm not sure if that's enough actually we might need a 750 700 Watts so it's almost there and to be fair we're not like going for like anything crazy when it comes to the CPU or anything like that so I dare say that would be absolutely fine but because the official minimum is 700 we're going to step it up and the cheapest good option is actually this one from Corsair it's the CX 750 it's not going to blow you away I mean quite literally probably cuz it's not like the best fan in the world but it is currently ranked in see in our PSU tier list I would maybe consider spending a little bit extra money and getting something that's at least like fully modular or perhaps might be a bit quieter an operation but you know if you're trying to save as much money as possible while still going highend it's a great way to do it so we're going to add this to our basket and then we're going to have a look at our total and I'm afraid I've failed a little bit here because it has gone a little bit over 06190 but if we then go back into the graphics cards and we actually select the one that I chose in the first instance genuinely my head is just pure PC parts cuz I didn't actually pre-plan that uh the price comes out to Β£ 1,190 so that would be bang on the money if you wanted to spend Β£1,000 on a gaming PC I think this is probably your best bear uh but I would love to hear your thoughts on this rig would you step it up for that more expensive graphics card is that Β£60 worth it or do you think Β£1,000 is enough let's step it up to the most expensive and most high-end rig that we're doing today our $2,000 or 2,000 gaming PC and once again as with any gaming PC I'd always recommend that you do start by looking at your graphics card and obviously RTX 490 is not going to fit into this budget be mind it almost cost $2,000 but I think we can stretch to something maybe like a 4080 super and in case you're not familiar a 480 super isn't really that much more Super than the 4080 that it replaced uh but it is actually available at a lower price you can see all of these are way less than what they were before but they're meant to be about $1,000 actually and you can buy two ones from P Andy uh the verto is actually the 480 skew that I have in my personal rig it's like the same cooler and this is available for just over $11,000 and I think it looks more interesting actually than the default one so we're going to go with this that gives us what $970 for the rest of the rig which I think is going to be very doable obviously the second most powerful gaming graphics card also needs an equally powerful CPU and you probably saw this one coming the 7800 x3d is what I use again in my personal gaming rig with that 4090 it is it trades blows with the I9 sometimes you'll find you'll have better fps with the AMD sometimes you'll have better with the I9 but the problem with the I9 is that it's more expensive it has more cores that games don't really need and it produces so much heat that you need to spend a load of extra money on cooling it's a bit of a no-brainer for a gaming Rick once again we will of course also need to grab ourselves a motherboard and if possible I'd love to go for b650 E E standing for extreme it means you get a p Gen 5 on the p e slot and actually it appears that we can get a pretty decent bargain here we have an ack b650 PG Rip Tide I'm not sure if it's this rip tidee that I've used but I've certainly used one recently and I found it to be pretty decent to be honest I like the full jet black look as well we're going to go with this this time we will also now need to grab a CPU Cooler as we don't get one with our x3d which obviously adds extra cost but it does give ourselves a way to make our PC look a little bit more attractive the one I usually recommend to people is this one it's the LS 720 SE is it's only around about $100 it has more than good enough performance and once tuned it can be quite quiet as well so we're going to go with this for now but if this doesn't meet our budget we will swap this out for an air cooler because we can get one for around about $40 or so that won't look as good but isn't going to fundamentally change our gaming PC in terms of memory obviously we're looking at 32 GB ideally at 6,000 MHz and the number one best seller probably is the best option here I don't know if they have an expo version though let's have a look Yes actually they do for even less that's quite amusing 6,400 MHz for $110 cast latency 32 as well in terms of SSD storage I do want to make sure that we're going for PC Gen 4 and I want to get relatively good speeds here I think the drives have gone up slightly recently which is a little bit annoying but I'm going to see if we can get a one tbte drive for as low as possible and it does actually look as if the best one is the SN 850x for just under $100 and then comes potentially the more tricky bit because we're kind of in the same situation we were with the last one we're almost at the budget now at 1891 so we might have to make a couple of changes but I do want obviously to get a decent case I mean there's no way you're going to spend $2,000 on a gaming PC and have a cheap case so I refuse so let's see what we can get that is 4 ATX that looks really nice I mean we've got a fractal North look for 140 if you like I was going to say if you like wood if you like the effect of wood then obviously that's not a bad sh out but is there something that is a little bit better value hang on a minute Le and Lee they've done it again the 216 is probably I don't want to say my all-time favorite case but at the moment I think if you're just looking for the best traditional gaming PC Tower and you don't want to spend an absolute ton this thing is so good because it's built like an absolute tank you've got optional RGB fans on the front they're actually 160 so they're nice cool and quiet yet there's loads of expandability as well that is not too big it's not too small fit loads of stuff in and I just think for $100 it's almost a little bit too cheap I don't really understand why this is $100 and loads of other cases that are very similar in quality are so much more expensive it's a bit of an outlier really but I really like them this right so let's add this to our basket then and then that gives us $8 for a power supply I mean to be fair to Newegg they do actually have some decent power supplies in their little sale I mean I don't know how long these have been on there that almost sounds like an ad it's not buy whatever the hell you want regardless of whether it's these but cic are see some of the best names really in power supplies and they've got one at the moment 850 which is what we need for $14.99 so that seems pretty decent to me we will obviously consult our PSU tier list here it is tier a highend so yes that one certainly seems fine and once that's gone in our basket I think that should give us a total and for some reason it's slightly different actually in the top rang Corner than it is one you're on the checkout page I think we've had honey add a discount code as well which is pretty cool cuz that now comes out to to $2,556 which I would say is a win because if you don't want that allinone you want to save yourself a little bit of money then obviously you can buy like an air cooler for like4 $45 something like that it's not going to be like amazing but it should be enough for the 7800x 3D if you buy a decent one this is what I would prefer though cuz it will look better I'm just pretty astounded really with what you can get for $2,000 now make no mistake that's a lot of money a gamees console would cost you far less you can get the $500 PC we did at the start of the video that's much better value but if you really do want to be able to like max out like your 4K TV or something like that and you care about having the best gaming experience possible then this thing is going to be awesome I wouldn't say there's any compromise here whatsoever every component is awesome I mean yes you could go for a 4090 but that's again like the whole price of this rig itself so I I'm really happy with this I think you're going to love it regardless of whether it's for AAA like Nvidia raid tracing multiplayer doesn't matter this thing is going to be awesome but I would love to hear from you on this what do you make of our rigs today do you think have done a good job do you prefer us when we try and hit a specific price point or did you like it was a bit more sporadic we'd love to hear from you smash the like button if you've enjoyed this though get yourself subscribed and as always if you do want to check out current pricing on anything featur in this video you can find it listed down below with our affiliate links and while you're down there why not bathe in the cleanliness of MSI project zero these new motherboards are perfect for those wanting the cleanest PC build as thanks for the connections on the reverse of the motherboard you can eliminate the vast majority of visible cables in your case case all boards support super fast ddr5 memory and there are motherboards with both AMD am5 and Intel 1700 tidy up your build today with the link down below thank you so much for checking out this video we'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 47,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, gaming pc build, pc build 2024, best pc builds, gaming computer build, gaming pc 2024, rtx 4080 super, rx 7700 xt, rx 7800 xt, newegg, budget gaming pc, mid range gaming pc, $500 gaming pc, $1000 gaming pc, $1500 gaming pc, $2500 gaming pc, rtx 4090, intel, nvidia, amd, graphics card, gpu combos, am5, ddr5, $1000 pc, $500 pc, gaming pc under, rx 6600, rx6600, 7800x3d, ryzen
Id: nQcNsO4jkaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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